The Angelwood Grimoire

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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Invoking and Banishing Pentagrams

If you can draw a star, you can draw a pentagram and use it in spells and rituals. Typically, the pentagram is drawn in the air using one’s finger, athame, or wand. You can also physically draw the pentagram onto objects. Did you know that how you draw a pentagram can effect which energies you invoke or banish? “This system of invoking and banishing the elements using pentagrams is attributed to Samuel S. Mathers, who improved on the original material of the ceremonial magician Eliphas Zahed Levi.”

*Quote is from “Solitary Witch” by Silver Ravenwolf
Click this to see an animation of how these pentagrams are drawn.
Click this to see an animation of how these pentagrams are drawn.
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Sending My Love: Valentines

Pink, red or heart shaped candles
Valentine’s Day decorations or anything that makes you think of love
A Valentine’s Day card (store bought or one you make yourself)
Craft supplies (if you plan to make your own card)
1 Pencil/pen/crayon/marker (pink or red if possible)
Perfume or cologne (your favorite or theirs)
A love themed gift (optional)

Before you begin this spell, cleanse and empower all of your supplies. Set up your altar with Valentine’s day decorations, or anything that makes you think of love, and the candles.
1) Create sacred space
2) Cast a circle
3) Call the quarters
4) Invoke a deity of love
5) Perform the magickal working
I) Light the candles and do things that will put you in a romantic mood. (listen to music, light incense, wear something sensual, etc.)
II) If you’re good at making things and good with words, you might want to make a Valentine’s Day card for your beloved. Making the card yourself will empower it with your energy. A store bought card will do just as well. Pick out a nice card depicting something he/she likes or something you think embodies love. Next, look for a card that says something you would say, not something you think he/she wants to hear. You can add your energy to a store bought card by signing your name and perhaps decorating the envelope, even if you just draw a heart.
III) Give the card a gentle spritz of the perfume or cologne. A little goes a long way; you don’t want to overwhelm your beloved.
IV) Ask the deity you invoked to see that your card makes it to your beloved.
V) Place the Valentine’s day card in its envelope, seal it (if there is an envelope), and place it on your altar. You can leave it there until Valentine’s Day or as little as over night. No matter how long you leave the card on your altar, send it extra energy now and then.
6) If you wish to have communion, drink fruit juices and eat foods associated with love (see correspondence list for ideas)
7) Thank deity and the quarters, and release the energies
8) Close the circle

If you have a love themed gift, it can be put on the altar with the Valentine’s Day card and sent energy as well.
If you make a love themed gift, you can make it and empower it in the circle at the same time that you make and/or empower the card. The Valentine’s Day card and the gift can be made and empowered separately, as long as they spend some time together on the altar.

Foods: apple, apricot, cherry, cinnamon, lemon, lime, orange, peach, plum, raspberry, strawberry, vanilla, anything red or pink, chocolate, anything heart shaped, conversation hearts
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

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This picture says it all.
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Echo’s Love Sachet
Pink pouch
Geranium petals
Rose petals
Vanilla extract
Piece of amethyst
A gift from your love
Pink paper
Red ink pen
Pink candle

*This was made back in my early days, I’d say somewhere around late 2005 and early 2006. I don’t remember everything, but I do know that this was made in an attempt to return a lover. I used a ring that he had given me when we were together. I’m pretty sure that the paper had some sort of petition on it that was burned, and the ashes were put into the sachet.
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

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Happy Mardi Gras!
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

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It looks so much better if you click on it. ;)
It looks so much better if you click on it. ;)
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Echo's House Blessing Ritual

Elemental representations (You can have something for each element but you can work with just salt water and lit incense.)
Altar tools (you will be setting up a temporary altar and working with pentagrams. Use what you feel comfortable with.)
Bell or similar tool for breaking up negativity
Protection herbs or black salt

