Invocation or Evocation

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loona wynd
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Invocation or Evocation

Post by loona wynd »

After searching the forum I have not been able to find a topic specifically dealing with the concepts of invocation and evocation. These are two concepts that can be easily confused to the beginning witch or Wiccan. I thought that a thread to cover the basics regarding when they are used and which is which would be a good idea. I also figured in the end there would be an open discussion about experiences with evocation and invocation.

Evocation is the process of calling a spirit forth from nothing. When calling the quarters or casting a circle a person is performing a type of Evocation. Here you are calling forth either elemental guardians, Gods of the four winds, Watch towers, Angels, or even animal spirits to come forward and be present in your rite. You are asking them to represent various elements in ritual through their presence. You are essentially summoning them forward and asking their assistance.

Invocation follows a similar process of calling a spirit or deity forth by name and attributes, The difference here is that in invocation you are bringing that spirit or deity into your body. It is a ritual possession of sorts. This is most often done in a successful drawing down of the Moon where the Goddess enters the Body of the High Priestess. There are several effective invocations written in different books that call different Gods or Goddesses into the High Priest or Priestess depending on the ritual and or the practice.

Personally I use more evocation even with deities than I do Invocation. The few times I have done a successful invocation I was unprepared and surprised by what exactly happened. It was after those experiences that I decided to use Evocation rather than invocation. The deities and spirits I work with still come through in ritual. I just don't deal with the ritual possession of the Goddess as an Oracle yet.
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Re: Invocation or Evocation

Post by Altairtigris »

That's a great help thanks. I'm going to copy it into my notes.
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Re: Invocation or Evocation

Post by Heartsong »

This was a very good explanation of the difference between the two. Thank you for posting. :)
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Re: Invocation or Evocation

Post by Firebird »

Thanks for bringing this up Loona... This does cause a bit of confusion for beginners.
My tradition is largely based on the 1734 and uses what Robert Cochrane called Contacting and Aspecting.
Evocation, brings up a feeling, a sense, imagery, and memory...It is on the outside of ones self, and could fall under "Contacting". (contacting a God/Goddess or other entity or energy)
Invocation also uses imagery and feeling, however you are calling "in" the energy of deity to your body as the vessel, and is known as an "Aspecting". (taking on the aspect of a God/Goddess)
Aspecting is not for everyone and those of fragile mental constitutions really should not attempt it. This is work that is usually reserved for those of third degree and beyond.
I believe you can also use invoking to bring the God/Goddess energy into the circle whether or not someone is the vessel, as in a drawing down the Moon or drawing down the Sun, someone can embody the Goddess or God or you can just have them be present inside the circle.
Invoke -"In"side
Both are considered a summoning.
This one was really hard for me to nail down in the beginning, until I realized the "in" in Invoke, was the way to remember!!
BB, Firebird
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Re: Invocation or Evocation

Post by loona wynd »

firebirdflys wrote:Thanks for bringing this up Loona... This does cause a bit of confusion for beginners.
It definitely can be difficult to keep in mind.
firebirdflys wrote:My tradition is largely based on the 1734 and uses what Robert Cochrane called Contacting and Aspecting.
I've never heard of that concept, but I'm not as familiar with 1734 as I am with some of the other Traditional witchcraft styles and traditions.
firebirdflys wrote: Evocation, brings up a feeling, a sense, imagery, and memory...It is on the outside of ones self, and could fall under "Contacting". (contacting a God/Goddess or other entity or energy)
I also think of it like poems and songs. Occasionally people listen to music or read or write poems to bring forth or call up a specific emotional state. In many ways I would consider that a type of evocation. In fact it may be the reason why poetry is occasionally seen in various evocations.
firebirdflys wrote: Invocation also uses imagery and feeling, however you are calling "in" the energy of deity to your body as the vessel, and is known as an "Aspecting". (taking on the aspect of a God/Goddess)
I've also seen it thought of as basically stepping into a mask or deity body shape. This is why masks and costumes can be effective tools in invocations.

In other Voodoun I believe they call it being ridden by the Loa or spirits. Its really a fascinating practice. Basically the person becomes or lets the spirit flow through them during the ritual. After the ritual is done the spirit releases the body and the person returns to their normal self. I've heard that in a real full succsessful invocation in any form the priest or priestess may not remember or even be fully aware of that which they did during the ritual.
firebirdflys wrote: Aspecting is not for everyone and those of fragile mental constitutions really should not attempt it. This is work that is usually reserved for those of third degree and beyond.
I would agree. Like I mentioned in my OP I have done a few successful invocations. However I was not really prepared or properly prepared at all for the experience. So my fear and unease didn't let the spirit stay in. This is also why they suggest that you never do these practices alone.
firebirdflys wrote: I believe you can also use invoking to bring the God/Goddess energy into the circle whether or not someone is the vessel, as in a drawing down the Moon or drawing down the Sun, someone can embody the Goddess or God or you can just have them be present inside the circle.
Invoke -"In"side
Both are considered a summoning.
See I would consider that an evocation as it is not within a person. This is at least how I have learned it. What you describe here is more or less what I do in ritual when I ask the Gods to be present in the circle. I am not ready to do an invocation of them.

