Magical Waters & Washes

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Re: Magical Waters & Washes

Post by Kassandra »

loona wynd wrote:...your idea of giving the ancestors and loved ones white rose water as a gift is beautiful.
Thanks loona wynd. And as I wrote in the post above, I meant white rose products, in general, not just water. So, that includes, for instance, creating a scented white rose oil and heating it in an oil burner during ritual (to stand in for incense, since incense tends to bother my respiratory system, at times), or dressing a dedicated candle with white rose oil before burning it for the ancestors/spirit guides, whoever.

Maybe even reserving a supply of dried white rose petals in a pretty bottle. Besides looking nice, the petals could also be used in altar displays, sprinkled on bath water for ritual baths, crushed into herbal blends (for mojo bags, etc.), combined with ancestor dirt in spell work, etc...

I always think in terms of the "whole product line" when I get these ideas, loona, and all the different ways such products could be "leveraged" spiritually-speaking! lol :wink2:

Death card in tarot.jpg
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loona wynd wrote:White roses I don't exactly remember what they are associated with
I've never been a stickler for what the "official" associations for things are. I tend to ask myself, "What does this [color or symbol] mean to me? What do I feel whenever I interact with it, and how could that association/feeling be utilized in energy work?" (or "spell work," as most call it) In all energy work I do, that's mostly what counts. That's how I was taught, at least.

In the context that I've mentioned white roses here, my association is the white rose in the Death card of a tarot deck (see Like I said in another post recently, for some reason I'm always thinking in terms of a tarot deck, I don't know why. It's weird, haha. Anyway, in this instance that's what came to my mind. The white rose in the Death tarot card always stood out to me, feeling like transformation, a new beginning, or like focusing on the positive in the midst of chaotic change, etc.

I went off-topic again. OK, back to waters and washes.

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Re: Magical Waters & Washes

Post by Holdasown »

Kassandra wrote:
Holdasown wrote:Ok I have red, yellow and white in there.
Oh, I just had a flash idea when I read this --make/use white rose products for beloved discarnates in your life whom you'd like to honor. For example, to honor ancestors/relatives passed to spirit especially on their "holy days" (like personal birthdays, anniversaries of their achievements during their Earth lives, etc.).

Another use of white rose products may be to honor our favorite angels/saints/gods/goddesses after they have answered our prayers, a kind of "thank you" ritual one does on such occasions. We're always asking for things from them --"bless this...bless that...please grant me this...bring me this for me...make this happen..." etc. I noticed a human flaw we tend to have with the spiritual world is a puzzling tendency to assume we are entitled to everything we ask for, anytime we ask for it, like there's some unwritten but understood guarantee somewhere of a cosmic entitlement policy. Then when our incessant prayers are answered, we sometimes go along like "well, they were supposed to do that; it's their job," and think nothing more of it.

Wouldn't it be nice to just say thanks, and nothing else, with a simple ritual from time to time? Maybe that would show some level of spiritual maturity on the part of humanity that offsets the childlike gimme-gimme-gimme routine we tend to display the rest of the time. lol

Anyway, the beautiful scent of rose, and the high vibration of white, just seems perfect for a use like this. I think I may just institute this into my regular practices.

Just thinking out loud. :wink:

I have my grandmothers funeral roses we got her for the casket. They are all white. They are dried and powdered. I could make some with those if they still smell.The stuff I made smells amazing. It's light but very fragrant. I can see why it's used on altars. I still have half the roses left to make more later. If I could grow roses I would plant some to use but I always kill them off.
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Re: Magical Waters & Washes

Post by loona wynd »

Kassandra wrote: Thanks loona wynd. And as I wrote in the post above, I meant white rose products, in general, not just water. So, that includes, for instance, creating a scented white rose oil and heating it in an oil burner during ritual (to stand in for incense, since incense tends to bother my respiratory system, at times), or dressing a dedicated candle with white rose oil before burning it for the ancestors/spirit guides, whoever.
True I know you said products. I think that many product lines come in different forms. When I make my products for my company I try to think of different forms. Like most of my incenses and my tinctures have similar formula bases for the same purpose with slight differences.

I also understand the use of oils for incense instead of smoked incense blends. That is actually one of the reasons I sell my tinctures as liquid incenses as well. They work well in that way. You use them the same way you would use basically any essential oil or oil based products in a diffuser. Though I think I am going to add more water next batches as they burn a little faster than I would like at the moment.

I'm going to explore making an anointing oil of frankincense and Myrrh shortly. I have a few small jars that I think are good for test batch oils. Though I probably should get more olive oil if I am going to make that as I only have a small bottle for cooking in the house atm. I've never made any oils before. This anointing oil is going to be used in the creation of my conjure stick and my sword of Micheal.
Kassandra wrote:Maybe even reserving a supply of dried white rose petals in a pretty bottle. Besides looking nice, the petals could also be used in altar displays, sprinkled on bath water for ritual baths, crushed into herbal blends (for mojo bags, etc.), combined with ancestor dirt in spell work, etc...
Its true. Roses have many uses. White roses I think would have more. In general white is typically an any purpose or anything color. So I understand what you mean by product lines. I like the ides of exploring all the uses of herbs in any and all possible ways. I also like the idea of looking at basically all known associations with the herb and trying to find ways to use them in all associations.
Kassandra wrote:I always think in terms of the "whole product line" when I get these ideas, loona, and all the different ways such products could be "leveraged" spiritually-speaking! lol :wink2:
Which I totally understand. The focus on this topic has been on magical waters though which is why I was focusing on the water aspect of white roses. Roses have many powerful attributes and have been apart of ritual and magic in so many different cultures. It makes sense that there would be so many diverse uses for roses and rose based products.

