Observantcat needs help.

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Re: Observantcat needs help.

Post by Observantcat »


I'm way past the traditional antibiotics. My body wont except them. I go into seizures, or my whole body is like it get's electrocuted with energy.

It's defiantly made me much more sensitive to energies.
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Re: Observantcat needs help.

Post by Observantcat »


Do you know if he practiced at all? If so, Did the Disease effect him negatively or positively?

I'm not sure if one of my replies posted or not, but to answer your question about the antibiotics, Unfortunately, I can not take them. My body will seize, feels like energy is electrocuting me, My whole body has gone numb before, several times.

thank you all of you kind answers. I feel like I have been pulled into something, since the passing of my parents.
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Re: Observantcat needs help.

Post by Corbin »

I sympathise if lyme disease has progressed into a chronic condition. I have RA. I wasn't cursed with it, despite it feeling like I am at the worst times. I have no-one to blame - which can be vexing (but probably for the best). It's a thief in the night. It has taught me however how to be stubborn. It hasn't beat me yet and I consider myself one of the very, very lucky ones. Pain writes beautiful poetry. It's strange how some things have the power to change a perspective on life.

So I would say - once you've checked for such things as curses, and done all the grounding and sealing you can - move on. Dont Labour in doubt or continue to focus energy into the negatives which you may be accidently perpetuating. Focus energy on the positives - not on curses but your quality of life and convalescence.

As Buddha implied (to paraphrase), suffering the wound of the first arrow is inevitable, suffering the pain of the second arrow is optional.

Be blessed, be strong and be well x
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Re: Observantcat needs help.

Post by Observantcat »


A lot from the checklist points to generational curse.

Great grandma died, my grandfather become ill.
My great aunt died, my grandmother suddenly had the exact same symptoms as her sister. Out of the blue.

My grandfather (My father) passed, I get hit with this.
Blood has RA, firbro/ thyroid issues. Didn't worsen until after fathers passing.

That being said,
It could be the stress from death.

I was likely born with LYME, but didnt come to surface until after fathers death.

I'm sure things like IV's/ Hyperbaric o2 chambers, and tons of other stuff too. Of course, everything out of pocket.

It's painstakingly, ironic for everything that has happened to be just, *chance*

I need to learn a ton about grounding, sealing, exc.

I've had no one over the years to really guide me in the process of wicca, exc. I know it existed through my father, talking about scary taro predictions. He eventually stopped, but I dont know why, but I do have and idea.

I do remember something though, when I was younger, I was scared to ask, but I picked up a bookstore BoS, which I got the feeling of, it was play for kinds. But I also picked up a taro deck. My father said, "its important to know if you are cursed, hex'd, exc."

I know he knew a bit, but what, I don't know.

Be Blessed,

Thank you so much for your insight!

Strong isnt a problem for me. I've suffered from something my entire life. This isnt anything but a big bully that needs to be sealed, destroyed, and bound. Whether it is mentally, or what. I also feel like an awakening is happening, like I'm being called, or pulled.

I'm definitely looking for mentors, and advisers that can point me in the right direction, to help me learn, grow, and possibly find out the source of, where it all started. I feel like, if I learn that, I can better understand why, what, and when things happened.

The repetition of numbers is happening too, along with seeing things, again. But, i'm not scared this time.

Someone with the similar voice, to whom I know, imitates the voice, and calls me by name.
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Re: Observantcat needs help.

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I'm sorry that you have RA, I suffer from painful joints too. I even have masses that will swell on my joints, then disappear.
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Re: Observantcat needs help.

Post by SpiritTalker »

I'm 66 y/o but my knees are 108. Biological heredity, life style, environment all take a toll. It's a funny thing about ancestors though, all mine are dead - godblessthem. Spiritual heredity is a hard thing to identify but you'd expect that it would be talked about & instructions passed through generations as to how it effects the family tree. There'd be no benefit to keeping it secret.

The paranormal just wasn't even credible enough to discuss as far as my parents were concerned. Ive often wondered what Fate would plant me amongst a die hard skeptical family. I can say that instead of a present-life mentor I've experienced astral plane teachers even as a kid. There were opportunities provided for me in my day-light life as well to learn what I needed to know & I've usually found them in chance acquaintances. I can see these things clearly now but at the time of searching I'd felt like i was walking blind. There has always been guidance when needed. I'm obviously a work in progress.

