Warding and shielding

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Warding and shielding

Post by Holdasown »

I am always surprised to see new magic users or pagans in general who don't do this. Anyone doing spell work should take steps to keep themselves safe from outside influence.

Iron horseshoes or iron item
Wind chimes
Bags of herbs and stones
Dream catchers

Simply imagining your home surrounded by a bubble of light, ice, water, stone, etc. Don't just put up white light and leave it like that. Layer your protection and change it as needed.

Crosses, Runes, Pentagrams or other protective symbol over doors and windows

Thought forms and feeding your wights to keep your home safe.

Also smudging, bells, music, plants anything to move around energy and clean it up.
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Re: Warding and shielding

Post by raynelae »

Great info..thought I'd add some more.If you don't have time to smudge (or don't have the herbs) simply open a window. I realize in winter and summer it can get too cold or hot but if you just crack the window for a few moments and say a prayer for cleansing, I find it works as well as smudging.
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Re: Warding and shielding

Post by SnowCat »

I just use my favorite Star Trek term. "Shields up!"

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Re: Warding and shielding

Post by Firebird »

Hahaha Snow!,...that's what I say too when going out into the world!, I imagine my invisible mirror shield bubble (reflector side out) and say shields up!
But as far as warding, we have a great story about how well this works....
We go out to a hill in the woods, there are several trails in the area. We post a ward where the trail splits so no one can find us. Well, one of the Priestesses who was running late, came barreling down the trail and completely missed the turn. I had posted the ward, and figured since she had been to the location a hundred times, it wouldn't affect her. Wrong....About a half an hour later we could here this small voice down in the valley calling out..."where are you guys?" We laugh about this one all the time. It also happened with a couple other folks on different occasions. The crossroads has a very strong pull by the Fay who live on the opposing hill, they would rather you came to their hill!! Add a ward, and you never find us!
Bright Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Warding and shielding

Post by raynelae »

^^Wow Firebird! That's amazing!
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Re: Warding and shielding

Post by SnowCat »

I remember a night about seventeen years ago, I was out for a walk to clear my mind. I had my usual shields up, but at some point, someone apparently decided I needed more protection. Out of nowhere, a golden retriever joined me. He walked with me until I was close to home again, then just vanished.

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Re: Warding and shielding

Post by wolfgirl96 »

Snowcat that is awesome. I put shields up around my house and layer them more when I sense something. Anyone know anything about using seals to help your shields? My friend suggested it...?

Re: Warding and shielding

Post by WalnutDryad »

I usually use a white-light pyramid shield over my home, layered with a flowing energy of all colors, and for me when I leave the house the same thing only egg shaped, it works well for me, especially since before that I would pick up all sorts of bad energies, now I can just go on about my business :) I had times when random dogs would walk me home like SnowCat's encounter , they're great bodyguards.
Anyone know anything about using seals to help your shields? My friend suggested it...?
Haven't heard of using seals before, I'd love to know more about this too.
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Re: Warding and shielding

Post by raynelae »

Every morning I shield myself. I visualize white flames (or whatever feels right for the day) shielding me. I also visualize white light covering my chakras to shield them from negativity. A lot of shielding is what feels right for you...you have to listen to your intuition.
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Re: Warding and shielding

Post by Fenrir »

SnowCat wrote:I just use my favorite Star Trek term. "Shields up!"

Yes. This. I am currently buring through all 177 episodes of Star Trek next Generation at Warp 9.3.

Now that I have covered my nerdy needs in this matter.

I have a deep loathing for thought forms. I actually developed my current view and use of magick based around avoiding the use of them. You mentioned sigils, that is my approach. I do not mean common symbols, but one of your own making. Create a symbol that to you means protect. You may relate that protection to a deity that you have a relationship with or just have to tied to you.

Re: Warding and shielding

Post by Fenrir »

wolfgirl96 wrote:Anyone know anything about using seals to help your shields? My friend suggested it...?
From what I can infer. I believe they are referring to creating a seal, or protective symbol. One that would have to be broken in order to gain entry. This is a reference to binding 'seals' which create barriers to contain things, it is not unreasonable to assume a seal could create a barrier to keep things out.

I am not familiar with the specifics of seals, what one is commonly made up of, or how to create one. I would recommend more research if that is an avenue you would like to explore.
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Re: Warding and shielding

Post by Corbin »

Something I contributed a long time ago elsewhere.

FYI: Grounding and shielding

The first is required for the second to be effective

*** this was composed and "simplified" for a non-pagan friend from several sources, Starhawk,
Michael Howard and others now sadly 'extinct' on the internet. A deliberate attempt was made to make it non-denominational ***

Grounding and shielding
Grounding is an excellent way to stay spiritually healthy; as a lightning rod safely channels away extra electricity after a lightning strike, your personal “ground”, once established keeps you safe from emotional strikes, acting as a safety valve to channel away excess energy when you’re feeling overloaded.

Another essential spiritual health practice is known as shielding. In its simplest form, shielding can help insulate us from the atmosphere of stress and negativity that unfortunately surround so many of us in this modern age. For those who are naturally empathic, or receptive to the emotions of others, shielding often becomes a very practical necessity. In these cases, shielding can set up a filter between our personal emotions and the emotions of the people around you.

In establishing shields of any kind, the first skill that should be mastered is grounding. Grounding establishes a deep, clear channel between the abundant energy around you and the personal energy of the practitioner. This often takes practice to become familiar with the sensation of connection. The feeling of complete well-being that results from proper grounding should be incentive enough to pursue mastery of this skill.

There are many different methods or techniques that may be used for grounding but all require concentration, determination and imagination for a short time.

