Empathy info

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.
Sastual Auxels
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Empathy info

Post by Sastual Auxels »

Hi, I'm Brad, finding out about Empathy has helped answer alot of questions about myself (due to being overwelmed with alot of emotions and questioning WHO I am) I just need to ask some stuff about Empaths though, Is it possible for Empaths to be able to feel emotion through messages and writing and other forms other then just being close to someone? And also I feel like I've seen something before or heard something or I think something and it happens some times... with training and techniques can I turn this into Telepathy or something more powerful?
Sorry if my questions are stupid or dont make sense, I just thought I'd ask so could someone please answer them for me. Also unrelated to Empathy... is it possible to learn Pyrokinisis or is it a myth?
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Re: Empathy info

Post by [HangedMan] »

Sastual Auxels wrote:Hi, I'm Brad, finding out about Empathy has helped answer alot of questions about myself (due to being overwelmed with alot of emotions and questioning WHO I am) I just need to ask some stuff about Empaths though, Is it possible for Empaths to be able to feel emotion through messages and writing and other forms other then just being close to someone? And also I feel like I've seen something before or heard something or I think something and it happens some times... with training and techniques can I turn this into Telepathy or something more powerful?
Sorry if my questions are stupid or dont make sense, I just thought I'd ask so could someone please answer them for me. Also unrelated to Empathy... is it possible to learn Pyrokinisis or is it a myth?
IMHO, yes-- to all of what you asked. i am an empath and believe telepathy soon grows out of empathy for some. pyrokenisis? i dunno. has not happened with me, but hey-- anything's possible. :)
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Post by silvio_aeson »

In my personal opinion (and being an empath myself) I believe that a "form" of telepathy results from empathy. When you can sense and immerse yourself in the emotions of others, through the use of a "heightened" intuition, you can have a pretty good guess as to the thoughts running through a person's head. Straight up reading their thoughts... that's a bit iffy for me? I haven't read any sort of science on the subject but straight up telepathy I believe is mostly fiction.

For me at least, it is possible to feel emotions left behind with symbolic items. Pieces of literature, an old doll, even a picture of someone's past dog can bring strong emotions and memories into my head. Although I also believe that every empath is a little different. I don't think there's really any yes or no answers to empathy.

Pyrokinesis eh? I'm pretty sure that's mostly fictional as well. I like to keep an open mind, and that would be pretty awesome, but I don't think it's really possible, except maybe on a lower level? I've seen people make candle flames grow, shrink, and dance in strange ways before. I've never seen it created though without the use of a lighter or match etc. I'm pretty sure I have some little excersises for people to do if they want to attempt those more illusive arts like telekinesis and pyrokinesis etc. Would you like me to find that for you? I think it's in one of my old books...
Sastual Auxels
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Post by Sastual Auxels »

Thanks, what's been said so far is great.
Silvio, that would be great. I wasnt sure if it was myth or not, just thought it'd be awsome to be able to create fire and see if anger or a or alot of emotion could fuel it lol. I guess I just have alot of anger and hatred built up inside that I want to be able to put toward something like a flame or something. I just need to get rid of it all.
Another thing, with empathy, I can feel the emotions of others but unless its a small group or less then 2 people I cant tell whose emotions they are. basically I just feel the emotions thats all, I cant do anything with them or anything. I mean I cant tell whose emotions they are unless its a straight kind of tunnel pointing toward them.. idk its wierd. But thank you all again for your info.
Sensitive dependence on initial conditions... chaos

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