I suspect that with the sense of awakening which you are experiencing that the same may also be true for you. That seems to be how it works. Life-teachers don't plod along the daily walk with us, but instead will meet us at the intersections & then move on...other places to go & people to see. I think the Universe expects that if It gave us the eyes to see into Other Realms then we've also got brain's to figure it out; so we aren't really left to drift. We can ask our higher self to intervene...just meditate & ask.

Linear thinking is frustrating because nature seldom flows in a straight line. Instead it meanders. In linear thinking you assume a curse therefore if a., then b., and then c ., will explain everything. If only it were that easy everyone would do it. It can be self-deluding to get caught up in the drama & assume there must be a past reason for X to have happened. All I can suggest is to use meditation to imagine the apparent time-line as if it's meandering thru your mind during the meditation & 'see what comes of it. You're only human but try not to let preset expectations influence you. This isn't a one-shot deal. It's likely to take a long time, but i think you know that.
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Re: Observantcat needs help.

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I remember talk of the family tree, paranormal activities, but the answer was pretty much, "you're on your own." Learn what you can.

Honestly, with experience, yes, I think this was a good idea. Instills free thinking, and therefore no ingrained bonds.

I know, "of" the talents, But not so much what the ancestors were involved in.

I do have to ask though, *random question" I'm thinking of making my own scrying mirror. I've asked on another page, but no answers. Do you have experience with them? If not, Could you point me in a direction that I can ask?

In another thread, There was a link to a video about a test of keys to open doors. The link didnt work, so, I looked it up myself. I came across an interesting video. It talks about the Gospel of Thomas. But the information explains everything when it comes to centering, grounding, spells, emotion, thought. Everything, one way or another, goes hand and hand. We are all linked.

Thank you so much!
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Re: Observantcat needs help.

Post by SpiritTalker »

I don't use a mirror. Sun light reflecting off water puts me in the zone "snap!"

I've got a copy in my to-be-read stack of Thomas'. Your comments make me want to finally get around to reading it. So many books, so little time the eyes will focus.

Recheck the mirror post for comments. People have replied.
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Re: Observantcat needs help.

Post by Firebird »

@ observantcat, no...the guy was not a practitioner of magic. But he and my friend did divorce over his new erratic behavior.
@Corbin, have you found any meds or practices that help with your condition? My daughter has tested positive for the RA factor. She has already quit all of her softball leagues because of pain.

Keep strong Observantcat! You never know what kind of remedies are comming down the pike! I had a deadly virus for most of my life, it does cause one to wonder why me? What did I do to who? And I feel cursed. It has left my body in terrible condition of pain and brain fog and more. The treatments were about as dangerous as the virus its self. Then in 2014 the FDA approved a "cure" drug but the cost was over 80 thousand dollars, my medi-cal and then Obama care insurance denied me treatment (between the two), 7 times before I was approved. That took 4 years. Last year I did the treatment! Finally! And it looks as though it has worked. I will know for sure on my final bloodwork in September.
The chances you were born with this is pretty slim, had your mom actually been diagnosed with that? And how old are you now? Have you tried any other treatments besides antibiotics? I found this link...some were saying that Clarendon and Allegra we're helpful https://www.bayarealyme.org/blog/common ... e-disease/
A positive spiritual outlook is great meds for the mind. Keep up any meditations or other practices to keep yourself sane as you cope with this terrible disease.
My best wishes to you,
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Re: Observantcat needs help.

Post by Observantcat »


I Love the Phoenix! I know random!

I am very happy you found Relief!!!

Clariendon, and allergra do show bacteria killing properties. But the level of dose needed, is deadly.

The goal is dry brushing and, detox, detox, detox. which envolves cleansing the body, and espom salt soaks.

I am trying to meditate everyday. Best time for me is before a nap or bed, knowing that when I awake, my spirit is a little more balanced. It's a milimeter at a time though.

My mom had the symptoms. But only went to the doctor when it was an emergency.

I've done herbals, but im thinking an all meat diet might be better.
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Re: Observantcat needs help.

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I don't know that I would call it relief except in the sense it's not slowly killing me anymore, that's a relief! :D As far as feeling better, that hasn't quite happened...yet (still holding out!)
Say, I found some hope as far as homeopathy goes for you. At least it looks promising. I use these remedies for all kinds of trouble, the Hypericum perforatum is my go to for nerve pain, and when hotflashes were taking over my life, Lachesis (a snake venom) remedy would quell that as soon as I took them.
For your particular issue perhaps seeking out a homeopathic practitioner would be of great help. At least you could pick up a remedy at your local health food store an try it out.
Homeopathy is completely safe and can be used in conjunction with western medicine...ie; no drug interactions.
...here is a link to get you started in some research, hope it helps. https://www.drhomeo.com/homeopathic-tre ... e-disease/
BB, Firebird
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Re: Observantcat needs help.

