Communicating With Your Stones

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Communicating With Your Stones

Post by MoonFlowerMary »

Hey, I would like to hear different stories on how everyone bonded with their crystals. I have a couple of crystals and stones with me but I don't think their working. I charge and cleanse them every chance and when I touch them, my hands suddenly feel cold. So I would like to know everyone's personal experiences with their stone/crystals. :D

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Re: Communicating With Your Stones

Post by AnaisStar »

All of mine are given a salt bath, then rinsed in running water. I smudge them with incense, and then let them sit over night in a full moon to cleanse before using.

The ones that I work with the most, Ive also held in my hands during meditation.

Some of them I carry with me during the day and wear on me (like in a pocket).

I teach Yoga, so Ill often carry aventurine (for health) on me when I feel I need it.

Although I think its most important when you select the stone before you buy that you feel drawn to it.

Re: Communicating With Your Stones

Post by Rhiannon »

I have a hagstone at home and it's a healing stone, which means it has a lot of holes in it. Some hagstones which have one hole inside is for physic versions. I found the healing stone at the beach and it's really hard to find. There's also hag stones which have two holes in them, they are for protection, If your stone is a hag stone then probably you have to do some spells on it or tie a lack of your hair on it so it have your power and you could use it.
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Re: Communicating With Your Stones

Post by Klia »

I'm not an expert with this, but meditation is a good thing to try when communicating with your crystals. You may feel its energy in certain places/chakras depending on what the crystal is meant for. They may change your mood when meditating, causing you to think of certain things. They also help ground you. I use to have Flourite in my car to calm me down when driving. I use Selenite to help my dreams make sense and help me sleep. Other than that, I haven't explored too much.
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Re: Communicating With Your Stones

Post by RowanWindsong »

I'm just going to jump in with a warning about using water to cleanse some stones. Some stones are too soft and will actually dissolve if cleaned in water. Only use water for hard stones, like quartz.
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Re: Communicating With Your Stones

Post by WillowMoon »

And Selenite is also one of those stones too. About communication with stones though, there are some I find better to chat to out loud than others and hear back crystal impressions thoughts or imagery which could be counted as crystal communication. Amethyst is one although I am not sure why.............but malachite is another I have been working with recently as is lithium kunzite that looks divine and er spirit amethyst quartz which is good for clearing the aura field with. There are so many out there that once you start it can become addictive to collect the ones that call out to you.
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Re: Communicating With Your Stones

Post by Isis3Anubis »

After years of collecting crystals I have learned that going by color for meanings is the best bet. Cunningham's book of crystal magick and Judy Hall's are my favorite authors. There is also books written by Melody and Crystal Sorcery by Dunwhich. I have also found regular rocks found on the beach or ground once cleansed and consecrated are powerful too. Also go with what calls to you instincts, as you may be drawn to one particular stone of which you later find out its magickal purpose is what you were needing at the time.
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