Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Aceso »

Is the blue moon the strongest out of the moon? I hope I don't sound ignorant.
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »

Hey Aceso! Good to see you again, no, no the only dumb or ignorant questions are the ones NOT asked !

BLUE MOON (7-2015)
Many people feel the blue moon is stronger, has more energy or is more potent, but that is up to each individual and the way they view the blue moon. I will add a couple links from a recent discussion, and then you can draw your own conclusion. I personally felt this last blue moon had an incredible amount of energy it was closely shanked with Lughnasadh and that may have added to the energy somewhat. ... 31261.html
Here we have some links by our lovely Echo of Shadows, ... 31278.html
And an older discussion provided by the lovely Kassandra ... 12985.html
One other older thread had and interesting link within, ... t7747.html
In short, the blue moon is whatever you make it out to be... it can be powerful or I can just be another moon.
You have probably heard the phrase, you get out of it, what you put into it....meaning the more work, energy, corrasponding links and personal flair you add to your pot of magic, the more likely it will have meaning to the individual as well as placing the positive groves in ones brain, and thereby making it much more likely to achieve any given goal and/or desire....I will look for a good video about that.

We also crossed the threshold into the element of Water and the quarter of the West with the tail skirts of blue moon energy and into the Lughnasadh celebration.
A frenzy of activity in my opinion, reminding me of those who do toil in the feilds to get food to the grocer. I may try to make a post post about Lughnasadh, but for now we forge onward into Water and the West.

Bb, Busybird
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »



This quarter began with Lughnasadh, it is also Midway around the wheel of the year directly across from Imbolc and thereby also represents the the beginning of the decent into the dark half of the year.
I apologize....the first full moon in the quarter of Water has come and gone, it was a super moon as well. We are fast approaching Mabon and a point of balance. Like the Janus head that looks foward and backward simultaneously taking lessons from the past to apply to the future.


Water can be one of the easiest and most powerful of the elements to connect with. We use it daily, we take it within our body by drinking the liquid of life that makes up over 50% of our body. In this exercise you will need to find a trickling stream or a fountain or some other running water ...that could even be the shower. In fact the shower is one of the the best places to remember dreams of the night before. Water is closely related to your emotional body and our emotional body is closely related to our psychic body.
When we allow our heart to open we are permitting our psyche to be receptive.
Sit by tbe body of moving water, ( if in the shower just stand) and you are probably thinking well what the hey, I do this every day!)
Anyway the test is to listen. Just listen. Hear the droplets, the bubbling and babbling. If unwanted thoughts intrude upon your mind recognize them without trying to analize...and let them go and return your focus to the water. You may begin to discern patterns or even here words being whispered by the water. Spend at least 10 or 15 minutes with this exercise, longer if you can and revisit this practice frequently.
This will help to strengthen your connection with water as well as deepen your psychic abilities.
By Michael Parker source, Wikipedia

Trickle trickle,
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Aceso »

How do you add pictures. I wanted to post my pictures of the ocean.
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »

Near the bottom of this text screen below the submit and preview and save draft buttons towards the left a is a tab that says, "options and upload attachment." Press upload attachment. Then follow the prompts..choose pic...then hit the "upload attachment." Put the cursor where you want the picture to go, then press the "place in line" button. You can add text in a space below the pic.
One other thing you have to do is highlight the line the image is on, then press the Img. button just above this screen. That should place Img. brackets around it.
Now try preview to see if it worked .
Sometimes the picture is too big, then you will need to shrink it some with your own photo editor.
Gosh I hope that made sense.
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Aceso »

Thank you firebirdflys
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »

The time of Autumn has been long associated with the harvest. We start with Lughnasadh the first harvest...Mabon, the second harvest...and Samhain the third and final harvest. Thanks is given for tbe blessings and bounty for each of the harvests. Samhain is the great feast, similar the Thanksgiving in the U.S.. Not only are we giving thanks to the great gifts the earth has provided, but we are acknowledging the decline of the Suns life giving force.. We can view this as the declining God, and the Goddess who mourns his passing at Samhain.
Samhain is also a time of letting go.....In letting go you open your self up to the new. The Celts viewed this as the new year. The veil being thin allows us to commune with ancestors but it is also open for new life to pass through just like at Bealtaine.
Water being our emotional body has us reflecting and reminiscing about our firey past. (As we have just passed through south and fire) What went wrong what went right? How might we amend it next time around? Skrying this time of year is popular as we ponder these questions.
The moon upcoming has been known as "seed fall moon", further advancing the idea of release. The plants sacrifice their seeds in hopes of immaculate renewal.

An excercise here is to gather some acorns as many as you can hold in each hand. Imagine yourself as the oak, spend a little time on this visualization getting familiar with your bark, your leaves, your roots, and ultimately the seeds in your hands... imagine that all your troubles are placed upon each seed each bad habit or negative emotion and place those upon the seeds ...then slowly begin to release the seeds... as the seeds release the energy that is holding you back.
An alternative to this excercise in a form of divination is to name the detrimental troubles on the acorns with a Sharpie, then let only the ones go that feel the need to slip through your fingers. Examine the ones released, these are likely the the issuse that require the most work.