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Thank you so much for the info! I have tons of herbals, im really overwhelmed at taking them.

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Re: Observantcat needs help.

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It is not an herbal...totally different. Some of them may be derived from herbs but they include mineral and some animal byproducts that are the essence of that thing. not the thing itself. I encourage you to seek out a health food store with these remedies or better a homeopathic practitioner who can really narrow down your symptoms and give proper doses at proper intervals.
My daughter used to keep arnica montana 30c in her gym bag because she was forever getting injured. She avoided numerous bruises and sprains that healed in quarter of the time that a normal sprain would take.These remedies cause healing to happen and quickly in some cases. Please read up a bit on how it works, I think you will be surprised.
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Re: Observantcat needs help.

Post by Corbin »

@firebirdflys who said 'have you found any meds or practices that help with your condition? My daughter has tested positive for the RA factor. She has already quit all of her softball leagues because of pain'.

Stretching every day. Moderate gentle exercise. Plenty of warm baths. Soaking hands in hot water in the morning. Using a vapour rub overnight for joint pain (as it's non-med & likely already on daily anti-inflamatory meds or will be). When hand pain is bad due to overnight 'hand clawing' some people use gloves with tennis balls sewn into the palm, I purchased some neoprene weightlifting gloves which keep my hand in a more natural open position.

I find it is sudden barometric pressure change which brings on most of my bad flare ups - not much you can do but the above and learn to try to ride it out. Be kind, it's quite the most impossible pain - once I had to wear oversized gloves because the sensation of air on my hands was agony (!). Sometimes it's gonna kick your ass, usually after a good period when you've forgotten you even have it.

Take close care of mental health as well as physical health, like all chronic illnesses. There is a saying 'well is a relative term'. It takes a chronic illness to really appreciate this.

As a mum you can subtly educate the ignorant that RA is not 'just a touch of arthritis or rheumatism' should they be dismissive - it's a degenerative auto-immune disease. This is a biggie actually as it hovers between the mildly frustrating and infuriating when trying to gain a degree of acceptance or understanding.
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Re: Observantcat needs help.

Post by RavenClaw »

After reading this thread, I'd like to add my thoughts.

I know lyme disease, etc are serious but I'd like to mention a story about a neighbour. She had lyme disease and went to a licensed alternative practitioner who gave her intravenous vit C. Vitamin C has the following properties: is antibiotic, antifungal, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anitvirus. If one uses intravenous vit C, you can handle a ton of it compared to taking it orally. If you want, you can research Dr Linus Pauling with his studies on vit C.

I do everything it takes to improve my health. When my body no longer responded to pain relievers, I had to think outside the box as to how to cope with pain both chronic and acute on a recurring basis. My body also doesn't respond as well as it should to prescription medication either. I do take cold pressed garlic, vit C and magnesium for certain issues. What I found that really worked for me is using crystals and chakras. I used those to get rid of asthma in my lungs and now I'm working on getting it cleared out of my throat by using chakras. I also used chakras to help me cope with arthritis in my ankles that used to be sensitive to air pressure changes. When I say, I used chakras, I mean I used them as a hammer where the pain was so I did that as often as I could throughout the day until I felt better then I eased up on using my chakras. It took several months of being so hard on the chakras to clear off my lungs and the asthma cough so time, persistence and patience paid off.

Another method I newly discovered is revoking certain agreements I subconsciously made. To get rid of these agreements, I say out loud, "I revoke all agreements that cause me ill health". If I notice any part of my body acting up, especially for no known reason, then I revoke such agreements as soon as I can. The pain, or whatever it was, magically disappears.

To add to my arsenal, I speak to my innate. As an example I say out loud, "Innate heal my throat", which works too. I usually do that after I revoke the agreements.

I don't know for sure if illnesses can be caused by deceased relatives but I think it wouldn't hurt to cut cords between them and you. That is if you suspect you have any psychic cords to them.

I'm not saying do one or the other. What I hope I illustrated was that I do whatever it takes and treat illnesses with everything I know and can do.

Blessings to all of you.
Knowledge without understanding is not wisdom. (An excerpt from a message I channeled from a Deity.)
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