A Goddess Chosing YOU?

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A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by Nightwatcher »

Hello everyone!

While usually when at a new forum I would do an introduction post, this question has been burning in my mind for weeks now and I'm dying to hear some thoughts about it. Thank you in advanced.

All my life there have been events that show a particular Goddess has been watching me. Later, when I discovers Wicca and Paganism I was able to figure out it was Lady Artemis. But unlike the stories I've been reading here, where others have sought their guide (or for some guides) it feels more like Lady Artemis sought me out first. Below are some of the most stand-out examples of that:

- This event I only know because my parents have told me the story. When I was a few weeks old they were out on a drive at night (when I was being fussy and not sleeping, drives in the car helped me fall asleep). They were taking a back road that was surrounded by thick woods. A deer suddenly came out of the forest and of course my parents stopped to let it cross. Instead, it came to the car (the windows had been down since they had an old hand-me-down car at the time and the A/C didn't work. It was also the summer.) and let my parents pet it! Then it came to my window where I was asleep, licked my cheek and then ran back off into the woods.

- When I was around 10 or so, I was putting my bike away at twilight. At this point we lived in a townhouse and there are woods in the back were the backyards face. After putting the bike away, I turned and saw the yellow eyes of a wolf looking at me through the dusk. I became scared and ran. (Please note that I am not in a region where coyotes or wolves would live at ALL).

-Only a few months ago, during the White Winter of Death (I hate the cold, but not the point), I was just chatting online with friends of mine in the night. The kitchen window faces the woods I mentioned above. I happened to glace and saw 3 - yes THREE - wolves walking through the woods in the snow. I called for my dad but they disappeared just as he came.

My question to all of you is has that happened to anyone before? Where a God/dess has sought you out before you even understood what was going on? Once again, thank you for your thoughts!

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Re: A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by BabyBear »

I think it depends on the god/goddess but most of them do pick you its just a matter of do you see that they did or do you have to search first to see that they have,

for me its been a struggle to shall we say find the one that fits the bill, I have had a connection to a Goddess since I was a baby and for me the struggle wasn't knowing that like you said the Goddess sought me out but finding out who the Goddess was I'm just now realizing things for what they are, and actually your post helped me most of all so thanks Nighwatcher
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Re: A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by Nightwatcher »

Oh, I'm glad the post helped you! Who do you think is the Goddess that's been speaking to you? I'd love to know (if YOU know that is! XD)
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Re: A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by Nightwatcher »

Naz.J wrote:Hey Nightwatcher, based on what you've said so far, I would like to know why you came to the conclusion that it was the Goddess Artemis. I'm usually a very skeptical person; to me it sounds more like you have a communion with the animal spirits of the land and animal spirits in general. Have you had any *direct* experiences with the Goddess though, like visitations in dreams, Her appearing to you whilst meditating or Her images/signs/symbols popping up any and maybe everywhere as well? I'd really love to hear more of your experiences, thanks for sharing :)
No, it's fine to be a bit skeptical; you aren't in my brain so it makes sense. XD Both deer and wolves are sacred animals of Artemis. Also, when I was in 8th grade, a silver crescent moon necklace just appeared by my bedside on my birthday. I assumed it was one of my presents form my family but when I asked they were confused and told me they hadn't given me any of my presents yet. I have also always been drawn to the moon (though there are many goddesses and gods connected to the moon) as well.

The night before that birthday I mentioned above (I was turning 14), I had a strange (well, strange for me at the time) dream where I was wandering through the woods. I wasn't dressed as I normally was; I was dressed in short traditional Greek dress (the name currently escapes me, my apologies). As I wandered, a young wolf with caramel-colored fur came and looked at me. I had the feeling I should follow it and did so. It led me to a clearing and a young woman was waiting for me. She had long, umber hair and golden-brown eyes. She was dressed like I was but with more décor (a silver belt, hair ties of silver and with stars in them) and had a bow and quiver on her back. She turned to me and told me "You're late." before handing me my own set of bow and arrows in a quiver. We then went and hunted. I'd never seen her before but it felt like I'd known her for all my life.

That was the first time I ever interacted with Lady Artemis. All the signs combined with the dream made me realize who she was.
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A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by MistressOfTheMoon »

Yes it definitely happened to me! I was just returning to my pagan ways last year after years of being on hiatus. Right before the passing of my grandmother, I received signs - the howling of a dog for three consecutive nights, at about the same time (midnight). Believe me when I say I wasn't familiar to Hecate prior to this, and had been more familiar to Egyptian deities. So I did some meditation and worked with my crystals to get visions through my mind's eye. This was mostly experimental on my part, and just followed what I felt like doing to get more signs. My goal was to find out what that howling meant.

I remember seeing a crown of stars (while scrying a piece of tumbled clear quartz), a meteor crashing into the sea, a naked woman emerging from the sea, and a maiden in a forest who was signaling me to come near her (who frankly looked mysterious and a bit scary).

I did a quick Google search and Hecate popped up. I know that some of the visions I got didn't tie up, but most of them did. For instance, Hecate was often depicted wearing a crown of stars, and She was a goddess of the earth, sea, and the heavens. She is also big on howling dogs, a goddess of the night. She is also believed to assist departed souls on their journey to the Underworld.

At around this time, She warned me of my grandmother's death, which came hours after I heard howling on the third night. So I emulated Her myths and cared for my grandmother in her final hours.

