Path of the Hex

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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

I have been thinking about my music/band stuff... The way it all ties in with witchcraft and my way of life. There's a lot to be said about what many perceive "black metal" to be, for many, its way more than just a heavy metal subgenre, to most, its nothing more than music. Its funny to notice how time changes things. When I was teenager and black metal was the hottest thing ever and very trendy, I was like 99% of other metalheads. It was about music, having fun, getting laid, drinking and generally being young. Not smart, there wasn't anything much deeper than the above mentioned things.

Then I started to reflect the "black metal ideals" to my current life and I tick so many boxes that it took me by surprise. I am a witch, an occultist, in search of spiritual englightement, a higher wisdom and peace of mind. This is directly in line of many BM folks who see it as more than just music. My ideology or philosophy in life has many common ideas with philosophical satanism many of these people adore so much. I'm all for free will, individual freedom to be/do/think what ever the heck you want. (An ye hurt none)Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law... I totally agree on that simple rule and that if something is "black metal". I am anti authority person, I do not like hierarchy, NO ONE will tell me how to live, what to think, what to wear and what to believe in, I find my own answers. NO ONE writes me a holy book to believe, I write my own scripture. That if anything is black metal.

These days I only see few selected friends, prefer people close to me over crowds of random who the f*** ever any time. I dod not go to bars or festivals at all, unless its my own gig or friends are playing and that gives me certainly enough of that kind of social interaction. This is black metal attitude.

I enjoy solitude. My creativity blossoms when I'm allowed my personal space, quiet and peace, preferably in nature, far from everything. Isolation is the key to creation. This is very very much black metal, a total opposite of young me from back in the day. I love to be able to hear my own thoughts.

Practice what you preach. BM is often about "darkness" or obscure and out there sides of life, living in Finland in itself forces heck of a physical darkness upon everyone for half of each year. I wander in the nightly forest very often, some times in pitch black darkness and most of the time feel at home. Only if you stand in the shadow, will you witness the majesty of the nightsky. Reflecting upon the inner darkness I find important aspect in search for yourself... What better place and time to do that than meditate in pitch black silent forests.

The things that I do not give much credit that are often associated with black metal however, are all the "evil" bullcrap, its very far only a surface made to shock and scare people, most of the time without any real substance to it. No sensible person tries to be "evil" all the time as its self destructive and doesn't make sense. Other that I don't give a toss about is constant bashing of christianity, its been done to death many times. Having strong and/or opposing thoughts about major religions isn't a bad thing, it is necessary and definitely deserved. But the endless bragging about it is useless. Specially useless is vandalising religious monuments and artifacts. Church burnings? I get the idea about it, a protest, but it does not help anyone, quite the opposite. They always rebuild them, destroying things like that causes totally unnecessary suffering for people not responsible for what the church has done. I would be angered like hell if someone desecrated my grandparents' graves! I would be absolutely furious and think of a revenge for sure. I don't like abrahamic religions one bit, but its not my business to bash them all the time as it wouldn't change anything. The only thing I guard like a treasure is my freedom to believe what I want, vandalism and bashing religion for shock value is immature and stupid.

When I think back, everything has turned upside down from what it used to be for me and its been all a positive change. Going so hard forward with our band has given me a lot to think about, doing this as a calling, a way of life makes it all the more interesting. And witchcraft is in perfect alignment with it all.

Some dumb *bleep* would probably see me as a dark person, or evil person, which couldn't be further from the truth. I'm full of laughter and fun when I'm on that mood and I love to live, but there's always a darker side to things, black metal for me is the perfect conduit to channel that inner darkness.

Only when you stand in the sahdow, will you witness the majesty of the nightsky.
By my feet the flowers of witchery abloom.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Hello EUTM.

Sorry for my absence, my life has taken such turn that I'm exhausted almost all the time, too busy and too tired to have time for a "life". And mostly in the good sense... My bands are in huge upward spiral and its just getting more intense. I started promoting heavily on facebook etc., and its been just amazing! The attention I'm getting is out of this world. I never expected this, I'm getting friend requests from all over the world, I've made up very intereting contacts, both my bands got a record real for vinyl releases, there's interviews coming up, split albums with multiple bands, a compilation tape and what not. I got some orders for artwork as I'm starting to do album covers and logos on commission.

Its just out of this world crazy, there's some craft involved here of course, oh damn, I'm too busy to keep writing a long post. I'm at our summerhouse, should soon head out to the lake to get the fishtraps up and then clean the house as we're heading back in town. There's reocrdings coming up and I got to send some albums I sold, some Chilean fan wanted vinyls signed and what not.

