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Post by Kassandra »


When I received a link to this video in my email, after reading the title only, I thought it was going to be
something similar to all the "penis enlargement" and "hey there, remember me from Facebook?" spammy
e-garbage I get. I was just about to delete it, but decided to listen to the video a bit. Soon, I was of
the opinion that it has some good advice in it, so I am sharing it here. In her bubbly, Brazilian way, she
shares her own brand of Goddess wisdom.


While I'm not advocating sex during menstruation as Kika does, I do think there are some really good suggestions in this video about understanding the menstrual cycle, and what to do during that time. While she keeps bringing the motivation for greater understanding of being just to "have better sex" (probably sells more of her products or services, since "sex sells"), I would hope people watching this have the goal to learn this for the purpose of establishing better quality of life, for everyone involved. I find that people in Western cultures tend to have a perspective of Tantra out of context with its true meaning. It is part of a larger spiritual path and understanding of the universe. So, when I hear people emphasizing "sex tips," I find it kind of cheesy and tend to ignore it.

Anyway, PMS can really ruin the quality of life for a woman, so developing awareness and learning to manage it is important. Recently, a young woman gave me feedback that she now sees the logic in what I had told her a while back about "charting" her cycle, that is, marking it in some kind of calendar. Now, when it's a week prior to the start of it, she knows her thoughts and feelings are going to be exaggerated somewhat, with unexpected ups and downs. She says this has helped tremendously. She said before, when she didn't pay attention to it, it was like a roller coaster. Now she honors those thoughts and feelings, what Kika here calls "hormonal thoughts," without letting them overrun her life, as she tended to before being aware of the difference. Awareness is the key.

PMS affects guys, too. A guy I know has a fiance who is the sweetest girl, but likes to drink frequently, which tends to greatly exacerbate her PMS. She does this huge Jekyll/Hyde mood swing on him once a month. After we talked about it, he began to notice the pattern, like clockwork. He knew what to expect, and tells me now that this awareness brought a lot of peace to their relationship. So guys, pay special attention to the suggestions Kika makes about how to communicate with your women during various times on the menstrual cycle "map." Consider this "insider information"! Note especially the suggestions she makes for Days 22 through 28. It wouldn't hurt to keep a chart in your wallet, or reminders on your phone.


Part of the reason you are "more sensitive" right before your period is because you are seeing things for what they really are, and you are calling it like you see it. Because of your heightened psychic sensitivities, you are less-inclined to put on that phoney smilie face :lol: and just play along. You are much more likely to become an "oracle," a seer, and tell people what exactly is going to happen if they take a certain course of action. And you see right through people trying to lie to you, and you don't hesitate to call them on it right away. Like Kika says, this is the time when people are going to call you a bitch and whatnot. You are expressing yourself more directly than usual. I think we cry more at that time because we are on "stimuli overload," so it's important to spend time meditating daily (at least 10 mins, more if possible), so we can shake off all that extra "psychic information." Also, we can use that time to make changes in life we don't have the chutzpah to change during the other times in our cycles. Let your greater psychic insight at moontime work for you, not against you.

It was many years into my adulthood before I realized I was more psychic during that week (Days 22 through 28) than any other part of the cycle. I wish I had known that. I would get dreams, premonitions, be highly empathic and hear and feel nearly everything people around me were thinking and feeling, which as you could imagine was overwhelming, to put it mildly. OK, why put it mildly? ...it was a nightmare! I wish I had had someone around me that would have explained to me what I was experiencing. I just knew I had an urge to draw and write about what I was sensing, but I didn't know why sometimes it was more intense than others. Now I know. Kika calls it the "higher priestess time" (@ 4min: 30sec), when she feels "most powerful with my spirituality, with my way of connecting with the divine..." Having done readings for people at that time myself, I know now not to ignore any "psychic hits" at that time. And I journal whatever insights I get because they will come into play, somehow. In some Native American tribes, women would ritualistically share the psychic information they received during their moontime with the entire community.


