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Re: Alura's Book of Shadows

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Seasonal Moons of the Lunar Calendar

January: Wolf Moon
The Wolf Moon, also known as the Cold, Snow or Winter Moon, is a time of protection and strength. While it is the first full Moon of the calendar year, in terms of nature it occurs in the middle of the cold winter season, a season of death and desolation. The Wolf Moon can be seen as a time of both beginnings and endings. This is the time to start considering what you want to plan for the spring. You can do magick so that as the spring approaches your magickal goal will grow closer and closer to fruition.

February: Storm Moon
The Storm Moon, also known as the Death or Quickening Moon, is a time to do magick for fertility and strength. For most people in the Northern Hemisphere, February is a time of storms and bleak, short days. In the olden days, it was a time of true hardship.
This is a good time to do magick to help you face life's challenges. You could do a spell to help you with a particularly challenging project at school or at work. you could concentrate on the idea of weathering the storm and giving yourself the extra stamina to succeed. This is also a time of cleansing, both internally and externally. As such, it's a great time to rid of physical things you don't need and any mental or emotional baggage you might be hauling around with you, too.

March: Chaste Moon
Also known as the Seed or Worm Moon, the Chaste Moon is a time to plant mental seeds-thoughts of success and hope. This is also a time of purity and newness. It's the time to bless the magickal herbs and plants in your garden and to start preparing the soil for the seeds that you will plant. It's also the time to mentally prepare yourself for new experiences, a new job, a new class, pregnancy, taking a trip or bringing a new animal into your home.

April: Seed Moon
The Seed Moon signals a time of fertility, growth and wisdom. This Moon is also know as the Egg, Grass or Wind Moon. This is the time to sow the seeds of magick. If you are planting a magickal garden, you want to get out there now and put things into the earth. This is the time to move from the planning phase into action. If you want to get pregnant, this is a great time to go for it. Fertility is in the air. This is also the time to bring that new kitten home, if that is what you have been planning. And it's a great time to empower some seeds to do Earth magic.

May: Hare Moon
The Hare Moon, also known as the Flower or planting Moon, is a time of health, love, romance and wisdom. This is a great time to plant the seeds that you have empowered. As the seeds begin to grow, the energy you have filled them with will start to manifest in your life. It's also a great time to rekindle the romantic spark and passion in a relationship. If you've been working magick to help your career, now will probably be the time to decide which of your job offers to accept. And you might want to do some divination magick to help you make that decision.

June: Lover's Moon
Also known as the Strawberry or Rose Moon, the Lover's Moon brings with it energy for love, marriage and success. Is it any wonder that in some traditions this Moon is called Honey Moon? This is a time to nurture your garden and marvel at its beauty and abundance. If you have taken that new job, now is the time to make sure you have everything running smoothly. And you might want to keep your eyes open to see how you can move into a more desirable position.

July: Mead Moon
The Mead Moon, also known as the Blessing, Lightning or Thunder Moon, is a time of enchantment, health, rebirth, success and strength. This is the time of the first harvests, when you begin to enjoy the fruits of your labors. this is also a time of celebration and magick. Remember that mead is the nectar of the Gods. Now is the time to gather your magickal herbs and do some prosperity magick so you get that raise you've worked so hard for.

August: Wyrt Moon
The Wyrt Moon, also known as the Wort, Barley, Corn or Red Moon, is a time of abundance, agriculture, and marriage. (Wryt is the Old English word for "plant" or "herb". Our word wort -as in St. John's wort, the popular mood-enhancing herb- comes from this Old English root. So a Wyrt Moon is also a Plant or Herb Moon.) This is the time to collect your magickal herbs and store them for the winter or share them with others. Remember to give an offering back to the Goddess for her generosity. At this time of year, you might want to do magick to help someone else reap the benefits of the earth's abundance. (With that person's permission, of course!) This is also a good time to make a move at work for that higher-level position. If you have become pregnant, this is the time to concentrate your energies on having a healthy pregnancy.
*** August 17 is the Festival of Diana, the ancient Roman goddess of fertility, hunting and the Moon. Some witches celebrate this date with feasting, ritual, and magickal doings.

September: Harvest Moon
Also known as the Barley or Hunter's Moon, the Harvest Moon is a time of protection, prosperity and abundance. This is the time of year when the grains are being harvested, and it is a good time for magick involving your prosperity, abundance and the nurturing of others. If you have had a long illness, this is the time to finally come back to full health again. This is also the time to obtain that higher-paying position at work. The energy of the Harvest Moon will help along any magick that is geared to bring you or someone else abundance.

October: Blood Moon
The Blood Moon is sometimes called the Falling Leaf or Hunter's Moon. It is a Moon of new goals, protection, resolution and spirituality. The night of the Blood Moon is a great time for divination of any kind. At this time of year, all of nature is making ready for the winter. Animals that hibernate are gathering the last scraps of food. Birds are heading south. In human societies, this used to be the time when we turned from agriculture to the hunt as our means of sustenance. This is the time to reflect on what you did during the year and to evaluate your accomplishments.
You also want to check to see how you will survive the coming months. If your work is seasonal, you might want to do some magick to find other ways to support yourself. If you work outdoors, do magick to help you survive the cold. You also want to check on things that are important to your safety. How are the tires on your car? And what about that smoke alarm in the kitchen? Because the (non-Wiccan) holiday season is fast approaching, you also may want to do some work to remove stress and negative energy from your surroundings.

November: Snow Moon
The Snow moon is also known as the Beaver, Mourning or Tree Moon. This is a good time to work with abundance, prosperity and the bonds of family and friendship. This is also an excellent time to use divination to get an idea of what is up ahead. Remind yourself that although winter is coming, it will not last forever. Do what you can to reduce your stress and to strengthen your bonds with family and friends. Back before the advent of grocery stores and central heating, people really counted on those bonds, which could be the difference between making it through the winter or perishing. So know who is really there for you, and count your blessings.

December: Oak Moon
Also known as the Cold or Long Night Moon, the Oak Moon is a time for hope and healing. This time of year the Moon has reign over the earth, because there are more hours of night that day. Our thoughts turn to rebirth of the light and the longer days that are promised after the winter solstice. This is the time of year to finish something you have worked hard on and to make sure that the task is truly completed, all the details dealt with. It's also a great time to let go of old patterns or problems and start anew. Let go of the negative and let the light of longer days shine inside you. Working with children in a nurturing way can be very rewarding and healing under this Moon.
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Re: Alura's Book of Shadows

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Miscellaneous Useful Information
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Most Useful items for the Cook

Aluminum Foil- Bakes a perfect pie crust – Soften brown sugar – Decorate a cake and create special shaped pie pans. – Keep rolls and bread warm – Make an extra-large salad bowl – Make a toasted cheese sandwich with an iron.

Apples- Keep a roast chicken moist and cakes fresh – Ripened green tomatoes – Fluff up hardened brown sugar – Absorb excess salt in soups.

Baking Soda- Clean fruits and vegetables – Remove fish smells – Reduce the acidity of coffee and tomato-based sauces – Reduces the gas-producing properties of beans – Make fluffy omelets – Replace yeast

Coffee Filters – Cover food in microwave – Filter cork crumbs from wine or food remnants from cooking oil – Hold a taco, ice cream bar or ice pop

Ice Cube Trays- Freeze eggs, pesto, chopped vegetables and herbs, chicken soup-even leftover wine- for future use.

Lemons- Prevent potatoes from turning brown or rice from sticking – Keep guacamole green – Make soggy lettuce crisp – Freshen the fridge and cutting boards

Paper Towels- Microwave bacon, clean corn, and strain broth – Keep vegetables crisp and vegetable bin clean – Prevent soggy bread and rusty pots.

Plastic Bags- Cover a cookbook – Bag hands to answer phone – Crush graham crackers – Use as mixing bowl or salad spinner – Ripen fruit

Rubber Bands- keep spoons from sliding into bowls – Secure casserole lids for travel – Anchor a cutting board – Get a better grip on twist-off lids and glasses.

Salt- Prevent grease from splattering – Speed cooking – Shell hard-boiled eggs or pecans easier – Test eggs for freshness and poach eggs perfectly – Wash spinach better – Keep salad crisp – Revive wrinkled apples and stop cut fruit from browning – Use to whip cream; Beat eggs, and keep milk fresh – Prevent mold on cheese.

Sandwich and Freezer Bags- Store grater with cheese – Make a pastry bag – Dispose of cooking oil – Color cookie dough – Keep ice cream from forming crystals – Soften marshmallows, melt chocolate, and save soda – Grease pans.

Toothpicks- Make steaks for doneness – Retrieve garlic cloves from marinade – Prevent pots from boiling over – Microwave potatoes faster – Limit salad dressing – Fry sausages better.

Most Useful Items for Cleaning

Ammonia- Clean carpets, upholstery, ovens, fireplace doors, windows, porcelain fixtures, crystal, jewelry, and white shoes – Remove tarnish and stains – Fight mildew – Strip floor wax.

Baking Soda- Clean baby bottles, thermoses, cutting boards, appliances, sponges and towels, coffeemakers, teapots, cookware, and fixtures – Clear clogged drains – Deodorize garbage pails – Boost dishwashing liquid or make your own – Remove stains – Shine jewelry, stainless steel, chrome, and marble. – Wash wallpaper and remove crayon – Remove must.

Borax- Clear a clogged drain – Remove stains – Clean windows and mirrors – Remove mildew from fabrics – Sanitize your garbage disposal – Eliminate urine odor.

Fabric Softener Sheets- Lift burned-on food – Freshen drawers – Remove soap scum – Repel dust from TV screen – Freshen hampers and wastebaskets – Buff chrome – Keep dust off blinds – Renew stuffed toys.

Lemons- Get rid of tough stains on marble – Polish metals – Clean the microwave – Deodorize cutting boards, fridge, and garbage disposal.

Rubbing Alcohol- Clean fixtures, venetian blinds, windows, and phones – Remove hair spray from mirrors – Prevent ring around the collar – Remove ink stains.

Salt- Clean vases, discolored glass, flowerpots, artificial flowers, percolators, refrigerator, woks, and wicker – Give brooms long life – Ease fireplace or flour cleanup, make metal polish – Remove wine and grease from carpet, water marks from wood, and lipstick from glasses – Restore a sponge – Freshen the garbage disposal – Remove baked-on food – Soak up oven spills – Remove stains from pans and clean cast iron.

Toothpaste- Clean piano keys and sinks – Polish metal and jewelry – Deodorize baby bottles – Remove ink or lipstick from fabric, crayon from walls, and water marks from furniture.

Vinegar- Cleans blinds, bricks, tile, paneling, carpets, piano keys, computers, appliances, and cutting boards – Clean china, crystal, glassware, coffee makers, and cookware – Banish kitchen grease – Deodorize drains and closets – Polish metal – Erase ballpoint pen marks – Remove water rings and wax from furniture – Revitalize leather – Clean fixtures and purge bugs.

WD-40- Remove carpet stains and floor scuffs – Remove tea and tomato stains – Clean toilet bowls – Condition leather furniture – Clean a chalkboard – Remove marker and crayon from walls.

Most Useful Items for Storage

Baby Wipes Containers- Organize sewing supplies, recipes cards, coupons, craft supplies, old floppy disks, small tools, photos, receipts, bills, and more – Store plastic shopping bags – Store towels and rags.

Bottles- Store sugar – Store small workshop items – Use as a boot tree – Make a bag or string dispenser

Cans- Compartmentalize your tool pouch with juice cans – Make a desk organizer – Create pigeonholes or store silverware, nails, office supplies, and other odd ends – Drill holes in it as a design for candle holders.

Candy Tins- Make an emergency sewing kit – Store broken jewelry – Make a birthday keepsake – Prevent jewelry chain tangles – Organize a sewing box – Store car fuses – Keep earrings together – Store workshop items.

Cardboard Boxes- Make magazine holders from detergent boxes – Make a home-office in box – Store hoes, rakes, and other long-handled garden tools – Protect glassware or light bulbs – Store posters and artwork – Store Christmas ornaments – Organize dowels, moldings, furring strips, and metal rods.

Cardboard Tubes- Store knitting needles and fabric scraps – Keep Christmas lights tidy – Preserve kids’ artwork, important documents, and posters – Keep linens crease-free, pants wrinkle-free, and electrical cords tangle-free. – Protect fluorescent lights – Store sting.

Clothespins- Keep snacks fresh – Organize workshop, kitchen, bathroom, and closets – Keep gloves in shape

Coffee Cans- Make a kids’ bank – Hold kitchen scraps – Carry toilet paper when camping – Store screws, nuts, and nails – Organize and store belts – Collect pocket stuff in laundry

Egg Cartons- Store and sort coins – Organize buttons, safety pins, threads, bobbins, and fasteners – Store golf balls or Christmas ornaments – Make a mini starter garden

Film Canisters- Make a stamp dispenser or a sewing kit – Organize pills – Store fishing flies – Carry change for tolls – Stash jewelry at the gym – Carry dressings, cooking spices, and condiments – Carry nail polish remover.

Pantyhose- Store wrapping paper – Bundle blankets – Store onions or flower bulbs

Plastic Bags- Store wipes – Collect used clothes – Protect clothes – Store skirts – Keep purses in shape

Sandwich and Freezer Bags- Store breakable – Save sweater – Create a sachet – Add cedar to a closet – Make a pencil bag – De-clutter the bath

Most Useful Items for Quick Repairs

Adhesive Tape- Remove broken window glass safely – Hang caulk tubes for storage – Get a better grip on tools

Aluminum Foil- Make flexible funnel for hard-to-reach places – Reflect light for photography – Reattach vinyl floor – Make an artist’s palette – Prevent paint from skinning over – Line roller pans and keep paint off doorknobs

Baking Soda- Clean car battery terminals and remove tar from car – Use as a walkway de-icer – Tighten cane chair seats – Give deck a weathered look – Clean air conditioner filters – Keep humidifier odor-free.

Basters- Cure musty air conditioner – Transfer paints and solvents – Fix leaky refrigerator

Bottles- Make a neater paint bucket – Store paints – Make a workshop organizer – Use as a level – Make an anchor for weighting tarps and patio umbrellas.

Bubble Pack- Prevent toilet tank condensation – Insulate windows – Cushion work surface and protect tools

Buckets- Hold pain and supplies when painting on a ladder and use lids to contain paint drips – Make stilts for painting ceiling – Organize extension cords – Soak your saw to clean – Use as a Christmas tree stand

Cardboard Boxes- Make a temporary roof repair – Protect fingers while hammering small nails – Make an oil drip pan – Identify fluid leaking from your car – Make a bed tray – Make an in-box – Organize workshop – Keep upholstery tacks straight.

Clothespins- Clamp thin objects – Make a clipboard – Grip a nail to protect fingers – Float paintbrushes in solvent.

Duct Tape- Temporarily fix a car taillight or water hose – Repair siding – Make a short-term roof shingle – Create a clothesline – Stash a secret car key – Patch a canoe – Repair a garbage can.

Garden Hose- Protect handsaw – Make a rounded sanding block – Make a paint-can grip
Plastic Bags- Protect ceiling fan when painting ceiling – Store paintbrushes – Contain paint overspray

Vinegar- Wash concrete off skin – Remove paint fumes – Degrease grates, fans, and air-conditioner grilles – Disinfect filters – Help paint adhere to concrete – Remove rust from tools – Peel off wallpaper – Slow plaster hardening – Revive Hardened paintbrushes.

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Mosquito and other Insect Bites: Saturate a clean cloth with white or cider vinegar or rubbing alcohol, and dab bites. A few drops of ammonia or a generous dab of chest rub applied directly to the bite (not bleeding or open sores) will also quell itching.

Chigger Bites: Soothe itching with a saltwater soak; then coat the rash with vegetable oil or lard.

Poison ivy or poison oak: Apply a paste of 3 tsp. baking soda and 1 tsp. water to the rash. Vinegar also takes the sting out.

Athlete’s Foot: Soak the affected foot in a saltwater footbath. Dust feet, socks, and shoes with baking soda and ½ tsp. water; rub between toes and leave for about 15 minutes. Rinsing feet with undiluted cider vinegar three or four times daily will also calm itching.

Itchy Sunburn: Make a lotion of 1 part powdered milk, 2 parts water, and a couple pinches of salt, and dab on burned areas. Or treat sunburn with strong green tea.

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Fat Catchers

For getting fat out of your food:

1. Float a large lettuce leaf on the surface and it will draw the fat right in. Repeat the process with fresh leaves as necessary.
2. Float two or three ice cubes on the surface and you’ll soon see fat globules clinging to them. Scoop the cubes out (before they melt!) and continue cooking your now healthful food.
3. Strip an uncooked egg white onto the simmering soup or stew or sauce. Left alone for a few minutes, it will absorb the fat as it cooks; simply scoop out the solidified egg white with a slotted spoon, and discard it.
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Re: Alura's Book of Shadows

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Re: Alura's Book of Shadows

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Re: Alura's Book of Shadows

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Crystals- How, What and Correspondences

How to use Crystals, What can Crystals Do

Many people collect tumbled stones, crystals and gems because of their metaphysical properties and the multiple ways they can be used. Some simply place their stones around the house, use as energy tools, always working to benefit themselves and others through stone energy.

When using tumbled stones and crystals in your environment, the easiest thing is to pick some stones that you feel drawn to and place them around your home and work area. By doing this you can create a positive, healing vibration in your space. You can add any other stones to enhance the environmental energies further, depending on your needs and desires. Some individuals place protection stones at the openings of their homes, while others concentrate their collections in a meditation room or personal altar. People in difficult work environments often place a stone on their desks which can transform negative energies. Outdoors, you can place stones at the property boundaries or in a grid pattern around the house, garden or meditation area. All these ways can benefit and affect a persons day-to-day experience, and also those who enter your space.

When holding and carrying tumbled stones and crystals most people have a selection of stones that they can select from, according to the needs of the day. One of the best ways to choose a stone is to pick it up and hold it for a few moments, paying attention to the changes in your energies and feelings while doing so. At other times, you may choose to simply hold a particular stone for a few moments, or however long it takes to receive what you need energetically. Both holding and carrying stones has the effect of bringing their vibrations into your auric field, allowing you to feel and benefit from the modified energies.

Wearing stones in pouches or in a form or jewelry is another way of holding and carrying stones. You can wear them in medicine pouches or incorporate them into jewelry pieces. Both of these ways have been used for many centuries. One advantage of pouches and jewelry pieces is that they allow you to incorporate combinations of stones which work together to produce the desired effects. One of the most popular jewelry designs is a chakra pendant, which consists of vertically aligned array of seven stones, corresponding to the seven chakras, or energy centers, running from the base of the spine to the top of the head. This can help keep you balanced, focused and energized through long hours that entail many interactions with different people. Other jewelry or pouch combinations might include success stones, protection stones, healing stones, love energy stones, prosperity stones and so on. In many cases it seems not to matter whether you work with a pouch or a jewelry piece. Wondering if a ring would work as well as a pendant, in most cases it does. The important thing is for the stone or stones to be in your auric field. For example when a person is using stones to heal or open the heart, the proximity of the stones to the area of focus can be beneficial. By the same token, healers may find certain gemstone rings to be particularly helpful when they are channeling energies through their hands.

Meditating with stones might be the single best way to learn and to feel crystal energies. Hold a stone or several stones during meditation. In meditation, you will work to gently clear the mind of thought and enter a state of positive receptive energy. Many of the serenity-inducing stones, such as Angelite, Celestite, Lithium, Jade and Lepidolite can help one achieve this state. Other stones which you may choose for purposes of shifting consciousness, healing, or activating specific energy centers in the body or aura will have their strongest effects during meditation. This is because meditation quiets the mind and allows new influences to enter our consciousness. During meditation the stones will feel stronger, not only because one is able to pay closer attention to the subtle changes, but also because the state of openness allows for more pronounced effects. You are encouraged to explore the higher worlds through whatever minerals call out to you. Such stones as Calcite, Celestite, Herkimer and others are powerful tools for making it easier for a visionary experience, out of body travel and other openings to the higher dimensions.

Dreaming is another way we all move into other realms of consciousness. Because dreams have the ability to alter the pattern of your energy field, many crystals and minerals can powerfully affect your dream state-bringing more frequent and vivid dreams, containing spiritual guidance, dreams of visitations from departed loved ones, lucid dreams, astral travel and other types of out-of-body experiences. Angel Quartz, Apatite, Herkimer, Green Jade and Picture Jasper, Rhondonite, Smoky Quartz, Stilbite, Sugilite for example can be taped to the forehead or tucked into the pillowcase, they will almost always facilitate-extremely vivid dreams of high spiritual content, even for people who insist they never dream. Herkimer Diamonds increase the visionary quality of dreams and can make people dream in color. Angelite, Celestite and Opal can uplift your dream scenes to the angelic realms. Just slip the appropriate stone into your pillowcase and see where you go. Be sure to keep a dream journal.

Body Layout is the art of laying stones on the body for healing and is said to be an ancient practice. Modern healers have a much wider array of stones available to them than at any other time in recorded history. Typically, body layouts involve one person lying on a massage table or bed while a friend or practitioner places stones upon the body, often at the chakra points, meridian lines, or near the organs you may wish to affect. Sometimes a body layout can be as simple as a chakra-attunement array, consisting of one or more stones at each of the seven chakra points, with each stone chosen because of its affinity with that particular chakra. However, body layouts offer perhaps the greatest opportunity to experience the complex interplay of multiple stone energies and they are limited only by your imagination and inner guidance. Stone arrays can be created to focus on physical or emotional healing, energy purification and cleansing, psychic protection, spirituality, astral travel or any number of other purposes. The practitioner or friend may simply lay the stones on the body and leave while they do their work, or she may help bring about the movement of energies through other methods.

Grids are patterns of various crystals and stones laid out for mutual enhancement of their energies and the energies of the surrounded space. Laying crystals around your body for healing, around your bed or to protect your house. Most often, they are laid out in symmetrical geometric patterns, the most popular one being hexagonal, because it mirrors the structure of Quartz and many other minerals. A small grid only a few inches in diameter, perhaps surrounding a picture of yourself or of someone you wish to help, can be constructed on an altar or tabletop. A grid for sitting or reclining meditation can be arranged on the floor of a room in your home. Bigger grids can be built which encompass your house, yard or even a large area of land. The most frequently used grids are those made for one person to sit or lie within for meditation and-or healing. Combining one of these grids with a stone body layout can provide a powerful energy environment.

Energy tools are created when one or more stones are attached to one another for the purpose of blending and or magnifying their energies. Tools of this type may or may not involve other materials or devices such as copper wire, glass tubing, magnets etc. A simple energy tool could be a large Quartz Generator crystal which someone has glued a smaller stone; the Quartz Generator will amplify the vibrations of the smaller stone. Selenite is another focuser and magnifier of other stones that are attached to it. Follow your own inspirations and create a new tool to serve your awakening.

You can make your own infused oils and essences. Stone energies can be blended with essential oils or infused in water solutions to make essences. In both cases, the vibrational energies of the stones are taken on by the oil or water. If this interests you please seek out information, and be sure not to utilize any toxic stones or substances.

Magical Correspondences


Moss Agate, Amber, Green Aventurine, Citrine, Jade, Malachite, Peridot, Tiger Eye, Blue Tiger Eye

Amethyst, Kunzite, Black Onyx, Smoky Quartz, Sugilite

Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, Chrysacolla, Brecciated Jasper, Rock Quartz

ANGELS-To Draw To Wearer:
Angelite, Celestite, Chariote, Seraphinite


ANIMALS-Healing For Pets:
Dalmatian Jasper, Rock Quartz, Rose Quartz

Citrine, Howlite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Mother of Pearl, Smoky Quartz, Tiger Eye

Crystal Quartz

Celestite, Kyanite, Selenite

Aqua Aura, Leopard Skin Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Selenite, Black Tourmaline

Aventurine, Larimar, Moonstone, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Sodalite

Calcite, Hematite, Moonstone

Bloodstone, Quartz

Fluorite, Kyanite, Quartz

Chrysoprase, Kyanite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Phrenite, Quartz

Angelite, Celestite, Kyanite, Sodalite, Most blue gemstones are associated with throat chakra,

Agate, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Diamond, Tiger Eye, Turquoise

CRYSTAL CLEARING-Clearing Discordant Energy From Other Stones:
Citrine, Kyanite, Lithium Quartz, Selenite, Black Tourmaline

Lave, Onyx, Sapphire

Bloodstone, Carnelian, Chrysophase, Hematite, Larimar, Lepidiolite, Lithium Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Tiger Eye

DIETING: Apatite

Hematite, Jet, Moonstone, Tigers Eye

DREAMS-To Induce or Remember:
Amethyst, Azurite, Celestite, Red Jasper, Labradorite, Moonstone

Beryl, Bloodstone, Citrine, All Jaspers, Picture Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Cherry Quartz, Rhodocrosite, Tiger Eye, Turquoise

Amber, Aventurine, Chrysocolla, Larimar, Malachite, Moonstone, Snowflake Obsidian, Tourmalated Quartz

Amber, Amethyst, Carnelian, Citrine, Garnet, Cherry Quartz, Rock Quartz, Tourmalated Quartz, Tiger Eye, Turquoise

FEAR-To Dispel:
Agates, Amethyst, Angelite, Carnelian, Charoite, Citrine, Coral, Diamonds, Fluorite, Hematite, Moonstone, Peridot, Quartz, Ruby, Sunstone, Tiger Eye,

Agates, Hematite, Kunzite, Malachite, Obsidian, Black Onyx, Pearl, Tiger Eye

Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Peridot, Sapphire, Tourmalines, Pink Tourmaline, Turquoise


Agate, Moss Agate, Amber, Amethyst, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Diamond, Fluorite, Malachite, Moldavite, Peridot, Crystal Quartz, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Sugilite

Blue Agates, Carnelian, Garnet

Charoite, Kyanite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Phrenite, Sugilite

Agate, Pink Lace Agate, Amber, Amethyst, Emerald, Garnet, Jade, Ocean Jasper, Malachite, Moonstone, Opal, Pearl, Green Quartz, Rhodocrosite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Topaz, Pink Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline

Tree Agate-Merlinite, Amber, Aventurine, Green Aventurine-wear in left pocket for money and luck, Copper, Emerald, All Garnets, Jade, Jaspers, Jet, Moonstone, Snowflake Obsidian, Opal, Pearl, Yellow Sapphire, Tigers Eye, Blue Tiger Eye, Turquoise

Amber, Bloodstone, Jet, Malachite, Merlinite-Dendritic, Tree Agate, Moonstone, Opal, Quartz Crystal, Ruby

Ametrine, Amber, Green Garnet, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Prehnite, Rhodonite, Ruby in Zoisite, Sapphire, Selenite for past lives,

Aventurine, Emerald, Zircon

Aventurine, Bloodstone, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Emerald, Jade, Pearl, Peridot, Green Quartz-Chloride Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tigers Eye, Topaz

Carnelian, Red Jasper, Rock Quartz

Apatite, Chrysoprase, Diamonds, Hematite, Rose Quartz

Amber, Citrine, Garnet, Lapis Lazuli, Obsidian, Tourmalated Quartz, Selenite, Sugilite, Black Tourmaline

Green Calcite, Obsidian, Hematite, Jet, Ruby

Aquamarine, Aventurine, Beryl, Cat's Eye

Carnelian, Magnetic Hematite, Lapis Lazuli, Magnetite, Malachite, Rock Quartz, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Ruby, Sardonyx, Sugilite, Turquoise


Amethyst, Aquamarine, Green Aventurine, Blue Chalcedony, Diamond, Jade, Ocean Jasper, Larimar, Malachite, Moonstone, Mother of Pearl, Pearl, Peridot, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Turquoise

Beryl, Tiger Eye, Red Zircon

Malachite, Moonstone, Smoky Quartz

Amber, Carnelian, Citrine, Quartz Crystals, Tiger Iron

Moss Agate, Amber, Green Aventurine, Citrine, Green Garnet, Jade, Jet, Malachite, Peridot, Green Quartz, Silver, Tiger Eye, Turquoise

Agate, Amber, Carnelian, Crystal Quartz, Diamond, Emerald, Jade, Jasper, Malachite, Moonstone, Onyx, Ruby, Tigers Eye, Topaz, Turquoise

PSYCHIC POWERS: Amethyst, aqua aura, Beryl, celestite, copper, Emerald, Brecciated Jasper, kyanite, lapis lazuli, Labradorite, malachite, moldavite, moonstone, obsidian, opal, phrenite, quartz, silver, seraphinite,


Red Jasper, Larimar, Cherry Quartz, Sodalite

Aventurines, Diamonds, Garnet, Rhodonite, Tiger Eye

Amethyst, Carnelian, Garnet, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Rhodocrosite, Watermelon Tourmaline

Hematite, Lepidolite, Lithium Quartz, Tiger Eye

Amethyst-under foot of bed, Aventurine, Fluorite, Hematite, Howlite, Lapis Lazuli, Lithium Quartz, Moonstone, Peridot, Sapphire, Sodalite, Topaz

Chevron Amethyst, Fluorite, Kyanite, Moss Agate, Black Onyx, Sodalite

Amethyst, Angelite, Celestite, Charoite, Diamond, Brecciated Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Moldavite, Quartz, Seraphinite, Sugilite, Blue Topaz

Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Mother of Pearl, Biwa Pearl, Coin Pearl, Rhodocrosite, Tourmalines, Turquoise

Amazonite, Green Aventurine, Citrine, Green Garnet, Green Jade, Marble, Green Quartz

amazonite, aquamarine, carnelian, celestite, copper, dumortierite

aventurine, rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodocrosite


celestite, kyanite, selenite

amethyst, hematite, rock quartz

moss agate, green aventurine, citrine, emerald, green garnet, hawk eye, jade, jet, larimar, malachite, peridot, ruby, silver, tiger eye, turquoise

amethyst, charoite, lapis lazuli, black onyx, pearls, rutilated quartz, rose quartz, tiger eye

amethyst, carnelian, lapis lazuli, ruby, sodalite, sugilite, turquoise

carnelian-especially worn over the heart, jade, moonstone

Metaphysical Properties and Meanings for Healing Crystals, Gemstones and Tumbled Stones


Abalone through Apophyllite

Abalone Shell: is a shell from the family that includes clams, scallops, and others. Abalone is said to be especially useful for handling and calming emotional situations, and be very soothing to the emotions. Having abalone nearby when working through an emotional situation with someone is said to be beneficial, and to promote cooperation. It is reported by intuitive sources to stimulate psychic development and intuition, and promotes imagination in a healthy way. Mystical Lore and Folklore says that abalone is helpful for arthritis and other joint disorders, muscle problems, the heart, and digestion. Abalone is associated with the first three chakras.

Agatized Coral: centuries ago it was commonly used to ward off the evil eye. It was also believed to draw luck if used as an ornament in the home. Sailors used coral as a talisman against bad weather. Mystics use the stone to support trauma therapy and work through emotional issues from dysfunctional families. It may assist you in achieving excellence in your personal and professional life. Agatized Coral is also helpful for promoting inner peace and quieting your nagging thoughts. You can use it for communicating with past relations or for receiving and understanding Universal knowledge. The Quartz qualities in fossils like Agatized Coral and Petrified Wood make them perfect tools for working on past life memories. Quartz is a recorder of the past, present and future. Working with Agatized Coral crystal, gives you the benefit of two energies in one. The life energies of the Coral are preserved just as the physical shape is during the fossilization process. Plus the Quartz that replaced the organic material brings its own unique vibrations to this crystal. Agatized Coral can facilitate the projection of energy to create, to sustain, to change, and to modify. Use with any water bath or foot soak for emotional cleansing. It is an excellent protection stone for travel on or near water. Agatized Coral is a very loving gemstone. It helps magnify your awareness of our common connections. Showing you the power love has to create change. Learn the strength to love other people, the courage to greet life with an open and giving heart under the guidance of this gentle crystal. It can ease your irritability and help you feel better about other people. Agatized Coral also know as Fossil Agate Coral, Fossilized Agatized Coral, Fossil Coral, Fossilized Coral, Petoskey Agate, Petoskey Stone. Agatized Coral may also enhance the bodys ability to absorb nutrients and aid with digestion. Most fossils promote long life and Agates have numerous healing qualities. Healing lore says agates prevent snake bites, bee stings and insect bites. They have also been used to relieve thirst and reduce fevers. The crystal can bring the various functions of your body into harmony improving your general health. Coral is also associated with the female reproductive system and has been used in ancient healing traditions for womens health problems. Agatized Coral occurs when silica in the ocean water hardens, replacing the limy corals with a form of quartz mineral known as Agate, a variety of Chalcedony. This long fossilization process - 20 to 30 million years, results in the formation where one mineral has replaced another without having lost its original form. Prehistoric corals are believed to have thrived in the same environments that modern corals prefer - clean, warm oceans with normal salinity levels. Corals today share a symbiotic relationship with the algae that cover their body tissue. The algae supply the coral with oxygen, which most likely was the case in prehistoric times as well.

Ajoite: is a pure bearer of the vibrations of the Earth mother, the feminine aspect of the life force of our planet. Ajoite can cleanse the heart of sorrow, wash negativity out of ones thoughts. lt helps one connect with the Goddess energies, both within oneself and throughout the natural world. Ajoites can be very powerful tools, they can clear the auric field and align the Lightbody with the physical. They can harmonize the energies of any chakra, disperse contracted thought forms that are creating pain, dispel any amount of negativity, and call forth the truth from oneself and others. Ajoite is a strengthener. healer and harmonizer of the emotional body. It is a soothing stone that draws out the poison of ones subconsciously held sorrows, fears and rage. Meditating with ajoite can release inner tensions, then move us towards joy. Ajoite helps us to release old grief and pain and then a growing strength and confidence to move forward. It can help awaken the emotions of forgiveness for oneself and others. Ajoite provides a peacefulness within your emotions and a joyful acceptance of your surroundings and circumstances. This crystal brings peace within the self and can be used to eliminate hostility, anger, jealousy and all negative attributes one could imagine. Metaphysical healing lore says Ajoite can be used to elevate ones mood when hormonal inbalance causes depression, excessive anger or other emotions. It is useful for PMS and menopause. It balances issues with blood such as anemia Ajoite produces a melding between the heart and throat chakra and facilitates speaking what is in ones heart. It clears and activates the throat chakra, assisting one in communicating ones deepest inner truth. Associated with the heart throat, 3rd eye and crown chakras.

Amazonite: brings clarity, truth and trust, dispels negativity, general health and well being. Amazonite is soothing to all chakras especially the heart and throat chakras. It is a stone of alignment providing balance and preventive energy. Amazonite is a mint green to aqua green tumbled gem stone of truth, honor, communication, integrity and trust. It is said to enhance intuition, psychic powers, creativity, intellect, and psychic ability. This crystal is often associated with the throat chakra, and can be beneficial to communication. It aligns the physical and astral bodies. This crystal can lessen stress and self-defeating behaviors by calming and building self-esteem. Amazonite can assist with peacefully making the transition out of this life. It is said to heal emotional disturbances and the after effects of emotional trauma. It is reputed to have spiritual energy healing powers of preventive energy thats good for ones health in general, decreasing heart problems, benefitting the muscles, helping the nervous system, lessening tooth decay and osteoporosis. Amazonite works well with aquamarine, larimar, aqua aura, turquoise and moldavite. Astrological sign is Virgo

Amber: is said to give a soothing, light energy that is both calming and energizing at the same time. It is used mystically to bring the energies of patience, protection, psychic shielding, romantic love, sensuality, purification, balance, healing and calmness to those who wear or carry it. Amber is considered a good luck charm for marriage. Amber is said to help manifest desires and heighten intellectual abilities, clarity of thought, and wisdom. It also serves as a bridge to connect the energies of heaven and earth, of the spiritual and the physical. Amber can be used to ground spiritual energies into the physical body and fill it with light. It can also help you feel more connected to the physical plane. Amber can also be helpful in dissolving energy blockages and relieving depression. Although for purposes of chakra balancing, it is placed on the navel area, it can be placed at any point where you feel that you need to be revitalized. Amber is associated with the solar plexus chakra and sometimes the sacral chakra. Amber assists us to come from our own inner knowing. Helping our channels to be clear and open in being an instrument of the Divine. Amber is excellent in crystal healing for inner child work and past life work. Amber spiritualizes the intellect and activates our creative nature. It stabilizes the Kundalini awakening, bringing in healing, soothing and harmonizing energy. It is reputed to cleanse its environment by drawing out negativity, and to relieve physical pain the same way. Mystical lore says that amber is beneficial for purifying the body, headaches, bone problems, heart problems, circulation, ears, hearing problems, endocrine system, fibromyalgia, intestinal-digestive disorders, kidney, bladder, lungs, and general healing purposes. It assists us in calming fears and exerts a positive influence on the endocrine and circulatory systems, the thyroid, heart and spleen. Pair Moldavite with Amber to help manifest prosperity and bring positive and successful inner transformation. Amber also works well with Jet for facilitating purification, health and protection from negativity. It is associated with the Crown, Heart, Throat and Thymus chakras.

Amegreen: helps to lift spirits, awaken love and dispel fear. Amegreen has a beautiful, peaceful energy. Amegreen integrates the heart and mind, allowing us to be inspired by intuition and manifest our creations. It enhances psychic ability while keeping us grounded and centered. Amegreen facilitates meditation. Amegreen combines the hearts wisdom with the minds creativity, making it a really useful energy to use in business, where we can easily become stuck. As a healing crystal it allows us to overcome and heal past hurts that you may have carried throughout your life, even from childhood, allowing you to move forward with confidence. It can change negativity and fears, and bring clarity of what is. This is a wonderful and gentle stone combination of Amethyst and Prasiolite Green Amethyst and often, but not commonly with white quartz. It often comes with the less commonly white banding and sections of mauve-purple and green. This combination creates loving compassionate energy and emotional healing. Physically it aligns the spine and relieves arthritis. Amegreen provides emotional support, helping to heal past heart disease and stimulates repair of the body from physical trauma or injury, wounds of all types, depression, sorrow, and grief. This crystal helps purify and cleanse your energy and stimulate the crown chakra. It can help soothe the emotions and balance the heart chakra and to connect us with the divine white light energy. It is good healing past emotional wounds and lifting the veil or sorrow. It can help harmonize the chakras and help you to make new efforts in their lives. It works to clear the throat Chakra so you may speak your truth. Amegreen combines well with Amethyst, Prasiolite-Green-Amethyst, to harmonize all the chakras. Pair it with moldavite which brings in the active energy of transformation. Other stones that harmonize well with Amegreen are Morganite, Celestite, Rose Quartz and Lemurian, Associated Chakras are Crown and Heart

Amethyst: is known as the stone of spirituality and assist in alcohol recovery. Amethyst gemstones have long been called the sobriety stone. This crystal will assist in overcoming alcoholism, compulsive behaviors, and addictions of all kinds. Amethyst has also been used to help ease the pain of grief, and promote happiness. Amethyst is reputed to be beneficial when dealing with legal problems, and money issues, which can lead to prosperity and abundance. Amethyst is also used as protection for travelers. Amethyst crystal brings energies in mystical realms of stability, peace, calm, balance, courage and inner strength. Amethyst is also a stone of prosperity based on its deep color. This healing crystal creates a protective energy field around its wearer, assists in transmuting negative energies within the wearer and gives protection from external negative energies. Amethyst is excellent for meditation. It is often used in metaphysics and crystal healing to protect against psychic attacks. On the spiritual level, amethyst is said to help open to communication with angels, telepathy and other psychic abilities. It is thus an excellent stone for meditation or dream work, past life work, and to help you see your path. Assists in growth to our higher potential. It is known to prepare the soul for intense transformational journeys. Gives spiritual cleansing and expansion. Amethyst is known to help with headaches, insomnia, arthritis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, asthma, phobias, menopause, PMS, and general healing. Amethyst is associated with the brow and the crown chakras. Amethyst pairs well with moldavite for spiritual protection. The spiritual connection from amethyst is enhanced by scolecite. It also harmonizes well with quartz, citrine, smokey quartz, chrysoprase, opal, tiger eye, chalcedony and sugilite. Enhance amethyst protective qualities with black tourmaline and obsidian. Amethyst is asscoaited with the 3rd eye and crown chakras.

Amethyst, Black: emotionally grounding, good crystal for healers who are burnt out to rejuvenate themselves. is a environmental cleanup crystal With this in mind, it will need to be cleansed itself and Loves to be cleansed with water, used to remove radiation the body stores on the sides of the head, such as from computers, Place on the 3rd eye and visualize yourself breathing in the color for total mental emotional soothing, all round healer and also a brilliant meditation stone

Amethyst, Green: also called Prasiolite has spiritual qualities that are quite similar to Amethyst, from which it comes. This means that it is a stone of great use in spiritual matters, closely related to the mind and aiding in spells, rituals, and other methods of healing. Due to its green coloring, Green Amethyst is sometimes heavily associated with nature, resulting in it being viewed as a stone that can help bridge the gap between the spiritual and the physical, or otherwise aid in finding inner peace and enlightenment. Green Amethyst is used for self-transformation, awakening the spirit, inspiring and general uplifting. Prasiolite is a stone of courage and can foster self-reliance in all situations. Green Amethyst is a prosperity stone, said to attract abundance. It can help strengthen and express emotions as well as the mind and will. It is used in crystal healing for cleansing the body of toxins of all kinds, tumors, stomach acid, ulcers, assimilation of nutrients, and healing the whole body from a spiritual level. Somewhat rare and beautiful to behold, Green Amethyst is the product of amethyst that has been subjected to extreme heat. Most of the time, this amethyst turns an undesired color. Sometimes however, Green Amethyst is the result, resulting in the stone also being referred to as Green Amethyst. These stones are often prized by jewelers, with the vibrant color making a wonderful accent to most metals. Green Amethyst harmonizes well with purple amethyst, danburite and moldavite. Green Amethyste is associated with the Heart, Crown, Third Eye and Solar plexus chakras.

Ametrine: combination of Amethyst and Citrine crystals which connects to the physical and spiritual realms. Ametrine is good for opening the Third Eye Chakra. This stone combines masculine and feminine energy and helps bring harmony with others. It is a very soothing stone, believed to be valuable for those with chronic, long-term diseases. The Amethyst part of Ametrine is thought to help one experience Divine Guidance, while the Citrine crystal aspect allows for this guidance to be assimilated into ones life. Many people use Ametrine for stress-relief, and as such, it is optimally placed in areas where one would need it the most, in ones office or cubicle, in the car, in a pocket, or wherever you find yourself under stress. Ametrine are thought to enhance creativity and learning, and can therefore help those who use it to come up with creative solutions to difficult problems whether work-related or personal. Hold ametrine during mediation or any kind of energy work to induce a deeply relaxed state. Using Ametrine can also be beneficial to the connection between the Solar Plexus Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra. Its energies are said to stimulate the intellect and rid the aura of negative energy. It is also said to be helpful for releasing negative emotional programming. Ametrine aids in meditation, boosts psychic abilities, relieves tension, disperses negativity and helps to eliminate prejudice. It also has the basic properties of both the amethyst and the citrine that comprise it. Ametrine combines well with all quartz. Adding rose quartz will activate the heart chakra. Combining ametrine with moldavite multiplies its effects many fold. Other stones that enhance ametrine are sugilite, golden labradorite and lepidolite

Ammonite: which is an extinct fossil that were sea creatures 350 million years ago. Most fossils are organic matter transformed into stone. Ammonite is a protective stone, giving stability and structure to ones life. It can transform negative energy into gentle and positive energy and encourages survival instincts. It has been used to heighten ones accomplishments in the business world and to instill quality within your environment. It is known for activating metaphysical powers and personal power. It is particularly effective when placed on the third eye chakra. Ammonite is a powerful karmic cleanser and placed in the 3rd eye releases mental obsessions. It stimulates survival instincts and encourages perseverance. This crystal is universal in its approach and will help anyone who wants to learn about themselves and their roots. It has a connection to the resurrection but not only of Christ but of spiritual beliefs of all kinds. This is a dream stone that shows past actions and situations from your past and assists with reevaluating those actions so you can start over and change your actions to make things right. It is a stone of prophecy since it is associated with the Vatican and helps you reflect past actions in your life. This crystal is a spiritual communication stone. It brings tolerance and unconditional love and it also instills patience during the test and tribulations that go along with life and trying to live a spiritual life in a physical body. Metaphysical healing lore says that Ammonite provides relaxation and can alleviate depression. It has been used for overall well being and longevity, cell metabolism, labor pain, tinnitus, awakening kundalini energy, cellular memory, supports the cranium, inner ears, lungs, the skeletal system and degenerative disorders. Ammonite is associated with the third eye chakra.

Amphibole: also known as Angel Quartz is a milky white quartz crystal. Angel Quartz is said to be excellent for attracting and working with angels. In metaphysics it is used to create balance in any aspect of life, and act from Universal love, as well as contacting your Spirit Guides. This gemstone also used in mystical energy work for astral travel, lucid dreaming, and communications with the Higher Self. Angel Quartz is said to be a stone of emotional clarity and balance in particular. It is reputed to shield one from verbal abuse. This is especially helpful to those that have been emotionally or verbally abused. Angel Quartz is a wonderful aid to meditation. In crystal healing and energy healing, Angel Quartz is said to be helpful for problems of the eyes, digestion, fevers, and pain. Angel Quartz is associated primarily with the third eye and crown chakras. Angel Quartz often contains additional inclusions such as Hematite. The inclusions are often red or yellow depending on the included minerals. The Angel Quartz is sometimes in a phantom. Some Angel Quartz crystals have inclusions that sometimes have a wispy effect resembling angel wings. Angel Quartz is found only in Brazil at Minas Gerias. Amphibole harmonizes well with seraphinite, angelite and aqua lemurian. Associated Chakras are the Crown and Third Eye Chakra

Angelite: Brings serenity, inner peace, and a sense of calm. Angelite is excellent to use when you need to calm down from feelings of stress and overwhelm. Angelite dispels fear, anger, and encourages forgiveness. Angelite is used to connect with spirit guides, the higher self, and guardian angels. It is excellent for enhancing telepathy, psychic awareness, astral travel, and spirit journeys. Angelite is a wonderful mineral that helps balance the subtle bodies and strengthens them against intrusion, as its energy constitutes a protective barrier around the location in which it is placed. It is used to aid the development and accuracy of telepathic communication and is useful in channeling due to the properties of protection and the enhancement of communication, both gross and subtle. Angelite can be used to aid expression and communication in group settings and in relationships. Angelite is used for infectious diseases, hemoglobin deficiencies, throat inflammations and infections, thymus, heart function and circulatory system. Angelite is associated with the throat, 3rd eye and crown chakras.

Apache Tear: relieves grief and sadness, and assist in giving and accepting forgiveness. Apache Tear can help release negative emotions and they also can balance our emotional state. Apache Tear gemstones are good luck stones, said to bring good luck to anyone who has one. They are excellent meditation tools, especially for clarifying issues and gaining insight. Apache Tears are a gently grounding stone. In the physical realm, they are said to alleviate muscle spasms, cramps and eliminate toxins from the body. Associated with the base chakra. Give an Apache Tear to a friend or loved one is to give them GOOD LUCK to carry with them forever.This stone looks black as night until you hold them to the light and see how translucent they are. The Legend of the Apache Tear stone says that One day a party of Apache Indians were ambushed by an enemy tribe. The Apaches fought bravely but were greatly outnumbered and driven to the top of a high bluff. Their arrows gone and unable to fight and unwilling to be taken captive, they leapt from the cliffs to their death. Their women were understandably grief-stricken and wept over the bodies. Their teardrops froze when they hit the ground and became the lovely stones we know today as Apache Tears. It is said that whomever owns one of these stones will never cry again, for the Apache women shed enough tears already. Apache Tear goes well with other grounding stones such as smokey quartz, black tourmaline, tektite and garnet. It also works well with moldavite. Apache Tear is associated with the root, sacral and heart chakra.

Apatite: rids a person of guilt and grief. Apatite is a crystal that mystically can stimulate the thoughts and ideas. This gemstone is said to increase intellect, imagination, and intuitive awareness. As a meditation or awareness tool, it is said to help you maintain focus, learn, concentrate effectively, think clearly, and communicate better. Apatite stone can be used to enhance the energies of other crystals and stones. Having Apatite near you can bring harmony on all levels, and brings inner peace. Apatite is reputed in mystical lore to physically assist with controlling weight gain, stuttering, hypertension, nail problems, allergies, arthritis, bones, muscles, nervous system.with nail problems, allergies, arthritis, bones, muscles, nervous system. Apatite is primarily related to the third eye chakra.

Apophyllite: aid to meditation and helps make a conscious connection with the spiritual world. It has been used to help in fire walking and astral travel. It is said to one see the truth and then act on it, and is an energy stimulator. When placed on the third eye chakra, it enhances clairvoyance and mystical vision. Apophyllite is associated with the crown and third eye chakra. Apophyllite is a powerful energizer, enhances spiritual vision and opens the third eye. It has the powers of preservation and can be used to charge up objects, used as an elixir, brings light and energy into the heart. Apophyllite has a high water content and very efficient conductor of energy and a carrier of the Akashic Record and has a strong link to the spiritual realm. It has been used to facilitate astral travel and provide a clear and definite connection to the physical body during the travel. Its presence in a room enhances the energies as it is a powerful vibration transmitter. It enhances clear sight, stimulating intuition and enabling the future to be accessed, excellent stone for scrying. This is a stone of truth, abandons pretense and breaks down reserve.. It releases suppressed emotions, overcomes anxiety, worries, and fears. Apophyllite calms and ground the spirit, has a strong link to the spiritual realm, facilitates journeys out of the body and spiritual vision. With its connection to the Akashic Record, it eases journeys into past lives. Healing lore says it is regarded as the stone to assist Reiki healing. It facilitates taking the patient into a deeper state of relaxation and receptiveness, at the same time takes the healer out of the way so that the transmission of healing energy to patient is purer. Works in the respiratory system and when held to the chest can stop asthma attacks. This stone neutralizes allergies, promotes regeneration of the mucus membranes and the skin. Placing an Apophyllite crystal on each eye rejuvenates the eyes. Apophyllite can be placed on the third eye when channeling or meditating or when scrying look into the crystal from the corner of the eye. Use Apophyllite with Scolecite to travel within and through the higher realms. Kundalini energies can be activated quickly when combining with Tektite. Use Selenite with Apophyllite to open the pathway to the higher self. Apophyllite is associated with the throat and 3rd eye chakras.



Agate, Banded: is considered a stone that brings good luck and is a stone with strong protection properties, especially for children, and is very calming and soothing. It creates a sense of safety and security. Agate can harmonize positive and negative forces, alleviate bad dreams and can give courage, energy, strength, and dispel fears, all of which increase self-confidence. It can also lessen feelings of envy by grounding the emotions. It is a stone of harmony, and by bringing the elements of one being into harmony. It greatly enhances healing. Agate also enhances creativity and stimulates the intellect. Agate is an excellent crystal for balancing Yin Yang energy and for balancing the physical, emotional and intellectual bodies with your Etheric energies. It stabilizes your aura, cleansing and smoothing dysfunctional energies, and both transforming and eliminating negativity. It further assists in the precise examination of yourself and of circumstances relevant to your well being. Agate can be used to stimulate analytical capabilities and precision, it provides for perceptiveness in stressful situations. It is also used to produce inspiration from and connectedness with, the entities residing in the spiritual worlds. It has been reported to strengthen the sight, to diminish thirst and to promote marital fidelity. Agate is excellent as a healer for respiratory issues and issues of the teeth and gums. It works with chakras according to stone color. Associated Chakras are Base, Heart, Navel, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Throat and Thymus

Agate, Blue Lace: is a gentle, calming crystal that brings tranquility and a calming of nervousness. In metaphysical lore it is said this crystal aids in a lessening of deep anger. Blue lace agate is known as a stone of communication. Blue Lace agate eases the harsh edge off communication during difficult situations, ease the nervousness of public speaking, and smooth discussions. As with all agates, Blue lace agate is a protective stone and is effective when calling upon angels for protection. Spiritually, blue lace agate assists in reaching higher Spiritual planes and communicating with angels. It can help bring stronger intuition, inner knowing and inspiration that can assist in inner attunement. Blue Lace Agate can assist in releasing the fear of death. It brings peace and enhances self-expression to speak your truth. Carry to soothe, bring peace and calmness. Metaphysical healing lore says Blue Lace Agate has a soothing energy and can be used for inflammations of the throat area. It balances the thyroid glands and helps to calm hyperactivity. It is an excellent stone for children who have difficulty sleeping due to fear.Blue Lace Agate activates the throat chakra and is one of the best stones to open your throat chakra when its natural function has become limited or blocked. Blue lace agate is related to the element of Air. Associated with the Third Eye and Throat chakra. Astrological sign: Gemini, Pisces

Agate, Botswana: is a great crystal for assuaging fears, removing doubt, creating tranquility. It is a tumbled stone that is good for depression and stress. This agate is excellent for anyone connected to fire or smoke. It is beneficial for smokers and those who want to quit smoking. Botswana agate has a mystical property of helping one handle change in a positive way. It is said to gently help one make transitions of any kind in a way that change is not as difficult or painful as could be without it; it is a comforting stone. Carry some botswana agate in your pocket and it can help you to cope with minor changes that life throws at us daily. Botswana Agate can help us with depression and grief. It is said to help us focus on solutions instead of problems, and increases creativity, as well as increasing the power of ones intuition. Botswana agate is noted in crystal healing to be helpful in overcoming addictions and other self-destructive compulsive behavior patterns, as well as dealing with repressed emotional issues. As a success stone, it is said to help one achieve and cope with success. It is also a stone of sensuality. Stimulates the crown chakra bringing energy into the auric fields.

Agate, Crab Fire: is achieved from heat treating carnelian and does not take away from the healing and metaphysical properties. True Fire Agate is very rare and expensive. Crab Fire Agate has all the metaphysical properties of carnelian. This stone grounds and anchors you in the present reality. A stabilizing healing crystal with high energy, it is excellent for restoring vitality and motivation, and for stimulating creativity. It is useful for dramatic pursuits. Crab fire agate has the ability to cleanse other stones. Psychologically, crab fire agate imparts an acceptance of the cycle of life and removes fear of death. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy, and motivates for success in business and other matters. It is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. This stone helps you to trust yourself and your perceptions. It gets to the bottom of what makes you tick, overcomes negative conditioning, and encourages steadfastness. Mentally, crab fire agate improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception. It removes extraneous thoughts in meditation and tunes daydreamers into everyday reality. It sharpens concentration. Emotionally, this stone is a powerful protector against envy, rage, and resentment, yours or other peoples. It calms anger and banishes emotional negativity, replacing it with a love of life. Crab fire agate near the front door invokes protection and invites abundance into the home. Crab fire agate warms and energizes and is particularly useful for combating sluggishness and for invigorating the mind and body. Crab Fire Agate has a vibrant rusty orange color with scattered veins of gray to white. Crab Fire Agate has a crackled look. The web-like pattern of white crackles is actually created via heat treatment, which also produces a color enhancement giving them their deep orange and red coloring.

Agate, Fire: Is a stone of courage, protection, and strength. Mystical lore says that it relieves fears, halts gossip and even reflects any threat of harm back to the source. Fire agate can help with spiritual advancement and progression. It promotes and enhances energy, including meditation, ritual, and spiritual healing energies. It also balances masculine-active and feminine-receptive energies. It is also said that it can take the edge off the emotional charge of problems. Fire agate is often used in spells to increase skills in communication in writing and speaking. It can also heighten creative visualization. Metaphysical healing lore professes that fire agate enhances all healing energies, and assists with healing of the circulatory system, lymph system, and intestines. Fire agate dispels fear from the very depths of our inner being and provides a protective shield which reflects any negative energy back to its source so they understand personally their act. Helps us to stay on our path towards enlightenment by dispelling desires that would steer us off track. It encourages us to be the 'best' possible. Its energy provides the impetus to take action and stimulates both progression and advancement. Fire agate is associated primarily with the sacral and root chakras.
Agate, Mexican Crazy Lace: is a balancing and protecting stone and is emotionally protective. It helps with the emotion of acceptance. It brings laughter and absorbs emotional pain. Crazy Lace Agate is used to help with decision making by balancing the physical, emotional, and mental so that it is easy to make decisions. This crystal also helps one stay focused. It is also said to ward off the evil eye. Physically it is excellent for increasing stamina and energy, and is good for skin disorders such as acne, eczema, etc., is beneficial for the endocrine system and the heart. A wealth talisman, also has a calming effect, and attracts new friends

Agate, Moss: Brings general abundance, success, and prosperity. This crystal can also help one gain peace with extreme or excessive duties in life and brings self-confidence and higher self-esteem. Moss agate is also a protective stone, as are all agates. This healing crystal can reduce the difficulties associated with overcoming addictive behaviors. Moss agate is associated with the heart chakra, and is a stone of compatibility and friendship. Metaphysical healing lore says that Moss Agate stabilyzes the physical body, bringing circulation, digestion into harmony.It is also believed to help improve circulation, enhance healing of all types, and overcome digestive or intestinal disorders. Sometimes its called the gardeners stone due to its properties of helping ensure a full crop. Moss Agate is associated with the root and heart chakras.

Agate Third Eye, Shiva Eye Agate: has long been believed to provide protection against evil, enhance psychic abilities, intuition, extrasensory perception, imagination and concentration. Agate is excellent for balancing Yin-Yang energy and for balancing of the physical, emotional and intellectual bodies with the Etheric energies. 3rd Eye Agate stabilizes the aura, cleansing and smoothing dysfunctional energies, and both transforming and eliminating negativity. This stone further helps you take a good look at yourself and of circumstances relevant to your well being. Since agate can be used to stimulate analytical capabilities and precision, it provides for perceptiveness in stressful situations and awakens ones inherent talents, especially under pressure. It is also used to produce inspiration from and connectedness with, the entities residing in the spiritual worlds. It has been reported to strengthen the sight and to promote marital fidelity. Agate Eyes also know as Third Eye Agate and Shiva Eye Agate are natural Agate stones with concentric banding of different colors in a circular pattern. These beautiful stones wash up on a riverbank and are carved into the shape of an eye.

Agate, Tree: Brings good luck, abundance and wealth into all areas of your life, including business activities, work and relationships. Tree Agate is a wonderful crystal to use for meditation. This crystal will help to center yourself and others. It is a crystal for introspection, helps to fight stress, and provides relief from tension by helping you to relax easily. Tree Agate crystal removes negative feelings. Tree Agate is a strong crystal but it is a slow worker. You will need to be patient. Tree Agate healing crystals will also provide you with insight into problems this allows you to see just what the problem is and what is causing it allowing you to correct the problem faster and easier. Tree Agate healing crystal will help your environment; become more peaceful. Tree Agate will help to remove egotism and arrogance from people and situations. This crystal is used for all relationship problems that involve children. It provides us with a full awareness of our lives. Tree Agate gives a wider viewpoint of the world. Helps one look internally with more clarity and aids us on our journey of self-discovery. This crystal helps us see the world at large through an expanded viewpoint. Tree Agate is known as a stone of plentitude. And as such are most useful for use in areas of Agriculture to bring about strong and plentiful crops also to help protect them from pests and other environmental damage. You would also use Tree Agate Crystals to help improve the health and look of indoor plants and all plants that are grown in pots. Ailments that can benefit from using Tree Agate are anything in the body with branches like the nervous system and the blood vessels. It is used to balance the water in the body and It can be used to treat flu and fever, neuralgia also to boost the immune system; help to relieve pain if placed on the painful area, strengthen the skeletal system. Tree Agate also provides us with physical strength and is also a stimulant. Associated with the Heart Chakra. Astrological Sign is Gemini

Agate, Turitella: Overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, healing anger, fostering love, courage to start again, acceptance of ones self, emotional trauma, dissolves internal tension, accept love, self-confidence, concentration, perception, analytical abilities, stabilizes the aura and negative energy transformation. Emotional, physical, and intellectual balance, helps through transitions, helps to rid unpleasant thoughts during these transitions, calming, soothing, grounding, reduce fatigue, spiritual growth and inner stability. Helps adjust to changes in life that has to do with combining the old aspects of life with the new ones. Like families that have step children or step parents in them, helps them run more smoothly. Healing lore properties are digestive process, gastritis, eyes, stomach, uterus, lymphatic system, pancreas, blood vessels and skin disorders. Associated with root Chakra and the Earth element.


Aqua Aura to Azurite

Aqua Aura, Blue: can be used for power, healing, love, protection, soothe anger, cool feverishness, and release stress. It is strongly connected to the element of water, and it is therefore a stone for enhancing ones access to the truth of the emotions and the portals of Spirit which are accessed through the emotions. This highly stimulating crystal to the throat Chakra, enhancing ones ability to communicate inner truth, and it also has a soothing and relaxing effect on the emotional body. Blue Aqua Aura Quartz Crystals are created by taking natural quartz crystal formations and infusing them with pure Gold creating an immensely powerful protection combination which fuses the White, Blue and Gold Rays into an iridescent display of Light. In a secret process which is part alchemy and part science, the two unique substances of quartz crystal and pure gold are commingled in a permanent way, resulting in the striking blue color of Aqua Aura. This entrancingly beautiful crystal combines the energetic properties of Clear Quartz and Pure Gold in addition to sharing many of the metaphysical characteristics of high quality Aquamarine. Associated with throat and third eye chakra. Aqua Aura harmonizes well with amethyst, moldavite, golden labradorite, danburite, larimar, charoite, lapis, seraphinite, chrysoprase, rhodocrosite, iolite, citrine, and prasiolite - green amethyst

Aqua Aura, Tangerine: tool for people wishing to increase their psychic skills and awareness. Aqua Aura tumbled stone assists with meditation, telepathy, and psychic healing by bringing more intense energy to the effort. Aqua Aura healing crystal is particularly helpful for distance spiritual energy healing because of its ability to send energy. Aqua Aura gemstones can enhance communications of all kinds. It can also assist in conscious awareness of ones own motivations and patterns. Aqua Aura crystal is said to attract success and prosperity, even possibly wealth. Aqua Aura stones are also used for protection from psychic attacks. Physically Aqua Aura is reputed to help with throat problems, stress-related illness, immune system deficiencies, and the thymus gland. Aqua aura is quartz crystal that is gold infused by taking 12 hours to heat the quartz to 1600F while setting a vacuum equal to 2 earth atmospheres, then letting chemically purified gold and copper vapors into the chamber when the temperature and vacuum are correct. This bonds the gold and copper to the lattice of the crystal, forming a permanent bond to the surface of the quartz and giving it an electric tangerine color. Associated with throat and third eye chakra. Aqua Aura harmonizes well with amethyst, moldavite, golden labradorite, danburite, larimar, charoite, lapis, seraphinite, chrysoprase, rhodocrosite, iolite, citrine, and prasiolite - green amethyst

Aqua Aura, Tanzanite: for people wishing to increase their psychic skills and awareness. Aqua Aura tumbled stone assists with meditation, telepathy, and psychic healing by bringing more intense energy to the effort. Aqua Aura is particularly helpful for distance spiritual energy healing because of its ability to send energy. Aqua Aura can enhance communications of all kinds. It can also assist in conscious awareness of ones own motivations and patterns. Aqua Aura is said to attract success and prosperity, even possibly wealth. Aqua Aura is also used for protection from psychic attacks. Physically it is reputed to help with throat problems, stress-related illness, immune system deficiencies, and the thymus gland. Aqua aura tanzanite is quartz with an enhanced opalescence that flashes shades of shimmering violet. This entrancingly beautiful crystal combines the energetic properties of Clear Quartz and Pure Gold. The gold and Indium infused by taking 12 hours to heat the quartz to 1600F while setting a vacuum equal to 2 earth atmospheres, then letting chemically purified gold and Indium vapors into the chamber when the temperature and vacuum are correct. This bonds the gold and copper to the lattice of the crystal, forming a permanent bond to the surface of the quartz and giving it an electric tanzanite color. Associated with throat and third eye chakra. Aqua Aura harmonizes well with amethyst, moldavite, golden labradorite, danburite, larimar, charoite, lapis, seraphinite, chrysoprase, rhodocrosite, iolite, citrine, and prasiolite - green amethyst

Aquamarine: courage and fortitude. It is said to assist with quick intellectual response. It gives peace, shielding for the aura. Aquamarine tumbled stone is reputed to assist with calming communication issues. Mystical and folk lore states that it is attuned to the sea, and protects travelers on water, and sailors. Aquamarine healing crystal improves sight, sharpens the mind, calms and clarifies emotions. Aquamarine crystal banishes fears, calms nerves, and imparts strength and control. The energy from Aquamarine is compassionate. Aquamarine is wonderful for aligning and balancing the Chakras and for connecting the physical and ethereal bodies. It is particularly beneficial in activating the Throat Chakra giving the courage to speak ones truth, the serenity to do so in a balanced manner and the compassion to make doing so a positive experience. It is known to be useful in the treatment of glandular ailments, to improve vision and strengthen bones. Aquamarine works well with larimar, chrysocolla, turquoise, blue topaz, - all stones of communication and connection with the divine feminine. It also harmonizes well with beryl, morganite, emerald and moldavite which is a powerful energizer of aquamarine, while aquamarine soothes the intensity of moldavite. Aquamarine is associated with the heart and throat chakra.

Aragonite: Aragonite increases energy, in particular it increases the energy of prayers and magick charms. Aragonite can be used for centering oneself before healing or meditation, allowing for stimulation of communication on the higher planes. Diminishes stress and anger, bringing patience when it is needed most! Aragonite promotes reliability in people and discipline. Provides insight into problems. Aragonite increases self-worth and self-confidence. In business, Aragonite helps clear the mind and provide energy required to meet professional challenges. Thought to teach the art of deep thinking, Aragonite gives the ability to live everyday life with an open heart and mind. An earthly grounding stone, Aragonite shows one how to effectively give-and-take, by making one think before acting, and is believed to teach moderation in all things. Aragonite has also been used to help access past lives. Aragonite increases energy levels and the energy of prayers. Because of its positive influence on the brain, nervous system and heart it brings energy to chronic fatigue sufferers. Aragonite helps with hair loss and skin disorders, working on areas that need calcium, such as strengthening and mending broken bones and providing relief from spinal pain. It is said that placing Aragonite on the body when chilled from the flu or a cold will bring instant warmth to the body and rid the body of the chill. Aragonite harmonizes well with celestite and herkimer diamond. It is associated with the Throat, Heart, and Third Eye chakra.

Aragonite, Brown: increases energy, in particular it increases the energy of prayers and magick charms. Aragonite can be used for centering oneself before healing or meditation, allowing for stimulation of communication on the higher planes. Diminishes stress and anger, bringing patience when it is needed most! Aragonite promotes reliability in people and discipline. Provides insight into problems. Aragonite increases self-worth and self-confidence. In business, Aragonite helps clear the mind and provide energy required to meet professional challenges. Thought to teach the art of deep thinking, Aragonite gives the ability to live everyday life with an open heart and mind. A grounding stone, Aragonite shows one how to effectively give-and-take, by making one think before acting, and is believed to teach moderation in all things. Aragonite has also been used to help access past lives. Aragonite increases energy levels and the energy of prayers. Because of its positive influence on the brain, nervous system and heart it brings energy to chronic fatigue sufferers. Aragonite helps with hair loss and skin disorders, working on areas that need calcium, such as strengthening and mending broken bones and providing relief from spinal pain. It is said that placing Aragonite on the body when chilled from the flu or a cold will bring instant warmth to the body and rid the body of the chill. Aragonite harmonizes well with celestite and herkimer diamond. It is associated with the Throat, Heart, and Third Eye chakra.

Arfvedsonite: brings spiritual growth and helps you to re-organize and restructure your life, bringing extraordinary insights and a strong positive energy. Arfvedsonite aids you to remove old patterns, so it helps you to deal with adapting to new situations. It is particularly useful to allow you to see any negativity within yourself. It has a positive energy that helps to drain out negative thoughts and will aid you to begin to think in new way, as it stimulates positive thought. It has the potential to produce amazing manifestation. Use in meditation to help you to experience psychic visions that may assist you to predict the future. Arfvedsonite aids brilliant manifestations that will help you on your spiritual journey. It helps you to create a clear path ahead. If you place a piece of this stone on the third eye during meditation its action is swift and very powerful. It aids psychic communication as well as normal communication. It has the ability to develop your intuition and it may aid you to learn to be psychic. Use it with some of the blue communication stones to boost their effectiveness. Particularly use it with Blue Lace Agate, Blue Aragonite or Amazonite. Arfvedsonite is a powerful aid to lift your spirits if you have been feeling depressed. The energy of Arfvedsonite is very reassuring. This crystal has been used to lift one from a depressive state, to see hope and joy in the coming future. It will aid you as you gain knowledge and insight into your life path. Its energy will aid you to locate and release any energy blockages in your body. The light within you will begin to flow from you to others, creating a stream of light and a flow of deep joy. It will flow first within your personal world then out to the whole planet. The energies of this stone is also quite strong within the throat chakra. It will help you to see the truth, and to be able to communicate very accurately with decisiveness. Its energy within the crown chakra may help you to change your life, particularly if you are going through major times of transitioning, to new circumstances in your life. It assists you to re-organize and restructure your life. Within the stone you will see the flashes of bright blue which are said to be a sign from the Divine spirit, of the light that Spirit offers us, when we ask for it. It has been used to help one focus on and understand dream symbols. Arfvedsonite is known to chase nightmares away and to bring sound peaceful sleep. Arfvedsonite is likely to make you very ungrounded. Try to use it with a strong spiritual grounding stone such as Black Tourmaline. It also harmonizes well with moldavite, tektite, scolecite, smokey quartz and hematite. Arfvedsonite is sometimes known as Astrophyllite, but that is incorrect, they are two different minerals. Metaphysical properties are courage, promotes forgiveness, communication, awareness, intellect, self-confidence and insight. Associated Zodiac symbols are Virgo, Scorpio and Aries. Associated Chakras: combines well with any of the crown chakra, third eye chakra or throat chakra stones.

Astrophyllite: can assist during meditation to reveal the hidden patterns of ones life purpose and can help facilitate astral travel. Astrophyllite is a stone that illuminates ones true self and helps shed depression and addictions. Astrophyllite can show us that when one door closes another door opens. It assists in absolving one from responsibility and helps to purge from our life things that which should be eliminated. Metaphysical healing lore says Attrophyllite can help protect against readiation and electromagnetic energy. It helps enhance the nervouse system and brain function. It is also useful is supporting detoxification, elimination of fatty deposits, seizures, disorders of the reproductive system and regeneration at the cellular level. Astrophyllite is oftem confused with Arfvedsonite, but they are not the same stone. Astrophyllite has bladed crystals with in the stone and range in color from golden yellow to a broze yellow and have a somewhat metallic luster. Astrophyllite harmonizes well with moldavite, scolecite, black tourmaline, smoky quartz and hematite. Astrophyllite is associated with all chakras.

Atlantasite: brings peace to the environment. Atlantisite crystal has been used to end disputes, spiritual awareness, and to understand the concept and energies of love. Atlantisite is considered by many to bring in healing energies. It is used in crystal healing as well as a general crystal healing stone. It is considered to be a stone that resonates to and links the energies of the Crown and Heart chakras. Some believe that atlantasite can access information from Atlantis in order to complete endeavors started at that distant time. Some uses of Atlantasite are gain access to past lives, stimulate spiritual development, lower stress levels, encourages thinking before speaking and promotes successful thinking in business or regarding possessions. The energies from Atlantasite are power, healing and money. Associated with all chakras, especially the heart and crown. The purple and green combination only occurs in a small hilltop called Stichtite Hill; which is in Zeehan, Tasmania. Atlantisite is a combination of green Atlantisite, also called Tasmanite or Stichtite-Serpentine, is a combination of Green Serpentine and Stichtite, and as such, has a synergistic energy that includes the energies of the two stones but has its own energies.

Auralite 23: from Canadas sacred Cave of Wonders remotely nestled far north of Lake Superior within the Boreal Forest of the Canadian Sheild. Auralite is a rare Canadian gem and energy stone. Meditating with Auralite crystal has a large volume of energy coming from them. They are much stronger than Amethyst. When this stone is held at the crown chakra, its pulsations move fully through the brain activating both the crown and third eye chakra giving you the sensations of peace and tranquility in the mind. Auralite gives you a quality of deep meditation, quieting the mind and calming the emotional body. Auralite can instigate a process of inner purification, cleansing various knots of negative fixation. Auralite helps to dissolve ones cares and worries, release patterns of anxiety, resentment, judgement, depression and defeat. Auralite uplifts ones spirit and an awakening to the potential of a new life, optimism and new hope. Auralite enhances psychic sensitivity, insight into truth, disappearance of chronic problems with the body, lucid dreaming and experiences with angels. Auralite makes an excellent stone tool for spiritual healing. This is a stone of regeneration and rejuvenation. It helps heal the soul through the remembrance of past lives. It encourages you to recognize the blessings on ones life. Super 23 Aaualite Crystal has been scientifically proven as the worlds oldest crystal gemstone which developed more than 1.5 billion years ago while the first signs of life appeared on earth. Each crystal reflects its own journey frozen in time. Within this family of crystals, scientists have identified 23 Earth Elements and Minerals. The average crystal contains at least 17 of the following: Titanite, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrosite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gialite, Epidote, Bornite and Rutile. The name auralite derived from the miracle of earth and sky connections, known as the Northern Aurora Borealis Lights. Native American Indians called this phenomenon The Dancing of the Spirits. The metaphysical properties within this section is based on information found in a Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsians The Book of Stones

Azurite: has a soothing effect and enhances psychic abilities and intellect. Students should carry azurite to assiste in retaining what they have learned. Azurite is called the stone of heaven. It aids in developing psychic awareness, psychic skills and abilities, enhances intuition, and is said to guide you to be accurate in depicting psychic experiences. It is an excellent stone for meditation, allowing you to enter a meditative state easily. It can enhance prophesy and divination. Azurite is said to help control energy flow and bring just the right amount of energy to any situation. Metaphysical healing lore says Azurite is helpful for healing in general, liver issues arthritis, joint problems and depression. It will also work to align all of the chakras. Azurite cuts through illusion, use on the third eye to release and transform old patterning and belief systems. Azurite harmonizes well with malachite, covellite, chrysocolla, turquoise, rainbow moonstone, sunstone, red aventurine, carnelian, scolecite and moldavite. Azurite is associated with the third eye and crown chakras.

Axinite: useful in helping us to submit gracefully to changes in our lives. Axinite stone gives insight to a positive replacement. It focuses our thoughts on what needs to be replaced and what it should be replaced with.It is a grounding stone and aligns the energies of the physical with the energies of the earth. Axinite is said to help shift negative energies within an individual to positive, making it wonderful for turning bad moods and slumps into creativity and ambitious energy. It is also sometimes used to ground energies, making it a great aid after ritual practice. Axinite crystal inspires friendship and stabilizing relationships. Axinite polished stone provides direction to pursuits, guiding one to to the areas of the mechanics of a situation. It allows one to understand the solution to any problem. Axinite is excellent for finding solutions to problems that satisfy everyone involved. Metaphysical healing lore says Axinite can be used for general healing and well being bringing physical vitality and energy, treatment of disorders of the adrenal glands and muscular system. It is also used in the alignment of the vertebrae of the spine, to assist in maintaining the alignment, and to help in the process of mending breaks and fractures. Axinite displays vivid patterns that run from appearing simply speckled to intricate swirls of crystal deposits, each colored in the deep browns, yellows, greys, and colors of the earth.Axinite harmionizes well with moldavite and danburite. Axinite is associated with the root and third eye chakras.



Aventurine, Blue: is a type of quartz that occurs naturally blue in color. Blue Aventurine assists in self discipline and developing inner strength. This healing crystal is used in healing and balancing the emotions, helping us to communicate more clearly. Blue aventurine is a powerful mental healer that increases vitality and a positive outlook. It stimulates creativity, intellect as well as independence. It is said to enhance leadership qualities allowing the wearer to act decisively with strong intuitive power. This gemstone provides patience, eliminates stubbornness, controls excitability and gives one a deeper understanding of the cause and effect in situations, which helps one to completely understand any situation and to assist in finding the optimal solution. Blue aventurine has glittering inclusions of mica. Blue Aventurine can be used as a protection charm by carrying it on your person. Blue Aventurine is a powerful crystal for activating the Third Eye and Throat Chakras. Meditating with a Blue Aventurine can help you to connect with your inner self and help you recognize your own psychic abilities. Blue Aventurine harmonizes well with all other aventurines as well as clear quartz, amethyst, citrine, opal, moldavite, lapis, sodalite, celestite and scolecite. Blue Aventurine is associated with the 3rd eye and throat chakras. The astrological signs are Cancer, Taurus and Sagittarius

Aventurine, Green: brings good luck and good fortune, clears emotional stress, and it is said to attract money. Lore says that it enhances prosperity and brings career success. Green Aventurine is also for increasing ones perception and creativity. Aventurine is said to benefit one in all areas of creativity, and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity. It is a gentle stone energetically that gives a sense of calm and balance and enhances happiness. It also helps one to see alternatives and potentials in all situations, giving a positive outlook, courage and inner strength. Aventurine brings friendship to ones life. It is a stone of protection energies. Folklore and metaphysical lore say that physically it is beneficial for blood, circulatory system, heart, headaches, sleep disorders and healing. Green Aventurine harmonizes well with moldavite, moonstone, morganite, and green and pink tourmaline. Aventurine is associated with the heart chakra.

Aventurine, Peach: good luck stone that gives personal power, self worth and attracts success to the owner. It helps with decision making and can boost creativity. Peach Aventurine is said to benefit you in all areas of creativity, and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity. Metaphysical lore says that it enhances prosperity and brings career success. It has a gentle energy that gives a sense of calm and balance and enhances happiness. It also helps one to see alternatives and potentials in all situations, giving a positive outlook, courage and inner strength. Aventurine brings friendship into your life. It is also a stone of protection energies. Peach Aventurine is beneficial for shyness. It is recommended for persons who worry too much. It helps quiet critical self-talk. Sometimes called the Whisper Stone, Peach Aventurine is sometimes used to help reach the quiet state necessary for meditation. Gem therapy often recommend peach aventurines to persons suffering from anxiety, worry, excessive shyness and Genital and Reproductive diseases. Physically it is beneficial for the lungs, heart, adrenal glands, urogenital system, blood, circulatory system, balancing blood pressure, sinus problems, nausea, headaches, general health, allergies, eczema, fever, and sleep disorders.Peach Aventurine is associated with the 2nd Chakra.

Aventurine, Red: is a member of the quartz family. The color comes from inclusions of hematite. Metaphysically Red Aventurine has the basic qualities of all aventurine as well as additional qualities due to its color and composition. It not only enhances creativity, it grants the ability to see possibilities. It can bring prosperity and less negativity. It can heal the reproductive system, and sometimes reverse diseases. Red Aventurine harmonizes well with all varieties of quartz, all other aventurines, ruby, golden labradorite, moldavite, and ajoite. The Astrological Sign is Aries. Red Aventurine is associated with the Root and Sacral chakras.

Barite through Boji Stone

Barite: provides a smooth, clear connection to the spirit world and aids in the discovery of the spiritual realms. This crystal enhances harmony, friendship, love and provides insight into relationship connections. Barite initiates independence and motivation, assisting us in attaining personal freedom from the requirements of others as well as ourselves. It releases trapped emotions and feelings, bringing calm and self assurance to your inner state after the removal of the pain. Meditating with Barite allows one to discover new worlds and assists to enrich life. It assists one in maintain­ing contact with the higher self, thereby enhancing the peacefulness and wisdom of one's words and actions. Working with Barite helps remove the spiritual blinders that can keep one from experiencing the sorrows of life with joy. Barite provides incentive to pursue your dreams without restraint. For dream work, try placing a Barite crystal in your pillowcase to open the third eye and crown chakras, you may get important symbolic patterns that show the dreamer's current spiritual state and revealing any internal blockages. Barite absorbs radioactivity and protects those working around computers and low levels of radiation. Use barite to increase the energy of other stones. Barite stone is an aggregate of barite crystals and sand whose iron content gives it a reddish hue. Metaphysical healing lore says that Barite assists with addictions, balances brain chemistry and brain cells, it assists with memory and information retention and can be used to remove toxins from the body. It is also used for sunburn, fungal infections, acne, eczema and psoriasis. Barite harmonizes well with Fluorite, Scolecite, Petalite, and Danburite. Barite is associated with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras

Beryl, Blue: is beneficial for pollutants, stress, intuition and fear. Blue Beryl polished stones are of the Water element, and their energy is as refreshing as shower under a cool waterfall. It brings one to a calm yet alert state of consciousness in which one is fully aware of ones own store of knowledge, wisdom and feelings, and able to articulate them all with compassion. It is perhaps the strongest stone for clearing and activating the throat chakra. It stimulates the flow of energy and communication from the heart to the throat, assisting one in gently speaking ones deepest and most heartfelt truth with clarity and conviction. It is especially attractive to children. It can be beneficial if the child is shy or has difficulty verbalizing. This stone is extremely cleansing for the emotional body. It brings emotional patterns to the surface for processing, helping one understand where one is holding on to emotions, communication patterns, or thoughts that are limiting ones ability to go with the flow. Once these patterns are identified, it helps one consciously release them, freeing oneself of attachments to old patterns, relationships, and ways of being. In this way, blue beryl is a stone of empowerment and gentle, yet dynamic, change. It is excellent for working with grief and closure as it assists one in fully releasing attachment to the loved ones body while retaining a positive emotional connection to their spiritual being. Blue Beryl can assist one in rapidly moving through transition, removing resistance and helping one overcome fear of the unknown. It is an excellent ally when ones baggage has become too heavy! The cleansing nature of this stone also clarifies perception, as much of the mental and emotional clutter is washed away. Blue Beryl is used in metaphysical healing for sore throats, laryngitis, strep throat, swollen glands, thyroid, pituitary, hormones, growth, elimination, eyes, jaw and teeth, near- or far-sightedness, stomach, immune system, autoimmune diseases, infection, inflammatory diseases, eczema, hives, rosacea, psoriasis, nervous system, herpes and allergy symptoms. Associated with the throat and heart chakras.

Beryl, Green: exude a gentle energy; at the same time, they guide us to magnificent spiritual progress with the greatest determination. Green Beryl are very special friends of humanity; they ease the path for us as much as they can. Beryl chakra stones assist in opening the Third eye chakra by opening to the Light. It brings calmness and stillness. Assists in a deep meditative space for expanding and merging with the light body. It assists to open up to universal consciousness and merging the dimensions. Pale emeralds are not called emeralds, but green beryl. However green beryl is emerald. Associated with the Crown, Frontal, Third Eye and Thymus chakra.

Bismuth: helps you find order in your life and helps you to see and overcome the blocks you put in your own way. Bismuth crystal is also helpful in meditation and visualization. It is great at helping you stay grounded while working on spiritual matters and bringing information back to your everyday life. Bismuth can bring focus and promote time management. It can be good for relationships, especially where there are several people involved such as groups. Bismuth is a lab grown chemical element that forms crystals like steps or pyramids due to faster growth at the outside edges. It contains all the colors of the rainbow in a maze of colorful iridescence. The rainbow colors are due to oxidation on the surface. Even though it is not a natural stone, some use bismuth in meditation to find a way to solve a personal puzzle by gazing at the maze of colors and shapes to find answers. Bismuth makes a colorful addition to any gemstone display. Associated with the heart and base chakra and the Astrological sign is Taurus

Bloodstone: is an intense healing stone. It is a stone for purification. Bloodstone is mystically used to bring abundance, wealth, success, business and prosperity, as well as smoothing the way with legal issues. Bloodstone crystal is known to enhance intellect and is said to be a stone of protection, courage and harmony. Bloodstone is known to bring mental, physical and emotional renewal by releasing blockages. It is said to be especially good for helping emotional traumas and grief. It is a stone of self confidence, strength and protection. Bloodstone polished stone helps to revitalize love, relationships and friendships. This crystal is excellent for centering and grounding. It is also known to help with calming, particularly in survival situations. Bloodstone strengthens the will to do well. It helps to accept the re-alignment of energies. Helps to be present in the moment. Use for renewal of the physical, mental and emotional. Use bloodstone to dispel bewilderment. The mystical energy of bloodstone increases adaptability and organization, and lessens confusion and anxiety. Metaphysical lore says that bloodstone healing crystal works efficiently towards a healthy immune system by removing toxins and helping your body to absorb the nutrients it needs, works well with allergies, can be helpful in treating anemia and other diseases of the blood, blood pressure, bleeding, cardiovascular system, cramps, diabetes, lupus, colds, endocrine system, kidney, bladder, physical strength issues, flu, physical traumas, and post-surgical issues. Bloodstone harmonizes well with smokey quartz, black tourmaline, jet, obsidian, imperial topaz and moldavite. Associated with the Root Chakra.

Boji Stones: also known as Kansas Pop Rocks are used for metaphysical healing. Boji Stones are one of the oldest stones ever found. It is said that these stones are as old as the Earth. Boji stones are often referred to as stones of humanity. The stones are primarily made up of pyrite and marcasite, which gives them their pewter color and are found in flat and spherical in shape. Boji Stones are sold and used as a pair of female and male stones. The smooth stones are female and the rough stones are male. However, having both female and male characteristics the stones can be used alone because their energy is equal to the energy of a pair of male and female stones. Boji Stones vibrate to the numbers 1 and 9 in numerology. The Zodiac Signs associated with these Stones are Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo and Taurus. Boji stones are primarily used to balance and align ones energy field. These stones improve the bodys electrical structure by creating an electromagnetic field around it. They also help the balancing of the male and female energies in the body and promote the removal of blockages to allow healing to take place. Boji stones-Pop Rocks assist in aligning all of the chakras from the crown chakra to the root chakra. It is used to promote the regeneration of cellular tissue that has been damaged. This is a good stone to treat memory loss, depression and pains. It can also be used in general healing and cell regeneration. Because of its rarity and healing powers these stones are found to be expensive. It is said that Pop Rocks-Boji Stones originate from only Kansas in the USA and they grow like mushrooms and the number of female stones outnumber the males! Here is an easy way to use and feel the healing energies of Pop Rocks to balance your energy field: Hold a Pop Rocks stone in the fingers of each hand. Now move the stones towards and then away from each other; you should feel a very subtle pulling and pushing sensation. If you do not feel this, rotate the Pop Rocks between your fingers and go through this procedure again. You may feel that the male stone feels better in your right hand rather than your left, or vice a versa. Keep at it until you can feel this pulling-pushing sensation. This allows you to become familiar with the energies of your POP rock stones. When you feel the strongest sensation, take notice of which stone is in which hand as well as position. Once you feel you are ready. Lay down and place the POP Rock from your left hand above your head and the other one below your feet. Close your eyes and visualize the golden healing light of the POP rock stones as they work to release energy blocks and to balance-align your energy field. Numerology-POP Rocks Stones vibrate to the numbers 1 and 9.