I'm on the brink of it all being too much, I should also make vocal demos for Thelemic Gates which are about halfway done, oh and write lyrics, some aren't finished yet. Its almost too much, I have no time for anything else which is crazy of course as I'm not paid for this work much anything. But who knows where its going... Ogh and did I mention that I've got many requests for playing session drums, all that I've post poned to next year as I really can't take more pressure right now. Don't be surprised if I take a long time off again, I can't tell where all this is going, except that its gonna be awesome and probably result into a terrible burnout unless I get some time off.

I wish you all a nice autumn. Be blessed. :flyingwitch:
By my feet the flowers of witchery abloom.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Mr Crowley »

That's great news Hex!

Take full advantage of all social media because it's free. I think that you should video record everything you do. Hell, I'd post it all because I'm not one to leave money on the table. Sound? If the 'music' is there, people will still view/listen. I include lots of raw video/audio in my listening, some of these are the best listening because it happened to be a magical moment. Also, it's off the well-beaten path, very refreshing.

This is a 180' from your last direction.

I think that you should keep your nose to the grindstone, and work hard on your work. After all, it could turn into anything from actually making some money to a huge windfall. As for burnout: "It's better to burn out than fade away." And "you reap what you sow" can play a big role. I don't know whether it's a cultural--'Merican--thing, a personal thing, or both but there can be a massive amount of personal reward, for busting your ass.

"I've got many requests for playing session drums"
You should jump on those like stink on sh!t. Look at each one as an open door. Is 'session' an online collaboration with other people? Lot's of that going on.

Good luck! And keep updating.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Firebird »

This is fantastic news Hex! I guess those surgeries are doing well for you then, yeah! We can say we knew him when!...
I'd love to see another video, kinda like the one in the forest.
Your art work is really excellent too (perhaps a secondary career even) so that must feel pretty rewarding doing the covers and other pieces, so cool, am really glad for you :fairy: hip hip huzzah!! Keep us posted :D
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Awww, thanks guys. ^_^

Last two days have been little less crazy, mostly because I slowed down for a bit. Still drawing and getting new people coming in like crazy! I've got over 150 friend requests inside 24 hours. Its insane, as if everything I'm doing is going viral. Totally crazy and unexpected. As for posting everything, I'll post something to show here right now. The artworkI'm doing.

Right now I'm doing "promo pics" for us, no photos, big hand drawn portraits of us wearing robes and masks we wear on stage. Me and Castor i've finished, Ignis is WIP, Phobos & Deimos still missing. Yep, I'm not using their real names anywhere online.

I got to keep hammering, the iron is glowing white hot right now. Soon me and Krimm V. will go on to finish the new Perisynti record, then I need to make the art for Perisynti debut re-release... On 12" gatefold vinyl. :D the coolest thing possible. Oh and I need to finish the reocrd deal, get names on it and send it on its way... And send out bunch of promopacks on zines and radiostations, I got a pile of addresses to spam to. The first interviews from the OccultBlackMetalZINE from Denver US just came out yesterday. Its just insanely cool what's going on right now.

I wish I had more hours in a day, there's a friend I need to help with magic as he has a "shadow person" problem. Something nasty is after him, he needs a banishment of bad stuff done and a possible dehex, that's a big undertaking but I promised to help him. I've done it once before. I need a day or two totally off everything else around the next dark moon.

The second picture is work in progress picture for the albums backside... Below the hands grasping the moon, there will be dark forest, the same stone circle as on front with lone roben figure looking up to the moon.
By my feet the flowers of witchery abloom.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Things have calmed down a bit, thank gods. But now we're busy finishing vocals for a new single from the coming ep which will be released on Thursday September 3rd. I began looking into which day would fit and this one just happens to have 52 and 16 numerology connection. It ties in with the spell I planned out for our new album, almost every word I used have 52 and 16 connection also. And next thursday is just after the full moon, this one is the harvest moon if I'm not mistaken?

Anyway, its a perfect day to come out with new music, I will spend that day promoting online like crazy. I will try to make a lyric video of it by then. Then there's a big interview coming up and what else. Contacting a lot of people about it.

