Ghost Stories !

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Ghost Stories !

Post by __Oracle__ »

Not sure if this has been done before but post your ghost stories here :-) Any experiences you have had with spirits. I will be posting up a few of mine later on once I get on my laptop, to much to write from my phone .

Re: Ghost Stories !

Post by freemysoul »

I've been seeing things since I was a young girl, and often times, if I wasnt seeing I was constantly feeling, not alone. Sometimes it was an okay feeling and sometimes I was terrified.. I'd be sitting on my bed crying and crying so scared... I woke up to use the bathroom one night and saw a young blonde girl with a white nightgown on just staring at me in the hallway. In the 1940 house we just bought, many things have happened. Items disappearing, footsteps etc. My friend and I were sitting in my kitchen and she had her dog over. I heard trampling, loud running footsteps upstairs, so I went up there to tell the dog off, but when I got up there, the dog wasn't there! She was sitting at the bottom of the stairs looking up at me. . Such an eerie feeling came over me.. another time I was hearing tapping noises, specific loud, " tap tap tap tap tap tap tap", it was freaking me out a little but I tried to igore it and continued about my business, I was cooking and firmly tapped my spoon on the pot " TAP TAP" instantly right back came the sound "TAP TAP TAP" I confess that was too much for me and I ran out of the house. My cats will watch something move around the room, and my dogs will bark at nothing, everyone that lives in my house has seen or heard something wierd. Is there anything I can do I wonder? I'm not sure if it is friendly or not, a few weeks ago, one of my perfectly healthy 5 month old kittens just curled up and died on my kitchen chair :( could be coincidence but I'm hoping not bad energies or spirits .. any advice?
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Re: Ghost Stories !

Post by __Oracle__ »

freemysoul wrote:I've been seeing things since I was a young girl, and often times, if I wasnt seeing I was constantly feeling, not alone. Sometimes it was an okay feeling and sometimes I was terrified.. I'd be sitting on my bed crying and crying so scared... I woke up to use the bathroom one night and saw a young blonde girl with a white nightgown on just staring at me in the hallway. In the 1940 house we just bought, many things have happened. Items disappearing, footsteps etc. My friend and I were sitting in my kitchen and she had her dog over. I heard trampling, loud running footsteps upstairs, so I went up there to tell the dog off, but when I got up there, the dog wasn't there! She was sitting at the bottom of the stairs looking up at me. . Such an eerie feeling came over me.. another time I was hearing tapping noises, specific loud, " tap tap tap tap tap tap tap", it was freaking me out a little but I tried to igore it and continued about my business, I was cooking and firmly tapped my spoon on the pot " TAP TAP" instantly right back came the sound "TAP TAP TAP" I confess that was too much for me and I ran out of the house. My cats will watch something move around the room, and my dogs will bark at nothing, everyone that lives in my house has seen or heard something wierd. Is there anything I can do I wonder? I'm not sure if it is friendly or not, a few weeks ago, one of my perfectly healthy 5 month old kittens just curled up and died on my kitchen chair :( could be coincidence but I'm hoping not bad energies or spirits .. any advice?

Im so sorry to hear that , it sounds terrifying. I would try to do what is called "smudging". You can find sage smudge sticks online. You burn them like you would incense and go from room to room with it and make sure you get smoke in each corner of the room. I hope this helps.
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Re: Ghost Stories !

Post by Jen »

I have had experiences since I was a child. I saw, heard and felt things I learned to keep to myself. I dream of people after they die. I dreamed of my grandpa. I told my parents about the dream I had and how the house looked different. No back porch. The shoot to the basement. There were not pictures of the inside of the house from the early 1900's. No way I saw it somewhere before. He told me to tell everyone he loves them. My mom was good with it. My dad was freaked out. :shock:
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Re: Ghost Stories !

Post by TwilightDancer »

When I was a child my great great grandmother visited me. She would tell me things I never would have known otherwise-like how she fixed oatmeal for my grandmother with gold sugar on top when she was young. My mother swears to this day I am her re-incarnated.

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Re: Ghost Stories !

Post by Jen »

I am not sure if this is the right place to put this but hey I will give it a shot. So when I was a kid sometimes a kid would say hey want to come to my house after school? Most times I would say sure. :? Well sometimes I would get close, in front of, or possibly just step foit in their house. Then say oh I forgot, I need to get home. Or it is really hot in here I am just gonna wait outside. Just got a bad vibe like something was not right or something bad was in the house. I just tend to avoid certain places due to feelings I would get. Just learned to listen to that inner back off, so to speak. :surprisedwitch:
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Re: Ghost Stories !

Post by Seraphin »

One of the most strange ghostly encounter I experienced was when a spirit signed receipts even before I signed it :mrgreen: . This happened two years ago when a delivery man came to deliver some Amethyst and Topaz crystals I had ordered from an online store.

The delivery man was about to leave when he decided to check if both the sales invoice and delivery receipt had been already signed. When he looked at the delivery receipt, he saw that it had already been signed by "James". I raised my eyebrow, took a look at it and there was indeed the signature, "James".

Now, James was the name of the resident spirit who stayed in the restroom of my office. My fiancee and one of my best friends had seen him often, and he even told them his name was James. Some visitors including my Mom and my younger brother had also felt the presence of a male spirit in that restroom. Some even heard him moaning or whispering something in you ear.

But he had since left my office... we don't know what's his reason. We never did anything to him. We didn't try to banish him, since he was a friendly and harmless ghost so we decided to coexist with him.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Ghost Stories !

Post by Holdasown »

We moved into an old house when I was seven. We had a small boy spirit. He moved around a lot and there were nights you would wake up and know he was walking through the room. He would look at you and he was aware of us. One night my brothers had the lights out and the boys, about seven of them, were playing a game of Predator. That should date me, lol. Well our friend saw a blonde by my bed and decided it must be my brother and yelled it him. The ghost must have gotten scared it yelled back and everyone said you could hear them both screaming. The ghost flew under the bed and all my stuff got knocked over by the door. Other than that incident he just walked around. No one died in the house but we think he was the victim of a house explosion in 1897 just a half block up. It was scary because you didn't want to see him but he was harmless. I feel bad now that he may still be there and stuck. He house is empty and no kids have lived there since we moved out. I think people are afraid of him and move.
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Re: Ghost Stories !

Post by nightflighter »

I don't know if this really qaulifies as a ghost story or not.....For the past five years, I've had a feminine Spirit with me. Anyways, one sunday morning I woke up, and I'm looking along the wall at the head of the bed, and I percieve the profile of a head coming out of it, which fairly quickly disappears. I asked Her via pendulum (The only way I could contact Her at the time, and worked only with Her, since we were bonded) if, by chance, that was Her. She indicated "No", then spelled out "Swat with newspaper"....So if I seen it again, I was to after it with a rolled-up newspaper. I guess the Ghostbuster were going about it all wrong..... halfsm

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