
Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.
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Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:02 pm
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Location: Clovis, California


Post by gwenblackbird »

Alright, so for as long as I can remember I've been able to see, hear and feel things.
I've see things in the form or shadows, things in my dreams, things around people "mythical" creatures, different sort of animals etc.
I hear all sorts of things, sometimes I hear a lady screaming or a lot of dogs barking and wolves howling, and I hear things that tap or sometimes my name being called either in my head or out of it and a lot of other things.
I feel auras of people, I feel people touching me sometimes even though no one would be around me and I feel like when someone or something goes by you real fast like a gust of air and other things.

There was this one time (about a year and a half ago) I was in my pantry looking for something to eat and I looked up where this big metal mixing bowl what on the very top shelf and when I look at my reflection I didn't have eyes, then the next few days I would keep looking up at it and then it went to where my eyes were just completely black.

I've had dreams that follow me into my conscious and awake life. my dreams are usually very vivid hard to explain in word. Sometimes I wake up with a huge jolt or twitch and sometimes I gasp.

There was this one time, (not too long ago, about a month or so ago) and I woke up to get ready for school but when I got out of the shower i felt real sick and so my mom told me to go back to bed. I was about 6:00 in the morning and I thought that since I was already awake that I might take my pill so that I don't have to worry about taking it later. Well when i went to my vanity an open door appeared right in front of my, it was black on the other side then these huge glowing green eyes appeared in front of me and we were looking right into each others eyes then I just went back to bed.

Those were just some examples of what I've seen, heard and and felt.

If you can make anything out of it please let me know.

Or and also When I look at some people (only a few people but it's been happening more often) that when I look at them they look so familiar but I've never met them. There is always things like that that happen to me.

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