Monday my making pagan supplies day.

Make your own oils, incense, dream pillows, teas, aromatics, magickally charged bath salts, candles, soap, yummy pagan holiday treats, and more!
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Monday my making pagan supplies day.

Post by Nerys »

Monday is my making pagan supplies day. Not written in stone, have made things on a friday etc.
I do not make much or big things I have a garden so like the drying of herbs is just to cover cold seasons. Last years EU has had very little winter so things grow year round. Last year had roses well into november usually is may/june then is no more fresh roses.

Not sure what happened my established comphrey plants where here when I moved to this house/garden when DD was little, now college age.
So this morning went for the herbs no comphrey, almost no plantago. Mugwort and marjoram plenty but much less than last seasons. Very sparse yarrow. So picked some, enough to have when dry some small packets. What I had dried before, into pieces of white baking papers folded dried marjoram and yarrow. The mugwort is for a little dream pillow when I have enough dried.

Filtered herbal vinegars I had few weeks sunny kitchen window. Is small jars applesauce re-used hold 2/3 cup. Re-bottled vinegars are these: roses, roses/cloves, lemon, lemon/cloves and a yarrow/lemon/clove.
Smudge stick made few weeks ago seems well dried, tied with red cotton Ikea thread keep the spool just for tying smudge stick is like 1/3 left after many years of smudge sticks. This one is marjoram.mugwort.willow.yarrow.

My lavender went into hiding big wild rose overgrows it. Secateurs and OA is no fun, tomorrow start cutting shrub, find my lavender.....
The wild rose grow out of a yellow rose that gave just few blooms. But the many birds in my garden eat the many rosehips of the wild rose.

Last friday could not find my candle dressing oil. So in a very small dark glass vitamin bottle made like 5 ml fresh candle dressing oil.
Re-writing my BoS yet again and will write my supplies list in it. :)
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Re: Monday my making pagan supplies day.

Post by SpiritTalker »

I have a wild rose-bush-from-hell that’s covered with a hundred deep pink blooms this season that has wound itself 20-feet up a pine tree like a Yule garland. It’s a great security fence topper too 😏 . in the shade there is lily of the valley, may apple & nightshade. I’d had a small vegetable garden over the years with tomatoes, peppers, etc. I’ve got some patchouli seeds to plant one of these days. ...
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Re: Monday my making pagan supplies day.

Post by Nerys »

Made this monday. Empty essential oil bottles 10 ml add same few drops e.o. and fill up with birch cold infused green liquid.My previous batch the birch water & lavender e.o. gives interesting dreams used before sleep on skin. The orange is for daytime use nice feelings, happy, uplifting. And eucalyptus for freshness, more air, energy.During warm weather these are nice for a quick freshener.I use them up quickly so no preservative needed.
Made some marjoram vinegar.
Some ivy cuttings rooted in water, refreshed the water.Counted my candles see what I have.
Still looking for 7 day jar candles ...
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Re: Monday my making pagan supplies day.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Ooo. How do you use the herb infused vinegars? Oil and vinegar salads, maybe?
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Re: Monday my making pagan supplies day.

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My only diy for cooking /salads this year is raspberry vinegar using raspberries from few raspberry canes that survived past 2 summers heatwaves.
No fresh rosemary so made marjoram with flowers vinegar for pagan around the home use, clean windows, mirrors, like putting small bowls herbal and/or floral vinegar around my home for energies associated with herb. Marjoram a.k.a. joy of the mountain is useful for many things.
Not a pagan book but lots of herb/floral vinegars, blended vinegars like tarragon & lemon balm, floral bouquet vinegars, herb butters, herbal oils etc. in The Complete Book of Herbs - Lesley Bremness she also has recipes in it for foods, potpourris, gardening, herbal dyes, diy beauty etc.

I save tabletop bottles Kikkoman soy sauce bottle, wash & boil to sterilize. Add fresh raspberries top with plain white vinegar. Or glass spice bottle.
Put in fridge and after weeks it is red raspberry vinegar. One can strain it add sugar and/or sea salt to taste. I leave mine plain. Had enough fresh fruits for 2 K bottles and 1 spice jar this year. Taste is very fruity.
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Re: Monday my making pagan supplies day.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Mmm. Sounds good.
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Re: Monday my making pagan supplies day.

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Made a small mugwort dream pillow using dried mugwort from my garden. Small scrap quilt cotton fabric, red cotton thread, hand sew it.
Rest of dried mugwort filled a glass jar, former grocery jar, decoupage one of the free printables from
The long dried hard stems, cut into hand length pieces to light and use as incense sticks. Lavender stems I also use like this.

