Ley Lines

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Ley Lines

Post by sillyoldman »

Roy Bowers before his death was deeply interested in Ley Lines in North America.Does anyone here know where I can find any of his writings on the internet that has to do with this subject?It would be greatly appreciated Thanks.
just a silly old man who knows nothing and has everything to learn.
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Re: Ley Lines

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

You might find it in some of these links, including the PDFs, Silly Old Man.

Good old Clan Of Tubal Cain !

https://www.google.com/search?q=roy+bow ... 8&oe=utf-8
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Re: Ley Lines

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

You might also find this map interesting :

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/or ... db1d30.gif
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Re: Ley Lines

Post by sillyoldman »

Shawn Blackwolf - Thank you for the leads.I know he was doing some very extensive work on them awhile before his death.
just a silly old man who knows nothing and has everything to learn.
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Re: Ley Lines

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

You are most welcome Silly Old Man ;

Are you familiar with the Telluric Current and it's strength over underground water and chambers ?
(where power spots are and temples were built)

You might be interested to know there are those of us who know it is the carrier wave for the elemental astral currents :

https://www.google.com/search?q=Telluri ... 8&oe=utf-8
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Re: Ley Lines

Post by sillyoldman »

Thanks again for your help.There is a place I go to in Northern Ontario that has become like a magnet drawing me there just about every summer for years.From some of the charts I have there is a Lay Line that run down the side of lake Superior that runs through the area.The place I go to is called Agawa Rock and can be found on the net.There are pictographs there that date back hundreds of years.The earliest of them were done by an Algonquin Shaman and beliefs are that it is a portal to the underworlds.I have used it mainly for grounding and giving thanks to Mother Earth and the One.There is a sense of power there like no place I have ever been.

This is probably the last time I will be able to get there as age and disabilities are making it hard for me to get around anymore and I want to make the best of it.In my quest for knowledge time is beginning to run short.
just a silly old man who knows nothing and has everything to learn.
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Re: Ley Lines

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

I know how to decode old pictographs...

I shall look into this for you, and see if I can help. I do understand, as I am 62, and as much as I know, there is still much on this side of the bridge to learn. (I know the Pillars Of Tubal Cain , by the way)

Be well, my friend
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Re: Ley Lines

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

I wonder if this water underlies the area you speak of ?

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Re: Ley Lines

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

Got it!

Using the old code I can tell you one very important thing.
To understand, go here :
http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 35026.html

Look at the dual eight column of runes...
In Voodoo, I already know these columns are the two snakes Rainbow and Black.
The columns have a number value 994
Two = 279
Water = 90
Snakes = 231
Mishiginebekoog = 309
Payuurt-Eel ( Old word for Portal )
= 995

Look down linked page and you shall see chart with Runes/pronunciations/letter values.
Look for Payuurt and Eel.
Now look for meaning sheets for Runes.
You shall find Payuurt and Eel together mean "vibrational bridge"
How do I know this is correct?

Because a Seminole-Colusa Elder and I were speaking of portals and we discussed the code, the symbols, and spelling, as well the meaning.

This tells me there *is* a portal there and if you look at the rune Payuurt and turn it on its side you get the shape of the boat in the petroglyph and if you check meaning Eel can mean an "eel," or water serpent/snake (by the way you are looking at the Pillars of Tubal Cain, by one of many names).

Thanks for the info and unknowing/unintentional challenge to me!

Hope that confirmation helps.

There is more I can tell you in a pm.
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Re: Ley Lines

Post by kevin »

IMHO, And after years of detecting, plotting , checking and checking at megalithic sites, churches and cathedrals, but most importantly in nature........

Leylines are of universe, the form a lattice matrix where multiple dimensions exist as memory.
We are consequences of 3D, there been Omni present multiple dimensions.

Leylines are where super high frequency carrier waves of universe enable consciousness to flow along those lines.
The lines are straight, but enable consciousness to trip from line to line akin to water , it always goes towards least resistance.

There is therefore the most important dual aspect to leylines most commonly not recognised...
The one inch wide lattice matrix.
That which travels along that web.

The geometry of universe is fixed, as universe is a solid, this is where instant communication , and the ability to trip across dimensions is achieved.

I am a dowser , a very experienced and very attuned one, I can switch about the leyline matrix and consciousness flows at will, it is measurable and our ancestors were clearly well in touch, as is most of nature.
most humans are veiled from it's existence, and invented religions locks them into ego based indoctrinations, You upon here have a better connection to nature and it's wonderous ways.

Where huge numbers of crossing leylines meet there are portals where it is far easier to trip across dimensions and time, I have experienced this by accident and by design, but it needs intent and a strong personal consciousness field to achieve this.
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Re: Ley Lines

Post by SpiritTalker »

http://www.nlvocables.com/images/tellur ... lurics.jpg

I've come to think of these as dragon lines, dragons being the teluric currents. One of the earliest concepts of the earth god/dess was as the snake that burrowed in the earth. That would be the teluric currents people (me included) felt moving under the surface of the ground.

