Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

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Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by Mystie.Graves »

I am always reading. I'm sure most of noticed I'm more of a lurker here than a poster. I consider myself more of a professional/personal student of the various practices out there. I don't think I am a professional Witch/Other as I am still learning. Someday I hope to determine what my practice actually is, lol! :flyingwitch:

One of the things I have ran across online in my constant & casual self-study is the Theory of Chaos Magic.
Essentially, what I have learned from reading on it: It is the idea of 'belief' is an adaptable tool. The preference for calling on an element, deity, etc. is completely up to the moment and how YOU choose to adapt your spell or practice for that moment. You can preform the same thing the next day in a different way as you feel the need to be flexible. Granted this is the very basic info on it and it is more complicated than that, but the open mindset is very inviting to me.

I do like the idea of this practice to a point. I have mentioned before I do not practice by drawing/calling/using outside power/energy besides my own. Now I DO use various items/tools, be it herbs, stones, etc., to lay out a path... or I like to refer to it as a magic circuit, to help guide my own energy to the end goal I am trying to reach. I do respect others who have loyalties to the things they choose practice with, I see nothing wrong with it and never will see anything wrong with it. If there is a deity, or something, that is best suited for me... I haven't found it yet. Though, I do love the element of fire, I just don't rely on it for sole power in my practice haha! :fairy:

Now I may do the same thing over and over for one spell/casting/practice, but I am flexible on how to do others; also always open to new options and ideas that feel right for me.

I read posts on many forums and info on many sites, to broaden my reach on knowledge. Granted some of it I take with a grain of salt, and other posts/sites have things that really stand out with the subject I'm reading on.

Chaos Magic seems to have a mostly negative response on many forums/sites. Many seem to believe that it is not a REAL path in magic and those who practice it have no loyalties to the craft and jump around willy-nilly doing whatever suits them. Granted this seems to be from others who have very very set ways or views, and are very loyal to their gods/goddesses/Element/Dogma/Etc..

Everyone here seems to have a open minded, more close knit, inviting view point on most topics.
Does anyone have any information about this kind of magic? Hopefully less biased than some of what I have read lol

I open to any information anyone may have. Even if it is something similar but not exactly Chaos Magic. I just really love the idea of the flexibility and open ended/minded-ness that is seems to be based on.

I love to learn more, so feel free to give me your ideas, opinions, etc. :D

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Re: Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by Firebird »

From out of the chaos springs order goodnevil
it would seem that sometimes it take chaos to spur one into action!
I think it has to do with embracing that this crazyness kind of thing is going to happen, might as well make it work for me?
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Re: Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by smogie_michele »

I'm very open to chaos magic and feel as if I loosely practice it myself. I like being able to adapt my practice as I see fit.

I think it often has a negative connotation because "chaos" is associated with all heck breaking loose. In this sense, I view chaos as more of a feeling of freedom :)
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Re: Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by SnowCat »

Loki is one of the primary duties that I work with, and I have found that he uses chaos to teach. Not sure exactly what that means for this country now that we have the Tweeter in Chief. I remember in Greek mythology studies way back in 7th grade, Chaos existed before anything else. Maybe chaos magic is a very basic level of magic.

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Re: Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

I do chaos magick because I believe things such as fiction and symbols can be utilized. Belief is a powerful tool. The placebo effect and the nocebo effect are actual scientific concepts. So the backlash confused me.
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Re: Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by moonraingirl »

I don't practice magic either, but I find that the basic ideas of Chaos are very close to me. To be honest, the amount of tools and rules used in witchcraft feels too complicated to me. (using one candle and setting an intention feels just enough to me). I strongly believe that all the magic/prayer/meditation is about human mind. Everything else are only symbols that help to make the mind stronger. Exactly as Lilith said, placebo. Placebo is often used as a derogatory word. Oh, that is just a placebo! But for me, placebo is a very powerful tool! We should learn to use it as often as possible.

Now I hope that I won't offend anyone and I respect everyone and their beliefs. But who invented all these spiritual paths? Who said what gemstone has what abilities? Or when to use what color? It was all invented by people, just like you and me. There may be some truth in it and many beliefs are confirmed by experience. But if you feel something different, if you want to invent your own path, what is there to stop you? Whatever creates placebo effect (which gives you spiritual power) is fine

Anyway, what practice is completely pure in the sense that it was never influenced by anything else? Since first humans appeared, all culture and beliefs were constantly mixed and influenced by each other. There's no "pure belief".
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Re: Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by SpiritTalker »

It practically seems a magical maxim to say there is no one right way to do something, only what works. Yet there are "proven norms" (edit: suggestions within some practices) that it's smart to take advantage of for smooth results. For example: balance opposing forces or you'll have to follow a spell with another corrective spell; timing spells with lunar tides of flux/reflux effects success because fluids & energy take the path of least resistance; and heat rises so you can expect a fire if you set a lit candle below a curtain or shelf; & Gravity. These don't appear to be a matter of flexible, individual belief. There is room for argument supporting collective belief. :lol:

