Is something there or is it my imagination?

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Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by Wanderer022 »

I'm not sure about this which is why I'm asking. There's a short hallway in our house...and at night, after my dad has gone to bed and put out his light, when I step in the hallway, I feel a very heavy feeling on my chest and as if somethings watching me. Of course I look into the dark but I see nothing.

Usually later at night, during or after midnight I would get up to use the bathroom, which means walking in the hallway. My room is near the one end of it, and it ends with the bathroom. Even half asleep, I always seem to feel to afraid to look over my shoulder to the darkness for fear of what I'll see. So when I return to my room I close my eyes. I would also pretend to be sleepwalking to the bathroom, but if there is a spirit I don't think I'm fooling it.

It's never done anything to me. And it never shows itself if it is there...which I think means it's a friendly spirit. Because I'm afraid of them (good or bad) and in that case I don't think it wants to frighten me, which means its good.

On the other hand, this could also just be me being afraid of the dark. This feeling has been with me a long time. For 5 years about.

I don't know. Does it sound like something is there? Is it just my imagination?
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Re: Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by Deejean »

Trust your gut! If you feel like something is there then chances are there is.. but since you feel like it hasn't tried anything and its been 5 years its probably not harmful, maybe even there to look out for you. You could ask for peace of mind or a sign that you can trust it, and maybe it will ease some of the fear its giving off :)

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Re: Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by Wanderer022 »

Deejean wrote:Trust your gut! If you feel like something is there then chances are there is.. but since you feel like it hasn't tried anything and its been 5 years its probably bot harmful, maybe even there to look out for you. You could ask for peace of mind or a sign that you can trust it, and maybe it will ease some of the fear its giving off :)

Love and light
I think any kind of sign would also freak me out...but I suppose it would be a little better if I know for sure they are there to look out for me and not hurt me. I am thinking specifically about reading somewhere that someone saw a white light. Friendly or not that would scare the life out of me! And I might be joining whomever is showing that sooner than expected! Hahaha
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Re: Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by Deejean »

Well chances are they will just try to fill you with a positive feeling rather than actually show you something if they know you're afraid. :) The best you can do is ask them and maybe explain to them how they're making you feel. If they are there to help then they should understand :)
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Re: Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by jaybirdblue »

I mean usually I would go with the "trust your gut" idea but do you ever get this feeling anywhere else where you have to walk alone at night in the dark? Like, if you went to a sleepover or on a trip and have had to do something similar, did you feel as frightened or get the same feeling? People are naturally afraid of the dark, but if it's unique to just this area it might be more than just the heebie-jeebies.
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Re: Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by Wanderer022 »

jaybirdblue wrote:I mean usually I would go with the "trust your gut" idea but do you ever get this feeling anywhere else where you have to walk alone at night in the dark? Like, if you went to a sleepover or on a trip and have had to do something similar, did you feel as frightened or get the same feeling? People are naturally afraid of the dark, but if it's unique to just this area it might be more than just the heebie-jeebies.
I've always been afraid of the dark, although I seem to be more afraid of the hallway than the rest of the house.
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Re: Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by SpiritTalker »

You could put a small 5watt light in the hall. We did that at our house and it helped a lot.
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Re: Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by jaybirdblue »

You can also get those nightlight hallway lights. They plug right into the outlets and turn on as soon as it gets dark. They're really practical and great for bathrooms too so you can actually find the light switch.
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Re: Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by ZippyZoo »

I'm so afraid of the dark I decorated my room with pretty LED string lights and paper lanterns and a wave diffuser that times out to try to calm me down if I wake up in a fright. With incense and tidy surroundings it's mostly helped.
Putting stuff up in the hallway to make it yours could help. Like pictures you have drawn, deity or images of that inspire and comfort you, cartoon characters or superheroes or funny things. If it's gotta look classy since framed art would do nicely. So that as you're walking down it catches your eye and raises your mood a bit. It'd make the hallway more familiar.
That's how I handled my closet. I moved my altar in there hahaha! Now the mysterious is less of an intimidating sort.
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Re: Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by Ethereal Moon Rose »

I'm 28 and still afraid of the dark lol. I struggle to fall asleep in pitch darkness. I don't know about you but my imagination is stronger at night time. When I get up to use the toilet during the middle of the night I will think silly things like there's someone watching me through my window, or that there's an alien or ghost waiting to get me. But only at night time and only when I am up awake and alone!
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Re: Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I'm not the least bit embarrassed that I sleep with a small light on. If nothing else it keeps me from stepping on cat toys on the way to the John. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Those plug in night lights JBB mentioned work great. Many grocery stores stock them in their home hardware isle... My nearest store puts them by the baby food.
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Re: Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by Raven At Heart »

I'm not afraid of the dark, but is it bad if I don't like the sun light? xD At times I find myself sitting in a pitch black room just humming to myself before I notice it's dark. Then at times I crave to be in the dark. The only thing better then being in the dark is the moons light and the star light, or the rainy clouds in the sky. Anyways. unless an area is protected by wards, generally something is always there. especially if you have some kind of magickal affinity. Then you draw things to you like a magnet pulls iron.
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Re: Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by jaybirdblue »

Maybe you have sensitive eyes? Or, you could just be more comfortable with darkness, which is totally fine and normal. I know a person who is absolutely in love with foggy weather.
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Re: Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by SnowCat »

I like fog, although I always expect monsters to come wandering out if it. Clear evidence of a misspent youth.

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Re: Is something there or is it my imagination?

Post by jaybirdblue »

Like Silent Hill? Hhahah
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