I suspect these lines are the etheric threads, cords and rods that I follow in dreams to visit specific individuals. I find them via their personal threads, but the cords are popular routes and rods see heavy traffic.

I bring this up for one interested in dragons.
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Re: Ley Lines

Post by kevin »

There is a basic misunderstanding about leylines.

1...A lattice matrix of universe.
2...That which flows upon the lattice matrix.

Consciousness is that which flows, and does so in spiral fashion.
This leads to serpentine like flow routes that have been called dragons or serpents.

Once You become attuned to these flows, those dragons appreciate the recognition, so so many humans are veiled from experiencing them.
Volcanoes and earthquakes are consequences of consciousness overloads, so they are well depicted as fiery dragons.

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Re: Ley Lines

Post by Firebird »

We have a cave very near my town that has rock formations coming away from it that looks just like giant dragon claws. I wonder very much about this place because people have been drawn to this cave even long before it was opened to the public. The cave is at the edge of a mountain ridge that make me curious as to the lines that must be running along the ridge. As I understand the native people of the area had used the cave in their rituals and the property was own by a Chumash chief until he gifted the land to his daughter to live on with her new Hispanic husband.
The property gives me a connection the moment I step on to the trails of the place, yet it has a real high impact with visitors. Local people walk their dogs there and rarely pick up after them. It really angers me the lack of respect people have for this little canyon. For years the cave was beyond a chain link fence that was frequently cut. Now that the area is part of open space, the cave has been damaged quit a bit, with spray paint and broken glass being the bulk of damage, as well as stalactites that have been broken.
I'm curious about the lines that run strait. Do they ever bend? Kevin you speak of the spiral, are you saying the lines run strait as well as in a spiral? Is there a way to test these lines at the cave? some of them go strait up a cliff. It is a popular spot for rock climbers, some of whom shimmy up the interior of the cave opening with ropes, which is very long and tall yet narrow. (imagine a giant stone yoni) I'm pretty sure the rocks that form the dragon claws are running along a telluric current. Are the ley lines and telluric current one in the same?
Thanks, Firebird
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Re: Ley Lines

Post by SpiritTalker »

I've done some pendulum dowsing around my yard and it swung front to back (something like a straight line) in some areas and spun in circles (maybe something like a spiral) over others. I now know where the pipes are because of the broken water-main hassle in 2015 & pipes locations were flagged by the City. I'm not surprised that the pendulum spun over the places where the water pipes turned out to be.

But I've long wondered if teluric lines are geo-electric or geo-magnetic, or both, or if it makes a difference? And what's their relationship to sun light & solar flares that excite earthquakes & volcanoes.

I think Alex Watkins coined the term Ley Lines when he followed the sighted-by-eye paths or trackways that he viewed between Neolithic constructions, some rebuilt over with churches, and also found these were sites associated with underground springs. Tall stones got set like needles piercing the ground in those sites. Some also seemed to be along side migration routes. Were herds & geese following the grasses that grew where there was underground water?
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Re: Ley Lines

Post by kevin »

firebirdflys wrote:We have a cave very near my town that has rock formations coming away from it that looks just like giant dragon claws. I wonder very much about this place because people have been drawn to this cave even long before it was opened to the public. The cave is at the edge of a mountain ridge that make me curious as to the lines that must be running along the ridge. As I understand the native people of the area had used the cave in their rituals and the property was own by a Chumash chief until he gifted the land to his daughter to live on with her new Hispanic husband.
The property gives me a connection the moment I step on to the trails of the place, yet it has a real high impact with visitors. Local people walk their dogs there and rarely pick up after them. It really angers me the lack of respect people have for this little canyon. For years the cave was beyond a chain link fence that was frequently cut. Now that the area is part of open space, the cave has been damaged quit a bit, with spray paint and broken glass being the bulk of damage, as well as stalactites that have been broken.
I'm curious about the lines that run strait. Do they ever bend? Kevin you speak of the spiral, are you saying the lines run strait as well as in a spiral? Is there a way to test these lines at the cave? some of them go strait up a cliff. It is a popular spot for rock climbers, some of whom shimmy up the interior of the cave opening with ropes, which is very long and tall yet narrow. (imagine a giant stone yoni) I'm pretty sure the rocks that form the dragon claws are running along a telluric current. Are the ley lines and telluric current one in the same?
Thanks, Firebird
As I detect....
The lines are one inch wide and are dead straight.
The geometry of crossing lines provides consciousness the chance to trip across from line to line ( it is consciousness that spirals) it does so always following the path of least resistance, this can be into a central zone, or out to the edge.

best visualization is of a whirlpool of water.

This two aspect of so called leylines is where all the confusion arises.
The lines are super high frequency carrier lines of universe.
Consciousness piggy backs along the lines enabling creation in 3D to occur.
This is why the planets and stars are spherical due to the polarity and equator formation in and out of the heart centre of all.
1..lattice matrix of straight lines.
2...consciousness travelling along lines.

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