Source wikipedia

Bb, harvestbird
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Fier »

Hello! Is this project still ongoing?
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »

Hi there! Yes absolutely. I will be making a post about Earth very soon as we have just crossed over the wavy line of the quarter of the west and moved into the quarter of the north.
Stop by the introduction section and tell us a little bit about yourself, then swing back by soon...I should have something up in a few days.
Many blessings, Firebird
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »


When crossing the veil at Samhain, it is filled with emotion. The grief of loved ones stepping beyond our ordinary realm of comprehension mixed with the realization that in death there is new life we know, the Celts believed the new year begins at the time of Hallows. It therefore it makes a great deal of sense that the element of Earth begins the winter season. Those passing into death are burried within the earth and the newly planted seed must make it's ordeal with the minerals that surround it in order the break the crust of the earth sometime in the spring. This is when we too can go within the earth (metaphorically speaking) get in touch with our hibernating inner bear to recieve messages, gain insight, realize goals, make plans. This is our time to be nurtured by the minerals of stillness, in the time of colder days that drive us inward, the shorter days, which should command more sleep and time to dream of the things we would like to manifest in our lives. Outward physical activity has slowed and it is time to realize our inner world.
Bronson cave, source wikipedia
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »



One of the very simplest ways to ground is to go barefoot, course this is not so practical in the snow of winter. However whenever you can I recommend putting your bare feet on the earth. It helps to release pent up energies of all kinds. It connects you directly to the earth and it brings revitalization to the body. Like a give and take.

My favorite way to gather earth energy is to lie face down on the ground. Plain dirt is good but a nice rock works well too. Sandstone rocks are good because they are very high in silica content which is the building block for quartz crystals.
Spend some time in this prone position and try to sense the energy flowing in and out of you. Perhaps in through the left hand circulating through your body and back into the rock or dirt through your right hand. Stick with this for about 5 minutes at the least. Practice as often as you can. In a perfect world it would be part of your daily routine. You may find yourself feeling refreshed and with more energy.

Bb, groundbird
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Aceso »

I do ground that way when I am home. But when I am at work and I feel as if everything is out of control I try to find a room lock the door and shut the lights out. Sit in a chair with my feet on the floor(I do have socks on). Close my eyes and I actually can see dark spots floating around. I take deep calming breaths and visualize my aura pushing the dark spots down through my feet into the ground. After I feel much better.
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »


Hi again,
Hey Aceso that seems like a pretty good solution, have you thought about bringing a stone with you to work? Something a little substantial that you can hold in your hands while you practice the technique your using, or something you can place on your desk or nearby that you can fiddle with if you feel tension coming on.

We are fastly approaching the end of the year. And I have been largly absent from this thread, I apologize.

At Yule (Jul) we welcomed the birth of the infant Sun. We celebrated by decorating our home with symbols of the season. Lights are the embodiment of the light we want to return to the land, wreaths representing the unending cycle of life and the evergreen tree the image of the season that is ever renewing itself. The colors red and green can be seen as the Sun and life everlasting. Those of us who are able stay up all night around a roaring bon fire, a sympathetic magic designed to encourage the Sun to return, and greet the infant light at dawn with much reveling and celebration.

Now we turn toward the Sun as it grows, the amount of light that baths the land as we approach Imbolc, signals lambs to come into their milk as the babies will be born soon, chickens will begin to lay eggs again, snow drops and other bulb plants are making their way through the Earths dirt to the surface, where they will be greeted by the element of Air. Which at Imboc we return to.
The colors for this holiday are red and white, and can represent the reproductive essence of woman and man, respectivly. This holiday touches on young love and the quickening. It likely no coincidence the Valentines day is near this holiday. We make candles at this time as there is many days of cold and darkness to deal with while waiting for the Equinox to arrive.

The wheel turns and we turn with it.

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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »

Imbolc has traditionally been celebrated on 1 February. However, because the day was deemed to begin and end at sunset, the celebrations would start on what is now 31 January. It has also been argued that the timing of the festival was originally more fluid and based on seasonal changes. It has been associated with the onset of the lambing season[15]—which could vary by as much as two weeks before or after 1 February[4]—and the blooming of blackthorn.[16]


May the open potential of return be upon us all...
Here's a bit more on the Goddess Brighde.

And we are re~newed once again!

Thank you for reading :D
This thread will be edited and updated each time we go around,
So check back for new stuff!
Blessed be,
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Xiao Rong »

Wow, what a journey! I have been really enjoying reading this throughout the year ... thrilled to see it come around full circle!
~ Xiao Rong ~ 小蓉 ~ Little Lotus ~

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