Pandemic doubters

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Pandemic doubters

Post by Firebird »

ANYONE who thinks this pandemic is a bunch of bull can just deactivate your account right now, do that by changing your e mail or request to have a moderator remove you.
My self as well as the owner of this forum will not tolerate any conspiracies' to the contrary.
I may loose my mother in law, who has been in the hosp. for a week now with corona and I'm pissed as all freaking get out at this moment.
Those of you who think wearing a mask is infringing on your personal freedoms... F you! You personal "freedoms" are costing lives, so suck it the F up and let others live by doing your part. It won't be forever, but it's taking longer because of all the people who feel they have a right to scream and spit all over everyone because their mother never taught them how to chill out and behave.
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Re: Pandemic doubters

Post by SpiritTalker »

Nobody has said that the virus does not exist, only that the statistics have been manipulated, which the CDC & WHO have said.
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Re: Pandemic doubters

Post by Firebird »

Again. Site your sources, I have not seen anything to the contrary.
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Re: Pandemic doubters

Post by SpiritTalker »

Really? Well, I don’t have a TV so must seek news sources on line.

AON, Fox-News, Breitbart, Gateway Pundant, Epoch Times and John Magufuli, the President of Tanzania per Reuters news.

I have bronchial obliteran organized pneumonia which reduces lung capacity. It is not contagious by cough, sneeze, saliva or kiss. 😷 severely reduces ability to breathe. I wear a mask for MD appts as required by a sign on the door. I use the hand sanitizer provided before touching the door knob. I’m retired, don’t mingle, shop online, drive to a post office drop box. My box of CDC approved masks is printed with “this product does not protect from CV” & I sure couldn’t breathe wearing 3 as Dr F suggested, retracted, and suggested again. IMO our governor can take a long walk off a short pier. I refuse to wear a mask at my own home or car.

I’d posted an earlier version of this comment with a personal anecdote which I’ve edited out, as it’s of no interest to anyone but myself.
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Re: Pandemic doubters

Post by Firebird »

Fox News? are you serious?, the only one you listed who might be in the middle lane there is Reuters. Trusting bias sources is what is getting us all into the mess were in.
And I wouldn't expect one to wear a mask in their own home esp living alone...come on :annoyed: , but the paramedics not wearing one in your house was reckless, thank goodness for you nether of them were carrying virus... that day
the mask isn't to protect you, it's to protect others from You. Remember the saying, "to err on the side of caution":, wear a seat belt when driving a RACE car, wear a space suit when in space.... :| we don't know enough about this yet to be so gallant. We're in space right now.
SpiritTalker wrote:It’s a fact that the cv mortality numbers have been manipulated. It seems regular flu has all but disappeared... ie, plain flu deaths and death from pre existing conditions have been included with actual cv death counts.
And if any numbers have been manipulated it is in the overwhelming large volume of people who have passed away who were not added as a corona related case. To say one died of the comorbidity and not the virus is ridiculous. The virus exacerbates even yet undiscovered underlying conditions. There has been massive amounts of sudden heart attacks and various other sudden deaths of otherwise well people who probably had the virus and never knew it that are being counted as non-covid deaths.

I also find it sad how you went to defend yourself rather than sympathize with the fact we are days away from loosing the matriarch of that side of the family, thanks. FF
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Re: Pandemic doubters

Post by SpiritTalker »

@ FBF wrote - “And I wouldn't expect one to wear a mask in their own home esp living alone...come on :annoyed”

You really can’t make this up. The governor actually proposed wearing masks in our homes and cars. Our mayor at least said it was unenforceable. Local news coverage. 🤨🤨🤨

“ ...the mask isn't to protect you, it's to protect others from You.” Sigh. I get that brain wave. The mask You wear will not protect You from My cv either. If the mask lets cv in it also lets it out. The virus is smaller than the micro fibers of the materials masks are made of, per Dr F’s public briefing about a year ago when he’d originally said masks wouldn’t work.

“ I also find it sad how you went to defend yourself rather than sympathize with the fact we are days away from loosing the matriarch ...”

Id understood that you requested me to give sources. Actions speak louder than words. Personal health is a source, IMO. Sorry if I gave you too much info. You do not seem to me to be receptive at this time to my commiseration or any personal opinion of mine. I’m not defending anything FBF, I’m answering you. We both had our say so I think we can drop it.