Bronzite: is a protective, grounding mineral that is used to restore harmony and self confidence in situations where you feel overwhelmed or powerless. Bronzite crystal provides the courage to do and increases self esteem. Bronzite is also believed to be effective against curses or ill wishes. Bronzite stone is helpful for helping with certainty and with taking control of our actions. It can also help give us the ability to take control of our own lives. Since bronzite alleviates indecision, doubt and helps dispel uncertainty, Bronzite can be beneficial when making plans for the future and help us take necessary actions for our own benefit, while still being principled in our behavior. It is excellent for promoting change in a harmonious way. It is called a Stone of Courtesy because it inspires courtesy, help and acceptance. It encourages self-respect as well as respect for others in ones community. This stone promotes a willingness to contribute to the greater good and cultivate a sense of civic pride. Bronzite is used in crystal healing for ailments, assimilation of iron, lessening muscular tension, dispelling restlessness caused by emotional and psycho-physical ailments. Bronzite is a deep golden brown with little bits of flash. Bronzite is a variety of hypersthene, and is a silicate compound of magnesium and iron of the pyroxene family. It is found in the USA, Austria, England, South Africa, India, Labrador, Norway, and Greenland. Bronzite is associated with the base and solar plexus chakras. The astrological signs are Leo and Libra.

Cacoxenite through Chalcedony

Cacoxinite: also called Melodys Stone, Super Seven or Sacred 7 is a very spiritual stone from Brazil. Cacoxinite Crystal represents the universal brotherhood of humanity! Although not always visible, a piece of Super Seven retains all the properties of Amethyst, Clear Quartz. Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Geothite and Lepidocrocite combined. This is part of what makes this stone so desirable. It is one of the few stones that retains all the energy and clarity of each mineral and it never needs cleansing or energizing! Because the Super Seven opens up all the senses and helps one to see auras it is considered and important stone for stimulating and developing all types of psychic abilities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, channeling, telekinesis and others. It is a powerful stone for healing the earth, mind, body and spirit. The very nature of the stone means that it is not associated with any one chakra; instead it is fantastic at healing, balancing and energizing all seven chakras, hence the name Super Seven.

Here are a few of the properties of the seven minerals present in Super Seven:

AMETHYST is a variant of quartz. An important companion stone for those seeking spiritual enlightenment. Amethyst bestows strength, stability, patience and calm in stressful situations, and a strong stone for changing negative energy to positive energy.

CLEAR QUARTZ CRYSTAL also known as Rock Crystal, known for enhancing energy and communication and listening skills. Clear Quartz Crystal increases energy flow and harmony.

SMOKEY QUARTZ exhibits a light to dark smoky grey to black color. Enhances focus, attentiveness, creativity, good business acumen and for those under stress it is an excellent grounding and centering crystal.

CACOXENITE can help to bring spiritual awakening, promote new ideas and understanding, and seeing the positive, benevolent side of life.

GOETHITE can facilitate communication, as well as stimulate and amplify clairaudient abilities. Goethite is wonderful for those wishing to lessen the burden of distraction, and enhance their ability to concentrate and focus.

LEPIDOCROSITE while acting as a stimulus to intellectual pursuits, lepidocrocite can help to promote grounding, centering, clear thoughts, expanding and retaining knowledge.

RUTILE QUARTZ can bring strength, love, ease in making transitions, and accelerate growth in all levels of body, mind and spiritual development. An excellent choice for promoting and building stability within relationships, as well as emotional and mental imbalances. It is an incredible tool for dispelling unwanted energy and can aid astral travel.

Calcite, Black: also called Shamanite is a rare and recently-discovered North American Black Calcite stone, has been certified by the Gemological Institute of America. Shamanites age is scientifically established as PALEOZOIC, 500 million years old. Native American mountain tribes have been creating Shamanite ceremonial objects and jewelry for centuries. North American Black Calcite is sometimes called Toho which means Mountain Lion, by tribal healers and artists. Warm to the skin, Shamanite emanates a protective ancestral vibration. Shielding the wearer from psychic attack, envy and the resentment of others. Black calcite absorbs negativity and is a purifying crystal. Black Calcite stone is a protective stone with the power to heal spiritual wounds, ancestral troubles and assists with grief and mourning. It can be very useful for initiating shamanic journeys, and it can help connect inwardly with power animals and spirit guides. It aids in communication with spirit guides on the other side as well as loved ones who have passed. It can help dispel the fear of death through bringing one to a clear experience that death is not the end of ones being. The calcite component facilitates a clear, calm awareness, making it easier to remain centered through difficult moments of inner or outer life. It can be used in meditation and offers spiritual protection to those who carry it and offers more o those interested in serious inner work. Shamanite also deepens psychic trance work. SHAMANITE is perfect for ceremonial jewelry and protective amulets. Black Calcite Shamanite resonates well with Moldavite, Larimar, Shaman Stones and Nummite. Shamanite Black Calcite resonates with the heart and third eye chakras and it can activate a synergy of their energies to open the portal of the crown chakra. Black Calcite is associated with all chakras.

Calcite, Blue: is calming and soothing. Nearness of blue calcite is great for calming frayed nerves. Blue calcite in your environment can make you aware of needs for rest, which is the first step in helping you get the rest you need. Blue calcite assists in freely expressing the emotions and eases emotional pain. Activates freer expression of creative abilities. Calcite is a wonderful healer and aligner, working with grounding energies through into the physical plane. Calcite is the cleanser of negative stored energies within the human system. It helps you express your views calmly and with tact. Blue calcite is also an enhancer of decision-making. It brings this quality to life through its ability to help you see more clearly what path will lead you to happiness. Blue calcite amplifies energy, particularly in the realms of communication and thought. Blue calcite is an excellent aid to communication. It fosters enlightened discussion, and eases communication between people with opposing views. The array of colors works on all areas of the body and aura, from the gross physical to the finest layers of the etheric. Blue calcite is also an excellent stone for students. It helps retain lessons learned and amplifies learning. Placement of the various colors of calcite upon the body has induced amplification of ones energy fields. Calcite works to help the mind and body to remember: The mind, to remember information brought to bear during astral travel and channeling experiences. The body to remember the state of perfection during disease in order to return to the natural state of flawlessness. Calcite is a world teacher for all of humanity, facilitating universal awareness and appreciation of the creative forces of nature. In the physical realm, blue calcite is used for the throat, lungs, tonsillitis, thyroid, arthritis, joints, and high blood pressure. Blue Calcite is associated with the throat chakra.

Calcite, Clear: sometimes called Optical Calcite or Iceland Spar. Clear pieces of Optical Calcite carry a very high and unique vibration that is evident just by holding them. Calcite increases and amplifies energy. This makes it an excellent stone for distance healing, as well as other types of healing. One of the energies it amplifies is learning abilities, and thus is a great stone for students. Calcite is a protecting, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. Since calcite also promotes creativity and imagination, this inner peace it can bring is a vibrant one. Calcite has been said to increase prosperity. It can also be helpful in astral travel and in channeling, as well as increasing intuition. Calcite is also a stone of spirituality and wisdom. All calcites are helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress. Calcite is probably the premier cleanser of stored negative energies in the human system, and works on all levels from the physical to the etheric. This makes it a very purifying stone. It can also be used to clear negativity in the environment, such as a room that its in. Meditation with Optical Calcite can help to improve ones perception of the physical world and of the self, creating a shift in those who experience predominantly negative emotions. Use this crystal to clear away negative energy, and to amplify positive energy, and help remove fear-based emotions, bringing more optimism into ones experience. In the realm of relationships, calcite brings its properties of grounding and centering, to make it a stone of reconciliation. Calcite can help arguments in a relationship, and help maintain a practical balance between the people in the relationship. Optical Calcite is helpful for those in need of clarity, and those who are learning about Law of Attraction and manifestation. Like Clear Quartz, Optical Calcite can amplify intent, and can be programmed for a specific purpose. Optical Calcite can help one to see past errors and ways to correct them for benefit in the future. Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. The purifying energy of Calcite cleans out stored negative energy from a room, the body, etc. Use Calcite to clear out old energy patterns and to increase personal motivation and drive. Physically, calcite are good for back pain, increasing physical strength, teeth, eyes, bones, joints, and balances the amount of calcium in the body. Calcite can also help to improve the bodys absorption of important vitamins and minerals. and are generally good for healing. It can also be used for detoxifying and as an antiseptic agent. Calcite is especially helpful with emotional and mental conditions. Clear calcite can be used to open and balance all the chakras. Their energies of manifestation make them excellent for grid work. All types of calcite work well with one another but clear calcite also harmonizes with Moldavite, Scolecite and Danburite

Calcite, Cobaltoan: also called Sphaerocobaltite. This pink crystal is known for one of the most loving minerals. A gift of Cobaltoan Calcite is a gift of love. It helps with the formation of friendships, activates and stimulates and clears the heart chakra and enhances love. It also encourages a positivity, dispels negativity, charges the auric bodies and facilitates a deep and stable connection with the spirit world. Use Cobaltoan Calcite as a guide to past lives. It enhances all psychic abilities and produces experiences which include contact with those of the spirit world, visions, healins and unusal manifestations. Cobaltoan Calcite can be used to induce deep relaxation and to generate ideas and solutions. It is an excellent stone for meditation. It has been used to balance the yin yang energies. Cobaltoan Calcite healing crystal can be used in the treatment of those conditions which are considered age related disorders. It can be used to inhibit the degeneration of celluar structures. Associated with the heart chakra.

Calcite, Golden: increases and amplifies energy. It is an excellent stone for distance healing and other types of healing. One of the energies it amplifies is learning abilities and is a great stone for students. Calcite is a protecting, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. Since calcite also promotes creativity and imagination, this inner peace it can bring is a vibrant one. Calcite has been said to increase prosperity. It can also be helpful in astral travel and in channeling, as well as increasing intuition. Calcite is also a stone of spirituality and wisdom. All calcites stones are helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress. Calcite is probably the premier cleanser of stored negative energies in the human system, and works on all levels from the physical to the etheric. This makes it a very purifying stone. It can also be used to clear negativity in the environment, such as a room that its in. Meditation with Optical Calcite can help to improve ones perception of the physical world and of the self, creating a shift in those who experience predominantly negative emotions. One can use Calcite to clear away negative energy, and to amplify positive energy, and specifically, to help remove fear-based emotions, bringing more optimism into ones experience. In the realm of relationships, calcite brings its properties of grounding and centering, to make it a stone of reconciliation. Calcite can help arguments in a relationship, and help maintain a practical balance between the people in the relationship. Optical Calcite is helpful for those in need of clarity, and those who are learning about Law of Attraction and manifestation. Like Clear Quartz, Calcite can amplify intent, and can be programmed for a specific purpose. Calcite can help one to see past errors and ways to correct them for benefit in the future. Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. The purifying energy of Calcite cleans out stored negative energy from a room, the body, etc. Use Calcite to clear out old energy patterns and to increase personal motivation and drive. Calcite is also a good choice for distance healing work, because it amplifies the energy being sent. Physically, calcites are good for back pain, increasing physical strength, teeth, eyes, and are generally good for healing. Golden calcite can be used for treating all conditions. It can also be used for detoxifying and as an antiseptic agent. Calcite is especially helpful with emotional and mental conditions. Golden calcite can be used to open and balance all the chakras. These pieces are great for placing on the chakras during body-layouts and meditation. Their energies of manifestation make them excellent for grid work. Physically, Calcite has been associated with the bones and joints, and balances the amount of calcium in the body. Calcite can also help to improve the bodys absorption of important vitamins and minerals.

Calcite, Green: also known as Emerald Calcite is a very deep healing heart chakra stone. It heals those deepest issues of the heart such as love of self and others. Cleansing of old stagnant and blocked energy. Breaking old relationship habits and patterns. Green Calcite allows you to surrender or to let go of those love issues which have stopped you from finding your true love or soul mate. It helps with the need to be in a relationship. Green Calcite helps cool off anger and irritability. It can help in meditation by quieting the mind and also make dreams more pleasant. Carrying it can feel relaxed amid the tresses of daily life. It can assist one of clearing out the old energy that you are projecting. If you project the energy of neediness or being a victim, you will only attract those who are not good for you. Use Green Calcite to help you project an image of love and self-respect for yourself. This will allow your true energy to show and only then will you be able to mirror your soul mate. In numerology Green Calcite vibrates to the number 3, joy and creativity! This stone is fairly soft as most calcites are. Calcite is fairly abundant and is found all over the world. Green Calcite is believed to be colored green by chromium. Green Calcite harmonizes well with all other calcites, green apophyllite, chrysoprase, petalite, lepidolite and seraphinite. Green Calcite is associated with the Heart Chakra.

Calcite, Honey: gently amplifies energy, assists with challenges associated with change. It enhances psychic abilities, astral projection, higher consciousness, intellect and memory. It is an excellent massage stone. This stone assists with mental clarity, focused energy and grounding which is necessary to complete complex tasks or long term projects successfully. It is the best tone for work challenges requiring your full attention. It can help overcome drowsiness, allowing you to stay alert during jobs that require long hours. At the same time it facilitates a state of relaxation, so that your work does not result in stress. Honey calcite combines well with Moldavite, Celestite and other Calcites. It helps to understand how to put the Divine inspiration and guidance into action. It helps clear the mind and prepare to receive higher knowledge and learning. It can be effective for studying and developing new skill. It can give a person the strength to break old patterns and undertake new direction. Honey Calcite helps overcome fear, procrastination and stimulates self worth. This stone can be used to remove blockages that prevent you from reaching your full abundance. It assists is developing an attitude of gratitude and abundance. Honey Calcite helps to overcome feelings of being overwhelmed and to be positive about your ability to change your life. It enhances self confidence and courage. It teaches about the right use of power and the responsibility you have to employ for the highest good of all. It helps perceive infinite abundance and to overcome any limiting beliefs in scarcity. It can help recognize and develop multiple skills, both mundane and spiritual. Honey Calcite is a wonderful stone for those who have experienced sexual or emotional abuse. It can aid in correcting immune imbalances of all types. It works to balance the endocrine system and balance hormone levels. It can assist in supporting healthy blood sugar levels and strengthening the pancreas. It activates the root, solar plexus and 3rd eye chakra

Calcite, Mangano: has a gentle but powerful energy, and is excellent for energy healing because of its excellent properties of energy magnification. Pink calcite helps to clear, soothe and support the emotional body by acknowledging and releasing deeply held emotional patterns and beliefs such as anger or grief. This crystal helps with emotional traumas by activating the heart chakra and connecting to the energy of Divine Love which brings a feeling of wholeness to ones being. It is a calming stone that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal love and self-love. It offers hope. It heals inner child hurts and past abuse by filling one with a sense of motherly love. It is also excellent for channeling and astral travel, and for studying and retaining information learned. Use it to release fear, open your heart and move towards that which you desire. Mangano Calcite helps us to experience feelings of absolute safety within our own heart and can give us strength to cope with emotional pain. Perfect for studying and to those who need a sharp memory. It can give you extra energy to get through your day, as it is an energy amplifier. Use to speed up your spiritual development. Mangano calcite creates stability and trust in ourselves. It helps us to overcome difficulties. It enhances memory and makes us more energetic, industrious and successful. Helps to alleviate fear. Mangano Calcite is a calcium carbonate and has a distinct pink color with white inclusions. The pink color is due to its Manganese content. Mangano Calcite harmonizes well with rose quartz, morganite, kunzite, moldavite and all other calcites.

Calcite, Orange: is a protecting, purifying, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. It also increases creativity, imagination, and prosperity. Calcite is also a stone of spirituality, wisdom and reconciliation. Calcite of different colors is great for using to open and balance the various chakras. Physically, calcites can heal back pain, increase physical strength, heal teeth, and are generally good for healing. Orange calcite can also give a gentle boost to psychic abilities and intuition. Calcite increases and amplifies energy. It can also be helpful in astral travel and in channeling, as well as with increasing intuition. All calcites are helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress. Orange calcite is a stone that can relieve emotional fear, mental breakdown, depression, accidents, rape, divorce, suicidal thoughts. It is particularly helpful with phobias. Orange calcite restores mental and emotional equilibrium. Meditating with Orange Calcite can bring insights into the causes of apathy or lethargy, allowing one to take back control over ones life. Orange Calcites vital energy can serve as a catalyst for the release of past traumas that have been holding you back, allowing for optimism and joy to come in. Orange Calcite harmonizes well with carnelian, golden labradorite, citrine, selenite and all other calcites. Those experiencing depression will benefit from Orange Calcites infusion of bright vibrations into the lower chakras. It can energize and cleanse the Root and Sacral Chakras and to bring positive energy into the areas of the will and sexuality.

Calligraphy Script: is a naturally occuring fossil shell and Hematite Iron stone mixture. It is also called Arabic Stone Miriam stone. Calligraphy crystal assists in accessing the Akashic Records useful in past-life recall. Calligraphy script stone is helpful in contacting your guides and angels particularly through automatic writing. This crystal connects the solar plexus chakra with the third-eye chakra helping you to access your hidden powers.

Carborundum Moissanite: is a synthetic silicon carbide crystal and is a lab grown stone. Carborundum has a beautiful iridescent, rainbow like luster with black spiked cascading crystals. They have a metallic luster and are razor sharp. Carborundum is an excellent meditation stone, gives serenity and provides heart ease, brings back childishness, and strengthens the bond with your inner child. Carborundum is known to be a healing crystal that shines light in all areas of your life and connects to all chakras, purifies mind, body and spirit. It encourages intuition and eliminates headaches, eye strain and any computer related injuries. Carborundum is a man-made compound of silicon and carbon bonded together to form black iridescent, extremely hard crystals and used as an abrasive, among other things, in industry. It is insoluble in water and highly heat resistant. It also occurs in nature as the very rare mineral Moissanite. The word moissanite is a trade name given to silicon carbide for use in the gem business. The material was discovered by Edward Goodrich Acheson in 1893, and he not only developed the electric batch furnace by which SiC is still made today, but also formed The Carborundum Company to manufacture it in bulk, initially for use as an abrasive. It is said that Acheson was trying to dissolve carbon in molten corundum - alumina and discovered the presence of hard, blue-black crystals which he believed to be a compound of carbon and corundum: hence carborundum. Associated with all chakras

Carnelian: ground and anchor you in the present reality. A stabilizing crystal with high energy, it is excellent for restoring vitality and motivation, and for stimulating creativity. It is useful for dramatic pursuits. Carnelian has the ability to cleanse other stones. Psychologically, Carnelian imparts an acceptance of the cycle of life and removes fear of death. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy, and motivates for success in business and other matters. It is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. This stone helps you to trust yourself and your perceptions. It gets to the bottom of what makes you tick, overcomes negative conditioning, and encourages steadfastness. Mentally, Carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception. It removes irrelevant thoughts in meditation and tunes daydreamers into everyday reality. It sharpens concentration. Emotionally, this stone is a powerful protector against envy, rage, and resentment, yours or other peoples. It calms anger and banishes emotional negativity, replacing it with a love of life. Carnelian near the front door invokes protection and invites abundance into the home. Red Carnelian warms and energizes. It is particularly useful for combating sluggishness and for invigorating the mind and body. Carnelian harmonizes well with all varieties of quartz, jasper and chalcedony. It also combines well with rose quartz, blue lace agate, blue quartz, amethyst, moldavite, danburite and petalite. Carnelian is associated with the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras.

Cats Eye: is long believed to have magical properties and used to protect against the Evil Eye and black magic, in ancient times it was believed that Cats Eye endowed the wearer with invisibility. Cats Eye increases personal power and deepens spirituality. It helps to increase generosity and charitable behavior. This stone promotes forgiveness and offers peace of mind to those who where it.This is a grounding stone that stimulates intuition. Cats Eye dispels negative energy from the aura and provides general protection. Traditionally, it brings beauty, confidence, happiness, serenity, and good luck. Cats Eye is a form of chrysoberyl which is a symbol of tolerance, goodness, pride and harmony. Often given to lovers to increase the positive effects on their relationship. It can initiate intuition and spark awareness. For acquiring more prosperity, confidence, self-pride and very helpful as a healing tool due to their colors. Amplifies other gems energies. It can be beneficial for eye disorders, night vision, headaches, facial pain, adrenaline, cholesterol, chest and liver. Cats Eye has a beautiful translucent sheen. Opens crown chakra and aligns to solar plexus. It is associated with the wind and water elements.

Cavansite and Stilbite: for psychic healing and provide protection so that the disease will not have the ability to return. It provides intense centering and up-liftment. Also excellent for intuition, third eye, and activate channeling abilities. Cavansite and Stilbite together can be a profoundly opening and healing combination of truth, love and peace. It can open the doors of perception while increasing one’s attunement with the realm of the heart. Most of these small specimens have one crystal or crystal flower on the matrix. Cavansite is a rare mineral forming small blue sprays of crystals. These are generally found on matrix coated with snow-white, crystallized Stibite. It is only found in a small area of India and is rarely collected due to the scarcity and difficulty of mine access. Stilbite is a very difficult mineral to polish

Celestite: is said to be an angelic stone. It can connect you to all aspects of the angelic realm, and to angels themselves. It is said that celestite was given powers by angels to raise consciousness, and to bring guidance from the angels. Emotionally, celestite is excellent for emotional protection and to end worry, fear, and anxiety. In this way it decreases negativity. Celestite is a great tool for meditation, as it help focus on that other than of this world and block out distracting noise. Celestite purifies the aura, and perfects the chakras. It is a stone that brings balance, especially to thought processes and communication. Psychically, celestite is an excellent tool for astral travel and assists dream recall. In the physical realm, celestite is an excellent healing stone and is used for healing eye problems, hearing, mental disorders, cellular order, eliminating toxins and digestive problems. This crystal is good for mental activities. Balances the yin yang of ones energy fields. Promotes clearing and perfecting of the chakras. Celestite is associated primarily with the throat and crown chakras.

Chalcedony: is a soothing, calming stone that is great for promoting a sense of peace and joy. Chalcedony is a member of the Quartz family and carries similar properties, such as cleansing, healing, and balancing. This crystal also stimulates optimism and goodwill while relieving hostility. It is used to bring tranquility and promote mental stability and to assist in analyzing information. Chalcedony is Considered a sacred stone by the Native American Indians, chalcedony nurtures and promotes brotherhood and good will. It is also used to assist telepathy, absorb negative energy and dissipate it, as well as communication with other realms. Chalcedony harmonizes mind, body, and spirit, instills generosity. All Chalcedonies are thought to absorb negative energy and promote harmonious emotions. It also is believed to facilitate an exuberant vibe from a speaker to an audience. Carry Chalcedony when in need of relief from depression or an immune system boost. Chalcedony feels nice to hold, and can impart their comforting vibes during mediation or energy work. Blue Chalcedony has a special connection with the Angelic Realm. Chalcedony has a nice translucency. Chalcedony occasionally contains Opal. Associated with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras

Chalcedony, Blue: has a gentle energy. Called the faith stone that encourages you to make positive changes, induces emotional stability and eases communication. Reputed to prevent accidents and reduce irritation and anger. The stone is used for protection from the evil eye and protection from evil in general, particularly black magic. Chalcedony absorbs negative energy and dissipates it. Blue Chalcedony stone is said to balance between mind, body and spirit. Chalcedony nurtures and promotes brotherhood and good will.It is a stone of calm and peace, and to reduce hostility, anger, and irritation. Blue chalcedony soothes mental and emotional stability and can provide emotional honesty. It is also reported to encourage and ease communication. Blue Chalcedony is excellent to use especially for clairvoyance, intuition, used to assist telepathy and energy healing. It also helps reduce or eliminate bad dreams by getting rid of the influences that cause them. Blue Chalcedony healing crystal has been used for eye problems, rapidly healing open sores, easing alzheimers, lactation, blood, circulation, bones, spleen, gall bladder and it increases physical energy. Chalcedony is a variety of the mineral quartz. Blue Chalcedony harmonizes well with chrysoprase, petalite, lapis, ajoite and moldavite. Blue Chalcedony is associated with the throat and third eye chakra. Astrological signs are Cancer and Capricorn

Chalcedony, Pink: absorbs negative energy and dissipates it. It is said to gently relieve depression and improve ones frame of mind. It is used to lessen hostility and bring emotional stability. Pink chalcedony will help give you a sense of your own identity when working for a large company.This crystal harmonizes mind, body, and spirit and is used to assist telepathy. Pink Chalcedony has a gentle, nurturing energy, that is said to encourage empathy and feelings of inner peace. It is believed to encourage a willingness to learn new things and to help awaken a sense of childlike wonder. Pink Chalcedony is said to promote feelings of reassurance and trust. It is believed to be especially good and reassuring for children whose parents are going through a divorce, helping adopted, foster or step children who may be feeling insecure integrating into a new family. It will help you to better cope with difficult children or relatives. Pink Chalcedony crystal is considered a sacred stone by the Native American Indians, and used for ceremonies. It has been called a stone of brotherhood bringing energies of loving kindness and goodwill to all. Chalcedony Instills generosity, nurtures and promotes brotherhood and good will. Pink Chalcedony healing crystal is a powerful cleanser, including open sores. Mothers use it to help with breast feeding issues, and it also fosters the maternal instinct. It increases physical energy. Healers use it to decrease ill effects of senility and dementia as well as to heal the eyes, fortify the heart, gallbladder, bones, spleen, blood and circulatory system. Chalcedony is a type of quartz that comes in many colors. It is used in crystal work for many things. Chalcedony is also reported to be a miracle stone, bringing apparent miracles to our plane of existence. Pick Chalcedony can be use for self-esteem or self-love rituals. It can also be used for gentle banishing rituals. Chalcedony also has energies of quartz and can help stabilize all chakras. The zodiac sign for Pink Chalcedony is Pisces. Associated with the heart chakra.

Chalcopyrite through Creedite

Chalcopyrite: stone for crystal healing and energy work. Chalcopyrite can remove energy blocks and can totally open up the crown chakra, cleansing and activating i at the same time. It is an excellent stone to use for meditation as it helps to achieve and maintain a state of no mind. It enhances inner knowing, strengthens perception and helps you trust what you see psychically. It is also a protective stone, good for many kinds of protection, including protection from illness. It is also good for Tai Chi, acupressure, acupuncture and other practices that move Chi, because it helps move Chi and break up energy blockages. Chalcopyrite can inspire the infinite energies of the universe to activate the state of physical perfection within the body. Chalcopyrite helps to find lost objects, it also accumulates information which will be beneficial to its user. It enhances perception and strengthens contact with ancient cultures of the universe. It connects us with other cultures and helps us to receive their information. It is the stone of the mystic, bringing information for both yourself and other relative to their energy field. Chalcopyrite, also known as peacock ore or peacock rock. Associated with the Crown Chakra

Charoite: called a Stone of Transformation and is a stone of power and Courage. In particular it transforms negative emotions such as anger and fear into positive feelings. As part of the transformation process it allows release of those negative emotions. Charoite is also a stone of inspiration, bringing enhanced creativity, spiritual growth, and showing new possibilities even in old situations. This is a stone that allows us to see clearly which brings with it enhanced self-esteem and helps release one from victimization. Charoite can enhance or bring courage, inner strength, and appropriate assertiveness. In the psychic realm, chaorite is used for entity release or rescue work, clairvoyance, and prophesy. Physically, chaorite is helpful for speeding up healing of all kinds, headaches, liver problems, alcohol detoxification, cramps, heart problems, eye problems, and nerves. Color: The colors in each piece of Charoite range from bright lavender, violet and lilac to dark purple with both white, gray and black veining. It forms a swirling pattern of interlocking crystals. Healing lore says to put charoite beneath your pillow, especially if you are prone to disturbed sleep or fears which surface in dreams. In combination with amethyst, it will help to release these fears. Mystical lore says charoite is said to be useful for the cleansing and purification of ones energy body as well as for the transmutation of negative energies within oneself. Charoite transmutes negativity and cleanses the aura. Charoite facilitates the release of fear and dissolution of negative energies encountered in the process of aligning with your souls purpose. Work with Charoite to foster a unity between the heart and crown chakra, walk your spiritual path with awareness, and manifest your souls wisdom and light in daily life. The purple color of Charoite, among its other roles, helps to bring us closer to spirit by showing us that everything, even the thoughts we hold as true, can be dissolved and replaced with more empowering energies. The color black in this stone grounds the purple ray, and enables us to explore the nature of our fears; while white represents the connection to spirit. Charoite is found in only one location - along the Chary River at Aldan in Russia. Charoite harmonizes well with moldavite, seraphinite, petalite, amethyst, kunzite, blue apatite, sugilite, jet, black tourmaline and smoky quartz. Associated with the 3rd Eye, Crown, Solar plexus and Root chakras.

Chiastolite: is sometimes called Fairy Cross. It is a powerfully protective stone. Chiastolite Pronunciation kahy-as-tl-ahyt also known as the Cross-Stone. It has the properties of transmuting dissension into harmony. It is a creative stone with the power to dispel negative thoughts and feelings. It transmutes conflict into harmony and aids problem-solving and change. It is a gateway into the mysteries, and is helpful for those making the transition beyond death. It calms fears, enabling you to face reality. It aids you in transition between one situation and another. It clears feelings of guilt and stabilizes the emotions. It maintains spirituality during illness or trauma, invoking protective forces. The X in this stone was used to deflect the evil eye. Chiastolite is a wonderful energy to have around. It helps you find your path, balances your emotions, dispels negativity and helps to transform all inharmonious vibrations into harmonious ones. Use as a bridge between worlds or in times of change as an accelerator to release old limiting beliefs. It promotes practicality, creativity, adaptation to change, problem-solving, strength, devotion, balance, memory and harmony. Provides protection and enhances spiritual awareness. Reduces fears, illusions and guilt. Assists with transition and change. The chakras for this stone are the Base and Sacral.

Chrysanthemum: supports new beginnings, new babies and new home. Chrysanthemum stone encourages the spiritual growth, supporting change which occurs in a harmonious way. It brings an energizing and inspiring endeavor to fruition. Chrysanthemum is a stone of self development, it works to assist one to awaken their child-like awe and wonder while on the spiritual path. By having chrysanthemum stone in your environment and frequently engaging it with your aura it will help to allow you to enjoy each moment and blossom towards your perfect path. Chrysanthemum assists one with remaining centered in the present while encouraging one to bloom. In times of change when we need to let go, we sometimes hold on too long, causing our own suffering. This stone allows smooth transition in times of change and reminds us that we are reborn again, we will grow, blossom and transform ourselves continually. We are like the art work you see in the chrysanthemum stone, we come out of the darkness, unique and by divine design! As we can admire this stone, others will admire us for our Divinity. It is a beautiful stone that reminds us of our divinity, perfection, beauty and helps us to accept the process of change and our journey knowing that we will be reborn with each passing change. Chrysanthemums symbolize longevity, dependability, and the wishes for a long duration of anything wonderful: success, marriage, career, etc. The chrysanthemum symbolizes harmony and peace. Some of chrysanthemum stone attributes to healing are to eliminate jealousy, animosity, and resentment of ones character. It provides us with confidence, inherent strength of character and support in seeing the bigger picture in life. Physically chrysanthemum stone helps with the treatment of disorders of the skin, skeletal system and eliminating toxins. Chrysanthemum harmonizes well with moldavite, seraphinite and carnelian. Associated with all Chakras

Chrysocolla: is a stone of harmony, both on a universal level and a very specific level. It is a tranquil stone and helps with meditation and communication. It can be used to purify a place or remove negativity from a person and the home. It is a very gentle stone and its energy works in a gentle, harmonious way. It can help ease fear, anxiety, and guilt. Chrysocolla brings serenity to situations and change. It can invoke inner strength and is beneficial to relationships that have become rocky, stabilizing and healing both the home and the personal side. It can heal heartache and increase the capacity to love. It can reduce mental tension, promotes telling the truth, alleviates guilt and brings joy. It is also used to communicate with the spiritual forces of the Earth. Physically, it is good for treating asthma, emphysema, TB, pneumonia, arthritis, bone disease, muscle cramps, spasms, headaches, particularly tension headaches, and is used for protection during pregnancy and childbirth. Chrysocolla calms and cleanses all the chakras and aligns them with the divine. Chrysocolla harmonizes well with larimar, aquamarine, ajoite, malachite, azurite and lapis. Chrysocolla is associated throat, heart and root chakras.

Chrysoprase: is powerful stone. It brings good fortune and prosperity, as well as business success. It facilitates self-expression and courage and the ability to use them wisely. It can bring happiness, which is partly because it helps its wearer get rid of negative thoughts turns attention to positive events. It also enhances and strengthens friendships. Chrysoprase is a stone of balance that equalize yin yang energies and allows deep meditation. It can mend broken hears and remove inferiority or superiority complexes. It is a powerful healing stone that aids failing eyesight or other eye problems, immune system response, fertility issues, gout, mental illness, relieves fevers and excess body heat, and can help guard against sexually transmitted diseases. Chrysoprase harmonizes well with ajoite, danburite, lepidolite, kunzite, morganite, strombolite and moldavite. Chrysoprase is related primarily to the heart chakra, which it activates, opens and energizes. It also aligns all the chakras.

Chrysoprase, Lemon: is thought to be a powerful stone to bring good fortune and prosperity, as well as business success. It can bring happiness by diminishing negative thoughts, irritability and aids positive self growth. This stone also encourages fidelity in business and personal relationships. Lemon Chrysoprase enhances perception, encourages feelings of trust and security. It can instill wisdom, self-confidence, help to release emotional stress and encourages compassion, loving acceptance and kindness. It is a soothing stone for those suffering from the pangs of love Lemon Chrysoprase healing crystal is used in healing and spirituality. The healing properties include soothing depression, and it is also said to help treat ailments of the heart. Lemon Chrysoprase is good for the liver, and for detoxification and elimination, aids hormone imbalance and soothes the digestive system. Lemon Chrysoprase is said to help increase fertility and other sexual imbalances. This stone can help recall trauma from childhood for release and to heal inner child. Lemon Chrysoprase stone is said to mend the body and also be used to mend the spirit, help with loneliness, and an emotional broken heart. Lemon Chrysoprase can help keep the mind more alert. It can help with nightmares especially in children. Place this stone next to the bed and it will aid restful sleep. Lemon Chrysoprase polished stone stimulates creativity and draws out latent artistic and intuitive talents. Lemon Chrysoprase coloration is a white to pale yellow with brown veins to a solid, bright lemony green hue. The feel is so silky smooth stone it has an instant calming and soothing feel to them. Lemon Chrysoprase is the most valued of the Chalcedony variety of stones. Mined primarily in Western Australia. Lemon Chrysoprase can fade in sunlight. Associated with the Zodiac symbols of Aries and Libra. Lemon Chrysoprase liberates the heart chakra. Lemon chrysoprase can balance the heart chakra, which is said to inspire positive change and increases perception and awareness.

Citrine: is a comforting and energizing stone. It gives a powerful alignment with the higher self and builds up the aura. It balances the emotions and makes the mood sunny and cheerful. Citrine is used for meditation, protection, creativity and manifestation. It assists in making the thoughts clear. Brings joy and draws abundance through joy. Good to use in healing as it is a powerful transformer. Citrine is one of a very few stones that does not hold on to or accumulate negative energy, but dissipates and transmutes it, working out problems on both the physical and subtle levels. It never needs clearing or cleansing. Known as the merchants stone; placing a cluster or crystal of citrine in ones cash box has produced more income for the merchant. It not only assists the merchant in acquiring wealth, but helps to maintain a state of wealth. It activates, opens and energizes the sacral and solar plexus chakras, directing via personal power, creativity and intelligent decisiveness, the energy necessary to enhance the physical body. It stimulates both mental focus and endurance. Citrine harmonizes well with golden labradorite, imperial topaz, orange calcite, carnelian, amethyst, petalite, danburite, apophyllite and scolecite. Citrine is associated with the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras.

Citrine, Smoky: is one of the few minerals on the planet which does not hold and accumulate negative energy, but dissipates and transmutes it, working out problems on both physical and subtle levels. Citrine is one of the stones to be called the merchants stone - placing citrine in ones cash box has produced more income for the merchant. Smoky citrine diminishes self destructive tendencies, raises self esteem, light heartedness, cheerfulness, hope, warming, energizing and attracts abundance. Associated with the naval and crown chakras.

Copal: is a fossil resin produced from plant sap and is similar to amber but is a much younger form of tree resin compared to the prehistoric nature of true fossil amber. Copal is said to give a soothing, light energy that is both calming and energizing at the same time. Copal is quite useful to amplify one’s energy field and change negative energy into positive energy. Copal is good to keep one aware during meditation. It is also used for the removal of energy blockages. It can increase the awareness of ones individuality. Copal stimulates and amplifies psychic abilities and provides amplification of the entire energy field of the body. It also helps one to manifest dreams. Copal never needs to be cleaned nor cleared as it doesn’t hold onto negative vibrations. Copal is used by healers for both diagnostic healing and communicating with spirit guides. Copal is a very healing tree resin. Mystical lore says that copal improves disorders of the heart and helps with disorders associated with diminished physical vitality. It has also been used to treat kidney and bladder disorders and stimulate cellular renewal. Copal has also been used to rejuvenate energy while recovering from hospitalization. Copal is used to activate the crown chakra and maintain physical consciousness. It stimulates the crown chakra toward spirituality. Copal helps to open all chakras.

Copper: wonderful healing tool. Copper nugget is a mineral of energy and mental agility. In metaphysical lore, copper is said to be the metal which facilitates mental agility, and quick wit. Copper is used to channel and ground higher vibrations. It conducts and enhances stone energies. Copper is excellent conduit of Heaven and Earth and performs the task of providing the medium for manifestation of the invisible to the visible. It is the conductor of energy, from electricity to the mystical energies coming from higher planes. Copper is said to enhance and transmit thoughts, even over long distances. Copper resonates the Earth element and teaches the ways of walking in balance with the planet. Copper enhances the energy of any earthly stone with which it is used. The exceptions are meteorites and tektites. The patina of copper does not detract from its energy. Copper carries the energies of thought and emotion easily. It can help you become more aware inner thoughts that create our emotional experiences. Copper aids in gaining wisdom regarding emotional experiences. Physically, copper is used in traditional folk remedy and crystal healing lore to bring in additional energies for all types of healing, treatment of arthritis, relieving pain of broken bones and low energy. Copper supports the formation of red blood cells. It is an element that can assist the body in repairing tissues after an accident, injury or surgery. It is an excellent metal to use in physical healing and recovery. Copper is associated with the earth element and all chakras.

Coral, Red: is said to protect one from depression. Coral can be used to reconnect with nature. It provides balance in the material and the spiritual world. Red Coral is a stone of passion and attracts love and prosperity. Coral balances and quiets the emotions and brings peace to ones self, which makes it a good aid for meditation or visualization. Red Coral stimulates the pursuit of pre-determined goals and understanding their purpose. Coral absorbs negative energy and is a protection stone. It facilitates intuition, imagination and creativity. Red Coral aids in making new friends and maintaining friendships. Coral brings wisdom and optimism into ones life and expedites and accelerates the transfer of knowledge. Coral comes from the sea and is the vacated housing of marine life. Red Coral is considered the most sought after color but coral also can be found in pink, white, yellow and black. Each color has specific additional attributes. Coral can be found in the Mediterranean Sea, South Pacific, Australia, Africa and Japan. Metaphysical Healing lore says Coral is used for general healing, stimulates and nourishes the bloodstream, strengthens circulatory system and bones and stimulates tissue regeneration. Red Coral treats disorders of the kidneys, bladder, spine, nervous system, eyes and the respiratory system. Red Coral is associated with the root chakra. Astrological sign for Coral is Libra.

Coral, Agatized: centuries ago it was commonly used to ward off the evil eye. It was also believed to draw luck if used as an ornament in the home. Sailors used coral as a talisman against bad weather. Mystics use the stone to support trauma therapy and work through emotional issues from dysfunctional families. It may assist you in achieving excellence in your personal and professional life. Agatized Coral is also helpful for promoting inner peace and quieting your nagging thoughts. You can use it for communicating with past relations or for receiving and understanding Universal knowledge. The Quartz qualities in fossils like Agatized Coral and Petrified Wood make them perfect tools for working on past life memories. Quartz is a recorder of the past, present and future. Working with Agatized Coral crystal, gives you the benefit of two energies in one. The life energies of the Coral are preserved just as the physical shape is during the fossilization process. Plus the Quartz that replaced the organic material brings its own unique vibrations to this crystal. Agatized Coral can facilitate the projection of energy to create, to sustain, to change, and to modify. Use with any water bath or foot soak for emotional cleansing. It is an excellent protection stone for travel on or near water. Agatized Coral is a very loving gemstone. It helps magnify your awareness of our common connections. Showing you the power love has to create change. Learn the strength to love other people, the courage to greet life with an open and giving heart under the guidance of this gentle crystal. It can ease your irritability and help you feel better about other people. Agatized Coral also know as Fossil Agate Coral, Fossilized Agatized Coral, Fossil Coral, Fossilized Coral, Petoskey Agate, Petoskey Stone. Agatized Coral may also enhance the bodys ability to absorb nutrients and aid with digestion. Most fossils promote long life and Agates have numerous healing qualities. Healing lore says agates prevent snake bites, bee stings and insect bites. They have also been used to relieve thirst and reduce fevers. The crystal can bring the various functions of your body into harmony improving your general health. Coral is also associated with the female reproductive system and has been used in ancient healing traditions for womens health problems. Agatized Coral occurs when silica in the ocean water hardens, replacing the limy corals with a form of quartz mineral known as Agate, a variety of Chalcedony. This long fossilization process - 20 to 30 million years, results in the formation where one mineral has replaced another without having lost its original form. Prehistoric corals are believed to have thrived in the same environments that modern corals prefer - clean, warm oceans with normal salinity levels. Corals today share a symbiotic relationship with the algae that cover their body tissue. The algae supply the coral with oxygen, which most likely was the case in prehistoric times as well.

Covellite: harmonizes mind, body and spirit. It is a helpful stone if you are feeling vulnerable and easily influenced by others. Covellite can assist in transforming conscious dreams into realities. Covellite can stimulate your psychic ability, lucid dreaming and astral travel. Covellite is a vision stone that helps one to connect physical reality with higher realms. It can promote and support the journey into the deeper, dark side of your spirit. Covellite assists with reflecting on past lives and releasing the karma associated with past events and moving onto the present without anxiety. It is particularly helpful during times of transition. Covellite is a stone of letting go, promoting the positive side and instilling a constructive approach toward solving problems. Metaphysical healing lore says that Covellite assists with physical imbalance or disease and reproductive issues. Covellite has been used in the treatment of cancer, digestion, fungal infections, ears, eyes, sinuses, throat and to purge toxins within the body. Covellite harmonizes well with nuummite, iolite, astrophyllite, chiastolite and fulgurite. Covellite is associated with all chakras. The Astrological sign is Sagittarius.

Creedite: helps provide a driving force towards your goals, promotes insight into your obstructions and initiates the wisdom to circumvent or the ability to penetrate the obstacle involved. It is also useful to increase productivity, creative vision and positive vibrational energy in a work space. Creedite Crystal is an excellent meditation crystal, out of body experiences, creating an open channel for Divine inspiration. Creedite is excellent for clarity in expression of the spiritual realm, is a great tool to enhance spirituality and clears the aura of any debris. Creedite activates the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras, provides clarity in expression, resonates cleansing frequency that can aid one in connecting with ones highest guides and recovering memories of other lifetimes. Creedite occurs in white, orange, clear and sometimes blue-purple crystals. It is a rare mineral mostly found in Mexico. Use Creedite with scolecite or apophyllite to connect with higher realms and for creativity use with carnelian, orange calcite or amber. Creedite also harmonizes well with jet, black tourmaline, moldavite and nuummite. Associated with the 3rd Eye, Crown and Throat Chakras and the Astrological sign is Virgo

Danburite through Dumortierite

Danburite: is a powerful intellectual activator. Danburite crystals aid with communication and relationships with others. Danburite encourages you to let yourself shine. Danburite combines well with other stones, especially angel stones such as Moldavite and Angelite. Danburite adds to the energy of the Angel Stones, enhancing their abilities. It allows others to see you and your capabilities in a true light and helps you get along with others. Danburite works extremely well on the Heart Chakra and helps you love yourself. In gem form, it sparkles and flashes very much like a white Diamond and sometimes was used in place of a Diamond in the 19th Century. Danburite healing crystals helps remove toxins from the body. These have a quartz-like clarity with very soft, calming, and angelic energy. Clear to a slight pink cast color. Danburite harmonizes well with moldavite, petalite, scolecite, lepidolite, lithium, smoky quartz, pink tourmaline and morganite. Danburite is associated with the crown chakra and activates the heart chakra. Astrological Sign is Leo

Desert Rose: also called Selenite Rose. It is a type of Sulfate. In crystal form - Seletine. In mass form - Albaster. In rosette form - Dessert Rose. Desert Rose is considered to be the Lucky Stone. It aids in coping when life is living in the fast lane .It is often used for canter of medicine wheel, is used by Native American Indians in rain ceremonies and is an Earth Keeper stone. Desert Rose is used for mental clarity and to increase awareness of self and environment. It allows one to see inner truth. Desert Rose stone assists in promoting success in business and stimulates progression. Desert Rose can be carried with you for protection and to bring the energetic qualities of the minerals with you wherever you go. They are believed to offer protective qualities, and can be used in protection spells and rituals to help keep negative energies at bay. It is also used to strengthen affirmations and assist in accessing past lives. Desert Rose is a naturally occurring desert flower made up of Selenite - gypsum and Barite, with sand inclusions. Some minerals form rosette shapes, and selenite is one of these. The petals are created by crystals forming along gypsums characteristic cleavage planes. The edges of selenite rose are sharper and the crystalline structure is less hard than the barite rose. The desert rose form in arid conditions by evaporation of shallow salt basins over millions of years. White sands, New Mexico, is an oasis of gypsum sand dunes created by evaporation at Lake Luceros Alkali Flats. Soluble in hydrochloric acid and hot water. Desert Rose has many industrial uses including used in plaster of paris cement. Desert Rose is associated with the Crown Chakra and the Astrological sign is Taurus.

Diopside, Black Star: rare crystal used for balancing, calming and mood lifting. Black Star Diopside is associated more with the root chakra than other colors of Diopside, and brings more energies of calming stress and anxiety. Diopside is also used for calming pets at times. Diopside is also used for protection. It is a very important stone in meditation, Shamanic journeying and trance work. Diopside is said to induce a meditative state while keeping one safe. In trance work, it can give the confidence to step back and allow spirit guides to enter. Diopside can be found as a beautiful deep green or black, which when polished has a reflective star on the surface. Black Star Diopside is a very creative stone and can bring creativity to the bearer. It stimulates intellect and can also help with analysis and logic as an assistant to learning. It is also said to be related to love, commitment, and the inner heart. Diopside allows one to experience love while retaining a sense of detachment. It is traditionally said to be helpful for healing trauma, partly by bringing cleansing tears. Sometimes its even called the crying stone because of this. It can help get in touch with the feminine side, which can help heal aggression and stubbornness. Black Diopside is a stone for improving ones physical well being through the energies of the planet. Because of its tendency to focus consciousness downward into the ground it is excellent for dowsing, assisting a person with developing the intuitive feeling for what is hidden below the feet. Black Star Diopside harmonizes well with Tektite, black tourmaline, obsidian, jet and other root chakra stones like red garnet and ruby. It is ideal for grounding when working with high vibration stones. Physically Diopside has been used for the heart, lungs, circulation, weakness, kidneys, muscle aches and spasms, and psychological disorders. It can act as a pain reliever, help repair damage to tendons and ligaments and calm IBS. In this capacity it can be taken as a gem elixir. It aids the immune system, strengthens and opens the heart on both a physical and emotional level. Black Diopside can be used where serious illness or terminal conditions create weakness in the physical body and can aid one in having more physical energy during healing or spiritual energy for transition to the next realm. Diopside harmonizes well with rose quartz, danburite, ajoite and larimar. Black Diopside is associated with the root chakra and the astrological sign is Virgo

Dioptase: is a stone of healing. It can help heal in many ways emotionally, including clearing your issues, and releasing negative emotions. It promotes healing from abuse, neglect, sadness, and despair. It is called a stone of Living in the Moment because it helps one overcome these hurtful past energies and find the joy of the current moment, bring calm, confidence, and self-worth. Spiritually, dioptase is good for alignment and attunement with the spiritual energies of your choice. Dioptase crystal stimulates memory of past lives and helps illuminate oppressive feelings and situations. It also promotes genuineness, sincerity, emotional balance, self-worth, and deep well-being. From the book Love is In the Earth it says Dioptase brings forth and helps one to understand the message that yesterday is but a memory, tomorrow is but a vision, and today is real. Living in the moment is the energy of this mineral! Dioptase has been used for circulation, weakness, kidneys, muscle aches, spasms, psychological disorders, central nervous system, lungs, heart, blood pressure, stress and deep healing in general. It is excellent for older people as it is said to stimulate hormones that tend to slow down through old age. It can send healing deep into the earth. Dioptase can be used to both clear and simulate all of the chakras to the higher level of awareness and action, bringing an invigoration and a refreshing energy to the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies. The powerful green in this crystal reaches deep into the heart chakra to release and heal sadness, heartache, abuse and neglect. It empowers the heart with new depth, strength, healthiness, courage, and ability to love deeply. It is said to connect the emotional heart with the spiritual heart to receive abundance. Dioptase has tiny deep blue-green silicate crystals. Dioptase harmonizes well with malachite, azurite, turquoise, danburite, scolecite, herdite and brookite. It is associated with all Chakras. The Astrological signs are Aries, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius

Dolomite: is excellent for acheiving calm and balance. Dolomite does not hold negative energy and purges itself of it. It softens negative emotions, anger and fear. Dolomite is a good stone to have around children because it can counteract moodiness, raging hormones, nightmares and tantrums. Dolomite relieves sorrow, soothes hurt, loneliness and anxiety. It is a gentle stone that encourages charitable actions, generosity and giving of all kinds, as well as receiving. Helps us to see that everything happens for a reason. Provides stamina for those dealing with hyperactive individuals. Use Dolomite to align your energy, rebalance and remove blocks. It also encourages energetic thinking, original thinking, spontaneity, creativity, and manifestation. Dolomite is also used to stop energy leaks from the chakras, and to balance and align the chakras. It stabilizes both human and mineral energies, and when placed strategically in a home with other minerals that balance the energetic atmosphere. In the physical realm it is beneficial for strengthening bones, teeth, muscles, and the female reproductive system. It reduces the effects of PMS. Pink dolomite is also particularly good for insomnia. Dolomite harmonizes well with almost every type of stone. Dolomite is associated with all chakras.

Dragon Stone: is thought to promote patience and stimulate perception and personal power. It is believed to dissolve sadness or sorrow, self-pity, grief, and is thought to dispel critical tendencies and closed-mindedness. Dragon Stone tends to bring more of what one already has. It can provide for increase in that to which one attunes it. When used consciously and programmed to enhance specific desired outcomes. It will do this to the positive or the negative that you attune to the stone. It can be a very powerful stone. It enhances keen perception, stimulates participation and interaction and supplements personal power. Dragon Stone is said to be a stone of increase. It therefore has a tendency to increase anything it touches, whether the thing it touches is energy or a material object. It is believed to be a powerful healing stone by itself or as an inclusion in quartz or other stones; it is thought to increase their healing virtues. Medicinally, it is thought to stimulate the immune system and improve overall physical well being, thereby strengthening over-all health. Some feel dragon stone can be used as a digestive aid, especially for those who have a hard time assimilating food intake and to help heal intestinal blockages due to nervous disorders affecting the stomach. Dragon stone is also believed to help with regeneration and recovery following illness, exhaustion due to stress, and past trauma. Dragon stone is a combination of Epidote and Red Piedmontite. This colorful stone is called Dragon Stone after a blue headed lizard that looks like a miniature dragon called Blou Kopps - Blue Headed Lizards. This is because these cold blooded creatures like to lie and warm themselves on warm rocks during cold early mornings. The rich green and dark maroon red colors of this stone absorb the early mornings suns rays, making it a favorite amongst the lizard population to sun themselves on. The rocks dappled colors also help to camouflage the lizards from preying hawks and eagles that hunt these lizards.

Dravite: is Brown Tourmaline that is a brown hued variety of Tourmaline that pairs the purifying energies of Black Tourmaline with the heart healing energy of Green Tourmaline. Dravite is an excellent grounding stone, clearing and opening the earth chakra. It clears the aura and protects it. Brown Tourmaline makes one feel comfortable in a large group. This stone heals dysfunctional family relationships and strengthens empathy. It can help one identify what needs to be released before further growth can occur. Dravite aids in finding an emotional strength and sense of self acceptance, initiating deep healing for those who have experienced emotional trauma. Its grounding influence helps those who feel overwhelmed, release panic and begin to find a place of calm from which to approach life. It helps one to see what has been denied, so emotional healing can occur. Dravites energy lends one a sense of well-being and competence. Brown Tourmaline promotes creativity in healing. Metaphysical healing lore says that Dravite is excellent for blood purification and clearing the lynphatic system. It assists with overcoming addiction, stopping self abusive behaviors, treats intestinal disorders, skin diseases and stimulates regeneration in the whole body. Dravite harmonizes well with black tourmaline, jet, black obsidian, aegirine, smoky quartz and moldavite. Dravite is associated with the root and heart chakra.

Dumortierite: also called Blue Quartz, is a stone that enhances organizational abilities, self-discipline and orderliness. This enhancement is believed to be due to the effect it can have of balancing the throat chakra and enhancing communication between lower chakras-physical energy and the higher chakras-mental spiritual energy. Blue quartz greatly reduces problems with scattered mind and disorganization, and brings mental clarity. Blue quartz brings a sense of order to all things, releases fear and brings courage to ones life. It is also a boost for creativity and expression. It also helps one to see and accept reality, and react to it intelligently in ones behalf. It can lift depression and replace it with peace and happiness. It also can help reduce stubbornness, particularly stubbornness that is ultimately bad for a person. Blue quartz helps reduce emotional tension. Helps a person with patience. Stimulates verbalization of spiritual ideas. Aids in opening ones clairvoyant abilities, which we all have. In addition, it encourages one to see and accept reality, and react to it in an intelligent manner. It also helps one to see and accept reality, and react to it intelligently in ones behalf. In the psychic and spiritual realms, blue quartz brings spiritual development, and contact with spirit guides and angels. It can also help you express your spiritual thoughts and dreams. Blue quartz is excellent for peaceful mindfulness or meditation. Dumortierite harmonizes well with Lapis Lazuli and Blue Sapphire. Dumortierite is associated with the third eye and throat chakra, and it enhances communication between the lower and higher chakras.

Elestial through Epidote

Elestial, Orange: relieves sorrow, depression and lightens the heart. Elestials brings great strength. This crystal can assist in overcoming emotional burdens and connect body and spirit, while connecting us with the Angelic realms. Elestials can provide information that enables us to move forward or overcome blockages in our spiritual path and align us with the wisdom of the universe. They bring into the now the elusive, intuitive thoughts we chase about past, present and future accelerating our path towards the light. Orange Elestial crystal creates an uplifting energy, enables one to tune in to the higher levels of consciousness with an enhanced energy that is quite powerful. These crystals are excellent for meditation and often attuned to the angelic realm. Associated with all chakras

Emerald: is a stone of prosperity, tranquility, compassion and balance. Protects against temptation and seduction. Emerald is a stone of love and romance, and is reputed to bring both passion and domestic bliss. It is a wonderful gem to give and receive love. It brings and enhances harmony, joy, cleansing, clairvoyance, memory, and faith. Emerald balances emotional turmoil. It also benefits intuition, intellect, communication, decision making, and enhances truth and honesty. Emerald is used to enhance intuitive awareness and to bring forth manifestation. It is a stone of protection. Emotionally emerald is used to help with emotional traumas. Emerald is the stone of physical immortality and rejuvenation that keeps youthfulness. Physically, emerald is said in crystal healing and folklore to be helpful for adrenal glands, diabetes, fibromyalgia, headaches, heart issues, insomnia, muscle problems, nervous system ailments. It intensifies the Chakra energies and opens us up to our own Divinity and deeper spiritual insight. Emerald harmonizes well with moldavite, dioptase, aventurine, morganite, kunzite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, lepidolite, beryl and aquamarine. Emerald is associated with the Heart, Crown, and Solar Plexus chakras. Astrological signs are Taurus, Cancer and Libra

Epidote: is a stone used when something needs to be increased or improved upon. Epidote has a tendency to increase anything it touches, whether the thing it touches is energy or a material object. It is a stone that enhances emotional and spiritual growth. It cleanses repressed emotions, often once and for all. It opens the way for those who have denied spiritual growth, and those drawn to epidote are probably being nudged, although somewhat forcefully, into some sort of spiritual awakening. Epidote also clears the emotional aura. It stimulates perception, participation, and interaction as well as personal power. It also dispels criticalness and closed mindedness. Epidote is also promotes patience. In the physical realm, it is used to stimulate the immune system, aid digestion, support all healing, and stop panic attacks. Epidote tumbled stone is excellent crystal for physical healing. It is helpful in overcoming habitual negativity. Epidote has a tendency to increase anything it touches, whether the thing it touches is energy or a material object. It is a stone that enhances emotional and spiritual growth. It cleanses repressed emotions. It opens the way for those who have denied spiritual growth, and those drawn to epidote are being rocked forcefully into spiritual awakening. Epidote also clears the emotional body aura. It dispels criticalness, enhances interaction, perception, stimulates participation and interaction and supplements personal power. Epidote is also said to promote patience. In the physical realm, it is used to stimulate the immune system, aid digestion, support all healing, and stop panic attacks. Combine it with Amethyst Crystals to give you added protection from negativity. Epidote harmonizes well with moldavite, amethyst, seraphinite and herkimer diamonds. Epidote is asscoiated with all chakras.

Faden through Fulgurite

Faden Quartz: is a variety of quartz crystal that is distinguished from other Quartz crystals by the presence of a fuzzy white line running through the middle. Faden crystal is one of the most important healing stones of the quartz family. Faden are a highly programmable crystal and can amplify and activate ones healing capacity. It can also be programmed for multiple uses such as healing, accessing one or more of the higher planes, protection, chakra balancing and more. Because of their high energy they retain their programming for long periods of time without needing to be recharged. If you wish to change the programming of a Faden Quartz crystal it must first be cleared of old programs. Burial in the ground for one week or an overnight salt water bath will work. Faden Quartz is used for physical, mental, emotional stability and assists in removing unhealthy emotional attachments. Faden Crystal is a stone of connections such as spiritual or relationship connections between one and another. It is a protection crystal and can be programmed to provide protection from physical disruption, both for individuals and for places. Carrying or wearing a Faden Quartz can be most beneficial. Faden Quartz is ideal for consciousness expansion and accessing any of the higher vibrational planes. They are also well suited for those who wish to attune to the inner movements of the Earth. The Fadens' experience of past earth changes makes them ideal tools for those who seek information on current and future physical and vibrational shifts of the Earth. Metaphysical healing lore says that Faden Quartz is excellent for physical healing of bone breaks, muscle tears, facilitates mending on all levels, surgery and rejuvenation from any disorder.Faden Quartz harmonizes well with moldavite, danburite, seraphinite and sugilite. Faden Quartz is asscociated with all chakras and can integrate and activate all of them.

Fairy Cross: also called Staurolite is from Russia. Staurolite is known as the Fairy Cross Stone. Staurolite Fairy Cross was believed to be formed from tears the fairies shed when they heard the news of Christs death. It is traditionally known as a protective stone and a talisman for good luck. Staurolite Fairy Cross enhances and strengthens rituals and is said to be used in white magic ceremonies. It is said to access the ancient wisdom of the Middle East. The Fairy Cross connects the physical, etheric and spiritual planes, promoting communication between them. Staurolite also can be used to assist in the relief of depression, addictions and stress. An excellent stone for those wishing to stop smoking and healing the effects. Staurolite is helpful for those seeking to give up self destructive habits, pick up healthy habits and reduce resistance to positive changes. It assists in the understanding of the hidden behind such addictions and provides grounding energy to those who have used nicotine to anchor them to the earth. It can instigate purging of negative energies. It can help to stay centered and grounded. Metaphysical healing lore says Staurolite assists in muscle and blood formation, maintaining general health. It is a stone to use in countering the effects of aging. Staurolite Fairy Cross harmonizes well with ruby, blue kyanite, green kyanite, green apophyllite and garnet. Staurolite is associated with the root, heart and third eye chakras.

Feldspar: assists us in finding unconventional and exciting ways to reach our goals. It provides us with self love and self awareness. It helps us locate things that have been misplaced. Feldspar encourages the development of clairvoyance and clairaudience and if you are trying to develop your psychic or intuitive powers. It is a good stone to have if you are dealing with trauma, loss, grief or changes that are affecting you emotionally. Feldspar helps with adapting to change. It is a wonderful stone for calming and clearing the mind, improving concentration which is wonderful for meditation. Metaphysical healing lore says that Feldspar assists with lowering blood pressure, disorders associated with the skin and muscular structure and strengthens the body against everyday stress.

Fluorite: draw off negative energies and stress of all kinds, absorbs and neutralizes negative vibrations. Fluorite is a success stone, increases concentration and helps in decision making. Helps you to know when there are outside influences at work. It can assist you to move forward in any endeavor and makes an excellent learning aid for students of all ages. Fluorite is great for computer electromagnetic stress. Fluorite are filled with the beautiful color for which fluorite is known, making each an entirely unique piece, yielding a beautiful view that changes with every glance and shift in light. Fluorite promote spiritual and psychic development, truth, protection, and brings peace. It protects psychically. It can help with meditation by letting us go past the chatter that our minds tend to generate when first learning to meditate. All colors of fluorite are good for auric cleansing, protection and healing. Green fluorite is an excellent all purpose healing stone that promotes healing on all levels and also promotes self-love. Green Fluorite also cleanses the chakras and eliminates negativity in a room. Purple fluorite strengthens mystical insight, psychic awareness, and can open the third eye. Clear fluorite guards against psychic attack and strengthens consciousness. Blue fluorite has the quality of protecting the emotions and restoring emotional balance. Fluorite harmonizes well with black tourmaline, smoky quartz, jet, obsidian, lapis, iolite, golden labradorite, emerald, dioptase, pink tourmaline, rose quartz, kunzite, morganite, all calcites and fluorites. Fluorite is associated with all chakras. The Astrological Signs are Gemini and Capricorn.

Fluorite, Blue: is a rarer color of Fluorite and has a nice vibration. Fluorite is a protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. When working with the upper Chakras, Fluorite increase intuitive abilities and develops connection to Spirit. Fluorite further anchors intuitive insights into the physical plane, allowing mental and physical coordination. Fluorite heightens mental abilities, assisting in rapid organization and processing of information, and can bring mental clarity and stability to an otherwise chaotic situation. Fluorite absorbs negative energies from the environment and is effective at Auric and Chakra cleansing. Blue Fluorite can also shield the user from psychic manipulation. Fluorite should be cleared often. Fluorite occurs naturally in many colors, and slightly different additional properties are associated with each color. When used with the Third Eye Chakra, Blue Fluorite brings spiritual awakening and clear communication between the physical and spiritual planes. Used with the Throat Chakra, Blue Fluorite aids in orderly communication of intuitive insights. The calm, serene energy of Blue Fluorite brings inner peace.

Fluorite, Green: promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, self love, truth, protection, and brings peace. It protects psychically and in the physical realm. It helps one meditate and learn to go past the cluttered thoughts that our minds tend to generate when first learning to meditate. It can help get rid of mental blocks and similar mental issues. Green Fluorite clears the atmosphere of confusion, cluttered thoughts, negativity and any sort of astral hangers on who are making mischief in ones environment. It can assist one in thinking clearly and in making subtle but important discriminations regarding the kinds of energies and people one will allow into ones world. For those who need to make many clear-headed choices in quick succession in order to navigate the waters of their lives. Fluorite can be an important ally. Physically it helps general health throughout the bodys main skeletal and muscular systems. All colors are also good for auric cleansing. Green fluorite is an excellent all purpose healing stone that promotes healing on all levels. It also promotes self-love. Green Fluorite can cleanse and heal the heart chakra and can help make certain that the plans of the mind are approved by the heart. It is balancing to the third-eye chakra and to mental energies in general. For clearing ones energy field, Fluorite harmonizes well with Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Jet and Obsidian. For enhancement of mental ability, Lapis. Lolite and Golden Labradorite are important aids. For heart work, Emerald, Dioptase, Pink Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Kunzite and Morganite can be used in conjunction with Green or Pink Fluorite. Fluorite also works synergistically with all forms of Calcite. Associated with all chakras.

Fluorite, Lavender: an unusual form of purple fluorite and is also known as Yttrium. Lavender Fluorite assists with self confidence and shyness. Lavender Fluorite is extremely clearing to mental heaviness and the resulting negativity, and it organizes mental clutter. Lavender Fluorite can bring stability to groups, linking them into a common purpose. It is especially powerful in balancing the brain, helping both hemispheres to work in harmony together, creating a whole brain state of enhanced mental and psychic abilities. Lavender Fluorite is a stone of manifestation which is said to help ground the ideas of thinkers and dreamers by manifesting their plans. It is said to make ideas come to life, and is a stone that is said to bring self fulfillment. Lavender Fluorite energy quiets anxiety and worry caused by scattered, unspecific fear of the future. Lavender Fluorite is said to increase wealth and mental prowess, too. Its mystical energies of making complex ideas and thoughts understandable by most anyone can also be extremely helpful. Lavender Fluorite is also said to bring serenity and peace by calming the mind. It is used to enhance intuition and bring clarity to psychic readers and clairvoyants. Lavender Fluorite healing crystal is beneficial for the absorption of nutrients, bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia, cells, bones, colds, sinusitis, ulcers, wounds, arthritis, spinal injuries, pain relief and nerve related pain. Lavender Fluorite is associated to the heart, third eye and crown chakras. The astrological signs are Capricorn and Pisces.

Fluorite, Mexican: is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. Fluorite crystals aids the ability to meditate, increases intuitive abilities allowing mental and physical coordination., increases psychic development, brings spiritual peace and wholeness. Purple fluorite stimulate the third eye, bringing wisdom and power of discrimination. Purple fluorite enhances the mystical states of consciousness, and can promote spiritual vision. As we develop spiritually, we come to a place in our journey where we need to make a commitment; Fluorite will help you to decide if you are indeed ready to make this important commitment.For some, purple fluorite will help them to begin channeling information that is crucial to further their spiritual development. This stone is more than a stone, it also radiates energy throughout the light body system. Fluorite heightens mental abilities, assisting in rapid organization and processing of information, and can bring mental clarity and stability to an otherwise chaotic situation. Fluorite absorbs negative energies from the environment and is effective at auric and chakra cleansing. Fluorite can also shield the user from psychic manipulation. Physically, purple fluorite is helpful in promoting a state of health. It is useful for the bones, bone marrow, and the spine. Purple Fluorite stimulates the Third Eye Chakra and works with the upper chakras. Fluorite should be cleared often.

Fluorite, Yellow: attracts wealth, abundance and teaches manifestation. Yellow Fluorite is a wonderful energy for helping us express our creativity. It helps us in our mental or intellectual pursuit, sharpening our mind and helping us to be decisive. It is also good to create cooperation in group situations. Yellow Fluorite is particularly good at stabilizing group energy, uniting groups, harmonizing the group energy and creative thoughts, removing negativity from the room. It assists us in seeing the connective structure of love between everything that exists. It can be used when we cannot quite focus on the task at hand to sharpen the mind. It can help with disorders of the liver to assist the release of toxins within the body. Yellow is the color of understanding. Associated with the Solar Plexus chakra.

Fuchsite: also known as Muscovite enhances the power of other minerals and is a great stone to use during healing sessions. Fuchsite assists during meditation, to access information regarding your life path. Fuchsite enhances your connection to nature spirits, love and appreciation of beauty in nature. Fuchsite is a healers stone, used by Shamans to find the root cause of disease within the body and to facilitate deep healing on many levels. The sparkles in fuchsite help one to achieve an altered state of consciousness, allowing one to connect with their innate medical intuitive abilities. One can become open to seeing within the body and understand the core issues and emotional imbalances leading to ill-health. Fuchsite stimulates a connection with fairies and nature spirits. Associated with the Third Eye Chakra.

Fulgurite: high energy formations do to the nature of their birth. They are particularly noted for their ability to channel and direct energy. Fulgurites have been used to communicate with aliens and entities, or ascended beings in the spirit world. They are often used for clairaudience. Fulgurites are also used to enhance communication in the physical world, and are used as stones of leadership. Fulgurites are used by Native Americans to bring rain - cloud busting, and as charms for protection from lightning. Weather changing of any sort is not recommended, however, unless, as with the Native Americans, one has an exceptionally good sense of the balance of Nature. Fulgurite enhances the power of your prayer. It is believed that the lightning energy is a channel from the Divine, which remains within the fulgurite tube. This mineral is used to connect with Divine intention, and bring about a transformation of spiritual awakening. Physically, fulgurites are used in crystal healing and folklore in treatment of the immune system, ear, nose, and throat ailments, sight, thymus, tumors, growths, and colon. Lightning strikes the sand long ago in Morocco. The intense heat from the lightning, over 3000 degrees f, melts the sand in its penetrating path and it quickly cools into a natural hollow glass tube called a Fulgurite. They are sometimes referred to as petrified lightning. Of course, along with lightning, fulgurites occur all over the world. The color of fulgurites varies depending on the composition of the sand they formed in. These from Morocco have a brownish color. Fulgurites can have deep penetrations, sometimes appearing up to 49 feet below the lightning-struck surface. They are typically found in sections measuring only a few inches long. In southern Morocco, the annual winds shift the sand dunes and reveal protruding sections of the fulgurites, which are sifted from the sand using screens. Because the fulgurites from this location formed long ago, the hollow tubes are often partly impacted with the hardened sand. Fulgurites are natural glass, usually tubular, formed by lightning strikes in sand or rock. Associated with all chakras

Galena through Girasol

Galena: is a stone of harmony and self transformation. Galena is a transformation stone and is effective when embarking on a personal spiritual journey. Galena is a powerful grounding stone. Its energy lends the courage to face and embrace the deepest and most feared regions of ones own soul. Galena can lend a sense of strength, courage and the ability to face difficult tasks. It assists you in reclaiming ones power. It encourages tolerance, peace and the healing of spirit. Galena brings healing, calmness, efficiency, receptivity, communication and insight. Galena has been traditionally used as an aid for shamanic journeys and in magical practices as a stone of protection and power. It allows one to maintain connection with the Divine, even while in the darkest places. Galenas energy helps to counter radiation, electromagnetic pollution and other forms of environmental energy. It is an excellent stone to use when spending long hours on the computer. Galena grounds and centers our energies and allows the pathway between the physical and etheric bodies to align. It is a stone of harmony, stimulating interaction on all levels and assists us in the decrease of self-limiting ideas. It has been known to decrease inflammations and skin eruptions, and help with circulation problems and hair growth. It is an excellent stone for countering infections. It can help one against the adverse effects of certain types of radiation. It can help with detoxing for those recovering from an addiction. Some compatible stones that work well with Galena are dolomite for calming and stabilizing, labradorite for deep inner healing and black tourmaline for protection. Galena is a primary source of lead, and as such is not recommended for internal use, such as making gem elixirs, or for children. Hands and surfaces should be washed after handling. Galena harmonizes well with nuummite, labradorite, ajoite, black tourmaline, moldavite, fulgurite and dolomite. Associated with the root chakra and the astrological sign is Capricorn

Garnet: is known as the Stone of Health. Garnet is for creativity, imagination, purification, strength and courage. Garnet is a stone of regeneration and stability. It is said to bring positive thoughts and be excellent for manifestation and bringing abundance. It is said also assist mystically with success in ones career and building ones self confidence and creativity. It is also a protective energy stone which is especially effective for protection from evil, during travel, and from wounds. Part of the protective qualities of Garnet is that it sends back negative energy that was sent to them. Garnet tumbled stone extracts negative energies from chakras and transmutes them into useful energies. Garnet crystal enhances creative powers and promotes personal freedom. Aids commitment to others and projects. Garnet is a stone of romantic love and passion. It is said that garnet enhances emotions in a positive way, and also be quite calming. Garnets are used to reduce and eliminate self-sabotage whether conscious or unconscious. Garnet aids regeneration. Garnet is used to assist in diminishing or eliminating abandonment issues and provides protective influence. Garnet is associated primarily with the root chakra, but also with the heart chakra. It is used to remove negative energy from all the chakras. It stimulates both the base and crown Chakras to provide for free flow of movement, via the spinal column and inner pathway of light, helping to distribute the appropriate amount of energy to each portion of the body. Associated with the Base, Crown and Sacral Chakras. The astrological sign is Capricorn.

Garnet, Grossularite: is a green form of Garnet. Green Garnet strengthens stability in lawsuits and challenges in life. It is a potent prosperity stone. Green Garnet is an excellent stone for abundant manifestation, a motivational stone to get down to business and make things happen. Pair this stone with moldavite and it would be unbeatable for bringing in abundance and the highest path of achievement. Grossularite teaches relaxation and inspires cooperation. Green Garnet is a healing crystal and physically helps balance cell growth and speed physical healing. It helps one find their inner healing power. Grossularite Garnet harmonizes with aventurine, jade, emerald, malachite and apophyllite. Grossularite Garnet is associated with the solar plexus and heart chakras.

Garnet, Spinel: is a combination of both spinel and garnet stones. It is the perfect combination if you need to enhance and revitalize your personality and life. Spinel is a crystal connected with energy renewal, encouragement in difficult circumstances and rejuvenation. Black spinel is a protective stone.It opens the chakras. Psychologically spinel enhances positive aspects of the personality. It aids in achieving and accepting success with humanity. Black Spinel offers insights into material problems and gives you the stamina to continue. Garnet is a powerful energizing and regenerating stone. It cleanses and energizes the chakras. It is said to be able to warn of approaching danger. Red Garnet represents love and brings serenity or passion. Attuned to the heart energy, it revitalizes feelings and enhances sexuality. Red Garnet controls anger, especially toward the self.

Girasol, Quartz: is also known as Moon Quartz, Blue Opal Quartz, Moon Opal, Pearl Quartz or Foggy Quartz. It is actually Rock Crystal clouded by water, has a milky sheen almost opalescence to it. Girasol is a powerful healing stone that firmly yet gently enhances healing of spiritual, emotional and physical wounds. Girasol is a stone of gentle, calming but powerful energy that can enhance and clarify feelings especially those connected to love and passion, and allows the bearer to look deep within themselves for true feelings. It can enhance and mirror feelings, which make it excellent for visualization, imagination, dreamwork and direction of energy such as Reiki. Girasol enhances communication skills and can help the user speak thoughts that otherwise might be difficult to express. It also encourages and enhances creativity in artistic, business and practical areas. If you wind up stuck in a rut of some sort, then girasol can help you start to reignite your interest in living and help you see more imaginative solutions to mundane problems. Girasols unique capability allows it to connect to users energy, cleanse it and circulate it so that self-healing becomes possible. Girasol is particularly helpful for diabetes, immune system imbalances, chronic fatigue syndrome and fatigue. Girasol works with the throat chakra and the crown chakra.

Halite through Hypersthene

Halite, Blue: opens a channel of communication with spirit guides and enhances psychic perceptions. Many use it in meditation to quickly clear the mind of mundane worries. Blue Halite crystal can be used to clear blocks, negative energies, and environmental debris. Place one on your desk to clean the energy in your office. Place it near other stones or crystals and it has a cleansing affect on these as well. Indigo Halite enhances good will, elevates our mood, diminishes mood swings and negativity. It assists with abandonment feelings causing initiative and independent thoughts. It allows us to go deep within ourselves to find ancient solutions to present day problems. Blue Halite stimulates the acupressure and acupuncture meridians and can be used for the preservation of it. It also allows you to go deep within the self in order to find the ancient solutions to present day problems. Having a small cluster in your environment can facilitate feelings of love and well being. Blue Halite can be used in the treatment of disorders of the colon and lower intestinal tract, for amelioration of water retention, and to augment strength during physical activities. Healers use this stone to balance the bodys energy systems, as an assist to fasting or cleansing regimens, clear toxins from the tissues. A word of caution: it is recommended that halite is not placed on the abdominal area during pregnancy; it can, however, be placed upon other portions of the body. Due to the solubility of Halite, do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. It is not suitable for wearing; if carrying, provide protection with a small bag or pouch, due to fragility. A rare hue of Halite manifests in the color of indigo blue, where the indigo blue is as an inclusion within the crystallized halite. Blue Halite harmonizes well with lepidolite and scolecite. Blue Halite is associated with the third eye and crown chakras. The Astrological signs are Pisces and Cancer.

Hematite: decreases negativity and can help balance the body, mind and spirit. Use hematite for divination. Hematite brings you peace from stress, is very calming and a great protection stone. It is also used for restful sleep, physical strength and healing. Hematite is a protective stone and can help in legal situations. It also gives you energy, revitalizes and enhances personal magnetism. Hematite is good at grounding out excess energy, Use hematite to ground yourself when feeling scattered and need increased energy levels and physical strength. Place hematite on your heart to strengthen it and to create joy in your life. Hematite helps with original and logical thinking. Physically it has been used to keep the body cool, to decrease blood disorders, nervous problems and insomnia, as well as align the spine and mend broken bones. Hematite harmonizes well with black tourmaline, smoky quartz, obsidian, jet, herkimer diamond, moldavite and ruby. Hematite is associated with the root chakra and the magnetic hematite is associated with all chakras.

Hematite, Specular: is a beautiful variety of hematite that has a rich metallic luster on a sparkling silvery surface. Specular Hematite stone encourages you to to release judgement about whether you are spiritual or not spiritual. It reminds you to pursue your dreams. It can help you release self-recrimination about your spiritual growth and self worth. Specular Hematite brings grounding and high energy at the same time. It allows you to see the events of everyday life, and it aids you to attain the ability to comprehend multiple levels of reality. Specular Hematite helps with spiritual expression and manifesting what brings you joy. It allows you to reach for the stars, without being limited by what you think is possible or allowed. Specular Hematite crystal can help regulate the effects of electromagnetic fields and is excellent to have on hand when exposed to toxic energy from computers or other electrical systems, so it is an excellent stone to keep on your desk. Specular Hematite harmonizes well with Moldavite, Danburite and Petalite. Specular Hematite is associated with the root chakra.

Hemimorphite, Blue: is the best known color for metaphysical use. Blue Hemimorphite tumbled stone manifest the energy of well being on many levels. It brings balance to the auric field, dissolving and dispelling negativity or weakness. It affects the emotional body in a very positive ways, bringing in joy which does not deny lifes unavoidable incidents of grief and sorrow. Hemimorphites energy tends to blend joy and sorrow into a single flow. Blue Hemimorphite crystal enhances the communication of the truth of ones feelings and can help in the process of healing dysfunctional relationships. It aids in resolving emotional issues. Blue Hemimorphite is a stone of compassionate empathy, and will enhance the talents of healers and spiritual counselors. Hemimorphite combines well with smithsonite, scolecite, pyrite, aragonite and many varieties of calcite. Blue Hemimorphite has a special affinity for aquamarine and morganite. Associated with the heart, throat. 3rd eye and crown chakras.

Hemimorphite, Pink: is sometimes called Calamine. Pink Hemimorphite is beneficial for protection from malicious thoughts, emotional communication, emotional angst, social responsibility, reframing the past and realistic goal-setting. Pink Hemimorphite raises the bodys vibrations and facilitates communication with the highest spiritual levels. It facilitates self-development, manifests your highest potential, and teaches personal responsibility for your own happiness, showing how you create your own personal reality through your own perspective. Hemimorphite manifests the energy of well being on many levels. It brings balance to the auric field, dissolving and dispelling negativity or weakness. It affects the emotional body in a very positive ways, bringing in joy which does not deny lifes unavoidable incidents of grief and sorrow. Hemimorphites energy tends to blend joy and sorrow into a single flow. Pink Hemimorphite crystal enhances the communication of the truth of ones feelings and can help in the process of healing dysfunctional relationships. It aids in resolving emotional issues. Pink Hemimorphite is a stone of compassionate empathy, and will enhance the talents of healers and spiritual counselors. Pink Hemimorphite metaphysical healing properties are weight loss, pain relief, blood disorders, heart, cellular structures, ulcerative conditions, burns, warts and restless legs. Hemimorphite combines well with pyrite, aragonite and many varieties of calcite. Associated with the heart, throat. 3rd eye and crown chakras

Herkimer Diamond: is called the stone of attunement. While it is not actually diamond, it is quartz that often resembles the sparkling clarity of diamonds. It can be metaphysically programmed to attune one to an environment, a situation, a quality, or most anything. It is said to assist with balance on the mental, emotional and physical levels. It can be used effectively to clear and open any chakra. It is professed to relieve tension and thereby promote peace of mind. Psychically, its useful for auric cleansing and dream recall. Mystical lore says that physically it can be used to heal addictions and remove toxins. Herkimer Diamond is associated with the crown chakra. Herkimer Diamonds are not chemically a diamond, although they do have a sparkle that is similar to a Diamond. The clarity and sparkle of Herkimer Diamonds make them a rare type of clear quartz crystal. Herkimer Diamonds are naturally double terminated quartz crystals and are found in Herkimer, New York, from which they get their name; Herkimer Diamonds. Herkimer Diamonds can enhance the properties of any stone and it harmonizes well with moldavite, scolecite, celestite and danburite. Associated with the 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras

Heulandite: is a high vibration stone that is a powerful tool for meditation and is excellent for assisting you to focus your thoughts. Green Heulandite is a soothing to the emotional body and promotes joy and blissful states of consciousness. It fosters compassion and love. This crystal has a strong level of crystal energy and is powerful for aiding you to making major positive changes in your life. Heulandite is a stone that promotes receptiveness and having an open mind even in situations that are normally difficult. It helps you to get rid of ideas that do not serve you well; ideas that do not serve your spirituality well. This allows you to advance faster. This stone is an excellent emotional healer for dealing with loss of all kinds, traumatic experience and especially grief. Heulandite stimulates dreams and visions. It opens the third eye, promotes viewing of alternate lives and assists past life recall. It stimulates ones channel to divine guidance or a persons highest guides. Heulandite crystals are known to be helpful to benefit the environment, as they absorb toxic products and odors, so they are helpful to have around. Physically, heulandite healing crystal can assist with heart related ailments, weight loss and obesity, balance and inner ear problems, foot issues, and respiration. The largest amount of this stone is found in India, but it is also found in Iceland. Their color may be red, yellow, black, brown, gray, pink, peach, white and green. Green Heulandite is considered to be associated primarily with the heart chakra.

Howlite: is a calming stone, decreases an overactive mind and can assist with meditation. Howlite prepares the mind to receive insight and wisdom and heighten creativity. It can assist with out of body journeys and past lives. This crystal is good for selfishness, stress, pain, and rudeness. Howlite absorbs anger, helps with patience and eliminates rage. It increases subtly and tact. Howlite helps with ambition, both spiritual and material and aids in achieving them. Carry Howlite in your pocket to absorb negativity. Physically Howlite is a good stone for reducing pain or stress, loosening muscle tension and relieves insomnia. It helps bones, teeth, calcium levels and leg cramps. It is excellent for pregnancy as it has high calcium content.

Hypersthene: is also known as Eulite. Hypersthene is a solution stone that assists in getting answers quickly to problems of all magnitudes. Meditating with Hypersthene brings answers easily. Hypersthene is also good for people who are overly critical or irritable. It reduces the negative aspects of pride and brings self respect. It is a wonderful stone for relationships, both personal and business. Hypersthene enhances clairaudience bringing information from the spiritual realm. Hypersthene enhances self esteem and can relax one in social situations. It can open the door to unlimited and desired opportunities to which it is directed. Metaphysical healing lore says Hypersthene can be used for stomach acidity, decrease pain, ease tension in the shoulders and limbs, treats fever, spasms, eyes and over active pituitary gland. The astrological signs for Hypersthene are Libra and Sagittarius. Hypersthene is associated with the Third Eye, Crown Chakra and Root chakras.

Halite through Iolite

Idocrase: also called Vesuvanite provides a link to ones higher self. Idocrase helps one find a true path in life. Vesuvanite releases feelings of imprisonment and restraint. It facilitates the seeing and the understanding of things on this earth that have no substance. It is helpful for healing past-life experiences. Idocrase gently dissolves anger, negativity and alleviates fear, creating inner security. It has powerful mental connections - it banishes depression and opens the mind and clears negative thought patterns so that the mind can function more clearly. It encourages enthusiasm for life and imparts the courage to change. Idocrase stimulates inventiveness and the urge to discover, linking this into creativity. This very energetic stone aligns the will with the heart, bringing a wholeness and integrity that is quite healthy for the individual. Metaphysical healing lore says that Idocrase can be used to strengthen the legs and feet, strengthens enamel on teeth and restores the sense of smell, assists in assimilating nutrients and enhance the strength of all types of tissues in the body. Idocrase harmonizes well with moldavite, golden labradorite, emerald, morganite, dioptase, green garnet, nuummite, labradorite, jet and kunzite. Idocrase is associated with all chakras.

Infinite: is a stone of loving, angelic energy that draws out anything negative we manifest in our bodies, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Infinite is a soothing and calming stone. Its strength is in its gentleness, which may help it succeed where a more powerful stone will not work to break through an energy barrier. Infinite is often called the healers stone. It is particularly useful for healers, athletes, chronic pain sufferers, and others who have an ongoing need for healing energies. Healers, such as Reiki and massage therapists have found that Infinite helps their clients to achieve deeper relaxation and states of meditation. It can be used to draw pain out from affected areas. It does, however, need to be cleansed regularly. Although both shades are equally valuable, some people prefer the lighter shades, and others the darker shades to work with. It is excellent for the treatment of joints, muscles, connective tissue, and is excellent at pain relief. It has been called a miracle working stone. Infinite can relieve chronic fatigue and aid in tissue regeneration. It is so helpful for so many conditions that it has been called the penicillin of the mineral world. Because it is so good at drawing out pain and negativity, Use a piece of Infinite as a worry stone, under your pillow for more restful sleep and as massage tools. They have also found that it pulls pain out of the body, and clears chakras. Infinite harmonizes well with seraphinite, green apophyllite, green quartz, black tourmaline, aegirine and moldavite. Infinite is associated with the root, sacral, solar plexus and heart chakras.

