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new and willing to learn

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:26 am
by dierrick
Hello, I am fairly new to the Wicca ways I am willing to learn but have no one to learn from. I know some of the basics, but I also know that you can spend years on the path and never learn every stone and tree. Any advice or shared knowledge would be happily received.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:23 am
by JackRabbitSlims
Anything specific you want to learn about?


Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:18 pm
by dierrick
Just practices, reading material, just things like that. I am still kind of new, and even though I have heard that there are no set ways i would like to hear the views and learn what ever i can. Before i dive in my self.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:49 am
by JackRabbitSlims
Well one thing I have to offer is what I found to be a very important site.

My path is Wiccan based, and this site mainly discusses just that.

They have all different interesting sections :)

Hope you find it helpful!

Re: hi

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:24 am
by esseiker
dierrick wrote:Just practices, reading material, just things like that. I am still kind of new, and even though I have heard that there are no set ways i would like to hear the views and learn what ever i can. Before i dive in my self.
Just like anything else in life there are many paths when it comes to Wicca/Witchcraft. While this site does offer a lot of information I'm not sure it provides specifics on the most common paths. I'm sure someone would be more than happy to provide you with a run down though.

Good luck in your venture, and don't forget that using the search feature up top can save you a lot of time :)

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:17 am
by [SnowRaven]
I've found this site to be very well done and extremely helpful:

ah thank you

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:42 pm
by dierrick
I will make sure i check out those sites. I appreciate the advice as well.

Re: new and willing to learn

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:54 pm
by SpiritTalker
:mrgreen: Study Suggestions
. Look up free PDF books in Media section-book review sub topic and F.A.Q.s
. Read about subjects that interest you - one topic a month; Google unfamiliar terms
. Write it down; ask specific questions - what exactly do you want to know?
. Focus on local plants & minerals to practice with; Hands-on teaches what works for you, or doesn’t; be observant
. Rub leaves between your fingers & sniff; your subtle senses suggest magical uses
. Stones with unique markings ⚡️or shapes 🌙💛suggest magical uses
. The Charge of the Goddess and the Wiccan Rede are guidelines

🗝 Key Points
. The Lady🪆and Lord 🦌 represent Nature’s duality
. Holidays are Nature’s seasonal cycles 🎃All Hallows’,🕯Candlemas, 🌺May Day, 🍞Lammas
. Nature’s Elements manifest intentions 🌏earth, 💦water, 💨air, 🔥fire, ✨ether
. Magic works with Nature
. Both the Circle and the Altar are replicas of the ✨Cosmos and the 🌎Earth
. You do not need the ritual regalia to start

Easy Peasy 💫Circle Rite
. Broom sweep ↪️. Light incense. Pull power on the breath to the gut, point 👆🏽& push to cast the circle↩️.
. Do divination, meditation, up to 3 spells (for you, for a friend & for family/the community).
. Say thanks & ground yourself to end the rite.

About Spells :mrgreen: simplify and substitute
. Use incantations to say what you expect results to be & don’t say what you don’t want
. Pull power to the belly on the breath, focus intent, push power thru hands to set intent into spells
. Be passionate, involve emotions, feel the fire in the belly
. Spell methods - bag/bottle, candle, cord/knot, grid/mandala, potion, petition, sigil, trance/chant
. Herbs, Incense, Oils - use sweet scents for love, citrusy to cleanse, woodsy-wellness, spicy-protection
. Useful supplies 📝 🙌🏽 🕯🧂& 🫖

Daily Practice
. Greet ☀️Sol, 🌎Gaia & 4-💨 Boreus, Eurus, Notos & Zephyrus (NESW)
. Candle gaze 🕯👀 to improve holding your attention without wandering
. Ground and center frequently during the day; shield as needed
. Meditate 10-30 min