I think belief and will are the basis of magic, &'magic is the basis of religious ritual. Logic accepts that tried and true formulas get repeatable effects. And yet we have varieties of religious and magical practices because people, like cats, think what's in the Other's bowl is different, even though it's the same content, & just a different bowl. I guess the way I'm wired, I sometimes only see the similarities and the differences are window dressing. I can't argue for one way being better than another because, to me, they're all the same at bedrock level. :annoyed:
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Re: Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

SpiritTalker wrote:It practically seems a magical maxim to say there is no one right way to do something, only what works. Yet there are proven norms that it's smart to take advantage of for smooth results. For example: balance opposing forces or you'll have to follow a spell with another corrective spell; timing spells with lunar tides of flux/reflux effects success because fluids & energy take the path of least resistance; and heat rises so you can expect a fire if you set a lit candle below a curtain or shelf; & Gravity. These don't appear to be a matter of flexible, individual belief. There is room for argument supporting collective belief. :lol:
There are paths that do not work with balancing, duality, lunar energies, or spell timing. They work for those people, though. I don't think such things are set in stone.
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Re: Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Lady_Lilith wrote:
SpiritTalker wrote: ... Yet there are proven norms that it's smart to take advantage of for smooth results.
There are paths that do not work with balancing, duality, lunar energies, or spell timing. They work for those people, though. I don't think such things are set in stone.

That nothing is set in stones, & yet works if your believe it does, is something of the chaos point, huh?

Lady L, I agree that paths differ. My bad. Anyone levitating would disprove even gravity. Let me rephrase "proven norms" to something like ..., um ... "suggestions within some practices" ...
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Re: Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

SpiritTalker wrote:
Lady_Lilith wrote:
SpiritTalker wrote: ... Yet there are proven norms that it's smart to take advantage of for smooth results.
There are paths that do not work with balancing, duality, lunar energies, or spell timing. They work for those people, though. I don't think such things are set in stone.

That nothing is set in stones, & yet works if your believe it does, is something of the chaos point, huh?

Yes. Chaos; ideas that bring about reality. A lot of magical workings are based in the mind, that is, a world of ideas. What works, magically speaking, for one individual may not for the next.
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Re: Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by Mystie.Graves »

Sounds like a popular(or similar) practice for many here. It's a very free minded concept.

I also like the idea of it possibly being the base idea behind magic in general. Loki is pretty awesome! lol!

I do agree, what works for one might not work for another. There's never any harm in learning from each other, as we don't know what works or doesn't work without trying it (or at least learning about it).

The more I learn, the more I believe my interests & practice is similar to Chaos Magic. It's very freeing & comforting to have so many open opinions & ideas here. =D

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Re: Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by MsMollimizz »

When I decided Paganism was the path for me, way back before computers,
all I had was what books the Librarian in the bookmobile would bring. Fiction...
tho even at the young age of 13yrs I knew in my bones that fiction was just
I loved the old Egyptian movies with Cleopatra and the like...
I started praying to Diana to help me, She showed me the way when the other
one sat silent. I believed there was more than one god because I believed just
one couldn't take care of EVERYTHING going on in the world.
I was happy with my path as it was, I always felt I was a witch because it felt
natural to me to do a little magick here and a little there.
At the age of 16yrs I was emancipated so I traveled all across the US hitch-hiking.
I so found myself traveling with 18-wheelers, helping them unload, load, do the
paperwork for them; I did things like that to "pull my load".
So little "spells" like in a restaurant...aimed at the waitress: "I order you to look
at me" to get the cup refilled or whatever. Or in traffic at the light: "I order you
to turn green" (LOL! I know, but it felt good).
It wasn't until I was 37 was I introduced to the computer and internet...
Talk about opening my world wide open ! I wasn't alone in the way I felt :o
I might have had a few truck drivers understand the way I felt and not hold it
against me-they'd rather hold something else against me ! :surprisedwitch:
After I fell off the horse at the age of 25yrs my unfocus was becoming more
frequent I had to modify my magick even then.
Once on the internet I grabbed some of this belief and some of that one...
Keeping what worked, what I could modify to fit the situation, and discard
the rest. If that's Chaos magick, then I guess I've been doing it my whole life !?!
I don't do rituals by myself, I cannot keep focus that long anymore.
My magick has become 90% wish magick, I have one Pagan friend within driving
distance...she does most of the speaking during ritual and I put my 2 cents in.
So and I correct in this thinking that I am doing Chaos magick too ? Otherwise,
I guess I'm just an eclectic witch ?!?
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Re: Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by CleverlyDisguised »

Chaos it the crazy that makes the normal tolerable.
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Re: Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by Firebird »

Haha, that reminds me of the bumbersticker, "reality is for people who can't handle drugs"
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Re: Theories & Opinions On Chaos Magic?

Post by moonraingirl »

firebirdflys wrote:Haha, that reminds me of the bumbersticker, "reality is for people who can't handle drugs"
LOL :mrgreen:
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