Iolite: also known as Cordierite and water sapphire is usually a blue to violet colored gemstone. Iolite is a great stone for meditation, intuition and astral travel. It stimulates the third eye chakra. Iolite enhances your inner knowing and has been a stone worn by Shamans in the past to insure accuracy of visions. Iolite helps one to eliminate debt by accepting responsibility which leads to successful management of money. It also can aid the elimination of disharmony in relationships. Wear or carry Iolite to aid financial situations. Physically Iolite can help one defy physical disorders. It has been use to protect and improve degraded conditions of the liver. It can also be used to lessen fatty deposits and rid the body of toxins. Iolite harmonizes well with lapis, amethyst, azurite, scocelite and hematite. Associated with the 3rd Eye Chakra

Jade through Jet

Jade: is known as the Health, Wealth and Longevity stone. Jade brings prosperity and abundance. Promotes emotional balance, courage, wisdom and dreams. Protects from injury and accidents. Jade assists to connect to the Inner Self, the God within. Bringing joy, love and abundance of life. Used as a protector, it also brings in an appreciation and openness to beauty. Jade provides clarity, modesty, courage, justice and wisdom. It is the stone of peace, bringing serenity to the mind by releasing negative thoughts. A stone of balance and healing, it alleviates anxiety and fear based emotions. Assists in seeing the truth in all situations. Place under your pillow to aid in dream recall. Assists in the creation of your dreams into reality. Helps you to put things into perspective, remain calm under pressure and detach yourself from surrounding drama. Jade is a stone of the heart. As such it is related to the heart chakra and has a beneficial effect on all heart chakra related issues. It can attract and enhance love of all kinds. It is also a stone of fidelity and generosity. Jade is associated with the heart chakra.

Jade, Serpentine: is also called New Jade. Serpentine is used for emotional cleansing, psychic powers and attracts love and money. Serpentine is considered a metaphysically protective stone that is especially protective against snakebite, poison, and venom. Serpentine is an excellent stone for meditation. Carrying or wearing Serpentine can bring peace and joy. Serpentine enhances communication with nature including animal, plant and stone. Serpentine is soothing to the emotional body, allowing one to release fear of change and to look ahead to the future. Metaphysical healing lore says Serpentine can assist in cellular regeneration and replenishing ones energy, it eliminates parasite infections and removes venom and other poisons. Serpentine contains magnetite and other magnetic ore. Serpentine harmonizes well with seraphinite, scolecite, amethyst, moonstone, golden labradorite, tiger eye, green jade and strombolite. Serpentine is associated with all chakras.

Jet: is a black fossilized wood, and looks likes coal. It can be used for protection, anti nightmare, luck, divination, and health. It can help to control mood swings and fight deep depression and can be used to dispel fearful thoughts. It is worn or carried to maintain proper energy flow within the body to avoid ill health. Jet has been used as a talisman since Stone Age times, used in olden times to protect from entities of darkness. Jet draws off negative energy. Those attracted to Jet are said to be old souls. It can also be used to open to psychic experiences and to assist the quest for spiritual enlightenment. Jet is said to stabilize finances and protect businesses. It can be placed in the cash drawer or the wealth corner of the house. Jet promotes taking control of life. Physically jet is good for migraines, colds and epilepsy. It can also diminish glandular swelling, stomach pain and menstrual cramps. Associated with the base and crown chakra. Jet absorbs negativity, and for this reason, needs to be cleansed more frequently than other stones. Clean Jet with warm, soapy water. Do not place in salt water or salt, instead use a smudge stick to clear it of negativity. Jet harmonizes well with black tourmaline, aegirine, smoky quartz, black obsidian, garnet, infinite, serpentine, amber, seraphinite, sugilite and moldavite. Jet is associated with all chakras.


Jasper: is a stone of grounding, protection and warding off negativity. Like all jaspers it can help balance the emotional energy in the body. Jasper is sometimes called the nurturing stone for its nurturing and protective energies. Jasper comes in many colors. All colors of Jasper will help balance vibrations of the body. Jasper is a basic great stone that everyone should always have it on hand. Like all jaspers it can help balance the emotional energy in the body. Jasper will help bring balance into your life and will help prevent burnout at work. Jasper gives one the courage to speak out and have personal independence. It also protects from fears. Jasper is a luck and money charm. It is a gentle and relaxing stone and enhances the ability to relax and be tranquil. It is a comforting crystal that brings wholeness, healing, and gentle endings. Psychically, jasper is used to assist with astral travel and balance yin yang energies. Jasper as a healing crystal is used for the digestive, soothing the stomach, liver, gallbladder and circulatory. It balances the mineral content of the body and helps the body to absorb nutrients more easily. Jasper is associated with the root and sacral chakra.

Jasper, Brecicated: has the metaphysical quality of enhancing organizational abilities, relaxation, and a sense of wholeness. It is occasionally used to assist when dowsing. It aligns the chakras and balances the yin-yang, physical, and emotional. It is a stone of protection, and is used in particular for protection during astral travel. Brecciated Jasper encourages attunement and communication with animals and can help with animal allergies, plus other allergies. It brings happiness and a good outlook on life and eases stress. Brecciated jasper can help increase physical endurance and ward off dehydration. It is also a good stone for grounding oneself and is associated with the root chakra.

Jasper, Dalmation: lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses and also to increase their patience. Dalmatian Jasper increases loyalty and is beneficial for long term relationships. It is also a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking. Dalmation Jasper is also used to relax and bring a sense of fun to life. Dalmation Jasper encourages grounding both with the Earth and in reality. Physically it can help purify the blood.

Jasper, Fancy: is a stone of protection, driving away evil and guarding you throughout the day. Jasper is a crystal of gentleness and relaxation. It is professed to enhance ones ability to relax and bring tranquility, comfort, and healing. It is used to stabilize your personal energy and aura, especially during astral travel and for grounding oneself. It is said to help with contentment, compassion, nurturing, consolation, and courage for conflict ahead and gentle endings. Jaspers healing crystal is said to be good for the liver, gallbladder, and soothing to the stomach. Typical colors of this stone are brown, red, orange, yellow and green. Fancy Jasper is associated with all chakras.

Jasper, Green Fabric: heals and releases disease and obsession. It can balance out parts of your life that have become important. Green Jasper is said to treat skin disorders, dispel bloating. It heals ailments of the digestive tract, purifying the organs, reduces toxicity and inflammation. Jasper is a variety of quartz, so it also has the metaphysical and healing properties of Quartz. Associated with the heart chakra.

Jasper, Jungle: is grounding and stabilizing crystal. Jungle Jasper deflects undesired psychic attachments and provides psychic protection. It gives a sense of inner peace and happiness. Jungle Jasper is considered a sacred stone by the Native Americans, promotes attunement with nature and strengthens the will to be outdoors. Like all Jaspers it is a stone of protection and wards off negativity. It can help balance the emotional energy in the body. Jasper is sometimes called the nurturing stone for its nurturing and protective energies. Jasper comes in many colors. All colors of Jasper will help balance vibrations of the body. Jasper is a basic great stone that everyone should always have it on hand. Like all Jaspers it can help balance the emotional energy in the body. Jasper will help bring balance into your life and will help prevent burnout at work. Jasper gives one the courage to speak out and have personal independence. It also protects from fears. Jasper is a luck and money charm. It is a gentle and relaxing stone and enhances the ability to relax and be tranquil. It is a comforting crystal that brings wholeness, healing, and gentle endings. Psychically, jasper is used to assist with astral travel and balance yin yang energies. Jasper as a healing crystal is used for the digestive, soothing the stomach, liver, gallbladder and circulatory. It balances the mineral content of the body and helps the body to absorb nutrients more easily. Jasper is associated with the root and sacral chakra.

Jasper, Kambaba: is believed to soothe nerves and ease the wearers mental state; to bring balance, relaxation, and like all jaspers, it is a stone of grounding, protection, warding off negativity. It is said to aid with healing after an illness, help the body absorb vitamins and minerals while expelling toxins, and aid with stabilizing ones diet. Kambaba Jasper is a fossilized algae. It is associated with the Heart and Root chakra.

Jasper, Leopard Skin: also called leopard stone and is said to bring energies of success in work or business. It makes it easier for a person to take responsibility. It is a grounding stone and protects from negativity. All jaspers are strong securing, stability stones. Jasper is a powerful protection stone against things that are not good for you and it eases emotional stresses, making it a wonderful gemstone to have in your home, and it is particularly protective during shamanic journeying and astral travel. Jasper helps with creative visualization. Leopard skin jasper is associated with shaman travel and spiritual discovery. It helps you to connect with your spiritual animal totem and move between the worlds in order to learn the lessons of your personal totem. Physically Leopard Skin Jasper is very helpful in self-healing. It is associated with the solar plexus and root chakras.

Jasper, Mookaite: is a stone of the here and now, and can help one balance the internal and external and acceptance of change. It helps with living meditation, where one makes a meditation of any act one does. Mookaite is a very protective stone, and is particularly good as an emotional protector. In the physical realm it stabilizes health and fortifies the immune system. Mookaite is associated with the 3rd eye, solar plexus and root chakras. Mookaite also known as Mookite, Mook Jasper, Mook Mook.

Jasper, Ocean: also know as Orbicular Jasper is very soothing and helps to love ones self as well as others. It heals the emotions and brings peace of mind. It helps with acceptance of responsibility and increases patience. The circulars patterns on ocean jasper symbolize and help us realize that we are all interconnected and nature is a cyclical pattern. It can also help with circular breathing for healing or meditation. Jasper is the stone of selflessness; it is the mother of all stones bringing about Love of all mankind. Ocean Jasper helps with ones emotional life which relates to the solar plexus, said to be a storehouse for emotions. Holding the stone is like holding on to an anchor, a safe haven, while allowing deeply buried feelings to well up like a rising sea. It is said that the Jasper helps these feelings to be released in a way that allows one to process them calmly, without drowning in them. For those who don't need such emotional work, ocean jasper is said to offer a soothing, grounding effect helpful in dealing with change. Ocean jasper is beneficial to the digestion, digestive organs, removing toxins,lessen body odor. Ocean Jasper is related to the heart chakra. Ocean jasper is a very protective stone, and any orbs - eyes; enhance this in regard to protection from the evil eye.Ocean Japser harmonizes well with all types of jasper, with the quartz family, amethyst, sugilite, charoite and lepidolite. Associated with the solar plexus, heart and throat chakra.

Jasper, Picasso: is regarded as an important helper for those who wish to consciously transform with ease and comfort. Picasso stone is grounding and calming. It also promotes weight loss and assists in the development of creativity, as well as strength and self-discipline. Some believe this crystal can most easily assist in transformation in the area of relationships. Specifically, it is said to attract like minded people who become loyal and trusted friends. It can also help to renew old friendships that have been lost. I would also suggest using it for the transformation of ones creativity. Anyone feeling an artistic block, whether new or lifelong, can benefit by letting the eyes travel through the patterns of Picasso jasper and allowing thought to dissolve. In any meditation for easing the process of transformation, I recommend having this crystal as a visual focus, at least in the initial stages of the meditation. Again, let the eyes travel through the patterns and allow them to teach you that the path of transformation may at times seem like a winding road. Use the crystals pattern to remind you that with trust we always get to where we want to be. Picasso marble colors are brown, black, cream, and various shades of gray often form the patterns of abstract landscapes. Picasso jasper also called Picasso marble or simply Picasso stone is metamorphic limestone, Metamorphosis is one of the three ways stones are formed. Geologically, a metamorphic stone forms deep in the earth, its essential nature altered by heat and pressure. It may go through metamorphosis more than once, and each time new elements are added to its composition. Only those aspects of the stone which are impermeable to pressure and heat are preserved. Of the metamorphic stones, the patterns of Picasso jasper are particularly striking, and are seen as maps in whatever natural or polished shape it occurs of the crystals transformational path.

Jasper, Picture: is thought to contain vistas and messages from the past. It is said to improve grounding and creativity. Picture Jasper is considered a major gemstone of earth consciousness, of responsibility, caring for and saving our planet. It is thought to improve the relationship between mankind and nature. It Promotes environmental consciousness. Picture jasper helps create harmony, creative visualization, positive things in business pursuits. It brings and shows hidden messages from the past as well as hidden thoughts, fears, and hopes. These qualities make it useful as an emotional and psychological healing stone. Associated with the 3rd eye and root chakras.

Jasper, Polychrome: also called Desert Jasper or Royal Savannah Jasper has a happy energy. It is said to bring good fortune and a happy outlook on life. Jasper is a crystal of gentleness and relaxation. It is professed to enhance ones ability to relax and bring tranquility, comfort, and healing. It is used to stabilize your personal energy and aura, especially during astral travel and for grounding oneself. It is said to help with contentment, compassion, nurturing, consolation, and courage for conflict ahead and gentle endings. Jasper is slow to show a change to the person, but is a basic good stone that one should always have it on hand. Jasper comes in many colors. All colors of Jasper will help balance the vibrations of the body. It is also used to assist in attuning to and communication with animals. Jasper healing crystal is used to ease stress and increase stamina, and the ability to adjust to change. It is also used to ease allergies and is said to be good for the liver, gallbladder, and soothing to the stomach. Polychrome Jasper was discovered in Madagascar in 2006. It was named for its multi colors. The colors are a mix of mottled sand, rusty to chocolate browns and gray green hues. Polychrome Jasper is associated with all chakras.

Jasper, Rainforest: is also called Australian Rainforest Jasper or Rhyolite. Rainforest Jasper is a stone of protection, regeneration, and general healing. Rhyolite is a stone of joy and helps us reawaken to it. Rainforest Jasper helps us to lose bad habits such as drinking, overeating and smoking. It also brings the desire to appreciate and take better care of ourselves and enjoy our life and nature. It is a stone of resolution, bringing the unresolved to completion. It is said to help communication of all kinds, and helps one listen easily and without distorting the message one is hearing. It is also an excellent stone for meditation with an emphasis on the highest truth. Rainforest Jasper balances the Yin/Yang energies. It can help one allow other people into their lives, even if one has been reclusive or solitary. It helps to strengthen body and mind to learn how to enjoy our potential! Assists us in processing things from the past helping us move towards the future, encouraging awareness in each moment. Metaphysical healing lore says the Rainforest Jasper can be used for invigorating the liver and detoxifying the body. Rainforest Jasper is associated with all chakras.

Jasper, Red: is called a stone of fairness and justice because mystical lore claims that it decreases unjustness and helps in unfair situations. It is also said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion. Used in mystical dream work, it can enhance dream recall. It is said to assist in protection and rescue from danger. Red jasper is associated with the first and second chakras. Metaphysically, it is purported to have a stabilizing effect, and help one take all ones energy and use it in a balanced manner. It is also said to be a stone that helps in all areas of survival, and is a very protective stone. Red jasper said in gemstone lore to be a stone of controlled passion and used to help control ones own passions. Crystal healing lore says that physically it assists in healing by maintaining positive movement with all types of disorders and disease. Red Jasper is associated with the root and sacral chakras.

Jasper, Unakite: has gentle but powerful energy. It can assist one in finding our animal guide. It can be used at work or home, spreading calming energies into the environment. Unakite can also protect against electromagnetic pollution from computers or cell phones. Unakite helps with the elimination of bad habits, especially those of overeating and alcohol. Unakite aids those having difficulty in releasing their emotions. Its energy searches for truth in all things and helps to find and identify the underlying causes, regardless of which plane they exist in. It is also a stone that is helpful for gardening. Unakite is also a good protection stone. Unakite brings unconditional love of humanity, connection and reunion. It can help with healing of abandonment and separation issues. Unakite is good for opening one up to spiritual growth and psychic visions. Meditate with Unakite on the Third Eye to bring knowledge in from the higher self into the heart for understanding and implementation. Metaphysical healing lore says that Unakite offers support in the treatment of cancers or heart disease. It helps promote the growth of healthy tissue and is also useful in the recovery from an injury. Unakite is also known for love and creativity. Unakite is associated with all chakras, especially the heart.

Jasper, Vogesite: is a form of Jasper and helps us in business and helps bring artistic and creative energies to business and our lives. This crystal can help us attain harmony and our deepest dreams. Vogesite is know as the Stone of Innocence, It offers true support, guidance and wisdom for all of lifes intriguing stage. Vogesite is a crystal that can help you to find where you have been, where you are at, and where you can be in life. Vogesite healing crystal is a stone that opens the mind to explore the past, present and future, opening the body to explore the feeling of emotions, hopes and fears, finally opening the spirit to grow and strengthen, to journey forward to enlightenment and freedom. Vogesite polished ge stone helps you to learn the past needs, and what to let go of from the past, so that you can look at the here and now as it becomes clearer, ready for you to take the new steps to the future. Vogesite brings new hope, new strength, new encouragement, it is a stone for the re-born of your self to life. This is a stone that can help you break un-needed habits, helping you to step forward instead of backwards. Vogesite healing stone can bring back the energies that you hold in the very beginning of your life, where the innocence of the mind, the body and the soul are not conditioned or corrupted, to awaken the child and true spirit in all. Vogesite teaches us to search and find comfort from within, to be at ease with our own inner mother and inner father, to give one the capability of our own nurturing. Vogesite is a stone that can help you to heal inner scarring and hurt as well as helping one to release those feelings. This is a very beneficial stone for the being who has suffered abuse of any kind, especially where the person feels the childhood had been taken away. Vogesite brings back the warmth and innocence associated with a happy childhood, so that the being in such a situation can then explore this and gently let go of pain, have acceptance, and walk forward. Vogesite is a form of Jasper that comes from South Africa. Its a multi-colored jasper - chalcedony with patterns and swirls of golden yellow, reds, olives, browns, and ivory. Vogesite is associated with all Chakras

Jasper, Yellow: protects during spiritual work and channels positive energy, development of memory, intellect. Yellow jasper has characteristics of helping a person be strong and balanced in the social areas and protects ones social welfare. It is a protective stone that especially gives protection during travel, both physical and spiritual. It also shields one from negativity and can protect from depression. Physically Yellow Jasper energizes the endocrine system. It releases toxins and heals digestion and the stomach. Associated with the solar plexus chakra.

Jasper, Zebra: encourages us to stop considering failure as an option in life, and to take action towards reaching our dreams and goals. It helps us to escape the perils of over-thinking and promotes the enjoyment of experiencing life as it comes. It increases appreciation for joy of life. Zebra Jasper relieves stress. It also helps to stimulate the transition to the astral plane during meditation and centering of the soul. Hold or meditate with Zebra Jasper to increase your compassion and understanding for others so that you are able to deeply view the inner person. It aids in physical energy, stamina and is an exceptional stone for increasing endurance in athletes. All jaspers are strong securing, stability stones. It is a powerful protection against things that are not good for you and it eases emotional stresses, making it a wonderful gemstone to have in your home.

Jasper, Green Zebra: allows us to meet challenges head on by helping us to rationalize the everyday problems that we face. This crystal can help you overcome apathy, giving you the courage to deal with problems and provide you the determination to see things through. Green jasper is believed to provide motivation and energy to bring ideas into life and reach goals and dreams. It is also good for focusing on financial problems and seeing them through to completion. For small businesses it allows you to focus on the underlying problems of the business not just money, but also customer service or areas of your business that are inefficient. Green Zebra Jasper healing crystal helps to protect and relieve sexual problems in males such as ED or low libido. Green Zebra Jasper helps to increase estrogen levels in woman increasing sexual desire and helps with conception. Green Zebra Jasper is associated with the Base or Root Chakra.

Kunzite through Kyanite

Kansas Pop Rocks: also known as Boji Stones are used for metaphysical healing. Boji Stones are one of the oldest stones ever found. It is said that these stones are as old as the Earth. Boji stones are often referred to as stones of humanity. The stones are primarily made up of pyrite and marcasite, which gives them their pewter color and are found in flat and spherical in shape. Boji Stones are sold and used as a pair of female and male stones. The smooth stones are female and the rough stones are male. However, having both female and male characteristics the stones can be used alone because their energy is equal to the energy of a pair of male and female stones. Boji Stones vibrate to the numbers 1 and 9 in numerology. The Zodiac Signs associated with these Stones are Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo and Taurus. Boji stones are primarily used to balance and align ones energy field. These stones improve the bodys electrical structure by creating an electromagnetic field around it. They also help the balancing of the male and female energies in the body and promote the removal of blockages to allow healing to take place. Boji stones-Pop Rocks assist in aligning all of the chakras from the crown chakra to the root chakra. It is used to promote the regeneration of cellular tissue that has been damaged. This is a good stone to treat memory loss, depression and pains. It can also be used in general healing and cell regeneration. Because of its rarity and healing powers these stones are found to be expensive. It is said that Pop Rocks-Boji Stones originate from only Kansas in the USA and they grow like mushrooms and the number of female stones outnumber the males! Here is an easy way to use and feel the healing energies of Pop Rocks to balance your energy field: Hold a Pop Rocks stone in the fingers of each hand. Now move the stones towards and then away from each other; you should feel a very subtle pulling and pushing sensation. If you do not feel this, rotate the Pop Rocks between your fingers and go through this procedure again. You may feel that the male stone feels better in your right hand rather than your left, or vice a versa. Keep at it until you can feel this pulling-pushing sensation. This allows you to become familiar with the energies of your POP rock stones. When you feel the strongest sensation, take notice of which stone is in which hand as well as position. Once you feel you are ready. Lie down and place the POP Rock from your left hand above your head and the other one below your feet. Close your eyes and visualize the golden healing light of the POP rock stones as they work to release energy blocks and to balance-align your energy field. Numerology-POP Rocks Stones vibrate to the numbers 1 and 9

Kunzite: is a tranquil crystal and is an extremely spiritual stone with a high vibration. Kunzite is a stone that awakens the heart center. Kunzite connects us to the source of unconditional love, centering us and giving us a sense of deep peace. This is a stone of romantic love, it is good for communication of love when you are nervous, alleviates disappointment, particularly that of the heart and helps heal heartache. Kunzite is also a stone of self-love, promoting humility and self-tolerance. This crystal is beneficial to those who find it hard to meditate. It radiates peace and induces a deep and centered meditative state. It is a protective stone that has the power to dispel negativity and clear negative energy from a room or environment. It encourages self expression and allows free expression. It removes obstacles of life and helps to adjust to pressures of life. Kunzite facilitates introspection and the ability to act on constructive criticism. Kunzite promotes tolerance for the self and others. It can aid in recovering memories that have been blocked. Kunzite is helpful in reducing stress related anxiety and panic attacks. Kunzite can strengthen the human energy field and clear the aura. Kunzite healing crystal is a general all round healing stone. Used for healing abuse, loss and addictions. It helps emotional balance, confidence, and connection to higher self and oneness. It is used for reducing depression, mood swings, stress, and radiation. Kunzite is good for the circulatory system and the lungs. A soothing stone that can help you adjust to the pressures of modern life. Kunzite is used for calming epilepsy, soothing joint pain and stimulates the immune system. Kunzite harmonizes well with moldavite, morganite, rose quartz, emerald, pink tourmaline, iolite, lapis and scolecite. Kunzite is a very spiritual stone with a high vibration that activates the Heart Chakra and aligns it with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras to support loving communication. It is most effective on the Heart Chakra, as it opens the emotional heart and spiritual heart. Kunzite is also used on the Brow and Crown Chakra for the reason that it deepens altered states: psychic readings, healing - being centered emotionally and spiritually.

Kyanite, Blue: is a stone of channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, dream recall, and visualizations. It gives protection during these states. It brings loyalty, honesty and tranquility, and diminishes anger and confusion. Kyanite does not retain negative energy and never needs energetic cleansing. It does align and balance all chakras, often very suddenly. Kyanite can remove energy blockages. Blue Kyanite is associated with the throat chakra and is a boost to meditation. It has the highest vibration of any kyanite variety. It is good for communication, Aids a quick transition between states of consciousness. It facilitates communication with spirit guides and Angelic Realm and can alleviate pain due fibromyalgia or other muscle injuries and diseases. Blue Kyanite helps to speak ones truth, and is a good stone for public speakers and performers. Physically, Blue Kyanite is also useful for healing throat and voice ailments. In group settings, Blue Kyanite can help bridge any gaps in communication, cutting down on the number of arguments, making it a great crystal to keep in the office or home. Blue Kyanite also facilitates an alignment of all the subtle bodies, creating a larger and stronger aura, which contributes to the better overall health of the physical body. All kyanite harmonize well with other colored kyanites and can magnify each others effects. Also an excellent Third-Eye Chakra stone, Blue Kyanite can pull very high vibrations in through this chakra to be processed as messages from other realms. Blue Kyanite can also transfer a high vibration, allowing for an opening of psychic abilities, especially during meditation. Blue Kyanite can also be used to promote lucid dreaming and astral travel. When meditating with Blue Kyanite on the Third-Eye Chakra, one can receive insights into bringing altruistic ideals to fruition.
Kyanite, Black: transmits and amplifies high-frequency energies, making it a great stone for attunements, past lives, meditation, and dream-work. Kyanite brings a calming, tranquilizing energy to the body, centers you in preparation for meditation, and assists in receiving intuitive and psychic thoughts, as well as dream recall. Kyanite balances yin-yang energies. Black Kyanite has the ability to unblock stagnant energies throughout the chakra. Black Kyanite is grounding and energizing. Black Kyanite is used by energy healers and has a lot of healing energy. Black Kyanite can also help to open the lines of communication between people, carrying a piece with you can help out in situations of conflict or misunderstanding. Black Kyanite harmonizes well with Nuummite, Black Tourmaline and Tektite. Kyanite will not hold negative energy, and never needs to be cleared. Kyanite aligns all layers of the aura. This makes Kyanite an excellent choice for any type of energy work. Black Kyanite aligns and opens all of the chakras.

Kyanite, Green: will not hold negative energy, and never needs to be cleared. Green Kyanite is a very spiritual crystal that aligns all of the chakras and subtle bodies, and can be used to open them as well. Green kyanites high frequency vibrations make it an excellent choice for any type of balance or energy work. Kyanite transmits and amplifies high-frequency energies, making it a great stone for attunements and meditation. Kyanite brings a calming, tranquil energy to the body. Kyanite can help to clear and calm you in preparation for meditation, and it assists in receiving intuitive and psychic thoughts. Kyanite balances yin/yang energies. All types of Kyanite are soothing and calming, making them ideal for those struggling with anxiety and stress. Green Kyanite helps one to connect with the truth of the heart. And if one is not speaking truthfully from their heart, Green Kyanite will help you know this. It will definitely detect if someone is being sincere or not. Carrying Green Kyanite with you can aid when in the company of others of who you are unsure, by helping you to look within the heart of that person to see their true motives behind any statement or action. By connecting the Heart Chakra to the Third-Eye Chakra, Green Kyanite can help one to discover the inner voice so necessary for real personal growth. Green Kyanite is often used to make contact with the nature spirits, and is great to take along on hikes or camping trips. Plant lovers place Green Kyanite into the soil of a potted plant to improve growth and stamina. Green Kyanite can help with astral travel, lucid dreaming, and other forms of dream work. Meditating with Green Kyanite can help transfer the higher-frequency vibrations from higher realms, gained from the Third-Eye Chakra into the Heart Chakra. For the best effect, Green Kyanite can be placed directly on the Third-Eye Chakra during meditation. With its strong focus on the Heart Chakra, Green Kyanite can alleviate depression by offering hope and support that is needed to effect positive external changes. Green Kyanite is a rare cousin to the blue variety. Associated with the Heart Chakra and aligns all chakras.
Kyanite, Orange: is a tool to clear, activate and balance the Second Chakra. Clairsentience is the psychic sense of the Second Chakra also called the gut instinct chakra. Orange Kyanite is also about pleasure and sensation, to remind us about the simple pleasures and to renew our passion for life. The primary function of the second chakra is not just sexuality but rather it is creativity and that applies to many of aspects of our life. Orange Kyanite is a very dynamic crystal that floods the body with a deep orange light. Orange Kyanite can help one to nurture oneself and others allowing one to feel comfortable with ones actions, positive in ones outlook and to feel joy and passion in everyday living. Orange Kyanite moves energy upwards, lifting the mind, body and spirit, clearing stagnation and energizing as it goes. It is a highly motivational crystal and like all Kyanites it is a stone of connection and bridge building. Orange Kyanite helps you to connect to your creative energies, helping you to manifest that which you desire and to be positive in your actions. Orange Kyanite healing crystal can assist with anorexia, bulimia, addiction, sexual dysfunction, depression, reproductive organs and reproductive system, fertility. Kyanite is said to never need cleaning or clearing. Orange Kyanite is an orange or orange golden brown in color with a blade like formation distinctive to Kyanite. Associated with the sacral chakra

Labradorite through Lithium

Labradorite: is considered by mystics to be a stone of transformation and enhance patience and inner knowing. It is said to clear, balance and protects the aura. It is purported to help provide clarity and insight into your destiny, as well as attract success. Labradorite can assist one with changes, attracting strength and perseverance. It can help one to advance through cycles of progression, transition and change. Labradorite relieves insecurity and apprehension, while enhancing faith and reliance in oneself. It is used in metaphysics for dream recall, and finding ways to use dreams in daily life. Mystically, energies of stress and anxiety are reduced by labradorite. Labradorite is said to increase intuition, psychic development, esoteric wisdom, help with subconscious issues, and provide mental illumination. In metaphysical healing it is used for the treatment of disorders of the brain, stimulate mental acuity and reduce anxiety and stress. It can assist with digestion and metabolism. It has also been used to clarify the eyes. Labradorite harmonizes well with moonstone, sunstone and golden labradorite. Labradorite is associated with all chakras, especially the solar plexus and brow chakras.

Labradorite, Golden: is one of the best stones for working with the third chakra. It represents the solar qualities of Labradorites inner strength, vitality, courage, clear thinking, endurance, mental activity, spiritual focus and purposefulness. It teaches one about the right use of power and will and can assist in clearing issues of use of power, particularly those related to alternate or past lifetimes. It is useful for detaching from undue influence or manipulation by others, and especially for treating codependency or an enabler who is unable to let the person learn their own lessons in life or who unconsciously wants to prolong dependency. It increases clarity of mind and stimulates ones ability to learn and adapt to new situations or surroundings, calming the emotions and helping one see the Divine pattern in ones daily struggles. In dream work, it can assist one in consciously awakening in the higher planes and in bringing back important information. It takes one not only into communion with the energies of our own sun, but through a thread of Light it also connects with the Great Central Sun, the home and origin of consciousness in the Universe. This is this stones greatest gift. The Great Central Sun is the spiritual center of the Universe, existing in the etheric realm. It is constantly surrounded by multitudes of orbiting angels, and it is from this domain that the music of the spheres emanates. In meditation, one can follow the golden thread of Golden Labradorites energy into this realm, and if the journey is completed, one will never forget it. It will permanently infuse ones consciousness with awe, reverence, and gratitude, and a sense of the magnificent perfection of All-That-Is. Its energies are male in tone, and solar, as has been said. It can be used to activate the male aspects of the self, in both men and women. It is supportive of the traits of assertiveness, self-confidence, creativity, self-expression in language, physical activity and extroversion. These are among the primary energies needed to promote individual effectiveness in ones daily activities and a continuing enjoyment of all life brings. For those who feel tentative, unfocused, passive or weak, Golden Labradorite can be a helpful ally. Combines well with Moldavite and Scolecite. Golden Labradorite is associated with Solar Plexus chakra.

Labradorite, Spectrolite: is a rare form of Labradorite. Spectrolite brings forth each persons strengths, originality, aids sleep, relate to others. Spectrolite is thought to bring good luck. Spectrolite is said to represent the Temple of the Stars. It brings the light of the other planetary beings to the soul of the user. It is said to provide quick relief from anxiety, hopelessness and depression, replacing them with enthusiasm, self-confidence and inspiration. Some people call it The Good Luck Stone. Known as a Shamn stone it is a very useful stone if you are seeking spirit helpers. Spectrolite encourages self reliance, independence and magical revelations. Spectrolite, the most valuable and rare form of labradorite, is a beautiful semi-precious gemstone with an iridescent play of color. Spectrolite is a member of the labradorite stone family, but it has many differences that set it apart from the more common labradorite. Spectrolite was entitled a gem name of its own because of the rainbow rich variety and depth of colors.The base color of spectrolite
ranges from medium gray to a dark gray-black. As you move the stone in and out of light at different angles you will see the brilliant and unexpected flash of color, an effect known as Labradorescence. The appearance and disappearance of color-play is its most striking feature in this gemstone. Spectrolite is associated with the base chakra.

Lapis Lazuli: is a stone to bring inner peace and freedom from negative thoughts. It is a stone of reflection, self knowledge and total awareness. It helps one gain clear perspective and enables personal growth. It is a stone that signifies deep power, wisdom, and inner strength. Lapis is used as an aid to deep inner journey and self-knowledge and thus assists with the uncovering of truth. Lapis signifies the development and use of psychic abilities, higher insight, and decision making. Lapis activates the psychic centers at the third eye, allowing one to develop enhanced intuition and access to spiritual guidance. It is a stone of visionary awareness, bringing new information to the mind in images rather than words. It enhances intellectual ability, making one a better learner and teacher. Lapis is also known for opening your mind for creative use, expanding your viewpoint, and getting in contact with your inner power. It is a stone of truth and a stimulating influence to the throat chakra and therefore assists one in both discerning and speaking the truth in all situations. Lapis is used for meditation and can assist those in recovering memories of past lives. Lapis Lazuli is one of the gemstones for the seventh and ninth anniversary jewelry. Some traditions consider it one of the gemstones of friendship and truth. Ancient Egyptians believed that by meditating on the color of the lapis lazuli they could touch the robes of God. Physically lapis can help with emotional balancing, PMS, insomnia, dreaming, womens healing, depression, and infections. Lapis helps identify habitual thought patterns and emotions that sabotage ones healing. Lapis Lazuli works well with Moldavite, facilitating transformation to one's highest purpose. Lapis also harmonizes with Turquoise, Rhodochrosite, Sugilite, Chrysoprase, Pietersite, Rhodonite and Larimar. It is associated with the 3rd Eye and Throat Chakras.

Larimar: is a soft blue color that supports us in the changes to which we are constantly exposed. It is no coincidence that Larimar crystal has appeared at a time when the world is going through important transformations. These days especially, there is a need for guidance to lead us on our way with positive energy. The blue gemstone softens, enlightens and supports the healing process of the physical, emotional-mental and spiritual bodies. Because of its extraordinary blue appearance also found as blue-white and blue-green, depending on quality, this gemstone is associated with the heavens, the seas and planet earth as seen from space. The power of these natural elements is contained within this semi-precious stone. Larimar bears the strength of the blue sky with its white clouds and the depth and clarity of the fantastically blue Caribbean. It combines our mind and thoughts - elements of air energy with our heart and emotions elements of water energy, gathering them into a harmonious whole. In addition, Larimar helps us to view events from a different, more positive perspective. Larimar is also known as the Dolphin Stone or Atlantis stone. Larimar harmonizes well with aquamarine, ajoite, turquoise, chrysocolla, lemurian seed crystals, moldavite, tektite and ruby. Larimar is associated with the Throat chakra.

Lemurian Seed Crystal: contain and transmit messages of equality and unconditional love from ancient advanced civilizations. Lemurian crystals are Energy grid links from the Earth to the Stars and other dimensions. Lemurian is excellent for chakra clearing and balancing. Lemurian Seed Crystals are excellent for dream work, go to sleep holding one. Lemuria is said to be an ancient civilization whose consciousness was much more centered upon the emotional and spiritual dimensions than our current mentally based modern world. Their deeper connection to their heart qualities allowed them to express unconditional love for the Divine and each other and enabled them to maintain a deep sense of connection to their Creator, their environment, and the whole of creation. The Lemurian crystals have been programmed with this consciousness of love and connection, and working with them provides a most welcome healing balm for our souls. According to Naisha Ahsian, Author and Creator of the Crystal Ally Cards, she says Lemurian Seed Crystals emanate a very Yin or Feminine energy and are powerful tools for enhancing meditation and healing work. Lemurian seeds are structured to allow one to climb up the etheric levels of the body - the 7 Chakras and levels of being, and out the Crown and Soul Star Chakras for astral travel. They also are powerful in assisting one in communications with Spiritual Guides and Angels. These wands are excellent to use in healing energy work for the removal of strong energy blockages. The Lemurian Vibration programmed into these wands opens the heart chakra, allows for healing and expression of the emotions and is excellent to cut the outdated emotional ties that bind one to another person. They are also helpful in cauterizing wounds that allow energy leaks and assist in the return to balance of those who are overly sensitive to the emotions of others or who have been energetically traumatized by negative environments. The Lemurian Seed Crystals are mined in Brazil. They were found at the top of a hill that was being strip mined for quartz. These naturally formed generators were found separately in sand and were not attached to clusters. They immediately got attention because they were not like the rest of the quartz found in clusters in that area. Some, but not all of them, carry a pink to reddish glow. These unique crystals are clear quartz but instead of shiny, they appear frosted or dull, like they have a mat finish. Their most unique characteristic is a series of horizontal striations that run up one or more of the sides of the crystal. Generally, but not always these distinct horizontal striations end in a triangular face forming the apex of the crystal. Lemurian harmonizes well with larimar, celestite, petalite, morganite, rose quartz, kunzite, and moldavite and herkimer diamonds. Associated with the Crown, Heart, Third Eye and Thymus Chakra

Lemurian Golden Healer Quartz Crystal: their color is in the crystal, not a coating. Believed to be programmed and buried by the magical people of Lemuria. Lemurians assist us in reaching high meditative states and when in laser formation are extremely powerful hands on healing tools. They are primarily feminine in their nature and assist us in accessing the divine compassionate love of oneness. They are protective, sweet, wise and have a powerful beauty. They are waiting for us all to open our hearts to them, and other beings like them, to become a part of the magnificent grid of light they exist in. The Golden Healer Quartz brings forth a wellspring of new ideas and inspiration from deep within the self. Stimulates the joyful energy of the inner child, encouraging one to explore the world with fearless curiosity. Gives hope and helps one to be resolved in ones will. A stone of creative problem solving, and fresh perspective. Stimulates sexual creativity. Clear Quartz amplifies, focuses, stores and transfers energy. It is considered a master healer. During sleep it can promote psychic dreams. Lemurian Golden Healer can be used with all chakras.

Lemurian Seed Crystal PINK: are found in the same mine as the clear quartz lemurian, these are very rare. A thin invisible cover of hematite gives the pale pink tone to the crystals. Lemurian Seed Crystals Contain and Transmit messages of equality and unconditional love from ancient advanced civilizations. Pink Lemurian are energy grid links from the Earth to the Stars and other dimensions. Lemurian healing crystals are Excellent for chakra clearing and balancing. Lemurian crystals are excellent for dream work, go to sleep holding one. Lemuria is said to be an ancient civilization whose consciousness was much more centered upon the emotional and spiritual dimensions than our current mentally-based modern world. Their deeper connection to their heart qualities allowed them to express unconditional love for the Divine and each other and enabled them to maintain a deep sense of connection to their Creator, their environment, and the whole of creation. The Lemurian crystals have been programmed with this consciousness of love and connection, and working with them provides a most welcome healing balm for our souls. According to Naisha Ahsian, Author and Creator of the Crystal Ally Cards. Lemurian Seed Crystals emanate a very Yin or Feminine energy and are powerful tools for enhancing meditation and healing work. Lemurian seeds are structured to allow one to climb up the etheric levels of the body - the 7 Chakras and levels of being, and out the Crown and Soul Star Chakras for astral travel. They also are powerful in assisting one in communications with Spiritual Guides and Angels. These crystals are excellent to use in healing energy work for the removal of strong energy blockages. The Lemurian Vibration programmed into these crystals opens the heart chakra, allows for healing and expression of the emotions and is excellent to cut the outdated emotional ties that bind one to another person. They are also helpful in cauterizing wounds that allow energy leaks and assist in the return to balance of those who are overly sensitive to the emotions of others or who have been energetically traumatized by negative environments. The Lemurian Seed Crystals are mined in Brazil. They were found at the top of a hill that was being strip-mined for quartz. These naturally formed generators were found separately in sand and were not attached to clusters. They immediately got attention because they were not like the rest of the quartz found in clusters in that area. Some, but not all of them, carry a pink to reddish glow. These unique crystals are clear quartz but instead of shiny, they appear frosted or dull-like they have a mat finish. Their most unique characteristic is a series of horizontal striations that run up one or more of the sides of the crystal. Associated with all chakras.

Lepidolite: is a crystal of calm, trust, and acceptance. It has a strong relaxing and calming effect. It brings hope and is a stone of transformation in that it helps one get through transitions with trust that everything will ultimately turn out for the best. It engenders and enhances self-love, patience, and optimism. Emotionally, lepidolite is an excellent healer. It greatly decreases stress, anxiety, depression, manic-depression, despondency, PTSD, anger, and other traumas, panic attacks, and addictions. Psychically, lepidolite is used for dream work, rebirthing, and is also good for dream recall. Lepidolite is also a protective stone that brings success in business or career. It can also bring a growing energy to gardening and agriculture. Physically, lepidolite is helpful for healing of glands, immune system, skin, nails, hair, DNA, enzyme balance, addiction and alcoholism recovery, pregnancy, childbirth, and general healing. When combined with rubellite - pink tourmaline it is an extraordinarily powerful agent for calming and healing, especially in the emotional areas. Lepidolite harmonizes well with tourmaline, kunzite, petalite, amethyst, scolecite and lemurian crystals. Lepidolite is associated to all chakras and is related primarily to the heart, crown and 3rd eye chakra.

Lionskin: is a new name that has been given to silicified Golden Tiger Eye which has an optical reflectance similar to Pietersite. It is NOT Jasper. These particular Lionskin tumbles are mostly smooth, but do have some dents and pitting. Some are filled with the golden optical reflectance fibers while others are a blend of quartz and fibers which looks like a really thick Rutile visually. The properties of both Quartz and Golden Tiger Eye will apply to this stone as it is a combination of both. Golden Tiger Eye is helpful for those seeking clarity. It can be used to enhance psychic abilities and can assist in the gentle attunement of the Third Eye. Golden Tiger Eye often gives off a very earthy energy and as such, is often chosen by earthy people. Golden Tiger Eye balances yin-yang energies. It can be used to stimulate wealth and maintain wealth. Golden Tiger Eye produces soothing vibrations, generating calmness to unsettled turmoil. Quartz is a stone of amplification - which makes Lionskin a very powerful stone indeed! Lionskin quartz has a golden brown appearance with streaks, bars, and spots of gray quartz, tiger eye, and a flash similar to pietersite. They are very pretty to observe in the light. Lionskin harmonizes well with all quartz, malachite, charoite, seraphinite, jaspers and moldavite. Associated with all chakras and especially the solar plexus and root chakra.

Lithium Quartz: is a high energy healing and balancing stone. It is said to be self-clearing and self-cleansing. Lithium quartz sends and receives energy as well as storing it. Lithium quartz is balancing and calming, and is used in crystal healing as a natural anti-depressant. Emotionally and other ways, lithium quartz is said to relieve stress, anxiety, and tension, bringing relaxation and peace. It works in a gentle and slow powerful manner, not causing the discomfort of sudden change that some crystals might at times. Lithium quartz is excellent for meditation and prayer. It is used to heal repressed grief and anger, as well as emotional issues from past lives. It is also said to purify water. Physically, lithium quartz is used in crystal healing for stress related disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, muscular tension, repetitive motion injuries. Lithium harmonizes well with almost all stones, especially ajoite, petalite, kunzite, celestite, moldavite, sugilite, hiddenite, ruby, danburite and scolecite. This gentle healing stone opens the heart chakra and moves energy through the body. It stimulates the third eye chakra and sends energy flowing into all the mind centers. It can be used safely to activate all of the chakras. Healers love working with these crystals opening and activating or repairing any of the chakras, mending holes in the aura and clearing the etheric field of any unwanted influence.

Lodestone: also called Magnetite has long been associated with the lore of attraction and considered by many as a magical stone. Lodestones are natural magnets and are used primarily to attract certain conditions toward you, using its magnetism. Use to see duality and understand both sides in your life and all of life. Creates balance. Use to motivate. Great for guidance as to which is the most beneficial path to take. Lodestone is a natural magnet. Draws out toxins and wastes from the body when put in drinking water. Very useful to alleviate illness and physical imbalance. Restores balance within the other bodies. Due to its strong electromagnetic qualities it restores balance in the energy systems. Stabilizing, strengthening and revitalizing the life force energy, it increases resistance to stress and disease. It can align the chakras, and balance yin - yang energies. It is used to lessen or dispel grief, fear, anger, confusion, and attachment. It helps relieve burdens and increase energy and endurance. It is said to have been used to make soldiers invulnerable. Lodestone has a receptive, attracting energy that attracts power, as well as good fortune, and love. It also guards against infidelity. Lodestone is related to the astrological signs of Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Virgo. It is said to strengthen the circulatory system, help with healing blood and bleeding problems, alleviate pain, boost the immune system, and relieve agitation and depression. Lodestones are natural magnets and for many centuries have been used to charge spell items, primarily to attract things to the one using them -- good luck, healing, etc. Often two lodestones are carried: one to repel bad luck and one to attract good. Also used in charm bags. Natural lodestones often come in small pieces. Magically, lodestone is used for its power of attraction, and can be placed on an altar or worn during a ritual to increase a spells power. It has been used for millennia for amulets and talismans. Lodestone harmonizes well with black tourmaline, smoky quartz, jet, obsidian, hematite, amber and jet. Lodestone is excellent for grounding and protection from evil and spells. Associated with all chakras.

Lodolite Quartz: known as Lodalite, Lodolite Quartz, Lodelite, Scenic Quartz, Garden Quartz or Landscape Quartz is a type of included quartz crystal with inclusions of many possible colors and types, often having the look of gardens, landscapes, or underwater scenes. Lodolite is an excellent healing stone bringing strong healing energies and energetic shifting so that healing will occur. Lodolite is helpful when used in meditation practices and is a great assistant that helps one with getting into the meditative state. Lodolite brings energies to effect manifestation of ones desires. Lodolite is also said to enhance communication with beings on the spiritual plane and heighten ones spiritual energies. It is used mystically to increase ESP and bring knowledge from your past lives. Lodolite is said to bring loving energies and energies of gentle strength. It heightens ones awareness of your emotions, letting you know what feels good and you keep doing it or it feels bad and you are able stop and change what your thinking to a better feeling through. Lodolite is a great dreaming crystal. It is also helpful for enhancing ones sensitivity to energy, like when using Reiki energy. One of the most common metaphysical uses of lodolite is to bring energies to effect manifestation of ones desires. Lodolite often has many other mineral included in it such as hematite and chlorite as well so these properties should be looked at as well. Lodolite Quartz is a associated with the crown chakra.

Malachite through Mugglestone

Magnetite: also called Lodestone has long been associated with the lore of attraction and considered by many as a magical stone. Lodestones are natural magnets and are used primarily to attract certain conditions toward you, using its magnetism. Use to see duality and understand both sides in your life and all of life. Magnetite creates balance and use to motivate. Great for guidance as to which is the most beneficial path to take. Lodestone is a natural magnet. Draws out toxins and wastes from the body when put in drinking water. Magnetite is very useful to alleviate illness and physical imbalance. Restores balance within the other bodies. Due to its strong electromagnetic qualities it restores balance in the energy systems. Stabilizing, strengthening and revitalizing the life force energy, it increases resistance to stress and disease. It can align the chakras, and balance yin - yang energies. It is used to lessen or dispel grief, fear, anger, confusion, and attachment. It helps relieve burdens and increase energy and endurance. It is said to have been used to make soldiers invulnerable. Lodestone has a receptive, attracting energy that attracts power, as well as good fortune, and love. It also guards against infidelity. Lodestone is related to the astrological signs of Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Virgo. It is said to strengthen the circulatory system, help with healing blood and bleeding problems, alleviate pain, boost the immune system, and relieve agitation and depression. Lodestones are natural magnets and for many centuries have been used to charge spell items, primarily to attract things to the one using them -- good luck, healing, etc. Often two lodestones are carried: one to repel bad luck and one to attract good. Also used in charm bags. Natural lodestones often come in small pieces. Magically, lodestone is used for its power of attraction, and can be placed on an altar or worn during a ritual to increase a spells power. It has been used for millennia for amulets and talismans. Lodestone harmonizes well with black tourmaline, smoky quartz, jet, obsidian, hematite, amber and jet. Lodestone is excellent for grounding and protection from evil and spells. Associated with all chakras.

Malachite: is a powerful healing stone that works to heal the heart as well as the body and it is further used for money, love and for centering and balancing. It enhances our ability to nurture all Life. Use it to manifest prosperity into your life and to open your heart to others. Malachite is one of the few stones that can be used to clear and activate all Chakras. It has wonderful healing properties, and because of the high copper content of the stone it has a very steady pulsing electromagnetic energy field. It absorbs negative energy from the auric field cleansing it, thus balancing the wearer and protecting them from the effects negative energies. Malachite helps maintain emotional balance, letting go of emotional baggage of others and helps you remain positive. Malachite enhances willpower and makes it easier to refuse all sorts of temptations; it instills confidence and self responsibility. It is great for increasing ones concentration skills and is quite beneficial to ones physical, as well as psychic, vision. Malachite helps to find a balanced path between the desires of ego and of our higher Will, aiding us in removing blockages and inspiring us with ideas which will help to manifest those goals. Malachite can assist in restoring strength and vitality after illness in rebuilding tissue after surgery. It supports the formation of red blood cells. It is excellent for reducing inflammation due to sprains or other injury. It can help draw toxins from the body and can support detoxification. It can alleviate the pain of arthritis and is an aid to digestion and stimulates stomach and colon functions. Malachite harmonizes well with tiger eye, morganite, copper, turquoise, azurite, chrysocolla and ajoite. Malachite is associated with the solar plexus and heart chakra

Merlinite: also known as Psilomelane, helps you connect with and develop your ability to use magic. Its dual coloring blends the spiritual and earthly vibrations together, giving access to the spiritual and shamanic realms. This stone supports shamanic practices or magical ritual. Clear quartz, labrodorite, moldavite or moonstone work well with Merlinite for magical purposes. Merlinite also eases communications with nature spirits-the spirits present in elements like air, water, trees and plants, and in stones themselves. Merlinite balances masculine and feminine facets within the self, and deepens meditation. Merlinite is a stone that is considered excellent for gazing and scrying. It is used in mysticism for out of body travel and gazing at any distance. Merlinite is used in emotional crystal healing to recognize patterns and uncover hidden motivations. This can help one to correct emotions and behaviors that are unloving or not useful to Life. It facilitates reading the Akashic Record, inducing travel into past or future lives to gain insight on how to live life in the future. Merlinite can be used for past-life healing and to bring harmony into the present life. It balances yin-yang and masculine and feminine energies, conscious and subconscious loving behavior patterns. Merlinite can bring magic into your life. Physically, in crystal healing and folk healing, Merlinite is used for many lung conditions including pneumonia, clearing the lungs, lung walls, nervous system, as well as skin inflammations, carbohydrate conversion, insulin regulation, and diabetes. Originally Merlinite from the Silver Crown Mine in Mexico is called Crown of Silver, although this moniker is now used for this stone from any mine. Merlinite is associated with the third eye chakra, solar plexus and linking energies between the third eye, crown, and root chakras.

Moldavite: In legend, it is believed that Moldavite crystal was the green stone found in the Holy Grail. Moldavite has been treasured for thousands of years due to its powerful metaphysical energy. It was limited between the royalty and nobility during the Middle Ages. You can experience the amazing energies of the stone of transformation for yourself. Moldavite is the gemstone which energies can be felt the easiest. Typically, but not always, people experience heat from the stone, and a sense of pulling energy, with a strong firm pulsation. Moldavite works quite well at the third-eye, the throat chakra, and in the area of the crown chakra. This area of chakra stimulation can sometimes be felt by holding a piece of Moldavite in your hand with the result of causing your face and neck to flush. Moldavite energies can assist you in breaking through limitations and past patterns. It can also greatly accelerate the spiritual growth and psychic awakening. Sleeping with Moldavite activates the dream state. Wearing it helps manifest positive life changes. It is an excellent meditation stone. It has also stimulated the capability to feel the form of the message and sometimes the form of the communicator from whence the message comes. Moldavite is the product of a meteorite shower sometime between 15 to 20 million years ago in the area of Moldau, Czechoslovakia. It emits an incredible amount of energy and is thought to be particularly useful to those of us who have incarnated in the earth plane from other planetary systems, easing the homesick and helping them to fit in, perhaps for the first time in their lives. Moldavite, available here as raw pieces, enhances all of the psychic gifts. It is also thought to ease the process of transformation, especially the letting go part in which so many of us seem to get stuck. Moldavite works well with the third eye, throat and crown chakras. It corresponds to all astrological signs. The actual origin of every Moldavite available comes from the Czech Republic. Do not cleanse with salt. The stone is softer and more fragile in composition. Moldavite harmonizes well with all quartz, amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, sugilite, charoite, lapis, larimar, rhodocrosite, aquamarine, pietersite, smoky quartz, selenite, seraphinite, herkimer diamonds and most other gemstones. Moldavite is associated with all chakras.

Mookaite: is jasper and is a stone of the here and now, and can help one balance the internal and external and acceptance of change. It helps with living meditation, where one makes a meditation of any act one does. Mookaite is a very protective stone, and is particularly good as an emotional protector. In the physical realm it stabilizes health and fortifies the immune system. Mookaite is associated with the 3rd eye, solar plexus and root chakras. Mookaite is also known as Mookite, Mook Jasper, Mook Mook.

Moonstone: is said to help calm responses and avoid overreaction. Carry moonstone when you need to feel balanced or are changing aspects in your life. Carry moonstone to provide protection while traveling and to bring good fortune and abundance to your life. Moonstone provides the energy to sustain you through stages of growth. Moonstone enhances feminine energies, sensitivity, intuition, and psychic abilities. A highly intuitive stone allowing self expression and creativity to flow. It is a stone of calm and relief from emotional stress. It is also associated with love of all kinds. Moonstone is nurturing and harmonious, and when the moon is waning it helps one to look into the future. Moonstone is also used as a stand in for pearl, when pearl is not available. In crystal healing it is said moonstone promotes ease in pregnancy and childbirth, useful to balance hormones, relieve the symptoms of pre-menstrual stress and change of life and to eliminate insomnia - an ancient remedy, helpful in functions of the pineal gland. Moonstone is one of the birthstones for June. Moonstone is associated with the crown, sacral and third eye chakras, and sometimes with the heart chakra. It opens up the Heart and allows the energy to heal the lower Chakras. Astrological signs are Cancer, Libra and Scorpio

Moonstone, Black: is a great stone for finance and prosperity. It will help attract a gradual increase in your finances and you will begin to feel more financial security. Black Moonstone can protect against the effects of x-rays, radiation and electromagnetic energies. This healing crystal is particularly good for the colon, kidneys, liver, spleen and stomach and female reproductive organs. It can also be helpful for stroke recovery and brain function. It can be used for painkilling rituals. Black moonstone will also help to improve concentration as well as increase stamina. Black Moonstone is particularly helpful for animals which have been injured or who have suffered strokes. This crystal can be used to help clumsy or accident prone children. Black moonstone will help to improve concentration, particularly in frenzied workplaces. Your home and relationships will feel more grounded and settled when black moonstone is in use. It enhances intuition and inner knowing and connects you to understanding your feelings and emotions. Black Moonstone can be used for general psychic protection. Black Moonstone goes well with rainbow moonstone, black obsidian, jet and labradorite. Black Moonstone is associated with the earth element, the zodiac sign of Aquarius and the root chakra.

Moonstone, Coffee Chocolate: is a rare find of moonstone crystal. Once called the travelers stone, moonstone was used for protection against the dangers of travel. It was also a talisman of good fortune. Useful for success in business matters, promotes inspiration and enhances intuition. According to legend, the brightness of moonstone increases as the new moon becomes full and Indians consider it sacred as it is believed that one can see into the future if the stone is held when the moon is full. It is a feeling stone, enhancing understanding via intuition and emotion rather than via intellectual reasoning. It can be helpful in alleviating emotional tension and enhancing creativity and self-expression. This is the stone of love and is Useful for success in love. Use Chocolate Moonstone crystal for uniting the astral and physical worlds, emotional healing, balance, and goddess magick. In crystal healing it is said to promote ease in pregnancy and childbirth, useful to balance hormones, relieve the symptoms of pre-menstrual stress and change of life and to eliminate insomnia - an ancient remedy, helpful in functions of the pineal gland. Moonstone is one of the birthstones for June. Chocolate Moonstone also known as coffee moonstone and are a beautiful natural soft brown - mocha - tan with some color thrown in. The chocolate color ranges from soft mocha brown to darker brownish-grey - both with and without peachy brown streaks. The best moonstones have a silky sheen to them. Associated with the 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras.

Moonstone, Rainbow: has a gentle, calming energy. Rainbow Moonstone clears the psychic senses and the mind bringing joy to one. It is a positive protection stone and defects negativity and ease emotional trauma. It brings inner peace, harmony, emotional balance, strength and purification and transformation of negativity. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic perception, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. It is a stone that brings balance and harmony. The Rainbow effect brings in a spectrum of light, and can help with clearing and bringing in uplifting energies. It has been said to have the power to grant wishes. Beautiful blue and pink rainbows dance from within this white moonstone. Rainbow Moonstone harmonizes well with sunstone, labradorite, amber, golden labradorite, moldavite, amethyst and jet.

Moqui Balls: also know as Shaman Stones are believed to be among the most energetic on earth. Moqui are used for cleansing, relaxation, and being able to provide great boost to meditation and astral journeying and offer psychic protection during inner journeys. Each stone is said to have a distinct energy which depends on its size and gender. The gender of the stone is linked to the motion of a pendulum when it is held directly above the stones. If it moves in a linear direction the stone is male while a circular motion indicates the stone is female. Small stones are believed to have faster, more vibrant energy while the larger ones have a slower, deeper energy. Use for a preventive shield against numerous forms of negative energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional plains, For grounding, centering and protecting oneself, allowing for and understanding Earth healing. They also increase intuitive perception, making it easier to perceive the approach of all kinds of beings, both positive and negative. In metaphysical healing they naturally support the functioning of the digestive system, the thyroid and adrenals and they can be programmed to assist any other bodily organ or system. Moqui Balls, Shaman Stones or Mochi Marbles, they can be found in two places in the western areas of the United States, although more commonly at the Navajo Sandstone Formations. Moqui Stones harmonize well with turquoise, scolecite and apophyllite. Associated with all chakras.

Morganite: is known both as an angel stone and a heart stone. It helps with communicating with angels. Morganite has a rare and beautiful, heart energy that effortlessly cleanses and activates your heart, bringing love into your life or rekindles old love. Morganite maintains love as it continues to grow. It opens the flow of loving thoughts that lead to action and reverence for all of life. Helping us to act from love, so we can speak from the heart. Morganite also brings compassion, empathy, self-control, and patience. Morganite brings a sense of peace, confidence, power, joy and inner strength expressed in the most gentle and loving way. It can also balance emotions and ease the pain of separation. It has been said to be one of the highest frequency stones available. Physically, morganite is used for healing emphysema, tuberculosis, heart disease, breathing problems, and throat problems. Helps us to see true equality in friendships between the sexes. Morganite can be beneficial in Native American Ceremonies, used around the medicine wheel. It brings in good karma and spirits. Morganite harmonizes well with rose quartz, rhodocrosite, rhondonite, emerald, pink tourmaline, green tourmaline, danburite and petalite. Morganite is associated primarily with the heart chakra, and can open, balance, stimulate and clear this chakra. Astrological sign: Libra

Mugglestone: also called Tiger Iron is a grounding stone that also brings protection, especially protection from danger. It is also a stone of clarity, particularly clarity of knowledge, enabling one to see the truth below the apparent surface of issues. Mugglestone also helps with creative endeavors and all types of artistic abilities. It is used to bring strength, vitality, confidence, willpower, and balance. It is an excellent stone for people wishing to bring more motivation to their lives. In folklore and crystal healing lore, Mugglestone is said to balance white and red blood cells, increase natural steroids, and improve muscular structure, and help with healing legs, sexual organs, liver, and the nervous system. Mugglestone harmonizes well with garnet, golden labradorite and all members of the quartz and jasper family. Mugglestone is related to the sacral, solar plexus and root chakras. Mugglestone is a combination of hematite, red jasper, and sometimes yellow jasper or golden tiger eye.

Mugglestone, Red: is a grounding stone that also brings protection, especially protection from danger. It is also a crystal of clarity, particularly clarity of knowledge, enabling one to see the truth below the apparent surface of issues. Red Mugglestone also helps with creative endeavors and all types of artistic abilities. It is used to bring strength, vitality, confidence, willpower, and balance. It is an excellent stone for people wishing to bring more motivation to their lives. In folklore and crystal healing lore, Red Mugglestone is said to balance white and red blood cells, increase natural steroids, and improve muscular structure, and help with healing legs, sexual organs, liver, and the nervous system. Red Mugglestone is related to the sacral and root chakras. Mugglestone-Tiger Iron is a combination of hematite and red jasper.

Nebula through Nuummite

Nebula: facilitates memory, and recall, including remembrance of Light within cells. Nebula Stone removes fear, and helps one let go of the old to make room for the new. It is a very grounding stone, and increases vitality. It is sometimes called a cosmic window, and is excellent for meditation. In the physical realm, Nebula Stone is used to cleanse the kidneys. This stone comes from the desert southwest. It is composed of the minerals quartz, anorthoclase, riebeckite and aegirine. It is primarily black with vivid green round spots and veins. Nebula Stone has unique, powerful energies. Mystic Lore says it has intuitive sources and it has a unique combination of energies. It is said to increase vitality, aid one in staying grounded, enhance emotional stability, and initiate the remembrance of ones spiritual heritage. In meditation, it may be used to travel the inner domains. Nebula harmonizes well with pietersite, moldavite, danburite, scolecite, chrysoprase, emerald, amethyst, ruby, and all quartz. Nebula is associated with all chakras especially the root and crown chakras.

Nirvana Quartz: this unusual icy white or pink quartz is a type of interference quartz formation with a powerful, nurturing and protective energy signature known as Nirvana Quartz, Nirvana Quartz Pale Pink Ice Point or Himalayan Ice Quartz, which is new in the world crystal markets. Meditating with Nirvana Quartz can bring deep peace. For those who are not crystal sensitive, they can feel the energy from these crystals. Nirvana Quartz brings joy, well being, peace and protection from fear. Growth interference crystals are typically used to enhance understanding of blocks we encounter in our quest for emotional, physical, or spiritual growth, and to gently remove these stuck energies, representing old and outdated mental conceptions of the world, recurring patterns of negative behavior manifesting in relationships, negative emotional reactions to life conditions, and physical impediments to health and well-being. The growth interference crystal can be used to help remove blockages in the chakra system, facilitating the flow of Kundalini energy throughout the human energy field. Nirvana Ice Quartz tends to heat up quite rapidly in the hand. One notices a strong flow of warmth and a surge of Universal Life Force energy up the arm and into the chest, centering in the heart, and then rushing down the trunk into the lower chakras, providing support, centering and grounding ones being. . Nirvana Ice Quartz is a wonderful stone to hold or place under the pillow when entering dreamtime, and provides a feeling of security, warmth, protection and well-being. Nirvana Quartz originates high in the Himalayan mountain ranges of northern India. Late in 2006, Nirvana Quartz was discovered in extremely high altitude areas which had formerly been covered in ice 365 days a year. Exploring where glaciers had recently retreated, rock hounds discovered deposits of a unique type of rosy quartz never seen before. Nirvana Quartz appears in wands and in chunks composed of aggregates of irregularly shaped, convoluted smaller crystal formations which have grown into a single larger specimen over millennia of geological time. Himalayan Ice Quartz almost invariably lacks the more common six-sided shaft and well-defined termination tips characteristic of much clear and rose quartz found around the world. Nirvana Ice Quartz is an extreme example of the type of crystal formation known as growth interference quartz. Growth interference crystals are created when calcite or other mineral formations adhere to the crystallizing quartz formation, and then disappear over time. This results in the creation of indentations, grooves and other irregularities along the prismatic faces of the quartz crystal. The mine for these crystals has been mined out and this stone is becoming very rare. Metaphysical healing lore says Nirvana Ice Quartz is more on the emotional and spiritual level and can be helpful in assisting you in finding strength and wisdom to face debilitating disease. Nirvana Ice Quartz harmonizes well with moldavite, petalite, danburite, morganite, kunzite, rose quartz and pink tourmaline. Nirvana Ice Quartz is associated with all chakras.

Nuummite: is an earth element stone that offers us the gift of inner power. It has been used to teach one that constraints placed upon a person are self imposed and easily discarded. It helps one to decide with the heart what is really important and to initiate the release of any binding ideas. Nuummite is an excellent stone to shield one from many forms of negative energy. Having a piece of Nuummite on your person brings in protection and shielding on the physical and emotional level. This crystal can also protect against negative vibrations of pollutants at the physical level. Nuummite crystal reduces anxiety and stress. Nuummite can assist one in seeing behind facades, promoting understanding of what lies beneath words and actions. This crystal stimulates intellect, enhances memory, and promotes recall, intuition and psychic wisdom. It assists with change, attracting strength and perseverance. The iridescent quality of Nuummite induces a gentle vitality for pursuits in the spiritual realm and assists in the alignment between the spiritual self and the psychic and astral planes. This healing crystal is used in general healing and tissue regeneration. It has been used to relieve pain associated with headaches and degenerative disease. It can also be used for treating disorders of the throat, eyes and speech. This crystal can be used to open, activate, integrate, balance and align all chakras. It is useful for removal of energy blockages. Nuummite harmonizes well with moldavite, seraphinite, amethyst, labradorite, amazonite, sunstone, moonstone and scolecite. Associated with the 3rd Eye, Root and Solar Plexus Chakras. The base color is dark black and has iridescent flecks of gold.

Obsidian through Opal

Obsidian, Black: is a very protective stone, and is excellent for removing negativity. Obsidian is a very healing stone. Obsidian crystals are used as grounding and centering stones. Hold in your hand to help bring your focus back to the real world. Obsidian helps get in touch with buried issues before they explode. It is also often used in protective rituals and can help with protection from abuse. Obsidian has been used for centuries for scrying. Staring into the blackness can help empty ones mind and allow access to ones sixth sense. It is also excellent protection against psychic attacks. Obsidian is also an excellent manifestation stone. Physically it benefits the stomach, intestines, muscle tissue, and can rid one of bacterial or viral infections. It sharpens and focuses internal and external vision. Black Obsidian harmonizes well with jet, black tourmaline, smoky quartz, moldavite, amber and scolecite. Black Obsidian is related to the root chakra.

Obsidian, Mahogany: is a stone of strength and provides strength in times of need. Mahogany Obsidian has a gentler energy than black obsidian. Resonating with the earth, it grounds and protects, gives strength in times of need, vitalizes purpose, eliminates energy blockages, gives new life to your purposes and goals and stimulates growth on all levels. It is a stabilizing stone that strengthens weak aura. A stone of reflection, this form of obsidian is said to help with inner reflection, mirroring our flaws while bringing self-acceptance, helping with decision making, and allowing us to make significant change in difficult areas of our lives. This gemstone is also believed by some to relieve tension. Mahogany Obsidian is known for connecting mind and consciousness, balancing dark and light. It can help induce visions and dreams which can help make us realize our part in forthcoming events or lives. This crystal promotes a forgiving attitude and helps to release anger and activates a positive sense of power. Mahogany Obsidian allows us to see our shortcomings and overcome them. As with all varieties of obsidian, mahogany obsidian is a natural volcanic glass, and as such, it can be found in areas with volcanic activity including Afghanistan, Japan, Mexico, South America, and parts of the western United States. Mahogany obsidian is a deep reddish-brown with black inclusions. The distinctive coloring comes from high concentrations of iron. In metaphysical healing Mahogany Obsidian can help relieve pain, help get rid of toxins from the body and can help circulation. This stone is also thought be some to increase sensuality - particularly with the sense of touch. Mahogany Obsidian harmonizes well with sugilite, black tourmaline and moldavite. Mahogany Obsidian restores the correct spin to the sacral and solar plexus chakras. It is said to work well with all chakras but especially the root chakra.

Obsidian, Rainbow: is called a stone of pleasure because one of its attributes metaphysically is bringing pleasure, enjoyment and joy to ones life. It also brings love and light to one and can bring out the Spiritual. Rainbow Obsidian is used psychically to enhance clairvoyance and is an excellent scrying stone, especially in the areas of love, relationships and self-development. Rainbow Obsidian can be utilized to clear the emotional body of lingering patterns of emotional trauma. It is a powerful emotional protector and assists you in looking into the dark and painful places of the mind, body and emotions allowing one to go in and heal them. It is a stone for alleviating depression. It is also a very protective stone, and is especially effective in protection rituals and amulets, where it works by grounding out negativity to let light in. It is also a very grounding and centering stone. In metaphysical healing Rainbow Obsidian is useful for bruising, bone breaks and other tissue trauma. It can be placed over the heart to assist during stressful times. It is a stone for repressed memory. Rainbow Obsidian harmonizes well with Rainbow Moonstone. Rainbow Obsidian is associated with the root chakra.

Obsidian, Snowflake: has the metaphysical properties of bringing things to the surface. The things brought to the surface could be positive or negative, love, anger, secrets; but with snowflake obsidian, these things are brought to the surface more gently that they might be otherwise. Snowflake Obsidian can provide balance during times of change. It aids in seeing patterns in life and recreating them in a more beneficial way. It is a stone of serenity and purity, and can shield against negativity. Snowflake obsidian gives protection from physical and emotional harm. In metaphysical healing Snowflake Obsidian helps one become more receptive to healing energy and a healing attitude. It can energetically help the body with cancer cells and is beneficial for the veins, skeleton, and smooth skin. Snowflake Obsidian harmonizes well with lapis lazuli, iolite and scolecite. It is associated with the root chakra.

Onyx, Banded: are great for centering, wise decisions, happiness and centering. Banded Onyx is a variety of agate and is also great for good fortune. Banded Onyx crystal assists with emotional balance, self control and relieving stress. Onyx will purify negative emotions. Banded onyx tumbled stone helps with hearing and listening to our inner voice. Banded onyx helps us let go of the physical, relax and flow with the natural energies, bringing higher inspiration. Onyx assists with challenges in life and prevents the draining away of personal energy. Onyx assists us with perseverance, good morals, deep thoughts and spiritual strength. Onyx has been used for wound healing, childbirth and to increase stamina and self-control. Banded onyx is associated with the root chakra and the astrological signs are Cancer and Aquarius

Onyx, Black: is great for centering, wise decisions, happiness and centering. Black Onyx is a variety of agate and is also great for good fortune. Black Onyx crystal assists with emotional balance, self control and relieving stress. Onyx will purify negative emotions. Black onyx tumbled stone helps with hearing and listening to our inner voice. Black onyx helps us let go of the physical, relax and flow with the natural energies, bringing higher inspiration. Onyx assists with challenges in life and prevents the draining away of personal energy. Onyx assists us with perseverance, good morals, deep thoughts and spiritual strength. Onyx has been used for wound healing, weak legs, eliminating body waste, childbirth and to increase stamina and self-control. Black onyx is associated with the root, solar plexus and the 3rd eye chakras. The astrological signs are Cancer and Aquarius

Onyx, Blue: is said to assist with emotional balance, relieve stress and grief and to increase self-control. The beautiful blue-green color relates to the heart and throat chakras and can aid in true communication. Onyx will purify negative emotions, helps with grounding and controlling or eliminating excess or unwanted energies. It helps with perseverance, humility, good morals, deep thoughts and spiritual strength. It prevents the draining away of personal energy and can be used for protection from this. It assists with challenges in life, especially those caused by a drain of energy. Onyx allows us to let go of the physical, relax and flow with the natural energies, bringing higher inspiration and aiding detachment. Helps with hearing and listening to our inner voice. Blue Onyx is a soft, soothing stone for crystal healing and energy work.

Opal: assists us to adapt to the Earth changes and allowing inner balance to take place. Opal is a stone of inspiration which enhances imagination and creativity. It helps one release inhibitions and enhances memory. It lightens the aura so that dramatic earth changes can be accepted into being, without causing undue physical or emotional stress. Giving acceptance of that which cannot be seen. Connecting to the Higher Self and opening to the wisdom of the Ancient Ones. Because opal is watery and translucent it works with the emotions, but will bring up deep emotional states to be faced and loved. If the wearer is able to control the mind and focus their attention, opal will develop this aspect of their mind. Opal is also a very spiritual stone, and can help one be invisible in situations where they don't care to be noticed. Opal brings happy dreams. It also eases the process of change. Physically, opal is said to be helpful for eyesight and Parkinsons disease. Opal is quartz, consisting of colloidal silica and large amounts of water. It is associated with Crown, Heart, throat, 3rd Eye, Thymus and root chakras.

Opal, Dendritic: is from the agate family and is a stone of plentitude, providing abundance and fullness in ones life. Dendritic Opal is known as the Stone of Relations, it helps create and strengthen bonds within relationships, as well as bringing relations from loved ones, friends or work relations closer together. This crystal encourages the building of relationships based on honesty and sincerity. It is beneficial where when relationships have become a struggle. Dendritic Opal will be very helpful between members of step families, especially child to step parent, bringing encouragement for getting to know one another more, to release any un-certainty or tension, with the means of building the beginning foundations of strong relationships for the future. Dendritic Opals energies are vibrant and passionate, yet gentle and caring. Opal is a stone that can be absorbent as much as it can be reflective, it can be a mirror to the whole self both inner and outer. Opal feels joy with its keeper just as much as sadness; it follows every smile to every tear. Dendritic Opal is the perfect crystal for keeping close to the side of partners who live with being apart for certain amounts of time, to keep the bond strong and have your hearts beat as one. This is also a beautiful stone to give to a newly married couple. Place Dendritic Opal around the home for a more family orientated feel, as well as creating an air of acceptance and harmony. As a healing crystal, Dendritic Opal can help improve eye function and upsets of the digestive system. Dendritic Opal can help to lift feelings of sluggishness and lethargy. A stone that reminds of the here and now when it is needed, encourages positive emotion, and helps the being to appreciate loved ones and those that care. Dendritic Opal is said to enhance the achievement of personal goals, the acquisition of prosperity, the healing of wounds from past lives, the ability to communicate with nature spirits and the grounding of your spiritual energies within the physical body. Associated with the Navel Chakra and the zodiac sign Gemini.

Opal, Pink: is a wonderful stone for healing the emotions. Pink Opal clears and calms the heart and brings a sense if peace and tranquility to ones aura. It is an excellent stone for children who have difficulty sleeping or tend to have nightmares. Sleeping with pink opal or holding it while in meditation helps to bring compassion and a gentle resolution of painful memories. Pink Opal brings peace and release to ones heart, allowing you to discharge past trauma,
tension and stress. It can be used to keep a connection to the angelic realms open and clear. It is said to be the stone of love. Pink Opal polished stone can help those who have excessive fear, worry and anxiousness. It is useful in dissipating stress and allowing you to become more emotionally centered and calm. Pink Opal soothes the heart and can be useful in instances of erratic heartbeat. It can support the lungs and the utilization of oxygen by the body. Pink Opal is associated with the heart chakra.

Opal, White: is a stone of angelic connections. It is often used for clearing emotions to create more positive vibrations. The opal is said to be many things including the most powerful of healing stones, the stone of hope, the stone of great achievement and even the stone of the Gods. Ancient Romans associated opal with hope and good luck. Opal was formed many millions of years ago, when a combination of silica and water flowed into cracks and spaces in the ground. This then gradually hardened and solidified to become opal. Opals contain water, which makes them very sensitive to heat. They are soft stone. Opal is associated and is useful in balancing all chakras.

Peridot through Pyrite

Peridot: is a stone of success, health, abundance, wealth, compassion and protection. It has a friendly energy and is excellent for healing. It assists in rebirth and renewal of all kinds. Peridot gemstone also brings abundance and prosperity. It enhances the healing and harmony of relationships of all kinds, particularly marriage. Peridot crystal can lessen stress in relationships, anger and jealousy. It also assists in finding what is lost, and strengthens ESP abilities. It has been said to make a shield of protection around the body of any wearer of peridot. Peridot gemstone can help with issues of self-worth, bringing relief to unhealthy emotions such as anger, resentment, and jealousy. Peridot is known as a healing crystal that sends its energies to the Heart Chakra, bringing positive energy and encouraging mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. Crystal healers love Peridot for its ability to awaken one to the idea of Universal Love by saturating the Heart Chakra with higher frequency vibrations from the Universal Energy Field. Peridot is also helpful for releasing emotional attachments to things or people. Peridot is also known for strengthening breath of life, prosperity, growth, openness. Peridot helps understand relationships and other realities. Peridot alleviates depression, anger, fear, jealousy and anxiety. Peridot is a visionary stone, and helps connect us to our destinies and to an understanding of the purpose of existence. Peridot can help us visualize not only the ultimate peak of physical but of spiritual continuation as well. Peridot crystal helps with mental cleansing by highlighting problems. Peridot can also help physical ailments of the heart, lungs, thymus, slow aging, and heal ulcers and digestive problems. It releases toxins and brings them to the surface, neutralizing them. Used by Egyptians, Aztecs and Incas to gently cleanse and heal the physical heart. Peridot is also good for the stomach, other digestive tract organs and stimulates tissue regeneration. Peridot works with the Heart Chakra and can be used to balance and stimulate it. Peridot can help one to learn how to live from the Heart, remaining faithful to ones own inner truth. It works with the Heart Chakra to improve relationships by assisting with emotional healing. Associated with the Solar Plexus and the Heart Chakra. The Astrological sign Leo

Petalite: emits peace and joy, heals emotional trauma and helps your worries slip away. Petalite is a powerful protective stone, it will keep away unwelcome forces and negative energy. Petalite is an uplifting stone with a soft, balanced energy. This is an excellent balancing stone to carry throughout the day if you are feeling scattered or stressed. It is a stone that promotes self love and acceptance of self. Petalite promotes a calm, centered view of your world. Use petalite to make a deep connection to the spiritual realm. Petalite is a stone of vision and is used to enhance psychic powers and meditation. Placed on the third eye during meditation, it brings about relaxation, quieting the mind for inner exploration and vision. Petalite is used by healers for stress-related illness, excessive worry, ADD, ADHD and anxiety. Petalite is a fairly rare stone that comes in a variety of colors including white, gray, colorless, pink and yellow. Petalite harmonizes well with moldavite, danburite, scolecite, tektite, lepidolite, tourmaline, morganite and rose quartz. Associated with the 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras.

Petoskey Stone: is said to keep naughty spirits from channeling incorrect information or interfering with ones life. In particular, as far as awareness, Petoskey Stone is said to enhance awareness of the emotions, which can be a boon for dealing with emotional issues. It is also said to clear out negative energies from the aura and the environment. Petoskey Stone is a variety of calcite. It was formed by the fossilization of ancient coral found only in Michigan, USA. The coral lived in shallow waters and todays fossil often includes ancient silt and mud. Because of the eye type configurations it shows especially when polished, it is said to mystically help stimulate the third eye and psychic awareness. Traditional healing folklore and crystal healing lore state that Petoskey Stone is helpful for healing AIDS, Cancer, CFS, eyes, head, infections, infectious disease, lungs, skeletal system, and tumors of all kinds. Petoskey Stone is associated to the third eye and crown chakra.

Petrified Wood: is a stone of business success and is a good stone for general protection. It can give one a sense of peace during times of change. Petrified Wood is good for stabilizing ones emotions. It provides strength in all areas of your life and is grounding. Petrified Wood is useful in calming survival based fears and helps one be practical, relieving us of superfluous stuff. Petrified wood is also used for past life recall because of its inherent link with the past, this is enhanced through meditation. It helps one turn past weaknesses into new strength. It is a stone of transformation, assisting in advancing the self and helps to see our actions as all part of us experiencing our Divine purpose. In metaphysical healing Petrified Wood is wonderful for all types of healing. It can be used for hearing loss, to strengthen the back and align the skeletal structure of the body and it assists in cleansing the blood. It is also good for balancing the liver and gallbladder. Petrified Wood harmonizes well with nuummite, lemurian, all quartz, agate, jasper and chalcedony, bloodstone, red jasper, onyx, carnelian and opals. Petrified Wood is associated with the root and 3rd eye chakras. The astrological sign is Leo

Pietersite: is a very forceful stone and jolts us into personal change and decisive actions that influence the outcome in favorable ways. It is a stone of power that helps achieve ones goals. It is a stone of unconditional love and forgiveness. Pietersite represents change and indicates a need to make changes in your present life. Pietersite has been said to dispel illusion and promotes loyalty to the self. It assists one in remaining open to lifes experience. It further allows one to see beyond the horizon, helping to support courage and tenacity. Pietersite enhances clarity of thought and encourages intuition. It aligns the energy centers of the body while providing grounding, not to the Earth, but to the etheric body; this rarity in grounding ability has facilitated travel throughout the spheres of existence, culminating in access to the akashic records. Physically, this crystal can be used to strengthen the nerves and the brain. It can stimulate the pituitary gland to provide the proper regulation of the other endocrine glands and to produce, in the proper quantity, the hormones concerned with growth, sex, metabolism, blood pressure, and body temperature. Pietersite is semi-precious, blue-black and exhibits a shimmering tigers eye like quality. Pietersite harmonizes well with moldavite, calcite, scolecite, nuummite, golden labradorite, tiger eye, hawks eye, jet, ajoite, cacoxenite, citrine, moonstone, sunstone and labradorite. Pietersite is associated with the Solar Plexus and Third Eye chakras.

Prasiolite: also called Green Amethyst has spiritual qualities quite similar to Amethyst, from which it comes. This means that it is a stone of great use in spiritual matters, closely related to the mind and aiding in spells, rituals, and other methods of healing. Due to its green coloring, Prasiolite is sometimes heavily associated with nature, resulting in it being viewed as a stone that can help bridge the gap between the spiritual and the physical or otherwise aid in finding inner peace and enlightenment. Prasiolite is used for self-transformation, awakening the spirit, inspiring and general uplifting. Prasiolite is a stone of courage and can foster self-reliance in all situations. Prasiolite is a prosperity stone, said to attract abundance. It can help strengthen and express emotions as well as the mind and will. It is used in crystal healing for cleansing the body of toxins of all kinds, tumors, stomach acid, ulcers, assimilation of nutrients, and healing the whole body from a spiritual level. Somewhat rare and beautiful to behold, Prasiolite is the product of amethyst that has been subjected to extreme heat. Most of the time, this amethyst turns an undesired color. Sometimes however, green Prasiolite is the result, resulting in the stone also being referred to as Green Amethyst. These stones are often prized by jewelers, with the vibrant color making a wonderful accent to most metals. Prasiolite harmonizes well with purple amethyst, danburite and moldavite. Prasiolite is associated with the Heart, Crown, Third Eye and Solar plexus chakras.

Prehnite: is a very protective stone and can protect one on all levels. It strengthens the life force and generally increases and stimulates energy while at the same time bringing powerful calming energies. Prehnite is said to ease worries and restlessness of all kinds. It aids spirit communication through meditation or visualization, out-of-body travel, and is a powerful dream stone. Prehnite is also known as a stone of prophesy which stimulates inner-knowing. Prehnite can be used to multiply energy and enhance your protective fields. Using prehnite to chakra grid produces calmness to your environment. Helps to remember dreams. Brings inner knowing to be prepared for future events. Helps accuracy of predictions with regards to your own personal growth. Physically, prehnite is helpful in the healing of gout, digestive system, adrenals, liver, gallbladder, anemia, and kidney problems. Prehnite harmonizes well with jade, smithsonite, hemimorphite, blue aragonite, emerald, moldavite, scolecite, lepidolite, petalite, pink tourmaline, green tourmaline and black tourmaline. Prehnite is associated with the Heart and Solar plexus Chakras.

Psilomelane: also known as Merlinite helps you connect with and develop your ability to use magic. Its dual coloring blends the spiritual and earthly vibrations together, giving access to the spiritual and shamanic realms. This stone supports shamanic practices or magical ritual. Clear quartz, labradorite, moldavite or moonstone work well with Psilomelane for magical purposes. Psilomelane also eases communications with nature spirits-the spirits present in elements like air, water, trees and plants, and in stones themselves. Psilomelane balances masculine and feminine facets within the self, and deepens meditation. Psilomelane is a stone that is considered excellent for gazing and scrying. It is used in mysticism for out of body travel and gazing at any distance. Psilomelane is used in emotional crystal healing to recognize patterns and uncover hidden motivations. This can help one to correct emotions and behaviors that are unloving or not useful to Life. It facilitates reading the Akashic Record, inducing travel into past or future lives to gain insight on how to live life in the future. Psilomelane can be used for past-life healing and to bring harmony into the present life. It balances yin-yang and masculine and feminine energies, conscious and subconscious loving behavior patterns. Psilomelane can bring magic into your life. Physically, in crystal healing and folk healing, Psilomelane is used for many lung conditions including pneumonia, clearing the lungs, lung walls, nervous system, as well as skin inflammations, carbohydrate conversion, insulin regulation, and diabetes. Originally Psilomelane from the Silver Crown Mine in Mexico is called Crown of Silver, although this moniker is now used for this stone from any mine. Psilomelane is associated with the third eye chakra, solar plexus and linking energies between the third eye, crown, and root chakras.

Pyrite: highly protective stone, very grounding, blocking or shielding you from negative energies. Pyrite also is a stone that brings energies of good luck or good fortune. Pyrite brings a positive outlook and releases old murk that has been held in the emotional body at the solar plexus. It strengthens the will and brings harmony within yourself and others. It enhances intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis, creativity, memory, and psychic development. Some like to use Pyrite to stimulate the intellect, recalling information when you need it, especially for those who are forgetful. It can help you tap your own latent mental talents and abilities. Pyrite is also a useful protector from radiation from computers. On the physical level, Pyrite can be used in the treatment and healing of all bone and cell diseases. It is also good for purifying the body of infection, stimulate the endocrine functions, combating male impotence, infertility, blood, tissues, skin disease, fungal infection and cellular invasion by viruses. Pyrite is a good protection stone against flu and the common cold. If you are a caregiver use the energies of pyrite to protect you from any harmful disease and germs associated with your work. Pyrite harmonizes well with carnelian, prehnite, golden labradorite and citrine. Pyrite is associated with the solar plexus chakra.

