senders & receivers in telepathy

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senders & receivers in telepathy

Post by [HangedMan] »

i have a question about telepathy...

last night a friend and i were talking on skype and i asked him to perform some "psychic experiments." i tried to guess where he hid objects in his house with tarot cards but i failed miserably with it (normally i am at least a bit on track-- but i was totally way off on everything). next we did a telepathy experiment. i was the receiver at one point but i did horrible. the first word we practiced i tried to get the first letter but ended up getting the last letter of the word. and then i just was randomly guessing. didn't do well.

but then we switched turns and i chose an random thing and asked him to clear his mind and guess. he never guessed the objects, but he was able to receive a lot of clues in a very roundabout way. i was really impressed, especially since he never tried this before.

so my question is, when playing "sender" and "receiver," i just wanted to know (not so much for my ego, but just because i was curious afterwards to know), in telepathy are the RECEIVERS the only ones who are really actively involved in the psychic process, or do SENDERS have any psychic-type of connection as well?

i always thought that the receivers were the only "psychic" ones, but then i started to wonder if senders are able to "impose" thoughts into people. always thought it was a 1-way thing. and maybe it is. so i guess that's why i'm asking you all now! any links would be appreciated. thanks!
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

well this in an interesting subject, I myself am able to impose my thoughts on another but as far as receiving...NOPE! not happening I can every once in a blue moon but not often. I am, however, very adept in pushing people out of my head, about a month ago I let these 2 psychics read my mind and when they told me about something horrible that happened to someone in my past and said it's as though I'd blocked out several years of my life I pushed them out and they were both in shock and awe b/c they said they felt a surge of energy that just pushed them defenses are my best attribute, if you can get someone to try and read you, try building your defense up...but I digress. What I actually think it is as far as receiving is that I try too hard so tone it down a bit when receiving I will try it too.

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