Made from aged older tinctures a mix for a simple spiritual cologne, added boiled cooled off water to get cologne 1 : 4 it is a light scent vanilla/yarrow/rose tinctures in equal parts.
Color is amber due to the dark vanilla tincture. The glass bottle added some gold wire, glass beads, gemstone chips around top. :)
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Re: Monday my making pagan supplies day.

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Spellpapers. Copy paper white, wash of herbal tea, small bits of golden onion peels. Roll up tight, airdry in warm area.Unfold careful. Fold sheet many times until sections of 1" by 2". Cut into pieces with scissors, used deckle scissors for a nice edge. Put stack of spell papers into a small jar/box and add some incense powder of choice, not too much just a light dusting to scent the papers. Close and shake so powder gets allover the spell papers.

My Copal resin jar is empty just some copal dust in the bottom maybe 1/4 tsp. Added finely cut dried rose petals and 2 small sprigs dried yarrow flowers. Closed jar, shake it so what little copal can cover herbs.Write new label for jar.

Filter more rose vinegar and re-bottle.Just a few roses left in plant.

Hand sew a cover for my very old Tarot deck. The box edges are very brittle.Not sure if washi tape would repair it...
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Re: Monday my making pagan supplies day.

Post by SpiritTalker »

How do you use the 1x2 spell papers?
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Re: Monday my making pagan supplies day.

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Many roads lead to Rome. Folded written spell, in a tealight between tealight and aluminium cup. Burn candle until finished.
One can bury spell paper in soil in garden or into flowerpot. Roll up little spell paper with spell written on it or just the words carry in a jewelry locket.
Roll spell paper around very small stone ad to natural water stream like river, sea etc.
Write the spell and burn the little spell paper, use candle flame, small fireproof dish.
If one has firebasket in garden in there too one can burn spell papers.
Sprout a seed or pit of some plant ( if possible with related correspondence to spell need) with spell next to it. To grow it.
Spell papers use for dreams, write keyword/keywords place the little spell paper under the pillow before sleep.
One can of course do larger sized spell papers. I prefer this small size. One can add some spiritual oil to edges of spell paper.
With a dab of oil the spell paper will stick to a dinner candle/taper. Burn candle with spell on it.
I have used more ways over the years. If I remember more, will add more ways.
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Re: Monday my making pagan supplies day.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Oh, I get it - Use it like a mini petition to hold the intent or incantation
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Re: Monday my making pagan supplies day.

Post by Nerys »

Herbal footbath. Into a bottle added herbs from my garden yarrow, mugwort, marjoram, lemon balm and fill with cool tap water. Leave to infuse for the day, before sleep will do a footbath by candlelight this evening.

Leftover shell of large thick candle with some candlewax left, added the 2/3 inch stub of a taper. Leftover candle wax bits from tealight cups 22 pieces add in. Light it, so that all melts together. A upcycled candle for the footbath.

Small bunches of fresh mugwort 13 cm lengths, tied together with red cotton sewing thread for smudge sticks.
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Re: Monday my making pagan supplies day.

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Supplies made today.
Rose water from last scented roses from my garden. Using au-bain marie method , pyrex in pan. Keeps few days.
Made a small wreath of braided fresh willow bark. The stick of willow wood itself is for indoor walking stick and useful to reach higher up areas during housekeeping. Some leftover wood and bark in a small jar.
Few small ivy plant bits in a small vase to root in water and spare leaves for stamping in journal.
Floorwash with lemon peel and dried rosemary. Used leftovers for a footbath.
Mugwort cuttings with seeds tied into a smudge stick with thin red cotton thread.
Started to rain so could not gather more supplies from garden.
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Re: Monday my making pagan supplies day.

Post by Firebird »

I love that you have a day to get the magical supplies together. :D
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Re: Monday my making pagan supplies day.

Post by Nerys »

Tuesday it is and no not supplies but just made wreaths with willow from my garden. And no is no circle with OA is impossible so is like an oval. Then with leftover bits made a mini willow wreath and tie with fresh strips bark leftovers. For the oval had slightly larger strips of fresh green bark to tie up.
Harvest some mugwort full of seeds.
All my comphrey is gone do not know what happened to it, had many years old patches of it on heavy clay soil.
My lavender is gone too. The birds have not eaten the rowan berries. Bit odd because every year they eat them fast.
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