Quartz through Que Sera

Quartz, Clear: is the most versatile and multi dimensional stone. Quartz can be programmed by ones intention to assist in achieving virtually any goal in life. It can be used to amplify the energies of other stones and enhance the energies of groups of stones. This makes quartz the ideal base for energy tools. it can be used for any metaphysical purpose such as healing, consciousness expansion, chakra work, communicating with guides, past life recall, inter dimensional travel, balancing of polarities, enhancing meditation, dreaming, attracting or sending love, general prosperity and anything else you can imagine. Quartz comes in varying degrees of clarity from water clear to densely clouded. It is a healing and energy amplifier. It absorbs stores, transmits, charges, intensifies, releases and regulates energy. Quartz raises energy to the highest spiritual level. This crystal is a protective and balancing stone. It is used for healing, channels all the chakra colors, psychic development, meditation. Clear quartz is the most vital element of any crystal collection. It contains within it the full spectrum of colors, and can thus be used for a variety of purposes: psychic and emotional healing, programming for any of your goals, to balance the chakras, or as a general meditational aid. Clear quartz crystals helps with wisdom, clarity of thought, general healing, memory, meditation, communication, transformation, awakening, cleansing, pureness of heart, intention, higher consciousness, positive thoughts, harmony and love. This stone amplifies magick, wishes and positive visualizations. Quartz also encourages emotional clarity and purity. Clear Quartz is associated with all chakras.

Quartz, Angel: also known as Amphibole is a milky white quartz crystal. Angel Quartz is said to be excellent for attracting and working with angels. In metaphysics it is used to create balance in any aspect of life, and act from Universal love, as well as contacting your Spirit Guides. This gemstone also used in mystical energy work for astral travel, lucid dreaming, and communications with the Higher Self. Angel Quartz is said to be a stone of emotional clarity and balance in particular. It is reputed to shield one from verbal abuse. This is especially helpful to those that have been emotionally or verbally abused. Angel Quartz is a wonderful aid to meditation. In crystal healing and energy healing, Angel Quartz is said to be helpful for problems of the eyes, digestion, fevers, and pain. Angel Quartz is associated primarily with the third eye and crown chakras. Angel Quartz often contains additional inclusions such as Hematite. The inclusions are often red or yellow depending on the included minerals. The Angel Quartz is sometimes in a phantom. Some Angel Quartz crystals have inclusions that sometimes have a wispy effect resembling angel wings. Angel Quartz is found only in Brazil at Minas Gerias. Angel Quartz is associated Chakras are the Crown and Third Eye Chakra.

Quartz, Blue: also called Dumortierite is a stone that enhances organizational abilities, self-discipline and orderliness. This enhancement is believed to be due to the effect it can have of balancing the throat chakra and enhancing communication between lower chakras-physical energy and the higher chakras-mental spiritual energy. Blue quartz greatly reduces problems with scattered mind and disorganization, and brings mental clarity. Blue quartz brings a sense of order to all things, releases fear and brings courage to ones life. It is also a boost for creativity and expression. It also helps one to see and accept reality, and react to it intelligently in ones behalf. It can lift depression and replace it with peace and happiness. It also can help reduce stubbornness, particularly stubbornness that is ultimately bad for a person. Blue quartz helps reduce emotional tension and helps a person with patience. Blue Quartz stimulates verbalization of spiritual ideas. This crystal aids in opening ones clairvoyant abilities, which we all have. In addition, it encourages one to see and accept reality, and react to it in an intelligent manner. It also helps one to see and accept reality, and react to it intelligently in ones behalf. In the psychic and spiritual realms, blue quartz brings spiritual development, and contact with spirit guides and angels. It can also help you express your spiritual thoughts and dreams. Blue quartz is excellent for peaceful mindfulness or meditation. Dumortierite harmonizes well with lapis lazuli. Blue quartz is associated with the throat chakra, and it enhances communication between the lower and higher chakras.

Quartz, Diamantina Laser Wands: are natural quartz crystals that were mined in Diamantina, Brazil. The Diamantina Mine in Minas Gerias, Brazil is famous for the unique crystals that come out of it. The laser wand crystal is a long slender crystal terminating with small faces. The crystal tapers from the base to the termination. The angles of the sides of the crystal are often curved and have unique etchings and or markings upon them. Diamantina Crystals are one of the true healers for the new millennium, bringing in energy for higher vibrational healing and attunement and helping one to believe. Crystal Healings Wands are used in crystal healing to help direct healing energy. A wand pointed away from the body will tend to draw energy away and a wand or point pointed towards the body will tend to channel energy in. Universal energy rather than your own energy is focused down the wand and through the point. Laser Wands tend to focus the energy into a laser type concentration at the tip of the wand. Diamantina Crystals are natural Laser Wands and come from the Earth this way and are not carved. They are believed to have been used in the Healing Temples of Atlantis and Lemuria. Diamantina Crystals are excellent for focusing energy. The Diamantina Crystal Points are energetically and vibrantly pleasing because when the energy flows through this wand and into the point, the energy literally explodes as it heals! This Crystal Healing Wand is also very helpful for cutting away negativity and even entities.

Quartz, Faden: is a variety of quartz crystal that is distinguished from other Quartz crystals by the presence of a fuzzy white line running through the middle. Faden crystal is one of the most important healing stones of the quartz family. Faden are a highly programmable crystal and can amplify and activate ones healing capacity. It can also be programmed for multiple uses such as healing, accessing one or more of the higher planes, protection, chakra balancing and more. Because of their high energy they retain their programming for long periods of time without needing to be recharged. If you wish to change the programming of a Faden Quartz crystal it must first be cleared of old programs. Burial in the ground for one week or an overnight salt water bath will work. Faden Quartz is used for physical, mental, emotional stability and assists in removing unhealthy emotional attachments. Faden Crystal is a stone of connections such as spiritual or relationship connections between one and another. It is a protection crystal and can be programmed to provide protection from physical disruption, both for individuals and for places. Carrying or wearing a Faden Quartz can be most beneficial. Faden Quartz is ideal for consciousness expansion and accessing any of the higher vibrational planes. They are also well suited for those who wish to attune to the inner movements of the Earth. The Fadens' experience of past earth changes makes them ideal tools for those who seek information on current and future physical and vibrational shifts of the Earth. Metaphysical healing lore says that Faden Quartz is excellent for physical healing of bone breaks, muscle tears, facilitates mending on all levels, surgery and rejuvenation from any disorder.Faden Quartz harmonizes well with moldavite, danburite, seraphinite and sugilite. Faden Quartz is asscociated with all chakras and can integrate and activate all of them.

Quartz, Golden: is also called yellow quartz. Gold quartz is a healer of emotional, physical and mental disturbances. Golden Quartz can bring clarity for decision making and relief from burnout. Yellow Quartz is a very subtle and soothing crystal that helps with panic, nervousness and exhaustion. It can sharpen memory and concentration skills. This crystal brings feelings of calm, love and acceptance. Gold Quartz healing crystal protects from lethargy and depression during dull weather. Golden Quartz is associated with the solar plexus chakra.

Quartz, Green: is a grounding, clearing and empowering stone. Green quartz helps those seeking attunement and Higher Consciousness. Green Quartz activates the mind in guiding through layers of confusion and karma. It is an uplifting stone and brings a sense of oneness and bridges the heart, mind and spirit, to learn from within. Green Quartz work well with opening and stabilizing the heart chakra and promotes intuitive capability which is coupled with love. It is a stone of transformation, turning negative energy into positive without releasing it into the atmosphere. Green Quartz inspires creativity and attracts success, prosperity and abundance. In metaphysical healing Green Quartz interacts with the endocrine glands to keep the body balanced. These stones provide an ongoing feeling of peace and compassion to their owner. There is a high frequency energy exchange with those who come in contact with Green Quartz.

Quartz, Herkimer Diamond: is called the stone of attunement. While it is not actually diamond, it is quartz that often resembles the sparkling clarity of diamonds. It can be metaphysically programmed to attune one to an environment, a situation, a quality, or most anything. It is said to assist with balance on the mental, emotional and physical levels. It can be used effectively to clear and open any chakra. It is professed to relieve tension and thereby promote peace of mind. Psychically, its useful for auric cleansing and dream recall. Mystical lore says that physically it can be used to heal addictions and remove toxins. Herkimer Diamond is associated with the crown chakra. Herkimer Diamonds are not chemically a diamond, although they do have a sparkle that is similar to a Diamond. The clarity and sparkle of Herkimer Diamonds make them a rare type of clear quartz crystal. Herkimer Diamonds are naturally double terminated quartz crystals and are found in Herkimer, New York, from which they get their name; Herkimer Diamonds. Herkimer Diamonds can enhance the properties of any stone but especially harmonize well with moldavite, scolecite, celestite and danburite. Associated with the 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras.

Ice Quartz, Arkansas: Quartz from Arkansas is purer and clearer than almost any other found in the world. In fact, the finer crystals are pure enough to make synthetic quartz used in computer components. Ice Quartz is sometimes referred to as Arkansas Diamonds. Clear Quartz from Arkansas is recognized as some of the purest in the world. Quartz from this area tends to have a more refined energy than that from Brazil. Arkansas Ice Quartz transmits energy, charges and intensifies, protection, balancing, healing, channels all the chakra colors, physic development, meditation. Clear quartz is the most vital element of any crystal collection. It contains within it the full spectrum of colors, and can thus be used for a variety of purposes: psychic and emotional healing, programming for any of your goals, to balance the chakras, or as a general meditational aid. Clear quartz crystals helps with wisdom, clarity of thought, general healing, memory, meditation, communication, transformation, awakening, cleansing, pureness of heart, intention, higher consciousness, positive thoughts, harmony and love. This stone amplifies magick, wishes and positive visualizations. They also encourage emotional clarity and purity. Ice Quartz is associated with all chakras.

Quartz, Lodolite: known as Lodalite, Lodolite Quartz, Lodelite, Scenic Quartz, Garden Quartz or Landscape Quartz is a type of included quartz crystal with inclusions of many possible colors and types, often having the look of gardens, landscapes, or underwater scenes. Lodolite is an excellent healing stone bringing strong healing energies and energetic shifting so that healing will occur. Lodolite is helpful when used in meditation practices and is a great assistant that helps one with getting into the meditative state. Lodolite brings energies to effect manifestation of ones desires. Lodolite is also said to enhance communication with beings on the spiritual plane and heighten ones spiritual energies. It is used mystically to increase ESP and bring knowledge from your past lives. Lodolite is said to bring loving energies and energies of gentle strength. It heightens ones awareness of your emotions, letting you know what feels good and you keep doing it or it feels bad and you are able stop and change what your thinking to a better feeling through. Lodolite is a great dreaming crystal. It is also helpful for enhancing ones sensitivity to energy, like when using Reiki energy. One of the most common metaphysical uses of lodolite is to bring energies to effect manifestation of ones desires. Lodolite often has many other mineral included in it such as hematite and chlorite as well so these properties should be looked at as well. Lodolite Quartz is a associated with the crown chakra.

Quartz, Moon: is also known as Girasol, Blue Opal Quartz, Moon Opal, Pearl Quartz or Foggy Quartz. It is actually Rock Crystal clouded by water, has a milky sheen almost opalescence to it. Moon Quartz is a powerful healing stone that firmly yet gently enhances healing of spiritual, emotional and physical wounds. Moon Quartz is a stone of gentle, calming but powerful energy that can enhance and clarify feelings especially those connected to love and passion, and allows the bearer to look deep within themselves for true feelings. It can enhance and mirror feelings, which make it excellent for visualization, imagination, dream work and direction of energy such as Reiki. Moon Quartz enhances communication skills and can help the user speak thoughts that otherwise might be difficult to express. It also encourages and enhances creativity in artistic, business and practical areas. If you wind up stuck in a rut of some sort, then girasol can help you start to reignite your interest in living and help you see more imaginative solutions to mundane problems. Moon Quartz unique capability allows it to connect to users energy, cleanse it and circulate it so that self-healing becomes possible. Moon Quartz is particularly helpful for diabetes, immune system imbalances, chronic fatigue syndrome and fatigue. Moon Quartz works with the throat chakra and the crown chakra.

Quartz, Nirvana: this unusual icy white or pink quartz is a type of interference quartz formation with a powerful, nurturing and protective energy signature known as Nirvana Quartz, Nirvana Quartz Pale Pink Ice Point or Himalayan Ice Quartz, which is new in the world crystal markets. Meditating with Nirvana Quartz can bring deep peace. For those who are not crystal sensitive, they can feel the energy from these crystals. Nirvana Quartz brings joy, well being, peace and protection from fear. Growth interference crystals are typically used to enhance understanding of blocks we encounter in our quest for emotional, physical, or spiritual growth, and to gently remove these stuck energies, representing old and outdated mental conceptions of the world, recurring patterns of negative behavior manifesting in relationships, negative emotional reactions to life conditions, and physical impediments to health and well-being. The growth interference crystal can be used to help remove blockages in the chakra system, facilitating the flow of Kundalini energy throughout the human energy field. Nirvana Ice Quartz tends to heat up quite rapidly in the hand. One notices a strong flow of warmth and a surge of Universal Life Force energy up the arm and into the chest, centering in the heart, and then rushing down the trunk into the lower chakras, providing support, centering and grounding ones being. . Nirvana Ice Quartz is a wonderful stone to hold or place under the pillow when entering dreamtime, and provides a feeling of security, warmth, protection and well-being. Nirvana Quartz originates high in the Himalayan mountain ranges of northern India. Late in 2006, Nirvana Quartz was discovered in extremely high altitude areas which had formerly been covered in ice 365 days a year. Exploring where glaciers had recently retreated, rock hounds discovered deposits of a unique type of rosy quartz never seen before. Nirvana Quartz appears in wands and in chunks composed of aggregates of irregularly shaped, convoluted smaller crystal formations which have grown into a single larger specimen over millennia of geological time. Himalayan Ice Quartz almost invariably lacks the more common six-sided shaft and well-defined termination tips characteristic of much clear and rose quartz found around the world. Nirvana Ice Quartz is an extreme example of the type of crystal formation known as growth interference quartz. Growth interference crystals are created when calcite or other mineral formations adhere to the crystallizing quartz formation, and then disappear over time. This results in the creation of indentations, grooves and other irregularities along the prismatic faces of the quartz crystal. The mine for these crystals has been mined out and this stone is becoming very rare. Metaphysical healing lore says Nirvana Ice Quartz is more on the emotional and spiritual level and can be helpful in assisting you in finding strength and wisdom to face debilitating disease. Nirvana Ice Quartz harmonizes well with moldavite, petalite, danburite, morganite, kunzite, rose quartz and pink tourmaline. Nirvana Ice Quartz is associated with all chakras.

Quartz, Phantom: can be used to connect to a spiritual guide, enhance meditation and recover repressed memories in order to put the past into perspective. They are stones of universal healing, crystals of grounding, dispelling negativity and energizing. They also aid intuition, open us up to universal love and acceptance while rejuvenating the user. Phantom Quartz crystals are wonderful awareness tools. Phantoms are considered excellent for past life work and meditation, and are valuable for the spiritual seeker. Physically, crystal healing and folk lore say that phantom crystals are excellent for initiating healing, bringing great energy to the healing process, and are especially helpful for hearing disorders, emotional healing and opens clairaudience. Phantom works very well with Seraphinite, and Angelite for connecting with the angelic domain.

Quartz, Red Phantom: are known to restore personal power and freedom within you. Phantom crystals are stated to stimulate and boost your intellect, creativity and intuition. Red Phantom Quartz heals anger and hurt, releases stress, emotional healing, boosting courage and self esteem. This crystal is also useful for will power and addictions, it is a great stone for dieters and people trying to quit smoking. Red Phantom Crystals are wonderful at helping you to look at yourself at a deeper level, heal the inner child, see old patterns and recover repressed memories. These crystals are a grounding stone and provide protection during metaphysical activities and enhance telepathy. Phantom Quartz is a great awareness tool and is used for past life work and meditation. This crystal makes a good talisman for business, enhances financial security, induces perseverance, helps overcome frustration and is useful for legal situations. Metaphysical Folk lore says that phantom crystals are a master healer for any condition. They are known to be excellent for initiating healing, bringing great energy to the healing process, and are especially helpful for inflammation, hearing disorders, support the formation of red blood cells, circulatory problems, and anemia and can be used for energy enhancement. Red Phantoms are frequently used to stimulate the lower Chakras, activate the Root, Sacral and the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is good for cleansing the entire auric field. Red Phantom Quartz is associated with the Base, Navel, Sacral chakras.

Quartz, Rose: is a pink quartz stone of unconditional love and opens the heart chakra to all forms of love such as self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. The elevated energy of quartz crystal gives rose quartz a property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. Rose quartz is soothing, calming and reduces stress and tension. It helps to clear anger, resentment, guilt, fear and jealousy. It helps balance emotions and heals emotional wounds and traumas, even grief, bringing peace and calm. Rose Quartz is also used to ease the process of transition in dying. Emotionally rose quartz brings gentleness, forgiveness, compassion, kindness and tolerance. It raises ones self-esteem and sense of self-worth. It can also heal and release childhood traumas, neglect, and lack of love, in part by enhancing inner awareness. It can help with reconciliation with family and others. Overwhelming or unreasonable guilt is eased by rose quartz. In the psychic and spiritual realms, rose quartz is often used to attract love, and for love spells. Rose quartz can be helpful for dream recall and dream work. In metaphysical healing rose quartz is used to benefit the heart, the circulatory system, fertility, headaches, kidney disease, migraines, sexual dysfunction, sinus problems, throat problems, depression, addictions, ear aches, slowing signs of aging, reducing wrinkles, spleen problems, fibromyalgia, and weight loss. Rose quartz is also helpful and protective during pregnancy and with childbirth. It is also sometimes said that rose quartz is helpful for supporting brain functions and increasing intellect. Rose Quartz harmonizes well with most heart stones such as rhondonite, pink calcite, pink tourmaline, rhodocrosite, morganite, emerald and moldavite. Rose Quartz is associated with the heart chakra and the Astrological signs are Aries, Taurus, Virgo and Libra.

Quartz, Rutilated: promotes spiritual growth, cleanses and energizes the aura. This crystal is said to aid in astral travel, scrying and channeling. It draws off negative energy and breaks down the barriers to spiritual progress, letting go of the past. Rutilated quartz crystal filters negative energy and supports their energy field during emotional release, it gives protection during psychic attack. Rutilated quartz is also purported to enhance mental and physical stability, self-reliance, and meditation on feminine ideas. It is reputed by intuitives and folklore to diminish fears, depression, anxiety and issues with decision-making. It helps facilitate transitions and change of direction. Emotionally, rutilated quartz soothes dark moods and acts as an anti depressant. This stone promotes forgiveness at all levels. Rutilated quartz can be used in past life healing, it assists in moving to a core life to access causes and to understand the results of previous actions. Rutilated quartz healing crystal is said to assist with tissue regeneration, assimilation of nutrition, slow the advancement of aging and absorbs mercury poisoning from nerves, muscles, blood and the intestinal tract. It is also said to boost the immune system and treat respiratory illness. Rutiliated quartz is also a mystical crystal diagnostic tool which can help discover the true cause of an ailment. This stone is excellent for exhaustion and energy depletion, treats the respiratory tract, stimulates growth in cells and repairs torn tissue. Rutilated quartz harmonizes well with all quartz, moldavite, danburite, petalite, scolecite, sugilite, black tourmaline, obsidian and jet. Rutilated Quartz is associated with the all chakras.

Quartz, Shamanic Dream: known as Lodalite, Lodolite Quartz, Lodelite, Scenic Quartz, Garden Quartz or Landscape Quartz is a type of included quartz crystal with inclusions of many possible colors and types, often having the look of gardens, landscapes, or underwater scenes. Shamanic Dream Quartz is an excellent healing stone bringing strong healing energies and energetic shifting so that healing will occur. Shamanic Dream Quartz is helpful when used in meditation practices and is a great assistant that helps one with getting into the meditative state. Shamanic Dream Quartz brings energies to effect manifestation of ones desires. Shamanic Dream Quartz is also said to enhance communication with beings on the spiritual plane and heighten ones spiritual energies. It is used mystically to increase ESP and bring knowledge from your past lives. Shamanic Dream Quartz is said to bring loving energies and energies of gentle strength. It heightens ones awareness of your emotions, letting you know what feels good and you keep doing it or it feels bad and you are able stop and change what your thinking to a better feeling through. Lodolite is a great dreaming crystal. It is also helpful for enhancing ones sensitivity to energy, like when using Reiki energy. One of the most common metaphysical uses of lodolite is to bring energies to effect manifestation of ones desires. Shamanic Dream Quartz often has many other mineral included in it such as hematite and chlorite as well so these properties should be looked at as well. Shamanic Dream Quartz is associated with the crown chakra.

Quartz, Smoky: is the ultimate grounding stone. It enhances practicality and organization. It lends focus to students. It is a protective stone, particularly for physical protection, protection from negativity, and psychic protection. Smoky Quartz is grounding and stabilizing stone. Smoky Quartz purges resentment and suppressed conflicts. It is a crystal for when your in a bad mood. It brings calm, centering, patience, lifts depression, removes negative energies and brings happiness. Smoky quartz is also a good luck stone and can help bring prosperity. It can also assist in tapping subconscious wisdom. Smoky Quartz is useful for helping ones dreams and ideas into physical reality. It can help with spiritual growth and bringing it into ones life. Cleanse smoky quartz often since it pulls in negativity so easily. Smoky quartz harmonizes well with sugilite, black tourmaline, jet, obsidian and moldavite. Smoky quartz is associated with the root chakra.

Quartz, Spirit: increases both physical and intellectual fertility. Placed within the heart of your home, on your desk at work, or overseeing an event it enhances harmony and peace. This crystal is a wonderful companion when one is experiencing the loss of a loved one, bringing understanding of the process and assists in transition for both. Use to stimulate the manifestation of abundance in ones life. Spirit Quartz stone can activate and cleanse other minerals, enhance and increase the energy of other minerals. It has also been used to elevate ones sense of self-worth, and to relieve one of difficult memories from the past. Spirit quartz brings qualities of energy, peace, and positive energy to all realms. It is said to transform negative energy into positive energy, thereby being a very protective stone, and excellent for auric shielding as well as mental and physical types of protection. Spirit quartz is also excellent and often used for astral projection, dreamwork, shamanic journeying, and rebirthing. Emotionally it is said to remove fear, bringing emotional peace and happiness. Spirit quartz is used for skin disorders, allergic reactions, colon disorders, detoxification, and obsessive disorders, familial abuse related stress disorders. Spirit quartz will work to align and balance all chakras together. Lucid dreaming and astral traveling are both intensified when Spirit Quartz is placed under the pillow or on the bedside table during your sleep hours. To improve dream recall, or for inter-stellar travel, try combining with Herkimer Diamonds or Celestite. If you feel drawn to moving deeper within yourself, releasing the bonds that are holding you back, and living a more authentic life, then Spirit Quartz may assist this process. Use the crystal in meditation to identify the obstacles and gain a sound understanding of why you have created them and what you are to learn from them. Spirit Quartz has the ability to both draw in and transmit energy from its numerous points, making the crystal both an effective healing tool for direct hands on healing and magnifying the effect of other crystals and minerals in its presence. Children love the splendor of Spirit Quartz as it has a natural attraction to the fairy realm, and in particular Archangel Ariel. This crystal is like a childs best friend, as children delight in the joy, frivolity and cheekiness of all the fourth dimensional energys at play. Adults too can tune into Spirit Quartz vibration to lighten up on their journey of awakening and ascension and remember that their journey can be fun. Overall, Spirit Quartz is just one of those crystals to have, hold and love in your life, a treasure to be enjoyed. These gifts from Mother Earth hold the consciousness of divine Love, Peace and Unity and when we choose to align our heart and soul with their vibrations, we are paving the way for all of humanity to make the shift into a higher state of consciousness, a consciousness of love. Spirit Quartz harmonizes well with moldavite, all quartz and all beryl. Spirit Quartz is associated with All Chakras.

Quartz, Strawberry: carries all the vibrations of Clear Quartz, with the additional attributes of universal love, understanding of purpose, and seizing the day. Carrying Strawberry Quartz can be soothing and calming for someone who works in a fast-paced environment. Strawberry Quartz has the ability to amplify intentions of love, gratitude and generosity, and can radiate those vibrations outward. Some wear Strawberry Quartz when trying to attract a soul-mate. Often, our soul-mates are those people who can really test us and show us where we need work. Strawberry Quartz assists in bringing balance to the psyche, the emotions, and the subtle energy bodies. An important tool for people on a new spiritual path, Strawberry Quartz can help one to gain insights into ones personality and inspire us to improve on it. Strawberry Quartz is a great facilitator of gaining hidden knowledge. Hold Strawberry Quartz as an aid-companion during meditation or journeying. It is perfect to add to a healing grid or use in a healing layout. Its color is caused exclusively by the many tiny elongated flakes of a red mineral that has often been misidentified as lepidocrocite, but has found to be hematite. Strawberry Quartz is associated with the Heart Chakra.

Quartz, Tangerine: is beautiful quartz, normally found in Brazil. Tangerine Quartz has also been found in Madagascar. The gorgeous orange coloring of this quartz comes about naturally. Natural mineral deposits on the crystals cause the tangerine coloring. Iron enriched soil may be a factor as well. Tangerine Quartz has clear quartz properties as well as its own properties. It is said that this quartz enhances ones strength and also helps balance or level the emotions, thus making one feel more calmly detached instead of panicky or upset. Tangerine Quartz can enhance evolution of the inner self. It can provide spiritual growth and stimulates ones creativity and creative power. Meditating with tangerine quartz can facilitate new ideas and inspiration and can help us find the zest and energy to find them. Tangerine Quartz can bring about knowledge that beauty comes from within. It is excellent for heightening compassion for others. Tangerine quartz is about giving and receiving, emotions, change, movement, acceptance and ability to understand new ideas, health, working in harmony with others, co creation and creativity. Metaphysically, tangerine quartz has been used for reproductive system disorders, aids in assimilation of iron in the blood, stimulates the chi energy, circulation and depression, weight loss, and AIDS. Tangerine Quartz harmonizes well with orange calcite, carnelian and golden labradorite. Tangerine Quartz is associated with the Sacral Chakra.

Quartz, Titanium: is the most powerful and vibrationally intense material of all the coated and treated quartz. These treated quartz project strength, mental sharpness and physical power. These properties are amplified by the quartz base stones. This crystal helps dispel sorrow and replace it with unlimited joy; it can help heal stressful relationships. Quartz is a master healer and is believed to amplify, cleanse and diffuse energy. This crystal is a perfect conduit for positive energy, and works to clear a pathway for dysfunctional energies in your life. These beautiful crystals have additional properties produced by the infusion of precious metals with the Quartz crystals producing various Aura color combinations. Titanium Quartz is energizing to the entire chakra system, as well as the physical body. Titanium Quartz assists greatly in meditation. Titanium Quartz can be very energizing on all levels, and that it can awaken all seven chakras, the energy centers of the body. It is said to increase zest and enjoyment of life, and to dispel sadness. It also has all the properties of natural quartz crystals; alignment, harmony, etc. Metaphysical healing lore says this crystal can stimulate the entire endocrine system and is especially useful for reactivating a sluggish immune system. Titanium treated quartz is a natural quartz, that has been specially treated in a process much like gold plating. It fuses a molecular layer of titanium plus other metals to the surface of the parent material. The result is a permanent coloring of the surface creating a dazzling effect to the specimen. The many facets of these crystals catch and reflect light in all directions and the iridescent surfaces shimmer and change color as they move and send light in different angles. Titanium Aura Quartz helps to balance and open ones chakra system. Titanium Quartz is associated with all chakras. It is associated with all signs of the zodiac.

Quartz, Tourmalated: also known as tourmaline in quartz. Having the black tourmaline included in the quartz keeps this stone clear of negativity. The quartz in turn amplifies the black tourmaline amplifying energies, making the tourmalated quartz one of the most powerful stones for clearing out bad vibes of all types. It is an excellent protective stone, and brings balance and inner strength. Tourmalated Quartz repairs the auric field, restores the balance to all chakras and promotes general well being. It deflects and grounds negativity, and reduces anxiety and depression. Tourmalated Quartz facilitates clear thinking and is beneficial to those who have indulged in negative behaviors, helping to stay on a spiritual and positive path. Wear tourmalated quartz to deflect destructive energies. It is ideal for psychic protection because it keeps away negative energy. In metaphysical healing tourmalated quartz can aid those attempting to purify their bodies after substance abuse and for those who are attempting to improve their diets. Tourmalated Quartz harmonizes well with moldavite, charoite, sugilite, back obsidian, jet and citrine. Tourmalated Quartz is associated with all chakras.

Que Sera: is a stone from Brazil with amazing metaphysical properties. Que Sera crystal is said to have good vibration and if you do mediation, it is a great stone to have. Que Sera crystal has been shown to facilitate the amassing of ones mental, physical, psychic and spiritual powers so that one is always alert. Que Sera encourages risk-taking. It is used to understand emotions. According to Melody this stone is from one of the grand formations of the planet... meaning that all these stones have the same properties regardless of their actual physical make-up! Melody calls them UPS - uninterruptible power supply. These Que Sera stones resonate strongly within the higher chakras. It has a number of quite interesting stone meanings and its qualities keep unfolding as you use it. The makeup of Que Sera stone is as following: Feldspar, Calcite, Kaolininte, Iron-oxides, Magnetite, Clinozoistite, and Leucozene. They also may have some quartz, they are still natural crystals stones. Que Sera stones have a strong energy that works quickly to increase clairaudience and very suitable for Tarot Card reader, Psychic reader who needs to increase their psychic hearing. What you ask you may just get the answer. This is an interesting stone, that vibrates to the words of the song of the same name Que Sera, sera, whatever will be, will be. Que Sera from Brazil is a form of Quartz which contains traces of feldspar, calcite, kaolinite, iron-oxides, magnetite, clinozoistite, and leucozene. Que Sera harmonizes well with Angel Quartz, Aqua Aura Quartz, Celestite, Charoite, Dumortierite, Herkimer Diamonds, Seraphinite and Super Seven. Que Sera is associated with all chakras, especially the crown chakra.

Rhodochrosite through Ruby

Rhodocrosite: is an excellent anti anxiety and anti stress stone. Rhodocrosite is called the stone of love and balance, as it balances and enhances love on all levels. Rhodochrosite assists us in loving ourselves and helps us release our need to blame ourselves for everything. Rhodochrosite invokes courage, will and passion. It allows fuller love to enter ones life, in part by calming excessive passions. Rhodochrosite is perfect to balance your emotions, by cleansing your Heart chakra it promotes acceptance of the past. Rhodochrosite is a powerful emotional healer. It radiates a very strong energy of Divine Love and works well to balance the Heart Chakra. It brings calmness and acceptance for all traumas. This stone also brings greater love for self and the Earth. Rhodochrosite gives strength and courage that come from faith and trust. Rhodochrosite also prevents sickness. In metaphysical healing Rhodocrosite has been considered good for nervous system imbalances, the digestion, the heart, the kidneys, the pulse rate, and the thyroid. Rhodocrosite harmonizes well with rose quartz, pink calcite, rhodonite, morganite, emerald, garnet, moldavite, alexandrite, black tourmaline and jet. Rhodocrosite energizes and cleanses the base, sacral and heart chakras, as well as balancing the mental and emotional processes.

Rhodonite: is a stone that promotes balance and attunement with spirituality. It is a stone of inner growth as well. It is a calming stone, with energies used for easing anger. It is said to bring emotional balance, and as such bring confidence in ones life in many areas. It decreases anxiety while increasing attention to detail. Rhodonite works on the heart chakra, opening one to unconditional love and helps with self-love. The bright pinks indicate energy that enhances passionate love that is also grounded, and is used in metaphysics to attract a good mate. It is also a great stone for expressing love and helps mend a broken heart. The shiny black indicates grounding energy. Rhodonite assists you in becoming aware of the subtle energies that surround you and to ground them. It is perfect for maintaining your center and personal power, giving you the strength to stay true to yourself. Rhodonite strengthens your ability to be heart centered. It is a calming, centering and energizing stone. Its helps us stay centered in Divine energies especially when under stress, whether it be from the environment, emotional or mental. Rhodonite is a stone often used in crystal healing for healing trauma and abuse issues. Metaphysical healing lore says Rhodonite helps with weight loss, detoxification and purification of the body, gallstones, kidney stones, liver disease, emphysema, joint inflammation, ears, healing, immune system, the pituitary gland, thyroid, light sensitivity, strep throat and heart disorders. Rhodonite harmonizes well with rose quartz, pink calcite, rhodochrosite, morganite, emerald, scolecite, sugilite and garnet. Rhodonite is associated with the heart and root chakras.

Rhyolite: also called Rainforest Jasper or Australian Rainforest Jasper. Rhyolite is a stone of protection, regeneration, and general healing. Rhyolite is a stone of joy and helps us reawaken to it. Rhyolite helps us to lose bad habits such as drinking, overeating and smoking. It also brings the desire to appreciate and take better care of ourselves and enjoy our life and nature. It is a stone of resolution, bringing the unresolved to completion. It is said to help communication of all kinds, and helps one listen easily and without distorting the message one is hearing. It is also an excellent stone for meditation with an emphasis on the highest truth. Rhyolite balances the Yin/Yang energies. It can help one allow other people into their lives, even if one has been reclusive or solitary. It helps to strengthen body and mind to learn how to enjoy our potential! Assists us in processing things from the past helping us move towards the future, encouraging awareness in each moment. Metaphysical healing lore says the Rhyolite can be used for invigorating the liver and detoxifying the body. Rhyolite is associated with all chakras.

Rhyolite, Birds Eye: is from the Jasper family and represents change, variety and progress. It sparks creativity in individuals who are ready to move forward and make things happen in their life. Rhyolite is a stone of protection, regeneration, and general healing. It is a stone of resolution, bringing the unresolved to completion. It is said to help communication of all kinds, and helps one listen easily and without distorting the message one is hearing. It is also an excellent stone for meditation with an emphasis on the highest truth. Birds Eye Jasper balances the Yin/Yang - masculine and feminine energies. It can help one allow other people into their lives, even if one has been reclusive or solitary. It helps to strengthen body and mind to learn how to enjoy our potential. Rhyolite assists us in processing things from the past helping us move towards the future, encouraging awareness in each moment. Like all jaspers this stone is known as a nurturing crystal. It sustains and supports during times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. This stone facilitates shamanic journeys and dream recall. It provides protection and grounds energies and the body. It absorbs negative energy and cleanses and aligns the chakras and aura. It clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation. In Metaphysical healing Birds Eye Rhyolite supports the circulatory, digestive and sexual organs. It balances the mineral content of the body. It is related to and helpful with the solar plexus chakra primarily, and also the throat chakra.

Ruby: brings integrity, devotion and happiness. It also enhances generosity and brings prosperity. Ruby is a stone that has been known to be very protective of home, worldly possession, children, emotional attacks and psychic protection. It is a stone of high energy and power that promotes healing on all levels. Ruby polished stones gather and amplify energy, discourage violence, help retain wealth and enhance ones success. Ruby is an excellent shielding stone and protects against psychic attacks. Ruby protects against nightmares. It also brings light into ones life and promotes creativity. Ruby as opposed to gems helps one access the spiritual realm. They also purify and correct trapped energies and release blockages. They stimulate understanding of information form Spirit Guides and are important for astral travel. Used with Carnelian are used to remove earth bound spirits. Ruby brings and increases romantic love. Ruby is a powerful Heart Stone, opening and activating the heart chakra. Ruby protects against the loss of heart energy, and dissolves emotional congestion. A powerful heart healer, Ruby heals and balances emotions, makes you more emotionally aware, and helps you connect to others emotionally. The intense and vivid energy of Ruby stimulates loving emotions, helps with the expression of love, and can facilitate states of passion and bliss. Ruby helps us to see the true nature of love, and reveals the Divine Love in everything in the Universe. Using Ruby can help you open up to and receive this Divine Love, as well as become a vehicle through which Divine Love can flow to others. In metaphysical healing Ruby assists with fever, heart, toxins and counteracts caffeine. Ruby harmonizes well with rose quartz and morganite. Ruby is associated with the root and heart chakra. The astrological signs are Cancer, Aries and Leo.

Ruby Fuschite: Ruby in Fuschite brings together the energies of ruby and fuschite and creates a synergy that is more than the sum of the individual parts. Ruby in Fuschite does, have properties of both the Ruby and the Fuschite. It stimulates loving emotional side toward nurturing, bringing spiritual wisdom, health, knowledge, and wealth. A Stone of Nobility, Ruby Fuschite gathers and amplifies energy while promoting and stimulating mental concentration. It can improve success in controversies and disputes, encourages gentleness, discourages violence and protects at all levels. Ruby in Fuschite is especially known metaphysically as a balancing and stimulating crystal with intuition, making it a great stone for psychic work in a very powerful way. It can also bring a great deal of awareness of problems of all kinds, whether emotional stress, social issues, lifestyle or physical health, and use this awareness to find solutions. Ruby in Fuschite is also said to help one understand Love at a higher level. Physically, in crystal healing Ruby in Fuschite is said to be helpful when body functions are out of balance, carpal tunnel syndrome, blood and spleen issues, and virility. Ruby in Fuschite is also said to be helpful when used in groups of multiple stones for crystal healing to amplify the healing energies of the stones.

Ruby in Zoisite: is a powerful blend or two healers and it assists in balancing an over-reactive emotional nature and inspires confidence, integrity, optimism, and abundance. It is used for psychic ability and empowerment, as well as altered states of consciousness. Benefits the energetic grid of the body mind complex and helps to rejuvenate and regenerate cells, tissues, and organs. Ruby in Zoisite enhances recuperative abilities during any convalescence. It stimulates the crown chakra towards spiritual alignment and aids one in developing a soul-level trust in the process of Divine Order. Ruby in Zoisite works with the root and heart chakras.

Rubellite: is also known as Red or Pink Tourmaline. Rubellite is believed to enhance flexibility, happiness, objectivity, compassion, serenity, balance, positive transformation, healing, strength, tolerance, and understanding. Rubellite is an excellent channeling stone for communication with higher forces. According to legend, all colors of tourmaline protect the wearer against many dangers and misfortune. Rubellite increases success. Rubellite is great for Self-love, compassion, promotes feeling of joy and enthusiasm as we release our old hurts. Rubellite helps us to trust in the power of love. Rubellite brings thought awareness and experience of Universal Love. Rubellite provides support to those working with it, creating balance in emotional and intellectual states and strength in adverse conditions. Rubellite also works to bring strength, courage, and conviction to ones endeavors that are based on Love. It helps one to gain the courage to overcome issues that hold the heart hostage, such as abusive relationships and negative work situations, and to recognize how why these issues come to be in ones life. Bringing the power to break free of such conditions, Rubellite can then provide emotional support for the transitionary period when one is learning to live free of these destructive patterns that no longer serve. Metaphysical healing lore says Rubellite soothes the nervous system, depression and obsessiveness, heart ailments, relieves fatigue and anemia. Rubellite harmonizes well with other types of tourmaline, seraphinite, rose quartz, morganite, kunzite, rhodonite, rhodocrosite, danburite and petalite. Rubellite is associated with the Heart and Root chakras.

Sapphire through Sunstone

Sapphire: is corundum, and comes in many colors including blue, pink, purple, orange, yellow, green, colorless, and red. Sapphire is an excellent protection stone. Sapphire contributes to mental clarity and perception and can aid concentration. Sapphire releases unwanted thoughts, is beneficial for mental clarity, eases depression and brings joy and peace of mind. Sapphire brings loyalty and fidelity into love relationships. Sapphire is an ideal ally for organizing one's ideas and perceptions and bringing them into form, it is sometimes called the Stone of Destiny. Sapphire can stimulate psychic abilities and activate one's higher intelligence, enhance insight and mental agility. Sapphire is also a stone of prosperity and can promote financial rewards. It assists in meditation and stimulates psychic abilities. Sapphire brings spiritual light into ones life, connects to ones Higher Self and opens the channels for communication of one's highest wisdom and allows one to act as a conduit for information from the higher planes. Metaphysical healing lore says that Sapphire has great healing energy and assists in the healing of the entire body. Sapphire harmonizes well with Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Rose Quartz and other heart stones. Sapphire is associated with the third eye and throat chakra.

Sardonyx: is a variety of onyx that contains layers or bands of onyx, carnelian, and chalcedony and will combine the metaphysical properties of them. Sardonyx is a stone of protection and strength. Thought to calm relationships, as well as being credited with the power to attract friends and good fortune,
It can bring happiness and stability to marriage and partnerships. Sardonyx alleviates depression, improves perception and the processing of information. It supplements willpower, increases stamina, vigor and self-control. Sardonyx aids in communication and provides its owner with elegant speech, as well as being a valuable ward against evil. It is also thought to increase regeneration, intuition and instincts. In addition, sardonyx is credited with promoting a change in bad habits. Sardonyx was once considered to be a charm against such assorted afflictions as warts, boils, cramps, the evil eye and the wicked thoughts and impulses of witches, this gemstone was a favorite of the Ancients and used by the Egyptians to carve scarabs and beetles which would be worn as talismans. Exceedingly popular and greatly valued throughout antiquity, Sardonyx was used to guard against evil, bring good fortune and bestow the courage. Sardonyx is useful in the art of mental self control, this gem is traditionally said to aid in the cure of depression and anxiety but is particularly helpful in the easing of grief. Metaphysical healing lore say Sardonyx heals lungs and bones, it regulates cell metabolism, strengthens the immune system and aids the absorption of nutrients. The astrological association is Aries. Sardonyx is associated with the Throat, Third Eye and Root Chakras.

Sardonyx, Green: is a stone of protection, willpower and strength. It attracts friends and good fortune and can bring happiness and stability to marriage and partnerships. Sardonyx crystal alleviates depression, improves perception and the processing of information. It supplements willpower, increases stamina, vigor and self control. Sardonyx healing crystal is most helpful in the healing of bones and lungs, heart cleanser, sensory organs, stamina, strengthening the immune system, aids absorption of nutrients, and regulates fluids and cell metabolism. Green Sardonyx is associated with the heart chakra. The astrological sign is Gemini.

Scolecite: promotes inner peace and deep relaxation, it assists with sleeping soundly and enhancing meditation. It is an excellent aid to meditation. Scolecite is a mineral that helps one to realize subtle messages from the inner self and from higher sources. It enhances the dream state, lucid dreaming, facilitating dream recall and giving you a restful sleep. It helps with becoming peaceful, bringing balance in times of change and hardship. Scolecite is gentle, as it assists with being receptive to life. It helps with taking control of your life and helps with the actualization of your desired life. In metaphysical healing Scolecite brings a sense of peace and calm when one is distraught or has a mental imbalance or brain diseases that produces violet behavior it can help support proper serotonin levels. Scolecite harmonizes well with danburite and apophyllite. Scolecite enhances the heart chakra energies, opening the door to expressions of love. It brings uplifting energy, often finding your heart opens and bursts of joy. Scolecite gently clears the chakras and mind allowing for connections with your higher self. Scolecite harmonizes well with danburite and apophyllite. Scolecite is associated with the Crown and Third Eye Chakras and the Astrological sign is Capricorn.

Selenite: is a stone of mental clarity, clearing confusion, enhancing mental flexibility and strengthening decisions. Selenite calms and brings deep peace, and offers access to past and future lives. It also an Angel stone, for angelic guidance. Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences. Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. It promotes good business practices. Providing both flexibility and resolve, assisting in evaluating and facilitating material acquisitions, Selenite is a great to keep at your workspace. Selenite balances our relationship with the universe, assists us in connecting with people and all of life. Because of its ability to help us filter out ego based messages and thoughts it is an excellent crystal for meditation when placed on the top of the head. Selenite is considered to be a mental body stone which also opens, aligns and clears the aura bodies. It is able to transmit light, energy, and information; this maybe why many like to use it for channeling. Selenite crystal removes energy blocks from the physical and etheric bodies. Use Selenite to clear the chakras of blockages and heal the physical body. Selenite is an excellent stone for building grids in ones home or outdoors. Metaphysical healing lore says Selenite aligns the spine, good for the skeleton, decreases epilepsy and seizures and stimulates any physical healing. Selenite has the ability to clear other stones that are placed on or near it. Selenite constantly recharges itself, so you never have to cleanse or recharge it. Selenite can cleanse, recharge, and program your other crystals and gemstones. Selenite is a very soft stone. When Selenite is combined with other stones the energies of those stones are blended and amplified. Selenite harmonizes well with moldavite, danburite, petalite, brookite, scolecite, seraphinite and amethyst. Selenite actually harmonizes with almost any stone or combination of stones. Selenite is associated with the 3rd eye and crown chakras and the astrological sign is Taurus.

Selenite, Red: has a shimmering peach color and is also called Peach Selenite. Red Selenite has the same metaphysical properties as white Selenite and some additional ones. Use Red Selenite to increase self awareness and follow a new path. Red Selenite is a transformation stone and helps to heal old emotional wounds and transforms this negative energy to healing, acceptance and forgiveness. Selenite is used for abundance and personal power. Selenite is a stone of mental clarity, clearing confusion, enhancing mental flexibility and strengthening decisions. Selenite calms and brings deep peace, and offers access to past and future lives. It is also an Angel stone, for angelic guidance. Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences. Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. It promotes good business practices. Providing both flexibility and resolve, assisting in evaluating and facilitating material acquisitions, Selenite is a great to keep at your workspace. Selenite balances our relationship with the universe, assists us in connecting with people and all of life. Because of its ability to help us filter out ego based messages and thoughts it is an excellent crystal for meditation when placed on the top of the head. Selenite is considered to be a mental body stone which also opens, aligns and clears the aura bodies. It is able to transmit light, energy, and information; this maybe why many like to use it for channeling. Selenite crystal removes energy blocks from the physical and etheric bodies. Use Selenite to clear the chakras of blockages and heal the physical body. Selenite is an excellent stone for building grids in ones home or outdoors. Metaphysical healing lore says Selenite aligns the spine, good for the skeleton, decreases epilepsy and seizures and stimulates any physical healing. Selenite has the ability to clear other stones that are placed on or near it. Selenite constantly recharges itself, so you never have to cleanse or recharge it. Selenite can cleanse, recharge, and program your other crystals and gemstones. Selenite is a very soft stone. When Selenite is combined with other stones the energies of those stones are blended and amplified. Selenite harmonizes well with moldavite, danburite, petalite, brookite, scolecite, seraphinite and amethyst. Selenite actually harmonizes with almost any stone or combination of stones. Selenite is associated with the 3rd eye and crown chakras and the astrological sign is Taurus.

Selenite Rose: also called Desert Rose. It is a type of Sulfate. In crystal form - Selenite. In mass form - Alabaster. In rosette form - Dessert Rose. Selenite Rose is considered to be the “Lucky Stone. It aids in coping when life is living in the fast lane .It is often used for canter of medicine wheel, is used by Native American Indians in rain ceremonies and is an Earth Keeper stone. Selenite Rose is used for mental clarity and to increase awareness of self and environment. It allows one to see inner truth. Selenite Rose stone assists in promoting success in business and stimulates progression. Selenite Rose can be carried with you for protection and to bring the energetic qualities of the minerals with you wherever you go. They are believed to offer protective qualities, and can be used in protection spells and rituals to help keep negative energies at bay. It is also used to strengthen affirmations and assist in accessing past lives. Selenite Rose is a naturally occurring desert flower made up of Selenite - gypsum and Barite, with sand inclusions. Some minerals form rosette shapes, and Selenite is one of these. The petals are created by crystals forming along gypsums characteristic cleavage planes. The edges of Selenite Rose are sharper and the crystalline structure is less hard than the barite rose. The desert rose form in arid conditions by evaporation of shallow salt basins over millions of years. White sands, New Mexico, are an oasis of gypsum sand dunes created by evaporation at Lake Luceros Alkali Flats. Soluble in hydrochloric acid and hot water. Selenite Rose has many industrial uses including used in plaster of paris cement. Selenite Rose is associated with the Crown Chakra and the Astrological sign is Taurus.

Septarian: combines all the metaphysical properties of yellow calcite, brown aragonite, grey limestone and white-clear barite, so it has properties of each of its component minerals, making it extremely powerful. It aids communication with our Mother Earth. It is said to help in overall healing and health. It is also a good grounding stone. Septarian helps in banishing nightmares, negative energy and block psychic attacks. Septarian brings calming energies which have a nurturing feel to them, and can bring feelings of joy and spiritual uplifting. Septarian is used to enhance and nurture communication with groups and others, making it much easier to speak clearly and kindly in group settings, and to aid in being heard and understood. It is said to bring unconscious foreknowledge needed by the user to help him or her always be prepared for what is coming up. In crystal healing folklore Septarian is related to the lower chakras, root, sacral and solar plexus.

Seraphinite: is often referred to as an angel stone because of its higher energies and relationship with angels. Seraphinite is said to help contact angels and communicate with them. Seraphinite is beneficial for intuition and psychic awareness. This stone can be very protective of the heart chakra when used over this chakra, and is helpful for sending unconditional love. Seraphinite is a purifying stone that helps one find ones higher purpose and will. Seraphinite is also extremely helpful for all forms of transformation and transmutation, including the magickal kind. Seraphinite is healing for nerves, brain cells, purification of the blood and organs and eliminating toxins, kidneys, liver. Seraphinite is a type of chlorite and is the most effective stone for cellular regeneration and can cause a flush of pure healing energy. It acts as a trigger, causing old patterns of disease or imbalance to fall away and new patterns to be created. It is the premier healing stone of this age. It is the tool most suited to bringing the physical body into line with the Light energy. While the beautiful green shade is perfect for the heart chakra, it can be used on any chakra or any other part of the body where enhance and harmonized energies are desired. Most often a deep forest green with feathery accents of silver-colored Mica inclusions and comes from Siberia, Russia. It is an uncommon stone since currently is only mined in one location in the world. Seraphinite harmonizes well with moldavite, scolecite, petalite, danburite, herkimer diamonds, charoite, sugilite, green apophyllite and green quartz. Seraphinite is associated with all chakras.

Serpentine: is also called New Jade. Serpentine is used for emotional cleansing, psychic powers and attracts love and money. Serpentine is considered a metaphysically protective stone that is especially protective against snakebite, poison, and venom. Serpentine is an excellent stone for meditation. Carrying or wearing Serpentine can bring peace and joy. Serpentine enhances communication with nature including animal, plant and stone. Serpentine is soothing to the emotional body, allowing one to release fear of change and to look ahead to the future. Metaphysical healing lore says Serpentine can assist in cellular regeneration and replenishing ones energy, it eliminates parasite infections and removes venom and other poisons. Serpentine contains magnetite and other magnetic ore. Serpentine harmonizes well with seraphinite, scolecite, amethyst, moonstone, golden labradorite, tiger eye, green jade and strombolite. Serpentine is associated with all chakras.

Shaman Stone: also known as Moqui Balls are believed to be among the most energetic on earth. Shaman stones are used for cleansing, relaxation, and being able to provide great boost to meditation and astral journeying and offer psychic protection during inner journeys. Each stone is said to have a distinct energy which depends on its size and gender. The gender of the stone is linked to the motion of a pendulum when it is held directly above the stones. If it moves in a linear direction the stone is male while a circular motion indicates the stone is female. Small stones are believed to have faster, more vibrant energy while the larger ones have a slower, deeper energy. Use for a preventive shield against numerous forms of negative energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional plains, For grounding, centering and protecting oneself, allowing for and understanding Earth healing. They also increase intuitive perception, making it easier to perceive the approach of all kinds of beings, both positive and negative. In metaphysical healing they naturally support the functioning of the digestive system, the thyroid and adrenals and they can be programmed to assist any other bodily organ or system. Moqui Balls, Shaman Stones or Mochi Marbles, they can be found in two places in the western areas of the United States, although more commonly at the Navajo Sandstone Formations. Moqui Stones harmonize well with turquoise, scolecite and apophyllite. Associated with all chakras.

Shamanite: also called Black Calcite is a rare and recently-discovered North American Black Calcite stone, has been certified by the Gemological Institute of America. Shamanites age is scientifically established as PALEOZOIC, 500 million years old. Native American mountain tribes have been creating Shamanite ceremonial objects and jewelry for centuries. North American Black Calcite is sometimes called Toho which means Mountain Lion, by tribal healers and artists. Warm to the skin, Shamanite emanates a protective ancestral vibration. Shielding the wearer from psychic attack, envy and the resentment of others. Shamanite absorbs negativity and is a purifying crystal. Shamanite is a protective stone with the power to heal spiritual wounds, ancestral troubles and assists with grief and mourning. It can be very useful for initiating shamanic journeys, and it can help connect inwardly with power animals and spirit guides. It aids in communication with spirit guides on the other side as well as loved ones who have passed. It can help dispel the fear of death through bringing one to a clear experience that death is not the end of ones being. The calcite component facilitates a clear, calm awareness, making it easier to remain centered through difficult moments of inner or outer life. It can be used in meditation and offers spiritual protection to those who carry it and offers more to those interested in serious inner work. Shamanite also deepens psychic trance work. SHAMANITE is perfect for ceremonial jewelry and protective amulets. Black Calcite Shamanite resonates well with Moldavite, Larimar, Shaman Stones and Nummite. Shamanite Black Calcite resonates with the heart and third eye chakras and it can activate a synergy of their energies to open the portal of the crown chakra. Shamanite is associated with all chakras.

Shattuckite: is a stone of wisdom and communication from spirit. It can be used to hear messages from inner guides and spirits that have passed. Shattuckite is all about spiritual communication. It is an excellent stone for developing psychic abilities, intuitive abilities, especially for tarot, runes and divination. Shattuckite can enhance communication skills and is especially good for public speakers and those where communication is their primary work skill. It is said that it is helpful for channeling because it is helpful in communicating what is seen and brings understanding of the message received. It is a stone for healing relationships where harmful words and actions were hurtful. Shattuckite is a soothing and calming stone, promoting inner strength and courage to deal with the stress in life. Metaphysical healing lore says Shattuckite is a general health stone and helps to balance the spleen, blood to coagulate, throat and lungs, diabetes, calcium absorption and assists with all minor health complaints. Shattuckite harmonizes well with turquoise, chrysocolla, larimar, ajoite and lapis lazuli. Shattuckite works to align all of the energy bodies and Chakras, both on the body and above and below it. Shattuckite is associated with the heart, throat and third eye chakras. Shattuckite does contain copper, so please caution against immersing it directly into any liquid to be used for drinking or tonics.

Shiva Lingam: resonates with energies of all the elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Shiva lingam boosts vitality, enhances inner transformation. It will help Break up old patterns and open the path for new life, to help feel unity, even during times of separation. Composed of Crypto Crystalline Quartz, of all the stones found on earth, Shiva Lingams are reputed to have the highest frequency. They emanate a vibration that will purify your sacred space or home. The Shiva Lingam is one of the most sacred icons of the ancient as well as the modern world. These lingams come only from the Narmada River in The Central Western Part of India and are hand polished by the villagers. The Lingam is symbolic of the Divine Creative manifestation. The Lingam shape is representative of the power of Shiva, the Lord of Creation, and the masculine creative energy. The markings symbolize the feminine energy, the seed which is fertilized to manifest the creative power in the dance of the cosmos. Thus it represents both male and female. Healers use shiva lingams to treat impotence, infertility, strengthen and balance the whole body. The Sacred Stone relates to the heart chakra and to the manifestation of the love energy that resides in all of us. The Lingam also represents the harmony of balance of the soul that is maintained within the balance of the Universe. Shiva Lingam charges the entire chakra system and activates kundalini energies. Shiva Lingam harmonizes with all forms of quartz and moldavite. Shiva Lingam is associated with all chakras.

Shungite: is a very positive stone, and one that is beneficial to a healthy life. It is the only known natural material known to contain fullerenes, which are powerful anti-oxidants. Fullerenes Shungite can be magnetic, act as super conductors and absorb light, making it a powerful grounder, cleanser, transformer and a powerful healing crystal. Shungite is a powerful protective stone. Shungite will help anyone who wishes to do magical and mystical practices, as its deep energy brings ancient spirits into the process in a protective role. It is said to aid those who read the future. Shungite is said to infuse the auric field with light and it allows only positive and beneficial energy to reach you. It also provides psychic protection. Shungite is considered an excellent source of protection from harmful electromagnetic radiation from computers, microwave ovens, TV sets, mobile phones, etc. This mineral is hailed as containing a healing power incomparable to any other. Shungite purifies, protects, normalizes, induces recovery and promotes growth in living organisms. Healers use Shungite to alleviate a wide variety of physical complaints such as heart difficulty, allergies, skin diseases, arthritis, and hair and skin rejuvenation. Shungite is sometimes called the Stone of Life due to its healing and antibacterial properties. This crystal has active metaphysical properties with strong healing powers. Shungite makes a powerful gem elixir. The fullerenes in this stone will cleanse water then infuse it with a potent healing vibration. Many people use Shungite by placing it in some water to purify and charge the water with cleansing energy. The elixir is thought to be beneficial for impotence, anemia, allergies, asthma, gastritis, dyspepsia, kidney diseases, liver diseases, diabetes, gall-bladder problems, immune system deterioration, pancreas diseases, common colds, cardiovascular diseases, cholecystitis, and chronic fatigue. Shungite elixir is also thought to be beneficial for hair and skin, and to have anti-bacterial capabilities. Just having a piece of Shungite on your person is said to be generally health boosting and protective from disease. Shungite is a very old, ancient in fact and is said to be around 2 billion years old. Its appearance reminds one of coal, it is found in very ancient layers of the Earths crust that were formed before life forms existed on Earth. This is a rare stone, and has been found only in the Karelia area in Russia. It is not new to people of the region, as Czar Peter was known to have come to the region to use water that had been infused with this mineral. This black stone has been in use for a very long time in Russia where they have been documenting these qualities. Since this stone was discovered in Russia in the 1700s, they have been recording amazing results from its use. Combine Shungite with aventurine, apophyllite and fuchsite to aid with healing skin conditions and allergies. For spiritual grounding combine Shungite with black tourmaline, jet, black obsidian or fire agate. Shungite is associated with the base chakra.

Smithsonite through Super Seven

Smithsonite: is a stone of charm, kindness and positive happenings. Smithsonite assists in creating favorable outcomes for new beginnings. It also helps attract new friends, brings joy in new beginnings and assists in attaining your hearts desire. Smithsonite can soothe the emotions and help to nurture the child within. It is said to be useful for relieving stress and instilling a sense of self worth. It can help one to accept love, to give love and to love oneself. This stone is suggested for security, a balanced life, eases fear of commitment and relationships and also helps you deal with difficult relationships. It can help to achieve a sense of comfort and joy. Smithsonite crystal strengthens psychic abilities. You can use Smithsonite as a replacement stone in layouts if you are missing a stone. This stone merges astral and emotional bodies, and balances perspective. Blue or Green Smithsonite heals emotional and other wounds by bringing in universal love, gently releasing fear, anger and pain. This crystal is good for leadership, perceptiveness, depth in relationships, and expansion into new areas. Use smithsonite for meditation clarity, receptiveness, insight via dreams and dream recall. Smithsonite reputedly helps with immune system problems, alcoholism, sinus disorders, digestive ailments, osteoporosis, skin eruptions, lymph, tissue elasticity and eases panic attacks. As a chakra stone smithsonite harmonizes and aligns Heart, Throat, and Brow Chakra for smoother communications. It can activate each chakra - energy center, of the body. Use this stone to balance and align the other chakras. Smithsonite harmonizes well with lepidolite, aquamarine, kunzite, chrysoprase and iolite. Smithsonite is associated with all chakras. The astrological signs are Virgo and Pisces.

Sodalite: eliminates fear and guilt better than any other stone. It also clears up mental confusion and re-establishes inner peace. Sodalite is also good for intuition, cleansing, healing, courage, endurance and meditation. It is a stone that is good for healing breaches in communication. It is a stone of truth, and brings this to all communications. It can help end arguments or other disagreements and is good for healing rifts in partnerships and relationships. It is particularly useful for honesty of emotions. Sodalite is a stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. It is helpful for work in groups and stimulates thought. It increases intelligence, knowledge and learning, and can unite the logical with the spiritual. Sodalite strengthens the power of mind over body and bridges the gap between your thoughts and your feelings and enhances intuition. Sodalite fosters knowledge, learning proficiency, consciousness, communication and wisdom. It also helps free us from old behavior patterns that no longer serve us. Sodalite provides insight into the self and is used in meditation. Sodalite can aid astrologers, tarot readers and intuitive readers in assessing personalities and energy patterns of the person they are reading. Metaphysical healing lore says Sodalite can be used to help regulation of blood pressure, ease water retention, be beneficial for the glands, digestive system, relieving insomnia, and decreasing calcium deficiency. It can also be useful for quicker healing of head colds. Sodalite harmonizes with iolite, lapis lazuli, blue quartz, blue sapphire, moldavite, scolecite and danburite. Sodalite is associated with the throat and 3rd eye chakras.

Spectrolite Labradorite: is a rare form of Labradorite. Spectrolite brings forth each persons strengths, originality, aids sleep, relate to others. Spectrolite is thought to bring good luck. Spectrolite is said to represent the Temple of the Stars. It brings the light of the other planetary beings to the soul of the user. It is said to provide quick relief from anxiety, hopelessness and depression, replacing them with enthusiasm, self-confidence and inspiration. Some people call it The Good Luck Stone. Known as a Shaman stone it is a very useful stone if you are seeking spirit helpers. Spectrolite encourages self reliance, independence and magical revelations. Spectrolite, the most valuable and rare form of labradorite, is a beautiful semi-precious gemstone with an iridescent play of color. Spectrolite is a member of the labradorite stone family, but it has many differences that set it apart from the more common labradorite. Spectrolite was entitled a gem name of its own because of the rainbow rich variety and depth of colors. The base color of Spectrolite ranges from medium gray to a dark gray-black. As you move the stone in and out of light at different angles you will see the brilliant and unexpected flash of color, an effect known as Labradorescence. The appearance and disappearance of color-play is its most striking feature in this gemstone. Spectrolite is associated with the base chakra.

Sphaerocobaltite: also called Cobaltoan Calcite. This pink crystal is known for one of the most loving minerals. A gift of Sphaerocobaltite is a gift of love. It helps with the formation of friendships, activates and stimulates and clears the heart chakra and enhances love. It also encourages positivity, dispels negativity, charges the auric bodies and facilitates a deep and stable connection with the spirit world. Use Sphaerocobaltite as a guide to past lives. It enhances all psychic abilities and produces experiences which include contact with those of the spirit world, visions, healings and unusual manifestations. Sphaerocobaltite can be used to induce deep relaxation and to generate ideas and solutions. It is an excellent stone for meditation. It has been used to balance the yin yang energies. Sphaerocobaltite healing crystal can be used in the treatment of those conditions which are considered age related disorders. It can be used to inhibit the degeneration of cellular structures. Associated with the heart chakra.

Sphalerite: is very rare to find in a tumbled polished crystal. Sphalerite increases courage, strength and zest for life. It promotes success in manifestation, clearer thinking and will power. Sphalerite provides protection from negativity and enhances perceptions to determine the truth about a problem, insights and the right direction to success. It enhances sexual energy and creative inspiration. Sphalerite helps one draw energy and vitality up from the earth and release excessive energy down into the earth. It is a useful stone for balancing and grounding energy. Sphalerite is a Yin Yang stone that balances the male and female aspects of the personality. Holding Sphalerite at the beginning of meditation enhances visual stimulation and clarity. It increases creative powers, awakens intuition and provides growth of psychic abilities. It can aid those who consult oracles in making correct interpretations. Metaphysical healing lore says Sphalerite is used by healers to benefit athletes with physical energy, recover from exercise, assist the immune system, assists with infection, healing of eyes, nervous system, blood flow and intake of nutrients. Sphalerite harmonizes well with black tourmaline, smoky quartz, blue sapphire and carnelian. Sphalerite is associated with the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras. The astrological sign for Sphalerite is Gemini.

Spirit Quartz: increases both physical and intellectual fertility. Placed within the heart of your home, on your desk at work, or overseeing an event it enhances harmony and peace. This crystal is a wonderful companion when one is experiencing the loss of a loved one, bringing understanding of the process and assists in transition for both. Use to stimulate the manifestation of abundance in ones life. Spirit Quartz stone can activate and cleanse other minerals, enhance and increase the energy of other minerals. It has also been used to elevate ones sense of self-worth, and to relieve one of difficult memories from the past. Spirit quartz brings qualities of energy, peace, and positive energy to all realms. It is said to transform negative energy into positive energy, thereby being a very protective stone, and excellent for auric shielding as well as mental and physical types of protection. Spirit quartz is also excellent and often used for astral projection, dreamwork, shamanic journeying, and rebirthing. Emotionally it is said to remove fear, bringing emotional peace and happiness. Spirit quartz is used for skin disorders, allergic reactions, colon disorders, detoxification, and obsessive disorders, familial abuse related stress disorders. Spirit quartz will work to align and balance all chakras together. Lucid dreaming and astral traveling are both intensified when Spirit Quartz is placed under the pillow or on the bedside table during your sleep hours. To improve dream recall, or for inter-stellar travel, try combining with Herkimer Diamonds or Celestite. If you feel drawn to moving deeper within yourself, releasing the bonds that are holding you back, and living a more authentic life, then Spirit Quartz may assist this process. Use the crystal in meditation to identify the obstacles and gain a sound understanding of why you have created them and what you are to learn from them. Spirit Quartz has the ability to both draw in and transmit energy from its numerous points, making the crystal both an effective healing tool for direct hands on healing and magnifying the effect of other crystals and minerals in its presence. Children love the splendor of Spirit Quartz as it has a natural attraction to the fairy realm, and in particular Archangel Ariel. This crystal is like a childs best friend, as children delight in the joy, frivolity and cheekiness of all the fourth dimensional energys at play. Adults too can tune into Spirit Quartz vibration to lighten up on their journey of awakening and ascension and remember that their journey can be fun. Overall, Spirit Quartz is just one of those crystals to have, hold and love in your life, a treasure to be enjoyed. These gifts from Mother Earth hold the consciousness of divine Love, Peace and Unity and when we choose to align our heart and soul with their vibrations, we are paving the way for all of humanity to make the shift into a higher state of consciousness, a consciousness of love. Spirit Quartz harmonizes well with moldavite, all quartz and all beryl. Spirit Quartz is associated with All Chakras.

Staurolite Fairy Cross: is from Russia. Staurolite is known as the Fairy Cross Stone. Staurolite was believed to be formed from tears the fairies shed when they heard the news of Christs death. It is traditionally known as a protective stone and a talisman for good luck. Staurolite enhances and strengthens rituals and is said to be used in white magic ceremonies. It is said to access the ancient wisdom of the Middle East. The Fairy Cross connects the physical, etheric and spiritual planes, promoting communication between them. Staurolite also can be used to assist in the relief of depression, addictions and stress. An excellent stone for those wishing to stop smoking and healing the effects. Staurolite is helpful for those seeking to give up self destructive habits, pick up healthy habits and reduce resistance to positive changes. It assists in the understanding of the hidden behind such addictions and provides grounding energy to those who have used nicotine to anchor them to the earth. It can instigate purging of negative energies. It can help to stay centered and grounded. Metaphysical healing lore says Staurolite assists in muscle and blood formation, maintaining general health. It is a stone to use in countering the effects of aging. Staurolite harmonizes well with ruby, blue kyanite, green kyanite, green apophyllite and garnet. Staurolite is associated with the root, heart and third eye chakras.

Stibnite: is a prosperity stone that can assist in attracting new opportunities for growth and wealth. Use it with sodalite to ensure your intuition is healthy when exploring new investments or chances for personal gain. This crystal emanates energies of rebirth, transformation, new opportunity, great wealth and power. Stibnite allows spiritual opening while keeping the mind present and aware. Stibnite can help to adjust to changes in the self such as career, spiritual and personal. This crystal energizes your dreams for big changes in career, self-image, personal power and spiritual life. Stibnites energies are subtle and calm. Stibnite is a great stone for Totem Wheels since it is connected to the wolf totem and can be used for protection, drawing from wolf energy. Stibnite connects with the Navel Chakra to promote stillness and a centered feeling. It has an effect on the Solar Plexus and Throat Chakras, as well as gently touching the Heart and Third Eye. Stibnite is associated with all chakras. The zodiac signs for Stibnite are Scorpio and Capricorn. Stibnite is toxic - use with care and DO NOT use in gem elixirs.

Stichtite: stimulates feelings of love, forgiveness and healing of emotional distress and is helpful to heal old unresolved issues. It is a calm and tranquil stone that brings peace. Stichtite is a protection stone and shields from negativity. Stichtite will aid you to forgive others, heal unresolved issues, easily forgive others, let go of old issues and heal emotional problems caused by relationship issues and emotional distress. It assists with shyness and helps if one has difficulty making friends. Stichtite stimulates the kundalini energies, moving dormant energies from the base chakra up through the chakras to the crown. It provides psychic protection and is used in crystal meditation. Stichtite helps you to become conscious of the presence of spiritual guides, angels and other spiritual beings in the higher realms. Metaphysical healing lore says Stichtite calms the nervous system, allergies, helps support healthy blood pressure, headaches from stress, digestion, helps heal teeth and gums, skin regeneration and mucous membrane problems and aid children with ADHD. Stichtite harmonizes well with moldavite, amethyst, sugilite, serpentine, scolecite, morganite, and seraphinite. Stichtite is associated with the heart, crown and root chakras.

Stilbite: is a powerful mineral. Stilbite is a stone of love and joy. It helps with emotional openness, even in the most difficult situations. Stilbite assists clearing debris from the aura and clears the mind of clutter. Stilbite provides calm during meditation, calms so one can drift into sleep and quiets the mind. It brings inner peace, especially for those healing from loss and grief. Keeping Stilbite near at bed time can help with dreams and increase vivid dreams. It helps with psychic knowing and intuition. It is also used for psychic direction and guidance from guides, guardian angels, and totem animals. Stilbite is also a powerful stone of creativity that enhances creative energy. Stilbite can also help with acceptance and letting go. It is also used for manifestation. Metaphysical healing lore says Stilbite is used to remove toxins, help calm ADD and ADHD and also help maintain mental balance. Stilbite harmonizes well scolecite, apophyllite, heulandite, morganite, celestite and other heart stones. Stilbite is associated with the heart, third eye and crown chakras.

Stromatolite: are not only a healing tool for past life regression, but also make cool specimens for a fossil collection. Each stone has perfect structure and color. Stromatolite assists with past-life meditation, relieving physical and emotional stress and healing at an emotional level. Stromatolite teaches the purpose of life on earth and our part in it. Stromatolites are a fossil that show our deep time on earth, the emergence of life, and the eventual evolving of the beautiful life forms. They have the very patient, steady energy of jasper as well, bringing temperance and steadfastness to any process or person. In metaphysical healing lore Stromatolite re-establishes the flow of body fluids that have become heavy or blocked. It can be used to help the treatment of degenerative bone disease, improve vision, clear the throat, physical well being and strengthens teeth. It is said that Stromatolite massages the chakras.

Sugilite: is known as the healers stone because of its ability to enhance healing, lessens effects of shock and disappointment and also well known for enhancing crystal healing ability. Sugilite strengthens spirituality, psychic ability and channeling. Sugilite is a stone that helps spiritual love and open the heart chakra to unconditional love. It can help manifest ones natural gifts and protect against harsh realities. It lowers anger, hostility, jealousy, prejudice and gives a sense of freedom. Psychically, it is excellent for all kinds of psychic and spiritual protection. It has exceptional protective aspects from negative influences in ones environment and others. It is a powerful stone spirituality and benefits those on a spiritual path because of its purification energies. Sugilite can increase your imagery experience with meditation and dreams. Metaphysical healing lore says Sugilite is useful for countering nightmares and insomnia. Sugilite has a strong influence for healing. It brings peace of mind and can assist in calming the nerves and releasing worries. It has been used for headaches and to decrease all types of discomfort. Sugilite harmonizes well with moldavite, scolecite, hematite and amethyst. Sugilite is associated with the third eye and crown chakras.

Sulfur: is a stone that should be handled with care, please wash your hands after handling it. Sulfur is said to be a stone of energy and vitality which can help remove negative thoughts, energy, emotions and feelings. It is used in metaphysics to purify and detoxify environments, thoughts, and even the energy fields of people. It can bring an abundance of energy, flashes of inspiration and can help melt away barriers that are blocking our progress. It has been used by South American and Mexican Indians in their healing ceremonies. They believe it brings together the four directions, Mother Earth and Father Sky. North American Indians also use it in ceremonies, as an offering to the four cardinal directions, to help eliminate darkness and corruption and to help cleanse the Earth. Sulfur is also used for protection, Willpower and healing energy. Sulfur can be used for rejuvenation, especially if one does a great deal of mental thinking work and little physical exercise, thus bringing mental clarity, focus, analysis, understanding, willpower, discipline and confidence. Metaphysical healing lore Sulfur is very healing for wounds, cleansing and healing skin, sinus, pancreas, liver, syphilis, appendix, indigestion, insomnia, depression and strengthens endocrine glands. Used in Egypt and modern hot springs and baths for arthritis, pain, rheumatism, swelling, lymph, cysts and hemorrhoids. Sulfur is considered to be related primarily to the solar plexus chakra. Having Sulfur close to Silver, for example, in the same room, will discolor the silver. Be very careful with Sulfur, it is toxic, handle very carefully. Do not make conventional gem elixirs, gem waters or oils with sulfur.

Sunstone: is a stone of personal power. Sunstone dispels fears and phobias of all kinds. It is also a leadership stone, and brings leadership qualities to its wearer. In addition to dispelling fears and phobias, sunstone also decreases stress and lifts depression. Sunstone ad turns negative energies and psychic attacks into positive energies. Sunstone can assist with manifestation of prosperity as well as wisdom. Meditating with Sunstone will help one see ones highest path of action in any situation. It is an energizing stone and will stimulate creativity and sexuality. It can bring adventurousness, fun and romance into ones life. Sunstone is also said to be helpful in contacting animal or spirit guides. Metaphysical healing lore says Sunstone is beneficial for general health, physical energy, sexual dysfunction, increasing sexual energy. Sunstone harmonizes well with moonstone, labradorite, moldavite, amber, selenite, golden labradorite, prasiolite, jet, danburite, larimar and quartz. Sunstone is associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakras.

Super Seven: also called Melodys Stone or Sacred 7 is a very spiritual stone from Brazil. Super Seven Crystal represents the universal brotherhood of humanity! Although not always visible, a piece of Super Seven retains all the properties of Amethyst, Clear Quartz. Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Geothite and Lepidocrocite combined. This is part of what makes this stone so desirable. It is one of the few stones that retains all the energy and clarity of each mineral and it never needs cleansing or energizing! Because the Super Seven opens up all the senses and helps one to see auras it is considered and important stone for stimulating and developing all types of psychic abilities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, channeling, telekinesis and others. It is a powerful stone for healing the earth, mind, body and spirit. The very nature of the stone means that it is not associated with any one chakra; instead it is fantastic at healing, balancing and energizing all seven chakras, hence the name Super Seven.

Here are a few of the properties of the seven minerals present in Super Seven:

AMETHYST is a variant of quartz. An important companion stone for those seeking spiritual enlightenment. Amethyst bestows strength, stability, patience and calm in stressful situations, and a strong stone for changing negative energy to positive energy.

CLEAR QUARTZ CRYSTAL, also known as Rock Crystal, known for enhancing energy and communication and listening skills. Clear Quartz Crystal increases energy flow and harmony.

SMOKEY QUARTZ exhibits a light to dark smoky grey to black color. Enhances focus, attentiveness, creativity, good business acumen and for those under stress it is an excellent grounding and centering crystal.

CACOXENITE can help to bring spiritual awakening, promote new ideas and understanding, and seeing the positive, benevolent side of life.

GOETHITE can facilitate communication, as well as stimulate and amplify clairaudient abilities. Goethite is wonderful for those wishing to lessen the burden of distraction, and enhance their ability to concentrate and focus.

LEPIDOCROSITE while acting as a stimulus to intellectual pursuits, lepidocrocite can help to promote grounding, centering, clear thoughts, expanding and retaining knowledge.

RUTILE QUARTZ can bring strength, love, ease in making transitions, and accelerate growth in all levels of body, mind and spiritual development. An excellent choice for promoting and building stability within relationships, as well as emotional and mental imbalances. It is an incredible tool for dispelling unwanted energy and can aid astral travel.

Tektite through Turquoise

Tektite: are used for wisdom, knowledge, and to help withstand mental or emotional stumbling. They are also used to diminish or overcome challenges with mental processes. Tektites open our channels of communication with other dimensions and worlds. Tektites help us to be strong in our own presence and power. Tektite is a great tool for releasing blocks. Physically, Tektite is believed to enhance and accelerate healing from illness and injuries. Placed on the
Third-Eye Chakra, Tektite can enhance the integration of higher energies received from other realms. It is also believed to help with astral travel, and lucid dreaming. Tektite is known for raising a persons vibrations and strengthening the aura, making it a wonderful stone for those who are working to spiritually advance in this lifetime. One can work with Tektite during meditation to expand consciousness and bring deeper insights into current situations or problems. Tektites are also used to strengthen our energy field. It is excellent for use in channeling. In healing, allows you to see physical blocks within your body and release your old memories and thoughts. Keep breathing through the higher energies until you feel the block release. Tektite offers some healing energies to help with the increase in vibration of human beings. Those experiencing blockages in the lower chakras will benefit from the ability of Tektite to clear them, although it is not a grounding stone. Tektite can create a powerful energetic link between the lowest and highest chakras, facilitating the free flow of energy throughout the subtle bodies. Working with Tektite can enhance the ability to discern between truth and falsehoods we encounter in daily life. Tektite harmonizes well with moldavite, lapis lazuli, petrified wood and all forms of quartz, jasper, chalcedony and opals. Tektite is associated with all Chakras.

Tiger Eye, Blue: is also known as Hawks Eye or Falcons Eye. Blue Tigers Eye enhances integrity of communication and practical communication. Blue Tigers Eye helps one to speak more and gain more confidence. This crystal helps gain perspective to see and face situations fully, seeing the overview clearly and then helps with difficulties in decision making. Blue Tigers Eye deepens meditation. This crystal helps us see the truth in our self, others and situations in
order to grow. Hawks eye strengthens will and courage. It can help find courage to recognize thoughts and ideas, and the willpower to carry them into the physical realm. Blue Tigers Eye can be used for protection, especially of the upper chakras. It is also said to bring good luck to one who wears or carries it. Blue Tigers Eye healing crystal relieves pain, helps with shivering, and hormonal hyperactivity. Hawk Eye is a mysterious and distinctive looking stone which belongs to the family of quartz. It has fine bands which catches the light. Blue Tigers Eye is associated primarily with the throat chakra and it can help gently attune the third eye.

Tiger Eye, Gold: is known as a stone of protection, especially for travelers, enhances good luck, and brings prosperity often in the form of money. It attracts abundance. Ancients used Tiger Eye as a talisman against bad luck and curses. Carry Tumbled Golden Brown Tiger Eye in your pocket when you need a boost of creative energy or when dealing with issues involving power, will, control, and - or concentration. It enhances integrity, willpower, practicality and correct use of power. It enhances psychic abilities. Tiger Eye brings brightness and optimism to a situation, and shines insight onto problems. Metaphysical healing lore says the Tiger Eye Gold fortifies blood, strengthens the endocrine system and assists in bringing ones hormones into balance. Tiger Eye Gold harmonizes well with all quartz, malachite, charoite, seraphinite, jasper and moldavite. Tiger Eye works with chakras in numerous ways: Tigers Eye helps to raise vibrations and balances the lower Chakras which keeps one from feeling disconnected when working with higher goals. Earthy people can find success increasing their psychic abilities when using Tumbled Tiger Eye when working with the Third Eye Chakra. Use Tiger Eye with the Sacral Chakra to bring spiritual grounding. It is a powerful Solar Plexus Chakra stone, helpful in manifesting ideas into reality and giving courage in times of change. Tiger Eye Gold harmonizes well with malachite, charoite, seraphinite, all jaspers, quartz, and moldavite. Gold Tiger Eye is associated with the sacral and root chakras and use it with the Solar Plexus Chakra to increase your personal power.

Tiger Eye, Multi: aids with intuition, releasing fear and allowing ones personal power to come into ones body. Tri colored Tigers Eye tumbled stone provides enthusiasm for life, helps you to see the inter-connectedness of all things. Multi colored Tigers Eye crystal helps the ego to release the idea of being separate. Tri colored Tigers Eye is a calming and grounding stone. Tigers Eye, Multi Colored crystal has mostly gold with hints of blue or green going through it. This multi colored stone will carry the additional metaphysical properties of Tigers Eye Gold and Tigers Eye Blue too.

Tiger Eye, Red: is a stimulating stone that helps with overcoming lethargy and provides motivation. It speeds up a slow metabolism. Red Tiger Eye increases a low sex drive. Tiger Eye is known as a stone of protection, especially for travelers, enhances good luck brings prosperity often in the form of money. It attracts abundance. Ancients used Tiger Eye as a talisman against bad luck and curses. Carry Tumbled Red Tiger Eye in your pocket when you need a boost of
creative energy or when dealing with issues involving power, will, control, and - or concentration. It enhances integrity, willpower, practicality and correct use of power. It enhances psychic abilities. Tiger Eye brings brightness and optimism to a situation, and shines insight onto problems. All Tiger Eye stones are considered strong talismans in many cultures, especially against the evil eye. It was once believed that a person wearing a stone could see behind closed doors. Tiger Eye has long been associated with wealth. Folklore holds that burning a green candle in a circle of Tiger Eye stones attracts wealth. Tiger Eye is also associated with clairvoyance and personal insight. Tiger Eye Red is associated with the base chakra.

Tiger Iron: also called Mugglestone is a grounding stone that also brings protection, especially protection from danger. It is also a stone of clarity, particularly clarity of knowledge, enabling one to see the truth below the apparent surface of issues. Tiger iron also helps with creative endeavors and all types of artistic abilities. It is used to bring strength, vitality, confidence, willpower, and balance. It is an excellent stone for people wishing to bring more motivation to their lives. Metaphysical crystal healing lore says Tiger Iron is said to balance white and red blood cells, increase natural steroids,
and improve muscular structure, and help with healing legs, sexual organs, liver, and the nervous system. Tiger Iron harmonizes well with garnet, golden labradorite and all members of the quartz and jasper family. Tiger Iron is associated with the sacral, solar plexus and root chakras. Tiger Iron is a combination of hematite, red jasper, and sometimes yellow jasper or golden tiger eye.

Tiger Iron, Red: is a grounding stone that also brings protection, especially protection from danger. It is also a crystal of clarity, particularly clarity of knowledge, enabling one to see the truth below the apparent surface of issues. Red Tiger Iron also helps with creative endeavors and all types of artistic abilities. It is used to bring strength, vitality, confidence, willpower, and balance. It is an excellent stone for people wishing to bring more motivation to their lives. In folklore and crystal healing lore, Red Tiger Iron is said to balance white and red blood cells, increase natural steroids, and improve
muscular structure, and help with healing legs, sexual organs, liver, and the nervous system. Red Tiger Iron is related to the sacral and root chakras. Red Mugglestone-Tiger Iron is a combination of hematite and red jasper.

Titanium Quartz: is the most powerful and vibrationally intense material of all the coated and treated quartz. These treated quartz project strength, mental sharpness and physical power. These properties are amplified by the quartz base stones. This crystal helps dispel sorrow and replace it with unlimited joy; it can help heal stressful relationships. Quartz is a master healer and is believed to amplify, cleanse and diffuse energy. This crystal is a perfect conduit for positive energy, and works to clear a pathway for dysfunctional energies in your life. These beautiful crystals have additional properties produced by the infusion of precious metals with the Quartz crystals producing various Aura color combinations. Titanium Quartz is energizing to the entire chakra system, as well as the physical body. Titanium Quartz assists greatly in meditation. Titanium Quartz can be very energizing on all levels, and that it can awaken all seven chakras, the energy centers of the body. It is said to increase zest and enjoyment of life, and to dispel sadness. It also has all the properties of natural quartz crystals; alignment, harmony, etc. Metaphysical healing lore says this crystal can stimulate the entire endocrine system and is especially useful for reactivating a sluggish immune system. Titanium treated quartz is a natural quartz, that has been specially treated in a process much like gold plating. It fuses a molecular layer of titanium plus other metals to the surface of the parent material. The result is a permanent coloring of the surface creating a dazzling effect to the specimen. The many facets of these crystals catch and reflect light in all directions and the iridescent surfaces shimmer and change color as they move and send light in different angles. Titanium Aura Quartz helps to balance and open ones chakra system. Titanium Quartz is associated with all chakras. It is associated with all signs of the zodiac.

Topaz, Golden Imperial: is also called Imperial Topaz is a great stone for creativity and ability to manifest ones desires. Its energy moves slowly and is a grounding crystal. It is an excellent stone for creating abundance. Imperial Topaz is a stone of intention and manifesting creations. It teaches us the importance of boundaries and clarifies ones intent and ones emotional, physical and mental boundaries so one does not manifest unwanted experiences. Golden Topaz allows us to learn the value of emotional boundaries and honoring sacred space. It can help those who have difficulty maintaining their boundaries or honoring those of other people. Golden Topaz stimulates the kidneys and adrenals, assisting one in maintaining personal energy levels. It can be used for urinary and kidney imbalances. It clears and activates the second and third chakras. Golden Topaz is associated with the solar plexus chakra.

