Hex's youtube channel

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Hex's youtube channel

Post by L.J.Hex »

I mentioned somewhere that I'm a musician, kind of semi-pro / serious hobby level. I've been playing drums for twenty five years, piano, mouth harp and some traditional instruments and I also sing. Mainly just drums these days. I do drum and vocal covers for fun and post stuff of my bands there too. There's some live videos, quite old at the moment, some are studio recordings and then there's rehearsal tapes.

Most of the stuff is heavy metal of some kind, but there's other things too. Pretty much what ever I come up, which is interesting to play. I've had a long break from making videos, but I'm planning on something new during the winter.

Check it out. :)

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTNgER ... subscriber
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Re: Hex's youtube channel

Post by Firebird »

Hey pretty cool. :D I'm not much of a death metal kind of girl but I really like the Sandman cover and the Mozart ...then (10 years ago) and Now! Excellent drumming, :fairy:
...will you teach me ? :roll:
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Re: Hex's youtube channel

Post by L.J.Hex »

Thanks. :D

I should pick up the pace and make some new stuff, I have a long list of songs I would want to do.... Its just laziness.
Sure, I'll give you lessons if you happen to be around the neighbourhood. :flyingwitch: ::coolglasses::
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Re: Hex's youtube channel

Post by Firebird »

LoL I'll beam myself right over :fairy:
Say, what sort of pagan bands do you appreciate?
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Hex's youtube channel

Post by L.J.Hex »

Good question, these days I don't listen to that stuff as much as I used to. Hedningarna is an awesome one, Swedish/Finnish band, split up already, but their music is awesome. Not metal, more like pop/rock mixed with traditional music. Their bands name means "heathens" or "pagans" in Swedish, so it gives the idea outright. (My brothers ex wife used to be their vocalist in nineties.)

Metsatöll is rather good band, folk metal from Estonia. Their lyrics are heavy on the folk tradition stuff, pretty much like my own band used to be. Thy Serpent is another awesome one, Finnish band, not split up but they have been on indefinite hiatus since early 2000's. Their music is closer to typical black metal, also their lyrics to some extent. I got my signature here from a Thy Serpent song. Take a listen to their "Forests Of Witchery" album(Their debute from 1996 and clearly the best they've done so far.), even if you don't like growl vocals, the melodies are greater than life and sure to make your imagination run wild.

Then there's Skyforger from Latvia, one of my favourite pagan metal bands, although its been ages I listened to these guys. My musical interests have drifted away from pagan/folk stuff quite a lot and to be honest, I have long periods when I listen to no music at all. Playing with several bands does it for me, making our own music gives me enough music so I some times listen nothing at all for weeks or even months... Its a periodic thing for me like many other interests I have, I move on and get back into it later when the time feels right. :) In very much same way I had my craft brewing up for the summer only to get more active now.
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Re: Hex's youtube channel

Post by Firebird »

So I hadn't heard of any of those bands, thanks for the heads up.
I liked the Forest of Witchery, however I listened to a couple others by them and it's a bit too death metal for me. The Skyforger vid called Kurshi started out real great with the beach scene but then got to heavy for me however their Acoustic Folk Set was awesome I really enjoyed that. I 'll have to take a look at the others and get back to you, I really appreciate being opened up to new pagan bands. I would never have know about my 2 favorites if it weren't for you tube, Omnia and Faun and recently am liking the grungy sound of Wardruna. But now I feel as though I'm derailing your thread. I'll be perusing your videos :D
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Re: Hex's youtube channel

Post by L.J.Hex »

Thy Serpent is what they call "dark metal". Its like black metal but without most of the typical satanic lyrics and often more melodic. (Btw, I hate the splintering of metal into gazillion subgenres which mostly aren't genres at all) Did you listen the outro of the Forests Of Witchery album, Wine From Tears? Its amazing, almost ambient like with HUGE melodies. :)

Two others to check out, not that much pagan perhaps, but very good folk/trad. style stuff, Värttinä is a good one from Finland, mostly traditional or trad. style lyrics, deep in the ancient Finnish style. (Btw, Finnish spells by tradition are usually sung in a poetic way with the first syllable rhyme, typically in 5/4 timebase.) Another great band to check out is Myllärit, they're from Petroskoi in Russian Karelia. They sing in Finnish and Karelian language mostly, also quite deep in the traditional stuff, their music has bit of pop influence.

