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Shadow Trouble

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:50 am
by [ShadowPhoenix]
Today I had my horrible cramps which I for whatever odd reason seem to get twice a year at the same time every year, I went to bed for a nap and when I woke up I had them, but in the dark I looked to one side of me against the light colored walls I believe I saw SEVERAL shadow people 2 of them were close to the bed on either side of me with their...hands? on my stomach and chest then a 3rd wiggled it's fugliness up to my face then the pain became so paralyzing I really felt as though I couldn't move I couldn't even make a sound..Then I saw light colored individuals keeping the rest of them at bay.

I was attempting to call someone into the room but I couldn't. I tried using telepathy to tell my Spirit Guides to bring in an entity of light to help and I think I heard a "Yes." but within a few minutes I saw a light moving around the room and a couple of the shadows disappeared as it moved towards them...then 2 of my friends burst in the room and flipped on the light and when the light turned on I was looking towards the ceiling and saw a white feather and it fell on my belly, and then my friends said said, "Hey, we were just coming to check on you we felt like we...Oh my gosh it's so cold in here I can see your breath." and when I exhaled I could actually see my breath...BUT the heater was on the whole time there were no open windows. The pain immediately began to subside after that but I still feel SO drained what can do to protect the house?

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:10 pm
by [ShadowPhoenix]
Last night I had another encounter with a dark figure I opened my eyes it was closer to the wall but began coming closer and I immediately began my shielding technique and told it that it may look at us but not touch...I looked around the room and there was another at the foot of the bed...I am now more curious as to why they are here, are they systematically attacking me? Did someone send them, and who? Or are they there for my roomate who was sleeping in the same bed...he does seem to have a good bit of negativity, then again so do I at times...I suppose I should be gathering some banishing supplies together, as my energy for protection may only last so long, normally I would've sent them away by now, but for some reason I have become fascinated in studying their behavior, the way they move, their intentions, etc. I felt a generally friendly atmosphere around them this time, could it be they want some sort of exchange? That is what I feel as though they want...but for what...I shall post more here as I discover more.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:54 pm
by One Walker
Hi ShadowPhoenix!

I have to say I don't like the sound of these encounters you're having. Monday you had a nasty encounter with them and now on Thursday they seem friendly? Is it 'the friendliness of the wolf?' Remember that these entities have done you harm in the past and quite possibly done harm to those in your household. I think (and this is just my opinion) that they're there because of your past and still-lingering semi-conscious connection to the dark side. If your roommate also has a good deal of negativity, so much the better for the shadows. They thrive on that. It seems to me that they're just waiting around for a chance to suck you back in to the dark. A 'Look But Don't Touch" banishing spell does not seem to be the optimal course of action under these circumstances.

Are they systematically attacking you? Yes.
Did someone send them and who? No, you drew them yourself by your fascination with them. As long as you are interested in them, they'll seek you out.
Have they come for your roommate instead? No, they came for the roommate in addition to you. Your roommate is just a bonus. Icing on the cake. Two-for-one. The more the merrier.
Do they want an exchange? Yes. You let them into your life and in exchange they'll run theirs through you.

My feeling at this point is they most certainly have malevolent, not benevolent, intent. If it were me I'd be looking to banish them completely. My curiosity about them would be far outweighed by my concern for my own personal well-being and the well-being of those closest to me. Again, that's just my opinion though. I don't mean to be a butt-in-ski about this, I'm just concerned for your well-being my friend. If you're interested-and truly want them gone-I can recommend a good banishment technique.

Be Well! :D

One Walker.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:01 am
by [ShadowPhoenix]
I have not yet banished them, I only shielded from them. My guard is up and they cannot touch me. I am too powerful to be destroyed by something I once controlled, I would think, and I actually wasn't interested in them until a couple of nights ago when I felt the way I did about them. Therefore, I don't know why they are showing up just now...

They seem to not have had any contact with the others here, and are only showing interest in me...If I do feel the need to dispose of them then I shall do so, I can feel their presence at this very moment yet I do not feel threatened. I just want a bit more time...

