My Spirit Guide never comes

Discussion about spirit guides, angels, guardian spirits, and the like.
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Re: My Spirit Guide never comes

Post by astralsolitaire »

Sometimes they can't reveal themselves or speak to you or directly interfere. When I was younger I had a woman, she was middle aged looked like she was from the 1800's who broke that rule and she was removed from me then (she may be back in the shadows). Now I mainly have an old butler or woodsman type man. He slapped him upside the head with his energy last month because I was on a rampage of interference. He often has to with my bright ideas. He also comes in my dreams in one form or another. I've also seen two young looking men, one of whom I woke up (sleeping on the job). They sometimes change or go away as our lives progress. If you don't hear anything try using empathy or picture clairvoyance to feel or see the answers, they don't always speak.
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Re: My Spirit Guide never comes

Post by DPhoenix »

Maybe your spirit guide is an animal. Mine is the raven. When I listen closely to a Raven caw I can hear the wisdom & medicine it's giving me. Other animal spirits come to me to teach me things I need to learn.

How often do you get out into nature? I would recommend you sit outside and meditate. Stretch out your senses and just listen, don't speak. Don't worry about your spirit guide for now, just listen to what the animals, trees, elements, Goddess and God have to teach you. If you need help your spirit guide isn't the only one who can help you but no one can help you if you don't quiet your mind and peacefully listen.

I wish you the best! Goddess bless! <3
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