My mom, bless her heart, must not have felt comfortable talking to me about periods. Maybe her mom never talked to her about such things, either, I don't know. The only education I got, then, was from school "sex ed" classes ...in an industrialized culture that does everything it can do to disconnect its people from their body/mind connection, and their connection to Mother Earth. However, in my opinion this ought not be the case in a community of pagans. In one of the earliest posts I made in this forum, I talked about menstruation and psychic ability, finding balance during that time, etc. in the post titled, Find Balance. The rhythm of the body is no different than the rhythms of the greater Earth, of the Universe, even. "The Wheel of the Year" is about cycles, and each of our bodies is a microcosm of the greater cosmic cycle.

Visit Kika's site here: tantricsexsecrets.com/for-women/menstruation-pms-secrets-a-map-to-best-sex.html

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Re: Why is it Important to "Map" Your Menstrual Cycle?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Wow lol she is great isn't she !

It's interesting - I actually find it easier to track my cycle by the moon instead of a calendar - if the length of your cycle is 28 days then it's dead simple. I practice a great deal of lunar magic, and I find that this practice tends to set your menstruation (or 'priestess time') to the full moon every month.

Great video, thanks for posting !
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Re: Why is it Important to "Map" Your Menstrual Cycle?

Post by Kassandra »

-Dark-Moon- wrote:Wow lol she is great isn't she !....Great video, thanks for posting !
I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's hard for women raised in Western culture to talk about their periods, or hear someone talk about it. You're beyond open-minded, lol.

-Dark-Moon- wrote:It's interesting - I actually find it easier to track my cycle by the moon instead of a calendar...I practice a great deal of lunar magic, and I find that this practice tends to set your menstruation (or 'priestess time') to the full moon every month.
I bet it does. From what I understand, that was the way it was all around the world when societies were agriculture-based, before Industrial Revolution. After that, women and girls became assembly line factory workers, and lost all sense of rhythm both with the world around them, and with their own bodies. I don't think as a whole humans have ever recovered from that, I think that though working conditions have improved, that "assembly line" mentality persists.

It wasn't just black people who were slaves
in America. There was a time when all humans
here had very little rights, and were no more
than a commodity to serve machines, to
make the rich richer. When I sit in rush hour
traffic sometimes and look around, I wonder
to myself, has that changed, really?

Anyway, I hope in future posts you could share some uses of your lunar magic with us. I don't think that's been discussed much on this message board at all. So, I would say the floor is yours, should you choose to take it... :wink:

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Re: Why is it Important to "Map" Your Menstrual Cycle?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Indeed a wonderful topic. Taboo topics always are, aren't they? I so welcome your thought provoking posts !

Eclipse Friday (my time) - you girls in the USA won't see it but yes two more coming ... Then two more after that. Ill be watching mine through my telescope. Consider me poked with a stick ;). I'll post somethin.

Regarding old mother moon in the sky - we all forgot there was a conveniently illuminated calendar device right there, didn't we ? Solar powered even, with no maintenance fees!

I agree about the dungeon-like isolation of western work life practices... Behold the human race - droning faithfully on to labyrinth-like office designs, coffin- like cars, eyes glazed, in rows, as if recently brainwashed ?... Preventing people from finding satisfying work or meaningful connections with others.... And the shadow as a metaphor for the primal self repressed by our increasingly mechanistic society.

Keep it primal, people. Your dignity and your soul are worth having.

Brightest blessings

Dark Moon.
I am that which is attained at the end of desire

Re: Why is it Important to "Map" Your Menstrual Cycle?

Post by Serafanyelle »

This is beautiful.

I've been keeping a diary of my cycles for many years and know how to use lunar birth cycles for conception/contraception.

I'll watch the video later with much interest... in the meantime a personal observation. I liken the menstrual cycle with the triple Goddess ~ I am always overloaded during PMS as that is the time of the Crone, the Crone being psychic and wise in her ways,; a challenge to manage the flow of psychic input and balance it out indeed! It is also the time of waning and aligns perfectly with what has been written in the OP. The time of the Maiden and the Mother also align with the OP and the chart shown in the video's visual above.