Topaz, Silver Blue: stimulates the throat chakra to help one clearly verbalize what they want and need in their lives. Helps one speak their truth, clearly and openly. Helps one speak of their spirituality and of clairvoyant messages. Alignment with our higher self, creative expression, writing, focus on your path. Silver Blue Topaz is an empathetic stone. Topaz is joy, giving and serene, as it gives out its warm glow quite readily. It can promote individuality
and creativity, while providing for confidence in trusting our decisions. Blue Topaz From Love Is In The Earth by Melody A stone of true love and success in all endeavors, replaces negativity with love and joyfulness, promotes the expression of ideas and instills a trust in the universe such that one may feel comfortable with the potential outcome of a situation without the energy of topaz acts through the laws of attraction and manifestation... This mineral is the crystal of potency, quite instrumental in visualization for healing and or attracting, in meditation and in projection. Blue Topaz opens us to cosmic understanding, helping to transcend limitations. It is an emotional balancer, soothing and peaceful. Brings tranquility, creativity, self-expression and enhance psychic perception. Metaphysical healing lore says Silver Blue Topaz is useful for sore throats and general health of the neck and throat. It can be used to calm migraines, manifest health and to correct disorders within the body. Astrological signs associated with Silver Topaz are Aquarius, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Silver Topaz is associated with the Third Eye and Throat chakras.

Tourmaline, Black: also known as Schorl is a well known as a purifying stone that deflects and transforms negative energy, and thus is very protective. It can clear disharmony and transform and remove negativity from an individual or an environment. Use Black Tourmaline for psychic protection and during meditation as it will keep the auric field in balance. It is often used as an aura cleanser, and can help one attain higher levels of awareness. Black tourmaline is also used for repelling and protecting one from black magick, and is often said to return the negative spell to the sender. Black tourmaline has also been used to deflect radiation energy from TVs and computer monitors. Emotionally, black tourmaline is excellent for dispelling fears, obsessions, and neuroses, bringing emotional stability. Black Tourmaline harmonizes well with jet, obsidian, smoky quartz, sugilite, charoite, amethyst and hematite. Metaphysical healing lore says Black Tourmaline can strengthen the immune system, help with heart disease, arthritis, gout and purify the body of toxins. Black Tourmaline is associated with the root chakra, and is excellent for grounding excess energy.

Tourmaline, Brown: also known as Dravite which is a brown hued variety of Tourmaline that pairs the purifying energies of Black Tourmaline with the heart healing energy of Green Tourmaline. Dravite is an excellent grounding stone, clearing and opening the earth chakra. It clears the aura and protects it. Brown Tourmaline makes one feel comfortable in a large group. This stone heals dysfunctional family relationships and strengthens empathy. It can help one identify
what needs to be released before further growth can occur. Dravite aids in finding an emotional strength and sense of self-acceptance, initiating deep healing for those who have experienced emotional trauma. Its grounding influence helps those who feel overwhelmed, release panic and begin to find a place of calm from which to approach life. It helps one to see what has been denied, so emotional healing can occur. Dravites energy lends one a sense of well-being and competence. Brown Tourmaline promotes creativity in healing. Metaphysical healing lore says that Brown Tourmaline is excellent for blood purification and clearing the lymphatic system. It assists with overcoming addiction, stopping self abusive behaviors, treats intestinal disorders, skin diseases and stimulates regeneration in the whole body. Brown Tourmaline harmonizes well with black tourmaline, jet, black obsidian, aegirine, smoky quartz and moldavite. Brown Tourmaline is associated with the root and heart chakra.

Tourmaline, Green: is believed to enhance flexibility, happiness, objectivity, compassion, serenity, balance, positive transformation, healing, strength, tolerance, and understanding. Green Tourmaline is an excellent channeling stone for communication with higher forces. According to legend, all colors of tourmaline protect the wearer against many dangers and misfortune. Green Tourmaline increases success and love. Green tourmaline healing crystal is believed to be a healer on all levels. It is used to purify and strengthen the nervous system so that it can circulate increased spiritual energy. Many people use, carry, or wear it to relieve chronic exhaustion. It is also commonly used for the creation and manifestation of goals, and is believed to be particularly helpful for creativity and abundance. Green tourmaline helps us to see with eyes of love. Metaphysical healing lore says Green Tourmaline can stimulate cellular function and reproduction. It is an excellent stone to assist with cell growth imbalances, relieves fatigue and anemia. Green Tourmaline harmonizes well with aventurine, emerald, hiddenite, peridot and tiger iron. Green Tourmaline is associated with the heart chakra.

Tourmaline, Pink: is also known as Rubellite. Pink Tourmaline is believed to enhance flexibility, happiness, objectivity, compassion, serenity, balance, positive transformation, healing, strength, tolerance, and understanding. Pink Tourmaline is excellent channeling stone for communication with higher forces. According to legend, all colors of tourmaline protect the wearer against many dangers and misfortune. Pink Tourmaline increases success. Pink Tourmaline is great for Self-love, compassion, promotes feeling of joy and enthusiasm as we release our old hurts. It helps us to trust in the power of love. Rubellite brings thought awareness and experience of Universal Love. Rubellite provides support to those working with it, creating balance in emotional and intellectual states and strength in adverse conditions. Rubellite also works to bring strength, courage, and conviction to ones endeavors that are based on Love. It helps one to gain the courage to overcome issues that hold the heart hostage, such as abusive relationships and negative work situations, and to recognize how why these issues come to be in ones life and bringing the power to break free of such conditions. Pink Tourmaline can then provide emotional support for the transitionary period when one is learning to live free of these destructive patterns that no longer serve. Metaphysical healing lore says Pink Tourmaline soothes the nervous system, depression and obsessiveness, heart ailments, relieves fatigue and anemia. Pink Tourmaline harmonizes well with other types of tourmaline, seraphinite, rose quartz, morganite, kunzite, rhodonite, rhodocrosite, danburite and petalite. Pink Tourmaline is associated with the Heart and Root chakras.

Turquoise: is sacred to Native American traditions. It is associated with the sky, and bringing sky energy to earth. Turquoise makes it easier to meditate, bringing peace of mind and allows us to perceive information psychically. In meditation it assists us in opening up to loving communication and telepathy. Use to increase your creativity and speak your truth without fear. It can help promote honest and clear communication from the heart. It is also said to protect against pollution in the environment, and to bring abundance. Turquoise can also help speed the healing process, and is known as a master healer stone. It is very powerful for grounding and protection also. Turquoise centers and harmonizes while revitalizing. It brings peace of mind and creative expression. If the wearer is menaced by misfortune the stone attracts the imbalance into itself and absorbs the harmful vibrations, sometimes being shattered under the strain. Turquoise reflects the individual carrying or holding it, it tunes into the energies of the person and transmits them back into the world. Metaphysical healing lore says that Turquoise oxygenates the blood and increases the vital energy and life force into the physical body. Turquoise harmonizes well with chrysocolla, ajoite, malachite, azurite, copper, all calcites, smithsonite, hemimorphite and larimar. Turquoise is associated with the throat chakra primarily, aligns the chakras and is associated with the Thymus chakra.

Unakite through Uvite

Unakite: is Jasper and has gentle but powerful energy. It can assist one in finding our animal guide. It can be used at work or home, spreading calming energies into the environment. Unakite can also protect against electromagnetic pollution from computers or cell phones. Unakite helps with the elimination of bad habits, especially those of overeating and alcohol. Unakite aids those having difficulty in releasing their emotions. Its energy searches for truth in all things and helps to find and identify the underlying causes, regardless of which plane they exist in. It is also a stone that is helpful for gardening. Unakite is also a good protection stone. Unakite brings unconditional love of humanity, connection and reunion. It can help with healing of abandonment and separation issues. Unakite is good for opening one up to spiritual growth and psychic visions. Meditate with Unakite on the Third Eye to bring knowledge in from the higher self into the heart for understanding and implementation. Metaphysical healing lore says that Unakite offers support in the treatment of cancers or heart disease. It helps promote the growth of healthy tissue and is also useful in the recovery from an injury. Unakite is also known for love and creativity. Unakite is associated with all chakras, especially the heart.

Uvite: is an uncommon form of Tourmaline and it forms different crystal formations than the most of the other Tourmalines. The name Uvite is derived from the type locality of the Uva Province, in Sri Lanka, where it was first identified. From Melody - Uvite Tourmaline comes in several colors, including deep red, orange - red, and green. It eliminates negativity in the area around the crystal for example a room. It connects well to Mother Earth and to the Ethers, the perfect balance. Uvite balances other things as well, the yin and the yang, the many sides of your temperament, the left and right sides of your brain, etc. This crystal helps you to stay in the now and to be responsible for your actions and to help you see the true results of these actions. Uvite is a powerful but gentle healing crystal. It is also used for panic attacks, male and female reproductive areas and for bladder and kidney issues. Uvite works on the Root, Heart, and Crown Chakras.

Variscite through Vogesite

Variscite: is also known as Utahlite. Variscite is a prosperity stone and assists getting your finances on an even keel. It helps let go of unnecessary complications, emotional obsessions and self destructive habits. Variscite is a soothing crystal that releases stress, depression, eases fear and anxiety and brings peace of mind and inner strength. Since Variscite is such a calming stone and brings stillness to the mind it makes a wonderful stone for meditation. Sleeping with Variscite brings peaceful sleep and an untroubled mind. It is a stone of love and brings love and understanding to all situations. Variscite is helpful for past life recall and memory and it can enhance intuition and psychic abilities. For healers and caregivers Variscite brings hope and courage to continue with the treatment of the sick, invalid and elderly and promote understanding and help with the difficult task of dealing with their disease and illnesses. Metaphysical healing lore says that Variscite promotes higher functions of the brain, it enhances learning and supports brain disorders. It assists with blood flow, male reproductive healing, regenerates elasticity of skin and the nervous system. Variscite harmonizes well with moldavite, chrysoprase, danburite, rose quartz and pink calcite. Variscite astrological signs are scorpio, tauris and gemini. Variscite is associated with the heart chakra. Variscite is a fairly rare stone that occurs in varying shades of green.

Vatican: is actually tumbled and polished Ammonite which is an extinct fossil that were sea creatures 350 million years ago. Most fossils are organic matter transformed into stone.Ammonite is a protective stone, giving stability and structure to ones life. It can transform negative energy into gentle and positive energy and encourages survival instincts. It has been used to heighten ones accomplishments in the business world and to instill quality within your environment. It is known for activating metaphysical powers and personal power. It is particularly effective when placed on the third eye chakra. Ammonite is a powerful karmic cleanser and placed in the 3rd eye releases mental obsessions. It stimulates survival instincts and encourages perseverance. Because this polished fossil stone has come from the same rock quarry that the stones that built the Vatican came from, thus the name. They are a very unique looking crystal and give off wonderful strong energy and a sense of inner peace. No matter what your beliefs or spirituality the spiritual energy that comes from this stone is very peaceful and calming. This crystal is universal in its approach and will help anyone who wants to learn about themselves and their roots. It has a connection to the resurrection but not only of Christ but of spiritual beliefs of all kinds. The Vatican stone is a dream stone that shows past actions and situations from your past and assists with reevaluating those actions so you can start over and change your actions to make things right. It is a stone of prophecy since it is associated with the Vatican and helps you reflect past actions in your life. The Vatican crystal is a spiritual communication stone. It brings tolerance and unconditional love and it also instills patience during the test and tribulations that go along with life and trying to live a spiritual life in a physical body. Metaphysical healing lore says that Ammonite provides relaxation and can alleviate depression. It has been used for overall well being and longevity, cell metabolism, labor pain, tinnitus, awakening kundalini energy, cellular memory, supports the cranium, inner ears, lungs, the skeletal system and degenerative disorders. The Vatican stone is associated with the third eye chakra.

Vesuvanite: also called Idocrase provides a link to ones higher self. Vesuvanite helps one find a true path in life. Vesuvanite releases feelings of imprisonment and restraint. It facilitates the seeing and the understanding of things on this earth that have no substance. It is helpful for healing past-life experiences. Vesuvanite gently dissolves anger, negativity and alleviates fear, creating inner security. It has powerful mental connections - it banishes depression and opens the mind and clears negative thought patterns so that the mind can function more clearly. It encourages enthusiasm for life and imparts the courage to change. Idocrase stimulates inventiveness and the urge to discover, linking this into creativity. This very energetic stone aligns the will with the heart, bringing a wholeness and integrity that is quite healthy for the individual. Metaphysical healing lore says that Vesuvanite can be used to strengthen the legs and feet, strengthens enamel on teeth and restores the sense of smell, assists in assimilating nutrients and enhance the strength of all types of tissues in the body. Vesuvanite harmonizes well with moldavite, golden labradorite, emerald, morganite, dioptase, green garnet, nuummite, labradorite, jet and kunzite. Vesuvanite is associated with all chakras.

Vogesite: helps us in business and helps bring artistic and creative energies to business and our lives. This crystal can help us attain harmony and our deepest dreams. Vogesite is known as the Stone of Innocence, It offers true support, guidance and wisdom for all of lifes intriguing stage. Vogesite is a crystal that can help you to find where you have been, where you are at, and where you can be in life. Vogesite healing crystal is a stone that opens the mind to explore the past, present and future, opening the body to explore the feeling of emotions, hopes and fears, finally opening the spirit to grow and strengthen, to journey forward to enlightenment and freedom. Vogesite helps you to learn the past needs, and what to let go of from the past, so that you can look at the here and now as it becomes clearer, ready for you to take the new steps to the future. Vogesite brings new hope, new strength, new encouragement; it is a stone for the re-born of yourself to life. This is a stone that can help you break un-needed habits, helping you to step forward instead of backwards. Vogesite healing stone can bring back the energies that you hold in the very beginning of your life, where the innocence of the mind, the body and the soul are not conditioned or corrupted, to awaken the child and true spirit in all. Vogesite teaches us to search and find comfort from within, to be at ease with our own inner mother and inner father, to give one the capability of our own nurturing. Vogesite is a stone that can help you to heal inner scarring and hurt as well as helping one to release those feelings. This is a very beneficial stone for the being who has suffered abuse of any kind, especially where the person feels the childhood had been taken away. Vogesite brings back the warmth and innocence associated with a happy childhood, so that the being in such a situation can then explore this and gently let go of pain, have acceptance, and walk forward. Vogesite is a form of Jasper that comes from South Africa. Its a multi-colored jasper - chalcedony with patterns and swirls of golden yellow, reds, olives, browns, and ivory. Vogesite is associated with all Chakras.

W - X - Y - Z
Willemite through Zebra Marble

Zebra Marble: is also known as the White Tiger Stone. Zebra Marble is a nurturing and protective stone. It is a great stone to use in healing. Zebra Stone Marble is used to help connect to Mother Earth and to unconditional Love. It helps one to see through illusions and to the heart of what we really desire. Zebra Marble can help one to learn the inner truth to your desires, helping to focus on what is wanted rather than what is not wanted. Its energies allow for greater control over thoughts, helping to keep a higher vibration available more often. By being mindful of ones thoughts, there is a better chance of manifestation of true desires. Zebra marble can be a very grounding, helping you learn patience and practicality when it is most needed. It is used for stamina and self-control. It aids in the actualization of desires. Zebra Marble can also aid you in finding clarity and focus, which can help you to achieve and go into deeper states of meditation. Put the stone under your pillow to enhance dream recall. Metaphysical healing lore says Zebra Marble can be used as an aid to stop bone loss and muscle spasms. Marble is limestone that has changed over the years to form a re crystallized type of calcite. Zebra Marble is associated with all chakras.
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Re: Alura's Book of Shadows

Post by Alura Noel »

Animal Correspondences
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Ant: industry, community, craftsmanship

Bat: Good for blood, rebirth navigation, and finding one's way in the dark.

Bear: Good for introspection, mystery, and strength.
Direction: West, element of water

Beaver: power, cycles, guardian energy, sacred to Odin and Artemis

Bees: messages, communication, luck, sacred to Venus

Blue Jay: communication, magickal mimicry, guardian energy

Butterfly: transformation, enlightenment, reincarnation

Cat: playfulness, equilibrium, grace, sacred to Bast

Chicken: divination, fertility, health

Cow: The Goddess Aspect, prosperity, sacred to Hathor

Cricket: luck, happiness, abundance, blessings

Deer: spiritual education, security, gentility, sacred to Artemis, Aphrodite and Diana

Dog: Good for loyalty, compassion, and kindness.
Direction: West, element of water

Dolphin: oracles, divine messages, the breath of life, sacred to Apollo

Dragonfly: Good for illusion and dreaming.
Direction: East, element of air

Fish: fertility, perseverance, providence

Fox: Good for camouflage, stealth, and observation.
Direction: North, element of earth

Frog: Good for fecundity, creativity, and moisture.
Direction: West, element of water

Hare: The Moon, fecundity, sacred to Aphrodite and Eros

Hawk: Good for far-seeing, a messenger.
Direction: East, element of air

Horse: Good for power, beauty, and that which can be controlled.
Direction: East or North, elements of air and earth

Hummingbird: Good for joy, brevity, and speed.
Direction: East, element of air

Jackal: Good for trickster, humor, stealer of fire, and psychopomp.
Direction: South, element of fire

Lark: cheerfulness, solar magick

Lioness: Good for aggressiveness, pride, protection, and healing.
Direction: South, element of fire

Lynx: Good for secrets and silence.
Direction: North, element of earth

Mole: revealing secret matters

Mouse: economy, getting around barriers, sacred to Apollo

Nightingale: love, lightening burdens, sacred to Adonis and Attis

Owl: self-truth, wisdom, vision, sacred to Athena

Otter: Good for woman medicine, healing, and sensuality.
Direction: West, element of water

Owl: Good for deception and scrutiny.
Direction: North, element of earth

Pig: renewal

Raven: Good for magick, all colors in darkkness, law, beginnings, and endings.
Direction: all directions, all elements

Raccoon: Good for moving in shadows, earth magick, the unerring attainment of desires.
Direction: North, element of earth

Robin: harbinger of spring, the fire element, sacred to Thor

Skunk: Good for reputation, protection, and secrecy.
Direction: South, element of fire

Snail: birth, luck, divination

Snake: Good for transmutation, rebirth, and sacred spiral.
Direction: South, element of fire

Spider: Good for weaving, hunting, and single-mindedness of purpose.
Direction: East, element of air

Squirrel: in-gathering, storage

Turkey: charity, self sacrifice

Turtle: the earth, creativity, regeneration

Wolf: Good for teacher, leadership, and self-esteem.
Direction: North, element of earth
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Alura Noel
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Re: Alura's Book of Shadows

Post by Alura Noel »

http://www2.webster.edu/~corbetre/haiti ... iglist.htm
http://kittythedreamer.hubpages.com/hub ... odoo-Magic

For some reason, I have always been interested in African American Spirits. Especially the Loas and Veves. I know with African Folk magic, herbs and colors etc have different correspondences than the correspondences that I have listed in this BOS. I'm pretty much posting this because I enjoy reading it but if you're interested you may want to look up their version of things...

I really like this website with some of the main loa... Forewarning though, at the bottom it has a Mp3, so if you have your speakers on blast... :surprisedwitch:


And this website has pictures of their Veve's.



Rada Loa
The Rada Loa are generally the older, more beneficent spirits, and are associated with the gods of Africa. They include Legba, Loko, Ayizan, Anaisa Pye, Dhamballah Wedo and Ayida-Weddo, Erzulie Freda, La Sirène, and Agwe. Their traditional colour is white (as opposed to the specific colours of individual Loa).

Petro Loa
The Petro Loa are generally the more fiery, occasionally aggressive and warlike Loa, and are associated with Haiti and the New World. They include Ezili Dantor, Marinette, and Met Kalfu (Maitre Carrefour, "Master Crossroads"). Their traditional colour is red.

Kongo Loa
Originating from the Congo region of Africa, these spirits include the many Simbi loa. It also includes the much dreaded Marinette, a fierce and much feared female loa.

Originating from Nigeria (specifically the Yoruba speaking tribes) this nanchon includes many of the Ogoun spirits.

Ghede Loa
The Ghede are the spirits of the dead. They are traditionally led by the Barons (La Croix, Samedi, Cimitière, Kriminel), and Maman Brigitte. The Ghede as a family are loud, rude (although rarely to the point of real insult), sexual, and usually a lot of fun. As those who have lived already, they have nothing to fear, and frequently will display how far past consequence and feeling they are when they come through in a service - eating glass, raw chillis, and anointing their sensitive areas with chilli rum for example. Their traditional colours are black and purple.


Ayida: The female counterpart Ayida: The female counterpart
Adjasou: Characterized by protruding eyes and a bad humor, lives under the mombin tree near a spring and is very fond of vermouth, rum, and cognac.
Agassu: Dahomean in origin and belonging to the Fon and Yaruba tribes. When a person is possessed by Agassu, his hands become crooked and stiffened, therefore resembling claws. In Dahomey, he is the result of a union between a panther and a woman. He is associated with water deities and sometimes takes the form of a crab.
He is one of the mythical creatures who once gave assistance to the Ancestor. He is considered one of the loa masons.

Agau: Agau is a very violent god. Earth tremors and the frightening sounds associated with storms are because of Agau. The trances induced by his mounting are so violent there have been deaths associated with his brutality. When one is mounted one attempts to imitate the sounds of thunder and tremors, if they are strong enough to utter sounds under the possession. The possessed person keeps repeating, "It is I who am the gunner of god; when I roar the earth trembles."
It is said that when the earth tremors, Agau is angry. Those who are strong enough to keep him in their bodies are puffing with all their strength and sputtering like seals. One has to be very strong to harbor this spirit.

When Sogbo and Bade (the loa of lighting and wind) act together and call upon Agau, a thunder storm is produced.
Agau is the inseparable companion of Sogbo.

Bade and Agau share the same functions, loa of the winds.

Agwe: (Agive) He is invoked under the names "Shell of the Sea," "Eel," and "Tadpole of the Pond." Sovereign of the sea. One of the many lovers of Erzulie. Under his jurisdiction come not only all the flora and fauna of the sea, but all ships which sail on the sea. His symbols are tiny boats, brightly painted oars and shells, and sometimes small metal fishes. He likes military uniforms and gunfire. He is the protector of seafaring men. The service for Agwe is quite different from others since it is on the sea itself.
A conch shell is used to call him during a voodoo ritual.

He must be greeted with wet sponges and towels when leaving the water because of the heat.

A barque is prepared with all sort of Agwe's favorite foods, including champagne. This barque is then floated over where it is believed the sacred underwater world exists. If the barque sinks, then Agwe has accepted the sacrifice and will protect the water interests of those who have prepared the sacrifice. Were the barque to float back into shore, then the service has been refused and a different manner of placating Agwe would have to be devised. The animals that are sacrificed to him are two white sheep.

Depicted as a mulatto with fair skin and green eyes. Services take place near seas, rivers, or lakes. Must be careful that those possessed do not jump into the water.

Any reference to signaling can only come as a pleasure to this god.

Agwe's counterpart is La Sirine, the sirin of the seas.

In connection with Christianity, Agwe has borrowed traits from St. Ulrich, who is often pictured with a fish in his hand.

Ayezan: (Aizan, Ayizan) This is the Legba's wife. She protects the markets, public places, doors, and barriers, and has a deep knowledge of the intricacies of the spirit world. Selects and instructs certain novice houngans. When feeding her or her husband, a black or white goat or russet colored ox is offered up. Her favorite tree is the palm tree. Ayezan is symbolized by mounds of earth sprinkled with oil and surrounded by fringes of palm. Ayezan is Dahomean in origin and represented by an old woman in personification. She is one of the oldest gods and is therefore entitled to first offerings at services. She often mounts people only after her husband appears at the scene. Her mounts are never severe; therefore, she can sometimes take quite a while to spot.
She is the mate of Loco (Loko). As a Mambo, Ayezan is reputed to have many children (devotees); she cares for her children greatly; she has a good, loving heart. She punishes those who have made mistakes not because she is a sadistic woman but to correct their behavior in the future. She will punish those adults taking advantage of the young, the rich of the poor, the strong of the weak and the husband of the wife. She is believed to have the ability to purify her surroundings and to exorcise malevolent spirits from her devotees.

Ayida: The female counterpart of Dumballah, his mate, is Ayida. She is the mother figure. She is the rainbow. Together they are the unitary forces of human sexuality. Her symbol is also a serpent. She is quite submissive and very delicate. Her co-wife is Erzullie. It is said that whoever "can grasp the diadem of Ayida will be assured wealth" (Metraux, p. 105). Also known as Ayida Wedo: her job is that of holding up the earth.
Azacca or Zaka: This is the loa of agriculture, but is generally seen as the brother of Ghede. For this reason Ghede will often come to the ceremonies for Zaka and come when Zaka has mounted someone. Zaka is a gentle simple peasant, but greatly respected by the peasants since he is a very hard worker. He is addressed as "cousin". He is found wherever there is country. He is usually barefoot, carries a macoute sack, wears a straw hat, and has a pipe in his mouth. By nature he is suspicious, out for profit, fond of quibbling, and has a fear and hatred of town folk. His vocal stylization consists of the almost unintelligible sounds of a goat. He is known for his gossip he spreads and for his "girl chasing." He is young and like to play when not working.
There are interesting similarities between the sophisticated Ghede and the more bumbling Azacca, as though a younger less sophisticated brother were imitating a more secure older brother. Like Ghede, Zaka loves his food. But, unlike Ghede, he is rude and voracious in his eating habits, often running away to hide with him food and eat it quickly. His favorite dishes to eat are the ones peasants feed on--boiled maize, bread soaked in oil and slices of small intestine with fatty membrane fried, unrefined sugar. His favorite drink is white rum and his tree is the avocado. Zaka controls the fields, and like the farmers themselves, he is very watchful of detail. He notes who is treating whom in what manner, who is flirting with whom, who says what to whom etc. When he mounts someone he often spills out all the local gossip to the embarrassment and amusement of all. He does not forgive easily.

It is rumored that Zaka often appears in concrete forms. In this concrete form, he assumes a limp and dresses in a ragged peasant outfit. Then he begs for rum or cassava melons. Those that refuse to give him anything are punished.

Zaka is a polygamist and considers all his children as investments. He stands for the incest taboo, though, and will not break it no matter how rich he could become.

Bade: The loa of wind. He is the inseparable companion of Sogbo, god of lightning. He also shares his functions with Agau, another storm spirit.
Bakulu: (Bakulu-baka) He drags chains behind him and is such a terrible spirit that no one dares to invoke him. His habitat is in the woods where offerings are taken to him. He himself possesses no one. Since no one wants to call on him, people simply take any offerings that go to him and leave them in the woods.
Bosou Koblamin: Violent petro loa. Bosou is a violent loa capable of defeating his enemies. He is very popular during times of war. He protects his followers when they travel at night. Bosou's appearance is that of a man with three horns; each horn has a meaning--strength, wildness, and violence. Sometimes Bosou comes to the help of his followers but he is not a very reliable loa. When a service is held, Bosou appears by breaking chains that he is restrained. Immediately upon appearing he is given a pig, his favorite food. The ceremony in honor of Bosou always pleases a congregation because it allows them to eat. Usually a good number of people attend such a service.
Brise: Brise is a loa of the hills. He is boss of the woods. Brise is very fierce in appearance. He is very black and has very large proportions. Brise is actually a gentle soul and likes children. Brise lives in the chardette tree and sometimes assumes the form of an owl.
Brise is a protectorate. He is strong and demanding and accepts speckled hens as sacrifices.

Congo: A handsome but apathetic loa. Content with any clothing and eats mixed foods with much pimiento, and is fond of mixed drinks.
Congo Savanne: A fierce petro loa. He is malevolent, fierce, and strong. Savanne eats people. He grinds them up as we would grind up corn. His color is white. He is a loa not to be messed with.
Dinclusin & Chalotte: These two loa are among the French "mysteries." People mounted by these gods talk perfect French and seem to be unable to speak Creole normally or properly. Chalotte often demands upon the most defined forms of ritualistic protocol. Dinclusin can be recognized by his habit of pocketing everything given to him.
Dumballah (Dumballah Wedo, Damballah): Known as the serpent god, he is one of the most popular. Dumballah is the father figure. He is benevolent, innocent, a loving father. He doesn't communicate well, as though his wisdom were too aloof for us.
Dumballah is the snake. He plunges into a basin of water which is built for him, or climbs up into a tree. Being both snake and aquatic deity, he haunts rivers, springs, and marshes. Again, as the snake he is rather uncommunicative, but a loving quiet presence. Dumballah does not communicate exact messages, but seems to radiate a comforting presence which sort of sends a general spirit of optimism into all people present. Because of this, he is often sought after during ceremonies. When Dumballah mounts someone the special offering to him is the egg, which he crushes with his teeth.

Dumballah is the serpent god, also lightning. He and his wife, Aida-Wedo, are often shown as two snakes who look as if they were diving into the sink and by a rainbow. He is the bringer of rain; this is a necessity for good crops. People possessed by him dart their tongues in and out, slither along the ground, and climb trees, or roof beams, falling like a boa. He is known to whistle because he has no speech. His special day is Thursday, and his favorite tree is the bougainvillea. White is his color. He is in charge of white metal (silver) and must be fed white food and drink. He grants riches and allows treasures to be discovered. Dumballah sustains the world and prevents it from disintegrating. Dumballah and his wife Ayida, represent human sexuality.

He is sometimes referred to as Da. Dumballah is often spoken of as a serpent. In the voodoo culture, the serpent is a symbol of fertility. He is one of the oldest of the ancestors and is so sacred that he doesn't speak, but expresses himself through hissing sounds, just like that of a serpent. In the voodoo religion Dumballah is closely associated with the Catholic's St. Patrick.

He is Dahomean in origin. His favorite foods are eggs, cornmeal, melons, rice, bananas, and grapes. The usual offering to him is a hen and a cock. It is believed that if respects are paid to him by a married couple, he will keep them happy.

Erzulie: (Ezili) Voodoo does not have a woman as goddess of fertility. Fertility is regarded as a unified principle, equally held by male and female forces. Thus Dumballah is united to his Ayida. Agwe has his counterpart in La Sirene, the Marasa; the twins are contradictory and complementary forces of nature and so on. Erzulie is the female energy of Legba.
She has tremendous power and is feared as much as she is loved. Also, she has several different roles: goddess of the word, love, help, goodwill, health, beauty and fortune, as well as goddess of jealousy, vengeance, and discord. She is usually known as a serpent that coiled upon itself lives on water and bananas.

There is a casual connection between the lightness of her color and that of wealth, because only the light skinned elite possess wealth in Haiti.

But Voodoo has a most special place for Erzulie, the loa of beauty, the loa who is so uniquely human since she is the differentiating force between human and all other creation. She is the ability to conceptualize, the ability to dream, the artistic ability to create. She is the loa of ideality.

She is the female prototype of voodoo who represents the moon.

She is the most beautiful and sensuous lady in the voodoo pantheon. She is respected and wealthy; wears her hair long; is very jealous and requires her lovers to dedicate a room for her ritual lovemaking.

Erzulie is not a loa of elemental forces, but THE loa of ideal dreams, hopes and aspirations. As such she is the most loved loa of all. She is pale in appearance; almost white, even though she is Dahomean in origin. She is known as the earth mother, the goddess of love. She is depicted as a trembling woman who inhabits the water. She has no specific function, but is approachable in a confidential manner. In every sanctuary there is a room, or corner of a room, dedicated to her.

Erzulie is fabulously rich, and, when she mounts someone the first act is always to accomplish her elaborate toilette. The very best of things which the houngan or mambo have are reserved for Erzulie. She will bathe, using soap still in a fresh wrapper if possible. She will dress in silks with fresh flowers and other signs of her femininity and specialness.

Her sacred days are Tuesday and Thursday. She wears red and blue dresses and jewels. As soon as someone is possessed by her, they are washed and dressed in finery. She is a high class mulatto who walks with a saucy sway to her hips. She is a "woman of the world" and is fond of sugary drinks. She is compared to Aphrodite. She is pleasure-loving, extravagant and likes to give and get presents. She fond of men but mistrusts women as rivals. She is a woman of etiquette, and when she pretends to speak French, she purposely talks in a high pitched voice.

She is a master of coquetry. She may simply visit with her servants, or she may eat or drink with great delicacy. She loves to dance and is the most graceful of all the loa. She is quite special to men and will dance with them, kiss and caress them, even in an often embarrassing manner.

Yet she is closely associated with the Blessed Virgin Mary and her symbol is the heart, usually one broken with an arrow in much the same way as a dominant Catholic portrait of Mary has it.

Erzulie wears three wedding bands since she has been (or is) wedded to Dumballah, Ogoun and Agwe. She has often flirted with Zaka, but she has completely dismissed his more coarse brother Ghede as unworthy (since he is black and she is mulatto). However, Erzulie is always in charge and may take any servitor present as her lover for the day if she chooses.

However, the visit of Erzulie is never fully satisfying. In the end she always begins to weep. The world is just too much for her. At first people try to comfort her with more delicate food or drink or other gifts, but her tears continue to flow. It is this tearful and sad side of her that allows the women to accept her in her haughty ways. She is, in the end, one who suffers the burden of the world's sorrows.

Despite her flirtations and loving ways, Erzulie is a virgin. She is the complete converse of the crude sexuality of Papa Ghede. She may not be a virgin in the physical sense, but in the sense that her love transcends the earth, it is a love of higher forces. She belongs to the family of sea spirits, but has become completely divorced from her origins as to be now almost exclusively a personification of feminine grace and beauty.

Erzulie Jan Petro: Violent spirit loa belonging to the Petro tradition. Jan Petro is called upon to take responsibility for the temple where spells are on display; although she is a neutral entity, when not called upon it is the duty of the devotees to make them behave peacefully or violently, depending on their motivation for dealing with the spirits. Jan Petro as a protector of temples is very powerful; when people come to the temple they soon find out. Jan Petro likes fresh air and water; she is a sea spirit. She likes perfume and lotion--any temple dedicated to her usually smells like lotion, for it is thrown on those things she possesses.
Ghede: (Papa Ghede) Ghede is the eternal figure in black, controlling the eternal crossroads at which everyone must someday cross over. His symbol is the cross upon a tomb. Known as the spirit of death, other spirits fear him and try to avoid him.
He operates under the direction of Baron Samedi.

Baron Samedi represents the death side of Ghede (Guede). He talks through his nose, is cynical, jovial, and tells broad jokes. His language is full of the unexpected. His tools are the pick, the hoe, and the spade. He is the power behind the magic that kills. He controls the souls of those who have met death as a result of magic.

When he appears (mounting someone at an invoking ceremony), he wears a pair of dark glasses, from which he knocks out the right lens: for with his right eye he watches those present, lest anyone steal his food.

Of especial interest is the testimony of Ghede; for when this god mounts his carriers, they are bereft of any sense of self, behave and speak compulsively, and recover knowing nothing of what they did or said.

Loa of death, sexuality, and keeper of the cemeteries. He is enamored of women, makes constant use of obscene words and songs, and performs obscene dances. When someone is mounted by Guede they put on a black undertaker's coat, a black top hat and stuff cotton in their ears and noses, this to symbolize a dead person. After they are dressed up they must then perform the banda dance, an erotic dance in which one imitates the movements of copulation.

The Guedes live in cemeteries and visit Catholic churches at night. On November 2 the faithful visit cemeteries and light candles in honor of Baron Samedi.

Papa Guede is a much loved loa because his appearance always brings laughter and joy, singing and dancing; he is usually the last to appear at a ceremony.

He is the loa of death and resurrection; is known as a total clown; loves cigarettes; is often seen smoking two at a time.

He is neither good nor evil, but he is amused by humans and that's why he jokes around so much.

Ghede is sort of to the underworld or afterlife what Legba is to life--he who controls access. Ghede controls access to everything in the afterlife.

We are reminded by him that our understanding of death and life is limited and that both are beyond our comprehension.

Ghede is also god of eroticism. Eroticism is beyond good and evil since it is inevitable. Ghede is neither delighted by eroticism, and certainly not shamed by it. If anything, Ghede is amused by the universal presence of eroticism and humans' constant need to pretend that it is other than what it is.

It is believed that his obscenity in sexual matters is an affirmation of life in the midst of death.

Saturday is his day and his color is black. His favorite foods are salt herring, hot peppers, roasted corn, and roasted bananas, and he is known for stealing food and hiding it, and then demanding more. Black goats and chickens are the animal sacrifices made to him during the rituals.

When Ghede mounts someone he often singles out people who pretend to be aloof from eroticism. He ridicules them, embarrasses them, exposes them (in more ways than one). He is especially hard on whites since they often have the puritanical sexual attitudes of western culture.

Ghede is also often called BARON SAMEDI. In this aspect he is DEATH. He is the keeper of the cemetery and the primary contact with the dead. Anyone who would seek contact with the dead must first contact and solicit Ghede/Baron Samedi in the same way that Legba is contacted to cross over to the spirit world.

Ghede has a ravenous appetite for food and drink and doesn't mind manifesting them when he mounts someone.

He has a dread of fire and shares the characteristic of a nasal voice with zombis.

Ghede is a clown, an interrupter, a coarse fellow. He wears formal black attire and a high silk hat with dark glasses and a cane. He smokes cigarettes and drinks rum. Likes to mount young girls. When he is pleased, he's quite a clown, but hard to handle when angered.

But he is history too. As keeper of the cemetery he has intimate contact with the dead. He knows what their plans were, what's going on in families, what the connections of things are. And he is quite generous with his information. Even when he is clowning or performing his erotic antics, if you can pull him aside and ask him a serious question you will get a serious and reliable answer.

Another of Ghede's great powers is as the protector of children. Ghede generally does not like to see children die. They need a full life. Thus he is the loa to go to when seeking help for a sick child.

Ghede has the power over zombies and decides whether or not people can be changed into animals. Any such black magic voodoo must seek the help of Baron Samedi/Ghede with these tasks.

Lastly, since Ghede is the lord of death, he is also the last resort for healing since he must decide whether to accept the sick person into the dead or allow them to recover.

Gran Boa: Lives in the deep forest where the vegetation is wild. He is the protector of wildlife, and doesn't like to be seen. He eats fruits and vegetables all day in the woods and when called in a ceremony, he is usually not hungry but the people always have food for him anyway. He is the loa that must be called upon before one is ordained into voodoo priesthood.
Grande Ezili: An old woman, crippled with rheumatism and she is only able to walk by dragging herself along on the ground with a stick.
Ibo Lele: He is independent and hateful; proud of himself and ambitious. He likes to be exclusively served and doesn't like to associate with the other loa. He relies heavily on the people for his food, but the people are never certain what kind of food he is likely to eat.
Jean Petro: Jean Petro is a deformation of Don Pedro, the name of the Spanish slave. Jean Petro is the spirit-leader of a group of strong and violent spirits called petro. The difference between the good loa (rada) and the evil loa (petro) is still far and wide. Voodoo services are rarely held for petro loa; however, they still do occur but most services are for family and rada loa. Some say that Jean Petro was brought about by Don Pedro who was a Negro slave of Spanish origin. He acquired much influence by being denounced as the instigator of some alarming plots to overthrow the government. Because of this he symbolizes resistance, force, uprisings, and a sort of black power ideology.
Kalfu (Carrefour, Kalfou): Legba is twined with his Petro opposite. Kalfu too controls the crossroads. Actually, were it not for him the world would be more rational, a better place. But, not unlike Pandora in Greek religion and myth, Kalfu controls the evil forces of the spirit world. He allows the crossing of bad luck, deliberate destruction, misfortune, injustice.
Kalfu controls the in-between points of the crossroads, the off- center points.

Legba controls the positive spirits of the day. Kalfu controls the malevolent spirits of the night.

Yet Kalfu can control these evil spirits too. He is strong and tall, muscular. People do not speak in his presence. When he mounts a person everyone at the service stops speaking because he allows evil loa to come to the ceremony. He claims that most of the important loa know him and he collaborates with them. Kalfu says that some people claim he is a demon but he denies this. He is a respected loa and he is not liked much.

He is the grand master of charms and sorceries and is closely associated with black magic. Ceremonies are often held at the crossroads.

The origin of darkness. The moon is his symbol. He can be placated, but is a very violent and dangerous loa.

Kalfu is similar to Pandora in that he controls the gate comings and goings of bad spirits. He controls the off center points of the crossroads.

He has knowledge of the human condition and develops ways to help individuals cope with their problems. He has experience dealing with all kinds of people. Kalfu is a magician and likes to use tree leaves in his magic. He has the ability to change people into animals and then control their minds.

Krabinay: Krabinay loa are petro loa. They dress all in red and do high impressive jumps. People are warned away from Krabinay. However, they are very tough and can offer a great deal of assistance to a houngan.
These loa behave in a truly devilish way. Possessions induced by them are so violent that spectators are advised to keep their distance. They take pleasure in cynicism. However, they undertake treatment of desperate cases.

Despite their admission of creation by God they avoid mentioning his name.

Legba: Old man who guards the crossroads. He is the origin of life, so he must be saluted each time a service or any other activity with the loa will begin. Legba controls the crossing over from one world to the other. He is the contact between the worlds of spirit and of flesh.
He can deliver messages of gods in human language and interpret their will. He is the god of destiny and is also the intermediary between human beings and divine gods.

Legba is one of the most important loa in Haitian voodoo. He is the first loa to be called in a service, so that he can open the gates to the spirit world and let them communicate with other loa. No loa dares show itself without Legba's permission. Whoever has offended him finds himself unable to address his loa and is deprived of their protection. He is the origin and the male prototype of voodoo.

Voodooists believe that if Legba grants their wishes, they can contact the forces of the universe.

He is the guardian of voodoo temples, courtyards, plantations,, and crossroads. He protects the home. If you are going on a trip, it is believed that you pray to Legba for protection from harm and a safe return home.

As "Master of Crossroads" he is the god of every parting of the way--a favorite haunt of evil spirits and propitious to magic devices; and it is at crossroads that he receives the homage of sorcerers and presides over their incantations and spells.

He is also the guardian of the poto mitan--the center post--a post in the center of a peristyle regarded as a thoroughfare of the spirits. The poto-mitan is an extremely sacred object. Legba walks in his bare feet because he is in constant contact with the earth.

He is a small crooked lovable old man. Small pipe with little tobacco, a little food in his macoute sack. Sores on his body. His pitiful appearance has earned him the nickname of Legba of the Broken Foot but conceals the terrific strength which becomes apparent in the violence of possession induced by him.

Because of his politeness and caring nature he is greeted as Papa Legba. He is a much loved loa.

His favorite foods are vegetables, meat and tubules grilled on a fire. These foods will be offered to him so that he will open the gates. His symbol is the sun and all that is good. His sacred day is Tuesday. His favorite tree is the medicinier-bebi.

When he mounts someone the person's limbs are twisted and horrible to see. The crutch is the symbol of Legba. The outward appearance of Legba hides a very powerful interior.

Legba is the symbol of the sun, of daylight, of things positive. Legba controls the cardinal points of the crossroads.

The interpreter to the gods can deliver the messages of the gods in human language and interpret their will. He is the god of destiny, honored first at every ceremony, receiving first offerings. He is represented by a wooden or iron phallus mounted in a little mound of earth in front of every house.

Legba is also known to hold the "key of the spiritual world", and for this reason is identified with the Christian St. Peter.

Legba's colors are green, rose, and red.

Lemba: is symbolized by an iron bar.
Linglessu: This is one of the loa free masons. When feeding this loa, all meat prepared for him must be liberally salted. He prefers the ends of the tongue, ears, front teeth, and the end of a tail of a goat. When this loa mounts somebody, it is violent and his voice is highly distorted.
Linto: The child spirit of the Guede family. He induces childish behavior in those he rides. They walk clumsily, much like a baby who hardly knows how to use his legs. They babble and cry for food. The company Linto is in teases him but only in good humor.
Loco: (Loko) is the spirit of vegetation and guardian of sanctuaries. Mainly associated with trees. He gives healing properties to leaves; the god of healing and patron of the herbs doctors who always invoke him before undertaking a treatment. Offerings are placed in straw bags which are then hung in its branches.
He is only recognizable by the pipe smoked by his servant and the stick which he carries in his hand. His favorite colors are red and white. Animals that are most likely to be offered to this god are black or white goats or russet colored oxen.

Portrayed in the form of a butterfly, Loco has an extensive knowledge of pharmaceutical uses of herbs. It is said that Houngans and Mambos receive their knowledge from Loco.

He is known for his good judgment; often during conflicts he is called in to be judge. He is known for his intolerance of injustice. It has been said that he transforms into the wind and listens to people without them knowing he is there.

Loco has many wives and girlfriends who are young and good-looking all over the country wherever there is vegetation.

He is the personification of the trees he is so closely associated with.

Loco is compared to an invisible houngan with authority over all the sanctuaries in Haiti. The worship of Loco is much like the worship of trees--mainly the Ceiba. The Ceiba tree is the Antillean silk-cotton tree and the tallest species in Haiti. Offerings to it are put in straw bags and hung from the branches.

It is hard to distinguish Loco when he has mounted someone since he is the personification of plants.

Loco is also a messenger loa and communication loa, but his main duties are the vegetation in the woods and forests. He also watches over the agricultural tools peasants use in their every day activities.

The voodoo physician priests worship him, getting their knowledge from him.

Marasa: Twins who died in their early childhood and are innocent and capricious. They are thought to be orphans with no discipline in terms of good eating habits. They eat from twin plates and they eat all of what they are offered at once, always coming very hungry to the ceremonies. They must be fed until they are content and then they will listen to the people. They have a reputation for doing harm to those who have forgotten to provide food or who have not kept their promises, but also refuse to take responsibility for any wrong doing or illnesses.
Marinette-Bwa-Chech: Literally "Marinette of the dry arms." This is a petro loa or an evil spirit. Worship of her is not spread all over Haiti but is growing rapidly in southern parts. Her ceremonies are held under a tent and lit with a huge fire in which salt and petrol are thrown.
She is most dreaded; a she-devil; the sworn servant of evil. She is respected by werewolves, who hold services in her honor. She is an agent of the underhand dealings of Kita who is, herself, an outstanding loa sorceress.

The screeching owl is the emblem of Marinette. When she mounts someone they behave as an owl, hooking their fingers, lowering their heads and scratching.

After mounting people, she talks of eating people and confesses hideous crimes. At the end the houngan and the possessed alike jump in the fire and stamp it out. For sacrifice she is offered chickens that have been plucked alive, goats and sows. However, no one can touch these animals wile preparing them; they must also be buried. Marinette is the mistress of Petro-e-rouge and wife to Ti-Jean-pied-sec.

She wanders the woods and goes to her secret place where the offerings she shares with no one are left.

Obatala: Obatala is a sky loa. He is the loa responsible for forming children in the womb. Thus, Obatala is responsible for birth defects. He is also called king of the white cloth, and all his followers wear white. Obatala's favorite food is edible snails.
Ogoun: (Ogorin, Ogu-badagri) Ogoun is the traditional warrior figure in Dahomehan religion. He is quite similar to the spirit Zeus in Greek religion/mythology. As such Ogoun is mighty, powerful, triumphal. In more recent time Ogoun has taken on a new face which is not quite related to his African roots. This is the crafty and powerful political leader. However, this political warrior is much more of an image of where struggle is in modern Haiti.
Originally, he was the god of blacksmithing; however, now that blacksmithing has become obsolete, he has become the warrior loa.

He can give strength through prophecy and magic. It is Ogoun (Ogu) who is said to have planted the idea and led and given power to the slaves to the 1804 revolt and freedom. He is called now to help people obtain a government more responsible to their needs.

He is of the Nago loa family. This loa loves the noise of battle itself and this is most likely why he is the voodoo religion's master of lightning and storm. By Nado tradition Shango has these loa duties. Ogu-badagri by voodoo hymn, "throws" lightning and thunder.

His symbol in humfo is a sabre stuck in the earth in front of the altar. His past follows him in that "Ogu's forge" is the name given to an iron rod stuck in a brazier which represents him.

Ogoun comes to mount people in various aspects of his character, but the people are quite familiar with each of them. Some of these aspects are:

Ogoun the wounded warrior. Here he even assumes a Christ-figure pose which the people know well from their Christian associations.

As Ogoun Feraille he gives strength to the servitors by slapping them on the thighs or back.

As Ogoun Badagris he may lift a person up and carry him or her around to indicate his special attention and patronage.

But in all the aspects of Ogoun there is the dominant theme of power and militancy. He represents a veteran of the "time of bayonets."

His possessions can sometimes be violent. Those mounted by him are known to wash their hands in flaming rum without suffering from it later. They are never given water; they are more like "teased" with water. They dress up in red dolman and French kepi and wave a saber or machete, chew a cigar and demand rum in an old phrase "Gren mwe fret" (my testicles are cold).

At times, the loa Ogu interprets Dumballah's messages.

If he is properly persuaded, he will protect his petitioners from bullets and weapon wounds.

He is covered with iron and immune to fire and bullets. To make him more comfortable the congregation serves him white rum. Ogou's symbol is a piece of iron, which he uses to fight his enemies. He is a respected loa.

Ogoun is the deity of fire and "metallurgical elements" and red is his color. Therefore, he likes animals that are red to be offered to him; for example, red or russet pigs or roosters. He likes to be saluted with rum, not with the more traditional water. Often this rum is poured on the ground then lit and the flames pervade the peristyle.

The sword, or much more commonly, the machete is his weapon and he often does strange feats of poking himself with it, or even sticking the handle in the ground, then mounting the blade without piercing his skin.

The members of this family are great drinkers, but alcohol has no effect on them.

Ogoun is identified with St. Jacques, the warrior general, and is often in the guise of a revolutionary war general.

He likes cigars and rum. He has a passion for fire and likes the women. He's the spirit of fire and water.

His favorite tree is the mango tree. His favorite day is Wednesday.

Petite Pierre: is a gluttonous and quarrelsome spirit who tries to pick fights with the audience.
Petro: Comes from a new nation of spirits forged directly in the steel and blood of the colonial era. They reflect all the rage, violence and delirium that threw off shackles of slavery. The drums, dancing, and rhythm are offbeat sharp, and unforgiving, like the crack of a rawhide whip. The Bizango is an extreme form of the Petro and it is sometimes described as the wild Petro. Bizango occurs by night, in darkness that is the province of the djab, the devil.
Rada: The loa that represents the emotional stability and warmth of Africa, the hearth of the nation. Rada derived almost directly from the Dahomean deity is highly religious in nature; rite is never celebrated without the performance of Mahi dances and without honoring and invocation of Nago gods. The Rada drumming and dancing is on beat whereas the Petro is offbeat. Rada stands for light and the normal affairs of humanity.
Simbi: (Simba, Simbe, Simbi Andezo) is guardian of the fountains and marshes and cannot do without the freshness of water. Voodoo rituals are held near springs. Several of their songs mention these sorts of places. He is a very knowledgeable loa because he spends a lot of time learning about the nature of illnesses of supernatural origin and how to treat them. He is either with you or against you by protecting those who have good relations with him and turning his back on those who do not. As part of Ogou's army he is the chief of the coast guard and goes wherever he pleases.
He is the petro loa of the coast; one of the respected members of the petro family. He belongs to rada because of his nature. Sometimes neglected by their devotees and gnawed by hunger, he tends to be cruel.

He lives in springs and rivers. He cannot stand being away from water; children who go to fetch water at springs run the risk-- particularly if they are fair-skinned--of being kidnapped to work for him under the water for a few years, gifting them with second sight for their trouble.

Siren and Whale: These two loa are marine divinities, so closely linked that they are always worshipped together and celebrated in the same songs. Some people say the Whale is the mother of the Siren, others that he is her husband; others say they are used for one and the same deity. Popular opinion says the Siren is married to Agwe. When Siren turns up in a sanctuary, the person possessed by her appears simply in the role of a young coquette most careful of her looks, and speaking in French, often offending the peasant serviteurs. Both the Siren and the Whale are often viewed as "upper class."
Sobo (Sobo Kessou): Loa of strength. Sobo is a very powerful loa and well known for his bravery as a warrior. When he possesses someone, that person must dress up like a general in the army. When he addresses the congregation during a mounting it is like a general addressing his troops. Sobo is considered an important figure in voodoo mythology. He is the symbol of strength, the ideal of voodoo priests who want to be respected figures in their communities. Because of the strength he procures for his followers, Sobo's presence is continually requested to bring security and protection to the congregation. He who is with Sobo is protected against wild spirits.
Sobo is said to have healing power and is often called upon to cure illness of the supernatural origin to his devotees.

He dines upon goat meat and mutton, and often lives under trees. His servitors wear kerchiefs of white and lemon, his favorite colors.

Sogbo (Soybo): He is the god of lightning and the protector of flags. Sogbo is the brother of the three-horned Bosu. Sogbo is always accompanied by his companion Bade, who is the loa of the winds. These loa share functions with Agau, who is also a storm loa.
When possessed by Sogbo, one hurls down polished stones which are piously collected and used as symbols of the loa. Despite their divine origins, thunderstones are not uncommon in Haiti. The spirit hurls a lightning bolt to the earth, striking a rock outcropping and casting the stone to the valley floor. There it must lie for a year and a day before the houngan may touch it.

Taureau-trois-graines: His name means bull with three testicles. This loa is a product of the fanciful imagination of the people in Haiti and is considered a Creole loa. He is the great loa of the Jacmel region. His appearances are terrible; people possessed by him are seized with destructive rage and create havoc all round unless appeased by the offer of a handful of grass. This they munch at once. During trance, they bellow ceaselessly.
Ti-Jean-Petro: This is a black magic or "petro" loa that is depicted as a dwarf with one foot. Even though Ti-Jean-Petro has a French name, his roots can be traced back to Africa. He is easily comparable to a spirit that roamed through the bush. This spirit, too, was depicted as having only one leg. This loa often protects and assists black magic sorcerers. Ti-Jean-Petro also is recognized under the names of Petro-e-rouge, Ti-Jean-pied-fin, Prince Zandor, and Ti-Jean-Zandor. He has a violent and passionate nature that becomes apparent when he mounts people.

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Re: Alura's Book of Shadows

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Re: Alura's Book of Shadows

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Sabbats Descriptions



Samhain, or Halloween, is the death festival, marking the descent of Winter. The leaves are falling from the trees in drifts, and life is drawn away from the surface of the earth, and descends deep into the earth. Life is now in the roots and bulbs of plants which rest over the Winter. The Horned God who was Lord of Life and the Wild Greenwood has now truly taken His throne as Lord of the Underworld, the dread Lord of Shadows, the comforter of souls.

The earth prepares for sleep and draws energy inwards. This is a time for introspection, as we too draw our energy within and prepare for the Winter. The Earth is becoming cold, and barren, and we see Her as the Cailleach, the Crone, the Wise One. She is the Dark Mother who devours the God that She may give birth to Him again. Her womb is also the tomb, and the Underworld, and the Horned God thus resides within Her womb over the Winter months.

Samhain is a time of transformation and inner work. It is also a somber time of remembrance, when we remember and honor those who have died. The veil is thinnest between the worlds and we call on the spirits of the dead and invite them to feast with us on this, the feast of death. We call upon our ancestors and contact the ancient wisdom. It is a time of endings, but also a time of beginnings, as Samhain is a Celtic New Year's Eve festival. Thus we give up the past and look to the future, and it is also a good time for skrying.

It is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Samhain is a good time for banishings, and for sorting out unfinished business. At Samhain we look back and take stock of the past year and contemplate what we have learned. Samhain is also the time to face our shadow, the dark side of ourselves.

We find no wild flowers blooming, yet the colors of nature are rich and warm. Magick mushrooms grow to help us explore other realms, to make the veil thinner still. Samhain is also a harvest festival, but a harvest of flesh. The livestock would be killed at this time so that there would be meat throughout the bleak Winter. The wind blows, Jack Frost makes patterns on our windows and the mists rise. It is no wonder this season is one of mystery.

Related Holiday: Halloween
Major Sabbat
Aspects: Winter – Midnight
Colors: Black and Orange
3rd harvest Sabbat
Altars adorned with: Pumpkins, gourds, squashes, apples, pomegranates.
Symbols: Jack-o'-Lantern, Balefire, Besom(broom), Masks, The Cauldron, Waning Moon
Animals: Bats, Cats, Dogs
Stones: Obsidian, Onyx, Carnelian
Plants: Apple, Mugwort, Gourds, Sage, Allspice, Catnip
Meaning: Wisdom of the Crone, Death of the God, Reflection on Our, Place in the Wheel of the Year, Honoring of the Dead, End of Summer, Celtic New Year, Celebrating Reincarnation
Ritual Oils: Frankincense, Basil, Yarrow, Lilac, Ylang-Ylang, Camphor, Clove
Mythical Creatures: Phooka, Goblin, Medusa, Beansidhe, Fylgiar, Peryton, Erlkonig, Harpies
Key Action: Return, Change
Goddesses: Hakea(Polynesian), Hel(Norse), Inanna(Sumaerian), Kali(Hindu), Keli-De(Irish), Macha(Irish), Marzana(Slavic), Nicnevin(Anglo-Scottish), Psyche(Greek), Remati(Tibetan), Zorya Vechernaya(Slavic), Hecate(Greek), Husbishag(Sematic), Ishtar(Babylonian), Kalma(Finnish-Yugoritic), Lilith(Hebrew), Mara(Persian), Mari-Ama(Norse), The Morrigu/Morrigan(Celtic), Pamona(Roman), The Queen of Elphame(Scottish), Rhiannon(Welsh)
Gods: Arawn(Welsh), Coyote Brother(Native American), Eite-Ade(Etruscan), Hades(Greek), The Great Horned God(European), Loki(Norse), Nefertum(Egyptian), Pluto(Greco-Roman), Samana(Aryan), Woden (Teutonic), Am-Heh(Egyptian), Corn Father(Native American), Dis(Roman), Ghede(Voodun), Heimdall(Norse), Kronos/Cronus
(Greco-Phoenician), Maderha(Lapp), Odin(Norse), Rangi(Maori), Sekhet(Egyptian), Xocatl(Aztec)
Foods: beets, turnips, squash, apples, corn, nuts, gingerbread, cider, pomegranates, mulled wines and pumpkin dishes. These are all appropriate as well as meat- especially pork dishes, if you are a vegetarian use tofu, Poultry, Irish Bairin Breac which is Fruit Cake, Colcannon, Bonfire Toffee, Apple Cider, Anything with Apples, Doughnuts, Popcorn, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Bread, Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Mead, Late Autumn Fruits.
Samhain Herbs: Acorn, Oak, Apple, Corn, Dittany of Crete, Hazel, Nightshade, Fumitory,Mugwort, Allspice, Sage, Gourds, Catnip, Apple trees, Broom, Dittany of Crete, Fern, Flax, Heather, Mandrake, Mint, Mullein, Nutmeg, Oak, Patchouli, Pumpkins, Straw, Woody Sage, Wormwood, Angelica, Rue, Burdock, Pennyroyal, Rosemary, Sunflower, Thyme, Wild Ginseng, Tarragon, Calendula, Cosmos, Marigold.


Yule is the time we celebrate the return of the waxing sun. Light and life can be seen to be returning and conquering death. Yule is a turning point, a point of change, where the tides of the year turn and begin to flow in the opposite direction. It is the darkest time of the year, the time of the longest night, but there is the promise of the return of light.

We encourage the sun to rise and to grow in power, and we remember the seasons of plenty. Magickally we bring back the season of plenty, and we feast on rich foods and drinks. The fir tree represents life amidst death, it is evergreen, representing everlasting life, and lasting friendship.

Holly and Mistletoe bear berries at this time, symbolizing fertility. Mistletoe berries are white, representing the semen of the Horned God, the Holly berries are blood red, symbolizing both the menstrual blood of the Goddess and the sacrifice of the God. Evergreen trees also represent youth and freshness, and are symbols of the promise of spring. A yule custom, still practiced at Christmas is to dress an evergreen tree, and make offerings.

We honor the spirit of the tree, and what it represents. It is sad that a custom of honoring the living tree has been replaced by the meaningless decoration of ghastly plastic or tinsel trees, or the cutting down of thousands of living trees so that people can have them in their living rooms for a couple of weeks, and then dump them, causing environmental damage. It is far better to honor a living tree, outdoors.

The tree may be decorated with appropriate offerings, fruit, decorated pine cones, jewelry, symbols of the sun, symbols of fertility, birds, animals, etc. At yule we say goodbye to the dying sun, and wait through the long, cold night for the sun's rebirth. The night belongs to the Goddess, and is a night of waiting, through her pregnancy, for the Child of Promise.

In the morning we greet the new sun and celebrate the waxing year. The rising sun brings the promise of the spring and the gifts that will bring. It is still a long time before the sun will be strong, but we hope and we trust. The sun is now the Child of Promise, the young hero God. It is a time of making wishes and hopes for the coming year, and of setting resolutions. From the darkness comes light.

Related Holiday: Christmas
Minor Sabbat
Aspects Winter, dawn
Colors: Red, Green, Gold (the God), Silver (The Goddess)
Altars adorned with evergreen, holly, yule logs.
Symbols: Evergreen Trees, Yule Log, Holly, Eight-Spoked Wheel, Wreaths, Spinning Wheels
Animals: Stags, Squirrels, Wren/Robin
Stones: Bloodstone, Ruby, Garnet
Plants: Holly, Mistletoe, Evergreens, Poinsettia, Bougainvillea, Tropical Flowers, Bay, Pine, Ginger, Valerian, Myrrh
Meaning: Rebirth of God, Honor of the Triple Goddess, Return of the Sun and the Waxing Year, Non-Celtic New Year
Ritual Oils: Rosemary, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Saffron, Cedar/Pine, Wintergreen, Ginger
Mythical Creatures: Phoenix, Trolls, Mermecolion
Key Action: Meditate, Introspection
Goddesses: Angerona(Roman), Befana(Italian), Changing Woman(Apache), Fortuna(Roman), Gaia(Greek), Heket(Egyptian), Lilith(Hebraic), Albina(Tuscan), Anna Perenna(Roman), Brigitte(Voodun),
Eve(Hebraic), Frey(Norse), Hannah(Sumerian), Kefa(Egyptian), Lucina(Italian), Ma'at(Egyptian), Nox(Roman), Pandora(Greek), Shekinah(Hebraic-Gnostic), Thea(Greek), Virgin Mary (Christian-Gnostic), Zvezda(Slavic), Metzli(Aztec), NuKua(Chinese), Pax(Roman), Spinning Woman(Native American), Tiamat(Babylonian), Yachimato-Hime(Japanese)
Gods: Apollo(Greco-Roman), Balder(Norse), Helios(Greek), Cronos(Greek), Janus(Roman), Lugh(Irish), Mitra(Aryan), Ngua(Maori), Oak/Holly King(Anglo-Celtic), Ra(Egyptian), Sol(Roman), Yachimata-Hiko(Japanese), Aker(Egyptian), Attis(Egyptian-Phoenician), Braggi(Norse), Father Sun(Native American), Hyperion(Greek), Jesus(Christian-Gnostic), Maui(Polynesian), Mithras(Persian), Nurelli(Aboriginal), Odin(Norse), Saturn(Roman), Ukko(Finnish-Yugoritic)
Foods of Yule:
roasted turkey, mulled wine, dried fruit, eggnog, pork, beans, gingerbread people, Cookies and caraway cakes soaked in cider, fruits such as apples and pears, nuts, pork dishes, hibiscus or ginger tea, spiced cider, wassail, or lamb's wool (ale, sugar, nutmeg, roasted apples)
Herbs for Yule:
Ash, Bay, Bayberry, Blessed Thistle, Chamomile, Evergreen, Frankincense, Holly, Ivy, Juniper, Mistletoe, Moss, Oak, Pine, Pine Cones, Rosemary, Sage, Sandalwood, Yew, Laurel, Yellow Cedar.


The Festival of Imbolc or Bride, is celebrated around 2nd February by Pagans, and by Christians who call it Candlemas. Imbolc is Irish- Gaelic, translated variously as "in the belly" and "ewe's milk", and represents the quickening of Light and Life.

The first stirrings of the coming of Spring can be seen, as the first flowers (snowdrops and winter aconite) begin to appear. Seeds which have lain dormant within the Earth over the cold Winter months begin to stir with life, as yet unseen. At Imbolc we celebrate the Waking Light of the soul. Our spirits begin to quicken as we anticipate the rebirth of Nature. In Wicca it is the traditional time for initiation. Now is the time for the banishing of Winter and the welcoming of Spring. We welcome the Goddess Who is renewed, reborn as the Flower Maiden. She has passed through Her phase as the Hag, Crone or Wise One, and is a Maiden again. Bride or Brigid is a three-fold Celtic Goddess who has been christianized into St. Brigid, whose day is celebrated on 1st February.

In Ireland, St. Brigid's cross is made of rushes and straw, and goes back to pre-Christian times, representing the Sun Wheel or Fire Wheel. It may also be linked to an ancient ceremony connected with the preparation of the grain for sowing in the Spring. It was believed that the Spirit of the Grain, or the Goddess Herself, resided in the last grain harvested, and the last grain from the Harvest Festival was ritually brought into the house at Imbolc, blessed and planted as the first seed of the next harvest.

The grain may also be made into a female figure, the Brideog (little Brighde) and dressed. Bride's bed is made, and She is welcomed in. The Goddess is seen in Her three aspects at Imbolc, as the new-born Flower Maiden; the Mother, or bride of fertility, awaiting the fertilizing Sun God, and the Dark Crone of the dark half of the year. The sun is growing in strength, the Child of Promise, re-born at Yule, is now the Conquering Child.

What was born at the Solstice begins to manifest, and this is the time for individuation, as we each light our own light, and set ourselves tasks and challenges. We nurture and kindle our resolutions and begin to look outwards again, do outer activity, although first we look deep within to discover what potential lies there waiting to be fulfilled.

Through the weeks ahead the days grow gradually longer, but we are still in the dark half of the year (until Beltaine) and this is the time to develop non-physical skills, such as psychometry, clairvoyance and precognition.

Related Holiday: Valentine's Day
Major Sabbat
1st Fertility Sabbat
Aspects: Spring, Dawn
Colors: Lavender and pastels
Altars adorned with: snowdrops, early flowers.
Symbols: Candles, The Bride, Burrowing Animals, Grain Dolly, Sun Wheels
Animals: Robin, Burrowing Animals, Sheep, Lamb, Dragon, Deer, Cows
Stones: Turquoise, Amethyst
Plants: Evergreen, Willow, Rosemary, Clover, Dill
Meaning: Honor of the Virgin Goddess, First Signs of Returning Life, Festival of Light
Ritual Oils: Jasmine, Apricot, Carnation, Sweet Pea, Neroli, Olive
Mythical Creatures: Firebird, Dragon, Berometz
Key Action: Plan and Prepare
Goddesses: Anu(Irish), Arachne(Greek), Arianhrod(Welsh), Athena(Greek), Audhumla(Teutonic), Branwen(Manx-Welsh), Brynhild(Teutonic), Dahud(Breton-Cornish), Frimia(Trutonic), Inanna(Sumerian), Laufey(Teutonic), Selene(Greek), Vesta(Roman), Aradia(Tuscan), Arani(Aryan), Artio(Gaulish), Attar(Arabic), Blaize(Brenton), Brigid/Brid(Irish), Cardea(Roman), Februa(Roman), Gaia(Greek), Kebehut(Egyptian), Lucina(Roman-Norse),
Gods: Bannik(Slavic), Cupid/Eros(Greco-Roman), Diancecht(Irish), Essus(Gaulish), Pax(Roman), Braggi(Norse), Dainichi(Japanese), Dumuzi(Sumerian), Februus(Roman), Trusto(Teutonic)
Foods of Imbolc:
Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, poppyseed cakes, muffins, scones, breads, all dairy products, peppers, onions, garlic, raisins, spiced wines and herbal teas.
Herbs of Imbolc:
Any White or Yellow Flowers, angelica, ashleaf, balsams, basil, bay, benzoin, blackberry, celandine, chamomile, cinnamon, coltsfoot, coriander, garlic, heather, iris, lemon, mace, rose hips, rosemary, sage, sunflower, tansey, vervain, violets, wheat, witch hazel.


This festival is named after the Anglo-Saxon Goddess Eostre or Eastre, also known in Old German as Ostara. Little is known about this Goddess, except that her festival was celebrated at the Spring Equinox, and became Easter, and that She was a Goddess of fertility, and was connected with hares and eggs.

She may also be connected with the Greek Eos and the Roman Aurora, both Dawn Goddesses, and with the Babylonian Ishtar and Phoenician Astarte, both love Goddesses.

The Anglo-Saxon lunar month, which became April, was called Eastermonath. The equinox is a time both of fertility and new life, and of balance and harmony. Light and dark are here in balance, but the light is growing stronger. It is a time of birth, and of manifestation. Daffodils, tulips and crocuses are all in full bloom, blossom appears on trees and catkins can be found on the hazel and willow. Rites are best performed at dawn or dusk, (but better at Dawn) that time between light and dark.

The days grow lighter and the earth grows warmer. As at Imbolc, seeds may be blessed and planted. Seeds of wisdom, understanding, and magickal skills may also be planted. Eggs may be used for the creation of talismans, or ritually eaten. The egg is a symbol of rebirth, and its yolk represents the sun, its white, the Goddess. Egg production in hens is stimulated when the bird's retina is stimulated by more than 12 hours of light, thus more eggs are produced after the equinox.

This is a time both of growth and of balance, and we may work on balancing ourselves and the subtle energies within us, such as our chakras, the inner masculine and feminine qualities, the light and dark aspects, etc. The equinox is also the time of Persephone's return from the underworld, to re-unite with Her mother Demeter, making the earth green again.

This is the time of spring's return, the joyful time, the seed time, when life bursts forth from the earth and the chains of winter are broken. It is a time of balance when all the elements within must be brought into new harmony. The Prince of the Sun reaches out His hand, and the Kore, the maiden, returns from the dark underworld. Where they dance, wild flowers appear, sorrow turns to joy, and scarcity turns to abundance.

Related Holiday: Easter
Minor Sabbat
2nd Fertility Sabbat
Aspects: Spring, Morning
Colors: Pinks, blues, yellows.
Altars adorned with: Painted eggs and representations of baby animals.
Symbols: Eggs, New Moon, Butterflies/Cocoons
Animals: Rabbits, Snakes
Stones: Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Moonstone
Plants: Crocus, Daffodil, Jasmine, Irish Moss, Snowdrop, Ginger
Meaning: Balance, New Life/Rebirth, Goddess and God in Youth, Non-Celtic End of Winter, Light Overtaking Darkness
Ritual Oils: Lotus, Magnolia, Ginger
Mythical Creatures: Unicorn, Merpeople, Pegesus
Key Action: Open, Begin
Goddesses: Aphrodite(Greek), Athena(Greek), Cybele(Roman), Eostre (Teutonic), Eriu(Irish), Gaia(Greek), Hear/Juno(Greco-Roman), Iris(Greek), Lady of the Lake(Welsh-Cornish), Madhusri (Hindu), Melusine(Franco-Scottish), Moon Mother(Native American), Ova(Greek-Etruscan), Renpet(Egyptian), Salamaona(Middle Eastern), Vesta(Greco-Roman), Anna Fearina (Roman), Astarte(Canaanite), Coatlicue(Aztec), Doda (Siberian), Erce(Slavic), Flidais(Irish), Garbhog(Irish), Ishtar(Babylonian), Isis(Egyptian), Libera(Roman), Ma-Ku (Chinese), Minerva(Roman), The Muses(Greek), Persephone (Greco-Roman), Rheda(Anglo-Saxon), Vesna(Slavic), Venus(Roman)
Gods: Adonis(Greek), Cernunnos(Greco-Celtic), Danh(West African), Gwali(Central African), Lord of the Greenwood(English), Attis (Persian), Dagda(Irish), Dylan(Welsh), The Great Horned God (European), Mithras(Greco Persian), Odin(Norse), Ovis(Roman Etruscan), Osiris(Egyptian), Pan(Greek)
Ostara Foods: eggs, egg salad, hard-boiled eggs, honey cakes, first fruits of the season, fish, cakes, biscuits, cheeses, honey and ham. You may also include foods made of seeds, such as sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds, as well as pine nuts. Sprouts are equally appropriate, as are leafy, green vegetables.
Plants and Herbs: acorn, broom, celandine, cinquefoil, crocuses, daffodil, dandelion, dogwood, elder, ginger, Gorse, honeysuckle (woodbine), iris, jasmine, jonquils, irish moss, lavender, lemon balm, lilac, Lily, lily of the valley, lovage, marjoram, meadowsweet, narcissus, oak, oakmoss, olive, orris root, peony, rose, rose hips, sage, snowdrops, strawberry, tansy, tarragon, thyme, trefoil (purple clover), tulip, vervain, violet, willow, woodruff and all spring flowers.


"This is the time when sweet desire weds wild delight. The Maiden of Spring and the Lord of the Waxing Year meet in the greening fields and rejoice together under the warm Sun. The shaft of life is twined in the spiral web and all of nature is renewed. We meet in the time of flowering, to dance the dance of Life" Starhawk,

The Spiral Dance Beltaine (also spelled Bealteinne, Bealtaine and various other ways) is the beginning of the Celtic Summer, the light season of the year. Like Samhain, it is a time when the veil is thin between the worlds, a time to communicate with spirits, particularly at this time nature spirits. In Irish Gaelic, Bealtaine is the name of the month of May.

In Scottish Gaelic Bealtuinn means May Day. The word originally meant "Bel Fire", and Beltane is associated with the Celtic God Bel, also known as Balor or Belenus. Bel is a God of Light and Fire and has been equated with the Greek Apollo, and associated with the Sun, although He is not specifically a Sun God. Fires were traditionally built at Beltane, and people would jump over the fire. Young, unmarried people would leap the bonfire and wish for a husband or wife, young women would leap it to ensure their fertility and couples leap it to strengthen a bond.

Cattle were driven through the ashes or between two Beltane fires to ensure a good milk yield. The maypole, still used in Mayday festivities, represents both the phallus and the Goddess. It is also the World Tree connecting the three Worlds, its root in the Underworld, its branches in the Heavens. The shaman`s spirit may travel between the realms via the World Tree, and the phallus is also connected with life, love and death.

The phallus and the World Tree may be seen as two aspects of the God in His relationship to the Goddess in His cycle of birth, death and rebirth. The May Queen is still elected in many village May Day festivals, although the May King is largely left out these days (apart from in Pagan circles). The May King is the Green Man, and was often covered entirely with leaves.

The mating of the Green Man with the Goddess as Queen of May was a magickal act considered necessary for the fertility of the Earth. Beltane is a time of fertility and is also an excellent time for Handfastings, the couple enacting the HeirosýÓgamos, or sacred marriage. The Hawthorn tree (also called the May tree) blossoms at this time, and we are in the Hawthorn month. The blossoms can be gathered, and a delicious wine made from them, to be drunk the following Beltane. Celebrate Beltane by taking pleasure in life and enjoying the gifts of the Goddess.

Major Sabbat
3rd Fertility Sabbat
Aspects: Summer, Morning
Colors: Red, White
Altars adorned with: Flowers and Greenery.
Symbols: Eggs, Flowers, Chalice, May Pole, Butterchurn, Flower Chaplet, May Baskets, Crossroads
Animals: Goats, Rabbits, Honey Bees
Stones: Sapphire, Bloodstone
Plants: Primrose, Cowslip, Hawthorn, Rose, Birch, Rosemary, Lilac
Meaning: Union of God and Goddess, Sacred Marriage, All New Life,Fertility for All Living Things
Ritual Oils: Passion Flower, Rose, Tuberose, Vanilla
Mythical Creatures: Faeries, Pegasus, Satyrs Giants
Key Action: Take Action
Goddesses: Aphrodite(Greek), Artemis(Greek), Blodewedd(Welsh), Cupra (Etruscan), Damara(English), Diana(Greek), Fand(Manz-Irish), Flora(Roman), Hilaria(Greek), Kaikibani(Polynesian, Mielikki (Finnish), Prithvi(Hindu), Rhea(Cretean), Sarbanda (Babylonian), Skadi(Teutonic), Var(Norse), Zochiquitzal (Aztec), Aima(Hebraic), Ariel(English), Baubo(Greek), Devana(Slavic), Erzulie(Voodun), Flidais(Irish), Freya (Norse), Ilamatecuhtli(Aztec), Lofn(Norse), Pershta(Slavic), Rainbow Snake(Aboriginal), Rhiannon(Welsh), Shiela-na-gig (Irish), Tuulikki(Finnish), Venus(Roman)
Gods: King Arthur(Welsh-Cornish), Bel/Belanos(Celtic), Cernunnos (Greco-Celtic), Cupid/Eros(Greco-Roman), Frey(Norse), The Great Horned God(European), Manwyddan(Welsh), Orion(Greco-Arabic), Puck(English), Telipinu(Hittite), Baal(Phoenician), Beltene(Irish-Scottish), Chors(Slavic), Faunus(Roman), Herne(Greek), Loni (Polynesian), Odin(Norse), Pan(Greek), Robin Goodfellow(English)
Food: dairy, bread, cereals, oatmeal cakes, cherries, strawberries, wine, green salads. Dairy foods and eggs are in tune with this season. Sweets of all kinds, honey, and oats are all fine foods for Beltane. Simple dishes such as vanilla ice cream and egg custard are quite traditional fare on this day. For something a little different, try some of the recipes.
Herbs and Flowers: almond tree orshrub, ash, broom, cinquefoil, clover, Dittany of Crete, elder, foxglove, belladonna, frankincense, honeysuckle, rowan, sorrel, hawthorn, ivy, lily of the valley, marigold, meadowsweet, mint, mugwort, thyme, violets, woodruff may be burned; angelica, bluebells, daisy, hawthorn, ivy, lilac, primrose, and rose may be decorations, st. john's wort, yarrow, basically all flowers. Also invluded are Yellow cowslip, birch trees, rosemary, lilac and satyrion root.


At the Summer Solstice the sun is at its highest and brightest and the day is at its longest. The Lord of Light has fought the powers of darkness, and is triumphant, ensuring fertility in the land. But in so doing so, He sows the seeds of His own death. The Wheel turns and the Dark God (the Holly King) begins to wax in power as the Light God (Oak King) wanes.

The Goddess shows Her Death- in-Life aspect, the Earth is fertile, and all is in bloom, the Goddess reaches out to the fertilizing Sun God at the height of His powers. At the same time She presides over the death of the God. The Goddess dances Her dance of Life and Death, the Sun God loves Her, and dies of His love. The Summer Solstice is a time of fulfillment of love.

Flowers are in bloom everywhere, i.e. in sexual maturity, ready for pollination, fertilization, yet once fertilized they die that the seeds and fruits may develop. At the same time, summer fruits appear, for a short but delicious season.

June was considered by some to be the luckiest month to be married in, and is the time of the mead moon, or honey moon. A tradition was for newly weds to drink mead daily for a month after their wedding, hence the post wedding holiday being named the honeymoon. Although the days begin to grow shorter after the Summer Solstice, the time of greatest abundance is still to come. The promises of the Goddess and God are still to be fulfilled.

This is a time of beauty, love, strength, energy, rejoicing in the warmth of the sun, and the promise of the fruitfulness to come. It seems a carefree time, yet in the knowledge of life, is the knowledge of death, and beauty is but transitory. We celebrate life, and the triumph of light, but acknowledge death, and the power of the Dark Lord which now begins to grow stronger.

At this time of year, our physical energy is generally at its peak, and we are active and strong. Games involving a show of strength, such as tug of war, wrestling, etc. are appropriate here, and are often staged at summer fayres. This can be considered a remnant of pagan customs involving the battle between the light and dark Gods.

Related Holiday: Feast of John the Baptist
Minor Sabbat
Aspects:Summer, Noon
Colors: gold, yellow
Adorn altar with: God representation and golden/yellow flowers
Symbols: Fire, The Sun, Blades, Mistletoe, Oak Trees, Balefire, Sun Wheels, Faeries
Animals: Robin/Wren, Summer Birds, Horses, Cattle
Stones: Emerald, Jade, Tiger's Eye, Lapis Lazuli, Diamond
Plants: Oak, Mistletoe, Frankincense, Lemon, Sandalwood, Heliotrope, Copal, Saffron, Galangal, Laurel, Ylang-Ylang
Meaning: Honoring of Sun/God at His power, Saying Farewell to the Waxing Year, Preparation for Harvest, Honoring the Pregnant Goddess, Beginning of The Waning Year
Ritual Oils: Heliotrope, Cinnamon, Sandalwood, Lavender, Orange, All Mint Oils, Lemon, Saffron
Mythical Creatures: Satyrs, Faeries, Firebird, Dragon, Thunderbird, Minticore
Key Action: Nurture and Love
Goddesses: Aestas(Roman), Athena(Greek), Bona Dea(Roman), Chup-Kamu (Japanese), Damona(Breton), Dia Griene(Scottish), Elat (Semitic), Erce(English), Freya(Norse), Gokarmo(Tibetan), Hathor-Tiamet(Egyptian), Isis(Egyptian), Juno(Roman), Keca Aba(Russian), Kupulo(Russian), Marici(Tibetan), Nut (Egyptian), Robigus(Roman), Shekinah(Hebraic), Wurusema (Hittite), Zoe(Greek), Aine(Irish), Artemis(Greek), Banba (Irish), Cerd(Iberian), Dag(German), Dana(Irish), Djanggawaul Sisters(Aboriginal), Eos(Greek), Eriu(Irish), Gerd(Teutonic), Grian(Irish), Indra(Aryan), Jord(Teutonic), Kali(Indian), Kou-Njami(Siberian), Mabd/Maeve(Irish), Mitra (Aryan), Olwen(Welsh), Sekhmet(Egyptian), Vesta(Rome), Zatel-Ekwa(Hungarian)
Gods: Baal(Phoenician), Bochica(South American), Dagda(Irish), Dharme (Aryan), Hadad(Syrian), Hyperion(Greek), Gwydion(Welsh), Llew (Welsh), Maui(Polynesia), Orunjan(Yourban), Ra(Egyptian), Thor (Norse), Ziuhtecutli(Aztec), Apollo(Greco-Roman), Balder(Norse), Chacol(Mayan), Donnus(Irish), El(Semitic), Helios(Greek), Ganges (Indian), Legba(Voodun), Lugh(Irish), Oak/Holly King(Anglo-Celtic), Prometheus(Greek), Sol/Helios(Greco-Roman), Upulero(Indonesian), Zues(Greco-Roman)
Foods: for Litha include fresh vegetables of all kinds and fresh fruits such as lemons and oranges, pumpernickel bread as well as Summer squash and any yellow or orange colored foods. Flaming foods are also ppropriate,barbecued anything, (barbecues represent the bonfires....) but especially chicken or pork. Midsummer is also the time for making mead, since honey is now plentiful. Traditional drinks are ale, mead, sweet wines, fresh fruit juice of any kind and herb teas.
Herbs: chamomile, cinquefoil, elder, fennel, hemp, larkspur, lavender, male fern, mugwort, pine, roses, Saint Johns wort, honesty, wild thyme, wisteria, oak, mistletoe, frankincense, lemon, sandalwood, heliotrope, copal, saffron, galangal, laurel, ylang-ylang, Basil, Betony, Dogwood, Oak, Rue, vervain, trefoil and verbena. Traditionally, herbs gathered on this day are extremely powerful.


Lughnasadh or Lammas is celebrated on August eve or August 1st and is the festival of the first of the harvests. Lammas is the Anglo-Saxon name for the festival, meaning Loaf mass. Lughnasadh is the festival of Lugh, a Celtic God of Light and Fire and God of crafts and skills. His Welsh form is Llew Law Gyffes, and in the Mabinogion story of Blodeuwidd and Llew, the theme of Llew as the sacrificed God can be seen (we need of course to consider the pre-Christian origins of the story).

Gronw can be seen as the Dark God of the Waning year, and Llew as the Bright Lord of the Waxing year, Blodeuwidd represents the Goddess in Her Flower Maiden aspect. Lammas or Lughnasadh then has the theme of the sacrificed God of the harvest, but he is sacrificed and transformed, rather than descending into the underworld to become Lord of Death, which comes later in the year.

Lammas is a time of the fullness of Life, and a celebration of the bountiful earth. It is a time of the sacrificial mating of Goddess and God, where the Corn King, given life by the Goddess and tasting of Her love is sacrificed and transformed into bread and ale which feeds us. The main themes of Lammas may therefore be seen as thanksgiving to the Goddess for Her bountiful harvest, stating our hopes for what we wish to harvest (for Lammas is the very beginning of the harvest), sacrifice, transformation, and a sharing of the energy of the Corn King.

Major Sabbat
1st harvest sabbat
Colors: golds and reds
Aspects: Autumn, afternoon
Adorn Altar with: Barley, corn dollies, harvest loafs.
Symbols: Corn, All Grains, Bread, Full Moon, Wheat
Animals: Roosters, Calves
Stones: Yellow Diamond, Peridot, Citrine
Plants: Corn, Rice, Wheat, Ginseng, Rye
Meaning: Honoring the Parent Deities, Honoring the Sun Gods, Celebrating First Harvest
Ritual Oils: Eucalyptus, Corn, Safflower
Mythical Creatures: Phoenix, Griffins, Basilisk, Centaurs, Speaking Skull
Key Action: Receive, Harvest
Goddesses: Alphito(Irish), Cabria(Phoenician), Ceres(Roman), Damia (Greek), Frey(Norse), Habondia(German-Celtic), Ishtar (Babylonian), Kornjunfer(German), Marcia(Italian), Morgay (English), Persephone(Greek), Po Ino Nogar(Cambodian), Robigo(Roman), Selu(Cherokee), Tailltiu(Welsh-Scottish), Tuaret(Egyptian), Zaramama(Peruvian), Aine(Irish), Ashnan (Sumerian), Carmen(Italio-Iberian), Chicomecoatl(Aztec), Demeter(Greek), Goddess of Mundus(Norse-Celtic), Hani-Yasu-NoKami(Japanese), Kait(Hittite), Libera(Roman), Mama Alpa(Incan), Nisaba(Chaldaean), Pirua(South American), Qocha Mana(Hopi), Saning Sri(Japanese), Taillte(Irish), Tea(Irish), Uti Hiati(Pawnee), Zytniamatka(Teutonic)
Gods: Bes(Egyptian), Dagon(Phoenician), Ghanan(Mayan), Liber(Roman), Llew(Welsh), Neper(Egyptian), Zochipilli(Aztec), Athtar (Phoenician), Bran(Welsh), Ebisu(Japanese), Howtu(Chinese), Lono(Polynesian), Lugh(Irish), Odin(Norse)
Foods: Grains, grapes, wines, berries, corn, apples, pears
Related Herbs and Flowers: Grains, Grapes, Sloes, Pears, Heather, Blackberry, all Berries, Oat, Fenugreek, Frankincense, Heather, Hollyhock, Mistletoe, Oak, Sunflower, cornstalks, frankincense, Calendula, Myrtle, Oak Leaves, Rose, Sandalwood and wheat may be burned; acacia flowers, corn ears, myrtle, oak leaves, and wheat may be decorations.


