Crystal/Gemstone starter kit

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Crystal/Gemstone starter kit

Post by Cats and Tea »

I've decided that the use of crystals/gemstones will be the first aspect I study. It seems easier to learn (versus spellwork and using herbs). I'm trying to figure out what would be the most crucial crystals/gemstones to have at first. I found a site that listed these crystals as being the most necessary at first. I'd like to hear your opinions on the crystals listed and maybe even name some of your own if it suits you.

The crystals:
1. Clear quartz
2. Citrine
3. Rose quartz
4. Green adventurine
5. Amethyst

Source: ... inner_kit/

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Re: Crystal/Gemstone starter kit

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Clear quartz is a multipurpose stone. It can be substituted for any other stone; similar to substituting white candles for any other candle color. Citrine is good for personal power. Rose quartz is tied to emotions. Green aventurine is linked to luck and optimism. Amethyst usually represents issues of a mental nature.
In my opinion, they all seem like a good choice for starting out. They cover most of the basics. Don't forget to look into crystals that will draw particular things into your life. You might want to visit other websites that list the metaphysical properties of crystals as a way to cross reference what you learn.

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Re: Crystal/Gemstone starter kit

Post by MsMollimizz »

...and some Obsidian, Jasper, Fluorite, and
Amazonite, Tiger eye and Tiger Iron. Are some
of my favorites...
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Re: Crystal/Gemstone starter kit

Post by SpiritTalker »

I would add just one black stone like hematite or tourmaline for shielding and grounding

Re: Crystal/Gemstone starter kit

Post by Aithnes »

I've been debating with this one for a bit, but I think I've come up with a few. It also depends on what you want to use them for. Are you really sensitive to energy and need stones that have projective/reflective energies? Do you want to focus on drawing things to you, and need crystals primarily with receptive energies? I find it best to find a focus for what kind of work you want to do and go from there.

-Quartz is a must-have for just about any kit. Clear quartz can be both receptive and projective and has a wide array of uses due to its flexible energy. It can be used in work centered around healing, protection, finance, just about anything. It's most common use is probably protection. So quartz with any of these sets I think would be a good start:

Healing/Medicine starters:
Hematite: Healing, grounding, balanced (projective)
Garnet: Healing, protection (projective)
Rose quartz: Healing, love (receptive)
Malachite: Healing, balanced (receptive) - use polished malachite only!

Psychic work starters:
Amethyst: Helps with psychic abilities in general, particularly with interpretation (receptive)
Carnelian: Helps with development, especially when concerning self-confidence and strength (projective)
Moonstone: Helps with fluidity in works, enhances and really helps bring out abilities (receptive)
Snowflake Obsidian: Aids in clairaudience and scrying. Useful for protecting against unwanted energy (projective)
(If you would rather not use the obsidian, bloodstone is also really useful. It's meant more to ground and center energies, and in that aspect, it's a good protection stone. It helps bring balance to your work, and can be a powerful tool.)

General starters:
Citrine: Good for general protection, and clear dreams (projective)
Tiger's Eye: Confidence, personal power, energy, growth (projective)
Amethyst: Healing, peace, helps with divination, psychic abilities, and dream interpretation (receptive)
Chalcedony: Helps with fear, depression, and balance of emotions. Considered a protective stone (receptive)

Things from the quartz family like amethyst, citrine, various agates and other similar stones are probably the most versatile and easiest to start out with. As I mentioned, it really depends on what you want to do with them, but hopefully this kind of gives you an idea on what to look for in a collection to start with.

Edit: Forgot to include a bit on energies, and what I mean by receptive/projective. Projective stones are good for sending out energy, reflecting things for protection, and can be used as an effective focus for spellwork. Receptive stones are more for storing energy for use over time and absorbing energy that you want to keep away from you. These are ones that you want to try and cleanse often as well. They do sort of act like sponges, which can be either helpful or harmful, depending on your situation. A lot of the ones listed above are "self-cleansing" and tend to drop energy naturally due to projective properties, so they don't have to be cleared as much. It comes down to personal preference and experimentation, and what works for you. You might find that certain stones match up with different correspondences than what I've listed above, which is why the "what works for you" part is so important!
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