Your Gift / Ability Inclination

Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.

Your Gift / Ability Inclination

Post by Karl »

Hey I was looking through the topics on this site when I realized many people have gifts like clairvoyance, empathy, healing, etc. Though precognition and empathy seem to be the most common abilities here.

So here's what I want to know. What is the gift you're most INCLINED toward?

I've read somewhere, that many people have abilities that they're more inclined toward. It's like having a talent - some people are good at running because they have the genes for long legs, some people have artistic talent, some people are naturally-born orators.

My parents don't have inclination for any abilities (if they do they've never let on on them), but my maternal grandmother has spoken of dreaming of dead people, while my paternal elders hint at precognitive intuition.

Yet, somehow, though I have had consciously forced visions to surface in the past, most of my precognitive ability manifests in my dreams. I have no idea what's that about, since I don't seem to show an ability from either side of my family.

Well, anyway, since I'm curious, what's your inclination? What is the gift you're most able to call on with ease, without forcing or intensely meditating?

And if there's an expert out there, i want to know if I can train myself in honing another gift or ability... Not empathy, because I don't think I'm a natural emotional helper, but maybe something like sensing auras or astral projection, for example.

P.S. Astral projection isn't something I'm particularly good at, at all; till now I still haven't been able to do even the tiniest bit of OOBE, but I don't know... maybe there's another ability out there somewhere for me?
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Post by [HangedMan] »

i'm by no means an expert, but here's some advice anyway! lol! :)

if you're interested in developing abilities to do OOBE and/or AP, i actually DO strongly suggest you develop empathically too. i think empathy is what allows most individuals (at least for me) to experiment with OOBE/AP. but, to each his own.

but as for other abilities... i dunno. if you are drawn to anything like tarot, runes, numerology, etc.-- go learn them. i've also found that when you have a desire to learn something "metaphysical", it means you have a hidden talent within you trying to surface. so just sit down and think about things you would like to learn or are drawn to, and that should help you find your next ability to strengthen.

as for "What is the gift you're most INCLINED toward?"

hrmmm... i dunno. i was a natural empath ever since i was a baby. didn't even have to try-- it was very frustrating and confusing. luckily i was born during a time when the internet was coming about, so i was able to find a name for my "issues", for lack of a better word. but i also feel as if i'm inclined towards AP/OOBE, but still am learning to fine-tune. just need someone to practice with... practice makes perfect! :)

also i tend to be inclined towards precog, but that takes a LOT of concentration for me. it all depends on my stress levels/emotional well-being. if i'm calm and happy, it comes rather naturally-- and the tarot is the tool i now use to help facilitate my "visions." however, before i didn't use tarot, and i used to get "flashes" quite frequently when i used to practice reiki healing. so... i'm still having to learn how to deal with them, but it's just a matter of keeping my emotions under control and staying positive and spiritually grounded. when i am, it's probably the easiest ability for me, because it just randomly "comes" without any effort when i need it. and i was also able to control it too before. but then life happened and, well,... i kinda got off track. trying to get back though. :)

hope that answers all your questions. :D

but what would i LIKE to learn and always thought i *could* learn when i was little?... lol... don't laugh, but... ever since i was a lil' kid, i always thought-- even before i knew there were movies and literature about it-- i always thought i could some day learn telekensis. i would sit in my room when i was like 4 years old and say to myself, "okay, fly! fly!" and try to float or make something float.... LOL!!! i don't know why, but i've always been drawn to that "goal" of sorts. they only reason why i don't think i'm TOO delusional for thinking this, is because i know there are stories that lamas/monks/yogis have these abilities but keep them secret. i keep feeling there IS a way to do this... and i'll keep trying until my dying day to figure it out... lol! nutty, i know. but i really believe it is possible. :D
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Ooh, what a cool question! Thanks for this Karl. :grin:

Hmm, well my "natural ability" (speaking in a daily-life sense, not just specifically magical) is to fix things. Noooo, not electronic things (in fact I have a knack for breaking those), but rather any things that spring up on a day to day basis. I think they call it "creative problem solving" -and I actually really love to solve problems. I seem to be the most mentally sharp when I've got a problem to fix.
...And also, I can fix almost anything with a paperclip. :wink: (yes, weird.) :28:

On to magical proclivities, I am especially good at interpretations- dreams, tarot divination, etc., though I'd have to say that empathy is the one ability that was actually most out-of-left-field for me. I had in no way trained, wished for or even hoped for the ability to absorb others emotions and physical pain, but there it was-- and right in the middle of my "I hate people and couldn't care less what they feel" phase. I found that most ironic; what I was consciously striving to ignore, I was forced to subconsciously and then consciously accept as an integral part of my being. Hmph! :28:

...And about that comment, Karl:
maybe there's another ability out there somewhere for me?
...I think what actually makes our ability an "ability" is that it's 'just present'. Anything else we learn or may acquire throughout life and training would be more regarded as a skill.
(So far as advice on how to learn and train a new skill, I'd need to know more of what interests you to offer suggestions on that.)

