Womans Rights Movement- Report

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Do you think Womans Rights have made the world a better place for everyone

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Womans Rights Movement- Report

Post by Butterfly1984 »

Hi guys
I have decided recently to try and gather some opinions on how Womans Rights have affected us and the world we live in. I am only 22 but I think that it hasn´t done the world a lot of good. I think the characteristics of male and female have been lost to a degree. I would like to accumalate a collection of peoples opinions, male and female ,of all ages, so that i may be able to write a report and come to a conclusion as to what the majority opinion is. If you have opinions, whether similar or completely different to mine, then please leave them here or email them to me.

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Post by Butterfly1984 »

Iclicked the wrong one, i meant to ay no!! Lol
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Post by Sobek »

i dont think it made a great difference( i suppose husbands dont get nagged so much lol...we arent living in the 50's anymore lol)

but generally speaking i think all that was acheived was something closer to equality.which as far as i've learnt thats basically what they wanted. good on em i suppose

"I think the characteristics of male and female have been lost to a degree. "

personally i dont see that.
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Post by Butterfly1984 »

All I mean by that is that there is not so many definate differences between men and woman which I think personally is a shame. I would quite happily live in olden times and marry a man, have children and look after them and my husband but women like me don´t really exist anymore and there are not many men who would accomodate my kind of woman. I just think that some rights work for everyone and some just don´t suit all people.
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Post by Eretik »

I think it's much more complex. Women's rights have echoed other civil rights movements. Did you know, for instance- that marital rape was not considered a criminal offence in Britain and Ireland , until 1975 and 1981 respectively. Without this movement, married women would still be seen as 'lesser' in the eyes of the law. Habeus Corpus - yeah right ! I could cite examples all day. Domestic violence - hmmm, still a contentious issue, we still need refuges and advocates to fight for abused women and kids, how so, with all the rights we now have? Why do women still lose all they have and have to live like 'refugees' in their own home land? There is still a long way to go. Here in Scotland most rapes go unreported, due to the horror of being dragged through the courts and publically vilified, it's not a pleasant experience, with the woman's sexual history exploited against her, in many cases, this is grossly unfair but common. Recently a young woman of 17 commited suicide as the defence humiliated her, by showing the thong she had been wearing at the time [ under her clothes]and implying 'only women with loose morals would dress like this!. The assailant was convicted, but she couldn't handle the embarrassment - truly tragic. I could turn this into a book and it's not just sex and violence, but these are the most contentious issues. My own personal story is a testament to the continuing inequality and 19th century attitudes still prevalent here, but I'll not give it, publically.
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Post by Butterfly1984 »

Thank you. This is definately a very complicated subject and my plan is turn it into somekind of book/report. That is such a tragic thing to happen and I think there are a lot of things I am going to have look at when do this study. Thank you again!
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Post by Lucine »

I think that for every gain there has been a loss. So, even though there have been improvements, I said no it hasn't helped. But, I don't mean by that it has hurt anything either. It has just made things different. Now, it is like comparing apples to oranges. So, it is a matter of personal taste which kind of society one would have liked to live in. If you prefer things the way they are then lucky you. If you would prefer a time, when gender played a larger role in division of labor and cultural expectations, then you are SOL those times exist no more, but at least you can look back and sing those were the days with Archie Bunker.

I agree that the changes in the laws in regards to violence against women had to change, they were harsher than any human should have to deal with when innocent and a victim. However, I think we have become entirely to PC and it is it's own kind of harshness. Whoever, said it was a complex issue sure got that right.
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Re: Womans Rights Movement- Report

Post by Starwitch »

A woman like the OP, Lucine, seems to have a romanticized version of what it was like for women living under the rule of men. Try reading about the witch trials. Read a few stories of how accused women were sadistically tortured, imprisoned in awful conditions, and publicly murdered by the men in charge, and tell me you don't think the women's movement has helped us. You can look at almost any point in history and the horrible way women and girls were treated and see that our lives have been dramatically improved by the women's movement. I find it very disappointing that any pagan woman would see it differently. I suppose you've been to the Renaissance Fair and you wish you lived back then or something like that. The truth is, you're simply ignorant of the unfair, degrading and abusive ways women and girls have been treated throughout history by men. If you understood how bad it was, you wouldn't want to live that way.
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Re: Womans Rights Movement- Report

Post by SnowCat »

Yesterday I read an article about the practice of using Lysol for feminine hygiene. Thankfully, that isn't common anymore.
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Re: Womans Rights Movement- Report

Post by Mr Crowley »

"Read a few stories of how accused women were sadistically tortured, imprisoned in awful conditions, and publicly murdered by the men in charge"

Found it! Not bad, since it's ancient memory recall.


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Re: Womans Rights Movement- Report

Post by Mr Crowley »

Also, it was the power of white Christian men whom ended witch burning.

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Re: Womans Rights Movement- Report

Post by Firebird »

It says payback on other website not allowed by owner or something like that. I embedded one by that utube user and it worked, Hummmmmm
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