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Menstrual Problems

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 8:24 pm
by _Cheshire_
I have been ragging for over a month now. Going to go to the hospital on Thursday, gotta go to the ER cause I'm uninsured and I don't have a regular doctor.

I don't rag EVER, so I'm wigging out a little. Even before I started messing with birth control I only had like one or two day brown spotting. I stopped taking depo in August, so perhaps it could be my body adjusting to the lack thereof.

Started out as brown spotting, then red rag. RED RAG, almost like RedRum from the Shining LOL. But yeah my period proceeded normally for the next week. Stopped for like a day, brown spotting, then redrag again, then a week or so of nasty brown clotty stuff, now its a REALLY red rag.

I've heard everything between endometriosis and eggs inability to catch on the wall of the uterus could be responsible for this. Either way, I feel like I'm dying. I had to actually eat meat these last two days cause I'm anemic anyway, much less after this crap my iron must be really low.

Yeah, so if anyone ever experienced this sort of thing then do share quickly before I die. LOL

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:11 pm
by Moon_Stone
Hi Cheshire, sorry to hear about your messy business. I had a sort of similar problem when I was a teenager- I had periods that lasted up to two months- I know what you are going thru. A couple of suggestions- the depo may be what's messing you up- I'd suggest calling a Pharmacist if you haven't yet to ask them what the side effects are after coming off of it. I never had depo, but my doctor put me on the pill to control my cycles-been on it ever since. (Except during my pregnancy and breast feeding of course.)
I'd also suggest you go to a local store (Walmart, or a Pharmacy store of some kind) and pick up some Iron tablets. You can talk to the Pharmacist there too to find out what kind is the best for you. (Bleah, meat.) That'll at least help with the anemia.
Other than that, try not to stress. Stressing can often bring it back. (And I imagine you are stressing over this.) Whenever it gets darker/brown-ish, it's trying to clot and stop. But I'm not a doctor, just trying to share some advise. I'd try to talk to that Pharmacist first and get that advice, then there's got to be a state agency out where you live that handles women's services (like the pill and routine pap's)-- they'll have some good advise for you too, especially if you get a nurse.
Well, best of luck hun- I hope you can "stick a cork in it", so to speak! lol

~Blessed Be~

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 6:09 pm
by Celeste Isis Kerri

Hi Hi,

ok so I'm on Depo and I'm getting off, and my Gyno worned me that I may have a Heavy rag for like a month. OUCH! but it will return to it's normal cycle. Eat good and get a vitamin with iron not iron tablets.

A pregancy vitamin would work great, unless you guys have a GNC store than get the women's vitamin in the pink jar! They have the best source of iron. I have a deficientcy that is what I take.

Good Luck, keep us updated.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:06 am
by _Cheshire_
Thanks for the replies. Just odd though, being three months after my last due date for the shot that my body just started acting so quirky. My menstrual cycles aren't anything close to normal, pre-birth control even.

Yeah I know that its trying to stop, but being that I've had several brown phases this month is horrible. Now I seem to be pouring out red blood.

The advice from the health department where I got my shot was to go to the ER, which is what I'll be doing tommorrow.

I'm allergic to iron pills, thats why I have to resort to meat for iron. Or spinach leaves for a salad.

I haven't had a flow this heavy for years, since I was on the pill. The pill messed me up horribly with the three levels of hormones each month. I tried the other one with only one level but it wasn't any better.

It's just time to do something about it. I woke up this morning looking quite dead. Seriously pale, and being anemic I'm pale normally.

But yeah, going to the doctor is going to be fun..really..

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:06 pm
by Moon_Stone
Well best of luck to you, hun. Take it easy & rest at least.

~Blessed Be~

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:33 pm
by Fanny
hope you feel beter soon , I cant even stand 4 days of bein on my periods... :lol: dont know how you do it , but im shure it will be better soon :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:44 pm
by _Cheshire_
Well I ended up in the ER last night. Went at 11pm, got out at 4am.

They took my blood, said it was a little low but not low enough to be too concerned about and basically said that either I get to deal with it, or get back on birth control to try and stop it.

I don't know, but I'm on a full blown rag again. When I woke up this morning I nearly passed out just trying to get from my bed to my computer chair and no I didn't stand up too quickly cause I can barely move around at all.

I don't know what I'm going to do. :o(

7 bloody weeks now.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 4:34 pm
by _Cheshire_
I was looking into the NuvaRing...Ever heard of that?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:11 pm
by Moon_Stone
I haven't heard of it- what is it?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 9:20 pm
by GenevieveDawn
I was on the Nuva Ring for a while. Overall it's good, but it had one side effect I didn't like. I won't go there here, but if you want info, pm me.

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 6:58 pm
by _Cheshire_
I did!