Spiritual dilemma

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Spiritual dilemma

Post by sylphaxiom »

I have posted something similar to this somewhere else, but perhaps the advice portion would be best put here. I have (or had) an interesting form of precognitive ability. I couldn't see everyone's paths unless they joined with my own and even then, the depressing and saddening parts are what shows through the most. I do miss my ability and I miss being able to see ahead. But after I saw the death of my wife, those I will be with after her, and the pain of others, I gave up and blocked everything. I tried to cut it off, but I am always reminded and I get the same omens I used to but now they are just nagging feelings that something is going to happen. I used to be able to search harder and I would know what's going on but since I blocked it all, I get nothing more than reminders of what used to be. What do you think? Is there something I can do to brighten my future or maybe see something besides misery? I have seen beauty and joy ahead but it is not for many years and only comes after my wife's death in about 5 or 6 years (I'm pretty sure it's 6). I feel like a bad person for having seen some of these things, but I jave no one to talk to about then and no one to help me understand. I want to let go of the pain and be able to use my abilities again without causing pain to myself or others (that is a different story about my attempts to help a friend and backfired)
May the Gods be with you, and the hand of Fate be a gentle touch to guide you.

Re: Spiritual dilemma

Post by nekcihc44 »

Ah, the burden of knowledge can be a cruel gift indeed. I'm not an expert on precognition by any means but I can offer advice. Meditate to learn to control it and see what you're looking for but don't stop using your gift. Sure everything you see won't be all rainbows and butterflies but with enough practice it won't all be dark either. Hope I helped some!
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Re: Spiritual dilemma

Post by sylphaxiom »

That was helpful, thank you.
May the Gods be with you, and the hand of Fate be a gentle touch to guide you.

Re: Spiritual delimma

Post by nekcihc44 »

Your welcome. If you have any more questions feel free to ask me, I will help in any way I can.
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Re: Spiritual delimma

Post by Kassandra »

Hi sylphaxiom. Thanks for presenting your question here, though you've posted it elsewhere as well. Precognition ain't easy to live with. I've seen death on people before. It's hard to deal with, and the sense of guilt you've described is totally understandable (especially given your situation!). On top of that, there's already so much in the world to totally unground our sense of well-being if we let it --wars, crime, economic instability, etc. In your case, I think a big key to your healing is to be around other people like you. Here are some suggestions.

Find a Family

You seem to be isolated and in your head a lot of the time. It seems like you tend to let your clairvoyance get to you, and go round and round in mental loops over what you see and sense. I think breaking that isolation cycle would help, coming out of the closet. You shouldn't be in a place where the only people you talk to about this stuff is us (though we're happy to have you!). I think you also need to be around a "family" of sorts in real time, friends that share the same abilities. I think it would help you to integrate your abilities into your real life, instead of it being this other secret thing.

Have you ever attended a psychic development circle? You might really like one. They support one another's growth in a non-judgmental space. Contact a nearby metaphysical store, a Spiritualist Church or Meetup.com for information. Bottom line, get out of your head, and get out there to meet people. Connect. Enjoy yourself with others like you. Learn from them as well (though I don't agree with all of the teachings of the Spiritualist Church, I do find they offer really good instruction in how to properly use your abilities in a balanced way).

Meditate Regularly

I love nekchic44's meditation suggestion. Regular, consistent meditation helps us process our thoughts, ground our minds and our energies. This is crucial for people with pronounced psychic ability, especially those with precognition. While we have to acknowledge these thoughts, we can learn not to get caught up in them, not to get distressed by them. Meditation helps us stay present, grounded, connected.

In addition to cultivating a personal daily practice, if only but a few minutes, try to find a meditation group in your area that meets weekly. Attend the sessions as consistently as possible. It's a great way to strengthen your meditation, meet other people for support and fellowship. You don't necessarily need to discuss your psychic abilities with any of them. Just enjoy meditating with them. Try different meditation styles until you find one that works for your temperament. Again, Meetup.com is a great way to find a group in your area.

Also, you might want to try attending extended meditation retreats once a year. They jumpstart your practice tenfold! Start with a 3-day, then next time increase to a 10-day if you feel ready (if not, just do more 3-days until you do). Contact local Buddhist churches for information about retreat centers. I'm not suggesting become a Buddhist, but I do recommend working with them when it comes to extended retreats (Vipassana retreats are good ones, and free of charge). To me they teach meditation most effectively (been doing it for 2,500 years). I'm generally not impressed with the myriad of fluff bunny, New Agey meditation fads floating around out there, which I find undisciplined and ineffective in the long run.

Take Charge

Instead of living in fear of your abilities, just learn to manage them properly. Instead of waffling between embracing or suppressing them, make a vow to yourself to be proactive, fearless, and consistent in developing and using them. Then, stick to your vow. I think you will be more at peace this way. Yes, it can be uncomfortable at times. Cars are uncomfortable commitments --gas costs, insurance costs, car payments, risk of injury or death each and every time we get behind the wheel. But does any of that ever stop us from buying and driving one? No. We face these consequences, even subjecting our children to them. They just come with the territory of using a car. That's just the way it is with everything.

Some believe before we incarnate into a body, while we are still spirit beings, we choose what characteristics we will come into the Earth with. From that perspective then, we are responsible for all aspects of our lives, including what psychic abilities we have and how we use them. Perhaps you came here with the ability to assist people who are experiencing difficult, life-or-death situations, the kind a lightweight, "I only see love and light" person couldn't stomach. Perhaps your penchant for seeing negative things might be because you are an especially strong, healing person. After all, you're an EMT; you already see and heal the dark side of our physical realm on a regular basis. It seems that now your Higher Self is calling on you to do the same for the spiritual realm, as well.

But there's a way to help people, and there are things to avoid doing, as well. You got a taste of what not to do when your well-intentioned efforts "backfired" once, which probably hasn't been the only time that happened. It probably won't be the last, and that's OK. In this post, I talk about the Cassandra Complex and how to avoid it. There comes a time when you have to let go of a thing and move on (again, meditation will help with that), no matter how unsettling it may be. In that post I also talk about healthy outlets for expressing and even enjoying your psychic abilities. I also address precognition in the Psychic Kids thread (scroll down to the post, "Episode Title: Terror in the Night").

I hope these suggestions serve as a starting point. I really think, above all, the care and support of other like-minded people will help you through this spiritual dilemma. Be well my friend.
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Re: Spiritual dilemma

Post by sylphaxiom »

Wow I must admit you're spot on. I appreciate the input and feel much better about this. I will try to get out there more, especially when my schedule relaxes (my daughter was just born on the 9th and my son is 17 months old so things are chaotic) and hopefully I can make some positive progress.
May the Gods be with you, and the hand of Fate be a gentle touch to guide you.
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Re: Spiritual dilemma

Post by Kassandra »

Glad it helps.

And congratulations ...a girl and a boy, that's great! smiley_dance
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Re: Spiritual dilemma

Post by Firebird »

Sylphaxiom, you checked in earlier this year hope all is well.
Just curious and trusting this vision hasn't come to pass, is you wife still with us?
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Spiritual dilemma

Post by stormofwind »

For it was nightmare as child being telepathic clairvoyant
Seeing into the past having dreams of the past.. was so difficult..
even as teen feeling everybody was very hard..
As an adult I gained power over it.. and it has grown..
And I did block it out and came back big time..
Learn how about your abilities and what they are.
It will get better.
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