The song needs to be "charged" the day before I think. So plenty of witchy stuff ahead.
By my feet the flowers of witchery abloom.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Mr Crowley »

I agree! You have to hammer while the metal is white hot, bang your head as hard as you can, and add lots of magic.
And make sure that you take a few seconds to keep us updated, good or bad.
Any fresh sound clips that you can post?
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

No new music yet, but there will be on thursday as Thelemic Gates is releasing a single from the new album. :D Its going to be digital release so uploaded on every platform we can get it on, I will surely link it here. We're making a simple lyric video for it. I just heard the nearly final mix with vocals and it sounds mindblowing! Its very rare to get chills from anything my own but this one did it. The project is huge, there's 96 tracks in total and that's one heck of a big thing to mix. I think Ignis topped himself with this one as he's not a professional engineer and learning the studio magic just for the love of it.

This song turned into an epic! Its bit over seven minutes in lenght, quite fast feel I would say and very melodic. There's keyboards which add another layer of melody and atmosphere, over 13 vocal tracks in total, typical black metal vocals, some very low growls and I did throat singing on it too so its bit unconvertional. We chose this song for its a good representation of our style and sound. The song is titled Maailmojen välissä (Between The Worlds.) and the lyrics tell about a new initiate just beginning his/her path, looking for the old world wisdom and entering the dark night of the soul.

Btw, two days ago our record deal for vinyl releases was confirmed and on the same day my drumstick endorsement from the Portugese company Raj was also confirmed. I'm now saving up money to purchase my first batch of sticks from them. Completely customised signature sticks and I get to choose everything! Also on very competitive price! I couldn't think of better deal for drumsticks than this.
By my feet the flowers of witchery abloom.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Firebird »

Congratulations Hex! And best wishes on tomorrow's release exciting!
Look forward to your link.
Bb, FF
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

We got the single out and its getting a lot of response! We got more radio play, this time from South Africa, they've played our song already twice, more today and next week we do live interview with them. I even recorded an advert for them when they asked for it. Here's the link if anybody wants to tune in tonight. :D

Radio Dj Julz 7 - 9pm CAT (Central African Time) tonight! 18:00 - 20:00 Finnish time!

Also an interesting but not surprising is that Finns seem to hate us(They're picky and envious idiots really!) and foreigners love us. Specially in South America and now South Africa is going insane about it... I've been very busy, I was offline for a while as my now gone laptop died, the hdd just blew up almost completely. I lost a lot of unfinished work which I now have to do again, including our album covers. thank gods I have all the art on paper so I can reassemble it all. I got a new laptop which is just breeze to use, its fast and quiet, easily enough for all work I have to do. :)

I have been so busy I got no time for witchcraft outside of evening meditation and burning incense. I feel like something is overdue. I should take time off the grid and head to the forest on some nice evening. Nights are getting really dark and leaves are falling, I always feel a calling to do witchery when the autumn comes, this year being no exception.
By my feet the flowers of witchery abloom.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

Anyone here willing to help me to seal a record deal? ;) I just sent our promo to the label guy who's interested about us and did little something to encourage his decision to sign us. If you have spare time, light a red candle and/or incense to boost my spell to utmost power. I want this to happen. It will happen.

So be it.

So be it.

So be it.

By my feet the flowers of witchery abloom.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Firebird »

red ice.gif
red ice.gif (63.41 KiB) Viewed 2979 times
So mote it be!
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by Mr Crowley »

I have been on it Hex. Keep us updated.

Nice candle fbf.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

I have asked several witch friends of mine to help me out. They gladly accepted. :mrgreen:

Today I drew something for a fan, first time I do anything like this. Also first time in decades that I draw a self portrait. This guy has had to wait for his signed albums for quite some time and it just happened that he had his birthday some days ago so I thought something would be appropriate. Besides this guy if someone is truly deserving, he has every single Perisynti album we have ever put out and he lives in Chile, not easy to get those albums there.

The picture I used for reference is one of the random snaps with my phone while we were doing our promoshoot. Ended up quite will with such little effort. It took less than an hour to draw.
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Re: Path of the Hex

Post by L.J.Hex »

The thing I thought would only happen when a paper dog successfully chases asbestos cat thought hell just happen. Because its snowing in hell right now. ::coolglasses:: The record label I told you guys about signed us. :D Now its all about coming up with release details and churning stuff out like crazy. The label boss really loves our music, he said he will release anything we can think of from cd to tape to coffee mug to anything!

I can't believe it! Landing this gig is the best thing that can happen in the Finnish underground. Awesome distribution and instant credibility and interest will follow as this guy's well known and quite a scene veteran. Its so awesome I lost sleep last night. Today is a recording day and I'm dead tired, but I don't give a damn, we got to keep hammering, the iron is shining white hot right now.

Count me one happy witch. What ever we did, it worked like a charm. :flyingwitch:
By my feet the flowers of witchery abloom.
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