Soaps, lip balm and more

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Soaps, lip balm and more

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Hey all, Rosie here. Haven't been posting much lately but I'm still here. I'm a hobbyist and I love to try new things. I think the next hobby I'm going to try is homemade soap. I'm actually more interested in creating scents and colors for the soap rather than the soap itself, so I'll be purchasing all natural homemade soap base, melting it down and adding essential oils, herbs, etc. I'm also going to try to make some natural lip balm for the winter. Does anyone else make their own soap or skin products? Anyone here into aromatherapy? I figure learning up on aroma therapy wouldn't hurt me in this venture. Would love to get a conversation going about this and to share tips!

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Re: Soaps, lip balm and more

Post by Firebird »

Ready to wash up!
Ya know...the only soaps I have ever made were from shaved mini bars, like the kind you get at a motel/hotel. Then I may add a scant amount of some crushed lavender or other herbs. Add a few sprinkles of water to get the shaving to stick together. Also with these shavings it's easy to put a crystal to recharge ones self in the center then mold the soap ball in your hands. I have also used small apache tears and crushed patchouli, for a grounding wash experience.
These look real cool when you get a mix of clear or amber soaps mixed with white. I suppose color could be added, but what kind I'm not sure.
Oils I think would clash with the already scented bars, haven't tried that.
I love essential olis though. I'll be back with more on that.
You have pictures? Would love to see the finished product :fairy:
Bb, Firebird
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Soaps, lip balm and more

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Hey FF! Thanks for the reply! I don't have pictures because I haven't actually made anything yet. Ha! I've been doing TONS of research though!

I've located a supplier of aloe infused melt and pour soap just 2 hours away from where I live. I'll be able to melt it down and add my own herbs, oils, etc. I ordered a silicone loaf mold online for about $15 which I'm kinda disappointed in. It's seems small for the price. But I wasn't sure if I could just line my bread pan with clear rap and be okay..? I know it's not good to make soap in the same stuff you cook in so I just went ahead and ordered it.

I grow my mind own herbs so I've got that part covered but I am having a hard time finding the best place to buy the essential oils. I want organic, but that can be pricey.. I read a book on essential oils to learn about working with them, safety precautions, etc.

I never thought about putting crystals or gemstones in the soaps, what a nifty idea!!

I bought a book on soap making with a few recipes in it. One recipe was for peppermint & tea tree with poppy seeds for an exfoliant. They sell the same soap at Whole Foods so I bought it and I loved it! So I can't wait to make that one.

Rosemary is one of my favorite smells ever and I know it smells "piney" but it smells so clean and so fresh to me. I'd like to make a rosemary scented soap.

As for lip balms I got sort of tripped up on what to put them in. I think the small tins are probably the best. I originally wanted the tubes but looked into other idea when it hit me the tubes were made of plastic..

When I do finally make something, I will definitely share pictures.

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Re: Soaps, lip balm and more

Post by Firebird »

Ya know,
One thing that I have found really useful is scrubs.
I made a real cool one with sugar, olive oil, vitamine c crystals, and a drop or two of orange es oil. It's practicality edible!
Another one has coconut oil sugar and tea tree oil. The only drawback is it seems to make the shower floor all slippery.
Lip balms are harder. ..I've had some sucess with skin healing salves healing salves.
I usually use coconut oils and beeswax as a base.
I think your idea of avoiding plastics is a good one.
I cant wait to see a pic!
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Soaps, lip balm and more

Post by RosieMoonflower »

So one of my gal pals who I go camping with sells EO's through doTerra. I'm meeting with her on Monday to talk. She really wants me to become a "wellness advocate" and sell EO's too.

Normally I wouldn't even consider getting into direct selling/pyramid earning (scheme) type investments, but I'm actually considering this one. I'm in a rut right now I feel. My job is a serious source of stress and depression for me. But, I feel trapped in it because I can't do anything else. That's why I need my hobbies and creative outlets but currently I feel like I don't have any.

I would at the very least be getting a discount on the EO's I was wanting to buy to put in the soaps anyways, and at most I could maybe make a little extra income because I do not work in the summers. Anyways, do you have any opinions on this company or business model?