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:20 pm
by One Walker
Okay. Interesting stuff to be sure. Let us know what happens!

One Walker. :D

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:32 am
by [ShadowPhoenix]
Okay, well I meditated and I THINK I fell asleep or into a trance or something but, I had a 'dream'. In the 'dream' I was on a snowy mountain I spoke to a dark figure that had sparkle-like things all over it's body who introduced itself as Aquarius. It told me it could offer to give me more power and wealth than I could imagine, and we spoke for a bit, however, I cannot seem to recall what the rest of the conversation was about. Then, the mountain began to crumble beneath me and I fell into darkness. When I was able to see again, I was in my bedroom but I could see myself sitting on the bed leaning against the wall, which is the postition I was in while I was meditating only I wasn't leaning against the wall to begin with...I thought "I wonder if I'm having an out of body experience", and I walked around the house and saw one of my roomates on the computer and the another watching TV.

The dogs seemed to notice my presence and began barking at me in the middle of the living room and I began to head back through the hallway, and pet the dog as I passed and she peed on the couch and whimpered. I got to the bathroom and standing in the doorway was this entity that I'd mentioned in a previous post, the one that looked kinda like a werewolf with horns and claws that looked like stone and with a tail of beckoned me to come closer. It told me about the dark figure 'Aquarius' it said, "If you relenquish to it's power, you will gain more power and wealth than you can comprehend. However, allow me to show you something." and it pulled me in front of the reflection was black and white. This entity then stated, "You will however loose connection with who you are, and become something different." My reflection turned to complete darkness with my eyes glowing a deep red. The entity then proceeded to tell me, "Remember I am bound to you as you are to me" I felt a snap and I woke up...but this is the second time the wolf-like thing had told me that we are bound...and the reflection of what I looked like and then what it changed to concerns me...

Oh, forgot to add this part...about after I 'came to' I went to the living room and my roomates were still doing what they were doing when I had been apparantly out of my body and there was piss all over the couch, so I asked them if the dogs started barking and they said, "Yes, they just started barking at nothing, probably a fly or something." lol

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:15 pm
by emopet
The witch craft way:

Since the earliest spell bottles were created for protection, it seems fitting to begin with one made for this purpose. Ideally, such a bottle will be walled up in a new home under construction, or placed under the floorboards. If this is impossible, simply place it in a position of importance somewhere in the home.

Items needed:

1 glass jar with cork stopper or lid (a small canning jar is fine)

1/2 to 1 cup salt (depending on size of the jar)

3 cloves garlic
9 bay leaves
7 TBS dried basil
4 TBS dill seeds
1 TBS sage
1 TBS anise
1 TBS black pepper
1 TBS fennel
1 bowl

In the morning, ideally on a bright and sunny day, assemble all items.
Place the salt into the bowl and say:
Salt that protects, protect my home and all within it.
Add the cloves of garlic to the bowl and say:
Garlic that protects, protect my home and all within it.
Crumble the bay leaves, place in the bowl and say:
Bay that protects, protect my home and all within it.
Add the basil and say:
Basil that protects, protect my home and all within it.
Add dill and say:
Dill that protects, protect my home and all within it.
Add the sage and say:
Sage that protects, protect my home and all within it.
Add the anise and say:
Anise that protects, protect my home and all within it.
Add the pepper and say:
Pepper that protects, protect my home and all within it.
Add the fennel and say:
Fennel that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Mix together the herbs and the salt with your hands. Through the movement of your hands and fingers, lend energy to the potent protective items. Visualize your home as a shining, safe, guarded, secure place of sanctuary. Pour the mixture into the jar. Seal tightly and place in your home with the following words:
Salt and herbs, nine times nine
Guard now this home of mine.
It is done.

The spiritual way:


Holy water

Sage incense

Annoint all the corners of the house with holy water and tell aloud how the shadow people are not aloud there if they are chossing to hurt you and who ever else lives there adn after all that burn plenty of sage incense. You should do this for atleast an hour, two hrs if possible.


