BIG CRASH nothing fell

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BIG CRASH nothing fell

Post by earthsister »

Hello. A few nights ago I was in the kitchen and all of a sudden from the dining room was a HUGE crash. like things falling off the table. i first looked to see where my cat Chocolate was....she was at her food dish eating. i was home with just one son. he was in the kitchen with me. goes what was that. we went to look what fell and found NOTHING out of place. he even went to try and move somethings on the make the sound. NOTHING. The cat did not react but my son was noticeable upset by what happened. now in this house things going bump are not unusual....but that was different. what do you think it was?
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Re: BIG CRASH nothing fell

Post by TwilightDancer »

Well I have no idea what it was that made the noise, but if it is upsetting or distressing your family you might consider doing a cleansing or saging of the home.

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Re: BIG CRASH nothing fell

Post by earthsister »

You think so?
I dunno but i have a feeling i need to know first what it is before any cleaninsg.
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Re: BIG CRASH nothing fell

Post by Seraphin »

Having two cats and one dog, it's easy for me to blame them for most of the bumps, thumps and crashes in our house... except for when all three are in the same room with me and a bump, thump or crash happens in another room. Always makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up! :lol:

Is this a regular occurrence earthsister?

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

Re: BIG CRASH nothing fell

Post by earthsister »

Noises are not unusual in this home. Its very active with three kids taht are all sensitive . this time though the noise unsettled me son. he said he did not see anything but was visible shaken. i did a cleansing but felt nothing. He went to bed fine and the night went fine.
since we got Chocolate ( cat ) I know she see's Spirts as at times when she comes in the Master Bath she will not walk into the bedroom from the entrance to the bathroom, she freezes there and at times even PUFFS UP . one of the kids take pity on her and carry her out. I do not sense anyone out of the normal there and slowly she is getting used to them too.
its funny what me and the kids take for granted LOL Chocolate has to get used to.
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Re: BIG CRASH nothing fell

Post by Seraphin »

My cat, Kratos, is rather particular about doorways: when he moves from one room to the next, he steps very slowly and carefully, looking from side to side with each step as he crosses the threshold. Like he's crossing a pedestrian. If he's in a hurry, he takes a running leap. He never just walks from one room into the next. While I do have a very good connection with him, I'm unable to discern why he behaves this way, and I suspect that's in part because he doesn't quite understand it himself. He's been that way since he was little.

Our two cats and dog companions are sensitive to the energies and energetic beings in our house, and there's one they actually interact with at times, chasing it or responding to it with rapt attention. I tend to think of that one as one of the fae folk, but that's what I call any small energetic being, and I don't know, but I doubt it's always an accurate term for the individuals we have around here.

My-6 year old daughter is sensitive. And I believe it's important to give her the opportunity to answer the spiritual or psychic manifestations she's experiencing by herself. If she doesn't know the answer, I think it's quite reasonable to leave the question open for her to explore and return to the topic later when she's had a chance to give it some attention; to support her explorations without leading her through them or defining spiritual reality for her.

There are certain answers that are safe enough to offer; I experience myself that there are spirit beings who guide and protect me, and I might want to share that information with her, then ask her if she's encountered anyone or anything that makes her feel safe or gives her guidance. And for sure, it would be good to encourage her to embrace her strengths and explore her connections with spirits and entities. It's a good talking point, too, to get her to think about why she has those connections, why some people don't, etc. and I am looking forward to hear what she has to say on that when we have "the talk".