Bright Blessings!
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Post by nature_in_control »

I have been told I am a medium when I have taken numerous quizzes
and I think I am.
as for your question,I'd like to be an empath.

"I am not here to bring light to a world of darkness, but rather choose to represent darkness in a world blinded by light~"
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

well I would have to say mine is empathy and healing...also this may seem a bit odd but when I was performing ummm dark arts I was attempting to summon a fireball the people I was with had a thermometer and scanned my hand and the area around my hand felt extremely hot and registered 177 F before I stopped it so those are mine

Post by esseiker »

I often dream of future events... but often at the time of the dream I don't realize it's something that will come to pass until after it already has. I can sense spirits and sometimes "hear" them. I've also had good success with touch and remote healing. I've done a great deal of practice with energy manipulation, astral travel, and remote viewing. I suppose that all these things are common traits among everyone so I don't really look at them as anything "special" though don't get me wrong I do highly respect them.

Post by Kaskade »

A friend a few years ago told me my intution and advice made me seem very empathic but i never looked into it or explored it now i don't know if i was or am or what

Post by Shadow27 »

Emphaty , spiritual intuitiun , and some ( rather week ) umbrokinesis .

Now , inclination towards ESP or PSI talents is emotional nature , really , nothing to do with genes.

Your psyhologickal profile , caracter ( ingoing , outgoing , opemninded , pacifist , agressive , active ect. ) allong with Your element ( air , water , earth , fire ) are most important , for this.

Gifts are ( unlike what poular culture tryes to point out ) resoult of spiritual ,not body ( biologickal evolution ) . For example , If You are sporty type , was fighty like chiled , air or fire element , oldest in family ( of kids that is ) You will probably tend to PSI powers , telechinesis or pyrokinesis most probably .

I hope this helps , Blessed be!

Post by Mairte »

Hmmm. Well, I dont know if this is a "talent" or not, but my children and I have almost an ESP thing going. We KNOW things about each other before it is spoken.
A couple other things. I can have my back turned and have someone come into a room. People I know have a different, maybe aura? Or are auras only visual? :? People I do NOT know all have the same feeling at first. I just think thats kind of odd.
Dogs. I have never met a dog that didnt like me. I mean, act like they have met a best friend. Thats been commented on several times in my life.
So, maybe these are talents, maybe not. Shrug. :?
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Post by One Walker »

I have many inclinations but my strongest seems to be an ability to sense what other living beings are feeling without feeling them myself in a shared sense; and an ability to sense ethereal dangers.

One Walker. :D
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Shadow27 wrote:Emphaty , spiritual intuitiun , and some ( rather week ) umbrokinesis .

Now , inclination towards ESP or PSI talents is emotional nature , really , nothing to do with genes.

Your psyhologickal profile , caracter ( ingoing , outgoing , opemninded , pacifist , agressive , active ect. ) allong with Your element ( air , water , earth , fire ) are most important , for this.

Gifts are ( unlike what poular culture tryes to point out ) resoult of spiritual ,not body ( biologickal evolution ) . For example , If You are sporty type , was fighty like chiled , air or fire element , oldest in family ( of kids that is ) You will probably tend to PSI powers , telechinesis or pyrokinesis most probably .

I hope this helps , Blessed be!
Wait...umbrakinesis? umbra is latin...for shadow...You can control shadows? So can I, it's wonderful to know that I'm not the only one out there who is able to do so :lol:

Post by Shadow27 »

Oh but normaly it's week . As I get angrier or more evil seems to grow too, producing SLI phenomena and dark room effects
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Post by Rifts »

my dreams really do come true, I think this is why I don't dream often. Of course unless Its something trippy like I fly, but that I think was calling the fact I'm signing up for skydiving when I turn 18 next month.

slight empathy, really good in close proximity.

of course I want to try my hand at true divination.

Post by xxgeorgiexx »

There is such a wide range of people and what they do here its really amazing, I am Clairvoyanct, Clairaudient and claircognizance basically a medium, i also do dream therapy/interps and doing a course for crystal healing :) xxx
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

When I posted before, I was unsure as to what some of the names were for the abilities I had so in list form, here they are...

Atmokinesis, Autokinesis, Umbrakinesis, Empath, and an extremely small degree of pyrokinesis (never brought fire but created heat), I can also see auras, have tried aura change, but alas I cannot.

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