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Re: Soaps, lip balm and more

Post by Firebird »

Oi...I'm not sure youre going to like my opinion of that company.
I ran into them at a vinyard affair and a park festival in my moms town. Maybe it was just these vendors but I didn't like their attitude which was one of...if you don't do our products you are a looser in life. Ok so no one said that in so many words. But that was the basic message, and this one vendor scoffed at my knowledge of oils. (The one at the vinyard) I looked over their prices and was horrified. Their resale prices are at least double of most retail stores and triple in some cases. Their wholesale is no better. (I buy my oils wholesale with Aura Cacia), and I see that doTerra's wholsale prices are double triple and quadruple on a few of the more exotic oils.
I do not want to discourage a business venture for you but please take what ever they say with a grain of salt. I feel they cater to the rich. Because who the heck has 40 dollars to shell out for patchouli when when one can get it for 20 at thier local health food store?
Pyramid schemes got me once when I was about 27, we were going to sell water filters. ..and they are great, I still use the one we bought then.... just changing out the core ever year or so. (Used to be 30 for the core filter now its 90) I never did get rich though, and it turned into a huge pain...I'm also not much of a sales person so that may have had quite a bit to do with the lack of success.
Sorry to be a downer, just remember if it sounds too good to be true...consider that it might.
Love you!
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Soaps, lip balm and more

Post by RosieMoonflower »

No worries! I'm glad you would be honest! I went to check out a couple of health food stores in town that sell EOs and thu had the brand you mentioned, Aura Cacia. I guess the only thing to do is purchase a few different brands and see which I prefer.

The doTerra is super expensive compared to one of the least expensive ones offered in the store. And, that least expensive brand had some large quantities that may be useful when making lots of soap, but what about quality?

I assume since you use aura acacia you would vouch for it's quality? I still plan to meet my friend and at least hear what she has to say, but I may not go for the business venture. I don't really need the money (I mean sure it never hurts), but I do need the outlet. I've always wanted to find the perfect creative outlet that also helps people, so maybe this is it. And, maybe it's not. Maybe it's soap, or lip balm, or some hobby I've yet to try..

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Re: Soaps, lip balm and more

Post by Firebird »

Yea! You go girl!
Let me know what you find out :)
Bb, FF
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Soaps, lip balm and more

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Well I'm back with some more info! I met with my friend who is a wellness advocate for doTerra and I think I've decided to join her team. She explained to me that it's about encouraging people to use essential oils and joining will allow me to buy the doTerra oils at a discount. So for my friend, if she signs me up she'll get paid each month that I order oils for myself.

As for price, they can be steep. Where a bottle of aura acacia would cost me about $9, doTerra is about $14. And that's eucalyptus a common EO so some of the more exotic ones are much more pricey. I also checked the prices compared to Young Living, and they are very comparable to doTerra.

I purchased two bottles of aura acacia EO (eucalyptus and grapefruit) and have been using them and I will get my first 3 doTerra oils on Monday so that I can compare. I'll use them over time and see for myself if I feel there is really big difference in quality.

My online research has led me me realize that sourcing is obviously very important. DoTerra has lots of information out there about their sourcing, which I appreciate that they are concerned with this as well.

I'm interested in replacing cleaning chemicals in my home with these oils. I'm about to run a load of laundry and add some of the grapefruit oil to it for the first time and see how that goes. I'm also excited about creating some natural body mists. I put the eucalyptus in my rainmate last night, not quite as good as a defuser but it still worked and slept like a baby...

If one of them just give me energy then I would be set! Can't get myself off the couch today. I just turn into a sloth on my days off.. lol

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Re: Soaps, lip balm and more

Post by Mr Crowley »

There are a zillion ways to make silicone molds, on the cheap. I have my own way of doing things, so I don't want to critique. The important thing: they get the job done.

Set up the blob of silicone as done in this vid. That way, your mold has a flat base. Keep your hands very slicked with heavy soap-water mix, and it won't stick to your hands.

Mold around the object, as in this vid. Wet the buck (the piece you are molding) with soapy water.

