Family and Religon/Any Advice?

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Family and Religon/Any Advice?

Post by Sub »

So, here's my situation. I just need to talk about this, if you don't mind. I'm not sure if you guys can help me, but if you think you can, by all means try.

So, I want to be Wiccan. I'm still studying the religion, but I'm pretty sure that's the way I want to go. But, my family is Catholic, a kind of Catholic I don't know will be okay with this.

I've said this before, but I would say the household religion is Devout Quasi-Religious Catholic. I should explain that more. You see, we're involved in the church, but we don't go to mass. That is, we volunteer at the summer festival, my sister and I are in youth group, and we go to some supplementary things, such as the Sunday school like program. But, you will never see us there on Sunday. I find this completely illogical.

I'm already a witch, because I do things such as crystal healing and Tarot. This is completely okay in their eyes. But, they discovered my interests in Wicca a while back, and they blew up. Even though I've been into witchcraft for years. :roll:

I really have no idea what to do. Anyone here with a similar experience?
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Re: Family and Religon/Any Advice?

Post by Firebird »

I don't have a similar experience, yet I have had several folks say they think the whole cakes and ale portion of the ceremony to be very Catholic. I'm guessing you still live with your parents, but remember that won't last forever.
Keep the charge of the Goddess idea in your head...."for no one can prevent the worship in your mind and heart" one has to know unless you think you could appeal to them on a spiritual level?..... and it doesn't really sound like they practice what they preach, so maybe they would be more open than you think.
best wishes,
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
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Re: Family and Religon/Any Advice?

Post by Sub »

Maybe... It's just that their conflicting beliefs and practices really confuses me. Maybe I can become a Wiccan in prayer and meditation, and not put up any altars or anything.

One thing that I forgot to mention is the stress that I get from pretending to be a Christian while actually studying other things. It comes and goes, almost with the Sabbats. Sometimes I'm not affected at all, and sometimes it completely crushes me.
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Re: Family and Religon/Any Advice?

Post by Firebird »

Do you have any other family member or a close friend you can talk to about this? At least if you have a sounding board, it should relieve some of that pressure you are feeling. could write in a journal, which would be great to track your progress as you find your way down this path.
Think of your self in this sort of position...when you are helping with church functions, you are working from an interfaith perspective, pagans are just as good at charity and community projects as the Catholics.
Remember too... when a preacher or some other worship leader speaks of the "Son" you can displace the term in your mind for "Sun".
As far as a Altar, you can have a couple strategically placed items from nature on your dresser and no one will be the wiser.
Try to let those mixed messages roll off your back, I know how confusing that can be. Focus on who you would like to become, and don't let any of their negativity bring you down.
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Family and Religon/Any Advice?

Post by Sub »

Thank you. I needed that.
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Re: Family and Religon/Any Advice?

Post by Lillady »

Wow this is a first (no offense) a family that is ok with witchcraft but not Wicca. Interesting! My suggestion to you is to educate them on what Wicca is all about. Once they understand that Wicca is a good thing and revolves around the universe, elements etc. I hope for your sake they will come around and support you. Love and Light to you in this situation.
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