
Discussion about pets, familiars, animal totems, animal spirits, pet ghosts, and more. All animal talk, crazy and normal, is welcome here.
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Post by Bonita »

Before my husband passed away when I was still not as in tune and aware of beyond the mundane, I was walking my dog brother when I noticed 2 crows in front of us

It was so unusually quiet on the street all else stood still and all that mattered were these 2 crows. At first they were standing on the one side of this street, then the one walked across to the other side of street... the second crow started to cross the street by the time she reached the first crow he was spreading his wings and hopping all the way back across to the other side of the street....second crow goes to follow him and for third time he crosses over to the other side again ...she goes to follow him, reached him and he flies away ...she followed but I was left baffled and with shivers throughout my whole body....yet somehow knowing deep down they were foretelling the next few days of my oncoming grief ...

I walked up the stairs shivering knowing that she crow was "me' and he crow was my soulmate having to leave me to go where I could not follow .... I felt paralysed at the thought there was nothing I could do to change the outcome of their message ..

Ever since that day though, realized that the only reason I feared them is because we had decided way before when, they would be there at that moment reminding me that my world as I loved it so, was about to fall apart but only just till I remembered ....

Crows are special to me and every time they talk I listen for my cue...sometimes they give me a message and sometimes they just share their own gossip ...

I would love to hear your encounters with crows and any messages you have had them speak to you
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Re: Crows

Post by barker »

They are very serious but subtle. What they decide to tell you, nobody else knows.
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Re: Crows

Post by SpiritTalker »

I don't have any crow stories but wanted to thank you for sharing your insight into your experience. Teaching moments remain part of our souls forever.
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Re: Crows

Post by Bonita »

Absolutely true thank you SpiritTalker
Yes Barker, crows are wise but def very playful too....
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Re: Crows

Post by L.J.Hex »

I don't believe in coincidence theories... I just mentioned some of my experience about crows elsewhere.

That's sure a sad story, but crows are messengers. For me they haven't had any bad omens to tell so far. I have always liked crows, the variety we have here are the black and grey ones, smaller than the ones I saw while living in Ireland where they were all over the place.

This past year, I have had crows all over me where ever I go and there have been few meaningful events with them. Early this year I looked for a new spot in the forest nearby where to cast a a circle and go to meditate in peace. I found a nice place, near some paths but completely out of sight. I had been there for less than five times when the crows appeared. I have seen some of them in that same forest before, but only few at a time.

I went to my place, tidied a bit the spot for the circle and sat down to meditate. Soon I heard crows... One, two, three, five, more than then... A bit later so many I couldn't count them. I looked up and there were probably over one hundred crows flying perfect circles above. I have never seen them do that. They kept going on for good twenty minutes or so and then they just went quiet and scattered, all I heard was their wings and they were gone. I took this as a good omen about the place, as if they came to show me that this is the spot. On later visits many crows were around, more came as I stayed, but they kept quiet, sat down on the treetops and kept just sitting there looking down at me. This went on many times.

Late summer I was going to our rehearsal room, the path goes right next to that same place. Two crows sat on a birch tree as if waiting for me. When I was below them, they flew towards north where my place is. For some reason it felt meaningful. On the way back near that spot there was a single big crow feather on my way, I took it and have it on my altar now. That was after a longish break from anything craft related and I think they were telling me that I need to get back on track.

This year I have spent most time in our summerhouse since my childhood, I don't think I've ever been out there so much. There's five crows who fly by quite often and they've learned that when ever I go out to the lake, there will be fish to eat. In may they came to eat only when I was inside the cabin, if I opened the door, they left... In july, they let me come about ten meters away before going. In late august they sat on the trees already when I was just coming back and they stayed there above me, waiting for their meal. I took a habit of talking to them when ever I saw them. I even gave them names. They also left me a feather on my boat, I would like to think that as a thanks for all the easy food I gave them.

Ever since I took up the craft, it seems that crows show up more often. Or perhaps I just pay more attention? Also at our summerhouse, I have never seen a raven before. This summer I kept hearing them all the time, but I didn't see them... I kept asking for them to show up and finally in late august I aw them flying over the lake several times. Its a funny thing about ravens that they tend to stay alone, even though they are related to crows who bunch up with several related birds often.