One of the reasons I think to go with roses based on the color is that some rose colors do have traditional meanings and associations. Black roses have traditionally been associated with death and darkness so black rose water would probably be useful for something in that sort of work just as the rose petals of black roses might be useful in banishment or destruction magical uses. Yellow is admiration and friendship typically so again the water would have that sort of feel to it and the petals could be used in that sort of work as well.

Kassandra wrote:I've never been a stickler for what the "official" associations for things are. I tend to ask myself, "What does this [color or symbol] mean to me? What do I feel whenever I interact with it, and how could that association/feeling be utilized in energy work?" (or "spell work," as most call it) In all energy work I do, that's mostly what counts. That's how I was taught, at least.
Oh I agree with that as well. However I also find that working with some of the traditional meanings of colors can be useful. I have done a showers of light meditation a few times where basically I felt different colored light rain down on me. For each color I experienced I got different impressions. So those formed my color associations in my work. Though I also compare them and do work with some of the traditional meanings. I've found that I had a few traditional associations (probably based on cultural color associations) but some of my own as well.
Kassandra wrote:In the context that I've mentioned white roses here, my association is the white rose in the Death card of a tarot deck (see Like I said in another post recently, for some reason I'm always thinking in terms of a tarot deck, I don't know why. It's weird, haha.
Tarot cards have interesting symbolism in them. There are people who work their entire magical paradigm around using tarot cards in their spells and rituals. So I don't actually find it weird. We all have our own ways to relate to magic and the universe. I occasionally use media references as concepts and ideas to relate to my practices.
Kassandra wrote: Anyway, in this instance that's what came to my mind. The white rose in the Death tarot card always stood out to me, feeling like transformation, a new beginning, or like focusing on the positive in the midst of chaotic change, etc.
That could be one of the meanings of white roses. According to one source I found white roses mean:

"Without vibrant color to upstage it, the formal, structural beauty of the rose is showcased to its best advantage in a bouquet of elegant white roses. Suited to reverent occasions, the white rose is a fitting way to honor a friend or loved one in recognition of a new beginning or a farewell. Their pure color conveys respect, pays homage to new starts and expresses hope for the future.

Historically, the white rose symbolized innocence and purity, which is how it became associated with weddings and bridal bouquets. Way back in 14th-century England the white rose was the heraldic sign of the Duke of York who faced off with the red-rose Lancaster family, giving the renowned War of Roses its name. Today, the white rose has retained its associations with both pure love and formal ceremony, making it a many-purposed recognition of unions and ceremonial occasions, such as anniversaries, christenings and graduations. [/quote]source.

So new beginning is a part of the symbolism in white roses. In regards to ancestors I can see it being their new life in the afterlife. I believe that when we die while our life continues it is essentially a new style of life with different experiences and the like. So giving them white roses may be symbolic of their new lives as ancestors and spirits in the spirit world.

Kassandra wrote:I went off-topic again. OK, back to waters and washes.
Its ok. I understand where you were going with that.

Sticking with rose water for the moment I was able to find a resource for the meanings of different rose colors. This could add to the use and making of rose water.

So here is the color associations of roses:

Love, Beauty, Courage and Respect, Romantic Love, Congratulations, "I Love You", "Job Well Done", Sincere Love, Respect, Courage & Passion

Red (Dark) :
Unconscious beauty

Red (Single):
"I Love You"

Deep Burgundy :
Unconscious Beauty

White :
Purity, Innocence, Silence, Secrecy, Reverence, Humility, Youthfulness,
"I am worthy of you", Heavenly

White (Bridal) :
Happy love

Pink :
Appreciation, "Thank you", Grace, Perfect Happiness, Admiration, Gentleness, "Please Believe Me"

Dark Pink :
Appreciation, Gratitude, "Thank You"

Light Pink :
Admiration, Sympathy, Gentleness, Grace, Gladness, Joy, Sweetness

Joy, Gladness, Friendship, Delight, Promise of a new beginning, Welcome Back, Remember Me, Jealousy,
"I care"

Yellow with Red Tip:
Friendship, Falling in Love

Orange :
Desire, Enthusiasm

Red and White:
Given together, these signify unity

Red and Yellow:
Jovial and Happy Feelings

Appreciation, Closing the deal, Let's get together, Sincerity, Gratitude

Pale Peach:

Coral :

Love at first sight, Enchantment

Orange :
Enthusiasm, Desire, Fascination

Black *:
Death, Farewell

Blue *:
The unattainable, the impossible

Single - any color:
Simplicity, Gratitude

Red Rosebud:
Symbolic of purity and loveliness

White Rosebud :
Symbolic of girlhood

Thorn-less Rose :
"Love at first sight"

Rose color guide source

So rose water, rather than having one specific purpose and meaning, can really have as many meanings as colors of roses in the water.
loona wynd
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Re: Magical Waters & Washes

Post by loona wynd »

Today I am gathering the first spring rain. Its rained all night last night and has been into the day today. I have a jar out hoping to gather some water. Its a small mason jar so the opening isn't that large. I'm going to bring it in after the rain stops. So if it goes all day and into the night I may just get a full jar of first spring rain water. This is awesome. I'm excited.

I've worked with rain water before. The concentration wash I posted earlier was made with gathered rain water. I find that I like using rain water for my sacred water and holy water in rituals. Its natural and comes from the Gods themselves. So I feel its already a little blessed. Though the first spring rain in Hoodoo has its own magical properties.

According to one of my sources the first spring rain can be used to increase joy in the house. You can use it in facial washes to remain youthful. Its used on the stomach for both fertility and healing work. This source also says that you can bless mojo bags with the water for luck. I'd personally add in cleansing and hex breaking actually.
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