The Angelwood Grimoire

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The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Blessed be & welcome to my BOS! :wave:
My physical BOS has evolved a lot over the last 8 years, mainly due to loss of materials, so I'm starting one here in hopes of preserving some of my current book.
Feel free to ask questions & leave comments. smiley_dance

Edit 5-20-14: Most of the work here is my own unless otherwise stated in a post. If you would like to use something of mine, all I ask is that you link back to my work and/or add my username to it. Thank you and Goddess Bless! :mrgreen:
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I don't remember when exactly I wrote this chant, but I do remember that it was the summer of 2008. I love being outside when its raining & that's exactly where I was when I wrote this. I use this chant as a temporary boost that makes a rain shower a storm.

Storm Chant

Rain pour,
Thunder roar,
Lightening flash,
Wind blow,
I command you,
Go storm, go!
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Fire Water for Ostara

*This is based on Silver RavenWolf's Fire Water recipe from her book "Solitary Witch." I have elaborated on it for specific purposes.

Ostara is a solar driven sabbat and it marks the passage of the sun from mutable water sign Pisces to the cardinal fire sign Aries. This water is used to turn away or bring love and creativity, so I think its perfect for a spring cleaning ritual.

1 small taper candle or birthday candle
1 bottle of spring water
1 bowl
1 bundle of herbs to asperge with or an empty spray bottle
Color: To remove negativity use black, to bring love use pink, to bring creativity use orange
Herb: Angelica: banishing - Sun/fire, Basil: love, banishing - Mars/fire
Stone(optional): Rose quartz - love, Emerald - love & repels negativity, Halite(salt) - banishing
Oil(optional): Patchouli - repels negativity, Rose - love, Vervain - creativity
  • 1. Cleanse and bless a candle (a small taper candle or birthday candle will work since you won't have it lit long). If you wish, you may dress the candle with one of the above listed oils. Place the candle outside, or in a sunny window for an hour to empower it.
  • 2. Pour the spring water into the bowl. You may wish to either use the spring water as is, or make it into holy water using your own preferred method.
  • 3. Using your hand, wand or athame, draw the invoking fire pentagram in the air over the empowered candle. Light the candle. If you wish, as you light the candle say the following: "Spirits of fire, work my will by my desire!"
  • 4. Quickly, and CAREFULLY, douse the burning candle in the water.
  • 5. You can now use a bundle of herbs to sprinkle the water around your home (asperge), or you can pour the water into a spray bottle and use it that way, adding a stone or crystal to the bottle if you wish.
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Jellybean Blessing

From a bag of jelly beans, take out one bean of every color for yourself, as a libation, and for any other participants. For each bean you will give thanks for an aspect of spring, and ask for a blessing.
Red - warmer weather - health
Pink - Easter toys/clothes - happiness
Orange - Ostara's opposite Mabon - creativity
Yellow - bright sunshine - confidence
Green - lush grass - prosperity
Blue - clear skies - luck
Purple - pretty flowers - wisdom
Black - shorter nights - protection
White - fluffy clouds - success
  • 1. Create ritual space.
  • 2. Cast a circle.
  • 3. Call the quarters.
  • 4. Invoke a deity of Ostara.
  • 5. Empower the jelly beans asking for blessings.
  • 6. Take a bean and say out loud which aspect of spring it represents and ask for a blessing. Ex. "With this jellybean so red, I honor Spring's warmer weather and ask (invoked deity) for good health for myself and those I love."
    Option: If you wish to make this an act of communion, serve fruit or vegetable juice to each participant, and as a libation.
  • 7. Thank deity and the quarters, and release the energies.
  • 8. Close the circle.
  • 9. Take the libation outside to leave the offering in a favorite spot.
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Book of Shadows Blessing

In light and love
I bless this book.
May it create one more bridge through time
And share knowledge and wisdom throughout the ages.

By the powers of Earth,
Powers of stability, security and fertility,
I bless this book.

By the powers of Air,
Powers of freedom, perception and thought,
I bless this book.

By the powers of Fire,
Powers of love, healing and nature,
I bless this book.

By the powers of Water,
Powers of emotions, feelings and dreams,
I bless this book.

By the powers of the Goddess,
She who is Aradia, Kali, Persephone, Bastet,
I bless this book.

By the powers of the God,
He who is Apollo, Pan, Odin, Anubis,
I bless this book.

May the knowledge in these pages be positive and enriching,
May the magick be used for the greater good.
May righteous readers learn and grow,
May those who would misuse this knowledge turn away.

As I have willed,
It shall be done.
So mote it be!
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Prayer for Allergy Relief

I call upon earth to give me the strength to banish my allergies
I call upon air to speed my recovery
I call upon fire to bring success to this task
I call upon water to wash away unwanted energies
I am free from allergies (say this line 3x)
As I will,
So mote it be!

Even though this is a simple prayer, you can incorporate the following healing correspondences if you wish.

Colors: green, violet, brown, blue
Stones: amethyst, aventurine, bloodstone, carnelian, quartz crystal, hematite, jasper, tiger's eye
Plants: allspice, angelica, barley, bay, carnation, cedar, cinnamon, cucumber, elder, eucalyptus, fennel, gardenia, garlic, ginseng, ivy, lime, mint, myrrh, oak, olive, onion, pine, potato, rose, rosemary, rowan, sandalwood, thyme, tobacco, vervain, violet, willow
Incense: angelica, apple, carnation, ginseng, honeysuckle, myrrh, sandalwood
Oils: carnation, cinquefoil, eucalyptus, lavender, lotus, mimosa, rosemary, sandalwood, violet
Moon phase: full or waning
Totem animals: bear, buffalo, eagle, turtle
Planet: Saturn
Day: Saturday
Deities: Apollo, Airmid, Bran, Brigantia, Brighid, Dian Checht, Eir, Nodens
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I wrote this with my new ferret, Sock, in mind. All of the pet blessings I've seen were written for cats & dogs. I've written this so that you can easily change the words to apply to your pet.