I wont mind going bit off topic on this thread as a lot of this stuff has to do with things I play and listen anyway. It sort of ties in with what I have on my channel, so no problem. :D
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Re: Hex's youtube channel

Post by Firebird »

lol, I guess I really don't know the difference of the "metal" definitions, Perhaps you could outline that?
I'm really old rock school, if it can be called that? My favorite bands of all time are the Doors and Led Zeppelin.
I look your suggestions up! thanks :D
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Re: Hex's youtube channel

Post by L.J.Hex »

Yea, I could split some hairs with different kinds of heavy metal for you.... But that post will take a while to type. :D
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Re: Hex's youtube channel

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Um hummmm, we have gone well beyond classical, rock, pop jazz, blues, folk, country, (which in my opinion has turned into rock), Eh?
It's hard to keep up. I really like most music, although I don't care for rap unless it's Blondies little rif in Rapture! LoL the original rapper!
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Re: Hex's youtube channel

Post by L.J.Hex »

firebirdflys wrote:Um hummmm, we have gone well beyond classical, rock, pop jazz, blues, folk, country, (which in my opinion has turned into rock), Eh?
It's hard to keep up. I really like most music, although I don't care for rap unless it's Blondies little rif in Rapture! LoL the original rapper!

Rap these days isn't even rap any more, its audio vomit. I used to listen to 80's US rap when I was kid, back then they did some good stuff. These days its just lazy, obnoxious bullshit lyrics and premade beats without anything "real" to it. Well, mostly. I don't follow any of it, I can't stand it.

Youn were interested about different flavours of heavy metal so here we go, I'll give you little idea about the main genres these days. :)
1. Classic heavy metal & NWOBHM(New wave of British heavy metal.)
Old school stuff, there's some differing opinions of what goes under this one. I tend to bunch up all the good old heavy under this banner. Stuff like Black Sabbath, Dio, Iron Maiden, Angel Witch, Motörhead, Anvil, and so on. Its like rock, but usually faster with way heavier sound, usually clean high pitched vocals. Think about rock on steroids with ton of power and speed in it. Pretty much every metalhead in existence likes some of this, no shit as that's where the roots are.

2. Thrash / Speed metal
It wasn't even called thrash in the beginning, they called it power metal or what ever. These days speed/thrash are thought to be somewhat different, but its pretty much the same stuff, that's one of the stupid "genre" differences people have made up. Thrash metal is like NWOBHM combined with hardcore punk in a way. Its fast as heck, the sound is often more punkish and harsh, its like 70's metal overdone with way more speed. Vocals are often on the verge of screaming, not as clean as in classic metal, but this depends on the band. Lot of fast and complicated guitar work, solos in almost every song. Drums are often double speed compared to old school metal, a lot of double bass. Often chaotic in a punkish manner. This is the genre I grew up with. Check out bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax, Exodus, Sepultura(Their 80's stuff), Kreator, Sodom, Annihilator, Charged, Stone, Airdash, Lääz Rokit, Morbid Saint to name some. There's ton of good bands, but this isn't about listing everything. :D My main band Antabus also plays 80's style thrash metal with a twist, you can find our stuff on my channel.

3. Death metal.
Death metal is a development of thrash into way darker lyrical concepts and heavier sound. This stuff started to show up around mid 80's. Often as fast as the slowest player in the band. This is the genre which made the growl vocals a thing. Low growling which sounds totally inhuman and is often so badly done you can't make out any words even though they are there. DM vocalist who actually makes the words audible just like that is a rare one. Often low tuned guitars and lot of bass/low frequencies in the mix. Its like thrash made more extreme. The old school death metal is quite different from the "technical" stuff they do these days.(Total garbage in my opinion, old school all the way or none at all.) Lyrics are often so gruesome and disgusting that its almost cartoonish, over the top what ever it is. There's gazillion death metal bands but some of the better ones in my opinion are Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Bolt Thrower, Edge of Sanity(Melodic/progressive dm.), Vomitory, Fleshcrawl, Demilich, Amorphis(Early.). There's again lot more but these are into my liking. I'm extremely picky about death metal as I don't like the trends of last twenty years or so, to me its not development, its just going down the drain.

