This spring is different

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This spring is different

Post by L.J.Hex »

I wanted to write down some observations about what's going on with the nature. It seems to have everything to do with decreased human activity due to the coronavirus charade.(Yes, its a total farce the whole thing, I'm quite certain that a lot of this craze is by the numbers and totally manufactured to push an agenda, all on the expense of ordinary people of course.)

Everyone agrees that the situation sucks big time, I'm not even sure if the crap has even hit the fan yet. But there's silver lining on this cloud also. There's something about nature that feels completely different. The air here in Finland is quite pristine, but for last couple of weeks its been getting even better. It feels different, clean, untouched. Even here in town and my town has several big factories... But the air feels like in Lapland, far in the north where there's almost nobody around. I haven't EVER felt it like this in here in my life.

Birds seem to be very active, more so than usual. I just spent about two weeks at our family summerhouse and I kept hearing ravens almost daily. They have never before been so loud and numerous around there. First time ever that I heard and saw a raven there was last autumn and now it seems there's much more of them. The sky is clean blue almost everyday, no wonder as almost all plane traffic is gone and nothing's spewing gods know what in the sky. The skies have been this clean here in late nineties before now and also for a while in 2011 when there was that volcanic ash in the air which downed all flights for weeks. Now with borders closed and travel bans in place, there's only tiny fraction of the plane traffic and it shows.

Something about nature feels totally different, totally, the energy is different. I'm starting to wonder if this is only due to people not doing as much as normal or is there also some kind of a shift going on. I remember a shift in the general mood and feel of the air and weather happen around 1995, then again in early 2000's, but now it feels like its going back. The feeling of panic and fear from few weeks ago is gone, now there's anticipation, wait, silence...

I would say that having a "pandemic" going on, no matter if natural or manufactured has some good sides to it. So far there's no complete lockdown in my area so we're free to go outside and do stuff, its adviced to stay indoors and many do. Anyway, this change with the nature feels so good, I wish it will stay this way. Preferably without crazy government sanctions on moving and doing things. It would be horrible to be locked inside home like in a prison when the weather is like this. I haven't seen this much sunlight in years.

Something's up.
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Re: This spring is different

Post by SapphireRoad »

Rofl YES!!!

Birds singing so much already. Forests crammed with people now as we consider them safer to spend time. Ehm, staying home is responsible in a way, but body needs sun and air. There are more responsibilities than just one. People be getting to severe bad emotions without moving.

Nice to see how nature fares without human factories.
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Re: This spring is different

Post by L.J.Hex »

SapphireRoad wrote:Rofl YES!!!

Birds singing so much already. Forests crammed with people now as we consider them safer to spend time. Ehm, staying home is responsible in a way, but body needs sun and air. There are more responsibilities than just one. People be getting to severe bad emotions without moving.

Nice to see how nature fares without human factories.
Yep. It seems that +80% of all people are staying indoors all the time here... (Panic mode anyone?) And everyone else are keeping their distance. Smart idea as no one wants to get sick. But I think the consequences are going to be way worse when this stuff dies off. Its nice to go out to the forest etc. as there's almost nobody around. Very quiet, almost like all people just vanished. Feels nice and eerie at the same time.

The air is so clean, I have felt it like this only in Lapland before. Totally unheard of in my town. The paper factories are still running as they really can't just shut it all down, but clearly not on full blast as usual. Everything else is stopped and I can smell it in the air and feel it.

Everything has a silver lining, the nature is reclaiming a lot when almost all human acitivities are stopped. Also the weathers have been more like they used to this time of year, no weird hazy grey days at all, lot of blue sky and sunshine.
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Re: This spring is different

Post by SpiritTalker »

It’s obvious the virus is lab-made & real enough but the excessive panic is manufactured by media per the NWO’s playbook. Yea, a benefit is the air pollution is less at the moment as industry & transportation are reduced. If it continues the world economy could crash, per the playbook, which would be ripe for NWO’s alien invasion script. Just sayin’.

When I was outside this morning I’d stopped to listen to the robins and cardinals singing a dawn duet. A small V of a dozen geese flew over, honking loudly & heading for the river. It filled my whole energy body with a charge of joy.
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Re: This spring is different

Post by L.J.Hex »

Yea, what a better way to get the economy going again than start some big ass war as usual... Was it Reagan who said how humanity would be united with an external threat? Anyway, this all is by the numbers, literally. But its also waking a lot of poeple up that something's not right.

The nature thing, I think there's one part of the travel etc. being suspended, but I wonder if there's more going on than that... I dunno. I hope there is.
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Re: This spring is different

Post by SpiritTalker »

Ive sort of thought of Reagan’s external threat comment as saying “we know.” I’m sure there’s lots unseen & the times not being wasted.

Our partly sunny day has become windy and raining. Seems like March is leaving like a lion after it came in like a lamb, bass-ackwards .
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Re: This spring is different

Post by L.J.Hex »

It sure as heck is different... This year so far has been completely insane roller coaster ride and not that much fun either. I have barely started to heal from what my crazy ex did to my sanity, only to have plans ruined, things taking ages, then my best friend dies under suspicious circumstances and the next thing I know is our bands vocalist leaving us due to lack of inspiration.

This makes me thing of the tarot reading a friend of mine did to me earlier this year. The conclusion was that this year will be a year of stagnation, life not going forward much. There was something about not doing too well moneywise. The only really positive thing was about health, she picked The Sun. Then there was a part about going from a frying pan to fire and so far that's exactly what the last couple of months have been about. The cards about past leaving to that present were also spot on.

Then there was an interesting thing about expecting a big possibly life changing event in around september - october. Nothing specific though. I have been trying to look for someone not that close to me to do another reading and see if there's correlation. There seems to be a difference on who does the reading and I don't think someone close by is a good pick for it.
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Re: This spring is different

Post by Mr Crowley »

I planted cukes and tomatoes on May 16, starter plants. They have grown about 10" 25.4. Both are setting fruit, I guess a day or three ago. I didn't notice until I started to string'em up. July 1st usually the earliest for my 'hood. Last year, my cukes were setting fruit clusters of 3 to 5 cukes, never seen it multiples on cukes, only on tomatoes.

Growing anything to eat while you're in the 'hicks?
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Re: This spring is different

Post by L.J.Hex »

Great idea, I have been panning on making a garden and a greenhouse for several year, but lack the place for it... That seems like a thing to do next year, this summer I'll just be collecting instead. (There's so much edible stuff at our summerhouse, its like a natural garden in itself. :D )
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Re: This spring is different

Post by Firebird »

It does seem like every thing is arriving later and later.
Like by now we would normally be baking, I'm loving it! It's cool and beautiful.
But has been roller coaster-ish, hot cold hot cold etc...etc...
Except that it is staying hot later and later like into November.
Today is strange. Dry, windy, cool, quiet... the air feels like the High Sierra's, not at all typical for here.
BTW Hex, sounds like you might have room at the lake, why not throw some tomato seeds down? I managed to get some chard going, they're pretty easy.
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Re: This spring is different

Post by L.J.Hex »

We also had very late spring, its been late for about two weeks I think, until + week ago the summer began as if by magic. Yesterday we had the first thunderstorm of the year and that usually doesn't happen this early.

Summer is bit too short here for tomatoes, people usually plant them indoors earlier and then take them out when nights aren't freezing any more. That would be interesting to try
By my feet the flowers of witchery abloom.
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