Trying to make a difference in the world

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Trying to make a difference in the world

Post by rjmamula14 »

Having been through a long time of financial crises and close calls-despite it being a result of my own poor choices and me learning from my mistakes to recover from it-I don’t let my life of comfort I’m living now let me forget those who aren’t so fortunate. I don’t want anyone to have to go through the same ordeal. That is why I volunteer with homeless charities and am active politically. Without getting political, my causes as of late have suffered many setbacks on the political front. Sometimes I wonder if I am thinking too big in trying to change society. Sometimes I think focusing on charity to make a difference in a handful of lives is all I can do. Or maybe my help can have a domino effect that can make a big difference long after I am gone. Just thoughts.
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Re: Trying to make a difference in the world

Post by JahaRa »

I think if you help one person you have made a difference. If you can help one homeless person get a home and keep it that is a big accomplishement.

As for politics, that change needs to be systemic and there are a lot of organizations working on that, so maybe you could join a group that resonates with your goals. Nothing that big can be changed without people coming together.
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Re: Trying to make a difference in the world

Post by supremz »

You have to take care of yourself first. I agree that there is very little hope these days in changing the things wrong with the world, but that's because most of us are unable to stop and act on the behalf of others without it being too costly to ourselves.

It's a luxury to be able to help those in need, as it requires a lot of spare time and energy to organize correctly, which, sadly, those who do would rather devote to acquiring even more for themselves, and engaging in vices while everyone around them becomes more miserable.

That said, a little good deed goes a very long way, and that person you did it for will never forget it. If you do it enough, you'll get a good reputation and more and more people will rely on you in a time of need. Good luck!!
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Re: Trying to make a difference in the world

Post by stormofwind »

I do wonder about that term.. I thought I was doing good deed got hurt as result..
You have be careful who decide to help.
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