Was I visited by an Astral traveler?

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.
One Walker
Posts: 595
Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:42 pm
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Location: Minnesota, USA

Was I visited by an Astral traveler?

Post by One Walker »

I don't know anything about Astral Travel but the reason I ask is I think someone tried to penetrate my domicile a couple of nights ago in the form of an Astral attack. I've seen Shadow people before and this wasn't like that. I've had nightmares before and it wasn't like that either. In fact, I was wide awake at the time.

I was just going to bed and had turned out my nightstand light when I sensed a non-physical presence in my home. It was not like any being I've sensed before. I've been exposed to spirits, 'ghosts', demons, and angels and this was none of those. After a minute or two of laying in bed trying to tune my senses in to exactly what it was I was dealing with I finally got up and turned on a few lights. As I walked through my place I could not see the phenomenon but I could sense fairly well where it was at any given moment. I was definitely annoyed and I made sure the presence knew it. The presence left shortly thereafter.

It didn't feel overly malevolent but certainly not benevolent either. The extra-curious thing though was that I sensed it had come looking specifically for me. Fortunately, I have my bedroom shielded against all non-physical presences so every time it tried to enter the bedroom it was forced back out (It's a kind of polarized protection. It works wonderfully! Like two magnets repelling each other!) Anyway, it went back and forth through my other rooms a few times as if exploring. I got the distinct impression this was some person, not some thing. I get the feeling it was someone who wanted to know where I lived; what my place looked like; what I looked like; etc. Maybe it was just curiosity on their part or maybe something not quite friendly. I don't know.

I have since added powerful protection to all areas of my home that have an outside door or window and have not experienced another visitation like this. Any comments or suggestions are welcome!

Blessings to all!

One Walker.
We have seen what Power does.
We have seen what Power costs.

One is never equal to the other.

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