Materials for ritual tools

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Materials for ritual tools

Post by Coven »

I don't know whats wrong with me ~ it's probably my medication destroying my eyesight ~ but I don't know ~ I'm also getting older

My athame is plastic ~ I spent a lot of time picking it out ~ I really like it a lot ~ but I'm reading books that say you have to rub your athame blade with a magnet

It's also saying to wear natural clothing because synthetics interfere with your body magnetism

what's this all about ?

I thought a plastic athame was okay to have ~ I didn't know that it had to be metal that is magnetic

aren't athames for life ? I can't just change athames

what about a pentacle pendant ~ does it have to be silver ?
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Re: Materials for ritual tools

Post by Firebird »

Hi Holigram, I cut :surprisedwitch: your topic and put it over here, I hope you don't mind.
Then I tried to move it back to see if I could just split it and move it forward to here but I must have pushed the wrong prompt and now I'm finding out nothing can be moved INTO the chat thread, so that was an oops lesson. :?

I thought your query was a good one.

There are probably lots of pagans out the who feel their tools Must be made of pure materials, some would cringe at the thought of a plastic athame, but if it works for you, that is what matters. Running a magnet over it would transfer some of that magnetic energy to your tool, and that's good if you use it just to draw down the moon or sun or bring energies towards you. However while many folks may use their blade to draw towards them, they also as to project energy outward and away.
Personally, I have never used a magnet on my blade and I have several, from steel to iron to bone and stone and even wood. So it is really about what your comfortable with and if you are able generate power with it.
So, no....your blade does not have to be metal.

Clothing is also your option, many feel any clothes at all interferes, and therefore they go skyclad.
Again I would venture to guess that most pagans prefer pure fabrics like cotton or wool, but hey...this very cool cape is 100% polyester, one needn't skip it because of that.
Perhaps the best way to see which is best for you is to run a few tests. Work some magic utilizing the different materials, cotton, nylon, polyester, wool, silk, and nothing. See if you can discern a difference, then draw your conclusions.

Pentacles are also made from many materials. My fist one was pewter, my friend like gold everything, so she got a 14kt one. Later I had one carved from a shell, but that broke, then I had two other silver ones that got stolen because they were in my purse that was stolen. (I felt like I had to have them with me even though I wasn't wearing them) that was dumb, because one was custom and irreplaceable. I haven't worn a pentacle for some time now and my preferred magic jewelery is 2 stars, 2 crescent moons and 1 Sun...kinda like this ☆ ) ⊙ ( ☆. Your magical jewelry should make you feel magical whatever it is made out of. My coven gifts their 3rd degrees with a pure silver medallion (999), one side is the groups logo and the other side can be any symbol that you like, I did get a Celtic knot pentacle, but I only wear that one when in circle because it denotes my 3rd degree achievement.

So really, it's what makes you feel empowered.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Materials for ritual tools

Post by Coven »

You have more than one athame ?

I have several white handled knives ~ there is the official one and then all the rest that I use all the time for everything under the sun

can you have more than one athame ?

as far as clothing goes ~ I'm a synthetic guy ~ only because wool is too expensive

I've been looking at gemstone pentacles ~

I use gemstones to represent all of the elements ~ I'm not allowed to burn incense and I don't want to have candles and fire inside this apartment ~ so I have gemstones that correspond with the elements

a bell would make too much noise and disturb my neighbors ~ I'm looking for a quiet bell

my athame is a martial arts training knife ~ I was thinking safety first and trying to make sure that I never cut anything in the physical world with it ~ I do really like it
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Re: Materials for ritual tools

Post by Anubisa »

See this is why I get my symbols tattooed on my body. Lol! I have a statue of Lord Anubis but I also have a tattoo of Lord Anubis. He's with me everywhere! Lol! However, seriously, it does not matter what your tools are made of. As long as they are comfortable and you feel fine with them then use them. The same for clothing. You don't have to use a specific fabric. However, I wouldn't use a lot of wavy fabric around fire. Other than that, it's up to you.
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Re: Materials for ritual tools

Post by Firebird »

Ya, LoL...altar diving and cape fires are always fun....Not!
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Re: Materials for ritual tools