A Prayer For Your Pet

"Lord and Lady,
Protectors of animals great and small
I ask for blessings upon your creature, (pet's name & species)

Give him/her health, may he/she never know sickness or pain,
Give him/her longevity, that we may grow and learn together
Give him/her physical energy and strength to enjoy all animal adventures
Give him/her protection from harm and keep him/her safe

Lord and Lady,
Thank you for my beloved pet,
I will always treasure him/her
Blessed Be!"

Correspondences for health, longevity, physical energy/strength & protection

Colors: green, red, white
Stones: jasper, tiger's eye
Plants: carnation, lavender, sage, willow
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

This isn't the average love spell. Many love spells are designed to bring love into your life. I've designed this spell to send someone your love. With a few changes, you can use this spell to send someone any feeling like friendship, happiness, peace, etc.

Sending My Love Spell

1 pink taper candle
1 piece of paper (pink if possible)
1 pen/ pencil/crayon/marker (pink if possible)
A picture of your loved one, something that belongs to them, or something that reminds you of them (optional)
Romantic music or any music that reminds you of your loved one (optional)

Before you begin this spell, cleanse and empower all your supplies. Carve your name and your beloved's name on the taper candle. Set up your altar with things that remind you of your beloved.
  • 1. Create ritual space (if you wish to play music, this would be the time to start playing it.)
  • 2. Cast a circle.
  • 3. Call the quarters.
  • 4. Invoke a deity of love.
  • 5. Perform the magickal working:
    • I. Light the pink candle and place it on your altar.
    • II. On the piece of paper, write a letter to your beloved, telling him/her how you feel. Really open your heart and pour your emotions into this letter.
    • III. When you are finished with the letter, ask the deity you invoked to send your message to your beloved.
    • IV. Light the letter on fire with the flame of the pink candle. Drop the letter into your cauldron or other fire resistant container. As you watch it burn, imagine your beloved feeling the love that you sent him/her.
  • 6. If you wish to have communion, drink fruit juices and eat foods associated with love. (See correspondence list for ideas.)
  • 7. Thank deity and the quarters, and release the energies
  • 8. Close the circle
  • 9. Extinguish the candle. You can either keep the unused portion to repeat the spell again, or bury it and the ashes of the letter.
Color: pink
Stones: amethyst, moonstone, rose quartz, tourmaline (pink)
Incense: apple, cherry, dragon's blood, ginseng, jasmine, lavender, rose, strawberry
Oils: apple blossom, coriander, cyclamen, rose, violet
Deities: Aine, Aonghus, Aphrodite, Cupid, Eros, Freyja, Juno, Venus, Vesta
Plants: apple, apricot, bleeding heart, chamomile, cherry, cinnamon, crocus, daffodil, daisy, geranium, hyacinth, jasmine, lavender, lemon, lime, orange, orchid, pansy, peach, plum, primrose, raspberry, rose, strawberry, tulip, vanilla, violet
Day: Friday
Planetary Hour: Venus
Moon Phase: full
Astrological Sign: Libra
Totem Animal: swan
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I haven't finished writing any new spells/rituals lately, so for now I'm going to post a few things here that have been in my physical Book of Shadows for a while.
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Simple Holy Water

Water (whether you use tap water, purified water or rain water is a personal perference)
A container (I reccomend a cup)
Salt (sea or table salt will work)

*When I make this, I usually make it in either a cup or in my bath tub because I'm fond of bathing in holy water when I don't feel well. My reason for making it in a cup most of the time is that it allows for easy stirring.

Pour the water into a container. Add a few few pinches of salt. Stir the water deosil three times with the index finger of your dominent hand, saying the following as you do:
"three times round,
three times bound,
I consecrate thee, holy water."
Imagine the container filling with bright, white light.

Pretty simple, right? :)
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

To Empower A Bath

I use this little spell in conjunction with putting herbs into my bath.

This bath I dedicate to Beauty
Beauty without
Beauty within

This bath I dedicate to Love
Love without
Love within

This bath I dedicate to the Goddess
The Goddess without
The Gddess within

This bath I dedicate to Myself
Myself without
Myself within

This bath giveth Radiance
Radiance without
Radiance within

Let the radiance begin!
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

A Home Blessing Prayer

Goddess, bless this home
Keep it safe from those who
would think to harm its inhabitants
God, bless this home
Keep it safe from those who
would act to harm its inhabitants
Lord and Lady, keep us safe
in your love and peace
Blessed be!
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Discordia Chant

Discordia! Discordia!
Chaos everywhere!
Discordia! Discordia!
Throw your apple in the air!
Discordia! Discordia!
We tread thrice around.
Discordia! Discordia!
Our thoughts come unbound.
Discordia! Discordia!
We summon thee.
Discordia! Discordia!
Disorder for all and Blessed Be!
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I clean you up
I dust you off
and bring you from the shadows
my friend
my guide
my confidant
I call you Book of Shadows

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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Zodiac (part 1)
The original copies of these pictures were animated but after I edited them, they were no longer animated. Unfortunately, the site that these pictures were on is no longer available. :(
To get a better look at each individual picture, open each one in a new tab or window.
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