Falcon's Success Bath

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Falcon's Success Bath

Post by Falcon_Heart27 »

Hi everyone! :D it's been too long since I posted here. I kinda strayed off the path, but now I'm back, with some bath magic that I did yesterday!

First, let me start off by saying that I LOVE bath/shower magic. It's easily customizeable, it can be as simple or complex as you like, and it takes a mundane action and makes it magical! No need to set aside extra "magic time" in your busy schedule.

Now, along to the bath:

-bath of warm water
-a bath bomb, salts, or essential oils that you associate with success/power/confidence [mine was a bomb I made myself, with a blend of citrus and vanilla oils]
-nice smelling candles
-crystals you associate with success and personal power, and/or ones you connect to, and quartz to amplify (all optional)
-a sigil written on paper with washable marker to "melt" in the bath, or body paint to draw the sigils on you (I used eyeliner :P)
-a nice towel and comfy clothes for after


1. Cast a circle if you want to. I never do, but then again, I'm not very orthodox.

2. Take your clothes off as you fill your bath. Light your candle(s) and chant or pray. I said: "sky above me, earth below me, fire within me, water in my blood- charge and empower me" [after this, my candle hissed and sputtered very loudly! True story! I jumped a bit. :oops: ]

3. Arrange your candles and crystals however you want them around your bath. (I don't recommend putting crystals IN the bath.)

4. Once your bath is filled, slip in! Let the warm water relax you- feel elevated. Drop in your bath bomb/salts/oils and enjoy the smells. Focus on yourself, filled with light and fire. Once you feel your vibrations heightened, put your sigil in the bath and begin to visualize yourself becoming successful in whatever areas you're targeting. Work, creative endeavors, relationships, self awareness, etc....

5. Relax and enjoy the rest of your bath! When you're done, you can drain the tub, imagining the disappearing water as all your obstacles disappearing. Dry off, slip into some comfy clothes, and thank the elements/your deities/open the circle (basically whatever you initially invoked)

6. Start working toward your goals with a renewed vigor and optimism! :mrgreen:


If you use this, let me know how it went!

The sigil I created meant "I am successful in all my endeavors." I would include a picture if I could, but the tapatalk app is being fussy.

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Re: Falcon's Success Bath

Post by SpiritTalker »

I'd use a shower 'cuz I don't do tubs...can't get out after I get down, old knees. I occasionally soap sigils on the shower stall walls. The summer solstice is a nice time to use the fire and crystal associations.
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Re: Falcon's Success Bath

Post by Falcon_Heart27 »

SpiritTalker wrote:I'd use a shower 'cuz I don't do tubs...can't get out after I get down, old knees. I occasionally soap sigils on the shower stall walls. The summer solstice is a nice time to use the fire and crystal associations.
Good idea! I love the idea of soap sigils!
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Re: Falcon's Success Bath

Post by Falcon_Heart27 »

Exciting Update!!!:

These past few days, my loved ones and I have been reaping the riches thanks to this spell!

I found a new job, and suddenly playing the guitar is clicking with me much more naturally (I made a huge breakthrough yesterday). My boyfriend, while running errands yesterday, made a last-minute decision to go to the game shop and buy a $10 pack of Magic cards. The one he bought, was a $500 FOIL CARD! His car is almost fixed, and he's getting more hours at work. He almost started crying when he told me because he's been so broke lately.

I've been finishing projects all around, and I can't wait to see what happens next. A lot of this actually seems too good to be true.

I'm going to a yard sale this weekend. Maybe I'll strike gold. :p

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Re: Falcon's Success Bath

Post by SpiritTalker »

Good for you! Don'tchya just love it when the wall breaks away! Happy dance!
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