Protection spells and casting a circle

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Protection spells and casting a circle

Post by Knownothing »


I was wondering if there were any protection spells I could do to ward off bad spirits in my house as well as any tips for casting a circle. blue_flee
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Re: Protection spells and casting a circle

Post by SpiritTalker »

Do a search on the topics. They have come up often, after reading what you find, ifnyou still have specific questions, everybody will dive in.

Edit: I mean a topic search here on this forum

Edit: would you want to explain some about what you encounter as negative spirits?
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Re: Protection spells and casting a circle

Post by HopefulChild »

I'll dive in.

::This is an edit. I have no authority or expertise. These are my opinions based on my own research and should be considered with the same gravity as a sermon screamed on a street corner by a guy dressed as godzilla with a crown of thorns and a hand painted sign that reads - DON'T TOUCH MY PIG - ::

Casting a simple circle is the first step. Depending on how you look at it, or what you believe, a circle is the first layer of protection for practicing - Magic Ritual - Ceremonial Magic - Classical Thaumaturgy...This is different than practicing magick. If you want to cast a spell, create a ward or sigil, or make a talisman or potion or sympathetic candle magick, that you believe can bring about the state of being/change you seek, then you don't really have to cast a circle.

You can just do it.

Casting a circle is required when you are going to build up, request, or transmute energy. You wanna collect energy from the cardinal directions and elements, and draw on the earth, or your ancestors, or petition a deity to grant favor on your endeavor, then you need to collect and focus energy.

The core of casting a circle is creating a sacred space where the energy won't be polluted, diluted, or siphoned off by something other than you and your spell. So you think of a cast circle as a container. Inside that container lets call it a "glass", you now have space to collect energy without people putting a straw in from the outside to drink your milkshake, and so that possible negative energy or influence from outside can't pollute your collected energy and use it to reinforce it's own effects, and to make sure that other types of energy don't dilute what you are collecting kind of like someone pouring some bourbon in the punch bowl while you are filling it with lemonade for a 6 year old's birthday party.

Make sense?

Another reason to cast a circle is to protect yourself. If you are going to collect energy you have to be open to receiving.
If you open up the doors to your house and stand outside saying "I'm here...give me stuff"...You are just as likely to attract the attention of people who see an open door to stuff they can take, or a person who isn't paying as much attention to their personal safety as they probably should.

Opportunity is what "bad things" need. Don't give them the opportunity. You run anti virus or a firewall on your computer when you surf the internet right? Same idea. A circle is a firewall against unwanted energy, and unwanted visitors. If you want protection against "bad spirits" the last thing you want to do is attempt to petition for energy without casting a circle to protect you from the same "bad spirits" you suspect are around.

Simple circle casting... You can use as few as 3 items, or as many as you can form into a circle. I use 5 crystals about the size of my thumb. I position them in 5 points like a star (pentagram) and then I stand in the center. You could use anything. Rocks from outside. Twigs, Sprinkles of Salt, Flip Flops, I'd almost say it doesn't matter what you use, but I think that the purity of the intent should match the objects, so rocks and crystals and twigs and so on are natural and simple and directly connected to nature and reality.

Spoken - I ask the God and Goddess to bless this circle so that I may be free and protected as I work and worship. So Mote It Be.
As you speak those words point your finger or a wand at the northern point of your star and turn clockwise (deosil) so that you are drawing an imagined circle that connects from one item to the next and makes a completed circle large enough that you can stand inside it without "sticking out"...You have just closed your magic circle.

I hope all the things you wanted for your spell are "inside" the circle with you. Or you have to do it again...and you have to do it again with the same faith and concentration you did it the first time LOL.

I open my circle when I'm done. I do this by pointing at the same point I closed with, and I work counterclockwise (widdershins) in a circle imagining that anything left in the circle that is incomplete or un-used is being dispersed back to it's source or directly to nature...Kind of like erasing whatever is left so anything or anyone who might want to scrape up extra or leftover energy, doesn't get the chance to.

As far as protection spells...Well. I'm not going to be much help with that. Maybe someone else will dive in on that.
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Re: Protection spells and casting a circle

Post by SpiritTalker »

A very reliable protection spell is the bottle spell. Fill a small bottle with pins, nails, bits of broken mirror and vinegar. Seal it. The sharp bits repell harm. The mirrors deflect bad intentions and confuse spirits, and the vinegar also repells. Then bury Or conceal the bottle by the most used entrance.

A ring of salt , garlic powder and pepper sprinkled around the foundation of the building, will repel. Inside, sprinkle corners of rooms. If you want to add spoken words, write out something that applies to whatever your situation is.

Wearing an amulet or carrying a bag filled with the same mix can protect you.

Hope that helps your situation.

Possibly someone else will have better ideas too.
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Re: Protection spells and casting a circle

Post by SpiritTalker »

Just another of a couple hundred ideas...

Stand in the center of the place where you have room to make a circle any size you want.
Take time to clear your mind and collect yourself. Then Start at the north rim, and just walk around the circle of your space. Wherever your feet touch the ground, your body leaves energy. If you are in the N hemisphere, go clockwise until you'r back where you started.

For protection, imagine barbed wire coils surrounding your space. You can walk around your energy circle and sprinkle protective herbs-spice-salt mixture.

As you learn and practice, you can add more elaborate methods, such as quarter calling and evoking Deity, if you are comfortable doing so.
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Re: Protection spells and casting a circle

Post by Knownothing »

Thank you, this helps me so much
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Re: Protection spells and casting a circle

Post by virgodove »

Make sure you have an item you can use basically as a power port to gain your energy from. I have a natural spell in my book at home but this one might be handy for you too. Healing stones are great just to leave by your door! Make sure you are happy with where you are before anything x bless
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Re: Protection spells and casting a circle

Post by virgodove »

Casting a circle (advanced and simple) ... rotection/

Re: Protection spells and casting a circle

Post by Vasilisa »

I love the basic method for herbal protection sachets described by Scott Cunningham in his book Magical Herbalism - so simple and very meditative to make, and you can use them anywhere. I made up a batch last month on the Midsummer full moon for our apartment and car.

Take a 7" square piece of white cotton or linen (or a white pouch or mojo bag) and take equal parts of three, seven, or nine different protective herbs (I used vervain, basil, and elderberries for mine). Mix them together while you envision your home (car, etc.) protected, peaceful, and secure.

Place them in the bag or cloth. Take a piece of red thread or string, and tie thirteen knots to secure the corners (or mouth of the bag) shut; with each knot, enchant the sachet by saying the following:

"I bind thee to protect this house (car, etc.) and all who reside within it."

When you are done, face North, and holding the bag aloft (placing the tip of your athame to it, if you use one), and say,

"May this that I have fashioned tonight serve as guardian and protector of this place, and all who dwell in it. May it serve me well."

Hang it up over the door, in a closet, or, as Cunningham says, "at the highest point of the house." You can tailor the enchantment and contents of the bag to your needs.

I also suggest checking out A Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense by Denning & Phillips - lots of great meditation/visualization techniques in there to help you while casting the circle, working protection spells, or simply going about your daily business. Like physical fitness, they describe the practice of psychic protection as a kind of spiritual fitness; you shore up your defenses by tending to it daily.

Hope this is useful!

(Thanks also to fayec for linking to the thread on household protections - great stuff.)
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