Questions and discussions about psychic ability, mediumship, channeling, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, dream premonitions, telepathy, empathic/empathetic ability.
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Post by [HangedMan] »

i made a post last week about either a ghost or some sort of psychokinetic occurrence:

http://www.everythingunderthemoon.net/f ... php?t=9929

now, just about 30 minutes ago, i had another.

before i went to go take a shower, i put the radio. put the volume up to 13 b/c i'm a lil' OCD when it comes to odd/even numbers on the radio dial.


anyway, okay-- get this...

so i went to go take a shower and kept thinking, "i should have turned off the radio since i can't hear it in here." i said this to myself right as i got in-- and i heard the radio up until that point.

when i got out of the shower, i listened carefully and noticed i couldn't hear anything. bizarre. i called to see if anyone was in my home and turned it off. nope.

so i go into the kitchen and look at the stereo-- it was still ON. so i thought, "hrmm, maybe the radio station is having dead air." so i turn to another station. nope. dead air too. but it's still on.

so i turn the radio off and back on again. it works.

i've had that radio on for a good 1/2 hour now. and as soon as i started to type this and was thinking about the radio, IT SHUT OFF AGAIN. i'm going to go check it now and see what happened.

okay, it was the same thing. again. turned it back on, it works.

okay, i don't want to start saying, "oooh, it's something paranormal like a ghost or telekentic energy," but, this NEVER happened before. let alone TWICE in a row while i was just sitting here FOCUSING on the radio's status (on/off) and volume.

are there any logical explanations before i start freaking out again like last time? LOL like, do stereo systems do this sometimes? can they still be ON but have no sound coming out of them while on the radio dial? perhaps something's wrong with it? loose wire? no reception for some reason? i dunno. but this is getting weird. either i have a lil' mischieveious ghost running around, i'm exerting energy and don't know it, or my home is totally falling apart. LOL

EDIT: it just did it. again. maybe it IS something shorting out in the stereo. i dunno. this is so bizarre.
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Could be electrical. I think the one sure way to find out would be to try a different radio and see what happens.

One Walker. :D
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Post by [HangedMan] »

i dunno. it worked well yesterday. and i just got in (another story i have to tell you) and i've had it on for a while and there's been no problem. is it possible a signal totally got lost on every station at once in my area-- 3x???

while i sit here and listen and wait, while i was out today, i was sitting at the dryer table at a salon (just got a pedi) and just when i told my friend (who owns the salon) that i brought my tarot cards with me and was ready to give him more readings, the dryer started making REALLY WEIRD sounds like it was about to break. it worried him and he checked it out to make sure it was okay. i asked him if this had happened before, and he said, "no, this is new."

so, dudes, i dunno. i'm starting to think either i have a ghost following me around who likes to play tricks, or i'm so super stressed that my energy is making things go haywire. it all can't be coincidence.

radio's still going strong... we'll see..........


Post by blconn »

Greetings -

Speaking purely as an electrical engineer, what you are experiencing sounds like a fault in the audio finals. Power-cycling the radio will remove the errant condition and allow the amplifier to work again for a while, until it encounters whatever condition caused the problem again.

Try this - if the radio does this again, turn the volume all the way up and see if the audio "pops" back in. (It might be loud...) If it does, it's definitely electrical. Of course, this isn't the ONLY test, but a good one to try.

Now...speaking as an involuntary medium...we all know how spirits can affect electrical gear - ESPECIALLY when it comes to radio frequencies. :)

Best regards~

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Joined: Fri May 02, 2008 5:13 pm

Post by [HangedMan] »

Thanks, Brian. I will do that if it happens again. I did play with the volume and don't recall popping. However, what if it doesn't happen again? Does that mean it was some weird ghost thing, or is it normal for stereos to randomly do that once in a while?

Oh. And while I was at the doc's today they had computer problems... Just sayin'. LOL.

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