One simple way is to sit comfortably (but straight backed) and breathe steadily – in through the nose to the count of three, hold it for three, breath out through the mouth to the count of three, then hold it for three. As you do so imagine (visualize) as you are breathing in white light that is flowing into your lungs (calming positive energy) and that as you breath out this energy flows into your entire body, ejecting any tense negativity (visualized as black smoke) out of your mouth and away to disperse.

Once you feel a chance come over you and that your thoughts have stilled except for the breathing imagine (visualize) roots are growing from you feet, though the floor, deeper and deeper into the very core of the earth itself, feel the purifying energy and warming heat coursing up into you, up your spine (trunk) and into your head and fingertips (branches). Feel excess energy coursing back down into the earth – a circuit, a link to a steady, deep and abundant energy source outside of yourself.

shielding is actually a very simple, basic concept, despite what some people may try to tell you. Creating a shield is something like programming a computer: the energy is already there (from grounding), merely awaiting your instructions. You just need to tell it what you want it to do.

You may never actually "see" your shield, but once you have it, you'll know it's there. You will know your shield is up and working by the simple observation that it is working. Without a shield you run the risk of being an emotional sponge, soaking up everyone's vibrations whether you want them or not. With a shield, you can maintain the appropriate boundaries between your own energy and the energies of those around you.

Find a quiet, private location where you can get comfortable and be reasonably sure that you won't be disturbed for a while (half an hour to start with, shorter once you are better practiced), dim the lights in the room to a comfortable level. Sit on a chair or the floor, preferably in a position where you won't get cramped by sitting still for awhile. (In other words, if you don't practice yoga, maybe the "blooming lotus" position is not for you!) Basically, prop up pillows and get comfortable, however you like it best. Physical discomfort will only distract you from the work at hand. However, I'd only suggest lying down if you are certain you can resist the temptation to fall asleep.

Once seated, close your eyes and begin to relax. Breathe deeply and slowly. If you have an established meditation routine, use that to allow yourself to slip into a deep state of relaxation. If not, progressively focus on each major muscle group of your body, beginning with the feet. Clench the muscles, hold for a few seconds, and then release the tension. Feel the relaxation flood your body as you work your way through your entire body. (Don't forget the face! We store a lot of tension in our expressions.)

Once relaxed, establish your grounds. Don’t skip this step, or rush through it. Forming a solid, grounded connection is a critical component to successful shielding. Drain off any excess energy you've been carrying around with you, and continue to relax completely. Feel all of your emotional tension drain away into the earth. Next, reverse the flow of energy through your grounded connection. Gently pull in these cleansing and healing energies up from the earth, until you feel the energy shimmer and become vibrant. Continue to focus on flooding yourself with this clean, pure energy until you feel yourself radiating energy from within.

As you fill with energy, you might notice a variety of physical and/or emotional effects. Many people feel energized - alert, yet deeply relaxed, and frequently a tingling sensation that travels through their body. Continue to pull in energy until you feel that it can no longer be contained by the limits of your body. Allow the energy to extend out from your body. Now that you are in tune with your personal energy, it's time to "program" it with your intention of creating a shield.

Visualize your energy as a shimmering web of light that entirely surrounds you, issues from you and enlarge it to form a sphere of energy around you. Notice if there are any flaws in the sphere, the vulnerable parts; if so, fill them with the energy you have pulled from your ground. Reweave the web of light until it is a firm, whole sphere of glittering light that surrounds your entire body, feel it and visualize it grow stronger and more solid.

The sphere of energy’s purpose (which can be defined as you see fit) - examples here - could be to preserve your personal energy and protect you by filtering, repelling, absorbing or re-directing negative expressions of energy (including any of your own!). If you are a reactive, imagine a field that slows down inward and outward energy, giving you the choice to act rather then react.

You are now surrounded by a strong, vital, shimmering web of light. Feel it gently protecting and cushioning you.

Once you have completed your work, focus again on your breathing, and slowly bring your thoughts back to the surface of your awareness. Open your eyes and take a few more deep breaths to reground yourself and imagine any excess energy falling away from your fingers to the earth like shimmering water.

Like the ground you've established, once you've set your shield, you can't ever really "lose" it. Once found, you always have access to this unlimited supply of energy. All that is necessary is that you remember to stay consciously aware of it. Heavy stress can easily distract us from this important awareness of our connection, and it can weaken the effectiveness of your shield. Under stress, we forget our connection to our source of strength, and forget to draw upon it in need. Instead, we burn ourselves out.

Illness, fear, shock, anxiety, and worry are all influences and emotions that distract us away from an awareness of our continued connection to this energy. If you feel sick, anxious or vulnerable, take a few seconds to close your eyes and pour energy from your ground into your shield. Usually, a few minutes or so is all you really need. So stay grounded, stay connected, and enjoy the abundance of energy available for your use and growth. Grounding and shielding are natural means for staying healthier and happier on our path through life.
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Re: Warding and shielding

Post by Corbin »

Wrote that up long ago and resisting like mad editing the hell out of it (only a couple of edits in I stopped myself).

Guess it shows you how much you change over the years...
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Re: Warding and shielding

Post by Firebird »

I like how you mentioned practice in this will help to act rather than react. Really important for us empathetic sort.
Really good post Corbin, no edit needed that I can tell.🤘
One thing that does help me when indoors doing the grounding, is having a large chunk of rock, an obsidian piece is nice for this.
Bb. FF
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Re: Warding and shielding

Post by Morena21 »

I am very happy to come across this. I would like to make my child and I invisible to a group of people. We are moving to a new house so I will be able to bless the place before going in. Would just like to know how you all suggest I go about this. I'd like to protect it and also protect my son when we are apart.

Thanks in advance friends.
Last edited by SpiritTalker on Thu Feb 18, 2021 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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