He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Symandinome »

I think that is a good thought you had Greek and it is worth pursuing. That isnt to say the goddess cant or wont do the same things the god will but perhaps a man to man talk is what your situation is calling for.
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

What if he is mad because I never worhipped him before? :(
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Cyphir »

I do not believe he has any reason to be mad at you. The Horned God, doesn't bear grudge where none belongs. If you feel you need to offer apology, make a special offering to the God during your next spell, ritual, or meditation.
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by JBRaven »

This is true. He is GOD... I doubt that he needs us to worship him at all.

I do see how ever that one can not be complete unless we look at both our female and male sides and work with them separate and together.

Greek- You focused on the Female which tends to be more creative, passive and nurturing (not saying the God can't be these things ) in weight loss I would most definitely focus on the Divine male because he is more focused, active and physical. When I lived in the desert/mountains I grew closer to the GOD. Going on Hikes and camping could not only help you obtain your fitness goal but may also lead you to a greater understanding of the divine male principal.
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

I see, and thats why maybe there is an imbalance in my life, I tend to be creative BUT I'm a couch potato, when I used to be very active...
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by JBRaven »

There are other things going on in your life that gas caused you to stop being active. Your bout when you went off the ocd medication, your grandfather, your frustrating goal of weight loss, I am sure there is more but yous get it. There is a lot going on that a balance in male and female energies can not fix, but what it does fix is how you live your life. How you are able to solve problem and so forth. A new you may be able to fix the problems, with both of the divine working with you as apposed to just one side.
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Fayneixx »

I know what you mean, J, I've done the same thing, but I do realize that the equality is important. I find more in common with the female deities, especially the Lady herself, but I always try to include the Lord if I can. I admit I'm guilty of it *sheepish grin*
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Peregrine »

Reply to original post:

I am not Wiccan and never was. I am very much on the beat of my own drummer. I play solitaire. :)

Although I am a woman, I've always referred to my guide as masculine. Recently I've been outspoken on my enthusiasm of Enki, but I have failed to mention his brother Enlil. I know there are a lot of people who believe they are extraterrestrials, but I don't know enough either way to say anything about that. To me, they are the gods of fresh water and wind/storms first named in ancient Sumer. I am the always-too-practical earth, so they balance me out very well and I've been very happy with them.

They get a bad wrap by various groups due to a lot of things, but even the leading Sumerologist Samuel Noah Kramer (who is secular in his approach) has stated how much they had been celebrated as beneficial gods with compassion towards people and their struggles. A high priestess on site "Gateways to Babylon" describes Enki as a god who is comfortable with his own masculinity but is also "at ease with the feminine."

If anything, I probably need the feminine. Maybe that is why I've been a bit distracted by Ninhursag and Inanna lately? I'm just a product of my upbringing and, like the saying goes, as the twig is bent so grows the tree (I was raised a Christian but left in my young adulthood). I have said it a few times here, about keeping with what is familiar and I guess for me, that is familiar. I'm just not used to it. I am just a late bloomer on all of this.
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by AutumnMaidens »

For me I find that the god is harder to connect with because he forces me to concider some things that I don't want to confront right now. I still worship him and Lughnasadh and Yule are celebrated in his honour and his light but I try to worship the devine as equally as possible, even if I feel more drawn to the mother than the father.

Bless (And thanks for bringing up this point)
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Elluir »

I got the point of the original post. And its a good point. I was lost in catholocism, this stern Father and all these wonderful women, but were lesser and "techniquely" not prayed to. It always felt artificial and unbalanced. Then, magic words that changed my life: The Holy Spirit is feminine. I know its well accepted in occult circles but it was new to me. It was like things snapped sharply into focus. Things made so much more sense, Solomon's Wisdom/Sophia, even the immaculate conception seems to make a lot more sense now.

I was very Goddess centric for a while after that, bounce back from previously being all Father dominated I guess. Now I find I naturally speak to the Father when I need that strong support, approval and guidance. The Mother when I need comfort, love, and connection. Its made my life so much better having that balance.
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Firebird »

I think Elluir hit on it when she mentioned the imbalance. The powerful procreative force of a woman was squashed by the church. The balance was gone. It's not that "most" Wiccans "seem" Dianic but rather the re-emergence of the power of the feminine which has been denied for thousands of years, and we are rediscovering her essential roll in our spiritual paths now.
BB, Firebird
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Corbin »

Being a pagan from the UK, a witch enjoying the hospitality of what is essencially a Wiccan website, I wonder if:

A) this is a US(A) wiccan thing?
B) this is a Patriarchy thing?
C) This is an (opposition) Christianity thing?
D) This is a variation of all of the above.

We can spend too long enmeshed in (and embittered) by old systems instead of forging and creating new ones or persuing the guiding light that is balance; equality in all things. It's a state that can only exist from inclusion not exclusion; cast someone as the villain and that is the role they shall play.

However, it certainly doesn't feel like the pagan god is under represented this side of the pond
... however we feel far away from any oppressive fundamental religions.


(personal observations)

Goddess and god [as a duality].
Words. It's like masculine and feminine not strictly meaning male and female - not literal - being coorespondances, like yin and yang, not the actual things themselves.

It's a duality: The Goddess (big G) being the whole, the soul, the macrocosm, the energy, a fluid medium of connected changing aspects, being greater then her individual parts, being the undying essence flowing through all of them.

The god (the consort, small g) being the individual, the spirit, the microcosm, the structure, every individual living thing, branching like a hand out stretching, the god that lives, loves, dies and rises again. The hunter and the hunted.

A duality and a whole: a paradox aligned, not a struggle but a dance.

If you live life, if you as a pagan follow the Goddess, you also follow her god - whether you choose to recognise him or not. The god is in you; when you see the Goddess she sees you. You are her consort. Everytime you praise and revere a perceived delightful nuance in the smallest aspect of something in the soul of creation you revere the life giver, the champion of life, the consort of the Goddess AND the Goddess herself. The two things are indivisible: they are the same things seen from different perspectives.

If you cannot find it within you, you will never find it without you.


Have you seen Jack-In-The-Green?
With his long tail hanging down.
He quietly sits under every tree
in the folds of his velvet gown.

He drinks from the empty acorn cup
the dew that dawn sweetly bestows.
And taps his cane upon the ground
signals the snowdrops it's time to grow.

It's no fun being Jack-In-The-Green
no place to dance, no time for song.
He wears the colours of the summer soldier
carries the green flag all the winter long.

Jack, do you never sleep?
Does the green still run deep in your heart?
Or will these changing times,
motorways, powerlines,
keep us apart?

Well, I don't think so

I saw some grass growing through the pavements today.

The rowan, the oak and the holly tree
are the charges left for you to groom.

Each blade of grass whispers Jack-In-The-Green.
Oh Jack, please help me through my winter's night.
And we are the berries on the holly tree.
Oh, the mistlethrush is coming.
Jack, put out the light.

- Jack-in-the-Green (Ian Anderson)
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

Oddly wrote a topic on the gender of the Goddess. I plan on making a sequel for the God but I want to wait until tjings cool down in the U.S. first. Anyway here is the post:
https://thespiralgrovecom.wordpress.com ... e-goddess/
I am the Earth, The Sun and the Stars
And I am the also the Moon
I am all animal and birds,
And I am the outcast as well, and the thief
I am the low person of dreadful deeds,
And the great person of excellent deeds
I am Female. I am Male and I am Neuter.
- Devi
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