Spend some time watching the 'tube, and the world will open up.
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Re: Soaps, lip balm and more

Post by Firebird »

I hope it works well for you Rosie, please let us know what you find about the quality and what not. Quality es oil will also smell good burned on a charcoal. If it has a petroleum-ish undertone then it has been mixed with something.
I'm not much of a sales person so this would be a difficult endeavor, I noticed 2 meetup groups near my moms musta been the group I ran into at the vinyard. How do they reccomend you get the word out?
I also have a question, how much did it cost to buy into their team?
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Soaps, lip balm and more

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Hey Ff! Well I am loving my doTerra oils! I can't believe how good they smell! Maybe it's the scents but I'm fonder of smelling them directly from the bottle than the Aura Cacia ones I bought. I got lemon, lavender and peppermint in a doTerra "introductory kit" that I bought from my friend I've been mentioning in the previous posts for $20. The bottles are 5ml each and came with about 20 tips on how to use them.

The peppermint is so sweet I could just smell it for hours. As opposed to the eucalyptus I got from Aura Cacia which was nice but I could only smell so much and then I needed to take it away. Again, it could be the scents are just different and maybe I prefer peppermint to eucalyptus.

I put the lemon onto the plastic soles of one of my favorite pair of ballerina flats that are so old they are very stinky and spread it around, and now they smell amazing and so fresh and lemony! (Not a ballerina, that's what you call the little flat shoes with closed toes and no heal that women wear for anyone reading who didn't know)

I used the lavender as perfume today and it was very nice, but it didn't last very long. After being at work for an hour, I couldn't smell it anymore, but I think that's probably true for my store bought perfumes as well. The 5 ml bottles are easy to carry along so I may put inside a drawstring bag or small coin purse or something and carry in my purse for reapplication.

I'm no sales person either. I remember working for a clothing store on commission once and the boss threatened to fire me because my sales were so low. I just couldn't convince people to buy expensive clothes they didn't need. So I got a job as a waitress where I thrived because people who come into a restaurant already know they want to eat, I just have to help them choose. And, I was never one much for upselling, same thing, just wasn't my nature to try to run up someone's bill without them realizing. But, I do always share helpful information with people all the time. I can't help it, someone mentions something and my brain just kicks on with vomiting any helpful information I have on the subject. So as far as being able to share information on the oils and how I use them, I think I would be able to do that.

I asked her the how they recommend getting the word out and she said they recommend 1 on 1 meetings with friends and people who are interested in essential oils. She said they sell all kinds of tools and kits you can use for demonstrations and such. I also did some research online and there is some GREAT info on YouTube, and someone on there suggested teaching classes about essential oils locally to bring in clients who are already interested in your product. Makes sense to me.

The cheapest enrollment kit is $150, plus tax and shipping which is $3.99 flat rate in the US. But, you get your shipping back in "points". The more you buy, the more points you get. You can cash your points in for free products, but the more points you have, the bigger the discount you get on your orders. Also, if your points fall below 100, you don't get a discount at all.

You can see the enrollment kits on I was all over that site before I met with my friend on Monday to pick up my little $20 kit so I unloaded questions on her. I actually took one negative away from that meeting and that was that she is not that confident in her knowledge about how the company works.. so I hope I'm giving you the correct information. It's just her personality, she's very laid back and go with the flow type, and she's not a detail oriented person. I'm not really either but when it comes to a business venture, I want the full details. I remember there were many questions I had that she was like "I'm not sure, but I think it works like this...." Oy vey...

I love the oils though and I would use them anyways, so I'm planning to get an enrollment kit at the end of this month. When I do, I'll get all the brochures and go over it myself and make sure I know exactly how it works. And, I'll be sure to share!

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Re: Soaps, lip balm and more

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Well, I finally made something! I made some lip balm today! I did end up ordering plastic containers for them.. I did a lot of research and chose a purple plastic container that is recyclable and honestly, I plan to reuse them.

I made 2 batches. One without any Shea butter & one with. I used peppermint oil and they are both awesome! The one with the Shea butter is more like what you would expect lip balm or chapstick to be like. The one with no Shea butter has beeswax and coconut oil and it rubs on a little easier and has more of a greasy feel where the other has more of a waxy feel. The one with the Shea butter is the more yellow one.


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Re: Soaps, lip balm and more

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Update: the one minus the Shea butter is preferred. It is more the consistency of chap stick and it doesn’t dry your lips out. So just coconut oil, beeswax, and essential oils. Also, these containers suck when the run low.. the balm gets all in your fingernails. Should have just bought the tubes and refilled them.

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