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So I told my madre.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:18 pm
by JackRabbitSlims
Since I'm getting married, and having a hand fasting ceremony, I decided to come out to my mom tody about being pagan.

She started crying because she was sad that my soul wasn't going to heaven.
*le sigh*

Then she told me she's going to take my kids to church. I was like uhh no your not.

Oh well. Now I have to write my godparents a letter letting them know its not going to be a catholic service, but to let them know I still love them and want them around.

I hope it doesn't push them away...

And I don't know how I'm going to tell my dad, nana, and other sister. They're reallllly catholic.


Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:23 am
by oOKissedTheWitchesOo
=oS good luck!

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:52 am
by JackRabbitSlims
Haha thanks I'm going to need it.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:45 pm
by stormer89
i think it's good you came out to them. hopefully they'll still be there for you. best of luck.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:28 pm
by andreagoth
It will take some time for them to get used to it. It helps to educate them about your beliefs. Find a common ground.

My mother is still in denial of my beliefs but she doesn't ask me to go to church anymore or to go to her prayer groups. My mother and her husband are very catholic. Like, a chapel in their house and an altar in every room and church every Friday and Sunday.

It will take some time for them to get used to the idea that you have a different belief from the one you were born and raised in to.

Talking might help them understand better. :D

Good luck and congratulations on your engagement and wedding! :D

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:13 pm
by JackRabbitSlims
Thank you! The same to you! :)

Yeah I think it was the initial shock of hearing it.
Things have changed between my mom and I it seems.

Like I wrote a song for my fiance to sing at the wedding and I really liked it. My mom is my best critic because she's normally honest about my music.

But after I sang it she was monotone and was like "that was good."

I was like allllright. She's just been really deflated and seems annoyed by me now. Before I couldn't get her to leave me alone. Now she doesn't seem to want to talk for more than a minute or two at a time.


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:32 am
by andreagoth
Yeah. Sorry to hear that.

When you talk to your mum find a common ground on your beliefs. And give her a brief description or history of Wicca. Like I told my mum, I told her, it's not worshiping the devil, she insists that the pentacle is the sign of the devil. So, I gave her a brief lesson in history of symbols. LOL I even printed out different symbols she think is bad and explain the origins. Like the swastika, she thinks it a symbol for racism and hate, I told her, no, it's a Hindu symbol for life, good luck and power.

The more I educated my mother about it, the more she understood and the more she ignored my beliefs. She's just glad I believe in something and I know the difference between right and wrong.

It will take some time, believe me. My mum found out when I was 18 and she is sometimes iffy about it still. But not as much as she used to.

That's the good thing about mothers, they will love us no matter who we are, or what we believe in. They just need to find some kind of explanation to help them understand. :D

I'm sure your mother will accept it and understand. She's probably still in disbelief. Talk to her and let her know how you feel. :D

Good luck. And hope all is well. :)

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:04 pm
by Sallydreams
My mom had a double whammy. I told her a couple years ago I am Wiccan and she hung up on me and cried for days and we didn't talk for a couple months. (I was luckily living states and states away from her) Eventually she broke down and it became something we just didn't discuss.

Well, about a year ago I came out to her that I'm gay.

Another melt down and a couple more months of her not talking to me.

Just now we're on speaking terms again and I can bring up my girlfriend's name without her bursting into tears.

Progress is progress.

It's a good thing you told them before hand... but I know sometimes you'd wonder if it was easier just to not tell them and have them show up for the festivities. lol

But be strong... it takes time but look at it this way: They're your family, but you're never stuck with them.

You're an adult now and as long as you are healthy, positive and harming none... You've got nothing to feel guilty about.

Re: So I told my madre.

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:39 pm
by bodimalik
JackRabbitSlims wrote:Since I'm getting married, and having a hand fasting ceremony, I decided to come out to my mom tody about being pagan.

She started crying because she was sad that my soul wasn't going to heaven.
*le sigh*

Then she told me she's going to take my kids to church. I was like uhh no your not.

Oh well. Now I have to write my godparents a letter letting them know its not going to be a catholic service, but to let them know I still love them and want them around.

I hope it doesn't push them away...

And I don't know how I'm going to tell my dad, nana, and other sister. They're reallllly catholic.

Does every Wiccan have to spew forth their beliefs willy nilly? If you do that, you can't blame people for getting on your case. Keep some secrets, for G's sake!

Nobody, but nobody, likes proselytizing.