One of my nephew is also very sensitive, and he's being raised in a religious household by a dad who -- despite knowing better -- acts like he thinks it's "crazy" to be aware of spiritual reality and his mom, who is scared spitless of the spirit beings she herself can sense around her. Spiritual awareness can be truly frightening when it's in conflict with one's religious beliefs. I don't envy the struggles they have ahead of them.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: BIG CRASH nothing fell

Post by nightflighter »

I have a friend down south that sometimes has loud bangs happen, but she attributes it to the Spirit that's with her. Also, nothing has fallen there, either. In my case, no loud noises, but things being moved. I would keep various things on my computer tower; one was a 1/25th scale model car based on the one where I worked; it was pushed off the tower whilst I was on the computer....Her way of telling me that I was'nt going back to work. loveface
"Dancing Barefoot in the Ashes"

Re: BIG CRASH nothing fell

Post by earthsister »

Seraphin wrote:My cat, Kratos, is rather particular about doorways: when he moves from one room to the next, he steps very slowly and carefully, looking from side to side with each step as he crosses the threshold. Like he's crossing a pedestrian. If he's in a hurry, he takes a running leap. He never just walks from one room into the next. While I do have a very good connection with him, I'm unable to discern why he behaves this way, and I suspect that's in part because he doesn't quite understand it himself. He's been that way since he was little.

What comes to mind is an energy void. i have done many house clearings were i come to spot on the foor that feels OFF and i will say that to the homeowner and get OH that is above a room we dont like below. most times its a dark storage room. for animals they will avoid that place. they feel with more senses than we do.

Our two cats and dog companions are sensitive to the energies and energetic beings in our house, and there's one they actually interact with at times, chasing it or responding to it with rapt attention. I tend to think of that one as one of the fae folk, but that's what I call any small energetic being, and I don't know, but I doubt it's always an accurate term for the individuals we have around here.

Spirit mice .....i have often wondered on that as our previous cats seems to chase things on the floor. chocolate has no instint on killing not even a fly she chases and plays with them. i know that ifi see a Spirit sitting on the sofa and Chocolate comes into the room she will stare at them.

My-6 year old daughter is sensitive. And I believe it's important to give her the opportunity to answer the spiritual or psychic manifestations she's experiencing by herself. If she doesn't know the answer, I think it's quite reasonable to leave the question open for her to explore and return to the topic later when she's had a chance to give it some attention; to support her explorations without leading her through them or defining spiritual reality for her.

There are certain answers that are safe enough to offer; I experience myself that there are spirit beings who guide and protect me, and I might want to share that information with her, then ask her if she's encountered anyone or anything that makes her feel safe or gives her guidance. And for sure, it would be good to encourage her to embrace her strengths and explore her connections with spirits and entities. It's a good talking point, too, to get her to think about why she has those connections, why some people don't, etc. and I am looking forward to hear what she has to say on that when we have "the talk".

One of my nephew is also very sensitive, and he's being raised in a religious household by a dad who -- despite knowing better -- acts like he thinks it's "crazy" to be aware of spiritual reality and his mom, who is scared spitless of the spirit beings she herself can sense around her. Spiritual awareness can be truly frightening when it's in conflict with one's religious beliefs. I don't envy the struggles they have ahead of them.