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:27 pm
by esseiker
Another important thing is that you must use a stern voice, and be forceful. If the spirit/entity feels you are fearful or not serious about casting them out it/they will make a mockery.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:57 pm
by [ShadowPhoenix]
It isn't whether I want to get rid of them or not, I know how to do that, I am more interested in studying them...if you've read all the posts you'd know what I mean

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:10 pm
by emopet
lol, sorry.....

Here you go

Tools needed:
Bowl of natural spring water
7 day Purple candle
Altar Fire (red) candle
Anointing Oil
Sandalwood Incense
Options: Rune symbols

On your altar, or your quiet and sacred place, take three deep breaths of air and begin to ground and center yourself. Light the altar candle and sandalwood incense. Ask the Lord and Lady to bless this spell with the highest good of all. Gently sprinkle the purple candle with some of the spring water, repeating:

"I cleanse thee oh ye magical tool in the name of the Lord and Lady, removing all negative and disharmonious energies casting them out into the ethers."

Now, move the purple candle over the sandalwood incense repeating:

"I consecrate oh ye magickal tool in the name of the Lord and Lady, removing all negative and disharmonious energies casting them out into the ethers."

Take the anointing oil in one hand and the purple candle in the other. Starting at the mid-point of the purple candle, moving UP in a docile [clockwise] and circular motion, anoint the candle and repeat three times:

"I anoint you in the name of the Lord and Lady as a magickal tool to be used in the aiding of my magick. I charge ye to increase my spiritual awareness that Love is the Key! Love is the Law!"

Now, starting at the mid-point again, moving DOWN in a docile and circular motion, anoint the candle and repeat three times again:

"I anoint you in the name of the Lord and Lady as a magickal tool to be used in the aiding of my magick. I charge ye to increase my spiritual awareness that Love is the Key! Love is the Law!"

Option: If you wish you may draw the appropriate rune symbols on the candle.

Lastly, repeat:
"As my will, so divine will be done. So mote it be! "

Spend of few moments quietly reflecting on the magick. Thank the Lord and Lady for their presence in your life. Use a candle snuffer to extinguish only the altar fire candle. Place the purple candle in a safe place as to not be disturbed. Allow it burn out completely. Every time you notice the purple candle burning, repeat quietly to yourself, LOVE is the Key! LOVE is the LAW!

It should increase your spiritual awareness
and heres another to improve your insight.

To improve eyesight or clairvoyant vision, boil a little spring water with a pinch of saffron on a Sunday. Pour this into your bath and relax in it. It will increase clairvoyant vision and soothe painful eyes.


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:17 pm
by [ShadowPhoenix]
And this will help me discover what I want about this shadow entity and the wolf...thing?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:26 pm
by emopet
What I've been told, Yeah, it should.

The first one will have you to be more awareand it will also protect you from harm but it won't get rid of the shadows and the second one is to help you communicate.

If it doesn't help, then I'm going to need to have a talk with a friend of mine. lol


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:50 pm
by [ShadowPhoenix]
How did you...err your friend become so knowledgeable on communicating with shadows? I am a bit skeptical it does not seem like a ritual that would assist me with communicating with dark entities I have performed rituals to gain control over them but.......wait, now I remember some of the conversation I had with this 'Aquarius' character. It wants me to release it...but I don't know why...I am not aware of retaining him. is...I must meditate again, I think it wants me to release it from it's bonds in exchange for wealth and power, but the question is what is it bound by? and why me? I need to find out more...

One Walker, your opinion(s) would be of great assistance in the matter if you have one....or anyone.. :?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:56 pm
by emopet
His family is very strict on keeping ways of their Native American tribe of the Morning-Star. And he is just really wise at all things spiritual. Sometimes I occasionally pay attention to what he's saying. So I may have typed down the wrong things....but I'm sure what I was trying to tye out was what he knows. I don't know, lol. Just trying to help......try your way, try who evers way as long as it helps you.


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:04 pm
by [ShadowPhoenix]
Oh I do thank you for your input though, this is a disturbing matter for me, in which I do intend to investigate further...