On the other hand the invocation at the beginning of a church service is basically calling that God into the church for the service. Or at least asking that his blessings be there. So if you think about it in that respect what you describe could also be an invocation.
firebirdflys wrote: This one was really hard for me to nail down in the beginning, until I realized the "in" in Invoke, was the way to remember!!
BB, Firebird
I agree with you here. The difference between invocation and evocation can be sketchy depending on tradition and magical style. I believe that ceremonial magicians have a different interpretation and understanding of the practices. Some terms may be different depending on type and styles of magic worked.
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Re: Invocation or Evocation

Post by Firebird »

Oh my gosh Loona, totally excellent point about the mask, it is definitely a great way to help one get Iinto "character"... if you will. In fact accouterments of all manner are great, ....dresses, make up, staff, sword, spear...whatever your deity is known for will help facilitate a successful aspecting or "invoking".
Another really good point ...and I'm glad you brought it up, is that an aspecting really should NOT be done alone, it is always a good idea to have a "baby sitter" ( for lack of a better word), but this person is also usually the one to call down the deity, but they are there to make sure you won't really try to fly or some other crazy thing, then when it is time to come back into your body, this person calls away the deity and makes sure you "the vessel" has bread or some other food and a drink, to ground the physical body, and they also check to see that you are doing well and fully back and alert.
bb, Firebird
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Re: Invocation or Evocation

Post by Kassandra »

firebirdflys wrote:Another really good point ...and I'm glad you brought it up, is that an aspecting really should NOT be done alone
Firebirdflys, very similarly I think, shamanism, too, involves the practitioner having a spotter (ha, I took that term from weight lifting, where someone makes sure you don't hurt yourself) whenever the shaman undertakes journeying work.

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Re: Invocation or Evocation

Post by loona wynd »

firebirdflys wrote:Oh my gosh Loona, totally excellent point about the mask, it is definitely a great way to help one get Iinto "character"... if you will. In fact accouterments of all manner are great, ....dresses, make up, staff, sword, spear...whatever your deity is known for will help facilitate a successful aspecting or "invoking".
Indeed. Masks can also be used to facilitate shape shifting and other works where again you become the spirit or being for the work. The idea is that the mask or guise helps your mundane self be more at ease. I sort of think of it like when actors on stage have costumes on for the characters they are playing. As soon as the costume goes on they are not themselves but the character. When the costume comes off they are themselves again. This is also why ritual wear for this sort of practice should never be worn outside of ritual use.
firebirdflys wrote: Another really good point ...and I'm glad you brought it up, is that an aspecting really should NOT be done alone, it is always a good idea to have a "baby sitter" ( for lack of a better word), but this person is also usually the one to call down the deity, but they are there to make sure you won't really try to fly or some other crazy thing, then when it is time to come back into your body, this person calls away the deity and makes sure you "the vessel" has bread or some other food and a drink, to ground the physical body, and they also check to see that you are doing well and fully back and alert.
bb, Firebird
I think that depends on tradition. In traditional Wicca (Gardnerian, Alexandriean, etc) the High Priestess is the one who calls the God into the High Priest but also calls the Goddess into herself as well. This is described in a step by step ritual process in the book A witches Bible by Stewart and Janet Farrar. While there is typically an assistant (the maiden of the coven) the High Priestess is the one who does the work. The rest of the coven basically gets the message of the ritual or what is being done.
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Re: Invocation or Evocation

Post by AnaisStar »

Great explanation.

I mostly work with evocation. Ive never actually done an invocation.
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Re: Invocation or Evocation

Post by loona wynd »

AnaisStar wrote:Great explanation.

I mostly work with evocation. Ive never actually done an invocation.
Same here. I've not yet completely become comfortable with spirits to invoke them. Right now I am starting relationships with new beings in the Feri tradition so I have a set of new evocations and associations to learn and get familiar with. My dragon evocations have basically been laid down and complete and I have the evocation for the arch angels in the LBRP if I want to work with that.

I consider the prayers I say daily forms of evocation. I am asking the spirits or Gods to bless me in that day. I am asking that they guide me and be present in my day. Its a form of daily evocation practice. The main ones I am working with are ancestors, spirit of the land, The lord of the Sun, and the star Goddess. I have prayers for each of these that are said daily and that I feel are ways I connect with those spirits and deities.
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Re: Invocation or Evocation

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »


Well , I read the thread through , all the way...

Interesting posts , some deeper than others , and content rich...

From my Tradition :

We do not use the words invoke and evoke...

Our words are extremely specific , due to a number letter code...

Envocare = to call a entity , or god / goddess form into oneself

Evocare = To *call forth* an entity , including what we may term
a "demonic" , or shadow energy , from *within* oneself

Both Envocare , and Evocare , have the same number value ,
due to the symbol for the sound "An / En / On" , being the
symbol for the letter "E"...

That number is 377...

Interestingly :

Geometry = 376

Thus the idea of "form" , with the implied idea of "function"...

