"Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

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"Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by birublackzoey »

Recently, I attended a talk on plants and forest bathing, where the film Love Thy Nature was shown.
It was run of the mill environmental message, an attempt to connect the dots regarding pollution, social responsibility and such.

However, there were parts which were insightful, such as a short animation which shows the timeline of human history against the existence of the Earth. If the period of the Earth's existence was 24hrs, humans have only been on it for about 3 seconds out of those 24 hours.

Yet the damage we have done has been monumental, and near to irreversible. It affirms the perspective that I have gained during my spiritual studies and meditation, and certain revelations that have been shared about the survival of our race. I wept at the first few times this was made known to me via synchronicities and signs, but over time, with the grace of the universe, I have accepted that this might be a very real possibility for our kind.

One last section that really stood out from the film was shared by a cosmologist and professor named Brian Swimme. He dispelled the misconception that we are alive simply because of the phenomenon known as the Goldilocks Zone, where the conditions are just right for the growth and evolution of Life. That we are alive simply just by accident.

He shared that the opposite is true. As the strength of the sun was much weaker a few million years ago, the Earth formed a layer of ozone and carbon dioxide, to act as a greenhouse trapping both heat and light and utilising this to nurture and cultivate its Life. And as the sun grew stronger over time, the Earth adjusted and reformulated this layer to keep its surface cooler. However, humans have been upsetting this, enter Global Warming.

Essentially, the Earth has been regulating her own temperature for million of years, and not just adapting but making active choices to prolong its life and the continual growth of the species that she has allowed to fruit. The Earth is alive and conscious on a scale that we have not begun to discuss yet as a race.

I left the theatre very shaken - however while looking around, I saw that none of the other attendees seem moved or shocked. I am still very much moved today almost a week later, as during the past few days, I have learned to see and perceive Reality with yet new eyes once again. The lessons keep coming and I keep being humbled by them.

The live Earth (Mother Nature, Gaia, etc) has always been something we felt was real, and human hubris always positioned it such that We needed to protect the Earth, to save her. But in truth, we have to save ourselves, and now I believe even Science has affirmed it. We are simple making it harder for ourselves to exist, the Earth will go on, it will normalise and it will continue to live free from humans.

I take all these as signs of a spiritual shift that we will be required of the human race collectively, in the next few decades.
While I do hope that we will make it, judging from the absence of reaction from being told that the Earth is a live conscious being,
I am also fully prepared, mentally and spiritually, that our time of this wonderful magnificent planet will be over sooner more than later.

As practitioners and believers, what are some other revelations and messages that has been shared to you, either through your studies or other spiritual means?

And what are some ways for the magical community to reconnect the human race to our origins, which reshape our shared destiny?
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by Firebird »

Pretty stunning. Your post is of the stuff that lingers in the back of my mind constantly. I really feel like we have done this planet a huge disservice and in such a short amount of time. Then we have leaders who want to blow each other up and don't believe in global warming. The thing that bugs me is why cannot every one see this? It is clearly before our eyes in the form of forest rape, smog, litter, paving of the earth, toxifying our animals and ourselves with chemicals, a ocean made into plastic soup. Yet no one really talks about the Pacific ocean. After Fukushima who would eat a fish caught from there? This to me is the most frightening considering all the water on the planet has touched all the water on the planet. Um ...what was the half life of this stuff? Yea the earth will go on. Just wish those who wave the big wands would see the planet for the living being that she is. Remember Horton hears a Who? Heck we could be that little speck.
You've mentioned forest bathing a couple times now, I've not heard this term but I'm getting a visual of running around in the forest skyclad. :mrgreen:
Or is it more like the quote by Muir?, "The Mountains are calling and I must go" where one would indeed encounter forest.
BB, Firebird
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by birublackzoey »

firebirdflys wrote: You've mentioned forest bathing a couple times now, I've not heard this term but I'm getting a visual of running around in the forest skyclad. :mrgreen:
Or is it more like the quote by Muir?, "The Mountains are calling and I must go" where one would indeed encounter forest.
Thank you for your reply - this video offers a relatively quick look into Forest Bathing.


but essentially, it is a mix of walking meditation, mindfulness and just connecting back with Nature.
Funny you should mention Muir! One of my most favourite quotes by him is:
"One touch of Nature makes the whole world kin."

From a spiritual perspective, and indeed the concept of the Earth as a live being, it is like returning to origin,
and being in soft fascination with the Life within and all around.
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by Tylluan »

I feel such grief at the harm we've caused the planet. I do get especially annoyed with Witches and Pagans who don't try and do anything to help. We need to be Plastic Free Witches. We need to stop ordering 'stuff' online because our polyester cape makes us feel like a Witch. We need to worship our local stones instead of importing and mining pretty stones and crystals. We need to learn our local plants and what they do before we ship over something from another country.