Regarding the lunar birth cycle ~ the age of the moon at the time of one's birth directly impacts on fertility and I am fortunate in that my birth was just before the full moon. I have been meditating for a few years in an attempt to align my lunar birth cycle with my adult menstrual cycle with mixed success. Wish me luck that I can finally balance this in the very near future.

Sincere thanks ~ brightest blessings.
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Re: Why is it Important to "Map" Your Menstrual Cycle?

Post by Kassandra »

-Dark-Moon- wrote:I agree about the dungeon-like isolation of western work life practices...
"Packed like lemmings into shiny, metal boxes, contestants in a suicidal race." I often think of that line from a song (see below) when I'm out driving in traffic.

Lemmings in shiny metal boxes.

-Dark-Moon- wrote:the shadow as a metaphor for the primal self repressed by our increasingly mechanistic society...Keep it primal, people. Your dignity and your soul are worth having.
Indeed. I think the "something" that "crawls to the surface of a dark Scottish loch" mentioned in the chorus of the song below, is that "shadow" you mention, Dark Moon, that Yin energy of a person's soul trying to come to the surface and express itself in the mundane world. When she doesn't get acknowledged in our conscious lives, whoa to us, that's all I can say! I have learned personally that it can get ugly; dishes have broken in my house over that, hahaha. She WILL have her say, if only through those dark "hormonal thoughts" Kika describes above, and you don't want that. So, it's just better to simply acknowledge her on a regular basis through rituals and Earth-honoring practices, so she doesn't build up and explode like a volcano.

If given a voice, she is kind and brings beauty and life to the outer world. That's why, I believe, divinities around the world representing the arts --singing, music, poetry, painting, are often female.

I think when we've lost the Goddess (within ourselves), we've lost it all ...the Shakti, that spiritual Yin energy on the inside that gives form and meaning to the material Yang energy on the outside. Without this balance, the outside --our material existence, becomes a mere hollow shell. Look into the eyes of those little girls in the photo earlier in this thread. Heartbreaking. While their bodies are those of 6-year-olds, their eyes are akin to those of 50-year-olds. They were little human spirits having seen and done too much, too soon. The Goddess within them was, in effect, killed.



Another suburban family morning
Grandmother screaming at the wall
We have to shout above
the din of our Rice Crispies
We can't hear anything at all

Mother chants her litany
of boredom and frustrations
But we know all her suicides are fake
[note: what made Mother bored,
frustrated and suicidal, was probably
that she didn't acknowledge her inner
needs, but "served" everybody else
around her. She will end up, most likely,
"screaming at the wall" just like Grand-
mother, suffering from Alzheimer's.
Studies show that an unstimulated mind
will contribute greatly to that condition,
no joke]

Daddy only stares into the distance
There's only so much more that he can take
[note: ...and yes, same
goes for Daddy. Goddess energy is
within both females and males.
That's why the yin/yang symbol has
the "opposing" energy/color within
both "sides" of it. Daddy was more
than just a walking paycheck for
the family; he was a soul, though
he probably never acknowledged his
own spirituality]

Many miles away something crawls from the slime at the bottom of a dark Scottish lake...

Another industrial ugly morning
The factory belches filth into the sky
He walks unhindered through
the picket lines today
He doesn't think to wonder why

The secretaries pout and preen
like cheap tarts on a red light street
But all he ever thinks to do is watch
And every single meeting
with his so-called superior
Is a humiliating kick in the crotch!

Many miles away something crawls to the surface of a dark Scottish loch....

Another working day has ended
Only the rush hour hell to face
Packed like lemmings
into shiny metal boxes
Contestants in a suicidal race

Daddy grips the wheel and stares
alone into the distance
He knows that something
somewhere has to break.
He sees the family home now
looming in the headlights
The pain upstairs that
makes his eyeballs ache

Many miles away there's a shadow on the door of a cottage on the shore of a dark Scottish lake,
many miles away...

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Re: Why is it Important to "Map" Your Menstrual Cycle?