After that, I went on hiatus again. Sort of freaked out by the experience. But this year, I was able to establish a connection with Hecate and confirm that She was indeed calling me. So I acknowledged that calling and it's been amazing ever since :)
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Re: A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by Nightwatcher »

MistressOfTheMoon wrote:Yes it definitely happened to me! I was just returning to my pagan ways last year after years of being on hiatus. Right before the passing of my grandmother, I received signs - the howling of a dog for three consecutive nights, at about the same time (midnight). Believe me when I say I wasn't familiar to Hecate prior to this, and had been more familiar to Egyptian deities. So I did some meditation and worked with my crystals to get visions through my mind's eye. This was mostly experimental on my part, and just followed what I felt like doing to get more signs. My goal was to find out what that howling meant.

I remember seeing a crown of stars (while scrying a piece of tumbled clear quartz), a meteor crashing into the sea, a naked woman emerging from the sea, and a maiden in a forest who was signaling me to come near her (who frankly looked mysterious and a bit scary).

I did a quick Google search and Hecate popped up. I know that some of the visions I got didn't tie up, but most of them did. For instance, Hecate was often depicted wearing a crown of stars, and She was a goddess of the earth, sea, and the heavens. She is also big on howling dogs, a goddess of the night. She is also believed to assist departed souls on their journey to the Underworld.

At around this time, She warned me of my grandmother's death, which came hours after I heard howling on the third night. So I emulated Her myths and cared for my grandmother in her final hours.

After that, I went on hiatus again. Sort of freaked out by the experience. But this year, I had established a connection with Hecate and was able to confirm that She was calling me :)
That's wonderful! While I have not connected with Hecate personally, I always keep her in mind since she's part of the Greek pantheon Triple Moon Goddess which Lady Artemis is a part of. I am also sorry about your grandmother's passing, but I'm sure Hecate will guide her safely. :)
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A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by MistressOfTheMoon »

No need to push yourself on connecting with Hecate dear :) We have different experiences with the Divine and yours with Artemis is what you should seek having been called by Her. Though I do get the Triple Moon Goddess association you're referring to :) I am also in touch with Persephone's myths given Her relation to Hecate even though I have not connected to Her personally.

And indeed Hecate has helped in the transition of my grandmother to the afterlife. Thank you!
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Re: A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by Nightwatcher »

Queen Persephone is a very interesting Goddess. Did you know her myth actually is told incorrectly? It's not the contents itself, but rather the context. Since we're thousands of years after the myth started, most layman don't have the background context for the myth. Persephone was never "kidnapped"; it was part of her marriage ritual. She had already agreed to be Lord Hades' bride. But she had forgotten to tell her mother and Hades had not asked her mother permission either. Thus, her mother thought she had been kidnapped. The tale isn't about abduction and rape; it's about the importance of your elders and ceremony, as well as learning form your mistakes and forgiveness.
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Re: A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by MistressOfTheMoon »

Oh on that note dear, I do not like to think that myths of goddesses and gods are sealed in stone. I personally relate to the abduction myth of Persephone, but this one you're telling me about is also interesting and something I can learn from! I'm going to look into it.

I think what is more important is not the context of a myth, or whether or not it is real or accurate, but rather, it is more important that we learn from these myths on a personal level despite the contradicting stories :-)
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Re: A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by Nightwatcher »

MistressOfTheMoon wrote:Oh on that note dear, I do not like to think that myths of goddesses and gods are sealed in stone. I personally relate to the abduction myth of Persephone, but this one you're telling me about is also interesting and something I can learn from! I'm going to look into it.

I think what is more important is not the context of a myth, or whether or not it is real or accurate, but rather, it is more important that we learn from these myths on a personal level despite the contradicting stories :-)
This is very very true. I tend to be a bit of a stickler for details and accuracies when it comes to myths that I sometimes lose sight that the message and what you learn from it is more important. :oops:
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Re: A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by MistressOfTheMoon »

Nightwatcher wrote:This is very very true. I tend to be a bit of a stickler for details and accuracies when it comes to myths that I sometimes lose sight that the message and what you learn from it is more important. :oops:
No need to feel bad about it dear. What's important is you maintain an open mind, and the learning will continue to come into your life in different ways ;)
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Re: A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by nightflighter »

Hi! In my case, YES. She said that She had chosen me. Looking back, I can see how She had been "influencing" me, and "fine-tuning" certain details. She shocked me when She told me Her real name (It hides Her) and what my name really means. My parents were inspired to name me something that translates out as "Watcher Lord".

She came to me five years ago; I had NO interest in a Spirit Being. That made no difference, She was interested in ME.

Now I would be lost if She was'nt there. I love Her, and She loves me. smileylove smileylove smileylove

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Re: A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by Sakura Blossom »

I know I'm a little late to the party here, but I don't work with a Goddess... HOWEVER, my God did choose me. He posed as a Goddess first, and now He has made himself known after dropping many hints for me to figure out his true identity. He even told me he came to me, because he sees me as an open canvas that He can paint with new ideas. (: I didn't want to work with a God (much like nightflighter above me didn't want to work with someone either. Haha) but it's funny how things change when they come into your life. (:
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Re: A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by Nightwatcher »

@nightflighter: That sounds like your Goddess trusts you very much to tell you her True Name; names have a lot of power.

@Sakura Blossom: That's very interesting. May I ask who the God is?
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Re: A Goddess Chosing YOU?

Post by loona wynd »

I don't know if it was a specific Goddess or God that called to me, but the only time I have ever had dreams with Gods in them was when I decided to start looking at Germanic Paganism. I was hiding in a pile of furs when I heard and saw the Germanic Gods out looking for Loki. They were calling for him and I couldn't quite understand why I was there. Than one of the Gods found me and smiled and said "welcome home".

For me after I had that dream and then I started my research into Germanic paganism it was sort of like I was coming home from a long trip. It seemed to me that even more than Wicca (which I was starting to feel wasn't realy for me) that something about the Germanic Gods was calling to me. I did research into my ancestry and sure enough my ancestors came from a mixture of Germanic tribes most notably the Angles and the Saxons.
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