Spiritual Healing. Help Needed!

Discussion of healing and energy work. (We have a new forum for Prayer Requests. It's down in the Member's Nook.)
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Spiritual Healing. Help Needed!

Post by MyDarkCelticFlames »

I used to be a devout wiccan for a while until about a year ago, when I stopped practicing. (My devoutly Roman Catholic mom found out I was practicing the craft and basically threatened to kick me out). I'm trying to get back into it now.
Anyway, I used to be a very powerful medium, empath and had very vivid precognatal dreams. This has diminished a lot and I want it back. My medium abilities have gone from being able to describe in detail about a spirit (how it looks, how its feeling, its intentions, sometimes how it smells, talking with it) to having that creeped out feeling like I'm being watched. This is probably going to take a lot of work, but I'm willing to do that. If anyone could help me out here, I'd be very appreciative!
Thanks a bunch,

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