We are blessed that more and more the times are OPENING up more and more ( while the quality can suck) shows on TV are exploring the medium and psychic side of life. more and more Ghost Shows on TV ( again not all handled in the best way ) but the message is there in foundation. growing up in a house where I know that my Dad understood more than he said, out of protections for me I know that now, as one's were locked away for such GIFTS. i am now open to WHOM and WHAT i am but with that it does take something that many lack that being self confidence. i know that some will rise a brow and think it negative or even wrong. so be their path. i have a Devoute Catholic Dr and she embraces it as part of her patient she see's . i am open to whom i am and yes i am ready for those that doubt it or fear it....but i handle that with the same compassions i do for all things in life. Do not have to accept what I do but feel free to ask me anything .
"Hocus Pocus" is the term my mate uses.....but too he supports what I do just chooses not to fully open to it all. He was rasied Catholic and then his Mother did an about face to the "I Am" path of faith. he never followed along with either on any real level. i ask if he beleives in God and I get little reply. i would think in part being in private school where there were horrific abuses does make one a bit cold to religion. the best thing to find is a balance in acceptance of what is there. find a place where one is comfortable in knowing what is right for them. for me that balance is not walkiing the path with God....bUT embracing that I can not prove of disprove God, so i embrace the possiblies that abound. I work in the White Light and to many that is the Light of God, I can embrace that in acceptance.
yes we KNOW better and the biggest thing that holds us back on so many levels in life is "fear" it can at times be crippling. The best way out of a path of fear is the head into it and talk about it. Learn what might well be there and find a blance with it all.
actually, i missed it with my first Son til he was 2 year's old. so i know now how hard it is to accept that being passed onto one's children. Maybe a part of me feared him being ME again as i so struggled with it all well into the late teen year's . he was 6 when he had his first "vision" and amazingly handled it so well.....knowing that the child was now ok and over. that justice would find its path. now when he talks to me about that he says that was sadly that Soul's path as a child to experience that event. He is 13 now. i have worked with the schools openly and honestly and if they embrace it so be it if not then TRY to understand it for the GOOD of me child's path of learning. i have been pleased with the responsesi have gotten. When i break it down to a CHILD level of understanding for even the teachers they go YESi see that with your child and that makes sense. so they can not deny it.
I have started to work with other parents too of children struggling to understand things. Again the school has been most supporitive. It takes a lot of self confidence is all to STAND UP....and that too me many year's to find.

Re: BIG CRASH nothing fell

Post by earthsister »

nightflighter wrote:I have a friend down south that sometimes has loud bangs happen, but she attributes it to the Spirit that's with her. Also, nothing has fallen there, either. In my case, no loud noises, but things being moved. I would keep various things on my computer tower; one was a 1/25th scale model car based on the one where I worked; it was pushed off the tower whilst I was on the computer....Her way of telling me that I was'nt going back to work. loveface
Thanks for sharing your experince nightflighter. so they are all just spirits, you think?
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Re: BIG CRASH nothing fell

Post by Seraphin »