I had already included your family in my daily prayer which I hope will not offend anyone. I now take this opportunity to extend sympathies to your entire family and wish you strength during your family’s current ordeal.
2/7/21 edit note added here at 640PM today,MI time.
FYI - yesterday I added the sentence re: the mayor’s comment for clarity,
Last edited by SpiritTalker on Sun Feb 07, 2021 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added mayor’s comment to my response simply for clarity of meaning - nothing deleted
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Re: Pandemic doubters

Post by Firebird »

When one asks for a source they need a link,
and yeah I'm not in a good place right now.
pre-covid example of how a mask might slow the spread.
The idea of the mask is to slow it down, I realise it can't stop it completly, please don't treat me like a fool.
And people have a right to change their mind, to give new information as new information becomes avaliable. REMEMBER were in freaking space right now.
I haven't talked about the current ordeal because it is so raw, prayers of course are welcome, But you might have said so in the first place. They would be for children and the many grandchildren and great grandchildren who won't even get to say goodbye like they were able to when her husband died years ago. That is the real tragedy here. There is currently 3 other people in that house hold, One who is very ill right now, my husbands sister, she is the one who called 911 for her mother. Don't know if the brother and his 15 year old boy are sick or not, The brother is the one who overdosed and it was likely his trail of unmasked drug dealers in the house that caused this. So I'm angry on many levels right now and feeling really helpless since husband and I are quarantined form each other since I returned form up north. I just dropped right into this situation, he was at his moms house 2 days before she went to the hospital, will he get sick??? we don't know for about 3-5 more days, so my stress level is very high.
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Re: Pandemic doubters

Post by SpiritTalker »

There’s nothing anyone could possibly say to comfort the soul even in perfect love and perfect trust.
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Re: Pandemic doubters

Post by SapphireRoad »

Anyone agrees that it increases wherever the air humidity gets denser?
I carry a bottle with a bit of tea tree oil diluted with water for instant hygiene. But I feel bacteria and other ethereal corruption on my hands, so I'm well off with that.
Good luck with all the battles against pandemic.
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Re: Pandemic doubters

Post by Firebird »

Add one more to the very real numbers
My mother in law died on Saturday.
From complications due to coronavirus
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Re: Pandemic doubters

Post by TwilightDancer »

I was diagnosed with it in November (as well as my two year old and my youngest who was five months old at the time) despite sanitizing everything that came into my house. But... my husband is an essential worker and his coworkers walk around with their masks around their necks.

I'm still having symptoms and have recently developed the annoying side effect of hair loss. I had absolutely no pre-existing conditions. Covid-19 is unlike anything I've ever experienced before and it's frustrating to hear that people still don't believe it's real. I live in an area that is heavily populated with naysayers despite the crazy numbers Michigan has had. It's mind-boggling to me at this point when I still see people throwing hissy fits inside stores about the mask mandate.

My thoughts go out to you FF!
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Re: Pandemic doubters

Post by Firebird »

Hey TwilightDancer! it's really good to see you :D sorry to hear about you and your families bout with the virus. Hope the kiddos bounce back well.
Yea, this whole thing has been a nightmare. And really infuriating the people who dig in their heels whilst inadvertently killing people.
Like I said in the beginning, we've been navigating space...and when in space you take precautions.

I had a really disparaging conversation with a woman who had been a very near and dear friend to me. We took many art classes together in college and went together the first time we circled with some Druids in the Santa Monica Mtns., some 24 years ago.
Last time I saw her maybe 4 years ago was when we cast the ashes of a fellow friend to the wind atop that hill we circled on.
After talking for nearly 2 hours I realized she has fallen into the conspiracy of this pandemic on every level of doubt that is out there, from masks to numbers to transmission to severity vs common cold or flu or that these other maladies have all but disappeared and people are dying of their co-morbidity, to if it really exists at all. God I cried after I hung up. This was a smart, talented very spiritual woman who has been sucked into the brainwash. She was also rather dismissive of the fact that my husbands mother died because of this F-ing plague. Yet I spent the day with her after her mom died of HepC. Then it dawned on me that she works for Fox television, a key contributor to spreading doubt, which she is likely getting spoon feed via her workplace.
I hope we can get beyond this, but in the moment I have a feeling I may never see her again.

This guy explained how casting doubt starts the ball rolling, in my other post about conspiracy theories. viewtopic.php?p=296275#p296275

Fact check from USA Today: ... 574295001/

If you or anyone you know has fallen into the cult of doubt, I wish you all the luck and energy in the world getting your mind back, this is serious and I'm not even kidding.
BB, Fbird
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Re: Pandemic doubters

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Covidiots everywhere. I need to stay away from places those conspiracy terrorists hang out at or I will lose my temper even more.
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