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Do you think the world is ready?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:56 pm
by esseiker
There have been a number of sightings and claims of abduction but there has yet to be any major event that would, without a doubt prove the existence of extraterrestrial life forms. Do you think this is because we are not yet ready to see such a thing on a grand scale or is there another reason? And if it is that we are not ready, then why? What will make us ready? Will we ever be ready?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:33 am
by One Walker
I think we're just being 'prepped' for it or sort of eased in to it. I don't think there would be some kind of panic if the existence of an extraterrestrial intelligence was officially recognized at this point. I think the real question is not if they exist or not but if they are benevolent or malevolent-at least by our standards. If it turns out they are not benevolent and we realize there's nothing we can do to protect ourselves I can see people panicking and not being able to handle it.

One Walker.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:47 pm
by Moon_Stone
"Mr. Chambers...Mr. Chambers.... Don't get on that ship!
The rest of the book, 'To Serve Man'...
.....It's.... a cookbook!"

--Do I think extra terrestrial life forms exist and thrive on other planets/in other realms? Yes. Do I think they're freely abducting earth dwellers (mind you, all in rural areas), to anally-probe and experiment on them? No. Do I believe these unknown E.T.'s are planning an overthrow of the world as we know it? Again, no.

Granted, the thought has often crossed my mind that we are but an imaginary creation of someone else's thought processes; our world only exists in their dreams and creative mind... (heck, my 12 year old has even had the thought that we exist only in a video game, like "the Sims", she says- and yet she giggles on about how much fun it is to wait for her Sims to starve and die, or how they just flap their arms around as they're burning to death.) I think this all comes from the eternal thought of ours as humans, "what else is out there"... and it's our intellect and curiosity that comes up with our idealization of aliens; coming to Earth to learn -or take- from us.

As with Nessie and Bigfoot, I'll believe it when I see it. And when/if I do see it, E.T.'s will be just the same as any other creature is, in my opinion. :wink:


(Quote courtesy of The Twilight Zone, 1962).

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:34 pm
by Release.the.bats
I believe in aliens.
I also believe that the American government has known about them for a while, or at least has convincing proof that they keep from the general public.
I'm not sure if they'll ever truly come here, I mean we don't know if they survive on oxygen or not, so it's possible that until we all die out they might not set foot on our planet. Unless their deceased.

I remember I had a book idea regarding aliens. It was set in the 1950s and they had three types of aliens. One bled red, and they were mutated humans from around the time of the neanderthals, and they had completely black skin. The only humanoid looking aliens, and they had giant mouths, from ear to ear with rows of huge metal looking teeth. They were the decomposers and they came to rid earth of humans, so that they aliens could land and make it 'anew'. They had to go through a process for a week or so, where they'd get to this state and their black skin would peel off in clumps, and they'd assume the form of whatever DNA they were injected with.
I need to write it eventually.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:21 pm
by One Walker
MoonStone, are you saying The Matrix has us? Did you take the Blue Pill or the Red Pill? Does that make you The Oracle? (Sometimes It sure seems that way! And I mean that in a very good way. :wink: )

Now come across with some cookies! We Want Cookies! We Want Cookies!! :lol:

All kidding aside, it makes sense to me to abduct people from rural areas for a number of reasons. No witnesses is one and no unified public reaction for two. Look at the interest brought on by the mass UFO sightings of the 50's and 60's in California, D.C., and other places. A more recent example is the sightings around Bush's ranch. Also, taking a person who is in an isolated location makes for a much easier situation to control. If they are doing abductions and tests, the last thing they want to do is draw attention to it by making blatant grabs for people right out on Main Street. It would put the general populace in an uproar and make things very difficult for them.

Are they planning to overthrow the world? Why should they when they can subjugate it? It makes far more sense to me for an aggressive alien culture to want to exploit the planetary resources of a younger culture in the early stages of industrialization. If they approached the leading faction of this culture and offered incredible new technologies and developmental techniques what would happen? The leaders would jump at the chance. The alien culture would therefore obtain an economic grip on the younger civilization. Once three or so generations had passed in the younger culture and these new technologies had filtered out into the entire world populace it would no longer matter if the truth of these aliens got out. By that time the more technologically advanced culture would have an economic stranglehold on the younger one because the newest generation would not have known a time without the new technology and luxury items. Presto. Economic enslavement.

This may sound like kind of a wacky theory but it's not really. We do the same thing. We don't beat our enemies these days with military weapons, we beat them by destroying their culture. It's more cost-effective to get the weapon out of an enemies hands by putting an IPod into it rather than by destroying him. That way you leave the resources intact for future exploitation instead of having to worry about the expense of totally rebuilding the country from the ground up. Plus, look at the inter-cultural clashes going on right now in the Middle and Far East as well as Africa over the issue of traditions and old world ideas versus the new age of technology.

It is interesting to note that the last influx of major technological advances (Flight and Automobiles) took place around the previous turn of the century (circa 1900). The average generation lifespan at that time was 30-40 years. That would mean we are in our 3rd generational cycle right now. 2012 anybody?

One Walker. :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:44 am
by [ShadowPhoenix]
One Walker, you do have valid points I'd never thought of it like that, and don't even get me started on the 2012 thing especially with the ever approaching 'Nibiru' I will tell you that I do have a couple of friends working at NASA (aka. Never A Straight Answer). After hearing about these things I immediately went to them for an explanation, and they did tell me that by their calculations that it IS coming and that our planet will be in general magnified chaos as well as several other things about this that they are still in an attempt to confirm...They've even told me somethings about Mars and it's true color, but that's a story for another discussion :)

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:47 am
by One Walker
Hey ShadowPhoenix!

I like that NASA analogy: NASA (aka. Never A Straight Answer) :lol: Too true.

And what's this about the true color of Mars? Can't wait to see your post on it!

One Walker. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:41 am
by Damien
I doubt we will ever be ready but regardless of that contact will be made sooner or later.

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:02 pm
by Stonehenge
I think that it is just a matter of time before we all know the truth... it is coming to that point. I'll have to tell you all about the spaceman of Ocean Beach, when I lived in the San Diego area in the middle 70's as a young teenager...

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:06 pm
by Lilith*Egon
Of course there would be panick and chaos if contact - real indisputible contact- was made. we, as a species, are or not ready for alien contat it isn't even funny. You still have idiots out there in Klan robes, convinced that since their skin is white their heartare somehow more pure - regardless of the hate within them. Personally, if i was an alien and i set foot on our planet, i would turn around and get right back on my spaceship.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:36 am
by RuneGeek
I don't know if we're "ready" but I think it would be good for humanity to have proof that there's other intelligent life out there. People can be rather short-sited and egocentric... they pay little attention to history and the world around them. For so many, their world - their "here and now" - is all they can see, and they allow that fact to make them very me-centric. I think proof of intelligent alien life might make people stop and think, and perhaps at least begin to consider the bigger picture.

Or... not. :D