Loving the discussion!
earthsister wrote:What comes to mind is an energy void. i have done many house clearings were i come to spot on the foor that feels OFF and i will say that to the homeowner and get OH that is above a room we dont like below. most times its a dark storage room. for animals they will avoid that place. they feel with more senses than we do.
I do keep this house well cleared. Kratos came to live with us back when I was still single and alone :D , and I think he developed this unease concerning doorways back before I learned how to clear my space. I think at this point it's just habit.
earthsister wrote:Spirit mice .....i have often wondered on that as our previous cats seems to chase things on the floor. chocolate has no instint on killing not even a fly she chases and plays with them. i know that ifi see a Spirit sitting on the sofa and Chocolate comes into the room she will stare at them.
Sometimes -- quite often, in fact -- the cats see things before I do, and it's their attention to a thing that draws mine to it. The small being who plays with the cats used to really get our oldest riled up; it would poke at his tail, and he'd swat at it, looking like he was attacking his own tail as if it unaware that it was attached to his body. Pretty funny, that, but I think the cat didn't like it much because it did stop eventually.
earthsister wrote:We are blessed that more and more the times are OPENING up more and more ( while the quality can suck) shows on TV are exploring the medium and psychic side of life. more and more Ghost Shows on TV ( again not all handled in the best way ) but the message is there in foundation. growing up in a house where I know that my Dad understood more than he said, out of protections for me I know that now, as one's were locked away for such GIFTS. i am now open to WHOM and WHAT i am but with that it does take something that many lack that being self confidence. i know that some will rise a brow and think it negative or even wrong. so be their path. i have a Devoute Catholic Dr and she embraces it as part of her patient she see's . i am open to whom i am and yes i am ready for those that doubt it or fear it....but i handle that with the same compassions i do for all things in life. Do not have to accept what I do but feel free to ask me anything .
I have a similar outlook. I won't hide who I am, but then again I don't present every aspect of myself to everyone I meet. I don't talk about my spirituality, usually, unless someone asks; similarly, I rarely share my political views. I'm with you on thinking those TV shows could be handled better, and I agree that even with their shortcomings it's good to see a wider treatment of spiritual life presented on TV. It's nice to see more things resembling my own life represented.
earthsister wrote:"Hocus Pocus" is the term my mate uses.....but too he supports what I do just chooses not to fully open to it all. He was rasied Catholic and then his Mother did an about face to the "I Am" path of faith. he never followed along with either on any real level. i ask if he beleives in God and I get little reply. i would think in part being in private school where there were horrific abuses does make one a bit cold to religion. the best thing to find is a balance in acceptance of what is there. find a place where one is comfortable in knowing what is right for them. for me that balance is not walkiing the path with God....bUT embracing that I can not prove of disprove God, so i embrace the possiblies that abound. I work in the White Light and to many that is the Light of God, I can embrace that in acceptance.
yes we KNOW better and the biggest thing that holds us back on so many levels in life is "fear" it can at times be crippling. The best way out of a path of fear is the head into it and talk about it. Learn what might well be there and find a blance with it all.
actually, i missed it with my first Son til he was 2 year's old. so i know now how hard it is to accept that being passed onto one's children. Maybe a part of me feared him being ME again as i so struggled with it all well into the late teen year's . he was 6 when he had his first "vision" and amazingly handled it so well.....knowing that the child was now ok and over. that justice would find its path. now when he talks to me about that he says that was sadly that Soul's path as a child to experience that event. He is 13 now. i have worked with the schools openly and honestly and if they embrace it so be it if not then TRY to understand it for the GOOD of me child's path of learning. i have been pleased with the responsesi have gotten. When i break it down to a CHILD level of understanding for even the teachers they go YESi see that with your child and that makes sense. so they can not deny it.
I have started to work with other parents too of children struggling to understand things. Again the school has been most supportive. It takes a lot of self confidence is all to STAND UP....and that too me many year's to find.
I have my fears, but what other people think of me is not one of them. What I want for myself is to be allowed to explore and discover spiritual reality on my own terms, and so I do the same for others. I don't believe it's my job (or even my right) to lead anyone to a different understanding of spiritual reality than they presently have; if an individual is on a seeking path and if I'm to help in any way, the opportunity will present itself without my having to reach for it. I do not enjoy being in the position of having to defend or justify myself to anyone, so I don't generally present certain aspects of who I am in casual contact with others unless it comes up in the natural flow of conversation and I feel there's a point in doing so. I'm all ears when someone wants to talk about beliefs and experiences; I only add to the discussion when I feel there's a specific reason to, and I find no reason in adding my two cents to what someone is sharing about their own beliefs when they clearly would not respect mine. I've found that many folks are more interested in promoting their own beliefs than in hearing other points of view, and I don't have any reason to debate with those who feel they are "right" and that others are therefore "wrong", and who are invested in making others agree with them. I don't fear people like that; I just don't care to engage in conversation with them.

If it's necessary I will stand up for myself, but I don't generally create such situations myself. People don't need to know that much about me. I understand when one is doing business -- such as public mediumship (paid or not) -- a different approach is necessary, and one will need to stand up for oneself and one's work. If my daughter has some issues concerning her psychic sensitivity, I'd be similarly engaged in speaking with their teachers and promoting tolerance in school. Some parents are unable to do that, though, and with many children, I just think it's better for them to keep certain things to themselves in school when sharing more about who they are is likely to lead to conflicts with other students.

I was the victim of intense bullying when I was in school (long story), and entirely unable to defend myself. Would have been nice to have someone to encourage me and help me do that; would have been even better if such behavior hadn't been tolerated. At any rate, children are allowed to treat each other cruelly, the rationale being "kids will be kids" (not much of a reason, in my opinion) and I think it's good for some just to learn how to avoid being targeted. Not to deny who they are or to behave in any way that goes against that; I do think, though, that one can find balance in being true to self without leaving oneself open to the harsh judgments of others.