We need to be the eco warriors and push for change. Otherwise isn't our Nature loving path a sham?
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by Firebird »

Oh yeah! I love John Muir, my hero :D
We have some quotes here of his, the one you posted is in there too! http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 36056.html
Also I wrote a little story about a trip to the mountains, guess forest bathing has be present most of my life! http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 28360.html

Once upon a time a message came to my ears, seemed to come from the Goddess herself, it was a very long time ago now, I was in circle face down crying to her about the state of things, and she said yes, it will be bad, and a few will survive. It scared the bleep out of me it was such a definitive answer. The time frame though, was totally unclear.

Here's the band Omnia, they have great pagan music, and one that speaks in this vein a bit (warning...some disturbing imagry)

We have to do what we can locally, encourage the young one to be guardians, enjoy what we have while we are here, be excellent to each other.
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by T'a Nuk »

Tylluan wrote:I feel such grief at the harm we've caused the planet. I do get especially annoyed with Witches and Pagans who don't try and do anything to help. We need to be Plastic Free Witches. We need to stop ordering 'stuff' online because our polyester cape makes us feel like a Witch. We need to worship our local stones instead of importing and mining pretty stones and crystals. We need to learn our local plants and what they do before we ship over something from another country.

We need to be the eco warriors and push for change. Otherwise isn't our Nature loving path a sham?
Charity begins at home. How can one claim to be practicing any form of Earth spirituality and not be pissed off just watching the news or even looking at what is on the shelves of any retailer? Show love to yourself by living a healthy lifestyle that benefits the planet. Support local eco-minded agriculture and food producers. Say 'NO!' to Wal Mart and their ilk. Go outside barefoot. Greet the plants and insects in your own backyard, make a bird feeder or birdbath for the local creatures, walk on the dirt and grass, touch the water, breathe the air while we have it. How about pick up a piece of trash, walk a block instead of driving or get on a bike. The Earth does not suffer so that some can claim a fashionable religion.
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by birublackzoey »

firebirdflys wrote:Oh yeah! I love John Muir, my hero :D
We have some quotes here of his, the one you posted is in there too! http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 36056.html
Also I wrote a little story about a trip to the mountains, guess forest bathing has be present most of my life! http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... 28360.html

Here's the band Omnia, they have great pagan music, and one that speaks in this vein a bit (warning...some disturbing imagry)

We have to do what we can locally, encourage the young one to be guardians, enjoy what we have while we are here, be excellent to each other.
Blessings, Firebird
Thank you for sharing! Humanity has such a love affair with Nature, it is so beautiful and gives me hope that we can pull through. May I make my own contribution and sharing in the form of Bjork's Earth Intruders.

In it, she gives homage to our origins, out of divine milk and primordial waters (evolution) but that we have lost our way and that we are equally responsible in being an Earth Warrior or an Earth Intruder. The whole song is a call to arms back to Consciousness - and the video a poetic visual summary of humanity of how we went from mud and bone to metal bullets and carnage.

Mid way into the song, she also paints an almost a ritualistic scene of guiding her bones (which she often uses in her songs, to represent her structures of knowledge) through an electrically charged and purifying Ether. And the end, she also asks the Earth to forgive the human tribe as we try to make amends.

While Bjork has never identified her faiths/religious beliefs, being Icelandic there is that reverence to Nature, that comes out in her body of work. She is an Earth sister for sure, gifted with such vocal strength and expression with growls and operatic range. In the video, her eyes are fully closed throughout, she sings this song almost in prayer.


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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by Juniper »

I think one of the biggest ways to reconnect is to simply be out in nature. Spend less time inside, no air conditioning, maybe spend as much time backpacking and camping as you can. Stop listening and reading about statistics, get out and feel them. The heartbeat of all nature,in all things. It's hard to care for something if you're disconnected from it, so simply reconnect. I know the earth is waiting with arms wide open!
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by birublackzoey »

Juniper wrote:I think one of the biggest ways to reconnect is to simply be out in nature. Spend less time inside, no air conditioning, maybe spend as much time backpacking and camping as you can. Stop listening and reading about statistics, get out and feel them. The heartbeat of all nature,in all things. It's hard to care for something if you're disconnected from it, so simply reconnect. I know the earth is waiting with arms wide open!
I agree with you completely!

However in the forest bathing groups, or walking meditations we have done, it is hard for people to connect even when they are literally standing in Nature. It is a deep conditioning we have had, mentally, spiritually and psionically to not handle our own thoughts properly and then distract it with people, things, social media. At this stage, many are not able to allow their mind to cease and be quieten enough to connect to the inner Life within and Life that is all around them.

One of the feedback was: "This is the first time i spent so long in Nature and walking around on grass. I keep thinking about home and what is next, I think the bugs are too loud, and I keep sweating so its hard to concentrate on being calm. I also worry what is going to drop down from these trees. I think everything was ok, except for walking meditation - im just walking on grass. i dont get that."

So unlike what you have replied, it takes a skilled and intuitive guide to bring them through, and bring their attention to some smaller things, that would ordinarily be missed. A good guide will be able to "switch" the gears, and introduce a higher sensitivity to the participant. Upon connection, many things can happen, my own i will describe as "soft fascination", accurate to the earlier video link - but others have desrcibed a "safety" or even "love" and "gratitude" element in their experience.