The two equinoxes are times of equilibrium. Day and night are equal and the tide of the year flows steadily, but whilst the Spring Equinox manifests the equilibrium before action, the Autumnal Equinox represents the repose after action, the time to take satisfaction in the work of the summer and reap its benefits.

The Autumnal Equinox is celebrated on 21st September, and is the second harvest festival, with the fruit being gathered in. We celebrate the abundance of the earth, and make wine from the excess fruit, to preserve the richness of the fruits of the earth to give us joy throughout the year.

This is the time of the Vine. The God, who was Lord of the Greenwood in the summer and the Corn King at Lughnasadh now dances His last dance upon the earth, as Dionysus, God of wine, music and dance, before making his descent to the underworld to take up his role as Dread Lord of Shadows. The Lord of Light, the Sun King, His power waning, exists briefly in balance with the Dark Lord before giving way to the growing power of darkness, but the power of the sun is encapsulated in the grape and the fruits of the earth.

The wine will remind us of his power throughout the year. The leaves falling from the trees and rotting into the earth are a reflection of the Horned God's journey from the Greenwood to the underworld, deep into the womb of the Mother, where He will reside until He begins to emerge with the new green shoots in the spring. The Autumnal Equinox marks the completion of the harvest, and thanksgiving, with the emphasis on the future return of that abundance.

The Eleusinian mysteries took place at this time, during which the initiate was said to have been shown a single ear of grain with the words "In silence is the seed of wisdom gained". The themes then of the Autumnal Equinox are the completion of the harvest, the balance of light and dark, and of male and female, and an acknowledgement of the waning power of the sun and the waxing power of the Dark Lord.

Minor sabbat
2nd harvest sabbat
Aspects: Autumn, Dusk
Colors: Reds, Oranges and Browns
Adorn Altar with: fruits, nuts and grains.
Symbols: Grapes, Wine, Vines, Garland, Burial Cairns, Rattles, Horn of Plenty, Indian Corn, Sun Wheels
Animals: Dogs, Wolves, Birds of Prey
Stones: Amethyst, Yellow Topaz
Plants: Vines, Ivy, Hazel, Cedar, Hops, Tobacco
Meaning: Celebrating the Second Harvest, Balance, Honoring the Aging Deities, Honoring the Spirit World, Darkness Overtaking Light, Celebration of Wine
Ritual Oils: Apple Blossom, Hay/Straw, Black Pepper, Patchouli
Mythical Creatures: Andamans, Cyclopes, Gnomes, Gulon, Minotaur, Sphinx
Key Action: Give Thanks
Goddesses: Akibimi(Japanese), Cessair(Welsh), Harmonica(Greek), Mama Allpa(Peruvuan), Margan(Welsh-Cornish), Nikkal (Canaanite), Ninkasi(Sumerian), Rennutet(Egyptian), Snake Woman(Aboriginal), Sura(Indian), Anapurna(Indian), Epona(Celtic-Gaulish), Lilitu(Semitic), Modron(Welsh), The Muses(Greek), Ningal(Sumerian), Pamona(Roman), Sin(Irish), Sophia(Greco-Hebraic)
Gods: Dionysus(Roman), Haurun(Canaanite), Great Horned God(European), Iacchus(Greco-Tuscan), Orcus(Roman), Bacchus(Greek), Hermes (Greek), Hotei(Japanese), Mabon(Welsh), Thoth(Egyptian)4
Mabon Foods: check out our Mabon Recipes: Serve seasonal foods, as well as placing autumnal offerings on your altar. Fall fruits, apples, pomegranates, squash, grapes, cider, wine, corn, wheat or rye bread, gourds, seeds, nuts and acorns are all good fall choices. Potatoes, carrots and onions are also appropriate for Mabon altars and foods.
Herbs for Mabon: Marigold, Sunflowers, Hibiscus, Rose Petals, Myrrh, Acorns, Asters, Balm of Gilead, Benzoin, Calendula, Cypress, Fern, Mugwort, Mums, Oak Leaves, Orris, Passionflower, Pine, Sage, Thistle.
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Alura Noel
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Re: Alura's Book of Shadows

Post by Alura Noel »

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Samhain Crafts, Activities and Recipes
Samhain Ideas and Activities

Leave milk and honey for the fae folk

Make resolutions, write them on a small piece of parchment, and burn in a candle flame, preferably a black votive candle within a cauldron on the altar.

Wear costumes that reflect what you hope or wish for in the upcoming year.

Carve a jack-o-lantern and place a candle in it.

Choose and enthrone a Winter Queen and King the counterparts of the May Queen and King

Make masks and costumes representing the different aspects of the God and Goddess and wear them to ritual or used to decorate your altar or temple area

Have each covener bring a carved pumpkin and carry it, lit, above their head in procession to your ritual site in memory of all those who perished during the burning times or your own dearly departed.

Symbolically extinguish the "hearthfire" of your home and then re-light it from the Samhain Sabbat Fire or cauldron.

Read or act out the "Descent of Inanna" or the story of Demeter and Persephone.

During ritual invite departed friends and family into the circle and tell them of all that had happened in your life since their departure. You may wish to set a place for them at your dinner table and use this time to contact them. This is a good time to talk to them of any unresolved issues that you may have had with them and to let them go.

Slice an apple on the altar displaying the star within and say, "this is the fruit of life- which is death " and then slice a pomegranate and display the seeds saying, " this is the fruit of death- which is life."

Enjoy the trick or treating of the season.

Drink apple cider spiced with cinnamon to honor the dead. *see recipe section*

Bury an apple or pomegranate in the garden for spirits passing by on their way to being reborn.

Leave food outside as an offering to the dead

Do divination for the next year using whatever form of divination appeals to you.

Set out a mute or dumb supper.

Find a magick wand of oak, holly, ash, rowan, birch, hazel, elm, Hawthorne or willow.

Let this be the traditional time that you make candles for the coming year, infusing them with color, power, herbs, and scent depending on the magickal purpose.

At Samhain, witches once gave one another acorns as gifts. During the Burning Times, giving someone an acorn was a secret means of telling that person you were a witch.

Acorns are fruits of the oak, one of the most sacred trees to the ancient Celts. They are symbols of protection, fertility, growth, values, and friendship. Perhaps you would like to continue this tradition and give acorns as gifts this season. You might like to paint them gold as a God symbol and decoration.

Have a New Year's Party-it is, after all, the Celtic New Year!

Look at old family photo albums or scrapbooks. Try to tell stories about each person in the pictures

Honor the dead, remember those you loved who have passed on-perhaps by putting their pictures or something they gave you on your altar during your ritual.

Carve faces in apples and pumpkins

Mix up some hot mugwort tea

Make a pumpkin pie

Dry meat or make jerky-this is the traditional meat harvest

Keep it simple! It is the act of doing that is important not the polish of the finished product or event. Always be sure to take appropriate precautions - fire and child safety are a must!


* Ceremoniously finish cleaning up your garden or lawn by October 31. Gather in remaining fruit or produce from your garden - anything not gathered in by Samhain should be left to the Pooka. Preserve flowers, a grain sheaf or garden produce for enjoyment in the coming winter season as well as to insure successful planting in the spring.

* Make a simple Samhain wreath of apples, nuts, leaves and a few grain stalks.

* Plant flower bulbs for Samhain - observe the moment when the bulbs rest within the welcoming underground of the Goddess.

* Kindle a bonfire or a single candle to welcome the underworld tide of Samhain. Ignite the fire ceremoniously, noting the kindling of a new fire to welcome a new season, a new year. During the bonfire evening, join hands with those present and lead a procession or a spirited dance. Spiral in toward the light, around it and then spiral away again to invite the season and the spirits. Observe the welcoming darkness surrounding your bonfire or candlelight. Darkness enhances the brilliance of the light, just as the light deepens the surrounding darkness. There is comfort in both. The light within the depths of Samhain speaks to the burning tide of underworld life as well as the fecundity and light that will again be ours at Beltaine. When the fire has died down, jump a safe part of the fire for luck. Or if you have the space, do it the original way and light two bonfires and dance/run/walk between them for luck.

* Tell stories around the bonfire or your indoor candle; myths, folktales, ghost stories or personal stories will do well.

* Organize a night or daytime nature walk to sharpen the senses to the passage of time and season.

* Wind down ambitious projects and ideas for the winter. Hold the seeds of your ideas until Imbolc when they can germinate in the ambition of spring.

* Paint or color black a picture to represent the underworld. Paste a spiral or other design of apple seeds and/or nuts onto it.

* Wear black - not in mourning but in celebration and synchronicity with the season around you.

* Sit alone or with friends in a cornfield at twilight and listen for whispers that tell of the year to come.

* Create and carry out any simple ritual that to you, honors year-end, acceptance of change and the turning of the New Year.


* Host a multi-generational gathering big or small to unite your own community. Wear costumes, play games, feast, dance and welcome the New Year.

* Bake a cake with one token (wrapped in wax paper large enough to prevent swallowing) in it. The recipient of this piece becomes the Lady of Misrule, for Samhain evening. She is given a staff or wand (a stick with crepe paper streamers, or some other inexpensive decoration or paint) and is thereby permitted to rule over the proceedings, interrupting wherever they feel, leading the dances and games, etc.

* Host your own individual ceremony, light a bonfire or candle and welcome the tides of time.

* Celebrate year-end by volunteering by yourself or with friends to complete a helpful community project by Samhain.

* Organize a festive celebration at a retirement home to honor community elders.

* Participate in a harvest food drive with friends; donate the gathered feast to your local food bank.

* Make costumes or just masques with friends or by yourself. Gather paints, colorful leaves, feathers, beads, acorns, corn leaves and other bits to resemble any creature, animal or bird (otherworldly or otherwise) that you admire. Or create an entirely original
masque with designs or numbers and such on it that are special to you.


* Suspend apples from a string or bob them in a barrel - whoever takes the first bite will be lucky indeed.

* Walnuts or hazel nuts roasted in a fire or on the stove will glow steadily to represent true love, while those that crack and pop reflect love's decline.

* Empty a walnut shell, affix a small candle (birthday cake size) within the shell and light it. Set it afloat in a long tub, a wading pool or pond. Name each walnut boat for a member of the party and watch as the boats navigate toward or away from each other signifying the course of fate.

* Make a paperboard with "yes" or "no" on it. Suspend a hazel nut, a shell or a crystal over it and ask the nut a question, it will swing gently toward the answer (the origin of the Ouiji board games).

* Carve an apple in a single peel; throw the apple over your left shoulder and turn to find your true love's initial formed by the peel.

* Eat an apple while looking in a mirror - look over your shoulder to try to catch the image of your true love in the background.

* Ask an apple a "yes" or "no" question, twist out the stem, saying, "yes..no" for each turn for the answer.

* Make a Samhain light by hollowing out an apple and putting a candle in it.

* Carve a "jack-o-lantern" out of a pumpkin, turnip or beet. When carving a small pumpkin or turnip, the carved lantern can be suspended from or on a stick and carried through the night as a ghostly lantern.

* When kindling a bonfire, place stones within the bonfire signifying people present - when the fire is ashes, note whether any of the stone are missing or misplaced - a portent of ill fortune to come.

* On Samhain night (early), find a field with kale or cabbage within. Without looking, pick one - the freshness of the leaves, the strength and form of the root will all give clues to the fortitude and form of your future life partner.

* Look into a well or pond or a cauldron or pot on Samhain night by candlelight - you will see your future love.

* Prepare three bowls of water or "luggies" - one clear, one cloudy, one empty. Blindfolded, have participants dip their finger in one bowl. If clear water is chosen, true love, cloudy leads to misbegotten love and the empty bowl portends a life just as empty. Two bowls, one of red colored water and one of blue can be prepared and used the same way - the blue bowl foretelling travel, the red bowl foretelling a good fortune.

* Bring the magic of reflective water indoor. Look in a mirror as you comb your hair and be aware of images that appear behind you or in your mind that foretell the future (as the looking glass holds the reflection of your soul, so it is bad luck to drop or break a mirror. The particular <>mirror and comb to be used should be utilized only for this type of scrying).

* Bake Colcannon (a dish with potatoes, parsnip and onion) or a cake with wax-paper wrapped tokens inside. Have a married person cut the food into pieces for distribution among adult participants. Given the possibility of choking, it is probably wise to bake an alternative cake for actual consumption. A key can mean a journey, a thimble for finding a job, wheel for traveling, coins for fortune, ring for marriage and health.

Feile na Marb - Supper for the Dead

* Light a candle or jack-o-lantern and keep it glowing late into the night to welcome the Hungry ghosts.

* On October 31 make a simple display of photographs and/or tokens of loved ones since passed. Write a brief message to each, burn the message in your bonfire or jack-o-lantern at evening's end to send the message to the Otherworld.

* Leave or designate an empty chair(s) at your table, leave a bit of food and drink for visiting spirits as well as any token or special object they loved in life (in the morning, throw food away as the spirits will have thankfully absorbed its essence).

* Hold hands with friends and family and lead a simple spiral dance throughout your space to welcome visiting spirits (always make sure to invite, never demand the attendance of the deceased.)

Have a pumpkin carving contest. This year, our local Witch's Ball is doing just that. What a fun thing to see all these adults bringing in their pumpkins, acting like kids.

Set up an altar for the dead. Consider mounting a new shelf in your home, in a place that is really dead space. Place photos in frames (or without) of ancestors, trinkets that you have of your forebears and a few candles. It doesn't need to be elaborate. If you are disconnected from your family of origin or if you are adopted, use anyone. Essentially, we are all one big tribe, if you get to thinking about it. This shelf can stay for good throughout the year, if you wish, for a seasonal altar or as a spell altar or even as a permanent ancestral altar.

Cook. Cook whatever your heart desires, whatever speaks to you of comfort, of closing the year out. Make large pots of soup and freeze them. Not only will you rejoice when there is something in your freezer on a night you don't want to cook, you will enjoy the kitchen witchery of cooking with intent.

Take inventory of your magic supplies. Clean out the old, powdery herbs and candles that you can't use again. Be ruthless and honest. Make a list of items you wish to purchase or need to purchase. You don't have to buy them all at once. Buying magic items slowly is often the only way because some things are just so expensive.

Consider what you might like to release during this time. Would it be bad feelings towards an ex-lover or a bad habit? With your family or by yourself, write whatever it is on a small piece of paper. Leave these on your altar for the celebration time and then burn during Samhain.

Go to the library and get books and books-on-tape and videos for the season. Scary ghost stories, harvest stories are great, both to read and on tape. Listen to scary ghost stories on tape with the lights out, on a quilt on the floor with a small Samhain picnic.

Activities that were done for Lughnassadh or Autumn Equinox are also appropriate to do during Samhain.

Victorian Halloween Games
From Miss Mary's Gazette.

From Games for All Occasions, 1909.

Hallow-een Souvenir Game
Suspend apples by means of strings in doorway or from ceiling at proper height to be caught between the teeth. First successful player receives prize. These prizes should be Hallow-een souvenirs, such as emery cushions or silk representing tomatoes, radishes, apples, pears, pickles; or pen-wipers representing brooms, bats, cats, witches, etc.

True-Lover Test

Two hazel-nuts are thrown into hot coals by maiden, who secretly gives a lovers name to each. If one nut bursts, then that lover is unfaithful; but if it burns with steady glow until it becomes ashes, she knows that her lover is true. Sometimes it happens, but not often, that both nuts burn steadily, and then the maidens heart is sore perplexed.

Ring and Goblet

Tie wedding-ring or key to silken thread or horse-hair, and hold it suspended within a glass; then say the alphabet slowly; whenever ring strikes glass, begin over again and in this way spell name of future mate.

Threading a Needle

Sit on round bottle laid lengthwise on floor, and try to thread a needle. First to succeed will be first married.

Alphabet Game

Cut alphabet from newspaper and sprinkle on surface of water; letters floating may spell or suggest name of future husband or wife.

Needle Game

Each person floats greased needle in basin of water. Impelled by attraction of gravitation, needles will act very curiously; some cling together, others rush to margin and remain. The manner in which one persons needle behaves towards anothers causes amusement, and is supposed to be suggestive and prophetic.

Winding Yarn

Throw a ball of yarn out of window but hold fast to one end begin to wind. As you wind, say, I wind, who holds? over and over again; before end of yarn is reached, face of future partner will appear in window, or name of sweetheart will be whispered in ear.

Winnowing Corn

Steal out into barn or garden alone and go three times through motions of throwing corn against the wind. The third time an apparition of future spouse will pass you; in some mysterious manner, also, you may obtain an idea of his (her) employment and station in life.

Pumpkin Alphabet

Carve all the letters of the alphabet on a medium sized pumpkin. Put it on a dish and set on a stand or table. Each guest in turn is blindfolded and given a hat-pin, then let to pumpkin, where he (she) is expected to stick pin into one of the letters on the pumpkin, thus indicating the initial of future life-partner.

Hiding Ring, Thimble and Penny

Hid ring, thimble and penny in room. To one who finds ring, speedy marriage is assured; thimble denotes life of single blessedness; penny promises wealth.

The Dreamer

If a maid wishes to know whom she is to marry, if a man of wealth, tradesman, or traveler, let her, on All-Hallow-een, take a walnut, hazelnut, and nutmeg; grate and mix them with butter and sugar into pills, and take when she goes to bed; and then, if her fortune be to marry a rich man, her sleep will be filled with gold dreams; if a tradesman, she will dream of odd noises and tumults; if a traveler, there will be thunder and lightning to disturb her.

Rose Test

Take two roses with long stems. Name one for yourself and one for your lover. Go toy our room without speaking to any one; kneel beside bed; twine stems of roses together, and repeat following lines, gazing intently on lovers rose:


Paper Mache Masks

It's easy, it's messy and it's cheap... Paper mache is the perfect craft for kids and adults. Basically you're taking glue, paper and paint and creating a work of art. Because it's so close to Samhain, I thought masks would be an appropriate project, but with a little imagination you can make all kinds of things from piggy banks to pinatas to plant pot holders. To start your project, first make an armature which is the skeleton over which the paper mache is molded. You can use your imagination here. For a simple mask which is easy for a child to do, you can use a balloon which is blown up to the size wanted. For a more complex mask with a better fit, you may first make a mold of the face and use that as an armature. To the basic armature you can add cardboard, toilet paper rolls, crumpled paper, tin foil etc. to get the shape you want. These can be glued or taped on. Then you apply the paper mache over top. With all paper mache projects, you need a basic glue mix:

1 part flour
3 parts water
1/4 -1/2 part white glue

If you don't have white glue you can skip it. I find it makes a tougher product, which is why I use it. If the paste seems too runny, add more flour; and if it's too thick, add more water. With experience, you learn to judge by just looking at it. You don't want too clumpy a glue because it gets odd bumps, but you don't want it so runny the paper slides off or rips. Next step is the paper. Once again you have a choice. The simpler method is to tear strips of paper (newspaper mostly but other papers can be used) and then either dip them in the glue and apply them to the surface, or apply glue to the surface, stick on the paper and brush more glue over top. Either way, you must remove excess glue. In the more complicated method, you make a paper mush and use it like clay. Soak shredded newspaper overnight in water; next day, boil the paper in the water until it is mush. Then you whisk the mixture until it is soft and pulpy. Drain out excess water and add enough glue to make a sort of dough. You can combine the two methods if you wish. If you are making the balloon mask, cover half the balloon with layers of the mache mix until you have the thickness desired. Then let it dry; it will take anywhere from a couple hours to a few days, depending on thickness of the project and warmth of the day. When it is completely dry, if the balloon hasn't already pulled away from the paper, then you simply break the balloon. The edges are then trimmed, and eye and mouth holes are cut. You can sand the edges and surface, if you wish. The mask can now be painted and any decorations like feathers or sequins can be glued on. With a molded mask you can apply Vaseline to the mold before you begin covering it with the mache. Except for not having to break it, the rest is the same as above.

Halloween Ornaments

These little ornaments are perfectly spooky, in a friendly kind of way. Definitely fun to make, perfect for hanging around for trick or treaters!

Glass ornaments
Acrylic Paint: passion, pumpkin, black, leaf green
Jones Tones Dimensional Paint: black, pearl green, red
Glow in the dark paint
Water based varnish
Masking Tape
Ribbon orange, purple, black
Shrink plastic
Scraps of black and orange felt

What you do:
Clean ornaments first. Use glass cleaner or rubbing alcohol inside and out, wipe with a paper towel to dry. Be sure the inside is dry if you put paint in it.

You can pour paint inside and roll around to cover completely then place open end in a paper cup to drip out excess paint. Alternatively, you can sponge 2 or 3 coats of paint on the outside. After features are painted on, these will need a coat of water based varnish.

The caps can be painted if you like to match the ball. The paint on this will not stick as well, so handle carefully. They do look better painted! After the caps are replaced, tie a bow around just below the cap using appropriate color of ribbon.

Cat - black ball: Cut larger ear from black felt and smaller piece from orange felt. Glue orange pieces to black pieces. Use the black dimensional paint for glue. Paint on eyes, mouth, nose, whiskers. Let dry. You can add glow in the dark on eyes and teeth. Attach ears with black dimensional paint. Let dry.

Spider - purple ball: (pictured above) Cut legs from shrink plastic. Paint purple to match ball, 2 or 3 coats to cover. Use black dimensional paint for mouth, nose and eyes. Fill eyes with glow in the dark paint. Let dry. Use black dimensional paint to glue legs on. Use masking tape to hold while drying.

Bat - black ball: Cut wings from shrink plastic. Paint same color as ball on one side. Use dimensional paint to outline the other side. Let dry. Use the green pearl to make the eyes, nose, mouth and teeth. Fill eyes and teeth with white or glow in the dark paint. Use shiny red for pupils and drops of blood below teeth. Let dry. Use Dimensional black paint to glue wings in place with outlined side to the front, hold till dry with masking tape.

Make a besom, or witches broom.
Make Your Own Besom
4ft dowel- 1" in diameter or a tree branch of the same approximate size
Ball of twine
Thin willow twigs
Broomcorn or pliable herb stock

Take the straw or other herb stalk that you have chosen and soak overnight in luke warm salted water. The water swells the stalk slightly for bending without breakage, and the salt dispels former energies. When ready, remove stalks from the water and dry for just a bit. Not too much or the stalk will stiffen up, again. Place the dowel on a table where you have room to work. Start lining the stalks along the dowel , about 3 inches from the bottom, moving backwards. Begin binding the stalks to the dowel with the twine. Tie very securely. You may add as many layers as you like, depending on how full you want the Besom to be. When stalks are secure, gently bend the top stalks down over the binding. When all have been bent over, secure the stalks again with more twine a couple of inches under the first binding. Allow to air dry for a day or two. The dowel can then be stained, painted, or carved into to make personal. Remember to concentrate and charge at the next full moon

Make a witches ladder for protection or as an ex-pression of what you hope to manifest in the year ahead.

Witches' Ladder
This charm can be of two varieties. One is a general-purpose charm of protection and good luck, the other for a specific purpose.

Supplies needed for a general purpose charm:

A length of White Cord
A length of Red Cord
A length of Black Cord
Nine Feathers, each of a Different Color

Red for physical vitality, Blue for mental abilities, peace and protection
Yellow for cheerfulness and prosperity
Green for growth and health
Brown for stability and respect
Black for mystical wisdom
Iridescent Black for mystical insight
Barred Black, Gray or White for balance and harmony
Feathers with "eyes" such as peacock feathers for protection and inner clairvoyant vision

If it is possible, make the Ladder on the night of a Full Moon. Arrange your alter and cast a circle. Use about a yard of each color yarn. Tie the ends together then braid the yarn together while you say:

Yarn of Red, Black, and White
Work Your magic spell this night.

Repeat this until the braid is finished. Braiding is a magickal act because it makes three strands into one. This represents the three aspects of the Goddess in one. Tie a knot at the end of the braid.

Starting at about a foot from the beginning of the braid, tie a feather with a knot around the base and say:

With this feather and this string
(state purpose) this charm will bring

Tie all nine feathers to the cord, spacing them as evenly as possible. Tie the ends of the cord together to form a circle. Pass the finished Ladder above a candle flame then incense smoke. Sprinkle it with consecrated water and say:

In the names of the Goddess and the God
By Air, Earth, Fire and Water
I consecrate this charm
Of feathers nine and cord of three
As I will, so mote it be!

Hang the Ladder where it will not be seen by others but where you will see it every day.

Samhain Oil and Incense

Protection Oil

1 dram olive oil
1 dram Patchouli oil
1 tsp. broken pieces of Mandrake Root
1 dram Cinnamon Oil
3 heaping tsp. coarse sea salt ground very fine
1 dram Myrrh Oil

In a clean metal bowl, mix the olive oil, sea salt, and mandrake root. Mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Transfer the mixture to a clean sterilized jar. Using a dropper, add the essential oils. Swirl the essential oils into the base oil/salt/mandrake mixture, don't stir. Gently rotate the oil clockwise. Store the oil away from heat, light and moisture in an airtight glass bottle.

Samhain Incenses

Patchouli leaves
Bay Leaf
Oak Leaf
2 drops Cinnamon Oil

Place ingredients in a bowl. The Cinnamon Oil is a resin used to bond the ingredients and retain scent. Burn in a safe dish or other burner on an instant light charcoal briquette.


1 Part Powdered Allspice
1 Part Ground Black Pepper
2 Parts Clove Powder
1 Part Myrrh (small resin chunks)
12 Parts lightly crushed Rose Petals
from paganpath.com


1 Part crushed Mugwort Leaves
1 Part Frankincense Tears (small resin chunks)
1 Part Myrrh Resin (small chunks)
2 Parts crushed Rosemary Leaves
from paganpath.com

Ghost from juice can lid

Spray paint the lids white. Provide the kids with hammers and nails, and have them punch four or five holes along the inside of the rim, trying to space them out evenly, if possible. Provide a rough piece of board underneath for the nails to punch through. Turn lid over and with the hammer, gently tap the sharp edges down. Safety first!

Tear strips of white muslin or old bed sheets into strips and using a pen or screwdriver, push the end of the strip through from the front to the back. No need for gluing...the rough edges of the lid will catch into the material and it will stay quite nicely. Punch another hole at the opposite end (top) and attach string or yarn for hanging. Glue on huge
googly eyes and you have a ghost! You can also use markers or paint to create ghostie features on the face.

Ghost pin
Take a cotton ball, put a safety pin thru the back, glue 2 eyes on. You have a simple pin.

Spider pin

1 black pom pom ball
1 smaller purple pompom ball (Any color is fine, but this is the sizes and colors that we had.)
2 pipe cleaners cut to make small spider legs.
1 safety pin

Glue the two pom pom balls together. Glue the eyes on the smaller pom pom. Hot glue gun the legs on the bottom of the larger pom pom. Shove the safety pin through the bottom and you have a cute little spider pin.

Halloween Little People Ghosts
Materials needed:
One empty 2 ltr. bottle
Two pieces of PVC pipe in 12 to 13 inch lengths
Masking tape
One 6 Styrofoam ball
Pair of toddler shoes
Pair of toddler pants
Square of white fabric roughly 24 x 24
Black felt for eyes
Small plastic pumpkin basket with handle

Holding the two liter bottle upside down, securely tape the PVC pipe to form legs. Wrap the tape around several times. Pull the pants of the legs and body securing with rubber bands at the waist. Hot glue the inside of the shoes and insert the PVC pipe. Hot glue the Styrofoam head to the flat side of the upside down bottle. Hold in place until glue dries. The doll should be able to stand. If not, adjust the tape. Drape the square white cloth over the head. Cut eyes from black felt and glue on. Sew the plastic pumpkin basket to the front of the ghost.

Fake Hand
Take a plastic glove that would have been in the first aid kit. Fill it about 2/3 full or slightly less with bird seed and tie the wrist part with a couple of good knots. paint red finger nail on the glove and you have a fake hand ready to set on the edge of goodie plates or in candy boxes whatever to give a fright.

A dangling spider

With an adults help, use a ballpoint pen to poke a hole in the bottom of a film canister. Thread yarn through the hole, and make a large knot at the end inside the canister. For legs, cut four 7-inch-by-1/2 inch strips of felt. Spread glue around the inside edge of the canister lid. Place the legs on the lid (over the glue) so that their centers overlap in the middle. Squeeze glue around the open edge of the canister, then push it hard into the lid. Make eyes from paper (or use googly eyes), and glue them on. Hang your spider by the yarn or make him dance along the floor. If youve done this right, the film canister should be closed up, with the lid at the bottom and the legs between the canister and the lid.

Yarn Pumpkin

You need a round balloon, orange thread and white glue to start. Cover your work area with newspaper. Inflate a ROUND balloon and tie it closed. Wind a large amount of orange yarn or heavyweight crochet thread around your hand. Squeeze white glue all over thread. It should coat the thread. In one hand, hold the thread end and the knot of the balloon. With your other (thread-covered) hand, wrap the thread around the balloon, unwinding it from your hand as you go. If you need more yarn, repeat the steps. The effect should appear airy and open. When done, set the balloon in a cup. When the glue has dried, pop the balloon. (Overnight or several hours) An orange thread pumpkin will be left. To make a stem, glue green paper onto an empty thread spool. Glue the stem on top of the pumpkin, pressing down a little. For vines, bend green chenille sticks around threads on the pumpkin then wrap the ends around a pencil. Cut facial features from felt. Glue them on the pumpkin.

Gourd Candles

The gourd's natural form lends a lovely organic feel to an autumnal table. And since no two gourds are ever identical, these candles are all variations on a single theme, but no two will ever be exactly alike. Use beeswax for a fresh, sweet smell and a long, slow burn.

Wicks come in flat-braided, square-braided, and cored styles and in a range of sizes. Choosing the right wick for the candle you are making is important; it will have considerable impact on the success of your candle. Suppliers of wick material usually classify candles by diameter. The larger the diameter of the candle, the larger the wick you will need. Square-braided wicks are the best choice for beeswax candles, pillars, and blocks.

Acorn squash
Bleached beeswax (1 pound for a 2-pound squash)
Paring knife
6-inch chef's knife
Melon baller
Ceramic's trimming tool
Utility knife
Pencil or chop stick
Aniline dyes (we used gold and blue)
Wicks and wick tabs
Tin cans or dishes of aluminum foil (to hold gourd in
place as wax cools)
Candy thermometer

1. Set aside one acorn squash for every candle you want to make. Cut off the top of each squash with a paring knife. Make opening large enough so that you can remove seeds and pulp. Using a melon baller, scoop out the seeds and flesh. Sculpt the inside of the squash, letting the contours of the exterior act as a guide. Use a ceramists trimming tool to carve out the remaining flesh, getting as close to the skin as you can without breaking through. Clear out any chunks with a dry paintbrush. Make sure the interior of the squash is clear and well defined.

2. Using a double boiler, melt the wax to a temperature of 180 degrees (check temperature with a candy thermometer). You will need approximately 1 pound of wax for each 2-pound squash (it takes about 20 minutes to melt a 1-pound block of wax).

3. As the wax melts, add the dye. Aniline dyes are very concentrated, so all you need is a small chip. Use a utility knife to chip off a few tiny pieces. Allow the dye to melt into the wax.

4. While the wax is heating, cut a piece of wicking 3 inches longer than the height of the squash. Attach a metal wick tab to one end. Crimp the tab shut using pliers.

5. Prime the wick by saturating it with wax; this eliminates trapped air. Dip the wick into the wax for 60 seconds. You will see air bubbles exiting the braid. Keep the wick submerged in the wax until there are no more air bubbles. Remove the wick, and pull it taut until it cools.

6. Set the squash in a tin can, or make a dish out of foil, to steady it as you work. Pour the melted wax into the squash, just shy of the top. Pour slowly to avoid creating air bubbles. Be sure to wipe the water from the bottom of the pot so you don't drip any water into the wax. Drop the wick into the wax at the squash's center (it will sink to the bottom). Place the pencil across the top of the gourd, and wrap or tie the wick around the pencil.

7. Let the squash sit until it is cool to the touch, 4 to 5 hours. (If the center of the candle sinks during cooling, you can add more hot wax.)

8. When the squash is cool, peel away the skin. It may be necessary to score the surface with a utility knife. The skin of the gourd should break away easily, leaving a uniquely formed candle. The flesh of the squash will endow your candle with a beautiful texture and patina.

9. Flatten the bottom of your candle so that it sits properly by rubbing it against a flat heated surface to melt and flatten it slightly. An old pie tin set briefly atop the double boiler will do the trick. Place the candle on the heated tin, and simply move it in a circular motion until the candle sits squarely on a flat surface. Place the candle on parchment paper, and let it cool.

Scented Apple Wreath

Create a delightful wreath that will fill your kitchen with the scent of fresh apples!

Craft wire
5-6 apples
A sharp kitchen knife
A wide knitting needle or long nail
Ground cinnamon
Ground cloves
Raffia or ribbons

Step 1: Before slicing each apple, you may wish to push a knitting needle or nail down the length of it along the core to make it easier to wire the wreath later.

Step 2: Slice the apples thinly across the core. The average thickness should be about 1/8 inch.

Step 3: Arrange the apples on a drying tray, or on cookie sheets. Sprinkle gently with the ground spices, and place in food dryer or in the oven on low heat for several hours, until dry.

Step 4: When the apples are dry, simply string them like beads onto the wire form into a circlet, and wind the wire at the connection to make a hook.

Step 5: You can hide the hook and decorate the wreath by attaching a bow of raffia or ribbon to the top, where the connection is made.

Tip: Preserve your wreath by spraying it with acrylic craft spray.

Apple Dolls
By Lady Skylark

1 large red apple
1 Ear of DRIED corn
Several ears of fresh corn, preferably from your own garden.
2 Whole Cloves
Paring Knife
lemon juice or vinegar (white)

With a paring knife peel the apple and carve a face in it making sure to exaggerate the features somewhat (shrinkage). Insert the cloves where the eyes will be. The apple will shrink around them. For an old-woman doll -REALLY exaggerate the features. For a child doll use a mostly flat face and just slightly cut a mouth-slit.

Render the dried corn from the husk - throwing out the silks and reserving the outer husk. I save the dried corn for Offerings later.

The corn-cob becomes the "body"- you can shape it (make an indentation for the waist) with your knife. Using the paring knife shave the narrow end of the cob to a point and impale the apple head upon it. Paint the "Head" with lemon juice or white vinegar while you work. You don't want it to get too brown too fast.

Now for the FUN

The fresh corn silk can be laid upon the 'head' in layers. It is held in place by green corn shuck - stripped down to 1/4" widths and wrapped over the head tightly and bound around the neck and tied to the body in a figure-8 medical wrap. Makes a bonnet.

Arms are fashioned in a similar manner by rolling the shucks lengthwise and bending in half. The same figure-8 is used to attach them. (Use a square-knot).

Now you can lay your doll down and begin on the 'Skirt'. Lay layers of shucks under the "Body" and around to the waist (Pointy side up). Strip several shucks into thin strips and tie a tight and thin belt to affix the skirt to the body.

Now the dried shucks. Use a LARGE dry shuck and split evenly in the middle lengthwise - just big enough for the head to fit through and no larger. Pull this "Apron" over the "Head" and then tie a large green cummerbund at the waist. I leave my dolls without panties

But if you choose to add them you will add them prior to doing the skirt. Use 1 dried shuck and bind the bottom of the cob. THEN lie the doll down on the skirt-shucks and begin layering.

Apple= Symbolic of the Goddess
Clove= Symbolic of the God and His Seed
Shucks tied in thus manner=Symbolic of life's paths
Silk=Symbolic of fertility
Cob=Symbolic of death
Corn for Offering=Symbolic of life
Green vs Dried Shucks = Symbolic of the Cycle

Hope this helps. Grammy and I made these dolls and the old woman dolls - they look REALLY cool when they shrivel and are GREAT lil' witches at Samhain.

Magic Mirrors
To make a magick mirror, you need:
An 8X10 photo frame with a removable back and removable glass
Black high-gloss paint (not aerosol spray)
Dried and *powdered* psychic-enhancing herbs: hyssop, dragon's blood, reed, orris root, anise seed, and any variety of dried moss.
A disposable mixing container
A paintbrush

Collect the items during the waning Moon. Mix paint and herbs together until you have a thick, tar-like substance.

Here's a chant while mixing:
"Vision of night, By the Moon's dark light, enter my art! All evil depart!"

As you chant, imagine Moonbeams entering the paint through your hands. Paint one side of the glass with the paint-herb mixture using long, straight strokes. Cover one surface completely, leaving no holes. When dry, re-assemble with painted side down (the unpainted, shiny part shows through the frame).

Many people don't go to all this trouble. They simply spray paint the back of a frame glass with black enamel. Just depends on what you want to do.

Witch Balls
Samhain is a good time to make Witch Balls because doing so ensures walking into the new year protected.

How To Make A Protection Witch Ball
Glass ball or Yule ornament with an opening
Bottle of silver paint
A spool of read thread
Few drops of frankincense or patchouli oil

Cover you working space with newspaper to protect against spills. Take the metal cap off the ornament. Carefully pour a little of the silver paint inside the ball and swish it around until the inside is completely covered with the silver. Set it aside to dry. I use egg cartons to hold the balls as the paint dries. I do it at night, doing a layer each night for a few nights.

When the paint is totally dry, cut the red thread into three inch-lengths. Carefully poke this thread into the open end of the ball. Continue cutting and putting the thread into the ball until the ball is nearly full. Put in a few drops of oil. Then put the end back on the ornament. If it has no end, seal it with candle wax. When you hang the protection ball, chant:

"Symbol of the Moon, symbol of the Lady divine, reject all negativity, defend this home (car), me and mine".

This protection ball can be hung in the window of your home or in your car. Any negative thoughts or ill-wishes directed against you are reflected back to the sender. You can also decorate the outside with appropriate designs. You can put them onto wreaths or make them part of a dried flower arrangement. Programmed for protection, these little Witch balls do a very good job.

Floating Apple Votives
2 bags of small, cheap apples from the grocer
20 tea lights
Large galvanized bucket to float votives in
Small paring knife
Permanent marker

Fill up the bucket with water. Float each apple in it, marking which part is up in order to cut the apple in a fashion that it will not be top-heavy. At the top of the apple, cut out an area big enough to slip the tea light in tightly. Continue on with each apple. Float and light. Enjoy.

Spider Candles
Thick pillar candle
Bag of small plastic spiders
Low temp glue gun

Squirt a wee bit of glue out onto a plastic spider. Quickly place it on the candle. Alternately, you can heat up an area of the candle with a blow dryer and squish the spider into the candle.

Spider Soap
1 bar glycerin soap, grated
dried apple chips
grated cinnamon
grated ginger
soap moulds
plastic spiders

Mix the soap, apples, cinnamon, and ginger in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds. Pour into soap moulds. Add the soap begins to harden push in the spiders.

Braided Altar Rug

Braided rug making instructions: use those old fabric scraps! In order to create your own braided rag rug, you will need only a few supplies. The most important of these supplies is a variety of leftover scrap material. The scraps can be of any type and any pattern. The only requirement is that the scraps must measure at least two inches wide. Scraps wider than two inches should be cut into two inch strips and set aside for easy use. For those who don't have many scraps, I suggest checking with area thrift stores before purchasing new fabric. Often, scraps are donated and can be bought for very little cash. You will also need thread in either a clear nylon or a color to match the general mood of the fabrics chosen, and a thick, sturdy needle (a curved upholstery needle works best, but any thick needle will work).

Putting it All Together

The first task necessary before braiding can commence is to prepare the strips for braiding. Make sure you have cut all fabric into two inch strips. Then sew each strip together end-to-end with right sides facing until you have three long strips. The longer the strips, the larger the rug will be, and vice versa. You may use more than three strips if you are familiar with the process. If you are worried about frays along the cut ends, spray the strips with a spray adhesive or Fraycheck. In the event that neither of these are available to you, clear fingernail polish will also work when applied to the edges; however, this method takes a great deal of time and patience. It's perfectly okay to braid the strips with no treatment. The frays that eventually evidence themselves add character to the rug and add more of a country flair to the finished work.

Next, tie the three strips together. Place something heavy on the tied end (or have someone hold it for you) to make braiding easier. Begin braiding using the method most familiar to you. You can remove the heavy object (or release your helper from holding on to the other end) when you feel you've braided enough to prevent the tied end from twisting as you go.

When you have all your strips braided, sew the loose ends together. Carefully coil the braid on the floor, starting from the center and working your way outward. For a circular rug, simply coil in a circle, starting with a very small coil. For an oval, lay approximately one foot of braided strips along the floor. Holding the strip down firmly, begin the coil around the one foot braid. Feel free to experiment with other shapes until you find the one that suits you best.

When you have finally shaped the rug into the pattern you desire, start sewing the rows of coil to each other, keeping all stitches on the top side of the rug. Once secured tightly, fasten off.

If you wish to add a non-slip surface to your finished rug, you have several options. The two simplest (and cheapest) ways are paint and rubber backing. By adding designs with Puff Paint (found in the craft aisle of your local department store), you create a unique surface that will grip most vinyl and hardwood floors. Just be sure the paint is completely dry before placing the rug on the floor, or your rug may actually stick. An alternative method would be to buy some of the rubber backing used in drains, cabinets, and counters. Your local Dollar General or Family Dollar will usually carry these at a very reasonable price. Use liquid Super Glue to adhere the rubber to the rug. Trim along the edges as necessary.

That's it! Enjoy your rug!


This is a great project for any age. The colors come from the chlorophyll in the leaves.
Parental supervision is recommended.

This project is rated VERY EASY to do.

What You Need:
* Fresh moist fall leaves
* Unbleached muslin material (available at any material store and is very inexpensive)
* Scissors
* Glue
* Old newspapers
* Hammer or wooden blocks
* Heavy paper like grocery bag or construction paper
* Grocery sack for leaf retrieval
* Hard work surface

How To Make It
1. Take a nice fall walk outside.

2. Pick any up leaves that you like. Different colors and shapes make the best designs. I've used red maple, ferns, maple, daisy leaves. Try to stick to leaves, as flower petals do not work very well.

3. Use caution not to pick up Poison Ivy, Sumac or Poison Oak or any other poisonous leaves in your area.

4. Using scissors cut your muslin material to desired size. I used a 12 inch by 12 inch square, but any size or shape will do.

5. Place old newspaper on a hard working surface. This will help to keep the color from "bleeding" through the material and onto the floor, and also to protect the work surface from the hammer.

6. Place muslin on prepared hard work surface.

7. Place one leaf anywhere on the material.

8. Using your hammer or wooden block, bang on the entire leaf. This can get quite noisy depending on your group size, but it would not be fun if it wasn't loud!

9. Continue to place one leaf at a time on your material, and hammer each one completely. You can place a new leaf on parts of an old leaf.

10. You may have some leaf parts left on the material. Just let them "dry" a little then brush them off.

11. When finished with leaf prints, cut heavy paper in a frame design. Remember to cut the inside hole smaller than the actual picture for easier attachment.

12. Glue leaf print to back side of paper frame. Be sure to make the brighter side of the print the part you will see.

13. Make sure to wash you hands at the end as the color from the leaves may stain little hands.

14. TA DA! A picture worthy of hanging on any wall!

Samhain Door Wreath
Author Unknown *Shared with me via Hearth and Home Witchery A great group of people!*

Items from Nature
Fine wire
Sheet of corrugated cardboard
Collection sack
Small nail

First, take a Nature hike. Have the child collect items from nature, such as pinecones, seeds, leaves, berry bunches (remind the child how important it is to thank the plant for its gift, and to take only what is needed.), acorns and caps, flowers, etc.

When you get home, spread out collection on some newspaper. Cut out a circle about 15" in diameter, from the cardboard. Cut a smaller circle out of the middle. Have the child choose which objects go where on the cardboard background, and hand the object to you. Wrap the wire around each object so it can be fastened to the cardboard. Poke two small holes in the cardboard ring for each item. Feed the wire through and twist in back. Keep fastening objects onto the ring until it is full and no cardboard shows.

Hang the wreath on the front door with the nail. (Explain that "wreaths of bounty" used to symbolize giving thanks for a prosperous year, and an invitation for others less fortunate to share in the good fortune.)


Nutter Butter Ghosts
Dip the nutter butter cookies in melted almond bark and place 2 mini chocolate chips on for the eyes while still wet. These turn out into real cute ghosts.

Oreo Black Cats
Oreo cookies
Candy corn
Red licorice string
Black tinted frosting

Place the M&Ms on the Oreo for the eyes use the frosting to glue them in place. Place the candy corn on the top of the Oreo to resemble ears use frosting to hold in place. Make a red licorice mouth and whiskers and attach with frosting. You can use a chocolate chip or a brown or black M&M for the nose and attach with frosting.

Cranberry Pumpkin Bread

2 eggs, beaten slightly
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 cup cooked pumpkin
2 1/4 cups flour
1 cup chopped cranberries
1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine eggs, sugar, vegetable oil, and pumpkin, mixing well. Combine flour, pumpkin pie spice, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the center of the batter and add the pumpkin. Stir in cranberries. Spoon batter into 2 greased and floured loaf pans. Bake for 1 hour.

Autumn Bread

2/3 cup shortening
3 cups sugar
4 eggs, well beaten
1 1/4 cups cooked pumpkin
2/3 cup water
3 1/2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
Chopped nuts (optional)

Mix all ingredients together and pour into two greased loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 1 hour.

Crockpot Apple Pie

8 Tart Apples peeled and sliced
1 1/4 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
3/4 cup milk
2 tablespoons butter soften
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup Bisquick
1 cup Bisquick
1/3 cup brown sugar
3 tablespoons cold butter

Toss apples in large bowl with cinnamon, allspice, and nutmeg. Place in lightly greased crockpot. Combine milk, softened butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla, and the 1/2 c Bisquick. Spoon over apples.

Combine the 1 cup Bisquick and brown sugar. Cut the cold butter into mixture until crumbly. Sprinkle this mixture over top of apple mixture.

Cover and cook on low 6-7 hours or until apples are soft.

Smoked Pork Loin with Braised Apple
Pork: symbol of abundance for the year ahead.
Apple:promote love, joy, and good perspectives.
If you can't smoke your meat bake it and add some liquid smoke flavoring instead.

Prep time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 4 hours
Serves: 6-8

Pork Loin
1/3 cup dijon mustard
1 cup brown sugar
8 cups apple cider
3 Ibs. pork loin
1 bag smoking wood (apple or hickory, about 30 cubic inches)
4 pieces hickory-smoked bacon

Braised apples
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp. fresh ginger root, ground or grated
6 firm granny smith or honeycrisp apples, diced
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup bourbon

Mix mustard, brown sugar and apple cider. Put 2/3 in a bag with pork loin. Marinate in fridge 24 hours, turning bag regularly.
The remaining mixture will be used to baste the meat on the smoker.

Next day, drain mariande from loin. Let it sit at room temp while you prepare smoker.

When its ready, place loin in smoker and put bacon on top.

Turn every 30 minutes, taking off bacon, basting, then replacing it. For four hours.

Let rest 30 minutes before serving.

While its resting, make braised apples by melting the butter and ginger in a skillet. Add apples, sugar and bourbon.

Cook on low heat for 20 minutes (you want the apples to have some firmness). Use as a side dish or garnish on the pork.

Sweet Samhain Carrot and Parsnips

Root vegetables are traditional, as they provide strong foundations.

Prep time: 15 min.
Cook time: 35 min.
Serves: 3-4

1/2 Ib. carrots
1/2 Ib. parsnips
Olive oil, salt, pepper
1 Tbsp. butter
1 tsp. honey
1/2 tsp. balsamic vinegar

Cut carrots and parsnips into french fry sized sticks, then toss them with a drizzle of olive oil (enough to coat) and salt/pepper to taste.

Place in 400 degree oven on an oiled cookie sheet, turning every 10 minute for 30 minutes until tender roasted.

Turn off the oven and let rest while you make the honey sauce by melting the butter with honey and balsamic vinegar. Place the vegetables in a bowl and toss. Serve hot.

Spice of Life Wine

2 cups orange juice
1 orange, sliced in 1/4th inch rounds
2 sticks cinnamon
5 whole cloves
1 vanilla bean, split
1 quart burgundy wine
1/2 cup sugar

Place ingredients in a nonreactive pot (clay, enamel, glass, or stainless steel) over a low flame. Warm for 15 minutes (do not boil). Stir regularly to ensure sugar dissolves. Serve hot

Beer-Basted Rib Eye Roast
6 to 8 servings

1 (3-pound) boneless rib eye roast
4 garlic cloves, peeled and sliced into thin slivers
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
1 (12-ounce) bottle dark beer
1/2 cup beef broth

Preheat oven to 450°F. Cut slits 1-inch deep into top of roast at regular intervals and insert garlic into slits. Rub soy sauce over all sides of roast then sprinkle with pepper. Place roast into pan and scatter onions around it. Cook roast for 30 minutes then reduce heat to 350°F. Pour 1/4 cup
beer over roast then continue cooking for 75 minutes for medium-rare or until desired doneness, basting with beer every 30 minutes. Remove roast to cutting board and let sit 10 minutes. Meanwhile, add any remaining beer and the beef broth to pan. Cook over medium-high heat and deglaze by stirring to dislodge brown bits on bottom of pan. Simmer 3 to 4 minutes then season to taste with salt and pepper. Slice roast and serve with pan juices.

Samhain Meat Pie

1 bay leaf
10 bacon slices
1 pound sliced thickly mushrooms
2 leeks or onionschopped into 1 inch pieces
3 carrots chopped into 1 inch pieces
1 chicken, cut into serving portions
3 TBS chopped parsley
3 sliced potatoes, peeled or not
1 TBS red wine vinegar
2 cloves garlic, optional

Place the bay leaf into the bottom of a Dutch oven or cauldron. (You will need a lid.) Place half the bacon over the leaf and cover with half of the mushrooms, leeks and carrots. Place the meat pieces atop the vegetables and then cover with the rest of the mushrooms, leeks and carrots. Season to taste, adding half of the chopped parsley, and one of the crushed garlic cloves. (Extra water or broth can be added if thought necessary, just not too much.) Place the potatoes on top of everything else. Add a bit more salt and pepper, the rest of the garlic and parsley. Place the rest of the bacon over this and pour the red wine vinegar over them. Place a tight lid on the pot and cook in the oven at 325 degrees for two hours. Do not check inside too often, as it will dry out the meat. Be sure to discard the bay leaf.

Dinosaur Ribs
4 to 6 servings

1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon dried thyme
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon salt
6 to 7 pounds beef back ribs, trimmed and cut into individual ribs
1/4 cup barbecue sauce

Preheat the oven to 375°F. Line a large roasting pan with aluminum foil then place a roasting rack in the pan. Coat the rack with nonstick cooking spray. In a small bowl, combine the cumin, oregano, thyme, chili powder, garlic powder, and salt; mix well. Rub the seasoning mixture evenly over the ribs. Place the ribs on the roasting rack, overlapping them if necessary. Roast uncovered for 1 hour.Brush the ribs with the barbecue sauce and roast, uncovered, for 25 to 30 more minutes, or until the ribs are tender and cooked through. Serve immediately. NOTE: Serve with additional barbecue sauce on the side.

Irish Holiday Potatoes

12 medium potatoes; peeled, cooked & mashed
2 eggs; well beaten
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 tsp. salt
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup sour cream
1/4 cup sliced green onions
1/2 cup milk

Mix potatoes with remaining ingredients. Mix well, but lightly; do
not whip! Place in a greased 9" round casserole dish and bake in a
preheated 350° oven for 45 minutes.

Sweet Potato and Apple Bake

1 large (1/4 lb) sweet potato
3 medium Golden Delicious apples
1 teaspoons lemon juice
1 large leek
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter or margarine, softened
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1/8 teaspoon ground pepper
1/4 cups apple juice
2 tablespoons unseasoned bread crumbs
1 tablespoon brown sugar

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Peel and thinly slice sweet potato. Peel, core, and cut apples into 1/4-inch-thick slices. Place apples in bowl and add water to cover; add lemon Juice. Trim off top of leek 1 inch above white; discard top and root end. Cut leek lengthwise in half and clean well under running cold water. Thlnly slice leek crosswise. Drain apples well; pat dry. Grease 1 1/2-quart casserole with 1 table-spoon butter. Place one third of apples in bottom of casserole; top with one third of leek slices and one third of sweet potato. Season with salt and pepper. Repeat to make 2 more layers. Dot top of casserole with 2 tablespoons butter; pour apple juice over all. Cover
tightly with lid or aluminum foil and bake 45 minutes. Meanwhile, to make topping, in small sauce-pan, melt remaining 1 ta- blespoon butter; stir in bread crumbs and brown sugar until well combined. Uncover casserole and sprinkle with topping. Bake uncovered 10 to 15 minutes longer or until potato slices are tender. Serve immediately. Yield: 6 Servings

Samhain Sweet Potatoes in a Pumpkin Shell

2 quart sized pumpkin
1/3 cup flour
1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup flaked coconut
1 cup brown sugar
3 cups cooked mashed sweet potatoes (or canned yams)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1/3 cup melted butter
2 beaten eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup mini marshmallows (optional)

Combine potatoes, sugar, vanilla, coconut, spices, flour and pecans. Mix well. Cut the top of the pumpkin open and scoop out the seeds and fibre. Fill the hollowed pumpkin with the potato mixture. Mix the butter, milk, and eggs together. Sprinkle over the top of the potato mixture. Place the filled pumpkin in a large baking dish. Replace the pumpkin top. Bake at 375 degrees (F) for forty-five minutes. (45 min) Remove the lid and place the mini marshmallows on top (if used). Bake until the marshmallows are melted and turning golden. Allow pumpkin to cool for 10 minutes before serving directly from the shell. http://www.knowledgehound.com/topics/pagan

Colcannon by Edain McCoy

Potatoes, harvested from August to October, were a part of the feast in Ireland where they were made into a Samhain dish known as colcannon.

4 cups Mashed Potatoes
2-1/2 cups Cabbage, cooked and chopped fine
1/2 cup Butter (avoid corn oil margarines as they will not add the needed body and flavor)
1/2 cup Evaporated Milk or Cream
3/4 cup Onion, chopped very fine and sauteed
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1/8 teaspoon White Pepper

Saute onions (traditionalists saute in lard or grease, but butter is acceptable). Boil the potatoes and mash them (do not use artificial potato flakes). In a large pan place all of the ingredients except the cabbage and cook over low heat while blending them together. Turn the heat to medium and add the chopped cabbage. The mixture will take on a pale green cast. Keep stirring occasionally until the mixture is warm enough to eat. Serves 8. (The above "Colcannon" recipe is quoted directly from Edain McCoy's book "The Sabbats: A New Approach to Living the Old Ways", page 38, Llewellyn Publications, 1994.)

Festival Tortellini
4 to 6 servings

1 (26-ounce) jar spaghetti sauce
2 (9-ounce) packages Italian sausage-filled tortellini (fresh or frozen and thawed)
1-1/2 cups water
1 large green bell pepper, cut into 1-inch chunks
1 medium onion, cut into thin wedges
1 (4-ounce) can mushrooms, drained
2 cups (8 ounces) shredded mozzarella cheese

Preheat the oven to 350°F. In a 9" x 13" baking dish, combine all the ingredients except the cheese; mix well. Cover tightly with aluminum foil and bake for 25 minutes. Remove from the oven, stir, cover, and bake for 20 more minutes. Remove the foil, sprinkle with the cheese, and bake, uncovered, for 5 more minutes, or until the cheese is melted. Serve immediately.

Taffy Apple Salad

1 (20 ounce) can pineapple chunks
2 cups miniature marshmallows
1 1/2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
2 cups chopped red apple
1 1/2 cups raw Spanish peanuts
1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed
Drain Pineapple juice into medium saucepan. Combine pineapple chunks and marshmallows into bowl and refrigerate. Add vinegar, sugar, egg and flour to pineapple juice; mix well. Cook over medium heat until thick. Remove from heat and refrigerate until chilled. Combine juice mixture with pineapple and marshmallows. Add apples, peanuts and whipped topping. Mix well and chill before serving

Stuffed Monster Heads

Quick and easy to make they are savory and look great! Use a variety of different colored peppers and a barbecued beef and couscous filling that is super quick to prepare. Any color peppers can be used, and the filling can be made from leftover rice, barley, or other small pasta could be used in place of the couscous if desired. You could also use your family's favorite stuffed pepper filling if you think they would like it better than the "monster brain" filling. You can also used uncooked peppers decorated in the same way to hold dips for vegetables and chips.

6 small bell peppers, any color
1 tablespoon cooking oil
1 minced onion
2 minced garlic cloves
1 1/2 pounds ground beef or turkey
3 cups cooked couscous
1/4 cup water
2 cups barbecue sauce
Blue food coloring
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
12 asparagus spears
12 pimento stuffed green olives

Cut the tops off of each pepper and reserve the tops. Remove the veins and seeds from each pepper. Place the peppers cut side up in a shallow microwave safe dish and cover with plastic wrap. Pierce the plastic wrap with a fork. Microwave on high for 4 minutes. While the peppers are cooking, Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add the onion and sauté until translucent. Add the garlic and sauté for a minute and then add the ground beef. Brown the beef well, and then add the couscous and water. Bring to a boil and break up the couscous and beef into small pieces. Cook until the water has evaporated and add the barbecue sauce and enough blue food coloring to make a brown sauce that looks "monster brainy-ish" to you. (Our sauce was a rich purple that did not photograph well, but that our testers loved!) Heat the mixture through thoroughly. Stuff the peppers loosely with the filling and return to the shallow dish. Sprinkle the cheese over top the "brains" and add two asparagus spears to each head. Microwave uncovered for 3 minutes on high, or until the cheese melts and the pepper is piping hot. Make 2 small X's on the side of the pepper for the eyes and carefully add the green olives. Make a slit for the mouth, and cut tongues from the reserved pepper tops. Insert the tongues and serve hot. Makes 6 Servings

Moldy Maggot Casserole

You might be more familiar with this great vegetarian dish by its normal name, Spinach and Rice Casserole. This low fat version is a great make ahead dish that just needs to be made ahead of time and reheated before eating for a great dinner or side dish.

1 cup minced onion
2 tablespoons vegetable stock
1 pound washed and chopped spinach
3 cups cooked rice
1 cup low fat cottage cheese
1/2 cup shredded low fat cheddar cheese
1/4 cup egg substitute
3 tablespoons fresh parsley
1 1/2 teaspoons dill weed

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees and spray a 2 quart casserole with no fat cooking spray. In a large skillet saute the onions and stock until soft. Add the spinach and cook over low heat until the spinach is wilted and all of the liquid has evaporated, stirring constantly. In a large bowl combine the remaining ingredients. Fold in the spinach mixture. Spoon the mixture into the prepared casserole and bake for 25 minutes


1 small cooking pumpkin
1/2 cup cashews
1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger (or to taste)
salt to taste
Soak cashews in water to cover for several hours. This step is optional, but helps them blend better. Cut pumpkin in half, remove seeds, and bake cut side down at 350 degrees F until very tender (45 minutes to one hour). Scrape pumpkin from the peel and puree in a blender, with any juices, in batches. Put pureed pumpkin into your soup pot. Blend cashews in blender until smooth and add to the pumpkin puree. Rinse the blender with a little water and add to the pot. Add a little more water if it's too thick. Add ginger and salt to taste and heat gently for a few minutes to blend the flavors.

Stone Soup

4 cans (14-1/2 ounces each) chicken broth
4 medium red potatoes, cut into eighths
1 yellow summer squash, chopped
2 medium carrots, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
2 celery ribs, chopped
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon pepper
4 cups cubed cooked chicken
1 cup frozen cut green beans
1/2 cup quick-cooking barley
1 can (14-1/2 ounces) diced tomatoes, undrained
4 cups salad croutons
1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese

In a Dutch oven or soup kettle, combine the first eight ingredients. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes or until vegetables are crisp-tender. Stir in the chicken, beans and barley. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 10-12 minutes or until vegetables and barley are tender. Add tomatoes; heat through. Serve with croutons and Parmesan cheese. Yield: 12 servings.

Jack-O-Lantern Cheese Ball
This is a festive Halloween appetizer that everyone will love. It looks like a pumpkin but has delicious pumpkin and cheese flavor.

2 C. shredded cheddar cheese
4 oz. package cream cheese, softened
1/4 C. solid pack pumpkin
1/2 C. pineapple preserves
1/4 tsp. ground allspice
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
1 pretzel rod, broken in half
Decorations: Dark rye bread, red pepper, black olive slices, parsley sprigs
Assorted crackers

Beat cheeses, pumpkin, preserves and spices in a medium bowl until smooth. Cover; refrigerate 2-3 hours or until cheese is firm enough to shape. Shape mixture into a round pumpkin; place on serving plate. Using knife, score vertical lines down pumpkin. Place pretzel rod in top for stem. Cut 2 small triangles for the eyes. Small triangle of red pepper for nose. Slice olives slices in half for the mouth. Cover loosely; refrigerate until serving time. Serve with crackers.

Devilish Dip

4-ounces cream cheese
1/2 cup finely chopped cooked ham
2 to 3 tablespoons prepared Horseradish
1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard
1/4 cup sour cream

Mix ingredients together until well combined. Warm in microwave for 30 to 60 seconds, stir and serve with crackers or cubes of toasted sourdough or slices of party rye.

Strained Eyeballs

6 Eggs
6 oz Whipped cream cheese
12 Olives with pimento
Red food coloring or catsup

Hard boil the eggs, peel and cool. Halve lengthwise and remove yolks. Fill hole with the creamed cheese and smooth surface as much as possible. Press an olive into each cream cheese eyeball with the pimento up for an eerie green iris and red pupil. Dip a toothpick in catsup and draw broken blood vessels in cream cheese.

Heavenly Hot Chocolate This is the best Hot Cocoa you will ever have and Raven and Crone is glad to share it with you!

1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
2/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup water
Pinch of salt
3 cups whole milk
1 1/2 cups half and half
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup chilled whipping cream

Using tip of small knife, scrape seeds from vanilla bean into processor; reserve bean. Add sugar to processor and blend 10 seconds. Transfer 3 tablespoons vanilla sugar to small bowl and reserve. Transfer remaining vanilla sugar from processor to heavy metal sauce-pan. Add unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/2 cup water and salt and whisk until smooth. Whisk over medium heat just until beginning to bubble. Whisk in whole milk and half and half. Add reserved vanilla bean; bring mixture to simmer. Remove from heat; Whisk in vanilla extract. Discard vanilla bean. Beat cream and reserved 3 tablespoons vanilla sugar in medium bowl until medium-firm peaks form. Divide hot chocolate
among 6 mugs; top with whipped cream and serve

Zombie Punch

1/4 cup lemon juice
1 tsp. ground ginger
2 quarts cider or apple juice
3 cups water
1 can (12 ounces) frozen orange juice concentrate

In a large pitcher or glass gallon jar; stir lemon juice and ginger until blended. Add cider, water and orange juice concentrate and stir until blended. Cover and chill at least 1 hour.

Basic Blood Punch

This well-known "blood" mix is a Halloween standard. Take a large punch bowl and fill it half with tomato juice and half with orange juice. Let sit until it reaches room temperature (some prefer it served at body temperature - you could warm it gently by placing the punch bowl atop a warm oven) and serve. To spice things up a bit, use Mott's Spicy Clamato mix instead of tomato juice.

Blood Bath

This very simple recipe mixes sweet tart flavor with bright color and vanilla ice cream to produce a fun and tasty punch. I have seen this served in a new cleaned baby bathtub for a fun effect, but you can serve it in a punch bowl.

64 ounces cran-raspberry cocktail
4 cups apple juice
4 cups vanilla ice cream

Mix together the cran-raspberry cocktail and apple juice and chill. Pour into a punch bowl or other serving container. Scoop the vanilla ice cream into the punch and serve immediately. (from http://recipecard.com )

Hot Pineapple Orange Toddies

This is an aromatic and luscious drink to savor on a cold fall evening. It has a unique flavor that will be sure to please the children and adults at your next party. For best results, try to peel the orange in one big piece, or else pieces large enough so that they won't end up in individual mugs. If you like, try adding a tablespoon of warmed apricot brandy to each mug before pouring in the pineapple mixture for a great adult drink.

6 cups unsweetened pineapple juice
3 cups freshly squeezed orange juice
1/4 cup brown sugar
Peel from 2 oranges
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
1 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup honey
2 tablespoons brown sugar
additional cinnamon and nutmeg

Mix together the pineapple juice and orange juice in a large soup kettle. Bring to a boil and add the 1/4 cup brown sugar, orange peel, and spices. Simmer for five minutes. Whip the heavy cream with the honey and brown sugar until light and fluffy. Ladle the punch into warmed mugs and top with the whipped cream mixture. Lightly sprinkle the whipped cream with additional cinnamon and nutmeg. Serve immediately.

Day Old Bath Water

12 ounce Can frozen lemonade
2 liters 7-Up
1/2 gallon Rainbow sherbet

Thaw sherbet for approximately 15 minutes and place in a plastic tub. Add lemonade (prepared according to directions) and 7-up. Sherbet will melt and turn mixture day old bathwater grayish-brown. Float a handful of green, yellow and white tiny after-dinner mints (tiny bars of soap) on top of the scummy punch.

Bloody Milkshake

Prep: 10 min.
1 quart plus 2 cups buttermilk
1 quart plus 2 cups vanilla ice cream
3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup unsweetened pineapple chunks, drained and juice reserved
3/4 cup maraschino cherries, stemmed

Combine first 3 ingredients and reserved pineapple juice in a blender. Blend until smooth and creamy. Add more ice cream for extra thick drink. Add pineapple for phlegm and cherries for blood clots and blend very briefly until cherries are roughly chopped. Fill glasses and serve.

EZ Cinnamon Cider

4 cups cider or apple juice
1/4 cup cinnamon "Red-Hot" candies

Combine juice and candies in a large pan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 4 minutes until candies are dissolved. Serve hot or cool. Serves 8.

Eerie Witches Brew

4 cups cranberry juice cocktail
1 cup chopped candied ginger
3 medium-sized oranges
1 can (12 ounces) thawed frozen apple juice concentrate
2 cups seedless grapes
4 cups water
2 bottles (32 ozs each) ginger ale

In a 1 to 2-quart pan, bring 1 cup of cranberry juice and candied ginger to a boil over high heat. Boil, uncovered, about 2 minutes; set aside. With a vegetable peeler, pare peel (colored parts only) from orange; cut peel into thin 2-inch long "worms". Add orange peel to cranberry mixture. Cover and chill at least 4 hours or as long as overnight.

Juice oranges: put juice in a 6 to 8-quart pan or heavy bowl. Stir in cranberry-ginger mixture, the 3 cups of cranberry juice, apple juice concentrate, limeade, grapes and water. If made ahead of time, cover and chill up to 2 hours. Add ginger ale and about a one pound piece of dry ice. Ice should smolder at least 30 minutes. Ladle into cups. Add remaining ice when bubbling ceases. Makes 5 quarts

Swamp Punch

Make a nice punch (cranberry juice, frozen orange juice WITH PULP, and ginger ale, or even just plain ol' orange juice WITH PULP) and then add some green and blue food coloring until it turns a sort of yucky gray color - mmmmm....The PULP is very important 'cause it looks TOTALLY DISGUSTING when it's all gray and that stuff is floating around on top. The kids said, "Do I HAVE to drink that?"

Spooky Punch

This punch relies on classic flavor combinations and food coloring to give it a great flavor and appearance.

8 cups orange juice
4 cups apple cider
6 ounces frozen peach juice concentrate (undiluted and still frozen)
green food coloring
3 cups rainbow sherbet

Mix together the orange juice and apple cider. Add the frozen peach concentrate and swirl in green food coloring to turn the mixture into a murky black color. Add the rainbow sherbet and serve immediately. (from http://recipecard.com/)

Witches Brew Punch

Two jugs of apple cider
1 can of concentrate grape juice
a pint of orange sherbet
a bottle of ginger ale.

Mix cider and grape juice in large punch bowl. Put in scoops of sherbet and add the ginger ale! Stir until foamy! (from http://clik.to/mysticfire)

Samhain Cider

2 quarts apple cider
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup confectioner's sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/2 cup apricot brandy

In a large pot, combine the apple cider, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and sugar. Simmer slowly on low heat for about 15 minutes - do not boil. Add the apricot brandy and serve warm.

Black Halloween Punch

1 (.13 ounce) envelope unsweetened grape soft drink mix
1 (.13 ounce) envelope unsweetened orange soft drink mix
2 cups white sugar
3 quarts cold water
1 liter ginger ale

To make a frozen hand for floating in the punch bowl, wash a disposable glove, fill with water, seal with a rubber band and freeze until hard. Stir together grape soft drink mix, orange soft drink mix, sugar and water until solids are dissolved. Combine with chilled ginger ale just before serving. Dip the frozen hand briefly in warm water, then peel off the glove. Float the prepared hand in the punch bowl for a ghastly effect.

Salem Witch Pudding

4 eggs, separated
1 1/2 cups pumpkin puree
1 cup light brown sugar
3/4 cup half-and-half
5 tablespoons rum
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon salt

In an electric mixer or large mixing bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff. In a different bowl, beat the egg yolks until thick and lemon-colored. Combine the yolks with the remaining eight ingredients; mix together well; and then fold in the egg whites. Pour the pumpkin mixture into a buttered 1-quart souffl‚ dish. Place it in a pan of hot water and bake in a 350-degree preheated oven for about 45 minutes. (This recipe yields 6 servings.)

Pumpkin Marble Cheesecake

1 1/2 c Gingersnap Crumbs
1/2 c Finely Chopped Pecans
1/3 c Margarine, Melted
16 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
3/4 c Sugar
1 t Vanilla
3 ea Eggs
1 c Canned Pumpkin
3/4 t Cinnamon
1/4 t Ground Nutmeg

Combine crumbs, pecans and margarine; press onto bottom and 1 1/2-inches up sides of 9-inch springform pan. Bake at 350 degrees F., 10 minutes. Combine cream cheese, 1/2 c sugar and vanilla, mixing at medium speed on electric mixer until well blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Reserve 1 c batter, chill. Add remaining sugar, pumpkin and spices to remaining batter; mix well. Alternately layer pumpkin and cream cheese batters over crust. Cut through batters with knife several times for marble effect. Bake at 350 degrees F., 55 minutes. Loosen cake from rim of pan; cool before removing rim of pan. Chill. Serves:10. From Wandas Halloween Cookbook

Raven and Crones PUMPKIN BREAD

3 ½ cups flour
2 ½ cups sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 ½ tsp.. salt
2 tsp.. Baking Soda
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 cup oil
4 eggs
2 cups canned pumpkin
1 cup raisins

Mix oil, eggs and pumpkin. Add flour, sugar, salt, soda and spices. Beat well. Pour into two greased and floured loaf pans. Bake for 60 to 70 minutes at 350°F. OR Mini loaves bake for 50 minutes. DO NOT OVER BAKE and check 5 minutes before done. Remember every oven is different.

Pumpkin Pie Muffins
2 cups flour
3/4 cups packed brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon cloves
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
3/4 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup butter, melted and cooled
1/4 cup buttermilk
2 eggs, lightly beaten
3 tablespoons molasses
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cup coarsely chopped pecans or walnuts
3/4 cup chopped dates, optional
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease twelve muffin cups. In a large bowl, stir together 9 ingredients. In another bowl, stir together pumpkin, butter, buttermilk, eggs, molasses and vanilla until blended. Make a well in center of dry ingredients; add pumpkin mixture and stir just to combine. Stir in pecans and dates. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups; bake 20 to 25 minutes or until a cake tester inserted in center of one muffin comes out clean. Remove to wire rack. Cool 5 minutes before removing muffins from cups; finish cooling on rack.

Halloween Black Cat Cake

Frighten away those chocolate cravings with this hauntingly delicious chocolate cake cut and frosted to resemble a black cat.

1package Betty Crocker® SuperMoist® devil's food cake mix
1 1/3cups water
1/2cup vegetable oil
1tub Betty Crocker® Rich & Creamy chocolate ready-to-spread frosting1
large yellow gumdrop
1small black gumdrop
Black shoestring licorice
1. Heat oven to 350ºF. Grease bottoms only of 2 round pans, 8 or 9x1 1/2 inches, with shortening.
2. Make cake mix as directed on package, using water, oil and eggs. Pour into pans.
3. Bake 8-inch pans 33 to 38 minutes, 9-inch pans 28 to 33 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes; remove from pans. Cool completely, about 1 hour.
4. Cut cake as shown in diagram; arrange and frost top and sides of cake pieces with frosting. Use yellow gumdrop slices for eyes, black gumdrop for nose and shoestring licorice for whiskers, lines on eyes and front paws. Store loosely covered.

Super Scary Spider Cake

This treat looks so real that you'll want to invite your friends for scaring, umm, sharing.
Boxed white cake
Chocolate syrup
1 container prepared vanilla frosting
1 Bag of spider rings
Icing bag and decorating tips or zip-closed bag

Make a white cake per box directions. When it's cool, ice with vanilla frosting. To make a web, place the chocolate syrup in an icing bag and attach a fine decorating tip to the bag. Alternatively, cut the bottom corner off of a zip-closed bag leaving only a tiny hole. Pipe the syrup onto the vanilla frosting in large circles starting at the outer edge around the entire cake, each one smaller than the last. In the end, you will have circles of graduated sizes from the middle to the outer edge of the cake.

Using a toothpick, make the web by placing your toothpick tip in middle and very gently pulling it to the edge. Do this every inch or so, all the way around the cake. Place the entire bag of plastic spider rings on the "web" for a very creepy-crawly effect. Do not use 8-inch rounds. Make cake mix following high altitude directions on package for 9-inch rounds.

Pumpkin Muffins

1 c Unbleached Flour, Sifted
2 t Baking Powder
1/4 t Salt
1/4 t Ground Cinnamon
1/4 c Vegetable Shortening
2/3 c Sugar
1 ea Large Egg
1/2 c Canned, Mashed Pumpkin
2 T Milk

Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon; set aside. Cream together shortening and sugar in mixing bowl until light and fluffy, using electric mixer at medium speed. Beat in egg. Combine pumpkin and milk in small bowl. Add dry ingredients alternately with pumpkin mixture to creamed mixture, stirring well after each addition. Spoon batter into paper-lined 2 1/2-inch muffin-pan cups, filling 2/3rds full. Bake in 350 degree F. oven 20 minutes or until golden brown. Serve hot with butter and homemade jam. From Wandas Halloween Cookbook

Irish Apple Fritters

5 oz. flour
5 fluid oz. water
1/4 tsp. salt
2 eggs (separated)
1 Tbsp. melted butter
2 large cooking apples
4 oz. confectioner's sugar
lemon juice
oil for deep frying

Make batter at least an hour before required, using the following method: Sift together flour and salt. Make a well in the center, add the cooled melted butter and some of the water and egg yolks. Work in the flour and beat until smooth. Add remaining water. Leave to stand. Just before using, beat the egg whites until stiff, but not dry. Fold into batter mix. Peel, core and slice apples (make slices about 1/4 - 1/2" thick). Dip into batter and deep fry in very hot oil (175°-180° C) until golden. Drain and serve drenched with confectioner's sugar and sprinkled with lemon juice.

Harvest Pumpkin Bread

1 cup sugar
1/4 cup Margarine
1/4 cup applesauce
2 eggs
1 cup (8 ounces) solid pack pumpkin
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup raisins
1 teaspoon grated orange rind
1/4 cup orange juice
1/2 cup walnuts, chopped

Lightly grease a 9x5x3 inch loaf pan or coat with vegetable spray. Beat sugar, margarine, and applesauce until creamy and light (about 5 minutes). Add eggs one at a time and continue to beat. Add pumpkin and mix until smooth. Combine flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda, and cinnamon. Stir into pumpkin mixture and mix until smooth. Add raisins, orange rind, orange juice and nuts (optional). Stir well and pour into loaf pan. Bake at 3500F for 60-65 minutes. You can test for doneness by sticking a wooden pick into loaf. If it comes out clean, the bread is done. YIELD: 1 loaf, appx 12 Slices


2 cups of canned pumpkin
2 cups of flour, and then enough to keep the consistency just right
2 tblspns dry yeast in 1/2 cup of 110 degree water
1 tblspn salt
2 tblspns vegetable oil
1/3 to 1/2 cup molasses
2 cups of fresh cider
Start with two cups of flour, then slowly sift in more after wet ingredients are added. After the flour and salt are combined, mix in the rest of the ingredients from wettest to most solid (cider, then yeast mix, and so on). Once mixed, pour the dough to a lightly greased bowl, cover it with a cloth or plastic wrap, and let it in rise until it's doubled in size in a warm place. (Generally, this takes from half an hour to an hour). Punch down the doubled dough. Roll the dough out into a long, thin, relatively narrow strip and roll from one end. Place in a greased pan (probably circular in this case), and let rise until doubled again. Baking bread is not for the impatient! Finally, put it in a preheated oven at about 400 degrees F for about 50-60 minutes. If it looks like it's browning too quickly turn the temp down a notch or two. You'll know it's done when tyou can poke it with a fork and then fork comes out clean. If the fork has some dough on it, let it bake a little longer.

Pumpkin Pie

3/4 cup granulated sugar
1-1/2 cups (12 oz can) evaporated milk
1/2 tsp. salt
2 eggs
1 tsp.ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
3/4 tsp. ground cloves
1 & 3/4 cups ( 15 once can) pure pumpkin filling (no spices added)

TIP: You can substitute pumpkin pie spice for all the individual spices. Use 3 tsp. of pumpkin pie spice instead.

Combine sugar, salt, cinnamon, ginger and cloves in a small bowl. Beat the eggs lightly in a separate large bowl. Stir in pumpkin and dry mixture. Gradually stir in evaporated milk. Press a pre-made pie crust into a 9-inch deep dish pie crust and cook according to directions on the package. Pour mixture into the pie shell.

Cook in a pre-heated 425º F. oven for 15 minutes, then reduce the temp to 350º F., and bake for 40 to 50 minutes or until a knife tip inserted in the center of the pie comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack or a cool counter top for 2 hours before serving. This also gives it time to set up, so when you cut it and set it on a plate, it will stay in one piece.

Store in the refrigerator, covered with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Chilling will cause the crust to separate from the pie slightly but it's better then getting botulism. Top with a whipped cream and there you have it! A classic pumpkin pie!

Granny McCoy's Pumpkin Pie
by Edain McCoy

This recipe makes two nine-inch pies.

3 cups Cooked Pumpkin (canned is fine)
1-1/4 cups Evaporated Milk
2-1/2 cups Granulated Sugar
1/2 heaping teaspoon Ground Nutmeg
1/2 scant teaspoon Salt
1/4 rounded teaspoon Allspice
1/2 rounded teaspoon Cinnamon
4 well-beaten Eggs

Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pour into two deep, unbaked pie shells. Bake for about 50 minutes, or until a knife comes out of the center clean.

(The above "Granny McCoy's Pumpkin Pie" recipe is quoted directly from Edain McCoy's book "The Sabbats: A New Approach to Living the Old Ways", page 32, Llewellyn Publications, 1994.)


1 1/2 packages silken tofu
1 15 oz. canned pumpkin
2/3 cup barley malt syrup
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tbsp. pumpkin pie spice

Pie Crust:
1 1/2 cups sifted unbleached flour
about 6-7 tbsp. non-hydrogenated margarine
about 2 tbsp. cold water
pinch of sea salt
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F. Blend tofu in a food processor or blender until smooth. Add remaining ingredients and blend well. Pour into a 9" unbaked deep dish pie shell. Bake for about one hour. Filling will be soft, but will firm up as it chills. Chill overnight and serve.

Ichabod Cranes Baked Pumpkin Mousse

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
1 cup superfine sugar
4 eggs, seperated
5 tablespoons yellow cornmeal
1 cup canned pumpkin puree
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup heavy cream
Pinch of salt

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Butter a 6-cup ovenproof bowl. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and 3/4 cups sugar. Beat in the yolks, one at a time. Stir in the cornmeal, pumpkin, and spices, then the cream. Beat the egg whites until they are foamy. Add the salt. Continue to beat until soft peaks form. Gradually add the remaining 1/4 cup sugar, a teaspoon at a time, and continue beating until the whies are stiff and glossy but not dry. Fold the whites into the pumpkin mixture and pour the mixture into the buttered bowl. Set the bowl in a larger pan filled with 1 inch of hot water and bake for 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours, or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Serve warm from the bowl, or let it settle on a cooling rack for 30 minutes and then invert the mousse onto a plate. Make a jack-o'-lantern face with currants and serve with unsweetened whipped cream. Serves 8. From Wandas Halloween Cookbook

Creepy Crawly Gelatin

1 1/2 cups boiling water
1 (6 ounce) package JELL-O Brand Orange Flavor Gelatin
1 1/2 cups cold water
1 (16 ounce) package gummi worms

Stir boiling water into gelatin in large bowl at least 2 minutes until completely dissolved. Stir in cold water. Pour into 9-inch pie plate which has been sprayed with no stick cooking spray. Refrigerate about 1-1/2 hours or until thickened (spoon drawn through leaves definite impression). Push gummy worms into gelatin. Refrigerate 2 hours or until firm. Unmold.

Black and Orange Spook Cups

4 cups cold milk, divided
1 (3.9 ounce) package JELL-O Chocolate Fudge Flavor Instant Pudding & Pie Filling
1 (3.4 ounce) package JELL-O Vanilla Flavor Instant Pudding & Pie Filling
3 drops red food coloring
3 drops yellow food coloring
12 OREO Chocolate Sandwich Cookies , crushed
3 tablespoons Halloween sprinkles
POUR 2 cups of the milk into large bowl. Add chocolate fudge flavor pudding mix. Beat with wire whisk 2 minutes. Fill 10 to 12 (7 oz.) glasses or plastic cups about 1/2 full with pudding mixture. Pour remaining 2 cups milk into another large bowl. Add vanilla flavor pudding mix. Beat with wire whisk 2 minutes. Stir in a few drops food coloring to tint mixture orange. Spoon orange mixture evenly over chocolate mixture. Top with crushed cookies. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Garnish with Halloween sprinkles. Note: Pudding cups can also be served frozen. Use plastic or paper cups, not glasses. Freeze 3 hours or until firm.

Samhain Apple-Spice Nut Bars
3 eggs
1½ cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1½ cups flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
¼ teaspoon cloves
½ teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons baking powder
3 cups apples, unpeeled, cored, finely chopped
1½ cups walnuts, coarsely chopped

Beat eggs until foamy; add sugar, beat until mixture is thick and lemon colored. Add vanilla. Mix flour, spices, salt and baking powder. Blend into egg mixture. Fold in chopped apples and walnuts. Turn into greased and floured 13 x 9-inch pan. Bake 30-40 min at 350° or until tester inserted in center comes out clean. Cut into squares. Serve warm with ice cream. Source: AboutThyme.com

Fairy Cakes
If on this day of 'in-between' you've come to find peace with the spirits that are always around it's good to have the Fey join you for a treat. But if you fear the presence of the Fey at least remember to leave them an offering of fairy cake and milk so they aren't tempted to take offence and make you the butt of their mischievousness. Here's a recipe to make the hardest Fey let their hair down and toast your health:

16 ounces of cream cheese
½ cup of sugar
2 eggs
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of vanilla
A fruity Jam of your choice (or several for variety)
Vanilla wafers

Heat oven to 300 degrees. Line a muffin pan with paper baking cups. In a medium to large glass bowl mix the following ingredients until they are fluffy: cream cheese, sugar, eggs, lemon juice, and vanilla. Place a whole vanilla wafer at the bottom of each baking cup. Spoon the mixture over the top Bake in the oven approximately 15-20 minutes. After cooling slightly top each cake with a dollop of your favorite jam *Be extra sure to take the fairy at the end of the garden into account when passing out these delicious treats.
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Re: Alura's Book of Shadows

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Yule Crafts, Activities and Recipes
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Light Up the Holidays--Seven Easy, Energizing Ways
By Annie B. Bond, author of Home Enlightenment and Cait Johnson, author of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air.

Throughout the holidays, most of us are stressed and strapped for time, longing for simplicity and hungry for something consumerism just doesn't satisfy. How can we find our inner light, rekindle our energy, and feel goodwill towards all in this often-difficult time of year?

For millennia, people have used fire to spread light in the darkest season. Many of our fondest childhood memories of the holidays often revolve around fire: the ceremonial lighting of special candles, strings of lights twinkling on the tree, singers' faces glowing by a bonfire, gathering together beside a warm hearth. Connecting with fire is one way to help us center ourselves.

Here, then, are seven easy, energizing ways to light up the darkness with the power of fire, inspiration for creating moments of peace and joy for you and your families. May they help us to celebrate our elemental unity as one human family this holiday season.

1. Small Flames in Nature
If you have access to a yard, try placing a few luminaria or candles in glass outside where you can see them from an indoor window. There is nothing more heartening than the sight of small brave lights shining in the darkness. (See the easy directions in this newsletter for making your own luminaria.)

2. How to Create an Indoor Sanctuary
We can all benefit from spending time in a little quiet corner where we can find our center, and be recharged. All you need is a private place and a candle, although some of us also like to include photos or statues or gifts from nature in our sanctuary spot. Taking time out to simply gaze at a lighted candle is one way to commune with the inner stillness that brings such peace in the midst of frantic activity.

3. Simple Light Out of Dark
This couldn't-be-simpler idea encourages us to slow down and be present with the darkness, with the light, and with each other. Just gather at dusk and allow the darkness to gradually deepen, without turning on any lights. Notice the changes in color, the shadows, the peaceful, nurturing stillness. When it has grown as dark as it can get, light one candle. What a change! One small candle can make a world of difference. So can each one of us.

4. Spice Things Up
Nothing beats a little fiery spice in our food when holiday hustle and bustle drains our energy. Just add some cayenne, Cajun spice, curry, or Jamaican jerk sauce to your meals and enjoy the fiery glow!

5. Have a Candle-Sing
Call friends and family together, furnish each with a candle in glass to hold, and sing! Nothing beats singing together for making people feel connected, and the glow of candlelight can transform familiar faces into something very special indeed.

6. Burn Away the Old
Most of us drag a burden of old "stuff" - regrets, disappointments, grudges, bad habits - with us into the New Year. Why not have a small bonfire to give ourselves a fresh start? Simple as it sounds, this little activity can actually help us to feel lighter. Write on a piece of paper all the things you would like to shed before the turn of the year. Then burn the paper. If you don't have access to an outdoor bonfire site (or a barbecue grill or hibachi), you can use an ashtray and a lot of mindful caution and do this indoors.