  • 1. Choose a place to set up your altar. Some suggested places are a room in the very center of the house, near a hearth/fireplace, or the kitchen. Wherever you choose to set up your altar, make sure that it's not in your way, as you will be moving in and out of the room repeatedly.
  • 2. The first item you will be taking through the house with you is a bell or similar tool. Other tools to consider are drums, rattles, chimes, etc. These tools are believed to break up lingering negativity. Go into each room and slowly walk around in a widdershins (counterclockwise) Direction. As you walk, ring the bell and chant the following:
    • “I ring this bell within this space
      So that negativity will leave this place.”
  • 3. Take the protection herbs or black salt with you next. This time you will walk around each room in a deosil (clockwise) direction. As you walk, sprinkle the herbs or black salt on the floor and chant the following:
    • “All that I seek
      I shall find
      All that I desire
      Shall be mine.”
  • 4. Next, you will take an elemental representation from your altar with you into each room, to bless and purify with the power of each element. If you want to speed this step up a bit, you can do as I did and go through each room with salt water for earth and water, and a lit stick of incense for air and fire. Walk through each room in a deosil direction, chanting the following for each element:
    • “I cleanse this space with ____ (earth, air, fire, water)
      That it may be made sacred.
      Blessed Be.”
  • 5. Now you will bring with you a tool to direct energy with. This can be your wand, athame, or even the index finger of your perceiving hand (dominant) hand. In every room, you will draw an invoking pentagram at every door and window. Move through the room in a deosil direction. You should also draw pentagrams over anything else that connects to the outside, such as vents, fireplaces, drains, and even the toilet.
  • 6. Return all of you tools to the altar. Spend some time before the altar communing with the Divine. Ask the God and Goddess for protection, using the following prayer or something similar:
    • “Goddess, bless this home
      Keep it safe from those who
      would think to harm its inhabitants
      God, bless this home
      Keep it safe from those who
      would act to harm its inhabitants
      Lord and Lady, keep us safe
      in your love and peace
      Blessed be!”
  • 7. Dismantle the temporary altar. Leave a libation or small token in the yard. A suggestion would be to leave either one near the entrance of the home or at the base of a tree or other plant.
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

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A Spring Prayer
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

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Celebrate Mother Earth, celebrate life. Blessed Beltane One and All.
mother nature.jpg
Eggs Beltane.JPG
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Hey you, person reading my Book of Shadows.
Yes you!
Hi there! :wave:
I just did an overhaul of The Angelwood Grimoire. Spells that were originally made up of multiple posts have been consolidated into single posts. Multiple copies of the same prayers and chants were collected into single posts. I also made sure my sources were neatly stated. Stuff looks much neater now. :D
Technically, there isn't any "new" material, but I did add links and a video to my post about black salt. If you look at my very first BOS post, you'll see that I added a suggestion for how to share my posts.
That's all for now. smileydance

Love and Bright Blessings,
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

A Shielding Visualization

I didn't create this myself, exactly, but rather it wrote itself. It's very pretty, so I'm sharing. :)

1) Visualize your shield as a white bubble that surrounds your body. It's more oblong than round; more shaped like you than shaped like a sphere. This is your shield as is, before maintenance.
2) See various cords, tentacles, vines, etc., sticking out of your shield. These are any little nasty things that are trying to cling to your energy. You're going to want to sever these connections.
3) Starting at the top of your shield, see a halo or bright green laser light appear. You are going to move this light down your shield. Watch it destroy anything negative that is clinging to your shield.
4) Now that the connections to negativity have been severed, you'll want to clear away any other negativity that's in your shield. Visualize lumps of brown goo become trapped in glass orbs, and get expelled from your shield. After each orb fully emerges, see it fall to the ground and shatter. Listen to the glass break.
5) Time to clean up the mess. Feel a gentle breeze start to blow. You can work with the wind of any direction. I used Eastern wind since it's typically associated with the element air. The breeze will come and touch the mess. When it does touch, the broken glass and the bits of brown goo will become purified and turn into pure, white feathers. The feathers will blow off into the universe to spread positive energy.
6) Imagine your shield with a silver mirror-like surface on the outside. Negativity will float toward your shield, but it will bounce off and go elsewhere, even back to it's source.
7) Now see the mirror on the inside of your shield as well, but this time, the mirror is fluid. Negativity from yourself will simply flow out of your shield as if passing through water. Positive energy will not only flow through your shield, some of it will reflect back to you.
8) Look forward and see positive energy come toward you. It is in the form of white butterflies. The butterflies easily pass through your shield. Anything you deem worthy will pass through your shield without resistance.