It is baby steps, remember to take an animal born and raised in captivity and suddenly thrust it back into its natural habitat is still stressful. That is the sad state of things, but I always believe in the right timing and opening for the individual. Listening to the inner voice that craves Nature and following it will shape a smoother and fruitful transition.
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by Firebird »

birublackzoey wrote: I also worry what is going to drop down from these trees.
:lol: That cracked me up. You know I forget sometimes how hard it must be for those who live surrounded by cement to get out and experience nature, though I may be with that person in the sense that your forest is tropical I presume, the bugs must be giant, and what else? Do you guys have monkeys? I hear they can be mean, that would freak me out a bit. We only have to concern ourselves with rattlesnakes and a possible mountain lion in California. Bears I'm less concerned with, in Mammoth we had one come thruogh camp every morning, but I believe we placed our tent next to his trail to town where he hoped to get in a dumpster. Once in Yosemite a bear went around the kids tent then went to ravage the neighbors ice chest of watermelon and steak. Most places provide a bear box these days, we never had that growing up, but mom and dad always had the pots and pans ready to bang together, and used them quite occasionally to scare them off.
I attempt to take a trash bag with me whenever I'm out and about on the land, feels like such a drop in the bucket though. I try to think of what it must have been like 50, 100, 200 years ago, yea...it has not taken long to get this messed up, makes me wonder how anyone managed to survive before their cars, and jets and phones. As a child I remember being able to drink out of a clear running stream on our many hiking excursions, one rarely brought water if hike was where water ran. You cannot do that now, all water must be treated even in the back country. That really makes me sad.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by SpiritTalker »

Tylluan wrote:?.. ... We need to worship our local stones instead of importing and mining pretty stones and crystals. We need to learn our local plants and what they do before we ship over something from another country... ... ?
Yes. We can connect best right where we are with what's under our noses and do better with less costuming & play acting. Take the time to really know what attaches our souls to this one planet.
The Crafting community could make the individual effort to experience it's indiginous roots so as to personally experience awareness of Gaia Conscioisness. Then awareness can spread exponentially. With awareness as "cause" comes natural "effect" on behaviors.
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by Juniper »

I apologize for my rash response earlier. In my mind it's simple to love,respect,honor and praise the earth,nature, mother,however you name it. I wasn't thinking how hard it must be for some ,most, people. I'm totally at ease and happy sitting in a forest,or just outside, enjoying nature. Most people think they are above and maybe not even part of it. I'm sitting at a reenactment in southern Illinois right now. People set up their tents and then left. One couple is in an r.v., 2 more rented hotels and the rest went home. I'm enjoying the almost full moon, a southerly breeze,and crickets chirping by myself. Surrounded by red oaks and one gnarly old locust who's full of himself. And I'm thinking everyone is missing this!! I worked at a dairy plant in st.louis for 18 years. Concrete jungle for sure. But I was amazed by how the grass,weeds, plants would grow thru the cracks in the asphalt. It was a 3 story building and from a window I could look down on the second story and see a maple tree growing out of the debris caught on the roof. He lasted 6 years until the engineers were out making a repair one day. I seen them and yelled out hey just dig it up and I'll replant it. They looked at me like I was nuts and just snipped it off. I had a lump in my throat and tears I had to hold back. To them it was just a tree, to me it was a living being with a story. I see what you mean about a gradual step back into where we belong and what were a part of. Hopefully it becomes a reality.
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by Firebird »

I think more people have trouble with it than we would think. I believe the majority of city folk think nature is something dirty that needs to be tamed and controlled. As you pointed out, Juniper, stuff grows through the cracks, it's amazing how fast she takes back her planet.
My Bio moms idea of camping is the Holiday Inn, thank God she didn't raise me.
What we would give to be able to stay onsite at Ren Faire.!!! Not allowed anymore here. Talk about connecting with the genus loci, sleeping on the ground is really the best way to get energized by the land the you occupy in the moment. You know as we say back when the Faire was "perfect" you basically lived on the land for the duration of Faire, about two months. Some of the stones I connected with on that land have been some of the most powerful I've ever encountered. Enjoy your self out there! sounds lovely.
bb, Firebird
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by L.J.Hex »

Btw, have you guys looked at videos and pictures from Chernobyl as it is today? The radiation is still in the soil of course, but the nature is thriving there like crazy... Just bit over thirty years of no people messing with anything and the place is teeming with life.

Kind of unique look on what would happen if there would be some kind of an apocalyptic event and all people went away. The planet is fine, its we who are f*cked. (I think that's from George Carlin if I'm not mistaken.)

Btw, about forest bathing and such, come to Finland, in here you can walk in any forest you like and there's one usually just minutes away no matter where you are.
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by barker »

LJ: I now this is not quite on thread but may I share - the chemical reaction that is nuclear is of the same quantity and quality of an orgasm, plus a soul is a holographic macro/microcosm that chooses... Now, isn't that a sane thought? For those to be "beautiful"... of course.
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