7. Fire-Lit Meal
Pull a table up to the fireplace, if you have one, and eat a meal together by its warm light. Or eat by candlelight: it gives an air of special magic to even the simplest food.

Light up your house on Solstice Night to remember that the light will return. Use candles, twinkle lights and light a Yule log if you have a fireplace.

Send Yule cards. Make your own (kids love this) or buy them. You can find Christmas cards that are patently Pagan featuring holly wreaths, Yule logs, partridges, etc. Pagan and Pagan-friendly folks will be delighted to receive them. The rest won't know the difference.

String popcorn and cranberry garlands for your Yule tree. After Twelfth Day or whenever you take down the Yule tree, hang them outside on trees and bushes for birds and small wildlife to share.

Make a Yule log. A fireplace without a Yule log on Solstice Night is a wasted fireplace.

Tell stories. Gather friends and family around the fire and tell the story of The Oak King and the Holly King.

Decorate your home. Decorate a tree the day before Yule and leave it up at least until Twelfth Night. Make your own decorations and let the kids pitch in. Make a tree topper for your Yule tree. Make wreaths to decorate your door and home. Decorate your house and tree with cones, golden apples from the craft store, images of the Sun, Moon and Stars, Triple Goddess motifs, images representing the four quarters, images representing the wheel of the year, garlands and anything that reminds you of the season. Use lots of red, green and gold. If at all possible, bring in a small live potted tree on Yule eve instead of using a cut tree. If you use a cut tree, find out about proper disposal. Many communities accept cleaned Christmas and Yule trees to mulch and use in parks and other community areas.

Build a Yule altar in a place where the family gathers often. Place it on a coffee table or dinner table and decorate it with red, green and gold candles, pine cones, symbols of the Sun and the Triple Goddess. Include a miniature Yule log and other hand-made decorations.

Have a Yule Feast. It is customary to feast on Solstice eve after sundown.

Have a Yule ritual. Remember that this is a religious celebration, not a secular holiday. Write a ritual if you know how. If you don't, modify a borrowed ritual and promise yourself that you will write your own next year.

Stand Vigil. On Solstice night, after the Yule feast and ritual are done and the little ones are in bed, plan to stand vigil to await the Dawn. Get together with other Pagans or Pagan-friendly friends and family. Serve wassail. Talk about the meaning of Yule. If you're in a baking mood, start a batch of Yule Bread for breakfast. Bake a yellow cake or yellow cupcakes to celebrate the Sun's birthday.

Welcome the Dawn. Wake up the kids and go outside before dawn. Meditate on the coming light and say a Solstice Blessing. If you have little ones, stick a yellow birthday candle on a round yellow cake and sing Happy Birthday to the Sun as he rises. Celebrate the Sun's birth with a breakfast of yellow foods. Serve orange juice, pancakes, corn muffins, Yule Bread, fried eggs, corn flakes and any sun-dried foods such as raisins and prunes. Use bright yellow napkins and set yellow flowers on the table. Cut out place mats from yellow construction paper and have the kids decorate them.

Go outside and let the sun shine on your face.

Write an essay or make an entry in your Book of Shadows. Next year when you again celebrate Yule, you will have reminders to yourself of things to try out, what worked, what didn't and suggestions for next year. If you have children, ask them to write a short essay on their Yule celebration and to draw pictures.

Great Ways to Celebrate Yule With Kids

1) What The Season Means To You
For starters, decide what the Solstice means to you and your family. Do you focus on the solar aspect of Yule, or do you see it as a transformation of the Goddess? Perhaps your family has a diverse cultural blend, and you celebrate a combination of Yule, Christmas, Hannukah, and other holidays? Do you mark the week of Saturnalia? Figure out how exactly this holiday is important to you.

Next, decide how you want to celebrate. Are you thinking of holding a big ritual, complete with potluck supper, for all your friends? Or are you planning to keep things low-key, with just you and your spouse and kids? Maybe this will be the year you invite the grandparents over to welcome the sun back. Or perhaps you'll have a small solstice celebration for yourself, and then observe Christmas with the more traditional members of your family.

Regardless of how you celebrate, this is a time of year when family is important.

If you haven't taken a moment yet to explain to your children why you value the winter solstice, do so. Explain in terms they can understand, depending on their ages. A younger child may simply know that now the days will start getting longer, but a teen may be more interested in the deity connections related to the event itself. Either way, make sure your kids understand WHY you're celebrating -- otherwise, it's just another day with no meaning.

2) Do Something Good For Someone Else
In a season inundated with so much mass marketing and merchandise, kids in particular need a little reminder that it's just as important to give as it is to get. You can teach your children about the value of kindness towards others in a small way, or a big one. Try one or more of these as a way of setting examples for the season:

Make up inexpensive gift bags of small items for residents of a local senior center. Buy paper sacks in bulk, have the kids decorate the outside. Fill with travel-sized items like lotion, toothpaste, lip balm, Kleenex, pencils & notepads, puzzle books, etc. Include a hand-made ornament if you're feeling crafty. You can easily fill about two dozen bags for about $50, if you shop wisely. Take the kids with you when you drop off your goodie bags.

Get a name from either a social services agency, a mall Christmas tree, or even a school. Put together a holiday dinner for them, as well as gift items. Find out what they need -- gift cards for a local gas station might be perfect, or even a shopping spree at a grocery store. Get the names and sizes for the kids in the family, and do some shopping -- buy items in multiple colors or styles if you can manage it.

Donate to a local toy drive -- the US Marine Corps and many fire stations host an annual Toys for Tots drive each year. Have your kids select a toy or two to purchase and donate -- be sure to take the children with you to drop of the toys, and explain to them why you're doing it.

Got a neighbor who's elderly or disabled? Surprise them by shoveling snow for them, or raking leaves up out of their yard. Offer to help them hang up their holiday lights, so they're not injured climbing a ladder.

Bake cookies or bread for a teacher, friend, or neighbor, just for fun. Drop them off with a note telling them how much you appreciate the recipient.

3) Create Something New
The winter holidays are a great time to get in touch with your creative side, because (a) we're often cooped up in the house, and (b) it's a chance to give gifts to people. Why not raid those big boxes of fabric and craft supplies in the basement, and put together something fun as a holiday decoration?

Felt: Felt is one of the most versatile and easy-to-use craft materials ever made. You can make tree ornaments, stockings or a tree skirt for your home. Or, stitch pieces together into squares, stuff with polyfiber, and add herbs for an instant sachet.

Chenille stems: Also called pipe cleaners, these easily bendable twigs are loads of fun. Shape them into anything you like (such as the pentacle in the photo) and hang them around your house for the holidays. Make a set, and give them as gifts.

Salt dough: Make some salt dough ornaments, bake them, and paint.You can hang them yourself, or give as gifts to others.

Make holiday cards: Instead of spending money on generic holiday cards this year, make your own. Get out some card stock, stamps, finger paint, yarn, and anything you can think of. Have the kids decorate the cards, and all you'll have to do is address the envelopes and place a note inside.

Outdoorsy stuff: Collect twigs, acorns, small pine cones and pretty leaves. Use them to decorate a photo frame, make a collage, or an altar centerpiece. Cover a pinecone with peanut butter and bird seed, then hang outside for an easy birdfeeder.

4) Create Your Own Yule Log
A Yule log is a great family craft, because first of all, it gives you an excuse to go out walking in the woods. Take some time to go wandering, and see what you can collect while you're outside. Make an adventure of it, if you like, and pack a lunch or a thermos of hot chocolate. When you've found nifty stuff to put on your Yule log.Once you've made your Yule log, you can use it as an altar centerpiece, or at the heart of a family Yule Log Ceremony.

Be sure to save a bit of your Yule Log at the end of your ceremony, so you can burn it with next year's Yule Log!

5) Get Green
While we're focusing on giving gifts, teach your kids to "go green" when possible. While no one really loves the idea of re-gifting, there are a lot of ways you can make the holidays a bit more environmentally friendly.

Use something other than wrapping paper. Wrap gifts in recyclable bags, fabric, or decorative boxes that can get re-used next year, instead of ending up in a landfill. Or, eliminate gift wrap altogether by giving gifts that don't need wrapping -- gift cards, live plants, etc.

Instead of buying a plastic tree that will eventually end up in a landfill, decorate one of your outdoor trees for the holidays. If you like having an indoor tree, it's still more environmentally friendly to chop one down which has been grown at a tree farm than to buy a commercially processed polyvinyl chloride tree!

If you're giving gifts this year, purchase them online when possible, because that cuts down on pollution and gas used on those mega-trips to the mall.

Another option is to purchase from vendors who have local warehouses; that keeps the amount of fuel used in shipping low as well.

Hold a holiday swap meet. Okay, no one likes to re-gift (or re-get), but sometimes it's not such a bad idea. Get together with neighbors and friends for coffee, and have everyone bring one or two items that they've been gifted with but never taken out of the box. While your friend Susie may HATE the Chia pet she got last year, Theresa might know it's the perfect present for her Chia-collecting sister. If you have young children whose toys are only gently used, you can try this as a toy swap as well.

6) Hold A Family Celebration
A lot of times we get so caught up in the hullaballoo of the holidays, that before we know it, Yule is here and we have no idea what to do. It's December 21, and all you know is that the sun came up. Plan ahead a little -- and get the kids involved -- and figure out what sort of rituals you'd like to do to celebrate this year. Not sure what to try? Here's a few options:

Welcome Back the Sun for Yule
Hold a Goddess Rite (for solitaries)
Hold a Goddess Rite (group ceremony)

Not sure yet which deities -- if any -- you'd like to honor? There's a huge selection to choose from. If your tradition doesn't have a specific god or goddess to celebrate at the winter solstice, try this list to see who "speaks" to you:

Deities of the Winter Solstice:
Alcyone (Greek): Alcyone is the Kingfisher goddess. She nests every winter for two weeks, and while she does, the wild seas become calm and peaceful.

Ameratasu (Japan): In feudal Japan, worshippers celebrated the return of Ameratasu, the sun goddess, who slept in a cold, remote cave. When the other gods woke her with a loud celebration, she looked out of the cave and saw an image of herself in a mirror. The other gods convinced her to emerge from her seclusion and return sunlight to the universe.

Balder (Norse): Balder is associated with the legend of the mistletoe. His mother, Frigga, honored Baldur, asked all of nature to promise not to harm him. Unfortunately, in her haste, Frigga overlooked the mistletoe plant, so Loki - the resident trickster - took advantage of the opportunity and fooled Baldur's blind twin, Hod, into killing him with a spear made of mistletoe. Baldur was later restored to life.

Bona Dea (Roman): This fertility goddess was worshipped in a secret temple on the Aventine hill in Rome, and only women were permitted to attend her rites. Her annual festival was held early in December.

Cailleach Bheur (Celtic): In Scotland, she is also called Beira, the Queen of Winter. She is the hag aspect of the Triple Goddess, and rules the dark days between Samhain and Beltaine.

Demeter (Greek): Through her daughter, Persephone, Demeter is linked strongly to the changing of the seasons and is often connected to the image of the Dark Mother in winter. When Persephone was abducted by Hades, Demeter's grief caused the earth to die for six months, until her daughter's return.

Dionysus (Greek): A festival called Brumalia was held every December in honor of Dionysus and his fermented grape wine. The event proved so popular that the Romans adopted it as well.

Frigga (Norse): Frigga honored her son, Baldur, by asking all of nature not to harm him, but in her haste overlooked the mistletoe plant. Loki fooled Baldur's blind twin, Hod, into killing him with a spear made of mistletoe but Odin later restored him to life. As thanks, Frigga declared that mistletoe must be regarded as a plant of love, rather than death.

Holly King (British/Celtic): The Holly King is a figure found in British tales and folklore. He is similar to the Green Man, the archetype of the forest. In modern Pagan religion, the Holly King battles the Oak King for supremacy throughout the year. At the winter solstice, the Holly King is defeated.

Horus (Egyptian): Horus was one of the solar deities of the ancient Egyptians. He rose and set every day, and is often associated with Nut, the sky god. Horus later became connected with another sun god, Ra.

La Befana (Italian): This character from Italian folklore is similar to St. Nicholas, in that she flies around delivering candy to well-behaved children in early January. She is depicted as an old woman on a broomstick, wearing a black shawl.

Lord of Misrule (British): The custom of appointing a Lord of Misrule to preside over winter holiday festivities actually has its roots in antiquity, during the Roman week of Saturnalia.

Odin (Norse): In some legends, Odin bestowed gifts at Yuletide upon his people, riding a magical flying horse across the sky. This legend may have combined with that of St. Nicholas to create the modern Santa Claus.

Saturn (Roman): Every December, the Romans threw a week-long celebration of debauchery and fun, in honor of their agricultural god, Saturn. Roles were reversed, and slaves became the masters, at least temporarily. This is where the tradition of the Lord of Misrule originated.

Spider Woman (Hopi): Soyal is the Hopi festival of the winter solstice. It honors the Spider Woman and the Hawk Maiden, and celebrates the sun's victory over winter's darkness.

Finally, if you're more into the holly-jolly aspect of the season, why not start something new for your family, and go out Wassailing? It's a lot of fun, a good way to get kids and adults out together, and when you're all done, you can snuggle up in front of a fire.

7) Start A Story Telling Tradition
Start a family story telling tradition at Yule -- and if you like, continue it all year round!

Sometimes kids -- and adults too -- need to be reminded that not too long ago, we found our entertainment from storytelling, rather than television. Start a family tradition on these cold winter nights, of story-telling. You can do a couple of different things:

Have a round-robin story-telling session. One person makes up the beginning of the story, another continues, and so on. If your children are in elementary school or older, this can be really entertaining!

Read a book aloud to the family. If the kids are beginning readers, you may want to have them "help" you with certain words, or have them provide sound effects ("Okay, guys, every time I say the word winter, you shake these bells!").

Learn some traditional folk tales, and share them with your family. If someone plays an instrument, have them join in with flute, guitar, or other music in the background.



To make a Yule Log, simply choose a dried piece of oak and decorate with burnable ribbons, evergreens, holly, and mistletoe. To make a Yule Log with candles (suitable for indoor observances when a fireplace is not available), you will need a round log at least thirteen inches long and five inches thick. Flatten the bottom of the log with a saw (preferably a power saw) by trimming off an inch or two so the log will sit without wobbling. Next determine where the three candle holes should be drilled along the top of the log. They should be evenly spaced. The size of the holes will be determined by the size candles you are using. Drill the holes 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch to accommodate the candles.

The log with candles may be painted or sprayed with varnish or shellac to keep it from drying out. When the varnish is dry, insert candles and decorate it with holly, evergreens, and mistletoe. Candles may be green, red, and silver or white to represent the Oak King, the Holly King, and the Goddess; or white, red, and black to represent the Triple Goddess.

Cinnamon Applesauce Ornaments

These beautiful, natural looking ornaments are the perfect addition to any Yule tree. We made about 150 of them this past Yule and used them to fill in our tree, since we don't have a large collection of ornaments. We used red, white, and blue ribbons to give the tree a patriotic theme. They were just the thing to pull the whole tree together.

This recipe is a little inexact, as I tend to work by feel. It should get you started, though. Adjust the amount of cinnamon or applesauce as needed.

1lb. cinnamon powder
1lb. applesauce, not chunky
Splash sweet orange essential oil
Thin, colorful ribbon

Mix all ingredients together. Add more applesauce or cinnamon as needed to make a stiff dough.

Roll dough out to no thinner than 1/4 inch. Use holiday themed cookie cutters to cut out shapes. Using a drinking straw, poke a hole for a ribbon in each ornament.

Move ornaments to wax paper covered cookie sheets to dry. Cover loosely with a light tea towel. After a few days, you can put them in a low oven - 200 or lower - for a few hours to help them dry out. They are ready to hang when they get hard.


The Oak:
The oak is a holy tree and is the lord of truth. There is a tradition that the voice of Jupiter may be heard in the rustling of its leaves, and indeed the oak's spirit is mighty and wise. Its kindly heart gives peace; its noble boughs give shelter. The Druids revered this tree, and the precious mistletoe to which it is host.


Carry an acorn in your pocket to protect yourself from storms, from losing your bearings and from evil intent. Paint a smiling face on your acorn. This might seem a pastime better suited to bairns, but it will make your charm stronger for the Oak Man lives also in acorns.

Put a handful of oak leaves in your bath, and you will be cleansed both in body and in spirit. An oak leaf worn at your breast, touching your heart will preserve you from all deception and the world's false glamour.

Carry three acorns about your person and you will have a charm for youthfulness, beauty and attainment in life. Tie and bind them with your own hair and bless them under the new moon and the full moon, every month of the year.

If you wish to know whether you and your present beloved will marry, take two acorns, naming them under a full moon for yourself and your lover, and drop them into a crystal bowl of well water. If they sail close to one another, as though knit by a bond, you will be sure to marry; but if they float away from one another, that is a token which speaks of severance.

The Holly:

The handsome holly is a lucky tree, for its affirm life, and is a symbol of undiminishing vitality. Ensure that it has a place in your garden, for its glowing green presence wards off unfriendly spirits. The Holly Man lives in the tree that bears prickly holly, and the Holly Woman dwells within that which gives forth smooth and variegated leaves. The first is lucky for men, the second for women. Do not burn holly branches unless they are well and truly dead, for this is unlucky.

For the Garden- Me and Holly Berry Spell:

An old charm to help your garden grow is to pour a quart of ale into a silver tankard upon the night of each new moon, and to drop therein nine holly berries, having blessed them and washed them in its rays. Hold it aloft, speaking this charm to the moon:

'Fair Selene, I drink to thee!
May this mead a potion be!

As soon as the rune is chanted, you must empty the tankard over your hollyhocks, your foxgloves and your torch-lilies; then you shall have fine blooms indeed.

Dried Fruit Garland

You will need:
36 cinnamon sticks, each approximately 4" long
1 large orange
2 apples
30" piece of crochet cotton
Needle with a large eye
White glue or Hot glue gun

How to make your Garland:

Slice the apples and the orange into 1/8" slices. Lay the pieces on a baking sheet - do not overlap. Place them in a 250 degree oven for about 30 minutes. Turn the slices over and bake for another 30 minutes or until they are dried out. Watch so that they do not turn brown. Cool completely.

Form 12 cinnamon stick triangles. For each triangle. arrange 3 cinnamon sticks into a triangle, overlapping the sticks quite a bit so that the hole in the middle is very small, about 1/4". (You will string the cinnamon sticks up by passing the crochet cotton through this hole. If the hole is too big, the triangles will flop around). Glue the sticks into place. Let Dry.

Make a small loop in one end of the crochet cotton and knot it. String the needle through the other end.

Make the Garland: Start by passing the needle through one of the apple slices, then an orange slice, another apple then a cinnamon triangle. Keep repeating this pattern until all the fruit and cinnamon triangles have been used up. Tie a knot in the end leaving some crochet cotton left over to form a loop. Loop the end back to knot and tie it.

Hang your garland by the loops.

Sun Welcoming Center Pieces

Yule is a Sabbat to welcome back the Sun King. The sun is vital to all that exists on Earth. It is the giver of light and warmth, and causes the rebirth of this past years crops by warming and gently coaxing the seeds that have been sleeping underground during the winter. Traditional methods of celebrating this Sabbat are mostly inside activities.

Materials: Flat or bowled wicker basket, Evergreen Boughs, Oranges and Apples, Whole Cloves, Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Wheat Stalks, Flour, Red, Green, and Gold Bows or String.

Children of all ages will delight in both making and giving these delightful center pieces. Place the basket in the center of the table. Lay a couple of evergreen boughs (can be found at most Christmas tree lots) in bottom of basket so that the tips flow out from all sides. Spike the oranges all the way around with several whole cloves. Arrange the oranges and apples on top of the boughs. Arrange in a couple of the walnuts and hazel nuts. Place a couple of the wheat stalks standing up amidst the fruit. Lightly dust with flour. Tie bows to the handle and outside the basket. Tell children about each special part of the centerpiece. Explain that the baskets were used during the harvests during the season before.

The evergreen boughs are symbols of immortality, reminding us that the Sun King is not dead, but reappears at Yule each year to lengthen, brighten and warm the days ahead. The oranges and apples are symbols of the Sun King. The nuts symbolize the seeds as they lay sleeping and awaiting the Sun King's return. The wheat stalks symbolize the yearly harvests and the flour represents the triumph of the forces of light and life.)

Yule Door Ornament

Items You Will Need

Small broom, about 1' by 8"
Plastic seasonal flowers
{Holly, berries, mistletoe, evergreens}
3 different colours of ribbon, about 12"-16" long
Some thin wire
{strip garbage bag twist-ties of thier paper coats}
Ornament oriented to the sabbat
Wire Cutters

Using the wire cutters cut down the flower stems to a workable height. Using the wire, begin tying in the seasonal flowers and berries at the base of the broom where the bristles begin. Manipulate the leaves of the flowers to lie flat against the bristles. This will give a good background for the colour of the flowers to show.

Lay your berries and or fruits in between the flowers and tie off with wire. Once you have all the foliage in, wire in the sabbat ornament of your choice.

To hide the wire tie the ribbon in a bow or whatever knot you prefer and let some of the excess drape around and under the piece.

TO HANG: String a bit of wire through the top of the handle and hang on a nail in the door. If you prefer to hang your broom bristles up, then weave the wire through some of the bristles and really twist for strength. If you are hanging this on the front door, it's going to get a lot of traffic by it, so make sure it is secured well.

Sister BlackRaven

Yule Gods-Eye

An amulet made for protection that uses eye symbolism to represent the Sun is the South American God's Eye, which has its origins with the native people of that continent. These amulets are made from two sticks placed across each other to form an equilateral cross. Colored yard is then wound around them to form the body of the Eye. By alternating the colors of yarn the finished product looks like a stylized eye, and its four points symbolize the four directions. The Native South Americans used them both for decoration and as protective talismans.

To make your own God's eye, you will need a quarter-inch dowel available at craft and hardware stores, a pair of scissors, and a collection of colored yarns (popsicle sticks work well too). Cut the dowel into lengths approximately ten inches long. Holding the dowels together at their centers so that they form and equal length cross, begin wrapping your first yarn color around the center in an "X" pattern to stabilize the dowels.

Now begin slowly working your design outward. Wrap the yarn completely around one point of the dowel and then move on to the next point.

Periodically stop and push the yarn down against the center so that you have a tight weave. When you have wrapped the yarn within half an inch of the dowels, stop and wrap the yarn several times tightly around one point. You can then tie it off, leaving a loop from which it can be hung.

God's Eyes can be made of any size, depending on how you want to use them. Larger ones can be used for protection like a Native North American medicine shield, and smaller ones in Yule colors make excellent Yule tree decorations and can symbolize the return of the Sun. If they are decorative items to honor the Sun, then your work is done. If they are to function as protective talismans, then you should be visualizing their purpose as you weave them and consecrate them to their purpose later on.

The Sabbats- A New Approach to Living the Old Ways by Edain McCoy

Yule Goddess Doll

Items needed:
unbleached muslin (1 yard)
sisal rope
white glue
florist wire
small egg-shaped Styrofoam ball

1. Fold one section of newspaper in half and roll it lengthwise.

2. Fold the roll in half, and twist a twist tie at the upper third of the folded roll to form the body and legs. It may be helpful to stuff the legs into a large bottle while you work.

3. Cut off a 20 inch section of florist wire and twist the ends together. Twist the ends into a loop approximately 1 inch long, and bend the wires close together. This will be the arms and hands

4. Stick two pieces of florist wire approximately 6 inches long into the wide end of the Styrofoam ball and fold them around the ball, twisting them together to hold it securely. With the remaining wire, secure the ball to the loop of the newspaper - this will be the head.

5. Thread the arms through the paper of the loop, not the loop itself, to help it remain secure.

6. Mix the glue with an equal part of water to form a solution that the material will be dipped in and used to hold the fabric to the doll and stiffen the fabric to desired shape.

7. From the muslin, rip several 1/4- 1/2 inch strips of fabric, run them through the glue solution. The material should be saturated, but not dripping. Wrap the hands and arms wire with the material, covering the wire completely. It may take several applications of material. Tuck the ends into the material already wrapped.

8. Repeating the same dipping process, cover the head first with horizontal wraps and then with vertical. Wrap the body of the doll crossing over from the front to the back in an "X" shape. Wrap the neck wire and secure the ends of the strips

9. For the skirt: Rip a 12 inch by 20 inch piece of material, sew the 12 inch ends together if desired, and dip the material into the solution. Pull up over the legs, gather the waist and secure to the paper using a 1/2 strip acting as a belt.

10. Make the apron - rip a 2 inch wide strip that is wide enough to fit over the top of the skirt, and cut the front bottom edge into a curve if desired. Secure the apron with a piece of trim.

11. Rip a 1 inch piece of material approximately 8 inches long, dip, and drape around the neck.

12. Rip a 3 inch wide piece of material approximately 16 inches long and drape around back and over arms.

13. Arrange the skirt into desired folds and allow doll to dry.

14. After the doll has dried, cut the rope into 12 12-inch sections and fold in half - this will be the part of the hair. Sew the ropes at the fold down the center of the head. Unravel the rope.

15. You can garnish the White Goddess with a wreath of dried flowers if you like - take a vine and wrap it on itself until you have a wreath. Insert dried flowers into the wreath and place on the head.

16. She can be left in the bottle for year-round use, or placed on top of the tree at Yule.

Sister BlackRaven


You will need the following items:
Clear Glass balls - the colorless kind. I tried with plastic, but the paint would not stick very well. I have used teardrops and bells, but the balls work best.

Silver paint - I found that silver aluminum type works best - it is more reflective

Red yarn cut in short lengths - enough to fill the ball Red ribbon for hanging

Decorations to hide the hang-down thing on top of the ball (I like mistletoe and holly)

First pour the silvery paint into the ball and swirl it around to cover. Since it is supposed to be reflective, the silver aluminum paint they use for metal outdoor stuff is the best, but in a pinch, silver acrylic will do. I have tried silver spray paint (easy) and enamel paint from airplane craft kits as well! Stand the ball on it's top and let dry and drain for 24 hours. Do not skimp here. If it is not fully dry, the paint will fall away from the ball.

When it is dry, stuff it full of the cut lengths of red thread or ribbon. You could try bows if it's for Yule. Make sure it is really full. I usually put some salt and sage into it, along with some of my Yule incense, and pine or Christmas tree needles, also some Christmas spices like cinnamon etc just because it feels right and smells wonderful; but the directions did not say to do this. (I found the idea for these long ago at a Wicca site)

When the ball is stuffed full, place the metal hanger thing back on top. (I usually glue it to make sure it does not fall off.) If you do not use salt and incense, you may not have to glue it. A Spot of clear super glue will secure them forever but be careful!

Cut a length of red ribbon and attach it for a loop for a hanger. Glue on some mistletoe and holly and sprinkle some with glitter in gold and silver to make it look pretty. You can also use those pre-made flowers, tinsel, tiny pine cones or anything else you would like. When it is done, I take it into my circle and consecrate it with fire, air, water and earth. I infuse it with the energy of protection, peace and harmony for our family at Yule (Christmas.)

When I am done, I hang it on my Yule (Christmas) tree. I also have them hanging in every room and in all my windows. You can color-coordinate the decorations to suit the room.

I think these would be a good protection item for young witches with disapproving parents and those who are not out of the "Broom closet," as it were; or who do not wish to draw attention to their pagan or Wiccan leanings!

Fun Yuletide Decorating Using Earth's Food Gifts
By Annie Bond and Cait Johnson.

You can make your own handmade ornaments using this Simple Dough.

Sweet-Smelling Ornament idea:

Pour a container of ground cinnamon in a bowl and add just enough applesauce to make a stiff dough. Roll out and cut with cookie cutters, make a hole at the top for stringing, and place on a baking sheet to dry. When dry, put a ribbon through the hole and place on the tree. The sweet scent will last for years.

Cranberries may be used for:
1. Garlands with dried bay leaves, small lady apples, dried figs, cinnamon sticks and more; just thread a needle and start stringing!

2. Candle-holders: place a beeswax candle in the bottom of a hurricane lamp or other glass container and pour a bag of fresh cranberries around the bottom of it to hold it in place.

Oranges and other citrus fruits
1. Can be made into pretty (and delicious-smelling) pomanders:
Using a darning needle, poke holes in lemons or small oranges, tangerines, or apples and insert a clove in each hole. Place the clove-studded fruits in a shallow baking dish filled with a mixture of ground cinnamon and cloves, turning occasionally, until the fruits have dried and hardened. (It speeds things along if you place them on top of a radiator or refrigerator. Plus it will make your home smell heavenly!) When they are "cured," dust them off, tie a pretty ribbon around them if you like, and give as gifts, hang on the branches of your tree, or place them in a bowl at pulse points in your home.

2. Slice the citrus fruits thinly, and dry them in a warm place. Then they can be strung into garlands or placed on the tree as individual ornaments.

Pomegranates may be placed on top of a fridge or radiator to dry, then placed in a pretty bowl, or hung in the holiday tree.

Apples may be lined up on a mantle among boughs of fresh greenery, or placed in a bowl with nuts in the shell and a few sprigs of holly.

Christmas Poppers
Author Unknown

When you make your own poppers, you get to choose the toy that goes inside. Customize for each guest to set your party apart.
Small toys, gifts, surprises
Wrapping paper or decorative paper
Craft glue
Cardboard paper towel roll

Cut paper large enough to cover paper towel roll and exceed edges by at least 2 inches. Wrap paper around cardboard paper towel roll and glue in place. Tie a ribbon at one end of the base of the paper towel roll, crimping paper. Fill the roll with small gifts, toys or surprises then tie a ribbon around the open end, crimping the paper and holding in all the contents. Trim the paper edges if needed. Place a Christmas Popper by each dinner plate to create a festive look.

Yule Door Ornament
Items You Will Need
Small broom, about 1' by 8"
Plastic seasonal flowers {Holly, berries, mistletoe, evergreens}
3 different colours of ribbon, about 12"-16" long
Some thin wire {strip garbage bag twist-ties of their paper coats}
Ornament oriented to the Sabbat
Wire Cutters

Directions: Using the wire cutters cut down the flower stems to a workable height. Using the wire, begin tying in the seasonal flowers and berries at the base of the broom where the bristles begin. Manipulate the leaves of the flowers to lie flat against the bristles. This will give a good background for the colour of the flowers to show. Lay your berries and or fruits in between the flowers and tie off with wire. Once you have all the foliage in, wire in the Sabbat ornament of your choice. To hide the wire tie the ribbon in a bow or whatever knot you prefer and let some of the excess drape around and under the piece.

To Hang: String a bit of wire through the top of the handle and hang on a nail in the door. If you prefer to hang your broom bristles up, then weave the wire through some of the bristles and really twist for strength. If you are hanging this on the front door, it's going to get a lot of traffic by it, so make sure it is secured well.

Making Your Own Yule Candle

Items needed:
Eleven pound slab of wax (Not all will be used)
Old Coffee Can or melting pot for melting the wax
A sauce pan that the old can will fit into
A Mold (Purchased or another Coffee can, lined with corrugated card)
Wax Coloring or several crayons
Candle wicking
Ice pick
Hot pads or oven mitts
Stirring Spoon or stick
Basin of hot water
Optional candle scenting

The Method:

To determine how much wax will be needed, pour water into your mold. Pour this water carefully into your melting pot. This will give you an idea how high up the sides of the melting pot that the molten wax will need to be. Discard the water, and dry the melting pot and mold thoroughly.

Cut three wicks two to three inches longer than the candle will be when finished. Lay aside.

Cut the wax into chunks, and place them into the old coffee can. Place the coffee can into a saucepan and add hot water to the sauce pan to make a 'water bath'.

Over a low flame, melt the wax. When the wax is nearly all in a liquid state, dip the candle wicking into it. Lay each strand out straight to harden.

Next, shave the wax coloring into the molten wax. Stir gently. When the wax is melted, pour it carefully into the mold. (Reserve some of the wax, as it will 'shrink')

Allow the candle to sit undisturbed for four to six hours.

When the mold is just warm to your touch, use the ice pick to make three holes in the center (about an inch apart, and at least one and a half inches from the candle's edges.)

Insert the wax-stiffened wicks into the ice pick holes.

Reheat the reserved wax and pour it over the candle, filling in the wick areas and any depressions made by the wax shrinkage. (NOT down the sides)

Allow the candle to cool completely. To remove it from the mold, place the can into a basin of hot water. The sides will melt, releasing the candle.

Trim the wicks to around three eighths of an inch. Allow the candle to thoroughly cure before using.

If the candle seems dull, dip it into hot water for a moment to 're-glaze'.
Using the heated tip of an ice pick make designs in the sides of the candle.
Decorate by pressing Holly (or other dried or hardy plants) into the sides. (Dip the candle in hot water to soften, using the hot awl to make 'channels' for the stems or berries to be inserted into.) Brush a thin clear paraffin glaze over all.

A Wildlife Yule Tree
By Barnaby Stewart

In the autumn, start to collect seeds, berries, nuts, hips and haws, in preparation for this midwinter feast for the birds and other wildlife. 'Bird Cake' can be made from seeds, nuts, bread and dried fruits set in fat in used yoghurt pots: knot one end of a piece of string and thread the other end through the base of the yoghurt pot to form a hanging bell. Mix the dry ingredients with melted fat and spoon into the pot; leave to set. Another treat for the birds is peanuts in their shells, threaded onto lengths of twine with a large, blunt needle.

Having collected the food stuffs, you need somewhere to hang them. Find a large branch from a tree and choose a place in the garden or outside a window, where it can be firmly anchored in the ground or fixed to a support. When the really cold weather comes, attach the bells of bird cake and the peanut strings to the branch. Also tie on stems of berries, wild fruits, hips and haws still attached to their twigs.

During the coldest part of winter, when the need for food will overcome some of the wilder birds' fears, you will find all kinds feeding at this special branch. The seeds that fall to the ground will nourish other creatures. Please also find a way to put out shallow bowls of fresh, clean water where birds can not only drink but, even in very cold weather, can paddle and bathe. An old frying pan is good and any ice can easily be turned out to be replaced with fresh water. You may be amazed at what kinds of wildlife there are in the most suburban settings.

Another idea came to me while thinking about Samhain this year, the cost of the various decorations is becoming ridiculous so why not make your own; cut or rip up old newspaper into inch wide strips and set to soak in a watery mixture of water, salt and flour (sorry, don't have quantities), when the paper is thoroughly wet use to make models of bats, spiders, ghosts etc. These can then be painted and hung from ceilings, doorways, where ever you want. These are cheap to make, they recycle paper and so on and the kids have great fun. One word of warning, make sure the work area is fully covered and the kids are wearing old clothes, because this can get VERY messy. Another idea is to use the same mixture to make a mask, with this you blow up an ordinary balloon and coat half of it with the paper and leave to dry, the masks can then be decorated any way you like.

Evergreen Pentacle
From Acorns newsletter

5 small branches
A Styrofoam hoop or an embroidery hoop (inner hoop only) or some other type of hoop bag of fake snow (the sparkly kind)
Flour paste
Cheese cloth (1 package)

1. Glue the branches in the middle of the hoop to create a pentacle.

2. Soak the cheese cloth in the flour paste the wring out lightly... you want enough left on it so it will hold.

3. Wrap the entire pentacle in the cloth... each piece individually... to give it texture and body.

4. Let dry, depending on many factors this may take up to 2 days.

5. With a paint brush, lightly brush on some flour paste. Do Not Soak It.

6. Now place the fake snow in a bowl or on a platter and coat the pentacle just like you would bread something.

7. Allow to dry completely and add a big pretty bow to the top to hang it.

By Brenda Hyde of Old Fashioned Living

Pinecones are one of my favorite natural treasures for crafting. They come in all sizes, and they are paintable, glueable and pretty. These are just a few of the things you can do with pinecones to accent your crafts.

Spiced Pinecones

Ground ginger
Ground cinnamon
Or any crushed dry spice you wish
Craft glue
Foam brush

Mix 1 part glue to 1 part water. Use foam brush to paint the pinecone. Mix equal parts of the spices in a bowl. Sprinkle spice over the pinecone and roll in spice. When coated, allow to dry.

Uses: You can use these in baskets, glued on wreaths, or even solo, as an ornament. Hot glue a ribbon the very top of the pinecone. Add accents to the top, such a Spanish moss, raffia or dried flowers.

Bleached Pinecones

Household liquid bleach
Large bucket
Glass plate
A rock or brick
Foil lined baking sheet

Best done outside in a well-ventilated area. Do not splash bleach. Work carefully. Place pinecones in bucket; add bleach to cover. Place plate on top of pinecones and weight with rock or brick to keep the pinecones covered with the bleach. Allow to sit for five hours. Remove pinecones from bleach (use gloves) and place on baking sheet covered with foil. Place in 250 degree oven for several hours until they reopen completely. The time will depend on how large the pinecone is.

Uses: You can use the same as above. Also they are pretty placed among your garland or even on the Christmas tree itself.

Scented Pinecones

Double boiler
Crayons with paper removed
Cinnamon oil or other scents

Cover work area with newspaper. Melt paraffin a double boiler over hot water (heat BEFORE adding paraffin). Add pieces of crayon to paraffin after it has melted. Red or green would be good for Christmas. Add until the color is as you would like it. Add scented oil. Holding pinecones with tongs, dip in paraffin. Allow to dry between coats. Continue coating until fully covered. Allow paraffin to dry completely before storing or using pinecones.

Uses: These can be given and used as fire starters or placed in bowls to scent a room.

Clay Dough "Goddess and Sun" Nativity Set

This is a way to re-claim the true meaning of Yule: The birth of the Sun. Using the same recipe above for clay dough ornaments, shape the dough into the form of a Goddess, the newborn Sun, and animals, trees, plants or people. Be creative and create this scene as you wish. Roll up some tin foil into a ball and put it in the middle of any really large pieces, to help it keep its shape. Once molded, cook at 325 for one hour to harden, and then paint and varnish.

Flower Pot Bells

You will need an even number of miniature terra cotta flower pots, 1 jingle bell for each pot, 1 yard 1/4 inch ribbon or cording for each pair of pots, craft paint, paintbrushes, and holiday stickers. Paint the pots in holiday colors. Use theme related designs if you wish, or apply stickers. Set aside. Gather the lengths of ribbon or cord together in your hand. Pull the ends out from the center a bit so they appear to be different lengths, then fold the bundle cords in half. Tie an overhand know about two inches from the fold. Hold a pot in your hand and thread the cord through the drainage hold, then through the top of a jingle bell. Knot the cord to hold the bell in place. Tie another knot about one inch away from the bell to hold the position of the pot. Repeat the process with each cord end until all the pots and bells are securely fastened. Hang the bells on the front door.

Tree Skirt

You will need old newspapers, 2 yards of felt (60 inches wide), felt scraps in different colors, fusible webbing, beads, yard stick, and a pencil. Unfold three sheets of newspaper and tape them together lengthwise. Measure around the base of the tree. With that measurement, draw a circle of the same size on the upper portion of the newspaper. With the pencil and yardstick, divide the circle into four equal quarters. Extend the lines of one quarter to the length you have in mind for your skirt. With the yardstick, add 1/2 inch to each long side of the quarter. Cut out the quarter and pin it to the felt. Cut out the piece. Repeat to cut out three more sections. Sew the sections together using a 1/2 inch seam allowance, or apply fusible webbing to join them. Cut out seasonal shapes from the colored scraps to arrange them on the skirt. When you like the way things look, fuse or sew them to the skirt, then embellish as desired.

Yule Log

To make a traditional Yule log you will need a large piece of wood (see below), small pine cones, some evergreens (holly, fir, pine, or spruce snippets work nicely), other flowers and greenery (see below) a hot glue gun, and a length of red ribbon. Starting from the log center, work with the greenery and cones until you have an arrangement that suits you. When you like the placement, attach it to the lot with hot glue. Then tie the ribbon around the log to form a bow in the center. If you like, write personal wishes for the new year on little slips of paper, and insert them sporadically under the foliage. Put the log aside until Yule. For extra luck in the coming year, make sure to keep the Yule fire going for twelve days. After the twelfth day, place some of the ash in a jar with a tight lid. These ashes are very magickal, and can be used to boost spellwork in the coming year.

The Yule log can be made of any wood. Each releases its own kind of magic.

Aspen: invokes understanding of the grand design.
Birch: signifies new beginnings.
Holly: inspires visions and reveals past lives.
Oak: brings healing, strength, and wisdom.
Pine: signifies prosperity and growth.
Willow: invokes the Goddess to achieve desires.

You may also wish to decorate the log with greenery, flowers, ribbons and herbs for magickal intent. Some choices might be:
Carnations-protection, courage, strength, healing, increases magickal power, vitality
Cedar-wealth, protection, purification, healing, promotes spirituality
Holly-dreams, protection
Juniper- Exorcism, protection, healing, love
Mistletoe-a catalyst, fertility, health, success, protection, banishing evil
Pine-healing, wealth, protection, purification, exorcism, exorcism, fertility, wealth
Rosemary-health, love, protection, exorcism, purification, increase intellectual powers, peace, blessing, consecration, very powerful cleansing and purifying
Roses-love, courage, luck, health, protection, beauty

Twelve Herb Yule Sachet
By Scott Cunningham

Herbal sachets, or charms, consist of herbs and other materials tied-up in bits of cloth. Some sachets ward off certain energies or disease; others draw specific situations or powers to you. Easy to make and pleasing to the nose, sachets are a distinctive and aromatic gift for the holidays.

Items needed
7 parts Juniper
4 parts Cinnamon
4 parts Allspice
4 parts Ginger
4 parts Caraway
2 parts Nutmeg
2 parts Rosemary
2 parts Lemon peel
2 parts Orange peel
1 part Clove
1 part Bay
2 pinches Orris root

Tie up in a green or red cloth and give as a gift on Yule or Christmas.

Mistletoe Ball for Yule

Items you will need:
1 foam ball 4 inches in diameter {florist's foam works best but Styrofoam will do}
Mistletoe sprigs {fresh or dried}
Holly sprigs {fresh or dried}
1/2 yard of 5/8 - inch red ribbon
1 yard of 1/4 - inch red ribbon
Straight pins

Wind the 5/8 - inch ribbon around the ornament {foam ball} vertically, pin into place and cut. Start from the bottom of the band and wind the ribbon around the ornament horizontally to divide the ball in half again. Pin in place and cut. The ball should now be divided into four equal vertical sections.

Fill in the sections by pressing sprig stems into the foam. Continue until each section is completely covered.

As you work, chant something like this:
"Mistletoe! Holly! Magickal Ones! Bring us joy - add to our fun may those who kiss beneath this ball be lucky though Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall"

Cut an 8 - inch length fro the ¼ - inch ribbon and form a loop to hang the ball. Secure it to the top of the ball with pins. Then cut the remaining ¼ - inch ribbon in half. Use it to make two multi - looped bows. Pin one bow to the top and the other to the bottom.



This is simply the best gingerbread in the world. The recipe is not original with me, but it has changed more than a bit in my keeping and may in yours as well.
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup molasses
1 teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon cloves
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
3/4 very hot water
1 1/4 cup flour
1 egg
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Butter and flour your baking pan. (I use a 9-inch round pan, but a pair of loaf pans also works well.) Cream together the butter and sugar. Add the molasses. (It is very efficient if you pour the hot water in the same measuring cup you just poured the molasses out of -- it will dissolve the molasses residue and save you time.) Add spices. Alternately, add a bit of the hot water and a bit of the flour until both are thoroughly blended. Beat in the egg, and then quickly whisk in the baking powder and soda. Now quickly, before you lose any rise from your leavening, pour the batter into your pan and pop it in the oven. Cook for about half an hour, or until the middle is firm.

Moldable Shortbread

When I was young, I found a variant on this recipe and used it to make cookies in the shapes of fruit, stippling little balls of orange-colored dough to give them the texture of citrus peel, piercing them with a clove to make a blossom end, painting a blush on the surface of peaches and so forth, rather in the manner of marzipan. But the dough can be made into almost any form, as long as it is mostly flat. You can think of it as an edible, cookable play-dough. Don't be timid with the food color -- bright colors make it much more fun.
1 part sugar
2 parts butter
Flavoring to taste
5 parts flour
Food coloring

Cream together the butter and sugar, add flavoring if desired and then blend in flour. (If your one part is equal to half a cup, you can use 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, or a bit less almond extract, a bit more Grand Marnier, a teaspoon of citrus zest, a couple of tablespoons of minced candied ginger or whatever suits your fancy.)

Divide the dough into sections and add a different color of food coloring to each one, mixing it in first with a fork and then with your fingers. Form each color into a ball, wrap with plastic and refrigerate for at least an hour. When it is chilled, form it into whatever shapes you -- or your children --like. Bake at 325 for 20 to 30 minutes. If the dough becomes hot and sticky while it is being worked, just stick the cookies into the refrigerator to chill before you bake them. As long as they are cold when they hit the oven, the texture will be fine.

Savory Strawberry Cornish Game Hen

Prep: 30 min (plus marinating hen overnight)
Cook time: 1 hour
Serves: 4

4 Cornish game hens
2 12-oz. cans strawberry nectar
1 tsp. fresh ginger root, ground or grated
1 heaping tsp. minced garlic
1 Cup white cooking wine
1/2 cup white vinegar
4 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
20 cloves garlic
2 tbsp. mrs.dash (original)
2 cups chicken stock
1 cup honey
1/4 cup strawberries, smashed
4 fresh whole sprigs rosemary

Rinse Cornish game hens, inside and out. Drain.

Prepare marinade with nectar, ginger, garlic, wine and vinegar. Place hens in a container or airtight bag and pour marinade over them. Place in fridge and sit overnight, turning regularly. Continue turning them the next day until your ready to cook them.

Remove hens from marinade and drain. Rub each hen with olive oil. Place in baking pan and poke five holes in each hen, then insert the garlic clove into the holes. Sprinkle the top of each of the four hens with about 1/2 tbsp. mrs.dash. Cover the bottom of roasting pan with chicken broth. Cook at 450 degrees until the top of hens are lightly crispy.

While that's cooking, mix together honey and strawberries.

Reduce temp to 350 degrees and cook another 45 minutes, basting regularly. Let rest 10 mins. before serving.

Garnish with rosemary.

Drippings in pan make great gravy.

Vegetable Gift Purse

Serve with various dipping sauces like- Chinese mustard, sweet n sour, basic soy, balsamic reduction, etc

Prep: 10 min
Cook: 1 hour
Serves: 4 side dishes

2 spring onion, diced
2 stalks asparagus, diced (or chopped spinach)
1 stalk celery, diced
1 medium carrot, diced
1/4 cup mushrooms, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup cabbage, finely shredded
1 tbsp. fresh ginger root, ground or grated
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 package of egg roll wrapper (16 oz.)
Vegetable oil
Sesame seed garnish

Place all veges and soy sauce into frying pan and lightly saute them until celery and carrots are tender crisp. Cool

Lay one piece of egg roll wrap out and put a heaping tbsp. of veges in it. Dampen edges of the wrap with water then gather up all four corners and twist. Pinch a little to make sure wrap is holding closed. Repeat with another wrap until your used up your filling.

Using nonstick frying pan (with lid) coated evenly with 1 tbsp vege oil, lightly fry bottom of each gift bundle. When bottom is golden brown, pour in about 1/8 cup of water and cover for 5 minutes to steam.

When gift bundles are translucent, they're cooked. Put in 200 degree oven to keep warm while making the rest. Serve topped with a sprinkle of sesame seeds and your dipping sauces.

Cranberry-Orange Punch

Prp: 10 min
Yield: 6 or so 8-oz servings

2 cups each cranberry juice
2 cups orange juice
1 cup sugar (more to taste)
1/2 lemon, juice (other half sliced)
1/2 lime, juiced (the other half sliced)
1 sliced orange
1 quart cranberry ginger ale

All juices and sugar go into punch bowl and sliced fruits float on top. you can change flavor of ginger ale to suit your tastes.

Fruitcake Cookies
Prep: 30 min
Yield: 4 dozen cookies

1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 large egg
1 3/4 cups all purpose flour, sifted
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 cup cream
3/4 cup chopped nuts (your choice)
2 1/2 cups mixed dried and candied fruits
1/4 tsp. ginger
1/4 tsp. nutmeg

Preheat oven 400 degrees.

Cream sugar with butter until mixed. Add egg to the butter and sugar and beat until integrated.

Sift together all dry ingredients into a mixing bowl. Slowly beat in cream and sugar-butter, then hand fold in your chosen nuts, fruits, and the spices.

Using a tbsp. drop onto a greased cookie sheet.

Bake for 9 to 12 minutes (Don't burn the candied fruits!).

Cool and store in an airtight container.

Yuletide Slaw

4 cups Red Cabbage, shredded
1/4 cup Lemon Juice
1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper, coarse ground
1 teaspoon Salt
1/2 cup Green Onions, chopped
2 teaspoons Sugar
1/4 cup Salad Oil
2 tablespoons Parsley
1 Green Bell Pepper, chopped

Combine and toss the vegetables together. Mix salt, pepper, salad oil, lemon juice, sugar and parsley and pour over the vegetable mixture. Refrigerate for 1 hour, Toss briskly before serving. Makes 8 servings.

Cucumber Raspberry Salad
1/2 C. light, fruity olive oil
3 T. raspberry vinegar
3 T. creme fraiche
salt and pepper
Whisk the oil into vinegar. Add salt and pepper to taste. Whisk in the creme fraiche. Taste for balance of flavors.
4 cucumbers peeled and thinly sliced
3 T. fresh chopped chives
1/2 pint fresh raspberries
Arrange the cucumber slices on individual plates in a slightly overlapping pattern. Drizzle with the dressing and sprinkle with the chives. Top with a few of the berries.

2 (8 oz.) cream cheese
9 oz. crushed pineapple, drained
Seasoned salt
2 tbsp. onion, chopped
2 tbsp. green pepper
1 c. nuts, crushed
Mix and refrigerate overnight. Form into ball. Roll in crushed nuts.

Bite-Size Crustless Quiches
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
1/2 cup finely chopped red bell pepper
1/4 cup chopped green onion (white and green parts)
3 large eggs
2 tablespoons milk
2 ounces Cheddar cheese, coarsely grated (1/2 cup)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
Makes 18 bite-size quiches.
Preparation time: 10 minutes.
Cooking time: 20 minutes.
Step 1: Preheat the oven to 425°F. Grease one tray of 24 mini muffin-pan cups (1 3/4- x 1-inch).

In a small saucepan, melt butter over moderate heat. Add bell pepper and onion; saute until soft, about 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let the mixture cool slightly.
Step 2: In a medium-size bowl, combine eggs, milk, cheese, salt, and pepper. Stir in the bell pepper and onions. Spoon about 1 tablespoon of the mixture into each muffin cup. (The mixture will fill 18 to 22 cups.)

Step 3: Bake until the centers are set, 8 to 10 minutes. Let the quiches cool for 1 minute. Using a knife, loosen the quiches around the edges and remove from the cups. Arrange them on a platter and serve.

Surprise Cocktail Meatballs
12 ounces lean ground beef
1/2 cup fresh bread crumbs (1 slice)
1/4 cup finely chopped yellow onion
1/4 cup shredded carrot
2 tablespoons minced parsley
2 tablespoons low-fat (1% milkfat) milk
1/2 teaspoon dried marjoram leaves
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground sage
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
1 large egg white (lightly beaten)
18 water chestnut halves, pecan halves, pineapple tidbits, and/or small sweet green pepper squares
For the Sauce
1/2 cup apple juice
1/3 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
1/4 cup red wine vinegar or cider vinegar
4 teaspoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon lower-sodium soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

Makes 18 meatballs.
Preparation time: 20 minutes.
Cooking time: 23 minutes.
Step 1: Preheat the oven to 350°. To prepare the meatballs, in a large bowl, mix the beef, bread crumbs, onion, carrot, parsley, milk, marjoram, salt, sage, pepper, and egg white. Divide into 18 pieces (tip, below). Wrap each piece around a water chestnut half. Place the meatballs in a 13- x 9- x 2-inch baking pan. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until the meatballs are no longer pink. Transfer to paper towels and drain well.
Step 2: Meanwhile, to prepare the sauce, in a medium-size saucepan, whisk together the apple juice, brown sugar, vinegar, cornstarch, soy sauce, and garlic powder. Bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes or until thickened, stirring often. Stir the meatballs into the apple juice mixture and simmer for 3 minutes or until the meatballs are heated through. Place in a small chafing dish or shallow serving dish. Use cocktail forks or toothpicks to serve.
Stuffing Meatballs:
Pat the meat mixture into a 6- x 3-inch rectangle. Then, with a knife, cut the meat into 18 1-inch squares. Separate the squares and flatten each square slightly.Wrap each square around a water chestnut half or one of the other fillings. Be sure the meat is completely sealed around the filling so it doesn't poke out during baking.

Chinese Egg Rolls
* 4 teaspoons vegetable oil
* 3 eggs, beaten
* 1 medium head cabbage, finely shredded
* 1/2 carrot, julienned
* 1 (8 ounce) can shredded bamboo shoots
* 1 cup dried, shredded wood ear mushroom, rehydrated
* 1 pound Chinese barbequed or roasted pork, cut into matchsticks
* 2 green onions, thinly sliced
* 2 1/2 teaspoons soy sauce
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 teaspoon sugar
* 1/2 teaspoon monosodium glutamate (MSG)
* 1 (14 ounce) package egg roll wrappers
* 1 egg white, beaten
* 4 cups oil for frying, or as needed
1. Heat 1 teaspoon vegetable oil in a wok or large skillet over medium heat. Pour in beaten eggs and cook, without stirring, until firmed. Flip the eggs over and cook for an additional 20 seconds to firm the other side. Set egg pancake aside to cool, then slice into thin strips.
2. Heat the remaining vegetable oil in a wok or large skillet over high heat. Stir in cabbage and carrot; cook for 2 minutes to wilt. Add bamboo, mushroom, pork, green onions, soy sauce, salt, sugar, and MSG; continue cooking until the vegetables soften, about 6 minutes. Stir in sliced egg, then spread mixture out onto a pan, and refrigerate until cold, about 1 hour.
3. To assemble the egg rolls, place a wrapper onto your work surface with one corner pointing towards you. Place about 3 tablespoons of cooled filling in a heap onto the bottom third of the wrapper. Brush a little beaten egg white onto the top two edges of the wrapper, then fold the bottom corner over the filling and roll firmly to the halfway point. Fold the left and right sides snugly over the egg roll, then continue rolling until the top corners seal the egg roll with the egg white. Repeat with remaining egg roll wrappers, covering finished egg rolls with plastic wrap to keep from drying out.
4. Heat about 6-inches of oil in a wok or deep-fryer to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
5. Fry egg rolls 3 or 4 at a time until golden brown, 5 to 7 minutes. Drain on paper towels.

Italian Butter
serve with warm french bread
1 tablespoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon dried rosemary
1 tablespoon dried basil
1 tablespoon dried parsley
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1. Using a spice or coffee grinder, grind together red and black peppers, dried herbs, garlic powder, minced garlic, and salt.
2. Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of herb mixture onto a small plate. Pour a thin layer of olive oil on top, and serve. Store remaining mixture in an air-tight container.

1 large Onion, chopped (1 cup)
1 Tablespoon Vegetable oil
1 1/2 pounds Sweet Potatoes, peeled and cubed (5 cups)
1 small Acorn Squash, seeded and cubed
13 3/4 ounces Chicken Broth
4 Tablespoons Milk
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/4 teaspoon White Pepper
1/4 cup Sour Cream
2 Tablespoons Sliced Almonds; toasted
Ground Nutmeg
Sauté onion in oil in large saucepan over med. heat until onion is golden, about 8 minutes. Add potatoes, squash and broth. Simmer, covered, until vegetables are tender, about 25 min. Cool slightly. Working in small batches, place the vegetables with the liquid in a blender or food processor. Whirl until pureed. Return the puree to the saucepan. Stir in the milk to desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper. Heat over low heat. Remove to heated bowls. Top each serving with dollop of sour cream and a sprinkle of almonds and nutmeg.

Scalloped Apples

6 Granny Smith Apples, peeled and sliced
1/4 cup Butter
1/4 cup granulated Sugar
1/4 cup light Brown Sugar
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1/4 tsp. Nutmeg
1/8 tsp. ground Cloves
1/8 tsp. ground Ginger
1 tsp. vanilla

Place apples in a nonstick saucepan with butter. Cook for several minutes. Add sugars, spices and vanilla and continue cooking until apples are tender, about 15 - 20 minutes over low-medium heat.

Chicken Breast Amaretto
1/4 cup sweet butter
1/3 cup chopped onions
1/3 cup chopped celery
4 cups of Italian flavor stuffing mix
1 can water chestnuts
2 tsp. poultry seasoning
1 can chicken broth
1/2 cup Amaretto liquor
4 chicken breasts, boneless
1-1/2 cups light brown sugar
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup orange juice
1/3 cup amaretto liquor
Mix all of stuffing ingredients together and pour into greased baking dish. Lay chicken breasts on top of mixture, heat oven at 350º. Baste from time to time with glaze sauce. Bake for one hour or until chicken breasts are tender Glaze sauce: combine and heat ingredients slowly in small saucepan.

Rack of Lamb with Herb Crust
1/8 C fresh parsley
1/8 C fresh oregano
1/8 C fresh rosemary
1/8 C fresh thyme
1/2 C fresh breadcrumbs
1 1/2 T garlic, minced
1/4 C + 2 T olive oil
1 T Dijon mustard
salt & pepper to taste
1 rack of lamb (about 2-2 ½ lbs.)
Serves 2
Pre-heat oven to 450° F.
In the bowl of a food processor, combine all ingredients, except mustard and 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and process until well mixed, but still slightly crumbly. In other words, don't turn it to mush! Set aside. In a large skillet, heat remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil until just below smoking. Season lamb rack with salt and pepper and quickly brown by cooking for about 3-4 minutes per side. Remove lamb from skillet and place in an oiled roasting pan. Carefully brush mustard over the section just over the top, underside and sides of chops, leaving bones exposed. Gently pat the herb/breadcrumb mixture over the mustard. Cook for 10-12 minutes or until the meat reaches an internal temperature of about 130° F. Allow to rest 10 minutes before carving. To serve lamb chops, slice between bones.

Irish Coffee Muffins
1 egg, beaten.
2 cups of flour.
½ cup of sugar.
½ cup of melted butter.
½ cup of heavy cream, unwhipped.
¼ cup of coffee liqueur.
¼ cup of Irish whiskey.
1 tablespoon of baking powder.
½ teaspoon of salt.
Instructions for Irish Coffee Muffins:
Preheat your oven to 400°F (205°C).
Sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Stir in the remaining ingredients, until moistened. Fill paper-lined muffin tins full. Bake in your oven for 20 minutes.

Cinnamon Muffins
2 medium eggs.
3 cups of flour.
1 cup of milk.
1 cup of sugar.
5 tablespoons of butter.
5 tablespoons of shortening.
3 teaspoons of baking powder.
1 teaspoon of salt.
1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg.
1 cup of melted butter.
1 cup of sugar blended with 1 tablespoon of cinnamon.
Instructions for Cinnamon Muffins:
Grease 12 three-inch muffin pan cups.
Cream together the butter, the shortening and the sugar. Beat in the eggs, salt, nutmeg and bakingpowder. Stir in the flour and milk alternately until mixture is just combined. Fill muffin cups to the top. Bake at 350F oven for about twenty minutes. Allow to cool for a few minutes. With each muffin, dip in the melted butter. Roll each muffin in the cinnamon sugar blend.

Brandied Fruit Cake
3 cups of sifted flour
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 teaspoon of nutmeg
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
3/4 cup of shortening
1/2 cup of honey
1/2 cup of brown sugar, firmly packed
2 eggs
1/2 cup of brandy
1 pound of candied fruit, diced
1 cup of whole glace cherries
1 cup of light raisins
1 cup of broken walnuts
Sift flour with salt, soda, nutmeg and cinnamon. Cream shortening, honey and sugar until fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each. Stir in brandy, fruits and nuts. Gradually add dry ingredients. Beat well with a spoon until well blended. Spoon into a greased and floured 9 inch tubepan. Bake in a 300ºF. oven for 2 1/2 hours or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan for 15 minutes. Remove to rack to finish cooling. wrap in foil and store to ripen. Once a week, open foil and sprinkle thoroughly with more brandy, Just before serving, brush with glaze and decorate with candied fruits.
Fruit Cake Glaze
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of light corn syrup
2 tablespoons of water
Combine the ingredients in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes. Cool before using.

Fried Honeycakes

1/2 cup sweet White Wine
2 tablespoons Sugar
1 Egg
1 cup Honey
2/3 cup Flour
1/8 teaspoon Nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon Cinnamon
Oil for frying
1/8 teaspoon Salt

Beat the wine & egg in a medium bowl. Combine the flour cinnamon, salt & sugar in a small bowl. Stir into the egg mixture. Let stand 30 minutes. Combine the honey & nutmeg in a small bowl. Heat 1/2-inch of oil in a frying pan until hot, but not smoking. Drop the batter into the oil 1 tablespoon at a time frying until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Dip into the honey and serve. (makes 1 1/2 doz.)

Chocolate-Almond Bites
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
2 sticks (8 ounces) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup toasted almonds, finely chopped
sifted confectioners sugar
Makes 48 to 60 bites.
Preparation time: 20 minutes.
Cooking time: between 20 and 25 minutes.
Step 1: Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a baking sheet.
Step 2: Onto a sheet of wax paper, sift the flour with the cocoa. In a large bowl, with an electric mixer on high, beat the butter, sugar, vanilla, and salt until pale and creamy. Beat in the flour mixture, then the almonds.
Step 3: Shape heaped teaspoonfuls of dough into balls and arrange on baking sheet. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until firm. Cool briefly on the sheet before removing to a rack.
Step 4: While still slightly warm, dredge the biscuits with confectioners sugar. Store in an airtight container. They will keep for 5 days.

Egg Nog Cookies

2 ½ cups flour
1 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
½ tsp. ground nutmeg
1 ½ cups sugar
½ cups salted butter, softened
½ cup eggnog
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
2 large egg yolks
1 tbsp. ground nutmeg

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Combine flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and ½ tsp. nutmeg. Mix with wire whisk and set aside. Cream sugar and butter with electric mixer. Add eggnog, vanilla, and egg yolks; beat at medium speed until smooth. Add flour mixture and bat at low speed until combined; do not over mix. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto un-greased baking sheet 1 inch apart. Sprinkle lightly with 1 tbsp. nutmeg. Bake for 23/25 minutes or until bottoms turn light
brown. Transfer cookies to a cool, flat surface. Makes about 3 dozen

Yule Amaretti (Almond Cookies)

3/4 C blanched almonds, finely ground in a food processor
3/4 C sugar
2 large egg whites
1/2 tsp almond extract

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix to form a thick sticky dough. Drop about 1/2 teaspoon per cookie on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 15 minutes, until lightly browned around the edges. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 5 minutes before lifting with a knife or spatula. Makes about 3 dozen.

Christmas Stars

1 cup shortening
2/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tip vanilla
1 tsp. almond flavoring
2 3/4 cup flour
1 1/2 cup powdered sugar
2 tbsp milk
1 tip vanilla
food coloring

Cream together the shortening and sugar. Beat in the eggs,
salt and flavorings. Stir in the flour until smoothly blended.
Chill in the fridge for about an hour.
Roll out on a floured surface to a thickness of about 1/4 inch.
Cut with your favorite cookie cutters. Bake on an ungreased
cookie sheets until lightly browned around the edges, about
8-10 minutes. Let it cool down.

Frosting: Mix the powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla together thoroughly.
Divide and color each portion. Frost the cookies.

1/2 cup slivered almonds
1/3 cup semisweet chocolate pieces
1 1/2 cups plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
2 eggs
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons finely chopped candied orange or lemon peel
confectioners' sugar
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Process almonds and chocolate in a blender or food processor on until finely chopped. Combine with1 1/2 cups flour, baking powder, cinnamon and cloves. In a large bowl, beat eggs and sugar with electric mixer until pale and fluffy. Stir in flour mixture until well blended. Mix orange peel and the two tablespoons of flour; work into dough with hands. Divided into 30 equal pieces. On lightly floured surface, roll each piece into a 9 inch rope. Bend into a pretzel shape. Place 1 inch apart on greased cookie sheet. Bake 10 minutes or until firm to the touch. Cool on wire rack. Sprinkle tops with sifted confectioners' sugar. Makes 30.

White Chocolate Gorp
2 pounds white chocolate
6 cups crispy rice cereal squares, e.g., Rice Chex TM
3 cups toasted oat cereal
2 cups thin pretzel sticks
2 cups cashews
1 (12 ounce) package mini candy-coated chocolate pieces
1. Melt chocolate in a large saucepan over low heat or in microwave until just until soft. Stir until melted. Combine all the other ingredients in big roaster pan or bowl. Stir chocolate into mixture. Turn out on waxed paper. Of course anything you like can be added or substituted-but this recipe is a great combination!
2. Combine the crispy rice cereal squares, toasted oat cereal, pretzels, cashews and candy in big roaster pan or bowl. Stir chocolate into mixture. Turn out on waxed paper and let cool.

Rum Balls
2 cups crushed vanilla wafers
1 cup powdered sugar
½ cup finely chopped candied red or green cherries (I omit these)
½ cup finely chopped walnuts or pecans
¼ cup rum
3 tablespoons corn syrup
2 tablespoons butter, melted
¼ cup powdered sugar
Combine crushed vanilla wafers, 1 cup powdered sugar, cherries and pecans. Add rum, corn syrup and butter; blend well.* Shape mixture into 1-inch balls; roll in ¼ cup powdered sugar. Cover tightly and let stand at least 24 hours to allow flavors to blend.


1/2 cup Brown sugar, firmly packed
3 Tablespoons Butter or margarine, softened
1 Egg
1 cup All-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon Baking powder
1/2 teaspoon Ground cardamom
1/4 teaspoon Baking soda
1/4 teaspoon Ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon Ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon Ground allspice
1/4 teaspoon Ground nutmeg
Red and green decorator icing
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
In a medium bowl, beat the brown sugar and margarine until blended. Add the egg; beat until well blended. Lightly spoon flour into measuring cup; level off. Add the flour, baking powder, baking soda and spices; mix well. Divide the dough in half. On a lightly floured surface, roll each half of dough with your hands to make two 10 1/2-inch logs; flatten slightly to 1 1/4 inches in diameter. With a spatula, place the logs 2 to 3 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet. Dip a non-serrated knife in water; score each log diagonally at 3/4-inch intervals. Bake for 11 to 13 minutes, or until set and no longer moist. Cool for 1 minute. Remove from the cookie sheet; place on a wire rack. Cool for 5 minutes. With a serrated knife, cut the logs at the scored lines.
Cool completely. Decorate each cookie with decorator icing to resemble a holly leaf and berries.

Apple Dumplings

2 cups Flour
4 teaspoons Baking powder
1 teaspoon Salt
4 Tablespoons Shortening
1 cup Milk
6 Apples
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
Pare and core apples. Sift flour, baking powder and salt; cut in shortening, add milk and mix to smooth dough. Turn onto floured board and divide into six portions. Roll each portion large enough to cover one apple. Place an apple on each piece of dough; fill with cinnamon and sugar; wet edges of dough and fold over apple. Place on greased baking sheet, and bake at 350-F until apples are tender (about 40 minutes).

Eggnog Bread Pudding By Annora Kirin

step one
8 cups Hawaiian bread cubed with crusts on

step two
8 extra-large eggs
1 cup sugar

step three
2 cups whipping cream
3 cups dairy eggnog
2 oz brandy
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 cup butter -- melted

step four
3/4 cup raisins soaked in brandy until soft.

Place cubed bread in a large flat baking pan and toast in a preheated 350 degree F oven turning until golden brown on all sides. Do not let it get too brown or burn. Remove from oven and set aside. In a small bowl combine the raisins and brandy and set aside. In a large bowl, using an egg beater, cream the eggs and sugar together. Add the cream, eggnog, nutmeg and butter and beat until well mixed. Add the bread cubes, raisin and brandy mixture and mix with a spoon until all
the bread is well coated with the egg mixture. Let stand for about 30 minutes stirring occasionally.

Pour into a 9 1/2 x 13 1/2 x 2 inch baking dish that has been sprayed with a non stick substance. Bake in a preheated 350 degree F oven for 45 minutes to an hour or until the custard is set, being careful not to brown the top too much. Remove from the oven and let cool. Top with sweetened whipped cream or a brandy sauce if desired.

Yield: 10 servings.

NOTES: Hawaiian bread is a soft sweetened bread that can be found
inmost larger markets. If not available use an egg bread. Use a
commercial brand of eggnog found in most markets during the holidays.
This can be served hot but the flavors come out best when cooled.

Bread and Butter Pudding
1oz butter, plus extra for greasing
8 thin slices bread
2oz raisens
2 tsp cinnamon powder
12fl oz whole milk
2fl oz heavy cream
2 eggs
1oz granulated sugar
nutmeg, grated, to taste
1. Grease a 2 pint pie dish with butter.
2. Cut the crusts off the bread. Spread each slice with on one side with butter, then cut into triangles.
3. Arrange a layer of bread, buttered-side up, in the bottom of the dish, then add a layer of raisens. Sprinkle with a little cinnamon, then repeat the layers of bread and raisens, sprinkling with cinnamon, until you have used up all of the bread. Finish with a layer of bread, then set aside.
4. Gently warm the milk in a pan over a low heat to scalding point. Don't let it boil.
5. Crack the eggs into a bowl, add three quarters of the sugar and lightly whisk until pale.
6. Add the warm milk and cream mixture and stir well, then strain the custard into a bowl.
7. Pour the custard over the prepared bread layers and sprinkle with nutmeg and the remaining sugar and leave to stand for 30 minutes.
8. Preheat the oven to 355F.
9. Place the dish into the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes, or until the custard has set and the top is golden-brown.
Preparation time less than 30 mins, Cooking time 30 mins to 1 hour

Walnut Maple Pie
1 store-bought or homemade pie crust
2 large egg whites
1 large egg
1 cup maple-flavored syrup or pure maple syrup
1/2 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon butter or margarine (melted)
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
Makes 8 servings.
Preparation time: 15 minutes.
Cooking time: 55 minutes.
Cooling time: 1 hour.
Step 1: Preheat oven to 400°. Line a 9-inch pie plate with pie crust. Trim crust to 1/2 inch beyond edge of pie plate. Fold under extra crust and crimp edge. Line crust with foil and fill with dried beans. Bake for 15 minutes or until light brown. Cool crust on a wire rack for 5 minutes; discard foil. (Save beans for future pastry baking.) Lower oven temperature to 350°.
Step 2: Meanwhile, in a large bowl, using a rotary beater or fork, beat the egg whites and egg just until mixed. Whisk in the maple-flavored syrup, brown sugar, flour, butter, and vanilla just until smooth. Stir in the walnuts.
Step 3: Pour the syrup mixture into baked crust. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. (If the edge of the crust seems to be browning too quickly, cover with foil.) Cool on a wire rack for 1 hour. Serve with frozen vanilla yogurt or cover and store in the refrigerator.

Eggnog French Toast
2c eggnog
1 egg, slightly beaten
1/2tsp cinnamon
6 Croissants
3 tbsps butter
In a shallow bowl, mix the eggnog, egg and cinnamon, stirring well. Slice the croissants lengthwise. Melt one tablespoon of butter in a skillet or on a griddle. Dip 1 croissant half in the batter and place
in the griddle. Repeat with the remaining halves. Cook on each side for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes, or until golden brown. Use remaining butter as needed. Remove to a serving platter. Serve at once with warm maple syrup. 6 servings.

Christmas Krupnik

1 cup honey
1 cup water
6 cloves
1 cinnamon stick
2-inch vanilla bean
dash of freshly grated nutmeg
3 inch piece of lemon peel, zest (yellow part) only
1 inch piece of orange peel, zest (orange part) only
2 cups vodka

Heat the honey, water and spices in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Watch pot carefully so it does not boil over. Cover, turn off the heat and allow to steep for at least 20 minutes to half an hour. Add the vodka and serve hot. This recipe may be made in advance and reheated. It keeps very well if strained and decanted. from: about.com/sabbats/yule

Cranberry Punch
2 cups cranberry juice
2 cups pineapple juice
1 cup orange juice
3/4 cup triple sec (optional)
1 pint strawberries, hulled and sliced (freeze these and use instead of ice cubes)
1 lime, thinly sliced
4 cups ginger ale, or Champagne, chilled
Lime sherbet - added at the very end to float
Makes about 1 1/2 quarts.
Total time: 20 minutes, plus chilling time.

Step 1: In a large glass container, combine ingredients and chill thoroughly.
Step 2: Just before serving, slowly stir in the ginger ale or the substitutions. Pour into a punch bowland add the frozen strawberries or the ice cubes.
Step 3: If you decided to add the lime sherbet - add this now - and as it melts the punch will take on even more of a rich flavor.

Spiced Holiday Tea

2 cups water
3 tea bags (unflavored black tea)
4 star anise
1 3-inch-long cinnamon stick
1 cup passion fruit nectar
3 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons lemon juice


1. In a medium saucepan bring water to boiling. Add tea bags, anise, and cinnamon stick. Reduce heat. simmer, uncovered, for 3 to 5 minutes. Discard tea bags and cinnamon stick. Stir in nectar, honey, and lemon juice. Heat through.
2. Pour tea mixture into four heat-proof cups, floating a star anise on top of each. Makes 4 servings.

Spiced Cider
6 cups apple cider
1/4 cup real maple syrup
2 cinnamon sticks
6 whole cloves
6 whole allspice berries
1 orange peel, cut into strips
1 lemon peel, cut into strips
1. Pour the apple cider and maple syrup into a large stainless steel saucepan. 2. Place the cinnamon sticks, cloves, allspice berries, orange peel and lemon peel in the center of a washed square of cheesecloth; fold up the sides of the cheesecloth to enclose the bundle, then tie it up with a length of kitchen string. Drop the spice bundle into the cider mixture. 3. Place the saucepan over moderate heat for 5 to 10 minutes, or until the cider is very hot but not boiling.
4. Remove the cider from the heat. Discard the spice bundle. Ladle the cider into big cups or mugs, adding a fresh cinnamon stick to each serving if desired.

4 cups milk
5 whole cloves
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
12 egg yolks
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 1/2 cups light rum
4 cups light cream
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1. Combine milk, cloves, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, and cinnamon in a saucepan, and heat over lowest setting for 5 minutes. Slowly bring milk mixture to a boil.
2. In a large bowl, combine egg yolks and sugar. Whisk together until fluffy. Whisk hot milk mixture slowly into the eggs. Pour mixture into saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly for 3 minutes, or until thick. Do not allow mixture to boil. Strain to remove cloves, and let cool for about an hour.
3. Stir in rum, cream, 2 teaspoon vanilla, and nutmeg. Refrigerate overnight before serving.

Winter Punch

2 3/4 cups apple juice
1 1/4 cups orange juice
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons honey
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

In a saucepan, combine apple juice and orange juice. Heat over medium
heat until steaming hot, but not boiling. Remove from heat and sir in
lemon juice, honey and cinnamon. Serve hot.

Cranberry Punch
2 cups cranberry juice
2 cups pineapple juice
1 cup orange juice
3/4 cup triple sec (optional)
1 pint strawberries, hulled and sliced
1 lime, thinly sliced
4 cups ginger ale, chilled
Makes about 1 1/2 quarts.
Total time: 20 minutes, plus chilling time.
Step 1: In a large glass container, combine ingredients and chill thoroughly.
Step 2: Just before serving, slowly stir in the ginger ale. Pour into a punch bowl or large jug and add ice cubes.


3 Cinnamon sticks
6 Cloves
4 Cardamon pods
2 Oranges, sliced
1 Lemon, sliced
1/3 cup Raisins
1 quart Wine (or white Grape juice)
2 Apples, peeled & sliced
1/2 gallon Apple juice
2 pieces crystalized Ginger

Tie cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and cardamon into a piece of cheesecloth. Place spice bag, oranges, apples, lemon, and raisins in a large pan with the wine. Cover and simmer for 1 hour. Remove spice bag and fruit, add cider. Stir and heat mixture. Serve hot.

Soft Mead

1 quart Water, preferably Spring Water
1 cup Honey
1 sliced Lemon
1/2 tsp. Nutmeg

Boil together all ingredients in a non-metallic pot. While boiling, scrape off the rising "scum" with a wooden spoon. When no more rises add the following: pinch Salt juice of 1/2 Lemon Strain and cool.

Heavenly Hot Chocolate This is the best Hot Cocoa you will ever have and Raven and Crone is glad to share it with you!

1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
2/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup water
Pinch of salt
3 cups whole milk
1 1/2 cups half and half
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup chilled whipping cream

Using tip of small knife, scrape seeds from vanilla bean into processor; reserve bean. Add sugar to processor and blend 10 seconds. Transfer 3 tablespoons vanilla sugar to small bowl and reserve. Transfer remaining vanilla sugar from processor to heavy metal sauce-pan. Add unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/2 cup water and salt and whisk until smooth. Whisk over medium heat just until beginning to bubble. Whisk in whole milk and half and half. Add reserved vanilla bean; bring mixture to simmer. Remove from heat; Whisk in vanilla extract. Discard vanilla bean. Beat cream and reserved 3 tablespoons vanilla sugar in medium bowl until medium-firm peaks form. Divide hot chocolate
among 6 mugs; top with whipped cream and serve
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Alura Noel
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Re: Alura's Book of Shadows

Post by Alura Noel »

http://avalonoftheheart.yuku.com/reply/ ... eply-13078

Imbolc Crafts, Activities and Recipes
Activities and Crafts

First Glimpses of Spring:

Although on Imbolc many parts of the Northern Hemisphere are still in the
grips of Winter, if you look carefully, you might see signs of the slow
awakening of Nature all around you. The following are activities that focus
on this resurgence and/or aid Nature's creatures during this time. Many of
them can be done with children or as a family activity.

*Loosely tie small strips of fabric on branches of trees and shrubs that can be used
by birds for nesting. Our feathered friends will appreciate the threads they
can pluck to build and fortify their nests. Choose fabrics in Brigid's
colors of white, red, blue, and green. Don't worry about any pieces of
fabric not chosen as they will biodegrade over time.

*Place a salt lick block outdoors to help provide this necessary mineral for
any wild animals that are in your area.

*Hang or refill bird feeders or place saucers of seeds outside. Make sure to
keep your bird feeders filled with seed and birdbaths or saucers filled with
fresh water. You can also make a special treat for birds by coating
pinecones with sticky peanut butter and rolling them thoroughly in birdseed.
Tie string or twine around the pinecones and hang from branches,
clotheslines, swing sets, porches, or anywhere in your yard accessible to

*As a natural link to the Wheel of the Year, choose a tree in your yard,
neighborhood, or local park as your "own." Spend time regularly observing
your tree's cycles of growth, and watch how it reacts to each Season. Visit
your tree, and meditate under it when you can. Although you can choose any
tree that appeals and feels right to you, it might be better to choose a
tree that sheds its leaves instead of an evergreen since the changes will be
more visible. Note that ash, elder, hawthorn, oak, rowan, and willow are
considered sacred trees and would be particularly powerful choices.

*Go outdoors and remove your shoes and socks. Connect with the Earth by
walking around and feeling the grass, soil, or even mud under your feet and
between your toes. Walk around and search for signs of spring. Collect
pebbles, rocks, branches, pods, seeds, or other natural trinkets that you
might use for future spells and crafts. Be careful not to pluck living
things, and take only from what has fallen to the ground and what you will

*If the weather in your area doesn't permit you to start a garden outdoors
just yet, plant an indoor window herb garden. Lavender, mint, and rosemary
are particularly useful herbs, but any herbs can be chosen.

*Help your child start an inexpensive indoor garden using soil and old glass
jars or washed tuna or cat food cans. Because they grow relatively quickly,
beans and sprouts are easy and favored items to grow that children enjoy

Cleaning and Purification:

Imbolc is a time for physical, emotional, and spiritual cleansing. Use this
opportunity to bring some organization to your home, work, or sacred space.
This is also a time of purification and an excellent time to get rid of
destructive habits and thoughts. The following activities focus on cleaning
and purification.

*Clean and re-consecrate your ritual tools and altar or sacred space. This
is a good time to freshen up or redecorate your altar keeping in mind the
Imbolc colors of white, yellow, orange, red, or sage green for altar cloths,
candles, and flowers, whether fresh or silk.

*Clean and restock your magickal cabinet. Check your magickal oils, herbs,
and incense. Discard oils that have "turned," changed smell, or have a
disagreeable odor. Discard herbs that are a year old. You can save these
older herbs for craft projects if you so desire, but herbs that are a year
old have usually lost their potency for spells and works of magick. Discard
incense that has lost its smell or acquired the smell of neighboring incense
due to improper storage.

If you haven't already done so, store your oils, herbs, and incense in
tightly sealed glass jars or glass containers. Glass is preferable to
plastic because it prevents the mixing of scents and the loss of potency.
Tall jars made to store spaghetti are excellent for stick incense. It's best
to use dark containers to protect oils, herbs, and incense from sunlight,
but it is okay to use clear or light-colored glass if storing them away from
light in a closed cabinet, closet, or drawer. Make sure to label and date
your oils, herbs, and incense for future use and for ease when it comes time
to restock again.

*Give your home a spiritual cleansing sweep by sweeping each and every room
with your besom or magickal broom. Start at one end of your home and finish
up at the other end, chanting the following as you sweep:

"Sweep! Sweep! Be gone all woe!
Out the door, now you go!
Sweep! Sweep! I shall not weep!
Bad luck flee, and good luck keep!"

Finish sweeping at the front door, opening the door on the final "sweep" to
sweep all the negativity out of the house. Then, permanently place your
besom by the front door to symbolize sweeping out the old and welcoming the

*Ever wonder where the tradition of spring cleaning comes from? You guessed
it....the ancient Pagan festival of Imbolc. So, put on some music that
energizes and uplifts, and clean out those cupboards, closets, and drawers.
Wash your windows, curtains, and walls, and clean out and straighten up your
garage. Take your unwanted clothing, shoes, linens, and household items, and
get ready for the Mother-of-all garage sales. Or, donate your unwanted items
to your local second-hand store or the charity of your choice. Women's
domestic violence shelters and children's abuse centers are always excellent
locations for donations of this sort.

Speaking of children, get your little ones involved in the cleaning spirit.
Have them help you clean out their unwanted and outgrown clothes, toys, and
books. Motivate them to get the job done by reminding them that their items
will go to other children who desperately need them.

*Don't want to use strong chemicals or artificial cleaners for your spring
cleaning? Using more natural products to clean your home will help you adapt
to a "greener" way of life and will enhance the essence of the outdoors in
your indoor living space. Try some natural cleaning supplies:

http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 24280.html

*Create a rite of healing and purification in your bathtub. Light white
candles, and ask the Goddess (or specifically, Brigid) to bless the water.
Let yourself soak in the healing water, and focus on the candle flames while
you meditate on Her healing qualities. If you have a fireplace, dry off at
the hearth, asking for Her blessings with the Element of Fire. Brigid is the
Goddess of Fire and Water; thus, you have invoked both of Her properties in
your rite.

*In the capital of Kildare in ancient Ireland, an on-going group of nineteen
virgin priestesses kept a perpetual sacred flame burning in a women's only
shrine in honor of the Goddess Brigid for approximately 1,500 years until it
was extinguished by King Henry VIII's soldiers. Five hundred years later in
1995, the fire was once more rebuilt in Brigid's honor. So too, you can
honor Brigid and the returning Light by floating 19 small white candles
(tea lights work well for this) in a water-filled basin on Imbolc to
represent Brigid's priestesses who maintained Her eternal Fire.

*To welcome the returning Light, place a lighted candle in each and every
window of your home beginning at sundown on February 1st, the eve of Imbolc.
Allow the candles to burn until sunrise. Make sure each candle is securely
seated in a heatproof holder so that it won't tip over and is placed far
enough away from curtains, drapes, or any material that could burn. An
alternative to real candles is to use oil lamps or even artificial
battery-powered or electric candle lamps similar to those sold during the
Christmas holidays.

*Brigid is the Goddess of poetry. Write a poem in Her honor, and read it
aloud during any Imbolc ritual you may have planned.

*Make a Crown of Light to wear on Imbolc for ritual or for decorative
purposes. *A Crown of Light is sometimes worn or carried by the High
Priestess or any woman representing the Goddess in the Imbolc Circle and is
similar to those worn on St. Lucy's Day in Scandinavian countries. The Crown
of Light represents the Wheel of the Year being warmed and lighted again by
the returning Sun.

Any craft store should have all the necessary components to make a Crown of
Light. Using strong wire, fashion the basic cup-shaped crown making a circle
with spokes radiating from a center point. If you are making this to fit a
head, make sure it is the right size and use whatever number of spokes will
fit in the design. If making this for decoration, make eight spokes
representing the eight sabbats of the Wheel of the Year. When it is shaped
correctly, cover the wire with a garland of greenery, either real or
artificial. Fashion small "cups" out of aluminum foil and place the cups
around the circle at the end of each spoke and one cup in the center. Wrap
wire around each cup and attach to crown to hold them in place. Securely
place dripless white candles in each cup and pinch the foil tightly around
each candle. Because this crown can be heavy to wear, small and light
candles like birthday candles or thin tapers work best.

Before lighting the crown on someone's head, it is strongly recommended you
shield their scalp and hair by fashioning a "skull cap" of aluminum foil
that is worn underneath the Crown of Light. If used as a decoration, be sure
to put the crown on a heatproof surface, plate, or charger before lighting.


*A children's version of the Crown of Light can be made using construction
paper, glue or glue stick, a ruler, and a marker, pen, or crayon. Cut a
strip of green construction paper about 2 inches wide and long enough to
wrap around your child's head allowing for a small overlap of about 2
inches. (You may have to glue two pieces of construction paper together to
get the right length.) Draw and cut out eight thin rectangles about 4-6
inches in length out of white (or any color you prefer) construction paper
for the candles. Draw and cut out eight flames for the candles out of
yellow, orange, or red construction paper, and glue the flames to the tops
of each candle. Place the candles evenly around the crown and glue in place.
Once the glue has dried, wrap the strip around your child's head in the
appropriate location for a crown and mark the overlap. Glue the overlapping
areas and allow to dry. Draw and cut out a small Goddess design for the
front of the crown out of construction paper, incorporating waxing, waning,
and full Moon shapes, pentacles, or whatever designs you'd like. Glue the
design to the center of the crown.