Post by Kassandra »

Serafanyelle wrote:I've been keeping a diary of my cycles for many years and know how to use lunar birth cycles for conception/contraception...I liken the menstrual cycle with the triple Goddess...Regarding the lunar birth cycle ~ the age of the moon at the time of one's birth directly impacts on fertility...

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Re: Why is it Important to "Map" Your Menstrual Cycle?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Seraphanyelle - I have also heard a similar idea - maybe the same? - regarding conception, there is an astrological fertility technique of finding out what phase the moon was in at the time of your birth. Is this your technique? I use it as follows -

 For example, if you are born during the new moon, your fertility peak is the three days around that time.  To add biology to this - your most fertile days then become the time that the mid-cycle ovulation matches up with the natal lunar phase.

You can work out the lunar phase from your natal chart by counting the degrees that the Moon is ahead of the Sun. There are also calculators online.

Apparently men are most fertile when the moon is in his birth sign ... I've never used this idea before though.

The only sure fire way I've found to move my cycle is by living in a house with women who have synced cycles. Do you know of others?

Dark Moon
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Re: Why is it Important to "Map" Your Menstrual Cycle?

Post by Firebird »

I used to call this the creative zone...
Kassandra wrote: wish I had had someone around me that would have explained to me what I was experiencing. I just knew I had an urge to draw and write about what I was sensing
This thread is great Kassandra...thanks for posting, I think if more women had a better grip on their moon-time they would be happier, instead so many spend hours moaning and bitching about their period. Once you understand it FULLY...and embrace it and honor it, then the spiritual connection comes into play.

I really wish information like this was out there when my generation was young, would have saved years of misery!
And Kassandra... you mention our Mothers not speaking of this, and mine was the same...I think I got a little booklet from her, as she told me it was more than her Mom had done...her Mom didn't tell her a thing, so when she started, she thought she was dying.

Funny, for years I moaned and cried and was a crazy person 3 weeks out of a month, once I mapped my cycle and began to honor the blood, I suffered so much less...now that I am beyond the moon-time, I actually kinda miss it.

Blessed be the women who bleed, Firebird
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Re: Why is it Important to "Map" Your Menstrual Cycle?

Post by Serafanyelle »

-Dark-Moon- wrote:For example, if you are born during the new moon, your fertility peak is the three days around that time.  To add biology to this - your most fertile days then become the time that the mid-cycle ovulation matches up with the natal lunar phase.

You can work out the lunar phase from your natal chart by counting the degrees that the Moon is ahead of the Sun. There are also calculators online.

Apparently men are most fertile when the moon is in his birth sign ...
Bingo! That's exactly how it works.

Lunarium.com.uk is a brilliant online tool to track moon phases (as well as moon void of course for magickal workings) :D
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Re: Why is it Important to "Map" Your Menstrual Cycle?

Post by Kassandra »

Serafanyelle wrote:
-Dark-Moon- wrote:For example, if you are born during the new moon, your fertility peak is the three days around that time...Apparently men are most fertile when the moon is in his birth sign ...
Bingo! That's exactly how it works...Lunarium.com.uk is a brilliant online tool to track moon phases (as well as moon void of course for magickal workings) :D
Fascinating. Thanks for sharing this info.

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Re: Why is it Important to "Map" Your Menstrual Cycle?

Post by Kassandra »

firebirdflys wrote: I used to call this the creative zone...
I like that! (I had to highlight that term). Yeah, there were certain times when odd juxtapositions of images would just come to my mind, so I would draw and paint them. And then other times I'd try to make them come, and I'd get nothing. It was a long time before I made the connection between menstrual hormones and enhanced creative ability. Once I "got" that, my periods became a blessing I looked forward to. Get the paints ready!