Crows are a traditional messenger of death also here, our legends tell that they often also tell where to go or what to do if you're lost somehow. If I see a crow flying to same direction three days in a row, I'll definitely follow its lead. Crows are good birds. Also they keep forests clean as they eat anything, they're natures cleaning squad. I leave them fish heads, and by tomorrow, the crows have taken the fish spirits back to where they came from.
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Re: Crows

Post by Bonita »

LJ Hex what wonderful experiences you have with Crows, thank you for sharing!
I have a neighbouring family who go everywhere day late this summer they found a puddle just close by my back yard and I enjoyed watching them take turns fooling around in the water, they love each other
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Re: Crows

Post by L.J.Hex »

Bonita wrote:LJ Hex what wonderful experiences you have with Crows, thank you for sharing!
I have a neighbouring family who go everywhere day late this summer they found a puddle just close by my back yard and I enjoyed watching them take turns fooling around in the water, they love each other

Crows are awesome. Many people don't like them and just chase them off. I don't get it, they're very useful creatures as they clean everything. Spending time in the great outdoors has made appreciate them a lot. For example with the fish, first to eat is often some small animal like a fox or raccoon dog, if they wont show up, then its a feast for crows and seagulls, they eat anything that isn't pure bone. After them, the insects come and clean what ever is left and then the waves bury the bones. Nature is so perfect and the cycle of life is everywhere.

Also crows are quite smart and they get domesticated rather easily... I would love to have those crows at out summerhouse to become so friendly they would just stay around and not mind me at all. It got very close to that this summer.

My fathers childhood friend had a pet crow by the way, he, like my dad and many boys back then were very interested in birds, they collected their eggs and stuff. He once found crows nest where the mother had disappeared somewhere, possibly died and one of the little ones had fallen to the ground. He took it home and fed it until it grew up. His crow loved him and stayed around, it came back every year, nested nearby and when ever my dad's friend showed up, the crow flew over and sat on his shoulder. It didn't have any fear what so ever. They're smart, they aren't afraid of people if they learn that they're treated nicely.
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Re: Crows

Post by Bonita »

You are right LJ Hex, crows are very intelligent...the fact they rejoiced at your energy and understood your ritual that day as they circled you, looks like you have their friendship already
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Re: Crows

Post by Bonita »

I love them....They are very family oriented and social...and they alert me and the other birds and animals in my backyard when a hawk is nearby...I know to stay close by my tiny dogs
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Re: Crows

Post by L.J.Hex »

Wow, you have hawks right next to your place? That's neat, well, as long as they don't snatch pets. I don't think I've ever seen a hawk in the town, but at summerhouse, they're all over the place. And crows tend to keep their distance to them.

I agree, they tend to be quite friendly around me. Even the ones I do not "know", they often sit in the trees just above without flying off. That time with countless crows circling above, that was unique. Not before and not after I've seen anything like it. They're around that area of the forest often as I think they next somewhere near by. Next year will be interesting when they come back... I will sure keep my eyes open.
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Re: Crows

Post by Bonita »

Yes hawks visit my neighbourhood often for any unsuspecting prey, as much as I admire them and respect them I don't like watching them hunt :(.'s natural for them I know but I can't watch ....I do however always spot them watching over me when I'm driving on the highway or perched up the highest tree in the fields behind my house
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Re: Crows

Post by Bonita »

I also believe that crows hear us even when we don't speak out loud so you should continue to talk to them even when you aren't at your summerhouse so continue to nurture your bond with them telepathically and .... I am sure they look forward to their new human friend
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Re: Crows

Post by L.J.Hex »

Yea, hawk is the wolf of the sky... Nature can be cruel and ugly, but they have to eat too. And they keep the rodent population under control. The bad side is that they don't choose, a little rabbit, a cat or anything small enough goes. Its interesting how similar many predators are in the way they hunt.

A hawk could easily be compared with a pike fish, pike also kind of lazily moves around until it strikes lighting fast. They both use their great sight to catch their pray, neither cares about what it is as long as its the right size, food is food. And both regulate the number of pray animals in their respective environments.

I'm having a feeling about most animals being telepathic to an extent, some more than others. My dog for example seems to always know when I'm planning to take him out, play with him, feed him even if I give zero clue about it, also I can feel him stare at me if he needs something. He can interrupt me through the most intense of concentration which is quite a feat. (Being a drummer, its a must to learn concentration no matter what.)

I think I'll give this a try. Perhaps next time when I go for a walk in the forest, I will call for the crows to show up and see what happens. This could be interesting, I would love for them to be friendly. :)
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Re: Crows

Post by Bonita »

Yes do that, I know they will respond...I call on my bird friends when I'm working, open the windows and have the crows talking, the Blue Jays yelling, the Cat birds come right up to my window sill and tease my cats and my little sparrows all gossiping. I have many fruit trees and have made my backyard as safe a hangout for all kinds of birds so they play and feast
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Re: Crows

Post by Bonita »

I also believe all the animals and birds hear our dogs and cats are very in tune with me too, like I ll wonder where one of them is and within seconds they come looking for me ...even the trees in my backyard I swear they know me well, my one tree friend answers my thoughts with subtle movement of the leaves when there isn't even a breeze in sight and just knowing makes me giggle in delight
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