Post by Anubisa »

Yeah, also no long hair. I'm regrowing my hair, but if you work with the altar and are doing candle magick, don't leave your hair down. I made the mistake when I had long hair (somewhat) and leaned over. No setting hair on fire, but I singed a little bit of a piece. So I pull it back now. We don't want anyone going up in flames. :)
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Re: Materials for ritual tools

Post by Firebird »

Yes, do be wary of your fires, have seen flaming hair also, LoL

Really like your blade there Hologram. It looks like a very hard sort of plastic, and the 3 holes could be representing of the triple energies, very nice.
I supposed most do not use their blades to cut anything in the physical, but it is not unheard of. Sometimes the ritual loaf might need cutting depending on what it is, like actual cake. Most breads though can be ripped apart.

I do have more than one blade, and Yes!, you can have more than one blade. My first blade I made myself out of an old file. It did cut me after I sharpened it, so l did dull it down after that. They can be dangerous, my friend had a filled knife for his blade and I accidentally stabbed him just slightly right at the sternum, he said it hit his chest bone...Oops.

How about your cup? What sorts of materials is everyone's cup made from?
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Materials for ritual tools

Post by Coven »

yes I also think that everything is just energy and atoms

I have never used my index finger ~ but I use secret sword hand ~ it is used in my martial arts forms and I also use it in Asian witchcraft


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Re: Materials for ritual tools

Post by Coven »

wow ~ my last post was a reply to another post but that post disappeared
using hands instead of wands or athames

the blade is unbreakable ~ I'm sure you could break it if you got out the tools and tried to break it ~ but it's never going to break without something like that happening ... L1500_.jpg

I just sit here constantly squeezing and pulling on the blade and caressing the knife while I watch my tv shows
it's so smooth and safe ~ I am constantly putting energy into it

that's exactly what I was thinking about ~ an accident ~ I thought I could practice witchcraft for the rest of my life and never have 1 athame accident

my cup is plastic ~ some sort of tiki totem pole or something ~ I found it at goodwill ~ I get everything at goodwill
I'm somewhat fed up with metal cups ~ I think if I was given a choice to pick the piece of equipment ~ I would choose plastic
for bushcraft I would probably want metal so I could heat it on the fire ~ but generally I don't like using metal cups ~ I don't want to use wood ~ I have never used stone before ~ glass is too fragile

my backup white handle knife is extremely sharp ~ as soon as I got it it cut me instantly ~ I barely even looked at it and it cut me

My feminine and masculine statues are coming in the mail
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Re: Materials for ritual tools

Post by Anubisa »

I have heard of a lot of thrifty witches out there. I have heard of people getting items from goodwill (like you mentioned) and I have heard of people making their own items. I've heard of witches using wax from leftover candles to make new candles. I think it is so cool to have thrifty witches around. You don't have to be fancy unless you want to be.
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Re: Materials for ritual tools

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I built a really nice book of shadows from goodwill supplies, it cost me next to nothing

~ I also bought all of my witchcraft books there for $ 2.29 each

I moved to a new town ~ I don't think I'll ever find a witchcraft book in this town ~ I was finding all of them in Phoenix Arizona.

there is a metaphysical store here that from the looks of the google maps photos ~ it looks like a witchcraft supply store ~
I haven't been to the store ~ it is closed on my going to town day ~ I'll have to make a special trip some day

I would also like to check out the junk stores and flea markets ~ but I don't want to run into any witch hunting wig shoppers :cry:
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Re: Materials for ritual tools

Post by korbin »

I use my hands and fingertips to direct and release energy. I do not have athame and wand is too much harry potter to my taste.
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Re: Materials for ritual tools

Post by Firebird »

What came first Harry Potter or the wand?, LoL 😆

Finger is always the default tool. :) good choice.
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Re: Materials for ritual tools

Post by Coven »

I have never used my Athame for witchcraft ~ I am new to witchcraft ~ but I do have an Athame and I have had it for quite a while .
I'm just slowly collecting tools and supplies ~ it gives me something to do ~ if or when the time comes to use one ~ I will have one
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