All done! smileylove
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Re: The Angelwood Grimoire

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Seeking Help Through Dreams

The visualization portion of this spell is based on the spell "Reveal What Someone Thinks of You," found in the Divination Love Spells section of the main EUTM site.

Choose a goal. This can be a question you want answered, or perhaps a lead to follow, etc. If you want to, you can write down your goal on a piece of paper and place it under your pillow.
Choose a deity to work with. This can be your personal patron deity or a deity associated with your goal.
Choose a setting for your visualization. You're going to go visit your chosen deity and speak to them. You can go anywhere you like, but if you're not too good at visualization, you may wish to choose a location you are very familiar with to help you establish the setting in your mind's eye.
Choose an offering for your chosen deity. You will be visiting the deity in the astral realm, so why not choose an offering that doesn't exist in the physical realm? Or do you have something growing in your garden that you think your deity might enjoy? At the appropriate point in the visualization, you can tell the deity that you will soon leave Them an offering in the physical realm. If you want, you can choose to make both types of offerings. It's up to you.

The preparation can be done at any time. The visualization will take place before you go to sleep. If you want to use any sort of astrological timing, pick a time associated with your goal or deity.

The visualization:
Close your eyes and visualize the setting you choose. See that it is crowded there, with people speaking indistinctly. The crowd symbolizes the your subconscious mind. Across the way from you is your chosen deity. S/he will notice your presence, turn to you and make eye contact. Acknowledge Them and make your way through the crowd. See this deity interacting with the setting. S/he might be eating a meal at the local diner, or even watching a play in the park. If you want to, you can also interact with the setting. Eventually, the deity will turn and ask you what you've come to ask. Politely state your goal and your reason for it. The deity will agree. Here, you can either offer the deity something in the astral realm, or tell Her/Him that you will be leaving Them an offering in the physical realm. Thank your chosen deity and leave. See yourself walk through the crowd and disappear from the scene.

Go to sleep. You will receive what you asked for in your dreams.
When you wake up the next day, write down your answer. If you didn't receive a direct answer, write down any symbols that you feel pertain to your sign.
If you are going to make an offering in the physical realm, go do it.

I needed inspiration for something that I was asked to help write. I chose to work with the god Mercury for two reasons. At the time I performed this spell, I couldn't think of any deities associated with writing. I know that Mercury is associated with communication and writing is a form of communication, so I was pretty confident in my choice to work with Him. When I performed this spell, it was early on a Wednesday morning; a day attributed to Mercury. That's good astrological timing. I didn't choose a setting beforehand. I had read the spell that this spell was modeled after a few days before I attempted this visualization, and I worked from what I could remember of the original. A bar was what came to my mind when I thought of a crowded room.

I visualized myself in a bar. People are everywhere talking, but I can't pick out any distinctive conversations. Sitting at the bar, drinking a Red Bull is Mercury. He turns around and acknowledges me. I make my way though the crowd and sit on the empty stool next to Him. After a sip of the energy drink, He turns to me expectantly.
"I could use some inspiration with my writing. Could you please help me?" I ask.
I nod to the bartender, he serves Mercury another Red Bull and he gives me a 7-Up. Mercury nods his approval. I tell him that I will leave him an offering on my virtual altar later on. I take a few swallows of my soda and stand up. I walk through the crowd once more. When I reach the opposite side of the room, the room dissolves and I'm standing alone in bright white light.
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