sore throat

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Li Li
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sore throat

Post by Li Li »

is there any potion or remedy for sore throats or coughing fits? i mean i do take tablets for it but it's not really working for me.
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Post by Sallydreams »

It's not really a "potion" but when I get a sore throat I just drink hot tea and it at least makes it feel better while I'm drinking it.

Lemon, Chamomile and those "Sleepy Time" teas seem to work the best.
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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

Sage tea is always the first thing i think of. Also, if you get an onion, chop it up, put it in a dish and drizzle honey over it, cover it and let it sit for an hour or so, and then drink the syrup it makes it is great for sore throats, if you do this a couple times a day it helps in preventing infections and stuff
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Post by Sallydreams »

I've never had sage tea, I will have to try that out.

Ooo, I'm going to add that to my herbal remedy book!
Li Li
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Post by Li Li »

awesome! i'm so gonna try them out :D
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Post by shadowx »

Mods, seriously, we need the ability to report posts! I dont know what version of the forum you are running but i imagine it has the function so enable it! Please! The two posts above couldve been reported earlier and dealt with by now (perhaps) every other forum uses it but this one!

Back on topic:

I too have a sore throat, in fact i get one 99% of the time when i get a cold/virus.

Honey and lemon is supposed to be good, cough sweets come in honey and lemon flavour so there must be something in it. I think the honey is a mild anti-septic as is the citric acid in the lemon so perhaps try mixing a little of that up and somehow swallowing it...

Gargle with salt water, again it is an anti-septic/bacterial and kills the infection, mouth wash would also work.

Spicy foods i think act in much the same way but then not everyone likes their mouth to be on fire (me included)

Strepsils are damn good too... Not a potion but IMHO probably better than any magickal remedy, they contain an antiseptic and local anaesthetic in a very, very low dose that mildly numbs the mouth and throat. Warm drinks are brilliant and drinking plenty of water.

Vitamin C helps boost the immune system so its worth getting some of that and if you like it (or can tolerate it) try ginger and lemon teas from twinings. Fairly weak and nasty IMHO but you might like them!

If you are into working with energy then you could direct some to your throat chakra and area and hope it will direct your body's defences there!
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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

shadowx wrote:
Spicy foods i think act in much the same way but then not everyone likes their mouth to be on fire (me included)

Vitamin C helps boost the immune system so its worth getting some of that and if you like it (or can tolerate it) try ginger and lemon teas from twinings. Fairly weak and nasty IMHO but you might like them!
I wouldnt do spicy foods, it would irritate it more in most cases *ouch* and yes... spicy foods are just too hot for me too lol

Vitamin C is great, also Zinc boosts the immune system... if you have a good yoghurt that contains probiotics then eat some of that!!! If you look on the packet and it says the bacteria thats in it, for example Lactobacillus then great but it must have a strain on it before its a reliable yoghurt... strains will look like some numbers.... have a look anyway. Over in Australia (not sure if they have this brand in America) we have a brand called Vaalia... its rad.

Anyway the good bacteria in the yoghurt boosts your immune system also... if you have a good healthy amount of good bacteria in your gut, then your immune system will be rad =D

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Post by Buttercup »

Honey works better as an antiseptic if you swallow a spoonful of it and don't drink water for 15 minutes or so(viruses or becteria stick on the honey and are then destroyed by the stomach acids).
Any kind of sweet that melts in the mouth is good,because the main reason for a sore throat is that the infection makes the throat dry,so whatever forces more saliva down your throat is good. Also be careful with tea,if it's too hot it can make matters worse.It should be between lukewarm and hot to benefit from it the most. I've also heard that a gargle of hot water with 2-3 drops of oregano essential oil is helpful.
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Post by [Silver Dove] »

I make ginger tea for my family when they have colds or coughs. I boil some ginger roots in the water(peeled, washed & clean). Cover it and let it seep and cool down a bit, then add honey to it. Stir and drink 1-2 cups a day or as required.
Note: do not boil honey as boiling it kills all it's antiseptic properties.

This remedy has been in my family and in my culture for ages and I hope it works for you too.

Blessed be!

Silver Dove
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Post by zenine »

These are good Ideas!

Also, one time I was coughing all the time so I put some frankincense oil on my throat before going to bed. It worked and the next day I was breathing normally again.

But next time I'll try a herbal tea..
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Post by Melindrose »

A good solution from my grandmother; may she rest in peace; take half a cup of cider vinegar, a cup of hot water, 1tsp minced or powdered garlic, and most importantly 1-2 tbsp honey or some other natural sweetener. drink while warm will clear every thing out of your lungs.

Post by dreamer73 »

Don't think of this as silly, but whenever i got a sore throat my grandmother had me gargle a shot of whiskey, then swallow it. The alcohol burned of course, but after the burning went away it was numb. My grandmother came from Macedonia and used whiskey for many different ailments, even ear aches, and it worked every time.
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