I'm glad I don't have to deal with the schools any more; I think it would wear me out! Good for you, earthsister, that you have the stamina and the wherewithal to reach out to the schools and help make them more tolerant places for your kids.

Phew... I'm long-winded. Good thing people have the option of skipping my posts when I get going!

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

Re: BIG CRASH nothing fell

Post by earthsister »

Seraphin wrote:Loving the discussion!
earthsister wrote:What comes to mind is an energy void. i have done many house clearings were i come to spot on the foor that feels OFF and i will say that to the homeowner and get OH that is above a room we dont like below. most times its a dark storage room. for animals they will avoid that place. they feel with more senses than we do.

I do keep this house well cleared. Kratos came to live with us back when I was still single and alone :D , and I think he developed this unease concerning doorways back before I learned how to clear my space. I think at this point it's just habit.

Yes, cats are creatures of habit. last night Chocolate would not settle at all. not like her. i had the "All Messag night" and i know the the energy around me was running high. though she too kept waking the kids. normally she goes in their room and makes a bed and sleeps. in have the room well grounded and protected. so I be tired today. i just tried for a nap but no sleep came.
earthsister wrote:Spirit mice .....i have often wondered on that as our previous cats seems to chase things on the floor. chocolate has no instint on killing not even a fly she chases and plays with them. i know that ifi see a Spirit sitting on the sofa and Chocolate comes into the room she will stare at them.

Sometimes -- quite often, in fact -- the cats see things before I do, and it's their attention to a thing that draws mine to it. The small being who plays with the cats used to really get our oldest riled up; it would poke at his tail, and he'd swat at it, looking like he was attacking his own tail as if it unaware that it was attached to his body. Pretty funny, that, but I think the cat didn't like it much because it did stop eventually.

I would LOVe to see from their eyes....i know that it can be done on some levels in the Shape Shifing process but that is a huge energy drain. i have developed the smell more. my kids find it odd how I SMELL to do do on the sidewalk before they see it....or I see it. I wonder if it could be another cat in Spirit coming to play. i know that the spirits of cat's i have had are around.

earthsister wrote:We are blessed that more and more the times are OPENING up more and more ( while the quality can suck) shows on TV are exploring the medium and psychic side of life. more and more Ghost Shows on TV ( again not all handled in the best way ) but the message is there in foundation. growing up in a house where I know that my Dad understood more than he said, out of protections for me I know that now, as one's were locked away for such GIFTS. i am now open to WHOM and WHAT i am but with that it does take something that many lack that being self confidence. i know that some will rise a brow and think it negative or even wrong. so be their path. i have a Devoute Catholic Dr and she embraces it as part of her patient she see's . i am open to whom i am and yes i am ready for those that doubt it or fear it....but i handle that with the same compassions i do for all things in life. Do not have to accept what I do but feel free to ask me anything .

I have a similar outlook. I won't hide who I am, but then again I don't present every aspect of myself to everyone I meet. I don't talk about my spirituality, usually, unless someone asks; similarly, I rarely share my political views. I'm with you on thinking those TV shows could be handled better, and I agree that even with their shortcomings it's good to see a wider treatment of spiritual life presented on TV. It's nice to see more things resembling my own life represented.