Specific "forms" , or "grids" , or "masks" , overlaid the self , or
projected outward , into the physical from a mental / astral structure...

Both Envocare and Evocare states , are applied , in the process of the
understanding of one self , and the powers of the human mind...

The bringing of outside to inside , or inside to outside...

This is why the greatly misunderstood "figure eight" over the magician's
head on the major arcana card of the Tarot , as well the strength card ,
are *not* figure eights , as that is the perception of one living in a two
dimensional flatland...

Rather , they are *mobius strips" , which are not static in spacetime , or
mental / astral dimension , yet are in motion , equating to a move past
the three dimensional interface , into the fourth , of time and the feedback
loop equated with projection , and absorption of energy and form...

Now , of course , one may use those methodologies , and states , to empower
one with the corresponding attributes of that particular entity , or god / goddess
for ritual and magical purposes , or to do "shadow work" , or "enquiry" with , and
in , the subconscious realm...

Thus as well , when one considers the frontal lobes , and the cerebrum , neocortex ,
and interbrain , associated with visualization , and the back of the brain , as the
"reptile" , or in Hebrew the "ape" brain ( thus the book "Ishmael" ) , and the pons ,
cerebellum , and medulla oblangata , the original brain ( 377 = original ) , as the
survival program centers , ( primal workhorse and information centers for past
information storage ) , one must take into account the 26.5 degree angle apprx. ,
in each human , from the *third eye* in the back of the brain , called the "goddess
center" , at the base of the head , above the spine , to what is called today , the
*third eye* in the forehead...( "three witches shared one eye" )...thus the eye in
the triangle , when joined...( you shall find a picture of Crowley , making a trine
with his fingers , at his forehead , to symbolize this , during the ritual of projecting
energy )...

By joining these areas of the brain , through the axis angle , this activates what we
call the pineal / pituitary arc field , and assists in bringing forth Psychic Powers...

It would be good to note , the Grand Gallery angle , in the Great Pyramid , is a 26.5
degree angle , and by removing the point , as a "place holder" :

Spacetime = 265

Architect = 265

( Thus the Grand Architect of the Masons )

It would be good to note , as well , to make another connection , or magical link ,
the number value for :

Subconscious = 431

Mound = 430

Norns = 430

And , to make the connections between mounds , ritual , "people of the mounds" ,
geomantic energies and their effect on the brain , especially the telluric current ,
( the carrier wave for the elemental astral currents ) , the subconscious , the
angle of 26.5 degrees , and by looking forward and slightly upward , how that angle
with a person standing upright , would form the shape of the rune my Tradition
knows as "Naid" yet the Norse / German tradition knows as "Nauthiz" , which is the
rune of "change" an arrangement of runes , in my Tradition , it is across from
"Ing / Inguz" , the rune for "magic"...thus , magical change by "need"...

Then to make the connection between the subconscious , the Norns , and the "three
witches" , mentioned I believe in Shakespeare...( not sure if that is where it was )...

And linking that to the trine...

Another time , I shall go into the "Web Of Weyyrd" , the value of that phrase , and the
word "Abyss" , and the idea of taking your Weyyrd or Fate , into your own hands , and
projecting your tensor grid of thought , or some have said , "throwing thy net on the waters"...

However , I digress...

To make the link back to the idea of Envocation , and Evocation...

It is by both those methodologies , one sets in motion , greater ability to merge the
worlds of inner and outer , and set in motion certain neural synapses , which enhance
psychic ability...this is also why breath is so important , in magical practice...

It is our first feedback loop...bringing inside to outside , and outside to inside...

Interestingly , science has defined memory , as a feedback loop...

Remembering we are gods and goddesses , is an important process , in my Tradition...

And activating the ability to move from a three dimensional state , back to a single point ,
then expanded beyond the three dimensions into rotating hyperspheres , hypercubes ,
and one step into that place between worlds , where all things are possible ,
just perhaps not permittable by the laws of that particular dimension...

Yet , we may not break those laws...thus , among other reasons we say it , which I shall
address another time , Wicca , or as my Tradition knows it , Wiecka , means "to bend"...

Bending , not breaking...the willow tree , which we use for a "moon wand" , is a good
example of that principle...bending the mind , stretching the boundaries , by the ways
of Envocare , and Evocare , is another...;)

( *way* more than enough said , for )
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Re: Invocation or Evocation

Post by Corbin »

Old scribblings from a psycho-spiritual standpoint:

Invocation: To call / bring into the everyday psyche hidden or deeper levels of ourselves, characters which may expand our consciousness. Oracular / Inner teachers.

Evocation: Call forth / Call up and "break off" a part of the psyche and separate it from ourselves; under our control in the vaguest extent but within its own 'independent orbit'. Thought=Form.
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Re: Invocation or Evocation

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

Old scribblings , yet a well said , condensed version ,
of my overly extended stream of consciousness
description , Corbin...;)

Sounds like you have "been there" , as well...

Best to you !
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Re: Invocation or Evocation

Post by SpiritTalker »

Bumping 2020
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