4. Black metal
They speak of first and second and even third wave of black metal, I don't care about that. Black metal is black metal. Black metal is related to all of the above, but with clear difference to typical death metal. Many black metal musicians started with a death metal band, either got bored with it, or they jumped the bandwagon when black metal came trendy. Again often very fast music, usually more melodic than death metal, everything higher pitched, not so much emphasis on bass / low frequencies in the mix. Its like a opposing reaction to death metal almost. Very much alike, but at the same time very different. High pitched growl vocals are the norm. Riffs often sound like bees buzzing due to the speed, less rhythmic than death metal, atmospheric. The sound is raw and dark, often kind of "cold". The usual old school black metal is quite lo fi and not as polished and produced as death metal is. Typical lyrical theme is anti christian and/or satanic. Mostly its typical heavy metal stuff, but overdone to be as dark and grim as possible. Many black metal musicians are quite serious with the stuff or at least they want to give that image. I think black metal is some times too serious and unable to laugh at itself, there's a lot conflicting ideas. BM is much further away from thrash and old school heavy metal than any other genre in my opinion. There's again ton of good bands to check, here's some of my favourites. Emperor, Immortal(early), Thy Serpent, Behexen, Troll, Mayhem(anything up to Wolf's Lair Abyss, the newer stuff is garbage), Dimmu Borgir(First two albums). I play drums on Thelemic Gates, which is sort of atmospheric old school black metal with lyrical themes based on Thelema, I think you know Aleister Crowley? The guy who started the band is into that stuff, so its an atypical black metal band, no "satanic" stuff in it.

5. Folk / Pagan / viking metal.
We talked about this a bit earlier and I think you got the idea. Its usually heavy metal with influences from almost any other genre of metal combined with folk/pagan music and/or lyrical themes. Some bands are heavy on using traditional instruments(Like my previous band Auringon Hauta was.) Most band in this genre sing about their own countries traditions and mythology, but there's ton of viking metal bands from other countries for example. This genre is very varied and the sound can be almost anything. Its some times bit hard to put clear boundaries for it. There's for example clearly black metal bands who call it pagan metal because their lyrical concepts are not typical BM stuff and they want to draw a line there.

These I think are the clearly differing genres which are easy to recognise most of the time. There's a lot of cross over and splinter "genres" which aren't genres at all. I didn't list "nu metal" because that is no metal at all and I did lot of generalisation to make sense. Then I used the words often and usually a lot, that's because there's so much variation inside the genres and some bands have some unique thing which doesn't always fit with the norm. I almost wish we could go back in time to when heavy metal was heavy metal and that's it. Making up countless of sub genres with minimal differences just makes the whole thing a big mess. I hope this helps. :twisted:
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Re: Hex's youtube channel

Post by L.J.Hex »

I just uploaded our latest demo/ep on my channel.

Old school thrash metal with a twist. ;) The sound is like straight from 1988. Lyrics are criticism of today's society in a ironic way. No political correctness here and they can be interpreted in many ways. Little wonder that nobody seems to be offended so far. :twisted:

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Re: Hex's youtube channel

Post by L.J.Hex »

More drumming stuff coming soon. Not a cover this time, but a song or two from the black metal band I play with.

Guys are coming for a rehearsal today/tomorrow and I'm gonna do a drumcam video of some songs. :twisted:
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Re: Hex's youtube channel

Post by L.J.Hex »

Nope, it didn't happen. Our rehearsal with the black metal band was cut short due to equipment failure and we didn't record anything. Tough luck. But there's something more interesting coming up. On wednesday our thrash metal band goes on a little four day tour with good friends of ours and friend of mine is taking his go pro with him. I asked to record a gig or two as a drum cam video and I'm going to cut that to pieces and start uploading the gig(s) on my channel song by song. Hopefully the sound quality will be good enough.

Its going to be an exhausting week for sure, leaving wednesday morning, coming back on sunday afternoon, a gig per day, lot of setting up, tearing down, lot of mileage ahead and hopefully a lot of fun too. So stay tuned if you're into this stuff, I have never made live drum cam videos before. ::coolglasses::
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Re: Hex's youtube channel

Post by Astro Logical 1 »

Acting like a maniac


On the gopro note... fixed to the neck looking down the guitars, set up focused on the drum petals, and a cheap trick is to have a guy with a skateboard and a tripod duct taped to it do some panning cuts. Man if I was there I'd love to help you make some videos. I can't play an instrument at all but I do have a creative side for photography and video
Love and Blessings
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