i am one to be out there a bit more....but then too i am exploring different avenues with what i do. doing some platform work, as its been a long long time since i did that. having someone to work with now feels good. i am finding that where i live its OK to open more but then i am in a small belt of very open spiritual people. more and more we are opening to accept there is something to it all. last night there was a man at the event that so doubted it all, his wife dragged him along. LOL when i went to him with a message, he was me really for me.....i said yes is that ok goes sure. i got WWII instatly and he said it went to his Dad and Uncle. it was his Uncle that came soon as i said the chest could not HOLD all the metals he smiled. he was very decorated.
when it comes to the TV shows i embrace them for the paths they are opeing. right or wrong on their "Hollywood" approach at times they do serve a purpose to get people talking about them some. fir me kids as bad as some were they showed them they were not ODD and that its OK to be like they are. kmowing its TV and take that note with one.
earthsister wrote:"Hocus Pocus" is the term my mate uses.....but too he supports what I do just chooses not to fully open to it all. He was rasied Catholic and then his Mother did an about face to the "I Am" path of faith. he never followed along with either on any real level. i ask if he beleives in God and I get little reply. i would think in part being in private school where there were horrific abuses does make one a bit cold to religion. the best thing to find is a balance in acceptance of what is there. find a place where one is comfortable in knowing what is right for them. for me that balance is not walkiing the path with God....bUT embracing that I can not prove of disprove God, so i embrace the possiblies that abound. I work in the White Light and to many that is the Light of God, I can embrace that in acceptance.
yes we KNOW better and the biggest thing that holds us back on so many levels in life is "fear" it can at times be crippling. The best way out of a path of fear is the head into it and talk about it. Learn what might well be there and find a blance with it all.
actually, i missed it with my first Son til he was 2 year's old. so i know now how hard it is to accept that being passed onto one's children. Maybe a part of me feared him being ME again as i so struggled with it all well into the late teen year's . he was 6 when he had his first "vision" and amazingly handled it so well.....knowing that the child was now ok and over. that justice would find its path. now when he talks to me about that he says that was sadly that Soul's path as a child to experience that event. He is 13 now. i have worked with the schools openly and honestly and if they embrace it so be it if not then TRY to understand it for the GOOD of me child's path of learning. i have been pleased with the responsesi have gotten. When i break it down to a CHILD level of understanding for even the teachers they go YESi see that with your child and that makes sense. so they can not deny it.
I have started to work with other parents too of children struggling to understand things. Again the school has been most supportive. It takes a lot of self confidence is all to STAND UP....and that too me many year's to find.

I have my fears, but what other people think of me is not one of them. What I want for myself is to be allowed to explore and discover spiritual reality on my own terms, and so I do the same for others. I don't believe it's my job (or even my right) to lead anyone to a different understanding of spiritual reality than they presently have; if an individual is on a seeking path and if I'm to help in any way, the opportunity will present itself without my having to reach for it. I do not enjoy being in the position of having to defend or justify myself to anyone, so I don't generally present certain aspects of who I am in casual contact with others unless it comes up in the natural flow of conversation and I feel there's a point in doing so. I'm all ears when someone wants to talk about beliefs and experiences; I only add to the discussion when I feel there's a specific reason to, and I find no reason in adding my two cents to what someone is sharing about their own beliefs when they clearly would not respect mine. I've found that many folks are more interested in promoting their own beliefs than in hearing other points of view, and I don't have any reason to debate with those who feel they are "right" and that others are therefore "wrong", and who are invested in making others agree with them. I don't fear people like that; I just don't care to engage in conversation with them.

The rol i have taken on is to "listen" i am told thatiame in as a communicator where ilisten and i do not teach more i pass on how I feel about things.i share what i have tried and know works. Its not to lead someone no as we all have our paths to walk along....that for some i have come to know is hard as they need that supporting.
i take on a bigger role spiritually than some, so I do at times have to explain whom i am and most times i do find understanding on the differences we have with us that is where the common ground can be wonderous to find. when ye can listen and share in the one place.i had that with the Door Knockers ( though a spirit seems to want to play some so they have not been back ) the ywere willing ot hear me and I was willing to hear them and take their information. i respect they are on a path in life. i walked by one on the street and he offered me the paper and smiled and said i had it already. he felt the need to test that a bit aske me a question on the content i was able to reply. he was very pleased.

If it's necessary I will stand up for myself, but I don't generally create such situations myself. People don't need to know that much about me. I understand when one is doing business -- such as public mediumship (paid or not) -- a different approach is necessary, and one will need to stand up for oneself and one's work. If my daughter has some issues concerning her psychic sensitivity, I'd be similarly engaged in speaking with their teachers and promoting tolerance in school. Some parents are unable to do that, though, and with many children, I just think it's better for them to keep certain things to themselves in school when sharing more about who they are is likely to lead to conflicts with other students.

