Wiccan Clothing

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Wiccan Clothing

Post by springsgrace »

I was curious about wiccan clothing, not only traditionally but also your personal or path-specific clothing.
-Do you have a special outfit or certain things you wear during rituals/spells/coven meetings/sabbat celebrations etc.?
-Is there any meaning or symbolism behind your clothing?
-Do you prefer organic materials or do you not mind?
-Opinions on makeup, nail polish etc. during ceremonies?

Personally, I have two things I usually wear- when I work in my BOS or do smudging or attend to my garden or meditate or do any sort of general witchy activity I wear a lovely white cotton night dress. I also wear this when I sleep since dreaming is a form of astral travel (plus it's super comfortable :lol: )
I also have a more mainstream entirely black outfit (long skirt, long cardigan) that I could wear in the winter or when I have to go outside. I hear that some covens hold entirely black dress codes, so this can be my back up :o
I personally feel for myself that natural materials are better when I can but also super expensive, so I tend to combine natural and man-made materials when I can. On the subject of makeup, I find that some rituals involve water, heat from candles etc. which can mess it up anyways. Some witches like to wear dark lipstick and eyeliner though, which I think is pretty cool! smileylove
So, what do you guys think? :flyingwitch:
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Re: Wiccan Clothing

Post by BabyBear »

Ive heard that its best to use natural meterials like cotton and to have a special set of clothes only used for ceremonys and working so they dont retain energy from everyday life and stuff i myself dont have anything or really worrie about it but i will admit that ive thought about getting some robes just for my working but since i cant really do much where i live and have no one to talk to or anything pagan wise around me anyway i just dont worrie about it
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Re: Wiccan Clothing

Post by LiebeUndLicht »

During rituals, I most of the time wear my every-day clothing, which may be frowned upon by some, but I don't see a problem with it. I feel comfortable doing it and it feels okay for me. I won't put on makeup specifically for a ritual, same again with nail polish. My clothing style is Gothic, I don't own many colours in my wardrobe but that's just how I roll :roll: so I tend to just wear whatever I have on, I don't personally see a problem with it, while others might. Actually recently I have been wondering whether to get any specific items of clothing to wear.

Then of course, there are people who choose to work completely skyclad (so no makeup, glasses, nail polish, just completely skyclad). I personally think you should wear whatever you want, whatever feels comfortable. Obviously you don't want to wear something that will be a fire hazard, because that would just be stupid :evilwitch:. I don't have to worry about having a dress code for a coven because I have yet to hear of any in my area that isn't extremely far away, but I do have a few friends that are Wiccan and we were planning on doing a ritual together. Anyway, my point is, I've never personally had to worry about the problem with a dress code, so I wouldn't know about that - except of course I know some covens have a dress code, but I have no personal experience. I like your idea of wearing that night-dress, I have nothing like that but it seems like a really sweet thing to do. I assume it's very comfortable, also. But honestly, I think you can wear whatever you like - especially if you're doing a ritual alone - because it's between you and your deities and you'll know if you're wearing the wrong thing. Well anyway, I hoped this was kinda the answer you were looking for, blessed be!
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Re: Wiccan Clothing

Post by Vesca »

I actually don't have any specific ritual-clothing. Although, I don't generally do what would be considered "rituals" either. For any work I do, it's usually just done in whatever clothing I'm wearing at the moment.

I'm of the opinion that people should wear whatever works best for them. If nothing works better than anything else, there's no rule saying you can't just wear your daily clothing either. At the end of the day, it's only really for your own benefit. The universe created the clothing, no matter what it's made of, and it can see right through it like every other material thing.
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Re: Wiccan Clothing

Post by Shub Niggurath »

Lovely topic!

Ritual clothing is definitely a personal thing. Keep in mind that special clothing is yet another magickal tool - same as wands, chalices, athames etc. They're here to keep you focused on the magickal work and make you feel "special", as in - being in a different than mundane context both mentally and physically. Some people need tools and ritual clothes, some work with their bare hands. Some people need rituals and spell-work, some perform magick simply with the power of their minds. And it's all okay!
Personally, I just like witchy and earthy outfits so that's how I roll every day. I do have a special witchy coat that I made myself from scratch and I like wearing it to feel more "magickal". I think it's a lovely idea to wear special clothes just because they make you feel special and kind of out of the everyday life. But then again, that's what I always wear (maybe that's why I'm so weird, lol).
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Re: Wiccan Clothing

Post by SpiritTalker »

My ritual garb is comfortable & loose fitting asian pants & T-shirt & barefoot. My signature color is Virgo ♍️ gray. There's no flapping sleeves to catch fire or long skirt to trip on, I stay warm enough outside & don't attract attention from neighbors. Natural cotton is washable & I don't wear nail polish or makeup or "put on" a Witchy persona.
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Re: Wiccan Clothing

Post by barker »

I just shower and dress clean, maybe have a crystal worn. But, it is very important to me, to feel like it. Whatever to do, is to be done with the physical in mind. That is sorta the key to spirituality for me. barker
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Re: Wiccan Clothing

Post by Firebird »

Dressing in magical gear helps set the tone for the evening. The brains starts to shift gears in preparation to do magical work. It's like when dressing up used to be fun to play when you were a kid and it made it that much easier to assume the role of pirate, cowboy, or caped crusader.
I've worn everything to nothing, and personally skyclad is only my thing if I'm alone. But placing layers of dresses or robes, capes and scarves feels good like dressing up for a formal or dressing up as a princess. I know I'm placing my mantel of protection on when throwing the purple cotton velvet cape upon the shoulders. Also, nothing is more pleasing to the eye than your fellow witches decked out in their finest witchy gear in the circle.
Seeing a trail of black capes moving down the trail in the moonlight is a something to behold for the heathen/heretic heart. :flyingwitch:

I encourage everyone to deck themselves out, I have worn jeans and a tee-shirt and while the outcome of the circle might not have been terribly affected by my lack of dress, but my brain was not pleased. The Cape almost always goes over whatever is worn or if it is summer a sheer scarf over the head and or shoulders is good witch regalia.
Special clothing will facilitate the witch you are, like Shub's magic coat that can be worn every day. Things can be discretely magic gear like our Priest who made himself a cap, sewn with intention on each stitch packing in magical herbs in the process. Wearing it casually with no one else the wiser.
Be creative in your garb and you will feel the shift.
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