*Make a prayer necklace of nineteen white beads, white representing
purification and nineteen representing Brigid's nineteen priestesses as
discussed above. You can add a special symbol to your necklace that
represents the Goddess Brigid, such as a Brigid's Cross, snake pendant, or
Triple Goddess design. Wear this necklace as a focal point for meditation
with Brigid. Keep it with you whenever you need Her inspiration or

*Weave a Brigid's Cross from straw, reeds, wheat stalks, or stalks of other
grains to honor Brigid or the Maiden aspect of the Goddess. Hang over your
front door to protect your home from fire or in any room in your home to
invite Her blessings and protection. Brigid's Cross is sometimes fashioned
as a three-legged triskele shape to represent the three phases of the
Goddess, but it is more often made in the shape of a Pagan Sun Wheel with a
woven four-armed cross representing the Solstices and Equinoxes and a square
in the middle representing the Cross-Quarter sabbats. A Brigid's Cross also
makes a great housewarming gift.


1-peice Wooden Clothespin, Red, Yellow, or Brown Yarn, 1 White Pipe Cleaner, Several Scraps of White Material, Black and Red Markers, Scissors, Glue, Gold Glitter.

Children will enjoy making these little Bride images that can be used later as an alter decoration. Take a scrap of white material, (silk, satin, cotton, etc.), and cut out a 6" circle. In the center of the circle cut a hole large enough to poke the "head" of the clothespin through. Fold the circle in half and cut along the fold from both perimeters to the center hole, leaving approx. 1/8 inch between each slit and center hole. Dab "neck" of clothespin with a very small amount of glue, and push clothespin "head" up through the center hole in the material. Cut appropriate length of pipe cleaner to make arms and slide up through the slit in the clothespin until it is pushed up to the end of the slits on both sides of the material. Gather the material tight around the clothespin just under the arms, and tie off with a small piece of string or yarn. Glue a couple of short pieces of yarn to the clothespin head and make eyes and mouth with markers. Finish with dabs of glue and gold glitter around the white wedding dress. A bridal veil glued to the yarn hair is optional. Explain to the children how the Goddess is a sacred bride, pure and renewed, waiting to be re-united with her consort the God.

Bride's Bed
A Box, Colored Construction Paper, White, Yellow, Green, and Red Tissue Paper, White Flowers or Cotton Balls, Glue, Paint Brush, Crayons, Scissors, Glitter.

This is a great little activity for the smaller children in the household, and they two can boast of helping with your alter decor. Paint one side of the box at a time with a bit of glue, not too thick, just enough to adhere green tissue paper. Cover the entire outside of the box with the green tissue paper. Cut a 2" wide strip of colored construction paper the length of the sheet (11"/14"). Let the child draw symbols and pictures that reminds them of Spring, the Goddess, brides, and weddings on the strip. Cut the white and yellow tissue paper into 2" diameter circles. While you are doing this, allow the child to draw pictures and symbols on the box with glue, and sprinkle with glitter. Place finger in the middle of a tissue square and draw up tissue around finger. Give a slight twist to crinkle paper into a flower shape. Remove finger and adhere to box and decorated construction paper strip with a dab of glue. Remember to leave about 1-1/2 inches on each end of strip. Attach these ends to the inside of the box with some glue. Let dry. Fill with white flowers or cotton balls. Tell story to children of how the Maiden is a Bride and that the Earth is her Bride's Bed.

Priapic Wand

Small Tree Branch, Acorn, Thin Brown String or Thread, Yellow, Green, and Gold 1/4" Ribbon, Small Gold/Silver Jingle Bells. Children will love the sound of this magical wand as they walk about pointing and shaking it at plants and trees, invoking them to wake up from Winter's sleep to witness the union of the Bride and the Lord of the Forest. Select a small branch about 1/2" to 3/4" in diameter. Cut top end flat. Approx. 1/2" below top score a groove (parents only) with a sharp knife. Take 1' long piece of string/thread and tie in groove. Take another 1' piece of thread and tie in groove on opposite side of branch. Place acorn at top of branch (flat end) and adhere with some glue. Now pull the string up over the cap and wind once around acorn. Repeat with all 3 other pieces of string. Pull strings back down to the groove in the branch and tie off. This will hold the acorn in place. Decorate the branch by wrapping it with the ribbons, leaving enough length at top for streamers. Tie gold/silver jingle bells to the ends of the ribbons. For smaller children, thread the bells onto the ribbon while wrapping the branch. Tell the children about how the acorn-wand is a symbol of the Lord of the Forest, and how this magical wand helps the sleeping plants and animals wake up and prepare for Spring.

Brighid's Crosses

Dried Wheat Stalks, Brown Thread. These crosses were exchanged as symbols of protection. They are easy to make and not at all time consuming. Take eight stalks with sheaves still attached. Place four stalks on flat surface with two sheaves at the top and two sheaves at the bottom. Measure approx. 6" of stalk between the sets of sheaves and cut off excess. Tie all four stalks together with the brown thread, first under the top sheaves, then above the bottom sheaves. Cut off excess thread. Repeat this procedure with the other four stalks, shortening the length between the sheaves to 4". Carefully separate the first set of stalks (two in front and two in back) and slip the second set through approx. 1" from the bottom of the top sheaves. Tie some thread in a knot just under the arms of the cross. Take the excess ends and diagonally wrap the thread over the opposite corresponding arm and back to the knot. Tie off in back and cut off excess ends. Let the children hand these Brighid's Crosses out to guests.

Bride's Bouquet Sachets

Imbolic Potpourri, 1 Yard White Netting Material, Yellow and Pink 1/8" width Ribbon, Scissors. These sachets can be put in the children's clothing drawers or in rooms of the house that you'd like to smell of Imbolc even after the Sabbat is over. Potpourri is made with 1/2 cup dried basil, 1/2 cup dried chopped bay leaves, 1 cup dried Heather flowers, 1 cup dried Violets, 1 cup dried white or pink rose buds. Blend together in non-metal bowl. Cut netting material into 4"x4" squares. Lay out squares on a flat surface. Place 1 heaping tablespoon of potpourri in the middle of each square. Pull up all the corners to the middle of the potpourri and gather the excess material until potpourri is caught in a "bag". Give bag on twist to the right and tie off with yellow or pink ribbon. Use enough ribbon to make a small bow in the front of the sachet. Tell children how these sachets were exchanged as symbols of good luck and fertility.

Pentacle Candle Wheel (for the older kids)

Molding Clay, Pencil, Ruler, 13- 4" White Stick Candles (1/4" diameter), Paints (optional). This Pentacle Candle Wheel is the perfect accessory to any Imbolc altar. Use enough clay to roll out flat with a rolling pin and cut out a circle 18" in diameter and 1/2" thick. Roll excess clay into rope, 1/4" in diameter and long enough to boarder the wheel base. Wet the clay rope enough to stick to base. This will contain any wax that drips from the burning candles. Score the image of the pentacle into the wheel base with the pencil, using the ruler to make straight lines. The Pentacle's points should be approx. 1/2" away from the border. Take one of the white candles and press bottom slightly (approx. 1/4" ) into each Pentacle point, each cross point (inner angles of the Pentacle) and three depressions in a pyramid shape in the top Pentacle triangle ray. Now allow the clay to dry and harden. The Pentacle Candle Wheel can be painted if desired after dried. Place candles in each of the depressions and place in the center of the Imbolc altar. Remember that the Candle Wheel is the symbol of the light that ensues from the union of the Bride and her consort, the Lord of the Forest.

*As Imbolc is also known as the Festival of Lights, this is an excellent
time to make candles for ritual, spellwork, and home. Some industrious
solitaries and covens (holding candle-making parties) try to make and bless
all the candles they will use for the coming year during this time. If
you've never made candles before, there are instructions for making a
variety of candles on many internet sites that can easily be found with an
online search.

*Make Imbolc incense, oil, and potpourri for rituals, works of magick, and
candle dressing.

Imbolc Incense #1
1 part each of basil, frankincense, myrrh
2 parts rosemary
3 parts cinnamon

If using whole herbs, grind the herbs and resins into as fine a powder as
possible. Mix all ingredients together, visualizing the cleansing of all
negativity from your home, environment, and life. Burn the incense on charcoal

Imbolc Incense #2
3 parts frankincense
2 parts dragon's blood
1/2 part red sandalwood
1 part cinnamon
a few drops of red wine
a pinch of your favorite dried flower

If using whole herbs, grind the herbs and resins into as fine a powder as
possible. Mix all ingredients together, visualizing the cleansing of all
negativity from your home, environment, and life. Burn the incense on charcoal

Imbolc Oil
2 tablespoons of sweet almond or grape seed oil
5 drops sandalwood essential oil
5 drops vanilla extract
6 drops jasmine essential oil
2 drops balsam essential oil

Mix all ingredients together. Use oil to dress candles and for amulets and
magickal work.

Imbolc Potpourri
45 drops of musk oil OR myrrh oil
2 cups dried heather
2 cups dried wisteria
1 cup dried oakmoss
1 cup dried yellow tulip petals
1/4 cup dried basil
1/4 cup chopped dried bay leaf

Mix all dried ingredients together. Add oil and gently stir until oil is
thoroughly distributed. Use Imbolc potpourri for your altar, amulets, or
works of magick. Store the potpourri in a tightly sealed jar or container away from light.
Recipe may be cut in half.

*Since the Goddess Brigid reigns over Fire, Art, and Healing, the following
skills, arts, crafts, and activities are very appropriate expressions for

Brewing (ales and meads)

Imbolc Correspondences:

As you prepare for and celebrate Imbolc, you may find referencing the
following correspondences helpful.

*Colors: White, orange, yellow, red, pink, brown, blue, sage green

*Herbs/Flowers: Angelica, basil, bay, blackberry, celandine, chamomile,
cinnamon, clover, coltsfoot, crocus, dandelion, dill, frankincense, heather,
iris, myrrh, nettle, orris root, primrose, rosemary, rowan, saffron,
snowdrop, violets

*Incense: Basil, camphor, cinnamon, frankincense, jasmine, lotus, myrrh,
rosemary, sandalwood, wisteria

*Stone/Gems: Amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, onyx, ruby, turquoise

*Tools: garden implements, plough

*Symbols/Decorations: besom or broom, Bride's or Brigid's Bed, Brigid's
Cross, candle, candle wheel or Crown of Light, fire and flames, horseshoes,
lamp, Priapic Wand, seeds, yellow flowers

*Foods: All dairy products, apple cider, breads, chives, curries, garlic,
herbal teas, honey, lamb, muffins, onions, poppyseeds, pork, raisins,
scones, seeds, spiced wines, spring water

*Animals: Bear, eagle, groundhog, lamb, owl, raven, sheep, snake, stag, wolf

*Spellwork: Banishing bad habits, catalyst or putting plans in action, luck
for future endeavors, new beginnings, purification, rejuvenation

Decorate Candles

Decorating candles is always an appropriate activity for a Pagan holiday, but it is especially meaningful on Imbolc, also known as the 'Feast of Waxing Light'. It's the time of the year when the light that has been growing since Yule is becoming noticeably longer each day. One way some Pagans celebrate that is to light all the lights and candles they can to really brighten the house-- even if only for a few minutes. If you have Pagan friends or family, you might even wish to decorate and bless that candles at your own altar, then give them away as little Imbolc gifts.

Either way, a beautiful, seasonally decorated candle on your altar is a lovely sight on the eve of the Sabbat.

Glass pillar candles are safe and easy to decorate. Have children use glitter glue or paint pens on the outside of the glass to draw sun or fire signs, blessing symbols or whatever decorations they prefer.

Another way to decorate a glass pillar candle is to cut and glue colorful wrapping tissue paper with Elmer's glue to the outside of the glass.

You can paint directly on candle wax with acrylic craft paints or glitter glue, or you can use a butter knife or old pen that's out of ink to scratch symbols directly into the wax.

Finally, another option is to brush a candle (not in glass- directly on the wax) with glue and roll it in dried herbs and spices. Not only do these look very rustic and grungy, but they smell so good when you burn them.

Just remember-- supervise children when decorating and when burning candles!

Make Soap

This sabbat is traditionally associated with cleansing and purification. What could be more in line with cleansing and purification than soap?

Home-made soap is easier to make than you think. You don't have to make soap from scratch. You can grate a bar of pure soap (like Ivory, or Castile soap) in a glass bowl in the microwave. Just put it in at 30 second intervals. After each interval, stir. You'll know it's done when it's melted and chunk-free-- but don't over-heat it.

Stir in your own additives to the soap. You can even bless and charge the additives if you wish, first, to give them an extra boost.

If you want to make the soap exfoliating, add some oatmeal or ground almonds. If you have shea butter or cocoa butter, add a spoonful for moisturizer. Add ground herbs such as lavender, thyme, rosemary, rose hips or raspberry leaves. If you wish, you can scent it and lend it additional energies with a few drops of essential oils.

Once you're finished, pour the soap into molds. You can use store-bought plastic molds, but I really like to recycle my old tuna cans. I spread petroleum jelly in the can to prevent sticking, and pour the soap into it. The finished product comes out nice and round.

It can take a couple of days for the soap to fully harden, and it may take a few more days to fully cure the soap depending on how thick you make it. But it's a wonderful treat to wake up to Imbolc morning and purify yourself with your own Imbolc soap-- and that soap will remind you of the holiday and its blessing for as long as you use it. And, once again, if you're looking for Imbolc gifts for loved ones, this is a great option

Cook Some Pudding

Imbolc means 'in the belly' and is referring to the belly of the sheep at this time of year. It's the season when the lambs are born. Another name for the holiday is 'Oimelc' which means 'ewe's milk'. The reason this is so important for the season is that our Pagan ancestors, in the dead of winter with no electricity, stores or antibiotics, were in a deep struggle for survival. The lambing season was a sign that spring would soon be coming, and it brought a new food source to help sustain them-- milk.

Any dairy dish is appropriate, then for this time of year-- a Tres Leche (three milk) cake, home made ice cream, custard, butter or cheese. A really easy dish to cook up with children, though, is pudding. If your child is very young, you can even use the instant no-cook puddings available in the supermarket. Just have your child whisk in the milk.

To make an extra light pudding treat, decrease the milk by half. When the pudding sets, fold in whippped cream. You can spoon it into fancy glasses with layers of jam or macerated fruit, or you can slice fruit into a graham cracker crust and top it with the pudding filling for a pie.

I personally like a lemon pudding with raspberries, or a white chocolate pudding with strawberries. Slice bananas into a pie crust and top it with vanilla pudding for a delicious banana cream pie (drizzle some melted chocolate on top of it). Pistachio pudding also goes lovely in a cup with diced bananas. There are so many different flavors, you can come up with great combinations that can become part of your traditional holiday meal.

If you're going to a ritual with a pot luck, pudding pies are always a hit.

Bless the Hearth

Imbolc is a fire festival, and the hearth has long been the focus of the season. If you're lucky enough to have a fireplace, you may wish to make a small altar on the mantle or above the fireplace dedicated to your hearth Goddess or household guardian spirits that oversee domestic issues. If you don't have a fireplace, consider your stove a modern form of a hearth. It saves the same purpose.

Make a mixture of olive oil and other essential oils and use it to bless and consecrate the hearth. Dip your fingers into it and draw symbols of blessing on the hearth stone or oven.

You may also wish to make a charm or talisman to bring blessings to your home and hang it above the stove, or place it on your mantle. It doesn't have to be large, and it doesn't even have to be conspicuous if you're trying to protect your beliefs from nosy neighbors or judgmental family members. A refrigerator magnet with a Sun image-- the ultimate fire symbol-- would serve the purpose, and no one would be the wiser as to the Pagan meaning behind it.

Traditionally this time of year was to honor the Celtic Goddess Brighid, a Goddess of fire and poetry. If you have a St. Brighid's cross, you might bless it and hang it over the heart. It's a good time to honor any hearth Goddess, though, such as Hestia or Vesta.If you have or want to make a small plaque in their honor to hang above the stove or place on a nearby shelf, do so. An easy way to do this is to buy chip wood figures at the craft store and paint them.

If you want, you can even set up a mini hearth altar to honor your hearth Goddess. We bought a small cutting board at the dollar store and use it for an altar. It's only 6 inch diameter, and we keep it on the center of the stove (when we're cooking we set it aside on the counter next to the stove). We place upon it a small incense cone burner, a very small finger bowl for offerings, and a red votive candle in a holder. We light these to honor Her, particularly when cooking Sabbat meals. We always give her the 'first bite' in her offering bowl of any meal we cook. With this we can easily honor Her year round, reaping her many blessings.


Brigid's Custard

As the seasons change and the days get warmer the inner light reflects the growing strength of the sun. We honor the Goddess Brigid through creating a simple custard...and whether you work with only your own two hands in the way the old ones did, or take advantage of our modern de(vices) you can make this baking part of your Imbolc Ritual.

As the word "Imbolc" comes in part from the phrase "ewe's milk," so dairy products become a big part of February celebrations. For our ancestors, this time of year was hard - the winter stores were running low and there were no fresh crops. The livestock was typically preparing for birth, and the lambing season would begin soon. At that time, the ewes came into milk, and once milk arrived, you knew your family would have a source of food again. Sheep's milk is highly nutritious, and sheep were considered a dairy animal long before cattle. If you have eggs and some stale bread, then you had the makings of custard, a perfect dairy dessert.

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour

Total Time: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Custard Ingredients:

4 eggs

3 C. milk

1/2 C. sugar

1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg

1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

A pinch of salt

Leftover Bread, croissants or bagels for Custard Cups


Preheat your oven to 350. Combine all the ingredients except the bread into the bowl of a food processor, and blend for about 15 seconds, or until well mixed.

Spray ramekins/tart molds with non-stick cooking spray. Cut croissants (or other breads) lengthways, and press firmly into each mold forming the crust (number of cups depends entirely on the size of the mold...). Overlap bread as necessary to create a firm, flat, circular cups that are pressed against the shape of the mold.

Pour custard mix into Breadcups. Place the ramekins or tart dish into a baking dish, and fill the dish with hot water up to a depth of about ¾". Bake the custards for one hour or until crust is brown and the center is firm.

Garnish with a sprig of green from the winter garden.

**Note: If you don't have a food processor, you can use a hand mixer, it just takes a little bit longer to get everything mixed up.

Make Your Own Butter

Imbolc is a Sabbat that often focuses on dairy -- after all, the very word Imbolc is derived from Oimelc, or "ewe's milk." This is a great time of year to make foods that come from a dairy source, and few are more representative of dairy than butter. Homemade butter is great because it's got a fuller flavor - mostly because you make with pure cream instead of diluting it with oils and water like commercially produced butter. Although back in the old days, people used to spend hours at a churn, you can put together your own batch of fresh butter with just a little bit of effort.

Prep Time: 30 minutes


Heavy whipping cream

Glass jar with a lid that seals tightly


Allow the whipping cream to sit at room temperature overnight to let it ripen. Don't leave it out more than 24 hours, or it will spoil.

Pour the whipping cream into the jar. Tighten the lid so it's sealed - I like to use a Mason jar for this, but you can use any kind you like. Shake the jar for about twenty to thirty minutes. If you have more than one kid, let them take turns so no one gets bored.

Check the jar periodically -- if the contents are getting too thick for you to shake easily, open the jar and use a fork to stir things up a little. Eventually, the cream will start to form yellow clumps. These clumps are your butter, which means you're done.

If you're not going to eat all your butter immediately, keep it in the jar, refrigerated. It will last about a week before it begins to spoil.

You can add flavor (and help prevent early spoilage) by adding a bit of salt to your butter. If you like, add herbs or honey. Experiment a little, to see what sorts of flavors you enjoy best. Also, if you allow your butter to chill after mixing it, you can shape it into blocks for easy cutting and spreading.

Braided Bread
Braided bread is found in many forms, in many cultures. This one is a simple one, and is perfect for serving at your Imbolc feast. The braid symbolizes Brighid in her aspect as the bride, representative of her fertility and position as a hearth goddess. Serve this tasty braided bread with warm butter for dipping.

Prep Time: 1 hour

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes


3 loaves frozen bread dough, thawed (this is in the frozen foods section at the grocery store)
1 egg
Sesame seeds

Allow the bread loaves to defrost at room temperature. Before it begins to rise, cut each loaf in half with a large pizza cutter or a knife. Roll each half out until it's about 18" long, and about an inch thick. You'll end up with six of these long strips.

Take three of the strips, and braid them together, trying not to stretch them out too much. When you've reached the end of the braid, tuck the ends underneath themselves. Repeat the process with the other three strips, making a second braid.

Place the braids either on a baking stone, or on a pan that has been sprinkled with cornmeal.

Beat the egg in a small bowl, and add 2 Tbsp. water. Lightly brush the egg and water mixture over the braids, and then sprinkle with sesame seeds. Let them rise in a warm place for about an hour, or until doubled in size.

Bake at 375 for 30 minutes, or until a light golden brown color. Remove from baking sheet, and allow to cool for 15 minutes or more before serving.

** Note: if you want to really jazz this up, use different types of bread, such as white and wheat. The end result is visually very appealing, with the different colors braided together.

Curried Lamb with Barley

At Imbolc, the lamb is a true symbol of the season. In the British Isles, there were years when the spring lambing presented the first meat people had eaten in months. Barley was a staple crop in many areas of Scotland and Ireland, and could be used to stretch even the thinnest of winter meals to feed an entire family. Although curry was not native to the UK, it lends itself well to the theme of this Sabbat because of its fiery nature. The golden raisins add a bit of sunny sweetness. This simple dish is delicious, and reminds us that spring is truly on its way.

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour


2 Tbs. butter or oil
1 onion, chopped
1 1/2 lbs. lean lamb, sliced into thin strips
1 C. beef or vegetable broth
1/2 C. barley
2 Tbs. curry powder
1/2 C. golden raisins

In a large skillet, heat the butter or oil. Sautee the onion until soft, and then add the strips of lamb. Brown the lamb, but not so long that it gets tough -- you want to keep it nice and tender. Slowly pour in the broth.

Add the barley, and cover the pan. Allow to simmer about 20 minutes, or until barley has cooked. Uncover, and add curry and raisins. Simmer for a few more minutes, and remove from heat. Serve as part of your Imbolc dinner.

** Note: for those of you who don't eat meat, this is actually excellent with some chopped zucchini or other squash in place of the lamb.

Irish cream Truffles

Serves: 24

12 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped
3 tablespoons heavy cream
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
2 egg yolks
1/4 cup Baileys Irish Cream

Melt chocolate, Baileys and heavy cream together over very low heat.
Whisk in yolks, one at a time; mixture will thicken.
Whisk in butter.
Refrigerate overnight, or until firm.
With spoon make small balls.
Roll in powdered sugar, cocoa, chopped nuts, sprinkles, etc.

Winter Corn Chowder
Corn is sacred to Brigid.

Serves: 5

2 tbsp. virgin olive oil
2 tsp. butter
2 cups red onion, chopped
1 cup celery, diced
1 cup carrot, diced
2 tbsp. flour
6 cups chicken stock
1 cup cream or whole milk
5 cups frozen corn kernels
salt and pepper to taste
Sour cream
4 oz. bacon, crisped and set aide (4-5 slices)

Place stockpot over medium-low heat. Add olive oil, butter, onion, potato, celery, and carrots. Saute for 10 minutes until onions become slightly brown. Sprinkle in flour and stir. Slowly add chicken stock and cream. This will thicken. Pour in corn and cook until the vegetables are cooked through. Season to your liking.

Serve with a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkling of bacon on top.

Goat Cheese Stuffed Olives
Goat cheese celebrates birthing of the lambs.

Serves four

24 extra large pitted black or green olives (without pimentos)
4 oz. goat cheese, softened
1/2 tsp. garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. parsley
1/4 tsp. hickory smoked salt (or liquid smoke)
Fresh Cracked pepper to taste

Soften goat cheese at room temp. Mix it will all the spices and place in a plastic food storage bad. Snip off one bottom corner of the bag and squeeze the cheese into each olive. Chill and serve.

Flaming Pineapple Turtle

serves 2

1/4 cup whole milk
1/2 cup dark chocolate, chips or grated
1/4 cup caramel syrup
Dash vanilla
2 tbsp nuts, finely minced
2 tbsp. 151-proof rum
2 cups fresh-cut pineapple, cut in cubes

Place all ingredients except rum and pineapple into nonreactive pan. Slowly warm everything until integrated then transfer into a lit fondue pot. pour the rum on top and light it. Once it goes out, you can begin dipping the pineapple into the sauce. If you with, you can also have other dipping items like marshmallows and strawberries.

Candlemas Sunrise

Dash of nutmeg
2 eggs, separated
2 slices of toast, buttered
2 slices cheese, any kind


Preheat broiler. Combine nutmeg and egg white; beat until stiff. Spread over toast. Make small indentation in the center, drop in egg yolk. Sprinkle with salt. Cover yolk with one slice of cheese. Broil until egg is completely cooked and cheese is melted, about 3-5 minutes. NOTE: Using white cheese is actually my favorite, and when you do so
it adds the Goddess association. Yield: 2 helpings Source: Telesco, A Kitchen Witch's Cookbook

Source: Telesco, A Kitchen Witch's Cookbook Use for: Imbolc, Esbats if white cheese is used

Wild Rice with Mushrooms and Almonds

1 cup uncooked wild rice
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup slivered almonds
2 tablespoons snipped chives or chopped green onion
8 ounce can mushroom stems and pieces, drained
3 cups chicken broth

Preparation Tips:
Wash and drain rice. Melt butter in large skillet. Add rice, almonds, chives and mushrooms; cook and stir until almonds are golden brown, about 20 minutes.

Heat oven to 325 degrees. Pour rice mixture into ungreased 1 1/2 quart casserole. Heat chicken broth to boiling; stir into rice mixture. Cover tightly; bake about 1 1/2 hours or until all liquid is absorbed and rice is tender and fluffy. 6 to 8 servings.

Balsamic Vinegar Chicken with Almonds & Raisins for Imbolc

2 large red bell peppers (about 3/4 pound)
2 large green bell peppers (about 3/4 pound)
2 teaspoons olive oil
1/3 cup raisins
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 cup slivered almonds, toasted
6 (4-ounce) skinned, boned chicken breast halves
6 tablespoons dry breadcrumbs
6 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
3 egg whites
2 teaspoons olive oil
4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
4 tablespoons water

1. Cut bell peppers into 2 x 2 1/2 inch strips. Heat 2 teaspoons olive oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add peppers, saute 8 minutes. Add raisins,saute 1 minute. Add 1/4 cup vinegar, sugar, salt, and black pepper, cook 1 minute. Remove from heat,- stir in almonds. Set aside, and keep warm.
2. Place each piece of chicken between 2 sheets of heavy-duty plastic wrap, flatten to 1/4-inch thickness using a meat mallet or rolling pin. Combine breadcrumbs and cheese in a shallow dish. Place flour in a shallow dish, dredge each chicken piece in flour, and dip in egg whites. Dredge chicken in breadcrumb mixture.
3. Heat 2 teaspoons olive oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the chicken, and cook for 3 minutes on each side or until done. Remove from heat. Place the chicken and bell pepper mixture on a serving platter,- set aside, and keep warm.
4. Add 4 tablespoons vinegar and water to pan, stir with a wooden spoon to loosen browned bits. Spoon mixture over chicken and bell pepper mixture. Yield: 6 servings (serving size: 1 chicken breast half and 1/2 cup bell peppers).

Sunflower Bread

1/2 cup raw unsalted sunflower seeds
5 cups unbleached white bread flour
1/4 cup bulgar wheat, coarsely ground, soaked in 1/4 cup water for 10 minutes
1/2 cup barley flakes
2 cups warm water
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons honey
3 tablespoons shortening
2 teaspoons salt
1/8 teaspoon tumeric
1/8 teaspoon paprika
1 package dry yeast

Start by mixing 1/8 cup of water with the bulgar wheat in a cup. As long as it soaks for maybe 5 minutes before you add it to the mix, it won't be crunchy in the final product. Mix 2 cups flour, and all the rest of the dry ingredients including the yeast. Then mix in the shortening, honey, bulgar wheat, and water until a batter is formed. Mix in the rest of the flour, 1 cup at a time. It should form a ball and be only slightly tacky. Knead for 10 minutes.

Form a ball, place into a buttered bowl, roll around in the bowl until coated with the butter (actually I spray Pam in), cover, and let rise until doubled in size. Punch down, and depending on the size of the loaf pans, form into 2
large or 3 smaller loaves. Let rise uncovered until doubled in size again.

Bake at 300F for 45 minutes until it sounds hollow when tapped. Serve with Honey Butter recipe follows:

Honey Butter
3/4 cup butter, room temperature
1/4 cup honey

Allow butter to soften slightly at room temperature. Using and electric mixer, whip butter and honey together in a bowl until well mixed.

Caretaker Farm Bread

1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
2 cups hot water
2 tablespoons active dry yeast
1/2 cup warm water (110º F)
1/4 cup honey
3 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup raisins (optional)
1/4 cup sunflower seeds (optional)

Mix oats in the hot water; let stand for about 30 minutes. Dissolve yeast in warm water in a separate bowl. Add honey and 2 cups of the all-purpose flour, beating for several minutes. Stir oats in and let the mixture sit for another 30 minutes. Add the remaining all-purpose flour and beat. Now add half of the wheat flour, the oil, and the salt, and beat that. Finally, add the rest of the flour with either or both of the optional ingredients, if you're using them. Beat it
all together and knead the resulting dough for 10 minutes. Now put the dough in an oiled bowl, cover with a cloth, and let rise for 45 minutes to an hour, in a warm spot. Grease two 9 x 5 bread loaf pans. Punch the dough down and divide it in half, and put each half in a pan. Let the loaves rise in the pans for one hour, again covered in a warm spot. Finally, bake the loaves at 400º F for 30-40 minutes.
NOTE: After you add the first cup of wheat flour and mix, just use your judgment on how much more wheat flour you use, it doesn't have to be a whole second cup. You may wish to use less if you're using the sunflower seeds and/or the raisins, because dry ingredients will firm up the dough. If adding an entire second cup of flour will make the dough too dry, just add as much as you can without having crusty dough. Yield: 2 loaves Source: Dee Dee Stovel

Rosemary Cheese Biscuits

Old fashioned biscuits are a treat at any season. According to Goddess lore, sprinkling rosemary into the dough helps us to attract love and longevity.

2 cups unbleached, all purpose flour
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 1/2tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. fresh rosemary, minced
pinch cayenne pepper
1 stick unsalted butter or margarine, chilled
1/2 cup milk or more if needed
2-3 Tbs. dry sherry

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. In a large bowl combine the flour, cheese, baking powder, salt, rosemary and cayenne.
Cut the chilled butter into pieces and mix into the flour mixture, crumbling the dough. Add the milk and sherry and quickly mix the dough just until the ingredients are moistened.Lightly knead the dough inside the bowl a few times to
form a ball, and place on a floured surface. Roll out the dough with floured fingers or a floured rolling pin, to
about 1/2 inch thick. Cut out rounds with a cookie cutter or jelly glass and place them on a baking sheet. Bake them for 10 to 12 minutes, until they are golden brown. Serve warm in a festive basket. Makes about 15 to 18 biscuits.

Excerpted from the cookbook - Recipes from a Vegetarian Goddess Delectable feasts through the seasons by Karri Allrich. All rights reserved. May 2000 Llewellyn Publications.

Lemon-Poppy Seed Pound Cake

cooking spray
1 teaspoon all-purpose flour
1 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup butter or stick margarine, softened
2 large egg whites
1 large egg
1 tablespoon grated lemon rind
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons poppy seeds
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/9 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup low-fat buttermilk
2/3 cup powdered sugar
4 teaspoons lemon juice

1 . Preheat oven to 350° .
2. Coat an 8 x 4-inch loaf pan with cooking spray; dust with 1 teaspoon flour. Set aside.
3. Beat granulated sugar and butter at medium speed of a mixer until well-blended (about 4 minutes). Add egg whites and egg, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in lemon rind and vanilla. Lightly spoon 1 2/3 cups flour
into dry measuring cups; level with a knife. Combine 1 2/3 cups flour and next 4 ingredients (flour through salt), stirring well with a whisk. Add flour mixture to sugar mixture alternately with buttermilk, beginning and ending with flour mixture. Pour batter into prepared pan; bake at 350° for 1 hour or until a wooden pick inserted in center conies out clean. Cool in pan 10 minutes on a wire rack; remove from pan. Poke holes in top of cake using a skewer. Combine powdered sugar and lemon juice in a small bowl; brush over warm cake. Cool completely. Yield: 12 servings

Sour Cream and Honey Cake

2 cups whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup butter
3/4 cup raisins
5 fluid ounces sour cream
3/8 cup honey

Preheat oven to 400º F. Mix flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon together. Rub in the butter with your fingertips. Toss in the raisins. Make a well in the center of the mixture and pour in the sour cream and honey. Mix it all up to make dough. Flour a baking sheet and roll the dough out in a rectangle until it is 3/4 of an inch thick. Bake it for 12-15 minutes. Cool on a wire rack, and then cut into squares as desired. NOTE: The non-standard measurement of "5 fluid ounces" of sour cream is a little tough to estimate. If you cannot find a container that measures fluid ounces, just add the honey in the well, mix it up, and then throw in maybe a fourth of a cup of sour cream, mixing until doughy. Add more sour cream until it feels like it can be rolled out without sticking. It won't be much more. When I made this I left out the cinnamon (I'm allergic) and left out the raisins (don't much like them in bread). It came out fine with these variations. Yield: 1 rectangular cake (about 9 x 13); serving size varies. Source: Gail Duff, Seasons of the Witch

Waking Earth Cake

Celebrate the first stirrings of spring with this unusual not-too-sweet cake, a tasty way to begin fortifying ourselves for the new season ahead. It is sweetened with iron-rich molasses instead of sugar, and it uses no dairy or eggs. In fact, you will be surprised at how anything with so few ingredients could taste so good! This adaptation of a simple recipe by Peaceful Cook Harriet Kofalk is a nourishing tonic for the last cold days of late winter.

The recipe includes a magical surprise idea to celebrate the seeds that are beginning to stir deep underground. You may want to top it with vanilla ice cream, a beautiful way to represent the snow covering this waking earth. Think of the cake hiding its surprise gifts just as the earth gestates the waking seeds.

1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup unbleached white flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup unsulphured molasses
1/2 cup hot water
1/4 cup blackstrap molasses
optional: small non-meltable surprises for hiding inside cake (a clean coin, a polished crystal, a ring, a gold or silver charm) optional: yogurt, ice cream or non-dairy frozen dessert

1. Preheat oven to 375.
2. In a large bowl, combine both flours and baking soda. Stir in the vegetable oil and the unsulphured molasses. This mixture will resemble crumb topping. Remove 1 cup of it and reserve.
3. In a small bowl, combine the hot water and the blackstrap molasses. Add to the flour mixture remaining in the large bowl and mix well.
4. Now is the time, if you desire, to stir in any one or more of the non-melting surprises. Finding one of them in your piece of cake is good luck - but BE SURE to warn your eating audience to prevent accidental choking or broken teeth!
5. Pour batter into a greased 9-inch square baking pan, sprinkle with the reserved crumb topping, and bake for 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
6. Serve warm, with a dollop of yogurt or vanilla ice cream, if you like. Source: Witch in the Kitchen by Cait Johnson

Imbolc Ritual Cake

1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup water
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 tbs. poppyseeds
1 tbs. grated lemon peel
1 tsp. baking soda
2 tbs. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. salt
powdered sugar

This is all done in one pan, so clean up is a breeze! Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix flour, sugar, poppyseeds, baking soda, and salt with a fork in an ungreased 9"x9"x2" baking pan. Stir in the remaining ingredients, except the powdered sugar. Bake 35-40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean, and the top is
golden brown. Remove from oven and cool. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Makes 8 servings.
Source: http://forum.parentalplayground.com/ind ... pic=3387.0

Groundhog Day Cake

1 1/2 cups water
1 cup quick oats, uncooked
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups butter, softened
1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs

Preheat oven to 350º F. Heat the water in a pan until boiling, then add the oats and stir. Cover, remove from heat, and let stand for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, melt the chips in a double boiler or carefully in a regular pan, until evenly melted. Set aside to cool. In a small bowl, sift together the flour, soda, and salt and make sure it's evenly mixed. In a large bowl, cream the butter and both sugars. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then blend in the oats and the chocolate.
Finally, add the flour mix. When it's all evenly mixed together, pour it into a greased and floured 13 x 9 x 1.5-inch pan. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes. Remove from the oven and let stand for 5 to 10 minutes, then turn out of the pan onto a flat surface. Do not ice until completely cool! Royal Icing works well if you don't want to use a store-bought icing; try dusting with cocoa. Source: Scott Cunningham, Wicca in the Kitchen Use for: Imbolc

Maiden Wakes Muffins

2 cups flour
2 Carrots, grated
1/2 cup raisins
1 green apple, peeled, cored, grated
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup almonds, sliced
2 tsp. baking soda
3 eggs
2 tsp. cinnamon
2/3 cup vegetable oil
1/2 tsp. salt

Soak raisins in hot water, in a covered bowl, for 30 minutes. Drain thoroughly. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large non-metal bowl, mix flour, soda, cinnamon, and salt. Stir in carrots, raisins, apple, and almonds. In a separate bowl, beat eggs, oil, and vanilla until well blended. Stir egg mixture in to the flour mixture until just wet. Grease muffin pan with a little butter or use cupcake/muffin cups. Divide the batter into the cups and bake for 20-22 minutes, or until golden brown. Cool for 5 minutes before removing from pan. Makes 8 servings.
Source: http://thetestkitchen.bbq-n-grits.com

Ostkaka: Swedish Cheesecake

1 quart cottage cheese
1 cup heavy cream
3/4 cup flour
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3 eggs

Preheat oven to 400º F. Beat together all the ingredients until well-blended. Turn into greased 8 x 8 glass pan. Bake for one hour. Reduce heat to 300º F and bake for 25 more minutes. Remove from oven and let rest for 30 minutes.
NOTE: I ended up having to bake this a lot longer than the recommended time, but that is likely to be because I used a different size of pan. If your cake cannot be cut without each piece coming apart, you probably need to bake longer. If the outside is done while the center is still mushy, you can even trim off the sides in little squares and set those aside while the center goes back in the oven. Yield: 1 8 x 8 cake Source: Marina T. Stern, The Fairy Party Book

Lemon Pudding Cake for Imbolc

Pudding cakes are basically egg custards, but with two improvements. Unlike ordinary egg custard, pudding cakes contain a little flour and beaten egg whites. During baking, the beaten egg whites will float to the top, forming a spongy cake-like cap. Meanwhile, the remainder of the batter settles to the bottom to make a pudding-like layer.

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
3 egg yolks, room temperature
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 to 3 teaspoons grated lemon zest
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice, strained
1 cup milk
4 egg whites, room temperature

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Adjust oven rack to center position. Lightly butter baking pan or custard cups of your choice. Bring several quarts of water to boil for water bath.

In a large bowl, combine butter, sugar, and salt; beat until crumbly. Beat in egg yolks and flour, mixing until smooth. Slowly beat in lemon zest and juice; stir in milk.

In a large bowl, beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. Gently whisk whites into batter just until no large lumps remain. Immediately ladle batter into prepared baking pan or custard cups. Do not pour; otherwise, the first cups get all the froth and the later cups get all the batter.

Set a roasting pan onto oven rack. Lay folded dish towel onto bottom of roasting pan; set custard cups or baking pan on top of towel. Pour enough boiling water into roasting pan to come halfway up sides of baking pan or custard cups.

Bake 25 minutes or until pudding cake center is set and springs back when gently touched. Remove roasting pan from oven and set on a wire rack. Let pan or cups continue to stand in water bath for 10 minutes. Serve at room temperature or chilled. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Source: WitchsKitchen@groups.msn.com

The Best Scones

2 cups flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup softened butter
3/4 cup milk
1 beaten egg

Preheat oven to 400º. Mix together flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar in a bowl. Cut in butter. Then mix in milk and egg. Roll to a 1-inch thick circle on a floured board, then transfer to baking sheet. Cut to make 6-8 wedges, without separating. Bake for 25 minutes. Yield: 6-8 wedges Source: Amber and Azrael Arynn K, Candlemas

Boxty Scones

1 cup potatoes, peeled & diced
2 cups self-raising flour
pinch of salt & black pepper
2 1/2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons milk

Boil and mash potatoes, allow to cool. Add salt & pepper to flour and mix in butter. Add mashed potatoes and enough milk to make a soft but not too mushy dough. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and roll to 1/2-inch thickness. Cut into 3-inch circles using a pastry cutter. Arrange on lightly greased tray. Bake at 400º F for 20-30 minutes. Eat
warm, split in half, with butter. Yield: 9-10 scones Source: Franklin & Mason

Chocolate Almond Biscotti

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine, softened
1-1/4 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon almond extract
2-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup HERSHEY'S Dutch Processed Cocoa or HERSHEY'S Cocoa
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup sliced almonds
CHOCOLATE GLAZE (recipe follows)
WHITE GLAZE (recipe follows)
Additional sliced almonds (optional)

1. Heat oven to 350F.

2. In large bowl, beat butter and sugar until well blended. Add eggs and almond extract; beat until smooth. Stir together flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt; blend into butter mixture, beating until smooth. (Dough will be thick.) Using wooden spoon, work almonds into dough.

3. Divide dough in half. With lightly floured hands, shape each half into rectangular log about 2 inches in diameter and 11 inches long; place on large ungreased cookie sheet, at least 2 inches apart.

4. Bake 30 minutes or until logs are set. Remove from oven; cool on cookie sheet 15 minutes. Using serrated knife and sawing motion, cut logs into 1/2-inch diagonal slices. Discard end pieces. Arrange slices, cut sides down, close together on cookie sheet. Bake 8 to 9 minutes. Turn each slice over; bake an additional 8 to 9 minutes. Remove from oven; cool on cookie sheet on wire rack. Dip end of each biscotti in CHOCOLATE GLAZE or drizzle glaze over entire
cookie. Drizzle WHITE GLAZE over chocolate glaze. Garnish with additional almonds, if desired. About 2-1/2 dozen cookies.

CHOCOLATE GLAZE: In small microwave-safe bowl, place 1 cup HERSHEY'S Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips and 1 tablespoon shortening (do not use butter, margarine or oil). Microwave at HIGH (100%) 1 to 1-1/2 minutes or until smooth when stirred. About 1 cup glaze.

WHITE GLAZE: In small microwave-safe bowl, place 1/4 cup HERSHEY'S Premier White Chips and 1 teaspoon shortening (do not use butter, margarine or oil). Microwave at HIGH (100%) 30 to 45 seconds or until smooth when stirred. About 1/4 cup glaze.

Honey Almonds
Servings: 25 pieces

Ingredients for Batter #1
1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons pure honey
4 tablespoons corn oil
11/2 cups unsalted slivered almonds
1/2 teaspoon ground saffron dissolved in 2 tablespoons of rose water
4 tablespoons unsalted chopped pistachios for decoration

Ingredients for Batter #2
1/2 cup unsalted melted butter
1/2 teaspoon saffron dissolved in
1/2 cup rose water
2/3 cup unsalted slivered almonds
8 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons pure honey
4 tablespoons unsalted slivered pistachios for decoration

Batter #1: In a heavy saucepan over high heat, melt the sugar, honey, and oil for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add the slivered almonds to the mixture. Stir from time to time, for about 2-3 minutes, until the mixture is firm and golden. Add the saffron-rose water mixture and cook for another 2 to 4 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the mixture is a golden brown color. Be careful: it should not be dark brown. Place a bowl of ice water next to the stove. Drop a spoonful of the hot almond mixture in the water: If it hardens quickly, the mixture is ready. Reduce the heat to very low. Spread a piece of wax paper on a cookie sheet. Place teaspoonfuls of the mixture on wax paper, leaving a 1-inch space between each. Immediately garnish with the chopped pistachios. Allow the almonds to cool, then remove them from the paper. Arrange on a serving platter. Cover with a sheet of aluminum foil to keep the honey almonds crisp or keep in an airtight container or cookie jar.

Variation using Batter #2: In a heavy saucepan, place 1/2 cup of butter, 1/2 teaspoon saffron dissolved in 1/2 cup rose water, 2/3 cup slivered almonds, 8 tablespoons sugar, and 3 tablespoons honey. Boil over high heat for about 7 to 10 minutes. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon until the mixture is golden brown. Proceed with step 4 in batter #1 instructions.

Cannariculi-Honey cookies

4 cups Flour
1 cup Marsala Wine
2 Large Eggs
4 teaspoons Sugar
1 pinch Salt
Oil for deep frying

Make a well in flour in mixing bowl or on work surface. Add wine, eggs, sugar, and salt. Mix well, until thoroughly blended. Knead dough vigorously until smooth and glossy. If using processor, continue mixing for at least 1 minutes after ingredients are combined. Roll dough to an 1/8" thickness or less. Cut dough into 2" squares, starting with 1 corner, roll each square of dough loosely on the diagonal to form pastry roll about the thickness of a pencil.
Meanwhile, heat oil for deep frying. Fry pastries by batches in hot oil until golden brown, being careful not to crowd pan. Use a slotted spoon to remove fried pastries from oil. Drain on paper towels. Transfer to serving platter. Drizzle honey over top or dip Cannariculi into honey. Makes 4 to 5 dozen Source: http://www.grouprecipes.com/

Candlemas Crescent Cakes

1¼ cups flour
¾ cup sugar
1 cup finely ground almonds
3 drops almond extract
½ cup butter or margarine, softened
1 tablespoon honey
1 egg yolk

In a large mixing bowl, combine the first four ingredients. Add the butter, honey, egg yolk and mix together well.
Cover with aluminum foil or plastic wrap, and then chill for 1½ to 2 hours in the refrigerator. When ready, pinch
off pieces of the dough (about the size of plums) and shape them into crescents. Place the crescents on a well-greased cookie sheet and bake in a 350-degree preheated oven for approximately 20 minutes. Makes about one dozen crescent cakes. Source: http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/

Imbolc Milk & Honey Rice Pudding

3 eggs beaten gently
1c milk
½ c sweetened condensed milk
1/3 c honey
1 tsp vanilla
1 c cooked rice

Equal Parts Sweetened Condensed Milk and Honey
Cinnamon (optional)

In a mixing bowl combine eggs, milk, condensed milk, honey and vanilla. Beat gently by hand until honey is dissolved. Stir in rice. Pour into a 1.5 quart baking dish. Place the baking dish into a larger baking dish and put 1 inch of hot water into the outer dish. Bake for 45-60 minutes or until a knife inserted into the center comes out clean. Remove immediately from the hot water bath. Set aside while you make the sauce.

In a glass bowl mix equal parts condensed milk and honey. Heat in the microwave in 10 second intervals and stir until well mixed. Stir in cinnamon to taste. Drizzle over individual servings of warm pudding. Source:http://www.bellaonline.com

Almond Custard

Imbolc is traditionally a time to serve milk and dairy dishes.

3 C milk
3/4 C sugar
4 eggs
1/2 tsp. vanilla
2 tsp. almond extract
1 T. finely chopped almonds.

Mix together all the ingredents, except the chopped almonds, and pour into an ungreased 2 quart baking dish. Sprinkle on the chopped almonds and bake at 325 for 60 minutes, or until a knife comes clean. Remove from the oven and let cool for a few minutes, then refrigerates. Serves 4-6 By Margenta Griffith

Baked Croissant Pudding

4 large croissants, day-old
1/2 cup golden raisins or chopped dried apricots
2 cups whole milk
1 cup light cream or half-and-half
4 large eggs, slightly beaten
3/4 cup light brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Dash of freshly grated nutmeg

Preheat oven to 350ºF. Butter or grease a two-quart glass baking dish. Slice croissants into 1-inch pieces and press to line bottom and sides of dish. Sprinkle raisins on. In a bowl, combine milk and cream, eggs, sugar, salt, vanilla, and nutmeg. Beat until light and frothy. Pour over croissants and press with a spoon to soak croissants. Cover with foil and set aside. Let stand 20 minutes. Set pudding into a large pan of 2-inch hot water and bake for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake again for 20 more minutes. Remove from heat and cool, taking out of water. Let rest before serving.
Note: I prefer it without the fruit. It is a nice smooth dessert and in my opinion the fruit makes each bite too sweet. But I suggest trying it either way, or putting fruit in only one half of it, and see how you like it. Yield: 6 servings
Source: Allrich, Cooking By Moonlight

Salem Witch Pudding

4 eggs, separated
1-1/2 cups pumpkin puree
1 cup light brown sugar
3/4 cup half-and-half
5 tablespoons rum
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon salt

In an electric mixer or large mixing bowl, Beat the egg whites until stiff. In a different bowl, beat the egg yolks until
Thick and lemon-colored. Combine the yolks with the remaining eight Ingredients; mix together well; And then fold in the egg whites. Pour the pumpkin mixture into a buttered 1-quart souffle dish. Place it in a Pan of hot water and bake in a 350-degree Preheated oven for about 45 Minutes. This recipe yields 6 servings.

This recipe is from The Wicca Spellbook A Witchs Collection of Wiccan Spells, Potions and Recipes By Gerina Dunwich, p. 173, a Citadel Press Book, Carol Publishing Group, 1994

Divinely Spiced Wine

4 cups (1 liter) red grape juice
1 1/2 quart (1.5 liter) bottle of jug red wine
2-3 sticks cinnamon
1/2 tablespoon whole cloves
1/2 tablespoon allspice
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
3/4 cup (170 grams) firmly packed brown sugar

In a large saucepan, combine juice and wine. Add spices and brown sugar. Bring to a boil. Decrease heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Adjust sweetness by adding sugar to taste. Yield: 10-12 servings

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Re: Alura's Book of Shadows

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Ostara Crafts, Activities and Recipes

Some Ostara symbolism:

Ostara Egg Symbolism

There are many fine books that describe the symbolism on Ukranian eggs (pysanky and krashanky), not to mention the rich symbolism within Wiccan and other Pagan traditions.

Below are some traditional symbols used on Ukranian eggs, and you may notice that many of these symbols have universal meanings throughout the world.

Circles: Protection, everlasting life, continuity, completeness. The Sun, and cycles of life.

Triangles: The elements of air, fire and water. Or just fire. The Trinity. Sun, Moon, and Stars.

Suns: The life-giving, all embracing nature of God, especially as the Sun is seen as the God. Fire and warmth, enchantment, prosperity, good fortune. It is the most ancient and significant symbol, appearing on almost every Ukranian egg, from a small circle or dot to an elaborate many rayed affair.

Tripods: Man, Woman, and Child. Birth, Life and Death. Stars and Roses: Popular symbols for purity, life, giver of light, the eye of God, the God's love for humanity. Also success, knowledge, beauty, elegance, and perfection.

Dots: Usually represent stars or the Tears of Mary. Also can be the Sun.

Curls: Protection.
Spirals: Mystery of life and death, divinity and immortality.

Crosses: These are usually equal-armed crosses, though not always. Represents the four directions, the four ages of man, the four elements, rebirth and eternal life.

Agricultural: Popular on traditional pysanky, these were important to a society that depended on the fruit of the fields. Also, krashanky had these symbols and were buried in the fields to ensure fertility.

Below are some agricultural symbols.

Sieves: Separating good from evil.

Nets and baskets: Containing knowledge, motherhood, giving life and gifts.

Ladders: Searching, rising above the petty, ascending to heaven.

Combs: Putting things in order.

Rakes: Successful harvest.

Plants: Rebirth and nature. Very popular symbols.

Trees: Strength, renewal, creation, organic unity, growth, eternal life.

Leaves: Immortality, eternal or pure love, strength, persistence.

Flowers: Beauty, children, female principles of wisdom and elegance.

Fruit: Continuity, good fellowship, strong and loyal love, love of the Divine.

Sunflowers: Motherhood, life, love of the Divine.

Wheat: Bountiful harvest.

Eternity Bands: Dividing elements on the eggs such as meanders for harmony, motion, infinity, immortality. Waves for wealth, rain. Lines and ribbons for the thread of life or eternity.


Stags: Leadership, victory, joy, masculinity.

Horses: Wealth, prosperity, endurance, speed and the motion of the Sun.

Rams: Leadership, strength, dignity, perseverance. Ram's horns symbolize strong leadership, dignity, and perseverance.

Horns: Mobility, wisdom, triumph over problems, and implies manhood and leadership.

Bear paws: A guardian spirit, bravery, wisdom, strength, endurance, the coming of spring.

Birds: All kinds, are messengers of the Sun and heavens, pushing away evil, fertility, fulfillment of wishes, good harvest.

Bird Parts: (eyes, feet, beaks, combs, feathers) carry the same meaning as entire birds.

Roosters: Good fortune, masculinity, coming of the dawn. Hens: Fertility. Hen feet offer protection for the young, and guidance.

Goose feet: Symbols of soul or spirit.

Butterflies: Ascent of the soul, pleasure and frivolity of childhood.

Spiders: Patience, artistry, industry, healing and good fortune.

Fish: Abundance, sacrifice, regeneration.

Color Symbolism in Ukranian Eggs

White: Purity, birth, virginity, and ignorance. Historically, a young child would receive eggs with lots of white.

Yellow: Youth, light, purity, happiness, and wisdom.

Red: The most widely used color, for passion, love, enthusiasm. Orange: Endurance, strength, power.

Green: Renewal, freshness, hope, victory of life over death. Brown: Earth.

Blue: Sky, good health derived from air.

Purple: Patience, trust, power.

Black: Remembrance, eternity, constancy, death. A black and white combination indicates protection from evil and respect for the dead.

Black with red connotes ignorance arising from passion.


Clear a space for a garden, or start flowers, herbs or vegetables indoors. It's too early in this climate to plant fruits and vegetables; frosts can happen as late as April in the North.

You can clear weeds, grass and rubbish from the spot where you plan a garden, or you can start seeds indoors.

Pick up litter at your favorite park or beach. Help the earth rejuvenate by getting rid of the mess.

Ritually color hard-boiled or blown eggs

Perform oomancy (divination by eggs).

Meditate on the imagery of the seed.

Meditate on the season's flowers. Flowers are the sexual organs of plants, consider what this says to you.

Perform magick to give back to the earth. Raise and send energy to return to the Earth, our mother, some of the bounteous energy and fertility She gives to us.

Meditate on the Moon-Hare, rabbits provide an obvious symbol of animal fertility and see what comes to you about literal or creative fertility in your own life.

Honor the spring or Earth goddess or god of your choice, or a goddess or god of balance.

Light a bonfire at dawn on the Equinox to honor the light half of the year.

Meditate or perform ritual at dawn or sunset.

Meditate or perform ritual for balance in your life and in the earth's life.

Do a ritual denoting the passing of the year's dark half.

Use the energy of the time of year as you would the first quarter of the moon. You can use the energy of this time of year to fuel any new project or goal.

Meditate on beginnings, on the East, on air, on dawn. In meditation, note how these symbols connect organically and how you relate personally to them.

Taking a long walk in nature with no intent other than reflecting on the Magick of nature and our Great Mother and her bounty.

If you don't do your spring cleaning at Imbolc it is an ideal time to clean your home to welcome the new season.

Offerings of food and milk are left for the fairies and other spirits who live in and around rocks and are responsible for the fertility of the land. Leave a few fruits from the last harvest for the nature spirits.

Get out in Nature. Take a walk around your neighborhood or favorite park. See which plants are sprouting, which budding, which blooming, which still are in the grips of winter. Feel the air; smell the scents of Ostara. Clear a space for a garden, or start flowers, herbs or vegetables indoors. It's too early in this climate to plant fruits and vegetables; frosts can happen as late as April in the Northwest. But you can clear weeds, grass and rubbish from the spot where you plan a garden, or you can start seeds indoors. Check with your favorite garden store what flowers and vegetables might best be started now.

Pick up litter at your favorite park or beach. Help the earth rejuvenate by getting rid of the mess. Even an hour of cleanup can make a big difference.

Ritually color hard-boiled or blown eggs. Eggs, a potent symbol of fertility, figured in pagan spring worship long before their appropriation by the Christian Easter. Ukrainian pysanky, blown eggs with patterns drawn in wax and dyed, are Pagan amulets for fertility, prosperity and protection. Pysanky have come to us basically unchanged in form from the hunter-gatherers of Eastern Europe.

For your own rituals, you can draw in crayon or white wax on hard-boiled eggs symbols that represent things you want in the coming sun-year, or write on the eggs these things' names, or both. You can then use Easter-egg or natural dyes to color the eggs; your wax symbols and writing will stand out against the dye-color. Next, raise energy in ritual for your goals, charge the eggs with that energy, then peel and eat the eggs, taking in the things you want to manifest. Alternatively, you can mark and dye unboiled eggs, then crack tiny holes in both ends with a pin and blow out the matter inside, keeping the eggshell on your altar.

Perform oomancy (divination by eggs). To perform the most common form of egg-divination, separate egg whites and yolks. You then drop the white into hot water and divine from the shapes it assumes.

Perform love or other divination with apples. Apples are a Northern European Pagan symbol of spring and of love. You may recall from childhood two forms of love-divination by apple, using the seeds and the stem.

To divine whether someone loves you by apple seeds, choose and eat an apple thinking of your loved one. Next, split the core and count the seeds chanting this rhyme: One I love, two I love, three I love I say, four I love with all my heart, five I cast away; six she loves, seven he loves, eight they both love; nine s/he comes, ten s/he tarries, eleven s/he courts, twelve s/he marries. To divine the first letter of your spouse-to-be's name, twist an apple's stem while chanting the letters of the alphabet. The letter at which the stem breaks is his or her initial.

Both these love-divination techniques can be adapted to other uses. To adapt the former, alter the rhyme with words suiting your situation. To adapt the latter, you can simply chant yes and no while twisting till the apple stem breaks; you can also chant "yes, no, maybe" or use words more specific to your situation.

Meditate on the imagery of the seed. Consider a seed and how it relates to the earth, how it falls from its mother plant into a rich loam made from the breakdown of other dead plants. Consider how the seed is influenced by sun and rain, by the energy from sky and earth. Or contemplate as a seed an idea or situation in your life, then imagine the seed breaking open and sending out roots and sprouts. Study what these roots and sprouts look like, where they find barriers and where they grow most strongly.

Perform magick by planting a seed to grow with your spell. A traditional love-spell runs as follows. (Of course, you shouldn't perform this spell to draw a particular person, but rather to draw the right person toward you.) Just after the New Moon, plant the seed of some sturdy plant in a pot. Water thoroughly, and charge your spell by raising energy and saying over the plant: As this root grows, and this blossom blows, may my true love be inclined toward me. You can adapt this spell to any purpose naturally achieved over time, such as the success of a business.

Meditate on the season's flowers. Around us now bloom crocuses, daffodils and early tulips. You can find or purchase cut or living flowers and meditate on them. Sitting before the flowers, consider what is growing in your life. Flowers are the sexual organs of plants; consider what this says to you.

Perform magick to give back to the earth. Raise and send energy to return to the Earth, our mother, some of the bounteous energy and fertility She gives to us.

Meditate on the Moon-Hare. Rabbits provide an obvious symbol of animal fecundity. Meditate on the Moon-Hare, the animal the early German tribes and the Aztecs saw on the face of the moon, and see what comes to you about literal or creative fertility in your own life.

Honor the spring or Earth goddess or god of your choice, or a goddess or god of balance. To honor balance, venerate Roman Janus or his female counterpart Jana, or any pair of twin goddesses or gods. You can also honor goddesses and gods of spring or fertility now. Greet Ostara with rites like those of Aphrodite; drink new wine in honor of Dionysos; celebrate warlike Mars, deep and fertile Hertha or ever-young Iduna. Likewise, you can honor the Maiden, either sole and free or ripe for consummation.

Light around your house pairs of white and black candles, symbolizing dark and light. Each time you pass a pair of candles, you can honor the balance of light and dark we find this time of year, and the balance of light and dark within yourself.

Light a bonfire at dawn on the Equinox to honor the light half of the year. Not only did ancient Northern Europeans burn such fires, but also the Mayans.

Meditate or perform ritual at dawn or sunset. These liminal times areparticularly significant now when we balance between dark and light.

Meditate or perform ritual for balance in your life and in the earth's life. Meditate on that ancient Eastern emblem of balance, the Yin-Yang symbol. Consider what is dark and hidden, rightly or wrongly, in your life, and what is daylit. Consider how you best can create balance, honoring both sides of yourself. Likewise, contemplate what you see as dark and light in the world around you. Meditate upon what this year will bring, dark and light, and how best you can take right action in the world. You can also use these symbolsactively, raising energy and asking that balance come to your life.

Do a ritual denoting the passing of the year's dark half. MedievalBohemians, after honoring the Christian savior on Easter Sunday, performed a ritual for his pagan rival on the following Monday, or Moon-day. Village girls sacrificed an effigy of the Lord of Death in the nearest running water, singing "Death swims in the water, spring comes to visit us, with eggs that are red, with yellow pancakes, we carried Death out of the village, we are carrying Summer into the village."

As an updated variation, you can create an effigy of the dark half of the year and imbue it with the things of winter you'd like to leave behind. You can then either burn it in a bonfire or drop it in the nearest watercourse. (In the former case, you'll want to make the effigy's components flammable, in the latter biodegradable.) To return with the spring, bring back to your home greenery cut with respect or water from the stream.

Use the energy of the time of year as you would the first quarter of the moon. You can use the energy of this time of year to fuel any new project or goal.

Meditate on beginnings, on the East, on air, on dawn. This station of the year reflects these traditional associations. In meditation, note how these symbols connect organically and how you relate personally to them.


Osterraeder - Ostara Wheel

Make a wheel of plaited straw and stuff it with the detrius of the past 12 months. If you don't have anything to use, why not write down on pieces of paper the things that happened, both good and bad? Then out an in*****ion to Ostara, honouring her, and pin this to the wheel. Decorate it with whatever new-sprung flowers and shoots you can find. This is your Wheel of the Year.

The eve of the equinox, feast and celebrate through with your family and friends. In the wee hours of the morning throw your wheels onto the fire and invoke Ostara. During this time you should verbally share the good and the bad of the year. This is the time to raise old enmities and "throw them into the fire". It is also the time to proclaim the wonderful things that have happened, and what you love about each other. As the morning approaches, have breakfast together, but spend the time in companionable silence as you think about what Ostara's Day means to you. As the day dawns, walk outside to greet Ostara as she rises in the east with the sun.

Growing Easter Baskets

Empty 1/2 gal. Milk Cartons
Potting Soil
Grass Seed (fast growing if you have it)
Stuff to Decorate Carton

Take empty milk cartons, cut down to 4-5" high. Can cover with contact paper or construction paper and decorate.

Fill 2/3 full with potting soil, the generously cover with grass seed.

Have children water daily; grass should grow in about 4-7 days.

With remaining carton, cut a handle to staple to the basket.

Fill with decorated eggs.

Eggshell Pictures

You can make "Stained Glass" pictures using small pieces of colored eggshell. Either use the shells from the eggs you colored for Ostara or follow the instructions below to color eggshells from either hard-boiled or raw eggs.

(or cardboard from cereal
or detergent boxes)
White glue
Food coloring
White vinegar
Paper towels and/or newspaper

In a cup or small glass bowl, mix a few drops of food coloring with about 1/2 c. white vinegar for each color you wish to use.

Soak the egg shells in the food coloring until you have the color desired. The longer they soak the darker they will be. You may wish to crush the shells into small pieces before putting them into the coloring.

Remove the colored shells and spread on paper towels or newspaper to dry.

Draw a simple picture on the plain side of the cardboard. Coloring book pictures are good.

Spread glue in each area of your drawing.

Allow the glue to dry completely before moving your picture.

Bunny Ears

This has been one of the traditional favorites of nursery school teachers for years.

Construction paper (White, Brown, Grey or Black & Pink)
Stapler and Staples
Cut the headband from construction paper. (If you use 12" x 18" paper, 1 headband strip 2" wide cut from the long edge of the paper + one 2" strip cut from the short edge should be enough...If you are using 9" x 12" paper, cut three 2" x 9" strips) Place the strips end to end and staple together to fit snuggly around the child's head.

Using the shapes shown in the example, cut 2 outer ears from "bunny colored" construction paper.

Cut 2 pink inner ears and glue them to the front of the outer ears. Allow the glue to dry before going on to next step.

Fold the glued ear pieces in half lengthwise and then unfold them (The crease will help the ears stand up straight.)

Staple the ears to the headband with the ears standing straight up.

Puffy Paint Pictures

Food color or tempera paint
Empty squeeze bottles

Mix equal parts of flour, salt, and water to make the puffy paint. (It should have the consistency of frosting)

Stir in desired amount of food coloring (remember that paint will dry lighter than it is when wet.)

Fill the squeeze bottles with the mixture (one color per squeeze bottle).

Squeeze the paint onto the cardboard. Try zigzags, dots and other designs.

Allow the cardboard to dry flat. When it is dry, the design will be raised and will sparkle!

Natural Ostara Egg Dyes

This Easter, why not color your eggs using nature's very own dyes? It's possible to share paint colours and the rinse water cups around the table to encourage sharing and conversation.
The kids had a ball painting the baskets any way they wanted.

Orange: Yellow onion skins
Light yellow: Orange or lemon peels, carrot tops, celery seed or ground cumin
Yellow: Ground turmeric
Pale green: Spinach leaves
Green-gold: Yellow Delicious apple peels
Blue: Canned blueberries or red cabbage leaves
Beige to brown: Strong brewed coffee

To dye the perfect Easter eggs the natural way, here's what to do:
1. Put eggs in a single layer in a pan. Pour water in pan until the eggs are covered.
2. Add about a teaspoon of vinegar.
3. Add the natural dye appropriate to the color you want your eggs to be. (The more eggs you are dying at a time, the more dye you will need to use.)
4. Bring water to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
5. Remove the substance you used to color the eggs. Put eggs in a bowl. If you want your eggs to be a darker shade, cover them with the dye and let them stand overnight in the refrigerator.

Ostara Egg Baskets

Wooden strawberry baskets (1 quart size)
Pastel poster paints in many different Easter Colours
Paint brushes 1 for each child
LOTS of rinse water!!!!!!!
Small kitchen sized garbage bags
Easter grass in many colours

The garbage bags make great paint smocks when your in a pinch. Simply cut a slit in the top large enough for the child's head, measure where their arms would be and cut two slits for the arm holes and HEY! You have instant paint smocks!! We saved ours, but you can toss yours its up to you.

Give each child a basket, and a paint brush. Scatter the paint colours and the rinse water cups around the table to encourage sharing and conversation.

The kids had a ball painting the baskets any way they wanted. They were so expressive with their ideas!! It was a wonderful art experience for them.

They were very proud of their work and were so excited when they saw how each basket was different from the rest.

Give each child some Easter grass to line their baskets. If you wish you might give each child a few Easter Eggs for their baskets.

Real Grass Baskets
-by AmberSkyfire

One of the most lovely crafts you can make before Ostara is baskets with real grass in them. This is easy for both children and adults to do.

What you will need:
Round basket
plastic disposable plant water catching dish as close to the size of the basket as you can find
grass seed

Place the dish inside of the basket. The closer the dish is to the size of the inside of the basket, the better. Fill the dish up to the top with potting soil. Sprinkle grass seed over the top of the soil and water. You will need to water the grass every now and then to keep the seeds moist. make sure to use lots of seed so that the grass grows thick and keep in a sunny location. When Ostara comes, you will have a wonderful grass-filled basket to put the eggs you find in. The basket can be kept with grass all year long as a window decoration, or the grass and soil can be tossed into the yard.

Ostara Besom
Source Unknown

About mid-March, go to a nearby department store to the drapery/curtain section and buy two drapery/curtain hooks that are big enough for your besom handle will rest easily upon them. Decide on a place on your wall and screw the two hooks in. Yes, this is a permanent thing, and you can display your besom all throughout the year too.

Next go to a nearby craft supply store and buy Styrofoam eggs, ribbons, sequins and whatever strikes your fancy to use to decorate your eggs. Once you have decorated your eggs you can hang them from ribbons on the horizontal handle of the besom.

Also, if you wish you can decorate your besom to resemble a bunny rabbit. The besom is a magickal tool that will cleanse your home with its magick.


Flowers are popular during ostara... Here's some simple recipes using flowers:

http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 24282.html

Violets are edible and very high in Vitamin A. A good way to serve violets is to make them into candy and serve them on white cake.

What you will need:
violets (about twenty per cake)
a cake
white icing
egg whites
paint brush
fine granulated sugar

Bake a cake and put white icing on the cake. Make sure that the violets have been rinsed and let sit to dry a few minutes on paper towels. Beat the egg whites until they are light and fluffy. Using the paintbrush, CAREFULLY paint egg white on each of the flowers. Sprinkle fine granulated sugar over the flowers until they are covered. Decorate the cake with the flowers, serve, and enjoy!

I got these recipes from Ravencry's post. http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 22403.html

Deviled Eggs
6 eggs
1/2 teaspoon paprika
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon mustard powder

Place eggs in a pot of salted water. Bring the water to a boil, and let eggs cook in boiling water until they are hard boiled, approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Drain eggs, and let cool. Cut eggs in half, lengthwise. Remove the egg yolks and mash them together in a small mixing bowl. Mix in the paprika, mayonnaise, and dry mustard. Spoon mixture into the egg shells, cool and serve

Cream Biscuits

Knead the dough briefly just until it comes together, but don't work it too
much. Also, don't twist the biscuit cutter. The twisting motion seals the edge
of the dough, which can prevent the biscuit from rising completely.


4 1/2 cups (or more) bleached all purpose flour
2 tablespoons baking powder
1 tablespoon coarse kosher salt
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) chilled unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
3/4 cup half and half


Position 1 rack in top third and 1 rack in bottom third of oven and preheat to 450°F. Combine 4 1/2 cups flour, baking powder, and salt in large bowl; whisk to blend. Add butter cubes and rub in with fingertips until mixture resembles
coarse meal. Add cream and half and half and stir just until mixture is moistened and begins to clump together. Turn out dough on floured work surface. Knead gently just until dough holds together, adding more flour by tablespoonfuls if dough is very sticky, about 6 turns. Roll out dough to 1/2-inch thickness. Using tines of fork dipped into flour, pierce dough all the way through at 1/2-inch intervals. Using 2 3/4- to 3-inch-diameter biscuit cutter or cookie cutter dipped in flour, cut out dough rounds. Transfer dough rounds to 2 ungreased rimmed baking sheets, spacing 1 inch apart. Bake biscuits until light golden brown and tester inserted into centers comes out clean, rotating baking sheets halfway through baking, about 14 minutes Total. Transfer biscuits to cooling racks and cool slightly.

DO AHEAD: Biscuits can be baked 4 hours ahead. Let stand uncovered at room temperature. Place biscuits on ungreased rimmed baking sheets and rewarm in 375°F oven for 5 minutes before serving.

Ostara Peeps Ambrosia Originally posted to Hestias Hearth

Everyone knows "Peeps", those overwhelmingly sweet little marshmallow critters that appear every Spring in the grocery store. Put your leftover Peeps to good use this Ostara, and make them into a delicious ambrosia salad! For the most
colorful results, use yellow or pink Peeps.


* 1 pkg of 12 marshmallow Peeps (chicks or bunnies)
* 2 cans mandarin oranges
* 2 cans pineapple tidbits
* 1 jar maraschino cherries
* 2 chopped bananas
* 2 C. shredded coconut flakes
* 4 oz. sour cream
* 1 12-oz tub of Cool Whip or other dessert topping


Dice the Peeps into small pieces. Drain the juices from all the fruit. Mix all ingredients together, and allow to chill in the refrigerator for a few hours. Serve as dessert following your Ostara celebration!

Spring Sprout Salad with Homemade Honey Mustard Dressing
•1 C Mung bean sprouts
•1 C alfalfa sprouts
•2 C baby spinach
•2 green onions, chopped
•1/2 C slivered almonds
•1/2 C dried cherries or craisins
•1/2 C mayonnaise
•2 Tbsp Dijon mustard
•2 Tbsp honey
•A dash of lemon juice
To make the salad, place the baby spinach at the bottom of the plate or bowl, and then add the sprouts. Spread them out so they're not all clumped together. Sprinkle the top with the chopped green onions, the almonds, and the craisins.

To make the dressing, combine the mayonnaise, mustard, honey and lemon juice and mix well. Drizzle over the salad to serve.

* Cook's tip: if you're not crazy about the flavor of mayonnaise, you can reduce the amount you use by a couple of tablespoons.For a healthier and sweeter choice, you can substitute plain white yogurt for the mayo.

Egg-Lemon Soup (Avgolemono Soup)

12 cups chicken broth
1 cup long chicken rice
salt to taste
4 medium eggs, at room temperature
2 Tbsp. cold water
1 1/2 lemons, juiced

Make your favorite chicken soup. Strain broth. Bring to boiling point, stir in rice. Cover and simmer over moderate heat until tender. Salt to taste. Cool soup slightly and blend with the sauce ingredients listed above. Separate the eggs. Beat egg white until stiff. Blend in egg yolks which have been lightly beaten. Then add water and lemon juice, beating until thick. With ladle, add a small amount of hot broth to egg mixture, blending quickly. Pour this into soup and stir well. Serve at once.

Mixed Greens with Raspberry Vinaigrette

3 Tbsp. Raspberry vinegar
1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
1 tsp. garlic, minced
1/3 cup olive oil
8 cups mixed baby greens

Combine first 3 ingredients in medium bowl. Gradually whisk in olive oil. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Place mixed baby greens in large bowl. Toss with enough dressing to coat and serve.

Ostara Main Dishes

Bacon-Swiss Quiche

1 (9-inch) deep-dish pie crust in tin
12 slices bacon
1 cup shredded Swiss cheese
4 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 cups half-and-half
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon white sugar
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper


Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).

Place bacon in a large skillet, and fry over medium-high heat until crisp.

Drain on paper towels, then chop coarsely. Sprinkle bacon and cheese into pastry shell.

In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs, cream, salt, sugar and cayenne pepper. Pour mixture into pastry shell.

Bake 15 minutes in the preheated oven. Reduce heat to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C), and bake an additional 30 minutes, or until a knife inserted 1 inch from edge comes out clean. Allow quiche to sit 10 minutes before cutting into wedges.


1 Pillsbury pie crust
1 c. chopped ham
1 c. chopped onion
1 pkg. frozen chopped spinach (10 oz. size)
4-6 eggs, slightly beaten
1 c. milk
1 c. shredded cheese

Place pie crust in quiche pan. Bake in preheated 425 degree oven of 5 minutes, remove from oven. Set aside.
Place spinach in microwave oven in package. Cook on high setting for 6 minutes, remove and drain. Meantime place ham and onion in pie crust. Mix together slightly beaten eggs, milk and cheese. Add spinach and pour into pie crust on top of ham and onion. Bake for 15 minutes at 425 degrees. Then bake for 30 minutes at 300 degrees. Let stand 10 minutes before cutting. Serve in wedges.


1 tbsp. and 1 tsp. reduced calorie butter
1 c. onions, diced
1 sm. clove garlic, minced
1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen chopped spinach
1 c. frozen egg substitute, thawed
3 oz. reduced-fat Swiss cheese, shredded, divided
Dash nutmeg
Dash white pepper
1 med. tomato, thinly sliced

In 9 inch nonstick skillet melt butter, add onions and garlic and saute over medium heat until onions are softened, about 2 minutes. Cook spinach according to package directions and drain thoroughly. Add spinach to skillet, stir. Cook until moisture has evaporated, about 1 minute. Transfer to medium mixing bowl, let cool slightly. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Add to spinach mixture: egg substitute, half of the cheese, nutmeg and pepper, stir well. Spray 10 inch quiche dish with non-stick cooking spray. Spread mixture in dish, top with tomato slices and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake until quiche is set, about 20 minutes.

Irish Stew

4 to 6 servings

1 1/2 lbs Lamb, cut into cubes

3/4 cup sliced onion

2 sliced carrots

2.5 Lbs potatoes … sliced or cubed

Put in bottom of a heavy pan a layer of potatoes , a layer of meat , and a few slices of onion …repeat twice , ending with potatoes on top …season each layer with salt and pepper … add to the pot … 1 bay leaf … pour over the layers : 2 cups boiling stock or water … and two tbs. finely chopped parsley …

Bring to the boil… cover …. simmer gently for 2.5 hours or until meat is tender … Shake pot from time to time to keep potatoes from sticking to the bottom … when done moisture should have been absorbed by the potatoes.

You can also bake in a moderate oven…just watch it closely.
Nice served with fresh green beans / or frozen peas and squash .

Parmesan Crusted Tilapia

*Feeds 2-3 double if necessary

3 -4 tilapia fillets, depending on size

1/4 cup breadcrumbs or 1/4 cup crushed Ritz cracker

1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon italian seasoning

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 tablespoon lemon juice



garlic powder

olive oil

Thaw and wash tilapia fillets if frozen. Pat dry on paper towels.
Combine crumbs, parmesan, italian seasoning and garlic powder on a plate, mixing well. On a different plate, pour 1 tbsp lemon juice.
Working 1 at a time, place a fillet on the plate in the lemon juice, sprinkle with desired amount of kosher salt (be careful about how much salt is in your parmesan, crumbs, and other seasonings), black pepper, and garlic powder. Turn the fillet over in the lemon juice and sprinkle seasoning on the other side.

Dredge fillet in the parmesan mixture patting it all over to coat.

Place in an oiled baking dish, repeat with remaining fillets.

Sprinkle a little lemon juice over fillets and drizzle or spray them lightly with olive oil. Bake at 425ºF for about 20 minutes or until they easily flake with a fork and edges are browning (you can sprinkle some more parmesan on top if desired).

Roast Lamb
•Leg of lamb
•1 C white cooking wine
•2 cloves garlic, minced
•Juice from 2 oranges (or 1/2 C orange juice)
•1 Tbsp. freshly chopped rosemary
•Pepper and sea salt to taste
•Olive oil (about 2 Tbs.)
To make the marinade, combine everything except the lamb in a bowl. Blend it together with a whisk. Pour into a plastic bag and then add the leg of lamb. Seal the bag, and let it sit overnight.

Allow the lamb to reach room temperature before you put it in the oven. Remove from the bag, place in a roasting pan (along with all the marinade juices), and bake on the lower rack at 450 degrees. Roast the lamb until it reaches an internal temperature of about 135, or about an hour.

The secret to a good lamb dish is to not overcook it, so it should still be pink in the middle when it comes out of the oven. Place it on a rack, cover with foil, and allow it to sit in its own juices for about twenty minutes before serving. This will help the roasting process finish without drying out the meat.

Mint Chutney
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutesIngredients:
•3 C. fresh mint leaves, off stems
•1/2 C. fresh cilantro
•1/2 C. fresh parsley
•1/2 C. green pepper, chopped
•1/2 C. red pepper, chopped
•1 small onion, chopped
•1/2 Tsp. sea salt
•A dash of lemon juice
Throw everything in your food processor or blender and chop until it forms a paste. Add water gradually to thin it out, and continue blending until the water and paste have formed a smooth sauce. Refrigerate if you're not going to serve it right away

Rosemary Potatoes

1 1/2 lbs. small new potatoes
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1/2 tsp. salt
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 Tbsp. fresh rosemary, chopped

Cover new potatoes with water and bring to a simmer. Cook 5 minutes. Drain and toss potatoes in pan over heat until outside of potatoes are dry. Add olive oil, salt, garlic and fresh rosemary. Place potatoes in a pan, in one layer, and bake in a 350° oven until crispy and browned, about `5-20 minutes. Serve with roasted and grilled meats or poultry

Ostara Desserts!

Blueberry-Ginger Crumble

2 cups fresh blueberries (or frozen)
1/3 cup white sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons ginger chips (minced crystallized ginger)
1/3 cup butter

Preheat oven to 350º.

Put the blueberries in a medium-sized glass bowl and rake the edge of a spoon through them to bruise the fruit slightly. Add 1/3 cup white sugar and 1 tablespoon lemon juice; stir, then set aside.

In a second bowl, combine 1/2 cup flour, 1/2 cup rolled oats, and 1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar. Then stir in 2 tablespoons of ginger chips. Slice the butter into squares and add to the dry ingredients. Use a butter cutter to mix the contents until loose and crumbly.

Stir the blueberries and spread them in the bottom of a glass pie plate. Then sprinkle the crumble topping evenly over the blueberry filling. Bake at 350º for 20-30 minutes, until topping is golden-crisp and filling is bubbly.

Ostara Mint Tea Cakes from Hearth & Home Witchery

4 C. Flour
6 Eggs, beaten
1 C. Granulated Sugar
Crumbled, dried Mint leaves or 1/8 t. Mint flavoring
1 Quart Milk
2/3 C. softened Butter
1 C. Powdered Sugar
2 T. Milk

1.Preheat oven to 350 F.
2.Cream butter and sugar together until light.
3.Beat eggs until very light. Add to butter and sugar mixture.
4.Add mint flavoring - taste. Do you want the mint flavoring stronger?
5.Add milk and mix well.
6.Add flour and mix well.
7.Pour into mini-muffin tins to fill each cup to halfway. Bake for approximately 10 minutes.
8.Allow to cool completely. Remove from muffin tin.
9.Leave tea cakes "upside down" and drizzle with glaze. Garnish with candied violets.

Ostara Egg Hunt Pie Originally posted to Hestia's Hearth
1 Ready-made graham cracker crust
8 oz. package cream cheese , softened
1 can (14 oz.) Eagle Sweetened Condensed Milk (not evaporated milk)
3/4 cup cold milk
1 pkg. (4-serving size) instant vanilla (or your favorite flavor) pudding and pie filling
1-1/2 cups non-dairy whipped topping, thawed
16 mini chocolate eggs or other holiday candy
1. In a large bowl, beat cream cheese until fluffy.
2. Gradually beat in condensed milk until smooth.
3. Add milk and pudding mix; beat on low speed until smooth.
4. Spoon half of filling into crust.
5. Place chocolate eggs evenly over filling. Top with remaining filling.
6. Chill 3 hours.

Baked Egg Custard Recipe
Cook Time: 55 minutes
2 cups milk, scalded
3 egg yolks
1/4 cup sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs or cookie crumbs
With a hand-held mixer on low speed, blend together the scalded milk, egg yolks, sugar, and salt. Pour mixture into a baking dish, about 6x10x2-inches. Place in a larger baking pan then add hot water to the larger pan to a depth of about 1 inch. Bake at 325° for 35 minutes. Sprinkle with graham cracker crumbs then bake about 20 to 30 minutes longer, or until set. A clean knife inserted in center should come out clean when egg custard is done.

Custard Pie

1/2 (9 inch) unbaked pie crust
6 eggs
1 cup white sugar
2 cups milk
1 pinch salt
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1. Beat eggs with a whisk. Beat in sugar, milk, and salt. Pour filling into pie crust. Sprinkle nutmeg and cinnamon on top.
2. Bake at 425 degrees F for 15 minutes.
3. Reduce heat to 350 degrees F, and continue baking for an additional 45 minutes.

Lemon Surprise Bread
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour, 5 minutesIngredients:
•1 package Lemon Poppy Seed Bread mix
•Ingredients to prepare mix as directed
•1/2 C golden raisins
•1 Tbsp orange zest
•1/2 C dried cranberries
•Non-meltable goodies to add into the bread, such as:
•A shiny coin
•A piece of gold or silver jewelry
•A ring
•A polished crystal
•Vanilla ice cream
Prepare the bread mix as directed. Once it's all mixed together, add in the golden raisins, the orange zest, and the cranberries. Finally, fold in a few small treasures, such as a ring, a cleaned coin, or a polished crystal. Be sure you select items that won't melt when you bake it in the oven!

Bake as directed on the package, and then remove from oven. Allow to cool. To serve, slice off pieces, keeping an eye out for the hidden treasures. Top each slice off with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Honey and Orange Tea Loaf (Scottish)

6 oz. self rising flour
6 oz. honey
1 oz. margarine
1 large egg
1 tsp. baking powder
6 Tbsp. milk
1 large orange, with rind grated off

Preheat oven to 350°. Grease and line a 2 lb. loaf tin. Cream the margarine and honey together in a bowl, mixing thoroughly. Add the egg and beat vigorously. Sieve the flour, salt and baking powder and add alternately with the milk, to the creamed mixture. Sprinkle in orange rind and mix well. Spoon the mixture into the tin. Bake for 45 minutes. Remove from the oven, glaze with honey and return to the oven for a further 10 minutes. Remove from the tin and cool on a wire rack. Serve sliced and buttered.

Honey Fry Bread

1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup whole-wheat flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 Tbsp. sugar
1/2 cup honey
2 cups vegetable oil, for frying

Mix the flours, salt, sugar and baking powder together. Add about 1/2 cup water and mix well, adding a bit more water if needed to make a stiff dough. Turn out on a lightly floured surface and knead until dough becomes elastic and smooth. Let rest for 10 minutes. Roll out 1/2 inch thick. Cut into squares, strips or circles. Deep fry in very hot oil until golden brown. Drain on brown paper bags or paper towels. Drizzle honey in a very thin stream over bread and serve immediately. Sprinkle with a little cinnamon if desired.

Queen's Biscuits (Biscotti Di Regina)

4 cups flour, sifted
1 cup sugar
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup shortening
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1/2 cup milk
1/4 lb. sesame seeds

Lightly grease 2 cookie sheets. Sift together in a bowl the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Cut in with pastry blender or two knives until pieces are size of small peas. Add shortening and stir in eggs and milk. Make a soft dough. Mix thoroughly together. Break dough into small pieces and roll each piece between palms of hands to form rolls about 1 1/2" in length. Flatten rolls slightly, and roll in sesame seeds. Place on cookie sheets about 3" apart. Bake at 375° for 12-15 minutes or until cookies are lightly browned. Makes 6 dozen cookies.

Ostara Drinks!

Egg Nog

1 Tbsp. sugar
shaved ice (1/2 glass)
1 medium egg
whiskey or rum
1/2 cup milk

Measure one whole wineglass of whiskey or rum, add other ingredients (use whole milk), shake thoroughly and strain. Grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.


2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 1/2 Tbsp. sugar syrup **
1 cup water

Put the lemon juice, sugar syrup and water in a glass and stir. Add ice to chill. Garnish with lemon slices.

** To make sugar syrup, bring equal parts sugar and water to a boil, stir until sugar dissolves, and remove from heat. Cool before using. Store unused syrup in a covered container in the refrigerator.
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