Maybe schools are different in different cities and even countries. Canada is so multi cultral in both peoples and cultures that is one big pot of knowlege at times. my Son came home the other day saying there was a new student he met that was talkiing about his Temple Religion and how that me Son shared his path....and it was good. he talked about the crystals he has and the healing and energy they have....healing is a universal thing. was honest on how he felt on God that is was not with God but accpets the concepts.

I was the victim of intense bullying when I was in school (long story), and entirely unable to defend myself. Would have been nice to have someone to encourage me and help me do that; would have been even better if such behavior hadn't been tolerated. At any rate, children are allowed to treat each other cruelly, the rationale being "kids will be kids" (not much of a reason, in my opinion) and I think it's good for some just to learn how to avoid being targeted. Not to deny who they are or to behave in any way that goes against that; I do think, though, that one can find balance in being true to self without leaving oneself open to the harsh judgments of others.

oh I hear ye about school. grade 0ne on i was bullied.i was shy and that did not help. when me Mother tried to step in and fix issues she made them worse so i kept quiet on the schools mine are at "advicacy" is really beeing taught and its working.learning how to defuse situations and how to talk about issues. there is a zero tollorance to hands on or bully issues ( now that only works IF the child is willing to TELL somone). self confidence is something i have really tried to give me kids. to know that coflicts are a fact of life and how to debate and not fight. many of the issues with students is the enegy they feel from other's if that can be changed then life goes better for them.

I'm glad I don't have to deal with the schools any more; I think it would wear me out! Good for you, earthsister, that you have the stamina and the wherewithal to reach out to the schools and help make them more tolerant places for your kids.

Phew... I'm long-winded. Good thing people have the option of skipping my posts when I get going!
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Re: BIG CRASH nothing fell

Post by Seraphin »

earthsister wrote:I would LOVe to see from their eyes....i know that it can be done on some levels in the Shape Shifing process but that is a huge energy drain. i have developed the smell more. my kids find it odd how I SMELL to do do on the sidewalk before they see it....or I see it. I wonder if it could be another cat in Spirit coming to play. i know that the spirits of cat's i have had are around.
Yes looking through anyone else's eyes is simply more of an energy expenditure than I'm willing to make. It's enough seeing through my own eyes!

