Cleavers (aka Sticky Willy) Reaction

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Cleavers (aka Sticky Willy) Reaction

Post by SpiritTalker »

Warning! Do Not Handle Cleavers!

I've read that the weed cleavers is boiled to make a spring tonic but I'll never use it! It's a nuisance weed sometimes called sticky willy because the leaves have tiny stickers & seed balls cling to clothes. The only warnings about the plant are invasiveness. I have it growing along the fence line in my yard & this is my 1st encounter with it. A week ago today Id pulled enough of the weeds to fill a trash bag to be disposed of.

The teeny stickers stung my hands & arms but they washed off when I'd cleaned up. I didn't realize I'd gotten swiped across my chin & jaw by one of the plant's. The next day I had a chain of red dots that grew to weeping blisters over the next 2 days. The blisters scabbed. The stickers must have washed out by now & I'm using Neosporin pain relieving ointment.

Id appreciate suggestions on skin treatment & 'advice on how to get rid of the weed. I'll wear gloves if I touch it. I've sprayed weed killer on the remaining area. Thanks guys.
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Re: Cleavers (aka Sticky Willy) Reaction

Post by Firebird »

AkKk! not weed killer! :shock:
That stuff should pull out pretty easy. But you may need gloves. Sounds like you have an allergic reaction to that plant. It is GRAS (generally regarded as safe) in the herbals.
I really love this plant it is so delicate and one of the few that has leaves that radiate out from a center stem. It had been known as "bedstraw", for mattresses used to be stuffed with the stuff and it is the plant that gave inspiration to Velcro !
Sorry you had a bad reaction to it. Have you tried to put some cider vinegar on the wounds? Don't know if that will help but it usually works for other type of stingy owies.
BB, Firebird
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Re: Cleavers (aka Sticky Willy) Reaction

Post by SpiritTalker »

The skin weeping is still on going - very tender & raw in strips. I'm afraid ACV would burn like crazy or I'd give it a try. Lemon juice is a 2nd op. Thanks for the suggestion though. Some years ago I'd had a similar reaction when clearing pumpkin vines from the garden. Darned silly allergic reaction! Reptilian scales may be revealed... mwahahaha. I've got a rather bad contact dermatitis with this. I think I'd scare little kids.

Edit - 2days later & I've found some relief with a light application of hemp oil dabbed on with a cotton pad. Day 7 - And cortisone creme. And Benedril spray.

Contact dermatitis from cleavers isnt unknown, per Wikipedia. Treatment is same as for poison ivy: calamine lotion, cortisone creme, Benedril.
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