Also, around that time of the month I would write what I called, "Pronouncements," statements of what was going to happen to people and situations around me. I have a litany of these written in my old journals. It wasn't wise to let me get liquor in my system at that time of the month; I'd come down with a bad case of Psychic Tourette's Syndrome, and begin brandishing unsolicited "pronouncements" at everybody. Alcohol shortcircuits our inhibitions (i.e., it literally dulls our frontal lobe activity), and one could start saying and doing exactly whatever comes to mind with no "common sense filter." I learned it's not good to drink when one is PMS-ing, lol (I don't drink at all anymore, for that matter).

firebirdflys wrote:... you mention our Mothers not speaking of this, and mine was the same...I think I got a little booklet from her, as she told me it was more than her Mom had done...
My (Japanese) mom couldn't even read English. I didn't get no booklet...hey, now I want a little booklet!! That's not fair. :wink: All I got when I was suffering from menstrual cramps was a lecture about how hard the war was when the Americans were bombing, how my mom had to sew parachutes for the military when she was only 9 years old, how women and girls didn't have time to whine like lazy, spoiled American girls do today about trivial things like menstrual cramps, etc. Then she'd say, "You got to have gaman! Now, get up and go to school." That, in essence, was my entire menstrual education from my mother. I mean, that was it. It was like being Karake Kid raised by a female "Mr. Miyagi."

I would have rathered the little booklet any day, lol.

firebirdflys wrote:Blessed be the women who bleed, Firebird
Here, here. May they manage to undo and break free of the mind-control conditioning of paternalistic religions/governments/educational systems (so-called) of the world today that try to kill the Goddess by brainwashing women and girls into believing menstruation is some kind of "curse." And may those women and girls learn the true beauty and utter magic of their bodies, their natural psychic abilities, and their unique and important roles in the divine cycles of energy in the Universe.

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Re: Why is it Important to "Map" Your Menstrual Cycle?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Serafanyelle - thanks for the link !!!! Great site.
" And may those women and girls learn the true beauty and utter magic of their bodies, their natural psychic abilities, and their unique and important roles in the divine cycles of energy in the Universe.
Here here.

This morning after the eclipse I pulled the card 'cycles' - moonstone' (Crystal ally cards). The message was this -

"Each cycle that we complete takes us one level higher on the great spiral. With each cycle our wisdom, understanding and our self knowledge is increased. Moonstone asks us to celebrate the milestones and rites of passage that each new cycle brings. Just as the moon herself grows full and wanes, so do aspects of our lives."

The lunar eclipse this morning right before sunrise was beautiful. It was the only one I have seen before sunrise to date, but then every one is different. It was so quick - to see the Mother transform to Crone and then awakened again by the Sun God as the light of the sunrise dissipated the Crone, with the birds dawn song. And the transformational healing energy of full moon in Scorpio. Make of it what you will.

Happy full moon, everyone.

Dark moon
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Re: Why is it Important to "Map" Your Menstrual Cycle?

Post by Kassandra »


-Dark-Moon- wrote:...This morning after the eclipse I pulled the card 'cycles' - moonstone'...The message was this - "Each cycle that we complete takes us one level higher on the great spiral. With each cycle our wisdom, understanding and our self knowledge is increased. Moonstone asks us to celebrate the milestones and rites of passage that each new cycle brings. Just as the moon herself grows full and wanes, so do aspects of our lives."...The lunar eclipse...was so quick - to see the Mother transform to Crone and then awakened again by the Sun God as the light of the sunrise dissipated the Crone, with the birds dawn song. And the transformational healing energy of full moon in Scorpio...Happy full moon, everyone.
Ooo, wonderful reading, Dark Moon, a reading for us all. Fits in nicely with the theme of this thread, too. Love it. : )

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I watched a bit of the video, then my iPad froze up. I noticed that wheel she has of mentration and ovulation times. .. I guess I'm turning into a crone.. My cycles were ..WERE very by the book. I will be 38 in a few months. My cycles, for the past 2 years have been ANYTHING but regular. I went to that "special" doc women have to see if anything was wrong, and I had to get 2 more "tests" because it came back irregular again, and again. Then.. All the sudden, it came back normal. However, my cycles were still waaaay off.

Am I going crazy..or am I going menopause?
By the way, I was born a nervous wreck, doc says anxiety issues can change your cycles. But what about before, when they were normal? I am too young to be a crone. Not that I mind that phase of life... I just heard it came..later.
Good grief if life came with a manual this would be easier for me! Lol

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