We do have several cat spirits here; the little one that plays with the cats is different. If it was a spirit cat I'm pretty sure I'd be able to identify it as such. No, this is just a small energy being who enjoys hanging out here for whatever reason. This house seems to be the local hangout for spirit entities; they come and go, but we have our regulars as well. Maybe I should start selling them coffee... hee
earthsister wrote:i am one to be out there a bit more....but then too i am exploring different avenues with what i do. doing some platform work, as its been a long long time since i did that. having someone to work with now feels good. i am finding that where i live its OK to open more but then i am in a small belt of very open spiritual people. more and more we are opening to accept there is something to it all. last night there was a man at the event that so doubted it all, his wife dragged him along. LOL when i went to him with a message, he was me really for me.....i said yes is that ok goes sure. i got WWII instatly and he said it went to his Dad and Uncle. it was his Uncle that came soon as i said the chest could not HOLD all the metals he smiled. he was very decorated.
We're in a fairly diverse and accepting community as well. There are all sorts of metaphysical practitioners here and in the city "next door" to us, and it's not hard to find events where mediumship and other metephysical practices are demonstrated in a group setting. Lots of "psychic fairs" and a handful of metaphysical shops as well. I'm glad to see all that; can't imagine living in a more closed community.
earthsister wrote:when it comes to the TV shows i embrace them for the paths they are opeing. right or wrong on their "Hollywood" approach at times they do serve a purpose to get people talking about them some. fir me kids as bad as some were they showed them they were not ODD and that its OK to be like they are. kmowing its TV and take that note with one.
Oh yeah I'd forgotten about that one -- it's something about children with paranormal experiences. A team will visit the family's home and work with the child and the family to either resolve the issues they're dealing with or at least come to an understanding of it. I've seen a few episodes online, and am quite impressed with how they handle things. Very cool.
earthsister wrote:The rol i have taken on is to "listen" i am told thatiame in as a communicator where ilisten and i do not teach more i pass on how I feel about things.i share what i have tried and know works. Its not to lead someone no as we all have our paths to walk along....that for some i have come to know is hard as they need that supporting.
i take on a bigger role spiritually than some, so I do at times have to explain whom i am and most times i do find understanding on the differences we have with us that is where the common ground can be wonderous to find. when ye can listen and share in the one place.i had that with the Door Knockers ( though a spirit seems to want to play some so they have not been back ) the ywere willing ot hear me and I was willing to hear them and take their information. i respect they are on a path in life. i walked by one on the street and he offered me the paper and smiled and said i had it already. he felt the need to test that a bit aske me a question on the content i was able to reply. he was very pleased.
I'm more a "behind the scenes" kind of guy myself. Quite different from when I was doing work with domestic violence victims and working as an activist in promoting diversity and tolerance -- back then I ran a program and did public speaking. Once I stepped onto my spiritual path, though, that all changed, and I work exclusively one-to-one now. It suits me better. Much as I share here, I'm actually a fairly private person and don't particularly enjoy public gatherings. I'm glad there are those who are willing to put themselves out there, though, and bring some visibility to alternative spiritual views. Visibility can go a long way toward acceptance.
earthsister wrote:Maybe schools are different in different cities and even countries. Canada is so multi cultral in both peoples and cultures that is one big pot of knowlege at times. my Son came home the other day saying there was a new student he met that was talkiing about his Temple Religion and how that me Son shared his path....and it was good. he talked about the crystals he has and the healing and energy they have....healing is a universal thing. was honest on how he felt on God that is was not with God but accpets the concepts.
The climate has probably changed quite a bit since my time I was still in school. When my daughter is in school, I am sometimes pleasantly surprised by the accepting attitudes of the children I encountered. Still, there's always that clique of bullies to muck things up. There is a strong right-wing presence here as well, and it reflects in the negative ways some of the kids treat one another.
earthsister wrote:oh I hear ye about school. grade 0ne on i was bullied.i was shy and that did not help. when me Mother tried to step in and fix issues she made them worse so i kept quiet on the schools mine are at "advicacy" is really beeing taught and its working.learning how to defuse situations and how to talk about issues. there is a zero tollorance to hands on or bully issues ( now that only works IF the child is willing to TELL somone). self confidence is something i have really tried to give me kids. to know that coflicts are a fact of life and how to debate and not fight. many of the issues with students is the enegy they feel from other's if that can be changed then life goes better for them.
Yeah, the anti-bullying movement is a fairly new thing, and I'm really happy to see the issue being addressed now. That's way cool.

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Re: BIG CRASH nothing fell

Post by nightflighter »

earthsister wrote:
nightflighter wrote:I have a friend down south that sometimes has loud bangs happen, but she attributes it to the Spirit that's with her. Also, nothing has fallen there, either. In my case, no loud noises, but things being moved. I would keep various things on my computer tower; one was a 1/25th scale model car based on the one where I worked; it was pushed off the tower whilst I was on the computer....Her way of telling me that I was'nt going back to work. loveface
Thanks for sharing your experince nightflighter. so they are all just spirits, you think?

Hi! You're welcome. With what I've been experiencing myself, I would say Spirits. They are blessed by being able to interact between our plane and Theirs. My personal experiences is that the majority of Them are good-natured,and enjoy "pranking" humans, from what I've seen. Some can be downright nasty, and some are looking for humans to share love with. In that regard, They almost like us humans, but much more powerful and intense.
"Dancing Barefoot in the Ashes"
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