Stock Your Supply Cupboard - Free

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Stock Your Supply Cupboard - Free

Post by SpiritTalker »

We can stock our supply cupboard for free from Mother Nature. These are what I could identify in different seasons from my yard, the city park and the alley between rows of houses. What have you found?

Plants i found

Acorn: Good luck, fertility, protection, wisdom
Cedar: Spirituality, cleansing
Clover: ☘️ Red - Fidelity, prosperity, protection, blessing pets ; White - Hex breaking ☘️
2-leaf clover-Luck; 3-leaf clover-luck, protection; 4-leaf clover-luck, protection, psychism
Dandelions: Flowers-divination; leaves-healing, purifying, repel negativity; roots-spiritism
Goose feathers: abundant at the city park pond, also duck & seagull - Air element symbol
Grapevine, wild: leaves-abundance, prosperity; fruit-joy; symbol of Dionysus
Grass: Psychism, growth, recovery from loss
Ground ivy: Magical aid, headache relief; traditionally worn as Midsummers Day crown
Lilac flowers: Welcome Fae, past-life balance
Lily: symbolizes life-over-death
Lily of the Valley: aids memory, protective, reveals deception;☠️ toxic - don’t ingest
Maple Leaves: 🍁Feminity, Moon magic, decision making, enchantments, spiritual guidance
Milkweed: the pod's white sap is considered "a sure fire wart cure" & favored by Monarch butterfly's
Nightshade, red berry: ☠️ ; mischief making
Oak leaf: Masculinity, truth, knowledge, protection; white oak bark - jinx remover
Pine needles: 🌲 Cleansing, healing, protecting, money drawing (can be made into a tonic)
Pine cones: Masculinity, fertility
Plantain: Endurance under stress; wound healing
Purslane: Abundance, money
Ragweed: Legends call it Ambrosia, food of the gods; wound healing, leaves treat poison ivy
Rose petals: Abundance-all colors, yellow-friends, red-amore, pink-affections, white-peace
Sweet pea: Promotes friendship, trust
Walnut: Healing and protection; a walnut tree on your property is protective
Yarrow: Magical aid, wound healing, poultice stops bleeding

Ref: A City Herbal by M. Silverman, and Lucky Mojo website

Stones you might find
🪨 Stone stroking is an old practice to help the Crafter get in the zone to work a spell by stone-stroking, body swaying & chanting.
. Stones can be made of any minerals, white Quartz is all-purpose
. Hag stones - have natural holes all the way through, good fortune & protection
. Healing stones - water smoothed, assists well being
. Map stones - have criss cross lines across them like a map; assists astral travel, path-finding
. Wishing Stones - have a single band of another color encircling them; aids all manifesting magic
(ref: misc sources of folklore; Cecil Williamson, Museum of Witchcraft)

Other useful household items
. Red 🖍 black marking 🖊pens. Typing or other writing 🗒paper.
. Paper coffee filters & 💌 envelopes can be drawn on & used as spell pouches; biodegradable if buried & burnable.
. Recycle colorful gift wrap for spell papers. Receiving gifts is good mojo.
. Herbal tea bags can be used for making scented oils and 🫖 potions
. Recycle jars & 🍾bottles for storage & spells.
. Restaurant packets are convenient - Salt 🧂 purifies, pepper banishes, sugar sweetens conditions.
. Water 💦 is an all purpose fluid & holds a charge; add a quartz crystal to enhance effect.
. The ingredients of Bigelow’s 🍊Constant 🍃Comment tea bags remove negativity & Twining’s 🥱 Sleepy Time can aid light trance; Rosemary tea can aid trance & dream recall; coffee ☕️ is fog-busting.

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Re: Stock Your Supply Cupboard - Free

Post by Firebird »

oh ya!
Here's a couple of mine.

Eucalyptus seed pod- provides 5 pointed stars, perfect pentagrams and used for protection.
Mugwort leaf- inhale crushed leaf for deep insight, used to rub on self and/or spell item to transfer its magical psychic energies.
Pine branch- Use to sweep magical space before casting circle.

bb, ff
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― Jim Morrison
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